Preboard Exam 1ST HGE Nov 2022

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CIVIL ENGINEERING 1st Preboard Examination REFRESHER NOV 2022

Sunday, October 23, 2022 - 02:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m. Page 1


INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer for each of the following

questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.


1. The glass tube shown is used to measure pressure PA in the water

tank. The tube diameter is 1 mm., and the water is at 30 °C.
After correcting for surface tension, what is the true water
height (cm.) in the tube? Use h = 17 cm., σ = 0.0712 N/m, Contact
angle ϴ = 0°, SG = 0.996.

A. 16.97 C. 14.09
B. 17.03 D. 19.91

2. Part of the testing procedure for soils and soil-aggregate

mixtures classification for highway construction purposes is to
determine the liquid limit and the plasticity index of a portion
of the test sample that passes through what sieve? (This is in
accordance with Test Methods D 4318)
A. No. 40 C. No. 10
B. No. 200 D. No. 50

3. NSCP 303.5 Expansive Soils

Which of the following provisions should a soil meet for it to
be considered an “Expansive” soil?
(i) Plasticity Index (PI) of 15 or greater, determined in
accordance with ASTM D4318.
(ii) More than 10% of the soil particles pass a No. 200 sieve
(75 μm), determined in accordance with ASTM D422.
(iii) More than 10% of the soil particles are less than 5 μm in
size, determined in accordance with ASTM D422.
(iv) Expansion index greater than 20, determined in accordance
with ASTM D4829

For your reference:

ASTM D4318: Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit,
and Plasticity Index of Soils
ASTM D422: Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of
ASTM D4829: Standard Test Method for Expansion Index of Soils
A. All except (iii), (iv) C. All except (i)
B. All except (iii) D. All of the above

4. In the figure shown, both the tank and the slanted tube are
open to the atmosphere. If L = 2.13m, what is the angle of tilt
of the tube?

Excellence in Professional Engineering Review and Training Solutions
CIVIL ENGINEERING 1st Preboard Examination REFRESHER NOV 2022
Sunday, October 23, 2022 - 02:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m. Page 2


A. 33.5° C. 25.0
B. 28.0 D. 38.4

5. A vertical rectangular plate is submerged half in oil (SG = 0.80)

and half in water such that its top edge is flushed with the oil
surface. What is the ratio of the force exerted by water acting
on the lower half to that by oil acting on the upper half?
A. 2.50 C. 3.75
B. 3.25 D. 4.25

6. Soil passing a No. 200 (75-µm) U.S. standard sieve that is

nonplastic or very slightly plastic and that exhibits little or
no strength when air dry. For classification, it is a fine-grained
soil, or the fine-grained portion of a soil, with a plasticity
index less than 4 or if the plot of plasticity index versus liquid
limit falls below the “A” line.
A. Gravel C. Sand
B. Silt D. Clay

7. NSCP 302.6 Drainage and Terracing

Unless otherwise indicated on the approved grading plan, drainage
facilities and terracing shall conform to the provisions of this
section for cut or fill slopes steeper than 1 unit vertical in
___ units horizontal.
A. 1 C. 3
B. 2 D. 4

8. A clay soil is found to have a liquid limit of 75%, a plastic

limit of 45%, and a shrinkage limit of 25%. If a sample of this
soil has a total volume of 30 cm^3 at the liquid limit, and a
volume of 16.7 cm^3 at the shrinkage limit, determine the mass
of soil, in grams, at the shrinkage limit.
A. 44.33 C. 66.50
B. 26.60 D. 13.67

9. A barge weighing 350 kN when empty is 6 m. wide, 15 m. long and

3 m. high. Floating upright, evaluate the draft of the barge in
meters when transporting 5000 bags of cement along a river, each
bag having a mass of 40 kg. Assume the specific gravity of the
water in the river to be 1.02.
A. 2.657 C. 2.567
B. 2.487 D. 2.874

10. Determine the effective stress (in kPa) at a depth of 16 m. below

the ground level for the following conditions: Water table is 3
m. below the ground surface; Gs = 2.68; e = 0.72; average water
content of the soil above water table = 8%.
A. 170.42 C. 174.09
B. 167.02 D. 172.11

11. Two pipes 1 and 2 of the same length and diameter are connected
in parallel. If f2 = 2/3f1, the flow in pipe 2 is how many times
greater than pipe 1?

Excellence in Professional Engineering Review and Training Solutions
CIVIL ENGINEERING 1st Preboard Examination REFRESHER NOV 2022
Sunday, October 23, 2022 - 02:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m. Page 3


A. 1.523 C. 1.225
B. 1.487 D. 1.863

12. A vertical gate 0.6 m wide and 1.2 m high is submerged completely
in water with its top edge flushed with the water surface. If the
distance between the center of gravity and center of pressure of
the gate at the condition indicated is 200 mm, how far is the
resulting hydrostatic force from the water surface?
A. 200 mm C. 400 mm
B. 600 mm D. 800 mm

13. Which of the following soil characteristics have influence on

(i) Grain-size
(ii) Void ratio
(iii) Composition
(iv) Fabric or structural arrangement of particles
(v) Degree of saturation
(vi) Presence of entrapped air and other foreign matter
A. i, ii, iv, v, vi C. i, ii, v, vi
B. i, ii, iii, v, vi D. All of the above

14. NSCP 307.7 Concrete-Filled Steel Pipe Piles.

NSCP 307.7.3 Minimum Dimensions
Driven piles of uniform section shall have a nominal outside
diameter of not less than ___ mm.
A. 150 C. 250
B. 200 D. 300


Situation 1 - A wood cone floats in water in the position shown. The

specific gravity of the wood is 0.60. Hint: Center of gravity of a
cone is 1/4h from the base. Use d = 7 in, h = 10 in.

15. Determine the draft of the wood cone in inches.

A. 8.434 C. 2.952
B. 5.904 D. 6.486

16. Determine the distance between the center of gravity G and the
center of buoyancy Bo in inches.
A. 2.346 C. 1.174
B. 1.487 D. 2.009

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CIVIL ENGINEERING 1st Preboard Examination REFRESHER NOV 2022
Sunday, October 23, 2022 - 02:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m. Page 4


17. Determine the distance of the metacenter from the center of

gravity in inches. Would the wood cone be stable?
A. 0.399, Unstable C. 0.399, Stable
B. 0.775, Unstable D. 0.775, Stable

Situation 2 - If 6 m^3 of soil weighs 97 kN,

18. Calculate the specific weight in kN/m^3.

A. 17.16 C. 18.69
B. 16.98 D. 16.17

19. Calculate the density in kg/m^3.

A. 1647.98 C. 1905.20
B. 1730.87 D. 1749.24

20. Calculate the specific gravity.

A. 1.648 C. 1.749
B. 1.905 D. 1.731

Situation 3 - The triangular trough shown is hinged at A, held

together by cable BC at the top, and has a vertex angle of 110°. It
contains liquid with specific gravity of 1.0. If the cable spacing is
1m. into the paper,

Use a = 2 m., b = 5 m.

21. Determine the hydrostatic force acting on the trough in kN.

A. 372.73 C. 304.44
B. 256.79 D. 213.79

22. Determine the location of the hydrostatic force from the center
of gravity along the surface of the trough in meters.
A. 2.533 C. 0.833
B. 1.190 D. 1.453

23. Determine the tension in cable BC in kN.

A. 88.75 C. 80.45
B. 70.69 D. 76.11

Situation 4 - A footing is embedded to a site of sandy clay at a

depth of 1.6 m below natural grade line (NGL). The soil has the
following soil properties: cohesion is 10 kPa, angle of internal
friction is 35⁰, specific gravity of soil solids is 2.75, void ratio
is 0.55 and water content is 5%. The water table is at great depth.
Consider Terzhagi’s general shear failure and a factor of safety of
3.5. For angle of internal friction of 35°, the bearing capacity
factor are Nc = 57.75; Nq = 41.44; Nγ = 45.41

24. What will be allowable load for a 1.2 m square footing?

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CIVIL ENGINEERING 1st Preboard Examination REFRESHER NOV 2022
Sunday, October 23, 2022 - 02:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m. Page 5


A. 2360.792 C. 3399.540
B. 971.300 D. 674.512

25. What will be allowable load for a 1.35 m diameter circular

A. 940.037 C. 3290.120
B. 656.729 D. 2298.552

26. What will be allowable load for a 1.3 m wide wall footing per
meter length?
A. 665.320 C. 864.919
B. 2328.620 D. 3027.206

Situation 5 - In a falling head permeameter, the sample used is 20 cm

long having a cross-sectional area of 24 cm^2.
The cross-sectional area of the standpipe is 2 cm^2. The sample of
soil is made of three layers. Properties are as follows:
H1 = 8 cm, K1 = 4 x 10^-4 cm/sec correction 2x10-4 cm/sec
H2 = 8 cm, K2 = 5 x 10^-4 cm/sec
H3 = 4 cm, K3 = 7 x 10^-4 cm/sec

27. If the flow is taking place parallel to the soil layers, what
will be the equivalent permeability of the soil in cm/sec?
A. 2.4 x 10^-4 C. 2.0 x 10^-4
B. 4.2 x 10^-4 D. 4.0 x 10^-4

28. If the flow is taking place perpendicular to the soil layers,

what will be the equivalent permeability of the soil in cm/sec?
A. 4.2 x 10^-4 C. 2.4 x 10^-4
B. 2.3 x 10^-4 D. 3.2 x 10^-4

29. If the flow is taking place perpendicular to the soil layers,

calculate the time, in mins, required for a drop of head from
25 cm to 12 cm.
A. 62.9 C. 88.6
B. 85.0 D. 48.5

Situation 6 - Water from a reservoir flows through a 600-mm diameter

pipe. The velocity of flow in the pipe is 1.5 m/s when a valve located
200 m from the reservoir is suddenly closed. The pipe has a thickness
of 20 mm. Bulk modulus of water is 2.2 x 10^9 Pa. Modulus of elasticity
of pipe material is 1.4 x 10^11 Pa.

30. What is the effective modulus of compressibility of water in

the pipe, in Pa?
A. 2.200 x 10^9 C. 1.400 x 10^9
B. 1.495 x 10^9 D. 0.183 x 10^9

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CIVIL ENGINEERING 1st Preboard Examination REFRESHER NOV 2022
Sunday, October 23, 2022 - 02:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m. Page 6


31. What is the celerity of the pressure wave?

A. 1223 C. 1183
B. 1483 D. 428

32. What is the water hammer pressure due to instantaneous closure

of the valve, in kPa?
A. 1775 C. 2225
B. 642 D. 1835

Situation 7 - A soil sample with a grain specific gravity of 2.67 was

filled in a 1000 ml container in the loosest possible state and the
dry weight of the sample was found to be 14.75 N. It was then filled
at the densest state obtainable, and the weight was found to be 17.70
N. The void ratio of the soil in the natural state was 0.63.

33. Determine the maximum void ratio.

A. 0.676 C. 0.563
B. 0.776 D. 0.480

34. Determine the minimum void ratio.

A. 0.480 C. 0.776
B. 0.676 D. 0.563

35. Determine the density index (in percent) in the natural state.
A. 40.63 C. 49.25
B. 46.30 D. 45.29

Situation 8 - The cylinder shown extends 5 ft. into the paper. It

retains water on one side. If ϴ = 45°, and r = 4 ft., determine the

36. Horizontal component of the hydrostatic force acting on the

cylinder, in pounds.
A. 8945.11 C. 7273.88
B. 7698.16 D. 8446.28

37. Vertical component of the hydrostatic force acting on the

cylinder, in pounds.
A. 14579.65 C. 13085.83
B. 15794.56 D. 13508.38

38. Total hydrostatic force acting on the cylinder, in pounds, and

its inclination from the horizontal.
A. 16293.41, 63.49° CCW C. 14971.58, 60.93° CCW
B. 16293.41, 63.49° CW D. 14971.58, 60.93° CW

Situation 9 - NSCP 304.2 Presumptive Load-Bearing and Lateral

Resisting Values.

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CIVIL ENGINEERING 1st Preboard Examination REFRESHER NOV 2022
Sunday, October 23, 2022 - 02:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m. Page 7


When no exhaustive geotechnical site assessment and investigation is

performed, especially when no in-situ or very limited tests are
carried out, the presumptive load bearing, and lateral resisting
values provided in Table 304-1 (from NSCP) shall be used.
Used of these values requires that the foundation design engineer has
at the least, carried out an inspection of the site and has become
familiar with the predominant soil or rock characteristics of the
Class of Materials1 Pressure

1. “Intact” Tuffaceous 1,000

2. “Lightly Weathered” 500
Tuffaceous Sandstone
3. Sandy Gravel and/or 100
Gravel (GW & GP)
4. Well-graded Sand,
Poorly graded Sand,
Silty Sand, Clayey Sand, 75
Silty Gravel and Clayey
Gravel (SW, SP, SM, SC,
GM, and GC)
5. Clay, Sand Clay,
Silty Clay, and Clayey 50
Silt (CL, ML, MH, and
A geotechnical site investigation is recommended for soil
2 All values of allowable foundation pressure are for footings having

a minimum width of 300 mm and a minimum depth of 300 mm into the

natural grade. Except as noted in footnote ‘a’, an increase of 20% is
allowed for each additional 300 mm of width and/or depth to a maximum
value of three times the designated value. An increase of one-third
is permitted when using the alternate load combinations in Sec 203.4
that include wind or earthquake loads.

Assume a sandy gravel deposit is under investigation,

39. Evaluate the allowable bearing capacity in kPa, of the soil for
a square footing 1.2 m wide when founded at a depth of 300 mm
below the ground surface.
A. 100 C. 160
B. 60 D. 224

40. Evaluate the allowable bearing capacity in kPa, of the soil for
a square footing 1.2 m wide when founded at a depth of 900 mm
below the ground surface.
A. 60 C. 160
B. 100 D. 200

41. Determine the safe downward load, in kN, that the footing of
the preceding question can support.
A. 288.00 C. 230.40
B. 100.54 D. 144.00

Excellence in Professional Engineering Review and Training Solutions
CIVIL ENGINEERING 1st Preboard Examination REFRESHER NOV 2022
Sunday, October 23, 2022 - 02:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m. Page 8


Situation 10 - Water, issuing vertically upwards from a nozzle having

a diameter of 25 mm, flows out under a head of 30 m. The jet of water
is to support a load of 200 N. If C = Cv = 0.98,

42. Determine the velocity at the nozzle tip.

A. 23.776 C. 20.390
B. 26.377 D. 23.009

43. At a certain height, this jet of water will support the 200 N
load. At that height, what will be the velocity of the jet?
A. 23.776 answer: 17.137 C. 20.390
B. 26.377 D. 23.009

44. The jet will support the 200 N at what constant height?
A. 8.947 C. 7.622
answer: 13.845
B. 8.497 D. 7.114

Situation 11 - The soil in a layer has the following properties:

Moisture content = 10%; Specific gravity of soil solid = 2.65.
Void ratio = 0.61; Angle of internal friction = 31ᵒ

45. If the water table is not encountered during the observation,

calculate the potential shear strength at a depth of 3 m.
A. 53.28 kPa C. 45.67 kPa
B. 32.02 kPa D. 52.67 kPa

46. Compute the modified shear strength at 3 m depth if water table

was observed at the ground surface.
A. 30.16 kPa C. 18.12 kPa
B. 16.23 kPa D. 21.68 kPa

47. Compute the modified shear strength at 3 m depth if water table

was observed at the ground surface and the soil has cohesion of
12.4 kPa.
A. 30.52 kPa C. 28.63 kPa
B. 42.56 kPa D. 34.08 kPa

Situation 12 - The results of the sieve analysis of soils A, B, and C

are shown below. It is required to classify these soils according to
Diameter A B C
Percent Passing
4 4.760 90 100 100
6 2.380 64 90 100
10 2.000 54 77 98
20 0.840 34 59 92
40 0.420 22 51 84
60 0.250 17 42 79
100 0.149 9 35 70
200 0.074 4 33 63
LL - 42 47
PL - 29 24

Excellence in Professional Engineering Review and Training Solutions
CIVIL ENGINEERING 1st Preboard Examination REFRESHER NOV 2022
Sunday, October 23, 2022 - 02:00 p.m. – 06:00 p.m. Page 9


48. Classification of soil A


49. Classification of soil B


50. Classification of soil C


--- END ---

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