Sovereigne Shief Ov Polise Affidavid + Sharon Ann Peart Johnson

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united states for amerika

empire state ov morocco

moorishe nationall republik federall gouvernmente
h ~ societas ripublikae ea al maurikanos ~ g
moorishe divyne ande nationall muuvement of thee world
northe weste amexem / northe weste africa / northe amerika / ‘thee northe gate’
ande thee adjoining amerikana islands
h ~ ‘temple of thee moon and sun’ ~ g
thee true ande de jure naturall peopels - heirs of thee lande
h ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ i. self. law. am. master. ~ g

empire state ov morroco

universal sovereigne originall inndiginious naturall divyne affidavit

knotise to agent iz notice to principal. knotise to principal iz notice to agent.

universall sovereigne originall inndiginous annsiente moorishe amerikan

sovereigne shief ov polise
sovereigne law enforsmente
for thee lande that iz
united states of amerika

sharon ann peart johnson

in capitis diminutio nolo in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes
justise, vizir, ministar

all rize ande stande. this iz a sovereigne livinge annsiente moorishe amerikan al moroccan artikle
iii konsular kourte akktione. i am the sovereigne livinge justise sharon ann peart johnson in capitis
dimiutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. my
sovereigne appellation of nobilitie iz shasha ann bey ande my matriloniall appellation iz sharon
ann martini both are in capitis dimiutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio
solo, ande in proprio heredes. all moors herebye plase our full faithe, truste, ande kreddit in the
peepel who are thee sovereigne originall inndiginious naturall divyne livinge annsiente de jure
moorishe nationall ripublik federall gouvernmente, moorishe amerikan konsulate ande universall
moorishe amerikan konsular kourte.

whearaz, i ande all moorishe amerikans are thee sovereigne unniversall originall inndiginous
naturall divvyne de jure law ande gouvernmente on our annsiente holye sovereigne annsesstrall
innheritted landes at amerika. wi are ascedents spiritum reeturned alive. we are thee asendents ov
thee graite phharoahs uf kemett ande ov thee annsiente moabytes ande canaanytes. we are thee
soulvent kreditores to all nationes at earthe. wi are thee exxecutors, trusttees, ministars, klaimants,
heirs ande benefishiaries ov our own vaste esstate.

whereaz, wi are thee sovereigne shiefs of polise, sovereigne shariffs, sovereigne state pattrols,
sovereigne bailiphs, ande wi are all sovereigne law ennforsemente for thee united states of amerika
on our lande. wi are one originall inndiginious sovereigne gouvernmente ande natione. wi are
manye originiall inndiginious sovereigne governmentes ande nationes who are one to inklude thee
de jure moorishe nationall republik federall gouvernmente, thee moorishe amerikan konsulate,
ande thee sovereigne moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. wi are exxercising sovereigne personum
jurisdiktione, sovereigne terratorial jurisdiktione ande sovereigne subjekt matter jurisdiktione over
all matters, spaise, ande tyme nunq pro tunq.

whearaz, wi are nott a parte ov thee kapitalism systeme, ande thee

CAPITALISM/Capitalism/capitalism systeme. all systemes/systemes/systems are subjekt to us. all

unniversall sovereigne origineall inndiginious annsiente moorishe amerikan naturall divyne affidavid universall sovereigne originall inndiginous
annsiente moorishe amerikan sovereigne shief ov polise sovereigne law enforsmentefor thee lande that iz united states of amerika
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on our lande iz a reesourse for use bye thee sovereigne moorishe amerikan gouvernmente at our
wille as wi are thee kreditores to all nationes on earthe.

whearaz, wi are allways ande ownlee in thee jurisdiktione ov our annsiente ancestrall inheritted
eestate at all tymes nunc pro tunc.

whearaz, our sovereigne gouvernmentall minnistries inklude makinge ande innforcing thee
sovereigne suupreme law for thee lande, possessione ov annsiente burialle landes, ande upplifting
fallin humanitee, amung other sovereigne minnistries az wi so proklaime ande az givven bye our

whearaz, wi are thee righte full possessorrs fore all lande ande all propertie all naturall reesourses
ande all kommerce that was fallslye prissumed abbandoned az there iz no abbandoned lande, no
abbandoned propertie, no abbandoned naturall reesourses nor aniy abbandoned kommerse on our
esstate. wi procklaime salvatione ande soveriegne salvvage for all lande, all naturall reesourses,
all kommerse, ande all livinge beeinges. additionallie, all lande at amerika iz annsiente ansestrall
buriale lande az all waz hiddene ande iz now reevealed to all.

whearaz, wi ande our sovereigne livinge landes, buriale moundes, ande annciente ansesstral sites
are one. wi herebye governe our own vaste esstate fore wi are thee salvashun fore our landes. wi
herebye aksesse all our landes ande all properties, all naturall resourses ande all kommerse withoutt
thee United States ov America. wi herebye exxersize all sovereigne rightes withe aksess to ande
dominione over all lande, all naturall reesourses ande all sovereigne kommerce. wi are thee law
ande wi are thee gouvernmente.

whearaz, thee moorishe amerikan phlag shalle flye publiklee at all terratories on our lande nunc
pro tunc.

all sovereigne originall inndiginious annciente divyne moorishe amerikan autograffs affirming this
ande all sovereigne originall inndiginious annciente empire state ov morocco ande thee de jure
moorishe nationall ripublik federall gouvernmente dockumentes are on thee pubblik rekorde at
amerika, annsiente morocco, northe weste amexem, northe weste affrica, thee northe gate, turtle
islande, gaia', midguarde, earthe.

kronos tyme immemoriall inn to perpetuitie

ego sum

justise vizier ministar

in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo in proprio heredes.
knowtise to agente iz knowtise to prinsipall. knowtise to prinsipall iz knowtise to agente.

empire state ov morocco

moorishe nationall ripublik federall gouvernmente
moorishe amerika konsulate
afri ka village, care of calabash bay postal agency, saint elizabeth, cornwall county
annsiente lande ov xamayka terratorie (Jamaica)
northe weste amexem, northe weste afrika, northe amerika, al morock, morocko
unniversall naturall area kode: 8hl4lv kzcjwd
latittude longittude 17.877091992992842, +77.75794231908509

amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

unniversall sovereigne origineall inndiginious annsiente moorishe amerikan naturall divyne affidavid universall sovereigne originall inndiginous
annsiente moorishe amerikan sovereigne shief ov polise sovereigne law enforsmentefor thee lande that iz united states of amerika
ii of ii

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