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Roga Nidanam
Definition of Apasmara

स्मृतरे पगमं प्राहु रपस्मारं भषिग्वदः|

तमःप्रवेशं बीभत्सचे टं धीसत्त्वसम्प्लवात ्||३||

The expert physicians call apasmara as 'going away of memory' characterized by black-outs (feeling of
entering into darkness) and revolting movements caused by conglomeration of the intellect and the mind.
Nidana of apasmara
वभ्रान्तबहु दोषाणाम हताशु चभोजनात ् [१] |

रजस्तमोभ्यां वहते सत्त्वे दोषावृते हृ द||४||

चन्ताकामभयक्रोधशोकोद्वेगा द भस्तथा|

मनस्य भहते नॄणामपस्मारः प्रवतर्वत|े |५||

Apasmara occurs in those persons, in whom:

1). The doshas are excessively aggravated and have spread to other sites (vibhranta) due to (habitual) intake of
improper/harmful and impure/contaminated food.
2). In whom, the sattva (one of the attributes of mind representing purity and consciousness) is
suppressed by rajas (attribute of the mind representing energy and dynamism) and tamas (attribute of
the mind representing passivity and ignorance) ;

3). The heart (site of consciousness) is obscured by aggravated doshas; and

4).Mind is distressed or annihilated by (affliction of negative emotions like) worry, passion, fright, anger,
grief, anxiety etc. [4-5]

धमनी भः श्रिता दोषा हृदयं पीडयिन्त ह|

सम्पीड्यमानो व्यथते मूढो भ्रान्तेन चेतसा||६||

पश्यत्यसिन्त रूपा ण पत त प्रस्फुरत्य प|

िजह्वा क्षभ्रूः स्रवल्लालो हस्तौ पादौ च व क्षपन ्||७||

दोषवेगे च वगते सुप्तवत ् प्र तबुद्ध्यते|

(By the above mentioned factors) doshas located in the vessels (or dhamani, channels that carry nutrients) afflict
the heart. Thus person suffers due to bewildered mind.[6]
He visualizes non-existent forms (visual hallucinations), falls down, his tongue, eyes and eyebrows become
tremulous, saliva discharges from his mouth, his hands and legs are extended / bent.[7]

When the surge of doshas is over, he wakes up as if he is getting up from sleep (regains consciousness). [8]

Types of apasmara

पृथग्दोषैः समस्तैश्च वक्ष्यते स चतु वर्वधः||८||||८||

Apasmara is of four types including those due to separate doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) and due to combination of all
(sannipatika). [8]

1) Vataja Apasmara

कम्पते प्रदशेद्दन्तान ् फेनोद्वामी श्व सत्य प|

परुषारुणकृ णा न पश्येद्रप
ू ा ण चा नलात ्||९||

Vatika apasmara is characterized by trembling, grinding of teeth, frothing from the mouth, and
gasping. The patient gets visual hallucinations of objects which are rough, reddish brown or black
in color. [9]
2) Paittika Apasmara

पीतफेनाङ्गवक्स्त्रिाक्षः पीतासृग्रूपदशर्वनः|

सतृ णो णानलव्याप्तलोकदशर्शी च पै त्तिकः||१०||

Paittika apasmara is characterized by yellowish froth, body, face and eyes. He gets visual hallucinations of
yellow or blood-red objects. He has thirst, hot sensation (sensation of heat), and sees fire all over his
surroundings. [10]
3) Kaphaja Apasmara

शुक्लफेनाङ्गवक्स्त्रिाक्षः शीतो हृ टाङ्गजो गुरुः|

पश्य छुक्ला न रूपा ण श्लैि मको मुच्यते चरात ्||११||

The shlaishmika apasmara is characterized by whitish froth (from the mouth), body, face and eyes, (feeling
of) cold, heaviness due to stiff body. The patient gets hallucinations of white objects and recovers late.
4) Sannipataja Apasmara

सवर्वैरेतैः समस्तैस्तु लङ्गै र्ज्ञेयिस्स्त्रिदोषजः|

अपस्मारः स चासाध्यो यः क्षीणस्यानवश्च यः||१२||

The vitiated doshas lead to paroxysms of apasmara once in fifteen days, twelve days or a month. The
paroxysm may occur even after a shorter period.[13]
Diagnosis as per frequency of seizures

पक्षाद्वा द्वादशाहाद्वा मासाद्वा कु पता मलाः|

अपस्माराय कुवर्विन्त वेगं कि चदथान्तरम ्||१३||

The vitiated doshas lead to paroxysms of apasmara once in fifteen days, twelve days or a month. The
paroxysm may occur even after a shorter period.[13]

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