10 Quiz 1 Magbanua

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NAME: Magbanua Chester Clark SECTION: DATE: SCORE:

Quiz (1 item x 10 points)

1. A popular supermarket chain routinely asks its customers whether they prefer plastic bags or their bags with their
purchases. A recent survey of customers recorded information on their bag preferences as well as their educational
background. Using the information from the table below, can we conclude at the 0.01 level of significance that there
is a relationship between educational background and type of bag preferred?
Educational Background
Bag preference High school Tertiary Postgraduate
Own bag 20 40 80
Plastic bag 90 20 15
No preference 20 12 12

Step 1: Hypothesize

Ho: Educational Background is independent of age

H1: Educational Background not independent of age

Step 2: Decide on the type of test

The chi-square test of independent is appropriate

Step 3: Decide on the level of significance and determine the critical values and region

(s) Let = 0.01 Here, there are three rows (r = 3) and three columns (c = 3)
The degrees of freedom are (3-1) (3-1) = 4.
The critical value of chi-square for = 0.01 is 13.227

Step 4: Decision
If the chi square value calculated from the data is greater than 13.227, we reject the null
hypothesis and conclude that gender is not independent of age.

Step 5: Select a random sample and do relevant calculations.

(Row 1 total) (Column1 total) (140x130)

E11 = = = 58.90
grand total 309

(Row 1 total) (Column2 total) (140x72)

E1 2 = = 32.6
Grand total = 309

(Row 1 total) (Column3 total) 140x107

E1 3 = = 48.48
Grand total 309

(Row 2 total) (Column1 total) 125x130

Ex 1 = = 52.59
Grand total 309

(Row 2 total) (Column2 total) 125x72

E22 = = 29.13
Grand total 309

(Row 2 total) (Column3 total) 125x107

E23 = = 43.28
Grand total 309

(Row 3 total) (Column1 total) 140x130

E31 = = 18.51
Grand total 309

(Row 3 total) (Column2 total) 44x72

E32 = = 10.25
Grand total 309

(Row 3 total) (Column3 total) 44x107

E32 = = 15.42
Grand total 309
Educational Background

Bag preference High School Tertiary Post Graduate Total

Own bag 20 40 80 140

58.90 32.62 48.48
Plastic bag 90 20 15 125
52.59 29.13 43.28
No preference 20 12 12 44
18.51 10.25 15.24
TOTAL 130 72 107 309

Rubric for grading computation:

Complete solution with the correct answer 5
Theast two major steps of the solution are incorrect 4
Half of the solution is correct 3
The first two major steps of the solution are correct 2
The first major step of the solution is correct 1

Provided theories - pieces of evidence, supporting
Content 3
details, and factual scenarios related to the research
Expressed the outline in a clear and logical
Organization of Ideas 2
arrangement of ideas
Total 5

Black, K. (2016). Business Statistics: For Contemporary Decision Making (9th ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons,

10 Quiz 1 *Property of STI

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