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Pavement Design

9.1 General

Consideri ng the sub grade strength, projected traffic and the design life, the pavement design for
low volume PMGSY roads is to be carried out as per guidelines ofiRC: SP: 72 - 20 15, IRC SP:77-
2008 " Design of Gravel Road", IRC SP:62-20 14 "Cement Concrete roads" and IRC:37-20 18
"Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavement for roads having higher category of traffic. In built up
area for hygienic and safety reasons, C.C. pavement have been provided with a hard shoulder anti
drain appropriate line drain. Drainage plan is attached with the DPR.
1. Pavement roughness measurement using bump integrator (or all~rnative calibrated
instrument) and measurement of rutting, cracking and ravelling
11. Measurement of road deflections utilizing the Benkleman Beam Deflection Test
iii . CBR tests at sufficient intervals to indicate extent and severity of the problem when
pavements are too distressed to give meaningful deflection results
tv. Survey for assessment of the surface, sub-surface and roadside drainage condition of the
road section
v. Detailed subsurface investigations for all the road sections where there has been subgrade
vt. Overlay thickness clause2.2.3 ofiRC SP72:20 15 should be referred.

9.2 Pavement Design Approach

9.2.1 Design Life

A design life of I0 years has been considered for the purpose of pavement design of flexible and
granular pavements.
9.2.2 Design Traffic
The average annual daily traffic (AADT) for the opening year as well as the total commercial
vehicle per day (CVPD) is to be presented in Table 5.2.

9.2.3 Determination of ESAL applications

Only commercial vehicles with a gross laden weight of 3 tons or more have been considered. The
design traffic was considered in terms of cumulative number of standard axles has been carried
during the design life of the road. The numbers of commercial vehicles of different axle loads are
converted to number of standard axle repetitions by a multiplier called the Vehicle Damage Factor
(VDF).An indicative VDF value has been considered as the traffic volume of rural road docs not
warrant axle load survey.
For calculating the VDF, the following categories of vehicles was considered as suggested m
paragraph 3.4.4 of IRC: SP: 72-2015.
Laden heavy/medium commercial vehicles
Un-laden /partially loaded heavy/medium commercial vehicles
Over loaded heavy/medium commercial vehicles

Vehicle type Laden Un-laden /Partially laden

HCV 2.86 0.31
MCV 0.34 0.02

Indicative VOF values considered I 0% of laden MCV and I0% laden HCV as overloaded & given

Lane distribution factor (L) for Single lane road = 1.0 Cumulative ESAL application = To x 4811
x L, where To= ESAL application per day. The Cumulative ESAL application for the project road
as per paragraph 3.5 ofiRC: SP: 72-20 15

IRC 37-2012 Can be referred for traffic from 2MSA to 5 MSA

IRC 37-2018 should be used for traffic more than 5 MSA

9.2.4 Subgrade CBR

The sub grade CBR range of {7 .00% to I0.0%}. has been considered and the traffic falls in the
{More Than T9} category.

9.3 Design Alternatives

Design alternatives are considered {tick the applicab le box}

Chainage Design alternatives considered Specify

Pavement design
Shoulder t+= t:l
altem ative ·~ .g

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9000 9180 D 6 6 D D D

9180 9225 D 6 ~ D D D

9225 10450 rJ D ~ D D D

10450 10475 Flush Causeway D D D

10475 10680 rJ D ~ D D D

10680 10765 0 ~ ~ 0 D D

10765 11125 rJ 0 ~ D 0 0

11125 11182 Existing Bridge (ok) D 0 0

111 82 11420 rt D ~ D D D

11420 11435 CC Flush Causeway D 0 0

11435 11980 Lt 0 ~ 0 0 D
11980 12030 D ~ ~ D D D

12030 12205 D ~ ~ D D D

12205 12465 D l6 ~ D D 0

12465 12750 0 l6 ~ D D 0

12750 13170 ~ 0 ~ 0 0 0

13170 13245 0 l6 ~ 0 0 D

13245 14365 rt 0 l] 0 D D

14365 14390 D ~ ~ 0 D D

14390 14765 ~ D ~ 0 0 0

14765 16800 ~ 0 ~ 0 0 0

16800 16845 Existing Bridge ok 0 0 0

16845 16905 rt 0 ~ 0 0 0

16905 16915 0 t6 ~ 0 0 0

16915 17625 ri 0 l] D 0 D

17625 17680 0 ~ ~ D 0 0

17680 18000 rJ 0 ~ D D D
9.4 Pavement composit ion

i. Flexible Pavement
ii. The designed pavement thickness and composition have bet:n ca lcul ated by referring Fig ure
4 (Pavement desig n catalogue) of !RC : SP: 72-2015. The ratio between heavy commercial
vehicles and med ium commercial vehicles as g ivt:n in Chapter
The pavement layers prov ided are given below:

9.4 Pavement composition

1. Flexible Pavement
11. The designed pavement thickness and compositi on have bee n calculated hy referring Figure
4 (Pavement design catalogue) of IRC : SP : 72 - 20 15/IRC:37-218. The ratio between
heavy commercial vehic les and medium commercial vehic les as given in C hapter
The pavement layers provided are given below:

9.4 1 Flexible Pavement

Layers Items Thickness for pavement

Top Layer/Surface
Bitumino us Concrete (BC) 30mm
DBM 50mm
Stress Absorbing Membrane lnterl ayer
Bituminous laye r
(SAM !) --
Base Layer Cement Treated Ba!ie (CTB}_ I SOmm
Sub - Base Layer WMM 75mm
Total thi ckness GSO I SOmm

9.42 Interlockin g C.C. P aver Block p avem ent: as per IS:15658

Top --
Layer/S urface M40Grade (Interl ocking concrete Block
co urse
Sand Beddi ng
Sand Bedd ing
Base Layer WMM --

Sub- Base Layer Granular Sub-base --

Tota l th ickness --

9.43 Rigid Pavement

Layer/Surface MJOGrade (C.C) Pannel Concrete (M-30) 2 10mm
Base Layer Cement Treated Base (CT B) 150mm
To tal thickness 360mm
·: NIZM Research & Develop1n~t
I~·D Facility Available : Civil Engineering Material Testing, Geo-Tech Investigation, Plate Load, NOT,
Benkelman Beam, Roughness test, Concret e & Bitumen Mix Design, Topographical survey, Quality
contro l & Preparation of D.P.R for Highway, Bridges & Building projects.
Regd. Office cum Laboratory: Bitna Road Pinjore, M.C. Panchkula, Zone Pinjore- 134102 (Haryana),
Mob. No. : 9354442116, email:,

Pavement Design Report

Detailed Project Report for Upgradation of Panjawar

- Bathri Road from km-9/000 to km-18/000 (T -14)

Under PMGSY-3 (Batch-11) (Package No. HP-12-199)

CLIENT : Executive Engineer

Una Division



Pavement des ign basi ca lly aims at determining the total thickness of the
paveme nt structure as wel l as the thickness of the individual structural
components. The present report describes the designs for flexib le pavement
carried out for the project road in accordance w ith requirements of IRC: 37-
20 18.

2.0 SCOPE:
The scope of the job as decided by the departmental officers is detailed
below & samp ling was done in the presence of the departmental officers.
i) Determ ination of Maximum dry density (M.D. D. ) & Optimum moisture
co ntent (O. M.C.)
ii) Soil classification as per IS: 1498.
iii) Determination of laborato ry C.B.R. Va lu e at Subgrade level under 4 days
soaked co nditions.
iv) Total No. of samples co llected from site for the laboratory investigations
are 9.


Flexible pavement is to be des igned in acco rdance with IRC: 37-2018/IRC:
SP: 72 - 2015. We have select the flexible pavement consisting of
bituminous concrete , Stress Absorbi ng Membrane (SAM I) lnterl ayer
Bitumen Impreg nated Geotextile Layer, ce ment treated base (CTB) ,
cement treated sub-base (CTSB) and subgrade is proposed for th e road
portion of the projected road.

4.0 Evaluation of Subgrade:

In order to have an objective appraisal of the Subgrade condition; Grain size

analysis, Atterberg limits, Natural Moisture content, Field dry density, field moisture
content, Soil classifications, MDD/OMC, Pavement composition details & CBR tests
were carried out as per IS 2720 ( Diff. parts ) at the subgrade level. The same are
tabulated in table at the end of the report.

4.1 Material Characteristics of the Embankment/ Subgrade soil

Based on the Grain size analysis and the atterberg limits the soil classification
is SM the laboratory CBR values fo r 96 hours under soaked conditio n at 9 locati ons
for the existing portion of the road .

5.0 Computation of Design traffic

On th e basis of th e census carried by us, and as per IRC: 72- 2015, the maximum
traffic inte nsity for the section under consideration has been taken as per para 3.4 as
per IRC: 72-2015, the traffic load in terms of ESAL have been worked out as per
para 3.4.3. The CUMULATIVE ESAL APPLICATIONS have been worked out For
Section KM: 9.000 to 14.765 (162931 1 ESAL) &
KM : 14.765 to 18.000 (7434282 ESAL)
mentioned in computation of Design traffic sheet:

As per recommendations 5.1 .3 & page No.-22 (Fig.4) of IRC: SP: 72- 2015
Design CBR = 8
Traffic load = 1629311 ESAL &
(1.63 & 7.43 MSA)
Traffic Category = T9 & > T 9

6.0 Pavement design:

The input parameters considered for design of flexible pavement are presented
in the following sections:-

6.1 Design Traffic

We have been conduct traffic survey on Proposed road and the design traffic
works out to 1.63 MSA & 7.43 msa.

6.2 Design CBR for Subgrade

As per soi l test report data conducted in the laboratory, effective subgrade CBR
of 8% is considered for pavement design. Soil test report also attached.

6.3 Specifications and Input parameters considered as per IRC: 37-2018

Table 1-1: Input Parameter considered in Flexible Pavement with CTB & CTSB

S.No. Description Value considered Reference

1 Wheel Configuration Dual Wheel Table 3.1 of

2 Spacing Between the wh eels (mm) 310 Annex I of
IRC :37:2018
3 Load of Single Wheel (kN) 20 Table 3. 1 of
IRC :37-2018
4 Tire Pressure (MPa) 0.56 for bituminous & Table 3.1 of
subgrade, 0.80 for CTB IRC :37-2018
stress & strain calcu lation
5 Bituminous Layer E-Value (MPa) 3000MPa - VG-30 Table 11.1of
(BC & DBM layer) (For Annual Pavement IRC:37-2018
Temperature 25 C) °
6 Cement Treated Subbase (MPa) 600

7 Cement treated Base (MPa) 5000 Table 11 .1 of

IRC: 37-2018
8 S ubgrade Layer E-Value (MPa) Eq . 6. 1 & 6.2 IRC:37-2018

9 Poisson's Ratio Bituminous Layer: 0.35

CTSB: 0.25
CTB: 0.25
Sub-grade: 0.35
/ -.

The flexible pavement with Cement Treated Bases & Subbase is designed for
different performance criteria as described in IRC: 37-2018. These criteria are briefly
described below.

Computed Strains at critical locations from IITPAVE software

Tensil\." s1rnin lt\!nr surface

B i11uninons lny~rbl
T ~H'!!- i l e c,rmin.l~ lress ol rhe
b o11om of CTB I
~ , ! Cimnulnr Cr:tck Relief Lay~r



' I
, I

I i

Fl l! ut·~ ~.2 A pan111~nt s r<'llon wit h !JIIuulluou o lnyn(~). grn n nln r na r J; n •lh•f l nyt't', C'TI3.
and C'TSD 'ltowi ng lilt' lorn tlom or <Tillrn l , ,,.,,11"

The Strain at the following 4 critical locations are computed from II TPAVE software

with th e various materials properties given above like resilient modulus, Poisson's

ratio , layer thi ckness etc.

At the bottom of BT layer - Centre of wheel assembly

At the bottom of BT layer - Centre of wheel

At the bottom of C BT layer - Centre of wheel

At the top of subgrade - Centre of wheel assembly

For Traffic Category 1.56 MSA (Section KM: 9.000 to 14.765)
Subgrade Rutting Criteria

The rutting life of the pavement composition is calcu lated by using the following with
the obtained vertical compressive strains at on top of subgrade through IITPAVE.

NR = 4.1656 X o-08 [1 /Ev] 4 .5337

1 (Ref: Eq. 3.1 of IRC:37-2018)

NR = Number of cumulative standard axles, and

Ev= Vertical compress ive strain at the top of subgrade

For design of 1.63 msa; 80% reliability of IRC:37-2018 is used for rutting analysis:

1.0 x 106 = (4.1656x1Q- 08 ) [1/ Ev] 4.5337

Ev = 1004.37x 1 o-6 (Allowable/Maximum Vertical Compressive Strain)

Fatigue Cracking Criteria for Bituminous Layer

The equivalent number of standard axles (80 KN) load repetitions that can be served
by the pavement before the critical cond ition of the cracked surface area of 20 % or
more occurs, is given by the following equation

Nr = 1.6064 *C*1 o-04 X [1/EtJ3" 89 * [1/M Rm]0 ·854 (Ref: Eq. 3.3 of IRC:37-2018)

C = 1OM and M = ((VbeNa+Vbe)- 0.69)
Va =per cent volume of air void in the mix used in the bottom bituminous layer
Vbe = per cent volume of effective bitumen in the mix used in the bottom bituminous
Nr = fatigu e life in number of standard axles,

Et =maximum ten sile strain at the bottom of the bituminous layer

MRm =resilient modulus of the bituminous layer

For design traffic of 1.63 msa; 80 per cent reliability equation of IRC:37-2018 and
resilient modulus of VG-30 grade bitumen at 25°C is 3000 MPa is used for the
fatigue analysis:

Et = 475.07 x 1 6 o-
Fatigue Performance Model for Cement Treated Base (CTB)

Pavement analysis shall be carried out using IITPAVE with a contact stress of 0.8
MPa on the pavement surface to determine the tensile strain (£t) value at the bottom
of the CTB layer. The number of standard axle loads derived from equation 3.5 by
substituting the computed tensile strain value along with other inputs shall not be
less that the design traffic.

N =RF [ (113000/E0·804 + 191) I 8 t J1 2 Eq 3. 5 of IRC:37-2018

RF = reliability factor for ce mentitious materials for failure against fatigue = 1 fo r
Expressways, Nation al Highways, State Highways and Urban Roads and for other
categories of road s if the design traffic is more than 10 msa =2 fo r all other cases
N =number of standard axle load repetitions which the CTB can sustain
E =elastic modulus of CTB material (MPa)
8t = tensile strain at the bottom of the CTB layer (micro-strain).

8t = 100.03x 1o-6

Cumulative Fatigue Damage Analysis

The CTB layer is subjected to cumulative fatigue damage by the application of axle
loads of different categories and different magnitudes applied over the design life
period. The fatig ue life Nfi of th e CTB material when subjected to a specific number
of applications (ni of axle load of class 'i' during the design period, is given by
equation 3.6. Details of different types of axles, axle load spectrum, repetitions of
each load group expected during the design life period, is obtained from the analysis
of th e axle load survey data.
For th e purpose of analysis, as directed in IRC: 37-20 18, each ta ndem axle
repetition is considered as two repetitions of a single axle carrying 50 % of the
tandem axle weight as axles separated by a distance of 1.30m or more do not have
a significa nt overlapping of stresses. Similarly, one application of a trid em axle is
considered as three single axles, each weigh ing one third the weight of the tridem

For analyzing the pavement for cumulative fatigue damage of the CTB layer, contact
stress is taken as 0.80 MPa instead of 0.56 MPa.

nJ/~ , . :
''" ."' ' '" ..................... ...... ... Eq 3.6 of IRC:37-2018
II. . L•

N1,-- Fati gue life of CTB material which is the maximum repetitions of axle load class
T the CTB m aterial can sustain
a, = tensile stress at the bott om of CTB layer for the given axle load class

M,1,.11 -- 28-day flexural strength of the cementitious base

cr, J
= Stress Ratio

The Cumulative Fatigue Damage (CFD) caused by different repetitions of axle loads
of different categories and different magnitudes expected is applied on the pavement
during its design period is estimated using equation
CFD = E (ni /Nfi) ..................... .. .. ........ .. .. Eq 3.7 of IRC:37-2018

ni = expected (during the design life period) repetitions of axle load of class 'i' Nfi =
fatigue life or maximum number of load repetitions the CTB layer would sustain if
only axle load of class 'i' were to be applied

If the estimated CFD is less than 1.0, the design is cons idered as acceptable. If the
va lue of CFD is more than 1.0, the pavement section is revised and did the analysis
to keep CFD value less than 1.0.

7.0 Design of New Flexible Pavement with CTB & CTSB

As explained above, the new fle xible pavement with CTB & CTSB composition is
calculated for the recommended design traffic of 1.63 msa with VG-30 grade
bitumen. The following pavement composition is used for calculations.

The following thickness of different component courses assume for
Pavement Design.
i) Surface course= 40 mm thick bituminous Concrete (B.C.)
ii) Stress Absorbing Membrane lnterlayer (SAM I)/Bitumen
Impregnated Geotextile Layer
iii) Cement treated Base course = 150 mm thick (CTB)
iv) Existing Crust Thickness = 175 mm thick (WMM)

'TOTAL = 365 MM

Allowable: -

1. Allowab le Horizontal Tensile strain in bituminous layer is 475.07 X 1o-6

2. Allowable vertica l compressive strain on subgrade is 1004.37 X1 o-6
3. Allowable Tensile strain at the bottom of the CTB layer is (Micro strain)
100 .03x10-6

From IITPAVE software computed strains are:-

1. Horizontal Tensile strain in bituminous layer is 65.02 X 1o-6
2. Vertical compressive strain on sub grade is 318.10 X 10-6
3. Tensile strain at the bottom of the CTB layer is (M icro strain) 98.24 x 10-e

The computed strains are less than the allowable strains, Hence the
pavement composition is safe, Hence O.K.
7.0 Recommendations:

i) Surface course= 40 mm thick bituminous Concrete (B.C.)

ii) Stress Absorbing Membrane lnterlayer (SAM I)/Bitumen
Impregnated Geotextile Layer
iii) Cement treated Base course =150 mm thick (CTB)
iv) Wet Mix Macadam = 75 mm Thi ck (WMM)
v) Granular Sub Base = 150 mm Thick (GSB)

I TOTAL = 415 MM
For Traffic Category 7.50 MSA (Section KM: 14.765
to 18.000)

Subgrade Rutting Criteria

The rutting life of the pavement composition is calculated by using the following with
the obtained vertical compressive strains at on top of subg rade through IITPAVE.

NR = 1.41 X 1o -08 [1 /£v] 4.5337 (Ref: Eq. 3.2 of IRC :37-2018)

NR= Number of cumulative standard axles, and

£v= Vertical compressive strain at the top of subgrade

For design of 7.43 msa; 90% reliability of IRC:37-2018 is used for rutting analysis :

1.0 X 1Q6 = (1.41 X 1Q-08 ) [1/ £v] 4.5337

£v = 567.00 x 10·6 (Allowable/Maximum Vertical Compressive Strain)

Fatigue Cracking Criteria for Bituminous Layer

The equivalent number of standard axles (80 KN) load repetitions that can be served
by the pavement before the critical condition of the cracked surface area of 20 % or
more occu rs, is given by the following equation

Nr = 0.5161 *C*1 Q· 04 X [1/EtJ3" 89 * [1/MRm)0·854 (Ref: Eq . 3.4 of IRC:37-2018)

C = 10M and M = ((VbeNa+Vbe)- 0.69)
Va =per cent volume of air void in the mix used in the bottom bituminous layer
Vbe = per cent volume of effective bitumen in the mix used in the bottom bituminous
Nt = fatigue life in number of standard axles,
£, = maximum tensile strain at the bottom of the bituminous layer
MRm = resilient modulus of the bituminous layer

For design traffic of 7.43 msa; 90 per cent reliability equation of IRC:37-2018 and
resilient modulus of VG-30 grade bitumen at 25°C is 3000 MPa is used forth ~ "\"1'·'"''"·0 " ,
fatigue analysis: ~-~;r----<~{\
i--,r g~- . v·~,:.~ \
10 \?s.\ -~' J/ ~-
\11 :
•1 0 ·•

'"k ',
.. -......._
,1·) ••/

Et = 290.79 X 10-6
Fatigue Performance Model for Cement Treated Base (CTB)

Pavement analysis shall be carried out using IITPAVE with a contact stress of 0.8
MPa on the pavement surface to determine th e tensile stra in (£t) va lue at the bottom
of the CTB layer. The number of standard axle loads derived from equation 3.5 by
substituting the computed tensile strain value along with other inputs shall not be
less that the design traffic.

N =RF [ (113000/E0 ·804 + 191) I Et ]1 2 ... ... . Eq 3.5 of IRC:37-2018

RF = reliability factor for cementitious materials for failure aga inst fatigue = 1 for
Expressways, National Highways, State Highways and Urban Roads and for other
categories of roads if the design traffic is more than 10 msa =2 for all other cases
N =number of standard axle load repetitions which the CTB can sustain
E = elastic modulus of CTB material (MPa)
Et = tensile strain at the bottom of the CTB layer (micro-strain) .

Et =88. 13 x 1 o-6
Cumulative Fatigue Damage Analysis

The CTB layer is subjected to cumulative fatigue damage by the application of axle
loads of different categories and different magnitudes applied over the design life
period . The fatigue life Nfi of the CTB ma terial when subjected to a specific number
of applications (ni of axle load of class 'i' during th e design period, is given by
equation 3.6. Details of different types of axles, axle load spectrum, repetitions of
each load group expected during the design life period , is obtained from the analysis
of the axle load survey data.
For th e purpose of analysis, as directed in IRC: 37-2018, each tandem axle
repetition is considered as two repetitions of a single axle carrying 50 % of the
tandem axle we ight as axles separated by a distance of 1.30m or more do not have
a significant overlapping of stresses. Similarly, one application of a tridem axle is
For analyzing the pavement for cumulative fatigue damage of the CTB layer, contact
stress is taken as 0.80 MPa instead of 0.56 MPa.

l' iJ't .!
, ' 'M 1

l og,liN1, ) , ····" •••.••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••

11 1 92
EQ 3.6 of IRC: 37-2018


:'.'1, = Fatigue life of CTB materi al which is the maxim um repetitions of axle load class
j ' the CTB materia l can susta in

G: = tensile stress at the bottom of CTB layer for the give n axle load class
M,1,.,,= 28-day fl exural strength of the cementitious base

lir 1 = Stress Ra tio


The Cumu lative Fatigue Damage (CFD) caused by different repetitions of axle loads
of different categories and different mag nitudes expected is applied on the pavement
during its design period is estimated using equation
CFD =£ (ni/Nfi) ....... ............. ...... ...... .... Eq 3.7 of IRC:37-2018

ni = expected (during the design life period) repetitions of axle load of class 'i ' Nfi =
fatigue life or maximum number of load repetitions the CTB layer would sustain if
only axle load of class 'i' were to be applied

If the estimated CFD is less than 1.0 , the design is considered as acceptable. If the
value of CFD is more than 1.0, the pavement section is revised and did the analysis
to keep CFD value less than 1.0.

8.0 Design of New Flexible Pavement with CTB & CTSB
As explained above, the new flexible pavement with CTB & CTSB composition is
calculated for the recommended design traffic of 7.43 msa with VG-30 grade
bitumen . The following pavement composition is used fo r ca lculations.

The following thickness of different component courses assume for

Pavement Design.
v) Surface course= 30 mm thick bituminous Concrete ( B.C.)
vi) Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam =50 mm thick (DBM)
vii) Stress Absorbing Membrane lnterlayer (SAMI)/Bitumen
Impregnated Geotextile Layer
viii) Cement treated Base course =150 mm thick (CTB)
ix) Cement Treated Sub Base Course= 120mm Thick (CTSB)

I TOTAL ___=__3_s_o_M____________~

Allowable: -

4. Al lowable Horizontal Tensile strain in bituminous layer is 290.79 X 10·6

5. Allowable vertical compressive strain on subgrade is 567.00 X10·6
6. Allowable Tensile strain at the bottom of the CTB layer is(Micro strain)88.13x1 o·6

From IITPAVE software computed strains are:-

4 . Horizontal Tensile strain in bituminous layer is 46.22 X 1o-6

5. Verti ca l compressive strain on sub grade is 257.80 X 10·6
6. Tensile strain at the bottom of the CTB layer is (Micro strain) 81.18 x 1o-s

The computed strains are less than the allowable strains, Hence the
pavement composition is safe, Hence O.K.

9.0) Recommendations: The following design will be adopted:
9.01) Pavement Design for Grade Improvement/Widening & strengthening Portion

vi) Surface course= 30 mm thick bituminous Concrete ( B.C.)

vii) Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam = 50 mm thick (DBM)
viii) Stress Absorbing Membrane lnterlayer (SAMI)/Bitumen
Impreg nated Geotextile Layer
ix) Cement treated Base cou rse= 150 mm thick (CTB)
x) Wet Mix Macadam = 75 mm Thi ck (WMM)
xi) Gra nular Sub Base = 150 mm Thi ck (GSB)

j TOTAL = 455 MM

9.02) Pavement Design for strengthening Portion

i) Surface course= 30 mm thick bituminous Concrete ( B.C.)

ii) Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam = 50 mm thick (DBM)
iii) Stress Absorbing Membrane lnterlayer (SAMI)/Bitumen
Impregnated Geotextile Layer
iv) Cement treated Base course = 150 mm thick (CTB)

j TOTAL = 230 MM

No. of layers 4
E values (MPa) 3000.00 5eee.00 450.00 66 . 60
Mu values 0.350.250.350 . 35
thicknesses (mm) 80.00 150.00 225.00
single wheel load (N) 20000.00
tyre pressure (MPa) 0 . 80
Dual Wheel
Z R SigmaZ SigmaT SigmaR TaoRZ DispZ epZ epT epR
80.00 0.00-0.5730E+00-0 . 3405E +00 -0.3256E+00-0 . 3258E-01 0.3048E+00-0 . 1133E-03-0.8672E-05-0 . 1953E-05
80.00L 0.00-0.5730E+00-0.2398E+00 - 0.2129E+00-0.3258E-01 0.3048E+00 - 0 . 9196E-04-0.8673E-05-0.1947E-05
80 . 00 155.00-0.6529E-01-0 . 1771 E+00-0 . 2330E+00-0.2120E+00 0.3052E+00 0.2608E - 04- 0.2423E-04-0.4939E-04
80.00l 155.00- 0.6529E-01-0.2169E+00-0.3175E+00-0.2120E+00 0.305 2E+00 0.1366E-04-0.2423E-04 -0.4939E-04
230.00 0.00-0.5723E-01 0.4731E+00 0.3765E+00 -0.1426E - 01 0.2960E+00 - 0.5393E-04 0.7865E-04 0.545 2E -04
230.00L 0.00-0.5723E-01 0.1930E-01 0.1126E-01-0.1426E-01 0.2960E+00-0.1509E-03 .7865E-04 0 . 5452E-04
230.00 155.00-0.5301E-01 0.4694E+00 0 .3070E+00 - 0.3484E-01 0.3020E+00-0.4942E - 04 0 . 8118E-04 0.4058E-04
230.00l 155.00-0.5301E-01 0.2037E-01 0.6835E - 02 - 0.3484E - 01 0.3020E+00 - 0.1390E - 03 0 . 8118E-0 @5SE-04 \
455.00 0 . 00-0.1597E-01 0.5518E-01 0.4882E-01-0.2295E-02 0.2702E+00-0.1164E-03 0.9706E-04 0 . 7801E - 04
455.00 l 0.00-0 . 1597E-01 0 .8415E - 03-0.9874E-04-0.2295E-02 0.2702E+00-0.2436E-03 0.9706E-04 0.7800E-04
455.00 155 .00-0.1687E-01 0 . 5860E-01 0.5389E-01-0.3264E - 02 0 . 2754E+00-0.1250E - 03 0.1014E - 03 0.8731E-04
455.00 l 155 . 00-0.1687E - 01 0.9329E-03 0.2373E-03 - 0.3267E - 02 0 . 2754E+00-0 . 2594E - 03 0.1014E - 03 0.8731E-04

No. of l ayers 4
E values (1'\Pa) 3000.00 50BB.BB 450.00 66.60
Nu values 0 .350.250.350 . 35
thicknesses (mm) 150.00 225.00
single wheel load (N) 2BBBB.BB
tyre pressure (MPa) 0.56
Dual Wheel
z R Sigmaz SigmaT SigmaR TaoRZ
8B.BB B.00-0 .4362E+BB-B.3B36E+BB-B.2897E+BB- B.3264E-01
80.00L B.B0-B.4362E+BB - B.2471E+BB - B. 2221E+BB-B.3264E - 01
80.00 155.BB- B.935BE-Bl-B.l866E+BB- B.2367E+B0-B.22B6E+BB
80.00L 155.00-0.935BE - Bl - B.2191E+BB-B.3B93E+BB-B.22B6E+00 0 . 3049E+0B B.7717E - 05 -~ ~- n u ntt r- ~u I
230.00 0 .00-B.5497E - Bl B.4538E+BB B.36B4E+0B -B.1417E-Bl B.2951E+BB-B.5171E- B4 B.75SBE - B4 B.5214E-04
23B.BBL B.BB -B.5497E -Bl B.1847E - Bl B.1B69E-Bl-0 .1417E-Bl B.2951E+BB-B.l448E-B3 0 . 7550E-04 B.5214E-B4
230.00 155.B0-0.5279E-Bl B.46B4E+BB B.3136E+BB-0 .3342E-01 B.3Bl 4E+BB-B.4926E-B4 0 . 7903E - B4 B.4234E-04
23B.BBL 155.00-0.5279E-Bl B.1971E-Bl B. 7476E-B2-B.3342E-Bl B.3Bl 4E+BB-B. 1384E- 0 . 7903E - B4 B.4234E-B4
455.08 0.0B-0.1588E-Bl B.546BE-Bl 0 .4859E-01-B.2275E - B2 B.2697E+B0-B. 1155E - 03 B. 9590E-04 B. 7785E-B4
455.BBL B.BB-B.l588E -Bl B.7969E-B3-B . 9353E-B4-B.227SE-02 B. 2697E+BB\ B.2421E-B3 B.9590E - B4 B.7785E-B4
455.00 15S.BB-B.1678E - Bl B.58B7E-01 B. 5353E-Bl-B.3212E-02 B.275BE+BB r B.1241E-B3 B.1BB5E - B3 B.8683E-B4
455.B0L 1SS.BB-B.1678E - Bl 0.8969E-B3 0.2242E-B3-B .32B9E-02 B.275BE+BB t B. 2578E-B3 B.10BSE-B3 B.8683E -B4


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No. of layers 4
E values (MPa) 3000.00 5088.00 4 50.00 66.60
Mu values 0.358.250.350.3 5
thicknesses (mm) 40.00 150.00 225.88
single wheel load (N) 28888.88
tyre pressure (MPa) 8 . 88
Dual Wheel
Z R SigmaZ SigmaT SigmaR TaoRZ DispZ epZ epT epR
40 . 00 0.00- 0.7345E+88 - 0 . 6161E+00 -0.5756E+00-8.2193E-01 0.3411E+88 - 8.1858E-03 - 8.5251E - 04 -8.3431E-04
40.88L 8.00 - 0.7345E+00-0.5706 E+08 -0.4978E+88-0.2193E - 01 0 . 3411E+80- 0.9348E-84- 8.5251E-84-8.3431E-84
48.80 155 . 88-0.1651E -81 - 8 . 3839E+00-8 . 2944E+88- 0.1380E+00 8 . 3394E+08 8.6430E - 84- 0.6502E-84-0 . 6877E - 04
40.80L 155.08-0.1651E-81 -8.4333 E+88 - 8.4163E+00 - 0 . 1388E+88 8.3394E+88 0. 3918E-04- 0.6502E - 04-0.6077E-04
198.88 0.00-0.7778E - 01 8. 5844E+00 8.4633E+88- 0 .1779E - 01 8 . 3383 E+88 - 8.6794E - 84 8.9761E-04 8.6733E-04
190.88L 0.00 - 0 . 7779E-81 8.2825 E-8 1 8. 1816E-01 -8.1779E - 81 8 . 3383E+88 - 0.1965E - 83 8.9761E-04 8.6733 E-04
198.00 155.88-8.6728E-01 0.5529E+80 0. 3142E+88-8.4714E - 01 8 . 3375 E+88 - 8.5688E-84 8.9824E -84 0.3855E-84
198.88L 155 . 08 - 8.6728E-01 8. 2111E - 8 1 8 .1216E - 82 - 8 . 4714E - 01 0 . 3375 E+88 - 8.1667E-83 8.9824E -84 0 . 3855E-04
415.88 8 . 88-8.1946E-01 0.6799E-81 8.5941E - 81-8 . 296SE-02 8 . 2982E+88 - 8.1423E -83 0.1288E -83 0.9428E -84
415 . 88L 8 . 88 - 8.1946E-01 0. 1135E-82-8.134SE - 83-8 . 2965E-82 8 . 2982E+00- 8.2974E- 83 8.1200E -83 8.9428E-84
415.88 155.00 - 8.2064E-01 8.7255E - 01 8.6567E - 81 - 8.4388E - 02 8 . 3851E+88- 0.1534E-83 8.1262E-03 8 . 1856E-03
415.08l 155.80 - 8 . 2866 E-01 0 . 1268E-82 8 . 24 24E - 03 - 8 . 4386E-02 8.3051E+00- 8.3181 E-03 0 . 1262E - 83 8.1056E-83

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No. of layers 4
E values (MPa) 3000.00 s000.00 450.00 66.60
Mu values 0.350.2 50 .350.35
thicknesses (mm) 40.00 150.00 225.00
single wheel load (N) 20000 . 00
tyre pressure (MPa) 0 .80
Dual Wheel
Z R SigmaZ SigmaT SigmaR TaoRZ DispZ epZ e~ eg~
R ____
40.08 0.00-0.7345E+BB-0.6161E+00-0.5756E+00-0.2193E-01 0.3411E+00-0.1858E-03 - 0.5251E - 04-0.3431E - 04
48.00L 0.00-0.7345E+00-0.5706E+00-0.4978E+00-0. 2193E - 01 0 . 3411E+00-0 . 9348E - 04 0.5251E - 04 -0. 3431E - 04
40 . 00 155 . 00 - 0 .1651E-01-0.3039 E+00-0.2944E+00-0 . 1380E+00 0.3394E+00 0.6430E-04 0.6502 E-04-0.6077E-04
40 . 00L 155.00-0.1651E-01 - 0.4333E+00-0.4163E+00-0.1380E+00 0.3394E+00 0.3918 E- 04 0.6502E- - .6077E-04
190.00 0.00-0.7778E- 01 0 . 5844 E+80 0 . 4633E+00-0 .1779E-01 0.3303E+00-0.6794E-04 0.9761E-04 0.6733E-04
190.00L 0.00 - 0.7779E-01 0.2025E-01 0.1016E - 01 - 0.1779E - 01 0.3303E+00- 0.1965E - 03 0.9761E- 04 0.6733E - 04
190.00 155 .00 - 0.6720E - 01 0 .5529E+00 0.3142E+00 -0 .4714E-01 0.3375E+00-0 .5680E-04 0.9824E-04 0.3855E - 04
190.00L 155.00- 0.6720E-01 0.2111E-01 0.1216E-02-0.4714E-01 0.3375E+00-0.1667E-03 0.9824E-04 0.3855E-04
41 5 .00 0.00-0.1946E-81 0.6799E-01 0.5941E-01 -0 . 2965E-02 0 . 2982E+00C0 .1423E-83 8.1208E-03 0.9428E -84
415.00L 8.00 - 0.1946E-01 0.1135E-02-8.1345 E-83-8.29 65 E-02 0 . 2982E+00\ 0 .2974E-83 8.1280E-03 0.9428E-84
415 .00 155.00-0.2064E-01 0 .7255E-01 0.6567E-81-0.4388E-02 0 . 3051E+00 0 .1534E - 03 0.1262E-03 0 .1056E - 03
415 .88L 155.08-0.2066E-01 0.1260E-02 0.2424E-03-0 . 4386E-02 0 .3051E+00 0.3181E - 03 .1262E - 03 0.1056E - 03

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NI<M Research & 1Develop1~t
Facil ity Available: Civil Engineering Mate rial Testing, Geo-Tech Investigation, Plate Load, NOT,
Benkelman Beam, Roughn ess test, Concrete & Bitumen Mix Design, Topographical survey, Qua lity
control & Preparation of D.P.R for Highway, Bridges & Building projects.
Rcgd. Office cum Laboratory: Bitna Road Pinjore, M .C. Panchkula, Zone Pinjore - 134102 (Haryana),
Mob. No. : 9354442116, email:,


Name of work: Detailed Project Report for Upgradation of Panjawar- Bathri Road from km-
9/000 to km-18/000 (T-14) Under PMGSY-3 (Batch-If) (Package No. HP-12-199) [Section: KM.
14/765 to Km. 18/000]

Desig n CBR -value of existing Sub garde 8.00 %

Adopt a 28 days compressive strength 30.0 Mpa
Flexural strength of Concrete/Modulus of ruputre of concrete 4.22 Mpa
Effective (subgrad e) k 49.0 MPa/m
Modulus of Elasticity, E 30000 Mpa
Poisson's ratio 0.15
Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete 10 X 10-6 per°C
Tyre pressure 0.8 MPa
Rate of traffic increase 0.06
Spacing of contraction joints 2.5 m

Present traffic = 155 CVPD
Design Life = 20 years
= 0.06
365 X A [ ( 1 + r)" - 1 ]
Cumulative num ber of axles during t he design period c = -------------------·-·-·-·-·-···-·-·-------·-·-
c = Cumulative number of axles during the design period.
A = Initial number of axles per day in the year when the road Is operational.
r = Annual growth rate of commercial vehicles = 6%
n = Design life in yea rs = 20 years
For traffic Greater than 150 CVPD, t he total w heel load stress and th e cumulative fatigue damage should be
less than 1.0, as per para 4.5 of IRC:SP:62-2014. The detailed ca lculati ons are attached herewith.

Recomm endations as per IRC-SP:62-2014

Pavement th ickness: -
1) Thickness of Panel Concrete Pavement = 210 MM
2) Crnement Treated Base (CTB) = 160MM


Name of work: Detailed Project Report for Upgradation of Panjawar- Bathri Road from km-9/000 to km-18/000 (T-14) Under PMGSY-3
(Batch-11) (Package No. HP-12-199) [Section: KM. 14/765 to Km. 18/000]
Case 1 Only wheel load stress : Case 2 Temperature and wheel load stresses without fatigue: Case 3 fatigue analysis
considering load and temperature

Case 1: design traffic is <SOcvpd Case 2: traffic is in between SO to 150 cvpd Case 3 traffic is >150 cvpd

Trial Thickness= 210mm

Enter the Data

Case 1/2/3 3 Tyre (1- single/2- dual) 2 Transverse joint spacing,m 2.5
Temperature Zone (1 to 6) 1 Spacing of wheels Sd (mm) 310 Ratio of L/1 NO NEED TO CALC TEMP STRESS
Modulus of the subgrade reaction, k Mpa/m 49 wheel load, P kN so Co-efficient of thermal expansion 0.00001
Ela stic modulus of concrete E, Mpa 30000 Tyre pressure, q MPa 0.8 Correction factor C
Poisson Ratio of the concrete, 1.1 0.15 Radius of contact, a (mm) 180.5648 Design life of pavement, yr s 20
Temperature differntial, liT oC 13.1 Tr ial t hickness, h m 0.21 Rate of in crease of traffic 0.06
Modu lus of rup ture of concrete, fer 4.22 No. of commercial vehicels per day 155 Truck with SOkN Wheel load,% 10 -


Case 1 Case 2
Radius of relative stiffness, I m 833.8179914 temparature stress at edge, Mpa
Stress developed, a, Mpa Wheel load Stresses at edge, Mpa
Design is Total stresses, o, Mpa
__Design is -

Name of work: Detailed Project Report for Upgradation of Panjawar - Bathri Road from km-9/000 to km-18/000 (T-14) Under PMGSY-3
(Batch-11) (Package No_ HP-12-199) [Section: KM. 14/765 to Km. 18/000]


Case 3
Design No.of vehicles for fatigue analysis 208114.4822
Stresses due to wheelload,a, Mpa 2.520050746
Ratio of L/1 2.998256245
Correction fa ctor C 0.216654873
stresses due to temparature,o, Mpa 0.285236974
negative stress due to nonlinear temparat urc diffrential,o, Mpa 0.335038363
1otal stress for Fatigue calculation,o, Mpa 2.470249357
stress ratio 0.585367146
Allowable repelititons 1925947.572
Design is Sa fe
Cummulative fatigue damage 0.108058228

Note: The cummulative Fatigue Damage is less than 1.0, hence the design is safe


Name of work: Detailed Project Report for Upgradation of Panjawar- Bathri Road from km-9/000 to km-18/000 (T-14) Under PMGSY-3
(Batch-11) {Package No. HP-12-199) [Section: KM. 14/765 to Km. 18/000]
Case 1 Only wheel load stress : Case 2 Temperature and wheel load stresses without fatigue: Case 3 fatigue analysis
considering load and temperature

Case 1: design traffic is <50cvpd Case 2 :traffic is in between 50 to 150 cvpd Case 3 traffic is >150 cvpd

Trial Thickness = 200mm

Enter the Data

Case 1 /2/3 3 Tyre (1- single/2 - dual) 2 Transverse joint spacing,m 2.5
Temperat ur e Zone (1 to 6) 1 Spacing of wheels Sd (mm) 310 Ratio of L/1 NO NEED TO CALC TEMP STRESS
Modulus of the subgrade reaction, k M pa/m 49 wheel load, P kN 50 Co-efficient of thermal expansion 0.00001
Elastic modulus of concret e E, M pa 30000 Tyre pressu re, q MPa 0.8 Correctio n fa ctor C
Poisson Ratio of the concrete, ~ 0.15 Radius of contact, a (mm) 180.5648 Design life of pavement, yrs 20
Temperatu re differntial, liT oC 13.1 Trial thickness, h m 0.2 Rate of incr ease of traffic 0.06
Modulus of ruptu re of concret e, fer 4.22 ~-~commercia l vehicels per day 155 Truck w ith 50kN Wheel load,% 10
- -


Case 1 Case 2
Radi us of relative stiffness, I m 803.8579059 temparature stress at edge, Mpa

Stress developed, a, Mpa Wheel load Stresses at edge, Mpa


Design is Total str esses, a, M pa

Design is ---· -

Name of work: Detailed Project Report for Upgradation of Panjawar- Bathri Road from km-9/000 to km-18/000 (T-14) Under PMGSY-3
(Batch-11) (Package No. HP-12-199) [Section : KM . 14/765 to Km. 18/000]


Case 3
Desien No.of vehicles for fatigue analysis 208114.4822
Stresses due to wheelload,o, Mpa 2.719945093
Ratio of L/1 3.110002379
Correction factor C 0.239324995
stresses due to temparature,o, Mpa 0.315083322
nega tive stress due to nonlinear temparature diffrentia l,o, Mpa 0.335038363
Total stress for Fatigue calculation,o, Mpa 2.699990052
stress ratio 0.639808069
Allowable repetititons 143799.6294
Design is Unsafe
Cummulative fatigue damage 1.447253259

Note: The cummulative Fatigue Damage is More than 1.0, hence the design is unsafe

-: NI(M Research & IDevelop1n~
J D Faci lity Available: Civil Engineerin g Material Testing, Geo-Tech Investigation, Plate Load, NOT, .
Benkelman Beam, Roughness test, Concrete & Bitumen Mix Design, Topographical survey, Quality
control & Preparat ion of D.P.R for Highway, Bridges & Building projects.
Regd. Office cum Laboratory: Bitna Road Pinjore, M.C. Panchkula, Zone Pinjore -134102 (Haryana),
Mob. No. : 9354442116, email:,

Ref. No. ~~S>\''-\~ss-~\:m~"L~ Date: .l'sL} 6l/ <.o.21

Name of work: Detailed Project Report for Upgradation of Panjawar - Bathri Road from km-
9/000 to km-18/000 (T-14) Under PMGSY-3 (Batch-11) (Package No. HP-12-199) [Section: KM.
9/000to Km. 14/765]

Design CBR -value of existing Sub garde 8.00%

Adopt a 28 days compressive strength 30.0 Mpa
Flexural strength of Concrete/Modulus of ruputre of concrete 4.22 Mpa
Effective (subgrade) k 49.0 MPa/m
Modulus of Elasticity, E 30000 Mpa
Poisson's ratio 0.15
Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete
10 X 10-G per°C
Tyre pressure 0.8 MPa
Rate of traffic increase 0.06
Spacing of contraction joints 2.5 m

Desig n:
Present traffic = 153 CVPD
Design Life = 20 years
= 0.06
365 x A [ ( 1 + r) n - 1]
Cumulative num ber of axles during the design period c = - ---------·---------------·-----------········

C = Cumulative number of axles during the design period.
A = Initial number of axles per day in the year when the road is operational.
r = Annual growth rate of commercial vehicles = 6%
n = Design life in years = 20 years

For traffic Greater than 150 CVPD, the total wheel load stress an d t he cumulative fatig ue damage shcu ld be
less t han 1.0, as per para 4.5 of IRC:SP:62-2014. The detailed ca lculations are attached herewith.

Recommendations as per IRC-S P:62-2014

rch & Development




Name of work: Detailed Project Report for Upgradation of Panjawar- Bathri Road from km-9/000 to km-18/000 (T-14) Under PMGSY-3 (Batch-
11) (Package No. HP-12-199) [Section : KM . 9/000to Km. 14/765}
Case 1 Only wheel load stress : Case 2 Temperature and wheel load stresses without fatigue: Case 3 fatigue analysis
, considering load and temperature

Case 1: design traffic is <SOcvpd Case 2: traffic is in between 50 to 150 cvpd Case 3 traffic is >150 cvpd

Trial Thickness = 210mm

Enter the Data

Case 1 /2/3 I 3 Tyre (1- single/2 - dual) 2 TransversP joint spacing,m 2.5
Temperature Zone {1 to 6) 1 Spacing of wheels Sd (mm) 310 Ratio of L/1 NO NEED TO CALC TEMP STRESS
Modulus of the subgrade reaction, k Mpt:~/m 49 wheel load, P kN 50 Co-efficient of t hermal expansion 0.00001
Elastic modulus of concrete E, Mpa 30000 Tyre pressure, q M Pa 0.8 1 - -- .C - - - - - - - -
Poisson Ratio of the concrete, ll 0.15 Radius of contact, a (mm) 180.5648 Design life of pavement, yrs 20
Temperature di fferntial, C1T oC 13.1 Trial thickness, h m 0.21 Rate of increase of traffic 0 .06
Modu lus of rupture of concrete, fer 4.22_ No. of commercial vchicels per day 153 Truck with SOkN Wheel ~oad,~ 10


Case 1 Case 2
R<J dius of relative stiffness, I m 833.8179914 t emparatur e stress at edge, Mpa
Stress developed, cr, Mpa I Wheel load Stresses at edge, Mpa
Design is I Total stresses, cr, Mpa
I Desien is

Name of work: Detailed Project Report for Upgradation of Panjawar - Bathri Road from km-9/000 to km-18/000 (T-14) Under PMGSY-3 (Batch-
11} (Package No. HP-12-199) [Section : KM . 9/000to Km. 14/765]


Case 3
Design No. of vehicles for fatigue analysis 205429.1341 i

Stresses due to wheelload,o, Mpa 2.520050746

Ratio of L/1 2.998256245
Correction factor C 0.2 16654873
stresses due to temparature,o, Mpa 0.285236974
negative stress due t o nonlinear temparature diffrential,o, Mpa 0.335038363
Total stress for Fatigue calcu lation,o, M pa 2.470249357
stress ratio 0.585367146
Allowable repetititon s 1925947.572
Design is Safe
Cummulative fatigu~da ma~ __ 0.106663928
-- ---~

Note: The cummulative Fatigue Dam<Jge is less than 1.0, hence the design is safe


Name of work: Detailed Project Report for Upgradation of Panjawar- Bathri Road from km-9/000 to km-18/000 (T-14) Under PMGSY-3 (Batch-
11} (Package No. HP-12-199} [Section: KM. 9/000to Km. 14/765]
Case 1 Only wheel load stress: Case 2 Temperature and wheel load stresses w ithout fatigue: Case 3 fatigue analysis
considering load and temperature

Case 1: design traffic is <SOcvpd Case 2 :traffic is in between 50 to 150 cvpd Case 3 traffic is >150 cvpd

Trial Thickness= ZOOmm

Enter the Data

Case 1/2/3 3 Tyre (1- single/Z- dual) 2 Trilnsverse joint spacing,m 2.5
Temperature Zone (1 to 6) 1 Spacing of wheels Sd (mm) 310 Ratio of L/1 NO NEED TO CALC TEMP STRESS
Modulus of the subgrade react ion, k Mpa/m 49 wheel load, P kN so Co-efficient of thermal expansion 0.00001
.. - -
Elastic modulus of concrete E, Mpa 30000 Tyre pressure, q MPa 0.8 Correction factor C
Poisson Ratio of t he concrete, 11 0.15 Radius of contact, a (mm) 180.5648 Design life of pavement, yrs 20
Temperature differntial, LH oC 13.1 Trial thickness, h m 0.2 Rate of increase of traffic 0 .06
Modulus of rupture of concrete, fer 4.22 No. of commercial vehicels per day 153 Truck with SOkN Wheel load,% 10
--- - ---


Case 1 Case 2
Radius of relative stiffness, I m 803.8579059 temparature stress at edge, Mpa
Stress developed, o, Mpa Wheel load Stresses at edge, Mpa
Design is / ~(,. & ~ Total stresses, o, Mpa
Design is
~~, /6;2 ) \)
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Name of work: Detailed Project Report for Upgradation of Panjawar - Bathri Road from km-9/000 to km-18/000 (T-14} Under PMGSY-3 (Batch-
It) (Package No. HP-12-199) [Section: KM. 9/000to Km. 14/765]


Case 3
Design No.of vehicles for f atigue analysis 205429.1341
Stresses due t o wheelload,o, Mpa 2.719945093
Ratio of L/1 3.110002379
Correction fact or C 0 .239324995
stresses due to temparatu re,o, Mpa 0.315083322
negative stress due to nonlinea r temparature diffrential,o, Mpa 0.335038363
Total st ress for Fatigue c<:~l cu la t ion,o, Mpa 2.699990052
stress ratio 0.639808069
Al lowable re petitit ons 143799.6294
Design is Unsafe
Cummulat ive f atigue damage 1.428579023 '

Note: The cummulative Fatigue Damage is More than 1 .0, hence the design is unsafe

9.5 Embankment Design (Not Applicable)

10. Design of Cross Drainage Works

I 0.1 General
On the basis of hydrological survey 5 new cross drainage structures are recommended for the
project road as listed below.
10.2 Hydrological Design
The existing structures in poor condition that are proposed for replacement as listed below.
Agricultural conduits, which basically act as balancers, have been provided as listed below.
l 0.3 Design Feature
l)esign Standards for culverts have been prepared based on standard codes and guidelines of IRC:
SP: 20: 2002 and similar type of ongoing projects. General features of the designed cross drainage
structures are given below:
1. For hume pipe culvert, minimum road width has been taken as{7.50} m,

I 0.4 Justification for retaining/widening and replacement of culverts

I 0.5 Hydraulic calculation for Culvert
The design discharge have been calculated by the rational method considering peak runoff from
catchment using the formula,
Q = 0.028 X P X A xlc
Where P = Coefficient of Run Off for the catchments characteristics, A = Catchments Area in
Hectares &lc = Rainfall Intensity
11. Small bridge-site length of which exceeds IS m to be jointly visited by STA and S.E.
Design- as per JRC: SP: 20-2002&IRC: SP: 13-2004 and relevant IRC Codes for Bridges.
111. Causeways and submersible bridges - Design has been done as per IRC: SP: 20-2002 and
Table I 0.2 Proposed Culve1ts

Sl.No. Chainagc Type of Culvert Span/dia (m)

1 10125 3.0m Span slab type culvert 3.0m

2 14165 2.0m Span slab type culvert 2.0m

3 16235 3.0m Span slab type culvert 3.0m

4 16700 1.5m Span slab type culvert I.Sm

5 17345 4.0m Span slab type culvert 4.0m

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