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‫א‬ ‫א‬ ‫א‬ ‫א‬


Connect 5

Mr. Mahmoud Gaber

010 61 33 85 65
012 10 30 94 41
beans ‫ل‬ eggs carrots

chocolate lemons‫ن‬ limes ‫ن‬

pineapple ‫س‬ ! onions " coconuts #$‫ز א‬

)*+‫ول א ' & א‬

beans ‫ل‬ pineapples ‫س‬ !

eggs chicken , ‫د‬
carrots healthy/unhealthy ./ 12L ./
chocolate favorite "3*
coconuts #$‫ز א‬ market ‫ق‬5
lemons ‫ن‬ a lot / a little 8 '9 L ‫א‬167
limes ‫ن‬ sell sold ‫ع‬ : ;<
onions " buy bought >? ‫<@?> א‬
garden ,A< collect collected :B
Dina: What’s your favorite food, Fareeda?
‫؟‬I <J < "3*C‫ א‬D EF G
Fareeda: That’s easy! It’s chocolate. K @ ‫ א‬N K"K5 J ! ‫א‬LG
Dina: Mmm … I love chocolate too. But it isn’t healthy, is it?
‫؟‬D L7 !،, ./ QR K# ‫ و‬K 3<! @ ‫ א‬P ! ! KKO
Fareeda: I think it’s OK to eat a little. But yes, it is unhealthy if
you eat a lot. K16 ‫ א‬K# Q ‫ و‬# ‫ذא‬N , ./ 12 K N ، ' T ‫ و‬K" 'A ‫ ول א‬# T : ! A U!
Dina: What’s your favorite healthy food? ‫"؟‬3*C‫ א‬. ‫ א‬D EF G
Fareeda: Oh, I like chicken and I like fish. But my favorite is
mango. We have a mango tree in the garden.
K,A< +‫ א‬Z Y IJ[ #< K Y C‫ א‬G "3*C‫ א‬EF T ‫ و‬KD R ‫ א ج وא‬P ! ! ،W‫!و‬
Dina: I love mango too. We don’t have a mango tree. We have a
lime tree and a lemon tree.
K ‫ ن‬IJ[ ‫ ن و‬IJ[ #< K Y IJ[ #< K 3<! Y C‫ א‬P ! !
Fareeda: My uncle grows onions and potatoes. He has chickens
too. He collects fresh eggs every day. Sometimes he sells them at
the market.
Z E ; ‫ م‬A< ! ‫ و‬Kً < ‫א \ زج‬ ; ‫ א‬: ^ U ‫ م‬A< K 3<! ‫ و < د ج‬K F \; ‫ < ع א ; " و א‬U
K‫ ق‬R ‫א‬
Language functions ,< ` a‫و‬
,'3*C‫ א‬b c‫ א‬TU ‫אل‬dR ‫א‬
* A: What's your favorite food? ‫"؟‬3*C‫ א‬D EF G
* B: It's chicken.
,'3*C‫ א‬b c‫ א‬TU 1;E ‫א‬
I like / I love + O5‫א‬ P ! !
* I like fish. * I love orange juice.
b‫ א‬e‫ א‬TU 1;E ‫א‬
I think A U‫! א‬
* I think it's OK to eat a little of chocolate.
1. Choose the correct answer: (4 marks)
1. A: What's your …………… food? B: It's meat.
a) easy b) favorite c) ready d) salt
2. My uncle planted an apple tree in his ………….
a) office b) library c) room d) garden
3. My uncle ……………… eggs everyday and sells them in the market.
a) collects b) grows c) feeds d) buys
4. We buy fruit and vegetables at the …………… .
a) bakery b) market c) library d) school
5. The farmer planted an apple tree in his …………… .
a) office b) library c) room d) garden
6. The farmer ……………… fresh vegetables at the market.
a) plants b) bakes c) sells d) grows
7. We buy fruits and vegetables at the …………… .
a) bakery b) market c) library d) school
8. Chocolate is ………………
a) healthy b) unhealthy c) easy d) good
2. Read and match (A) with (B): (4 marks)
1. We have ( ) a. eggs at the market.
2. Dina doesn't ( ) b. is unhealthy.
3. My uncle sells ( ) c. food ?
4. What's your favorite ( ) d. a mango tree in the garden.
( ) e. like chicken.
4. Read the text and answer the questions: (4 marks)
I'm Farida. My favourite food is chicken. I like mango. We have a
mango tree in the garden. My uncle grows onions and potatoes. He has
chicken. He collects fresh eggs every day and sometimes he sells the
eggs at the market.
A: Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. They have a mango tree in the ……………… .
a) house b) farm c) garden d) apartment
2. Fareeda likes ……………………
a) apples b) carrots c) chocolate d) mangoes
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What is Farida's favorite food? ………………………………….
4. Where does Farida's uncle sells the eggs?
What ‫ ذא‬Where T<!
5. Reorder the words to make correct sentences: (4 marks)
1. food – healthy – your – What's – favorite ?
2. grow – garden – We – mangoes – in - the.
3. love – I – and – chicken – fish.
4. eggs – My uncle – sells – the market – at - uncle.
6. Punctuate the following: (1 mark)
What s your favourite food, farida
Trader: Hello, what would you like? ‫< >؟‬J ‫ ذא‬K8G!
Mum: I would like some carrots, please. KD'3 T ، f‫ א‬E P !
Mum: Are there any tomatoes? ‫؟‬OF F >! < "G
Girl: Yes, look! There are lots of tomatoes. KOF \ ‫ א‬T 16 ‫א‬ < >>Jg ‫ א‬KOE
Mum: Would you like some oranges? ‫ ل؟‬A i ‫ א‬E jk "G
Girl: Yes, of course. :;\ OE
Trader: How about buying some lemons and pineapples, too?
‫ ؟‬3<!،‫ س‬c‫ א ' ن وא‬E b‫א‬J TU ‫ذא‬
Mum: No, thanks. That’s all I need for now. K ‫ن‬e‫ א‬W < ! "7 ‫א‬LG K‫א‬J
Language functions ,< ` a‫و‬
,'3*C‫ א‬b c‫ א‬TU 1;E ‫א‬
How about + (V-ing) …………? ‫؟‬KKKKKK Z D<!
I think it's a good idea. / No, thank you. K‫א‬J L K,E ‫ א‬IJ ! A U‫א‬
* A: How about buying some more carrots?
* B: I think it's a good idea. / No, thank you.
‫وض‬JE ‫ א‬O< A
Would you like …………? ‫؟‬KKKKKK Pk "G
Yes, please / No, thank you. K‫א‬J L KD'3 T ، OE
* A: Would you like to have some juice?
* B: Yes, please. / No, thank you.
Grammar U‫ א‬A ‫א‬
Countable & Uncountable Nouns I‫ ود‬EC‫ א‬12 b mc‫ وא‬I‫ ود‬EC‫ א‬b mc‫א‬
Countable Nouns I‫ ود‬EC‫ א‬b mc‫א‬
W"6 :o ‫د و‬J* $ p ‫ وא‬E p ‫ א‬b mc‫ א‬G
a banana bananas an egg eggs
a potato potatoes an olive olives
Uncountable Nouns I‫ ود‬EC‫ א‬12 b mc‫א‬
W"6 :o $ ‫د و‬J* ‫ن‬ p ‫ وא‬E p ‫ א‬b mc‫ א‬G
rice chocolate bread hummus salt cheese water
a / an
WT7 5 qJr ! ; p ‫د א‬J*C‫ א‬I‫ ود‬EC‫ א‬b mc‫ א‬: (a)‫ م‬s R
a mango a banana a pineapple
* I would like a banana, please.
WtJ. qJr ! ; p ‫د א‬J*C‫ א‬I‫ ود‬EC‫ א‬b mc‫ א‬: (an)‫ م‬s R
an egg an orange an onion
* I would like an orange, please.

some E / any >!

WuLKC‫ א‬P'\ ‫; وא‬6C‫ א‬,' f‫ א‬Z ‫د‬J*C‫ א‬I‫ ود‬EC‫ א‬12 b mc‫ א‬: ‫ و‬: f‫ א‬I‫ ود‬EC‫ א‬b mc‫ א‬: (some)‫ م‬s R
some mangoes some bananas some pineapples some books
some bread some chocolate some water some juice
* I would like some bananas, please. (, ;6 ,'o)
* I eat some rice. (, ;6 ,'o)
* Would you like some apples? (uLK P'F)
* Would you like some juice? (uLK P'F)
* Can we play some games, please? (uLK P'F)
* Can I have some water, please? (uLK P'F)
W‫אل‬dR ‫ و א‬, *#C‫ א‬,' f‫ א‬Z ‫د‬J*C‫ א‬I‫ ود‬EC‫ א‬12 b mc‫ א‬: ‫ و‬: f‫ א‬I‫ ود‬EC‫ א‬b mc‫ א‬: (any)‫ م‬s R
* There aren't any tomatoes. * There isn't any bread.
* There aren't any apples. * There isn't any water.
* Are there any bananas? * Is there any rice?
* Are there any oranges? * Is there any juice?
Choose the correct answer:
1. I'd like ( a – an – some - any ) orange.
2. Are there (a – an – some – any ) apples?
3. Would you like (a – an – some – any ) carrots?
4. We don't have ( a – an – some – any ) pineapples.
5. There is ( a – an – some – any ) water in the bottle.
6. I went to the zoo and I saw ( a – an – some – any ) elephant.
7. Would you like ( a – an – some – any ) juice?
8. Can I have ( a – an – some – any ) water, please?
9. She hasn't got ( a – an – some – any ) grapes.
10. Are there ( a – an – some – any ) apples?
11. I want to eat ( a – an – some – any ) apple.
12. I would like ( a – an – some – any ) bread.
13. Do you have ( a – an – some – any ) potatoes?
Choose the correct answer:
1. Are there any ( tomato / tomatoes )?
2. I would like ( some / any) eggs, please.
3. Please, can I have ( a / an) apple?
4. I would like ( a / an) pineapple and a / an orange.
5. Do you have ( a / any) carrots, please?
6. How about ( buy / buying) an apple, Mom?
7. How about buying some (grapes / grape)?

1. Choose the correct answer: (4 marks)

1. She has …………… apples .
a) a b) an c) any d) some
2. Would you like ……………… bananas?
a) a b) an c) any d) some
3. Is there ……………… cheese?
a) a b) an c) any d) some
4. How about ............. some carrots?
a) buy b) buys c) buying d) buys
2. Read and match (A) with (B): (4 marks)
1. What would you like? ( ) a. Yes, please.
2. How about buying some apples? ( ) b. I'd like some chicken, please.
3. Are there any mangoes? ( ) c. No, thanks. I don't want carrots.
4. Would you like some juice? ( ) d. Yes, there are some.
( ) e. at the market.
4. Read the text and answer the questions: (4 marks)
I'm Jana. I'm in grade five. I always go to the market with my mum on
Friday. There are lots of tomatoes. Mum buys some tomatoes. Mum buys
oranges. She doesn't buy any lemons or pineapples.
A: Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. Jana is in grade ………………
a) three b) four c) five d) six
2. Jana goes to the market with her ………….
a) friend b) brother c) sister d) parent
B. Answer the following questions:
3. When do Jana and her mother go to the market?
4. Are there tomatoes in the market?
5. Reorder the words to make correct sentences: (4 marks)
1. you – What – would – like?
2. about – grapes – How – buying – some?
3. buy – any – My mother – didn't – lemons .
4. you – Would – like – juice – some – mango ?
6. Punctuate the following: (1 mark)
Can i have some bananas please?

giant ‫ق‬8 U magic hen ,<J.5 , ‫د‬
grab ‫ ع‬#< free J
castle ,E'9 gold coins , ;G‫& ذ‬8 U
chop :\A< kind q \ULP F
cage w*9 count E<
beanstalk ‫ع ; & א * ل‬L poor 1A
hungry ‫ن‬U because ‫ن‬c
golden egg , ;G‫ ذ‬,3 go went PGL<
axe ‫س‬x buy bought >?@<
terrible : g LPUJ sell sold : ;<

Definitions W& *<JE

giant ‫ق‬8 U A very , very big person
grab ‫ ع‬#< To pick something up quickly.
castle ,E'9 A very large building built a long time ago.
chop :\A< To cut something down.
cage w*9 a box in which we keep animals.
1. Choose the correct answer: (8 marks)
1. ……………… is to pick something up quickly.
a) Chop b) Grab c) Castle d) Giant
2. To …………… is to pick up something quickly.
a) grab b) chop c) buy d) boil
3. ………………… is a very large building built a long time ago.
a) Chop b) Grab c) Castle d) Giant
4. The farmer uses his ………………… to cut the wood.
a) bread b) axe c) clothes d) hen
5. The ……………… is someone who is very big.
a) chop b) grab c) castle d) giant
6. The king and the queen live in a ..............
a) house b) castle c) club d) farm
7. We can sell things at the ……………… .
a) market b) garden c) castle d) zoo
8. The bird was inside a .........
a) ring b) book c) cage d) giant
2. Read and match (A) with (B): (4 marks)
1. Thank you for ( ) a. to buy food.
2. Jack and his mother ( ) b. were very poor.
3. Giant means ( ) c. very big.
4. They sold a cow ( ) d. helping me.
( ) e. you chop them
4. Read the text and answer the questions: (4 marks)
Jack and his mother were very poor. "Go to the market and sell our
last cow," said Jack's mother. "Please get a good price, Jack!" On the way
to the market, Jack met an old man. "I have these special beans. Do you
want to buy them? They will make you rich!" said the man. Jack bought
the beans. But his mother was very angry." We need food, Jack, not
beans! "She threw them out of the window. "Sorry, Mom," said Jack. "I
thought they would help us." "Jack went to bed. He was sad and very
A: Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. Jack was very …………… .
a) poor b) rich c) giant d) slow
2. Jack and his mother wanted to sell their …………… .
a) hen b) goat c) cow d) beans
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What did Jack buy from the old man?
4. Why was Jack's mother angry?
5. Reorder the words to make correct sentences: (4 marks)
1. a very – saw – Jack – giant – big.
2. you – helping – Thank – me – for.
3. wanted – Jack – sell – cow – to – the.
4. market – and – the cow – Go – to - sell – the
6. Punctuate the following: (1 mark)
he was sad and hungry ………………………………………………………….
short vowels
/æ / /e/ /i/
candy egg milk
mango bread fish
Long vowels
' y b [$‫ א‬T & ‫* א‬# z\# & ' ‫ א‬Z &‫ א‬/c‫ א‬E
a-e i-e ay
/ei/ /ei/ /ei/
cake rain gray
snake pain stay

ingredients & C‫א‬ My favorite recipe

We cook lots of different things, such as lentil
2 cups semolina
soup, ful medames, and molokhia. My favorite
R ‫א‬T ‫ ن‬7
thing to bake is basbousa. This is how you
1 cup yogurt make it.
>‫ א د‬T u 7 First, you need to turn your oven on to get it
1 cup sugar hot. Then weigh out the ingredients. Then you
J R ‫ א‬T u 7 {'| mix the semolina, coconut, sugar, and melted
1 cup melted butter butter. You should mix these ingredients by
,; ‫ ذא‬I ‫ ز‬u 7 hand. I love doing this!
1 tsp baking powder Then you add the yogurt and pour the mixture
into a baking dish.
; ‫ ق א‬.R T I1`/ ,AE'
You can use a knife to make diamond shapes on
1 cup coconut
top of the basbousa. Put an almond on each
#$‫ ز א‬T u 7

Almonds ‫ز‬ diamond. It looks really pretty. Bake the
basbousa in the oven for 30 minutes.
Make the syrup. Put the honey, water, and
Syrup J R ‫ א‬u‫א‬J
lemon juice into a saucepan. Boil the mixture for
cup water
4 about 10 minutes.
2 tsp honey Take it out of the oven. Then pour the syrup
over the basbousa. Cut the basbousa and share
it with your family!

ingredients J<‫ د‬AC‫ א‬recipe 13k ,A<JFL,*/‫و‬

pour P < weigh out ‫<ن‬
bake ;} mix ~'}
yogurt >‫ ز د‬oven ‫ن‬J
semolina R ‫ א‬z 9‫ د‬honey "RU
syrup J R ‫ א‬u‫א‬Jtsp I1`/ ,AE'
butter I ‫ ز‬tbsp I1;7 ,AE'

1. Choose the correct answer: (8 marks)

1. I want to …………… basbousa.
a) bake b) boil c) turn on d) pour
2. Semolina, yogurt, sugar and butter are the …………… of basbousa.
a) instructions b) ingredients c) recipes d) pieces
3. Turn ....... the oven to get it hot.
a) on b) off c) out d) down
4. Mum .............. out the ingredients. They are one kilo.
a) bake b) pour c) weigh d) mix
5. ................ the ingredients by hand.
a) Mix b) Weigh c) Bake d) Melt
6. Mix honey, water and lemon juice to make the .........
a) yogurt b) syrup c) powder d) almonds
7. .............. the syrup over basbousa .
a) Bake b) Pour c) Mix d) Weigh
8. Basbousa is my favorite .........
a) ring b) book c) recipe d) giant
2. Read and match (A) with (B): (4 marks)
1. Turn on the oven ( ) a. into a baking dish.
2. Pour the mixture ( ) b. to get it hot.
3. Bake the basbousa in the oven ( ) c. my favorite recipe.
4. Basbousa is ( ) d. to get it cool.
( ) e. for 30 minutes.
4. Read the text and answer the questions: (4 marks)
We cook lots of different things, such as lentil soup, ful medames, and
molokhia. My favorite thing to bake is basbousa. This is how you make it.
First, you need to turn your oven on to get it hot. Then weigh out the
ingredients. Then you mix the semolina, coconut, sugar, and melted
butter. You should mix these ingredients by hand. I love doing this! Then
you add the yogurt and pour the mixture into a baking dish. You can use a
knife to make diamond shapes on top of the basbousa. Put an almond on
each diamond. It looks really pretty. Bake it in the oven for 30 minutes.
A: Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. Bake the basbousa in the oven for ………… minutes.
a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40
2. You should mix these ingredients by …………… .
a) hand b) leg c) foot d) arm
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What are the ingredients of basbousa?
4. What things can we cook?
5. Reorder the words to make correct sentences: (4 marks)
1. ingredients – the – Mix – hand – by.
2. the – on - hot – Turn – oven – to get - it.
3. the basbousa – Bake – the oven – for – in – 30 minutes.
4. basbousa – is – to – thing - bake – My – favorite - .
6. Punctuate the following: (1 mark)
what is the recipe for basbousa ……………………………………………….
Email " • ‫ א‬, 7 'U P<
1. Write an email of about FOURTY (40) words using the following guiding
Your name is Nada and your email address is Your
friend's name is Asmaa and her email address is
My favourite food
Guiding words: chicken - delicious
From :
To :
Subject : My favourite food
Hi Asmaa,
How are you? I'm happy to write this email to you. I like
healthy food. I like to eat vegetables. I eat tomatoes, potatoes and
onions. I like to eat fruit. I eat grapes and bananas. I like to eat
chicken for lunch. It's delicious. I drink water. Children drink milk. I
hope to hear from you.

2. Write an email of about FOURTY (40) words using the following guiding
Your name is Ali and your email address is Your
friend's name is Ahmed and his email address is
"Your favourite recipe"
Guiding words: Basbousa - mix
From :
To :
Subject : My favourite recipe
Hi Ahmed,
How are you? I'm happy to write this email to you. My
favourite recipe is Basbousa. I need semolina, yogurt, sugar and
syrup to make it. I mix the ingredients. I put the ingredients in the
oven. I pour the syrup. I cut the basbousa and share it with my
family. I hope to hear from you.
P ? ‫אل א‬d5 " ‫ و‬,' f‫ א‬b # 'U P<
W,<i ‫ א‬,' f‫ א‬K١
4. eggs – My uncle – sells – the market – at - uncle.
3. have – We – lemon – in the – trees – garden.
3. bakes – at home – Mum – basbousa .
"U "E ,' f‫ א‬9
1. My uncle sells eggs at the market.
2. We have trees in the garden.
3. Mum bakes basbousa at home.
W,<J c‫ א‬,' f‫ א‬K٢
1. ingredients – the – Mix – hand - by
2. walk – the – on – Don't – grass.
Don't "E* ‫א‬ ,' f‫ א‬9
1. Mix the ingredients by hand.
2. Don't walk on the grass.
W, K* 5 ‫ א‬,' f‫ א‬K٣
‫ م‬K* 5‫ א‬, ' ‫אل‬dR ‫ א‬E!F
1. do – live – Where – you ?
2. would – they – What – like ?
3. did – he – When – the zoo – visit?
‫ م‬K* 5 ‫ א‬I‫!دא‬ U R "E "U ,' f‫ א‬9 ?
1. Where do you live?
2. What would they like?
3. When did he visit the zoo?
W U R "E* ‫אل‬dR ‫ א‬EuF
1. to – them – buy – want – Do – you ?
2. Can – they – play – the - game ?
3. you– Would – some – like – orange juice?
U R "E "U ,' f‫ א‬9 ?
1. Do you want to buy them?
2. Can they play the game?
3. Would you like some orange juice?

1. Choose the correct answer: (4 marks)
1. A ………………………… is a box in which we keep animals.
a) cage b) castle c) giant d) market
2. Salma doesn't have …………… pens.
a) a b) an c) some d) any
3. When you …………… something, you pick it up quickly.
a) grab b) grow c) plant d) mix
4. Mix the ingredients by ………… .
a) foot b) arm c) hand d) head

2. Read and match (A) with (B): (4 marks)

1. We can buy and sell things at ( ) a. My favorite food is fish.
2. What's your favorite food? ( ) b. to cut something down.
3. A castle ( ) c. to pick something up quickly.
4. To chop is ( ) d. the market.
( ) e. is a very large building built a
long time ago.

3. Read the text and answer the questions: (4 marks)

My name is Adel. I'm twelve years old. I live in Sohag. My father is a
farmer. He grows mangoes. Mangoes are healthy food. He grows
tomatoes and potatoes. We can make a lot of drinks and dishes. We can
make delicious mango juice. We can make fruit salad and mango cakes.
A: Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. Adel is ………… years old.
a) 10 b) 11 c) 12 d) 13
2. Adel's father is a …………
a) doctor b) teacher c) farmer d) baker
B. Answer the following questions:
3. Where does Adel live? …………………………………………………………
4. Are mangoes healthy food?......................................................................

4. Reorder the words to make correct sentences: (4 marks)

1. there – Are – tomatoes – any?

2. the – on - hot – Turn – oven – to get - it.
3. like – Would – you – orange – an?
4. a mango – have – We – garden – tree – in the
5. Punctuate the following: (1 mark)
what would you like to eat Nada?
6. Write an email of about FOURTY (40) words using the following guiding
elements: (5 marks)
Your name is Ali and your email address is Your
friend's name is Ahmed and his email address is
"My favorite recipe"
Guiding words: basbousa - mix
From : …………………………………………………………………………………
To : …………………………………………………………………………………
Subject : …………………………………………………………………………………

Dictation&Homework ‫ص " د س‬ ‫ نא‬. ‫ وא‬: R ‫א‬
……………………….. ‫ل‬ ……………………….. ‫س‬ !
……………………….. ……………………….. , ‫د‬
……………………….. ……………………….. ./ 12L ./
……………………….. ……………………….. "3*
……………………….. #$‫ز א‬ ……………………….. ‫ق‬5
……………………….. ‫ن‬ ……………………….. 8 '9 L ‫א‬167
……………………….. ‫ن‬ ……………………….. ‫ع‬ : ;<
……………………….. " ……………………….. >? ‫<@?> א‬
……………………….. ,A< ……………………….. :B
1. Choose the correct answer: (4 marks)
1. A: What's your …………… food? B: It's meat.
a) easy b) favorite c) ready d) salt
2. My uncle ……………… eggs everyday and sells them in the market.
a) collects b) grows c) feeds d) buys
3. The farmer planted an apple tree in his …………… .
a) office b) library c) room d) garden
4. We buy fruits and vegetables at the …………… .
a) bakery b) market c) library d) school
2. Read and match (A) with (B): (4 marks)
1. We buy fruit ( ) a. grows lemons in the garden.
2. Chicken is my ( ) b. is unhealthy.
3. My dad ( ) c. food ?
4. What's your favorite ( ) d. at the market.
( ) e. favorite healthy food.
4. Read the text and answer the questions: (4 marks)

My name is Ahmed. I live in a big house with my family. There is a big
garden in the house. My grandpa grows a lot of fruits and vegetables. He
grows tomatoes, carrots and onions. There are lemon, lime and mango
trees. My favorite healthy food is mango. I like to eat it and use it to
make delicious juice. I like chocolate, too. But it's not healthy. I think
it's ok to eat a little.
A: Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. Ahmed lives in a ……………… with his family.
a) house b) farm c) garden d) apartment
2. Ahmed likes ……………………, but it isn't healthy.
a) apples b) carrots c) chocolate d) mangoes
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What is Ahmed's favorite healthy food? ………………………………….
4. Where does Ahmed's grandpa grow fruit and vegetables?
What ‫ ذא‬Where T<!
5. Reorder the words to make correct sentences: (4 marks)
1. food – healthy – your – What's – favorite ?
2. isn't – chocolate – I – think – healthy.
3. have – We – lemon – in the – trees – garden.
4. eggs – My uncle – sells – the market – at - uncle.
6. Punctuate the following: (1 mark)
Chocolate isn t healthy
Total Mark ............................ WJ c‫ و א‬: 9

1. Choose the correct answer: (4 marks)
1. There is …………… apple.
a) a b) an c) any d) some
2. Would you like ……………… grapes?
a) a b) an c) any d) some
3. Is there ……………… rice?
a) a b) an c) any d) some
4. How about ............. some carrots?
a) buy b) buys c) buying d) buys
2. Read and match (A) with (B): (4 marks)
1. What would you like? ( ) a. Yes, please.
2. How about buying some carrots? ( ) b. I'd like some juice, please.
3. Are there any apples? ( ) c. No, thanks. I don't want carrots.
4. Would you like an orange? ( ) d. Yes, there are some.
( ) e. at the market.
4. Read the text and answer the questions: (4 marks)
I'm Rana. I'm in grade five. I always get up at six o'clock. I have my
breakfast with my family. I have yogurt and fruit salad. My sister likes
to have eggs and bread. My parents like to eat Ful Medames. In the
afternoon, my mom and I go to the market. In the afternoon, my mom and
I go to the market. We buy chicken, burger, vegetables and hummus for
lunch. My sister always helps my mum in the kitchen.
A: Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. Rana is in grade ………………
a) three b) four c) five d) six
2. Rana's ……………… have ful Medames for breakfast.
a) friends b) brothers c) sisters d) parents
B. Answer the following questions:
3. Where does Rana and her mother go in the afternoon?
4. What do Rana and her mother buy at the market?
5. Reorder the words to make correct sentences: (4 marks)
1. you – Would – like – juice – some – orange ?
2. about – grapes – How – buying – some?
3. you – What – would – like?
4. buy – any – My mother – didn't – bread .
6. Punctuate the following: (1 mark)
Can i have some grapes please? ………………………………………………
Total Mark ............................ WJ c‫ و א‬: 9

…………………………… ‫ق‬8 U …………………………… ,<J.5 , ‫د‬

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…………………………… ‫ع ; & א * ل‬L …………………………… 1A
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…………………………… ‫س‬x …………………………… >?@<
…………………………… : g LPUJ …………………………… : ;<
1. Choose the correct answer: (4 marks)
1. ……………… is to pick something up quickly.
a) Chop b) Grab c) Castle d) Giant
2. ………………… is a very large building built a long time ago.
a) Chop b) Grab c) Castle d) Giant
3. The ……………… is someone who is very big.
a) chop b) grab c) castle d) giant
4. We can sell things at the ……………… .
a) market b) garden c) castle d) zoo
2. Read and match (A) with (B): (4 marks)
1. Pour the syrup ( ) a. to buy food.
2. Jack and his mother ( ) b. were very poor.
3. He is very big. ( ) c. He is a giant.
4. They sold a cow ( ) d. over the basbousa.
( ) e. you chop them
4. Read the text and answer the questions: (4 marks)

Jack and his mother were very poor. "Go to the market and sell our
last cow," said Jack's mother. " Please get a good price, Jack!" On the
way to the market, Jack met an old man. " I have these special beans. Do
you want to buy them? They will make you rich!" said the man. Jack
bought the beans. But his mother was very angry." We need food, Jack,
not beans! "She threw them out of the window. "Sorry, Mom," said Jack.
"I thought they would help us." "Jack went to bed. He was sad and very
A: Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. Jack's mother was very …………… .
a) poor b) rich c) angry d) slow
2. Jack went to the ………… to sell their cow .
a) market b) club c) garden d) zoo
B. Answer the following questions:
3. What did Jack buy from the old man?
4. Why was Jack's mother angry?
5. Reorder the words to make correct sentences: (4 marks)
1. saw – a very – Jack – tall – in – beanstalk – the garden
2. you – helping – Thank – me – for.
3. wanted – Jack – sell – cow – to – the.
4. you – buy – to – Do – want – them?
6. Punctuate the following: (1 mark)
what is the recipe for Basbousa
Total Mark ............................ WJ c‫ و א‬: 9

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……………………… P < ……………………… ‫<ن‬
……………………… ;} ……………………… ~'}
……………………… >‫……………………… ز د‬ ‫ن‬J
……………………… R ‫ א‬z 9‫……………………… د‬ "RU
……………………… I ‫……………………… ز‬ J R ‫ א‬u‫א‬J

1. Choose the correct answer: (4 marks)
1. Semolina, yogurt, sugar and butter are the …………… of basbousa.
a) instructions b) ingredients c) recipes d) pieces
2. ................ the ingredients by hand.
a) Mix b) Weigh c) Bake d) Melt
3. .............. the syrup over basbousa .
a) Bake b) Pour c) Mix d) Weigh
4. I want to …………… basbousa.
a) bake b) boil c) turn on d) pour
2. Read and match (A) with (B): (4 marks)
1. We cook lots of different ( ) a. the ingredients by hand.
2. You should mix ( ) b. to get it hot.
3. Turn the oven on ( ) c. such as lentil soup and ful medames.
4. Pour the syrup ( ) d. over basbousa.
( ) e. put honey, water and lemon.
3. Read the text and answer the questions: (4 marks)
My name is Adel. I'm twelve years old. I live in Sohag. My father is a
farmer. He grows mangoes. Mangoes are healthy food. He grows
tomatoes and potatoes. We can make a lot of drinks and dishes. We can
make delicious mango juice. We can make fruit salad and mango cakes.
A: Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. Adel is ………… years old.
a) 10 b) 11 c) 12 d) 13
2. Adel's father is a …………
a) doctor b) teacher c) farmer d) baker
B. Answer the following questions:

3. Where does Adel live? …………………………………………………………
4. Are mangoes healthy food? …………………………………………………
4. Reorder the words to make correct sentences: (4 marks)
1. there – Are – tomatoes – any?
2. is – Basbousa – recipe – favourite - my.
3. like – Would – you – orange – an?
4. a mango – have – We – garden – tree – in the
5. Punctuate the following: (1 mark)
what would you like to eat Nada? ……………………………………………………………
6. Write an email of about FOURTY (40) words using the following guiding
elements: (5 marks) Your name is Nada and your email address is Your friend's name is Asmaa and her email address
is My favourite food
Guiding words: chicken - delicious
From : …………………………………………………………………………………
To : …………………………………………………………………………………
Subject : …………………………………………………………………………………
Total Mark ............................ WJ c‫ و א‬: 9
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Family and Friends ,/ ‫ א س א‬C‫ א‬‰K# &‫א‬J7L J٧
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Close up ,/ ‫ א س א‬C‫ א‬‰K# &‫א‬J7L J٨
, # ١٢٥ u ~A : R ‫ و‬P ‫ˆ ووא‬J >‫ אد‬U•‫ { א‬6 ‫وא‬ 6 ‫ول وא‬c‫ א‬q * '

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