Degracia Kyla Research

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Chapter 1



In international setting, particularly in Nigeria, many students do not know that

their inability to read is problem of postponing their time to studies, but they are

engaged more on pleasurable things in which they cannot benefits from it. Moreover,

the students who studies their books perform better than those who are not serious.

Late assignments submissions are sometimes generalized as procrastination,

Procrastination can be defined as the intentional delay of a task. Explains that the

procrastination is avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished or

carrying out less urgent tasks instead of more urgent ones, thus putting off

impending tasks to a later time. (Thomas, 2014)

In national settings, specifically in Mindanao State University-Sulu, the

students agreed to that statement that there is effect of procrastination on their

academic learning. Every time they feel pressured in finishing the given tasks, they

cannot think properly, so if they cannot deliberate the way they need to, it might

affect their grades. Diversely, the respondents slightly agreed that whenever there

are tasks given, they cannot focus for they were struggling to determine what their

main priorities are. (Alvarez, 2021)

In local settings, Eden Gomez, Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS), Senior High School Student of Quezon Memorial Institute of Technology,

Inc. In Maniki, Kapalong Davao Del Norte. She stated her experience of dealing with

tight project deadlines, She added that everytime she spend doing her homework it

will always lead to getting distracted by other things, specifically if it seems very
complex or time-consuming even thinking about it can seem so stressful, requires

more time and takes away study time from other subjects.

Research objective

This study was conducted to determine the influence of factors in dealing with

tight projects deadlines to academic performance of students, it has the following


1. To determine the effect of procrastination on the learning productivity of the

HUMSS 12 students in Quezon Memorial Institute of Technology, Inc

2. To discover the factors that causes procrastination on HUMSS 12 students

in Quezon Memorial Institute of Technology

3. To identify if there is any significant difference of academic procrastination

on the learning productivity of the HUMSS 12 students in Quezon Memorial Institute

of Technology.

4. To determine the relationship between tight project deadlines and academic

performance of students.


The following hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.

There is no significant difference on procrastination when students according

to their strand and there is no significant relationship between the procrastination

and dealing with tight project deadlines.

Review of related literature

Theories relevant to this study discussed in this section to provide strong frame

of reference about the variables under the study.

Procrastination is a self-handicapping behavior occurs when people delay

completing a task they intend to complete, potentially leading to lost productivity,

poor performance, and increased stress (Steel, 2007).

The classic form of procrastination occurs when a person chooses to work on

something more enjoyable or less important than the task given. The person who

engages in this form frequently does not acknowledge this as procrastination

because he or she is “getting things done”, but the person is still not completing the

assigned task. This form of procrastination is becoming more prevalent in modern

society. One explanation for this increase is that people are overloaded with task and

what instant gratification (Gruber & Koszegi, 2001).

Organisation is a key factor for successful everyday adaptive functioning in

schools, Not only do schools, administrators and teachers need to be organised but

so to do students. Students are constantly required to plan, manage time and

resources, and adapt to changing situations. Organisation, as it relates to a school

environment, the ability to plan and manage activities within a time-frame, the ability

to arrange objects and assignments in a systematic way that makes them easily

retrievable, and (c the ability to structure an approach to a task. These three abilities

are referred to respectively as Planning and Time Management, Resource

Management, and Task Management. In line with these abilities, students who are

considered to be organised tend to bring the required materials and work to class,

are on time for school and 2 lessons, submit homework on time, plan their time
effectively, and organise resources in an orderly and tidy manner (Goldberg &

Zweibel, 2005).

In comparison to studies with special education students, there appears to

have been little research to date that has investigated disorganisation among

mainstream secondary school-aged students. This is somewhat puzzling since

secondary school is the learning context in which students are expected to become

increasingly more independent and to take responsibility for organising and

managing their academic studies emphasised the importance of organisational

abilities as children grow older (Goldberg and Zweibel, 2005).

Procrastination is an interactive occussence in which one disregards or

delays a timely attendance to an obligatory assignment or judgment. This action

subsequently leads to some potential unpleasant and undesirable consequences

(Balkis & Duru, 2007).

This potentially problematic behavior can be demonstrated in task

performance (i.e., avoidant procrastination) or by delaying decisions (i.e., decisional

procrastination). In addition, procrastination can be limited to certain circumstances,

as in state procrastination, or can become prevalent in most life areas as in chronic

or trait procrastination (Schouwenberg, 2004).

Procrastination is an act everyone takes a part in everyday, regardless of their

situation in life. Everyone from young junior high students to adults who have been

out of school for a while participate in procrastination. Some people would say that it

is a form of deviance because deviance is “any violation of norms” and avoiding what

should be done is a violation of norm. In today’s world of technology and the Internet,
however, people procrastinate all the time. It seems that procrastination is now more

of a social norm than a deviance. By definition a social norm is a “rule or standard of

behavior shared by members of a social group.” The norm in the case of education is

to do work and learn in school. Although procrastination is a deviance of the norm of

education, there are more students who procrastinate than students who get

everything done as soon as it is assigned. The standard has been changed; it is now

standard behavior to procrastinate since most of the social group participates.

Obviously, the problem of procrastination affects many students. However, many

students do not know that their inability to read is problem of postponing their time to

studies, but they are engaged more on pleasurable things in which they cannot

benefits from it .Moreover, the students who studies their books perform better than

those who are not serious . Explains that the procrastination is avoidance of doing a

task that needs to be accomplished. He further states that procrastinate is the

process of doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, or

carrying out less urgent tasks instead of more urgent ones, thus putting off

impending tasks to a later time. (Thomas 2014)( Laeus 2015)

increases a lot of stress, worry, and fear leading a miserable life with shame

and self-doubt creating and raising anxiety and deteriorates self-esteem (Hoover,

2005); affects achievement of goals creating anxiety (Scher and Nelson, 2002); and

causes higher stress, low self-esteem, depression, cheating, plagiarism, higher use

of alcohol, cigarette and caffeine and decreased ability to maintain healthy selfcare

habits like exercise and eating (Goode, 2008).underestimate the time needed to

achieve their goal. In contrast, pessimistic procrastinators do worry about their

dilatory behaviour. They are aware of the fact that they get behind schedule.

Nevertheless, they still procrastinate because they do not know how to deal with the
task. They feel incompetent and are afraid that their involvement in the task will

prove their incompetence. Therefore, they procrastinate to avoid unpleasant

experiences (Dewitte and Lens, 2000).

Procrastination in general seems to be related to several psychopathological

symptoms, this link might be due primarily to pessimistic procrastinators and much

less to optimistic procrastinators,who seem to manage their problems reasonably

well. distinguish between two sorts of procrastination behaviors. They stated that

Passive procrastinators are paralyzed by their indecision and as a result fail to

complete tasks on time. This is certainly an unfavorable behavior. However, active

procrastinators prefer to work under pressure and make deliberate decisions to

procrastinate tasks, nevertheless, they usually complete their tasks on time. (ZimChu

and Choi 2005)

Procrastination as a dispositional trait which has cognitive, behavioral and

emotional components, furthermore it affects activities of students who could notread

but only postponing time of reading. proposes that procrastination is primarily: (1) a

behavior sequence of postponement; (2) resulting in a substandard behavioral

product; (3) involving a task that is perceived by the procrastinator as a result fail to

complete tasks on time. This is certainly an unfavorable behavior. However, active

procrastinators prefer to work under pressure and make deliberate decisions to

procrastinate tasks, nevertheless, they usually complete their tasks on time. (Allien

and Milgram, 2017)

Procrastination is primarily: (1) a behavior sequence of postponement; (2)

resulting in a substandard behavioral product; (3) involving a task that is perceived

by the procrastinator as being important to perform; and (4) resulting in a state of

emotional upset defines procrastination as avoidance of the implementation of an

intention, frustrates an individual’s stated purposes by simply putting it off until it’s

too late or nearly too late. The high threshold for certainty needed before acting on a

choice leads to taking longer to complete the task and to seeking more information

about alternatives distinguishes between the optimistic procrastinator and the

pessimistic procrastinator. Optimistic procrastinators put of their intentions but do not

worry about it. They are confident that they will succeed in the end, regardless of

their engagement in the intended action now or later. Moreover, they overestimate

their progress and their chances to succeed and underestimate the time needed to

achieve their goal. In contrast, pessimistic procrastinators do worry about their

dilatory behaviour. They are aware of the fact that they get behind schedule.

Nevertheless, they still procrastinate because they do not know how to deal with the

task. They feel incompetent and are afraid that their involvement in the task will

prove their incompetence. Therefore, they procrastinate to avoid unpleasant

experiences state that a major difference between the two types might be their

degree of adaptive. Although procrastination in general seems to be related to

several psychopathological symptoms, this link might be due primarily to pessimistic

procrastinators and much less to optimistic procrastinators, who seem to manage

their problems reasonably well. (Milgram, 2007)


Procrastination battling procrastination seems like a never-ending challenge

for teachers, parents and school administrators. Not only does procrastinating lead
to late work, but it also tends to compromise the quality of work being turned in.

Fighting procrastination isn't done solely by setting tight deadlines and demanding

students do their work "or else." There are several nuanced ways parents and

educators alike can help their students overcome procrastination. If you're looking for

ways to help your students overcome procrastination, here are some helpful tips to

keep your students on track. (SBD,inc 2022)

Disorganization Meeting a tight deadline can be difficult in the best of

circumstances. If the person is disorganized, then they can't track who has finished

which projects and which tasks still need to be completed (logan Derick, 2022)

•Problem -based-learning In addition to course content, PBL can promote the

development of critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication

skills. It can also provide opportunities for working in groups, finding and evaluating

research materials, and life-long learning (Duch et al, 2001).

Risks of Problem-Based Learning PBL requires more time and takes away

study time from other subjects. It creates some anxiety because learning is messier.

Sometimes group dynamics issues compromise PBL effectiveness. Less content

knowledge may be learned. Exerts unrealistic pressure on individuals, working to just

tight deadlines can cause immense stress, and when that pressure is frequent or

protacted, it can become overwhelming. (Maryellen Weimer,phd , 2009)

Conceptual framework

The conceptual paradigm is presented in figure 1. The independent

variable in dealing with tight project deadlines. Procrastination is an extensive and

potentially harmful phenomenon, there is still much information that needs to be

examined and understood. Research repeatedly shows that academic

procrastination is a highly complex human behavior that involves a combination of

affective, cognitive, and behavioral components and cannot be summarized easily

(Brownlow & Reasinger, 2000).

Dealing with tight Project

Grade 12 Student

Figure 1. the paradigm of the study

Significance of the Study

The finding of the study was used as valuable information that would give

a new perspective in classroom teaching and learning situation. Hence, the study

was beneficial to the following groups;

The department of higher education will benefit in this study, to look up

for the experiences of the students regarding on this matter, especially to those

students who want to speak up about their opinions on dealing with overload school


Moreover, the Institute, Quezon Memorial Institute of technology, Inc will

benefit from this by the use of the given data to become more responsive to the

dealing with tight project experiences of their students under the supervision.

Similarly, findings of this study will benefit the faculty and staff and the,

formulation of a systematic record of students dealing with tight projects.

Additionally, findings of this study will help the students in dealing with tight

project and able to cope up and improving the academic performance.

Lastly, for future researcher the study will help them uncover the critical

areas in the educational processes that many researchers were not able to explore.

Thus, a new theory and learning and dealing with tight project deadlines.

Definition of Terms

Basically, technical terms will be used to define the idea and concept of the

study, hence the terms below are essential words that purposely define to be used

for clear visualization and picture of the investigation

Dealing with tight project deadlines. Tight deadlines are direct response

which argues that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. By

limiting the time available to complex a task, we are controlling that expansion

(Parkinson, 2022).

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