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As the last of the wires are connected, I start to flow. This flow is caused by a force.

chemical reaction in the power supply separates my kind, electrons from the rest of the
atoms. Due to the difference between the positive and negative terminals and my attraction to
the positive terminal. This push is the result of energy applied to me, or otherwise voltage.
The kinetic energy is transformed into electrical energy which I carry through the circuit and
finally into the power supply. I will experience hardships, challenges, and failures through
this journey, but I will never give up and reach the positive terminal!
The line of electrons that are flowing with me is called the current. We are quick in our job.
My first hindrance is the resistor. The atoms in it make me slow down, and therefore the
current is slower as well. My energy is being used to travel across the atoms, stopping and
starting, bouncing off in different directions. Finally, with all my power, I make it across the
Next stop, the Light Bulb!!! It feels like an eternity has passed as I reach it. I start to feel tired
as I pass through as if someone is taking all my energy away. We still manage to stay at our
current pace. The lightbulb then transforms the electrical energy to light and heat which
dissipate into the atmosphere. The energy I was carrying is now gone. Thank God there was
only one light bulb in the circuit. I race as fast as I can to the positive terminal. The pull is
getting me to my destination and then, Whom!
I join my atom as an electron and start to slowly revolve around the nucleus. I feel proud of
my achievement, but this isn’t over yet.

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