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Human Reproduction Vol.22, No.5 pp. 1200–1209, 2007 doi:10.

Advance Access publication January 29, 2007

Metformin versus oral contraceptive pill in polycystic

ovary syndrome: a Cochrane review

Michael F.Costello1,2,3,6, Bhushan Shrestha1, John Eden1, Neil P.Johnson4 and Peter Sjoblom5
Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, School of Women’s and Children’s Health, University of New South Wales, Royal Hospital for
Women, Sydney, NSW, 2031, Australia, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney, NSW, Australia,
IVFAustralia, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 4National Women’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand and 5Fertility Centre Scandinavia, Stockholm Storangsvagen 10, Stockholm, Sweden

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To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, School of Women’s and Children’s Health,
Level 1 Women’s Health Institute, Royal Hospital for Women, Locked Bag 2000, Randwick, Sydney, NSW 2031, Australia. Fax: 61 2
9382 6444; E-mail:

BACKGROUND: The object of this review was to compare metformin versus oral contraceptive pill (OCP) treatment
in polycystic ovary syndrome. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis employing the principles of the
Cochrane Menstrual Disorders and Subfertility Group was undertaken. RESULTS: Four randomized controlled
trials (RCTs) (104 subjects) were included. Limited data demonstrated no evidence of a difference in effect
between metformin and the OCP on hirsutism, acne or development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. There were no
trials assessing diagnosis of cardiovascular disease or endometrial cancer. Metformin, in comparison with the
OCP, was less effective in improving menstrual pattern [Peto odds ratio (OR) 0.08, 95% confidence interval (CI)
0.01–0.45) and in reducing the serum total testosterone level weighted mean difference (WMD) 0.54, 95% CI
0.22–0.86] but more effective in reducing fasting insulin (WMD 23.46, 95% CI25.39 to 21.52) and not increasing
fasting triglyceride (WMD 20.48, 95% CI20.86 to 20.09) levels. Limited data demonstrated no evidence of a differ-
ence in effect between the two therapies on reducing fasting glucose or total cholesterol levels and severe adverse
events. CONCLUSIONS: The limited RCT evidence to date does not show adverse metabolic risk with the use of
the OCP compared with metformin. Further long-term RCTs are required.

Key words: meta-analysis/metformin/oral contraceptive pill/polycystic ovary syndrome

Introduction infertility, hirsutism or acne (Balen and Michelmore, 2002).

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by chronic In addition, women with PCOS are thought to be at increased
anovulation and hyperandrogenism and affects 5 – 10% of risk for endometrial cancer through chronic anovulation with
women of reproductive age (Knochenhauer et al., 1998; consequent unopposed estrogen exposure (i.e. unopposed by
Diamanti-Kandarakis et al., 1999). PCOS is probably the progesterone) of the endometrium (Hardiman et al., 2003).
most prevalent endocrinopathy in women (Homburg, 1996). However, it has recently become clear that PCOS is also
PCOS is a heterogenous condition (clinically and biochemi- linked to a number of metabolic disturbances, including type
cally) in affected women presenting in clinical practice 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and poss-
seeking treatment for reproductive disorders such as menstrual ibly cardiovascular disease (CVD) (Ovalle and Azziz, 2002;
cycle disturbances (oligomenorrhoea, amenorrhoea), Wild 2002).
The primary aetiology of PCOS is unknown (Balen, 2004).
However, insulin resistance with compensatory hyperinsuli-
This paper is based on a Cochrane review to be published in The Cochrane
Library, 24 January 2007 (see for information)
naemia is a prominent feature of the syndrome and appears
with permission from The Cochrane Collaboration and John Wiley & Sons. to have a pathophysiological role in the hyperandrogenism
Cochrane reviews are regularly updated as new evidence emerges and in of the disorder for both lean and obese women with
response to feedback, and The Cochrane Library should be consulted for the PCOS (Dunaif et al., 1989). Hyperinsulinaemia stimulates
most recent version of the review. The results of a Cochrane review can be both ovarian and adrenal androgen secretion directly and
interpreted differently, depending on people’s perspectives and circumstances.
Please consider the conclusions presented carefully. They are the opinions of
suppresses sex hormone-binding globulin synthesis from the
review authors and are not necessarily shared by The Cochrane Collaboration. liver, resulting in an increase in free, biologically active

1200 # The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
Metformin versus OCP in PCOS

androgens. This excess in local ovarian androgen production Materials and methods
augmented by hyperinsulinaemia causes premature follicular The patient population were women with PCOS based on clinical
atresia and anovulation along with the other clinical manifes- (ovulatory dysfunction, hirsutism, acne, androgen-dependent
tations of hyperandrogenism such as hirsutism and acne alopecia), biochemical (hyperandrogenaemia) and/or ultrasound
(Utiger, 1996). (polycystic ovaries) evidence. Note was taken of whether any of the
Oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) have been the traditional participants had diabetes mellitus or were taking any other medi-
medical therapy for the long-term treatment of PCOS in cations which may alter insulin sensitivity. Note was also taken as
order to provide endometrial protection, regularize menses to whether the subjects of the included studies met the new proposed
internationally agreed definition of PCOS (Fauser et al., 2004). The
and to improve hirsutism and/or acne by reducing ovarian
interventions compared were metformin versus OCP in a direct
androgen production. However, recent limited and contradic- head-to-head fashion. Primary outcome measures were the clinical
tory observational evidence has raised the concern that OCPs parameters of hirsutism, acne, diagnosis of T2DM, CVD (stroke or
may reduce insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in PCOS myocardial infarction) event and endometrial cancer event. Secondary
women but there is no evidence that OCPs modify the risk of outcome measures were the clinical parameter of menstrual cyclicity
T2DM or CVD either negatively or positively (Diamanti- (i.e. an initiation of menses or significant shortening of cycles), hor-

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Kandarakis et al., 2003; Vrbikova and Cibula, 2005). monal parameter of serum total testosterone, metabolic parameters
More recently, insulin-sensitizing drugs have been advo- of fasting serum levels of insulin, glucose, total cholesterol and trigly-
cated as another long-term medical treatment option. Given cerides and severe (requiring stopping of medication) adverse events.
the importance of hyperinsulinaemia in the development of All randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing metformin with
hyperandrogenism and anovulation, it seems possible that the OCP were reviewed. Non-RCTs and quasi-randomized trials, in
which the method of allocation to different forms of treatment is not
insulin-sensitizing drugs may be useful in the restoration of
truly random, were excluded. Crossover trials were not included
normal endocrinological and clinical parameters of PCOS by unless phase 1 (i.e. pre-crossover) data were available, in which
lowering insulin secretion (Harborne et al., 2003a). Of case only these data were used for the purpose of the review.
the insulin-sensitizing drugs, metformin has been the one The literature search aimed to locate RCTs in both English and
studied most widely and has the most reassuring safety foreign languages, with no language or other limitations imposed.
profile (Nestler et al., 2002), particularly since the withdrawal We searched the Cochrane Menstrual Disorders and Subfertility
of troglitazone from the US markets in 1999 by the Food and Group’s (MDSG) trials register (September 2005) and the following
Drug Administration (FDA) of USA owing to numerous electronic databases: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
reports of fatal liver toxicity (Baillargeon et al., 2003; [CENTRAL (Ovid), 3rd Quarter 2005], MEDLINE (1966 to
Ehrmann and Rychlik, 2003). Metformin enhances insulin sen- September 2005), CINAHL (1982 to September 2005) and
sitivity in both the liver, where it inhibits hepatic glucose pro- EMBASE (1988 to September 2005). Reference lists of included
studies, other relevant review articles and textbooks were checked
duction, and the peripheral tissue, where it increases glucose
for additional relevant citations. Pharmaceutical companies were con-
uptake and utilization into muscle tissue. By increasing
tacted to locate any prospective registered clinical trials. Experts and
insulin sensitivity, metformin reduces insulin resistance, specialists in the field were also contacted to identify further reported
insulin secretion and hyperinsulinaemia (Dunn and Peters, trials.
Two recent systematic reviews have shown metformin to be
superior to placebo in regularizing menstrual cycles (Costello
and Eden, 2003; Kashyap et al., 2004). A third recent systema- Study selection
tic review and meta-analysis comparing metformin with either All eligible studies were assessed for relevance to the review objec-
placebo or no treatment demonstrated that metformin reduced tives and their methodological quality. Study selection was undertaken
by two reviewers (M.F.C. and B.S.). Reviewers extracted data
blood pressure, fasting insulin, fasting glucose and serum
independently and assessed whether the studies met the inclusion
androgens but there was insufficient evidence of an effect on
criteria. Any disagreements were resolved in consensus with J.E. If
body weight or hirsutism scores. However, the data for papers contained insufficient information to make a decision about
hirsutism scores were derived from a single small trial. The eligibility, the authors of those papers were contacted in order to
effect of metformin on lipids was variable with evidence of seek further information.
a reduction in serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol level The quality of allocation concealment was graded as adequate (A),
but no demonstrable effect on the levels of total cholesterol, unclear (B) or inadequate (C), following the detailed descriptions of
high density lipoprotein cholesterol or triglycerides (Lord these categories provided by the MDSG.
et al., 2004). In addition, there is speculation that metformin Four RCTs comparing metformin with the OCP were identified.
may reduce long-term consequences of insulin resistance in (Morin-Papunen et al., 2000, 2003; Harborne et al., 2003b; Rautio
PCOS women, such as T2DM and CVD (Homburg, 2002). et al., 2005) (Figure 1). Three of the four trials comparing metformin
with the OCP were conducted by the same investigator centre (Morin-
Therefore, it is important to directly compare the use of
Papunen et al., 2000, 2003; Rautio et al., 2005). The patients in one of
OCPs versus metformin in view of the above reservations con-
these studies (Rautio et al., 2005) included the combined patients of
cerning the appropriateness of OCPs as a therapeutic agent for two of the other studies (Morin-Papunen et al., 2000, 2003). The
PCOS and suggestions that metformin may be safer as well as a study by Rautio et al. (2005) examined only the metabolic parameters
more effective treatment alternative. The aim of this systematic of lipid levels as outcomes, whereas the two studies by Morin-Papunen
review is to compare the efficacy and safety of metformin et al. (2000) (recruited obese women with PCOS) and Morin-Papunen
versus OCP in the treatment of women with PCOS. et al. (2003) (recruited non-obese women with PCOS) assessed

M.F.Costello et al.

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Figure 1. Flow diagram showing the number of publications identified in the literature search. RCTs, randomized controlled trials; OCP, oral
contraceptive pill.

clinical, hormonal and metabolic (insulin sensitivity and glucose tol- The duration of the trials ranged from 4 to 12 months. The dropout
erance) parameters. rate for the studies ranged from 15% to 44%. The number of with-
drawals was similar for both the treatment and control arms in all
of the studies. The dose of metformin was 500 mg three times
Description and quality assessment of included studies daily for one of the trials (Harborne et al., 2003b) and 500 mg
Table I summarizes the characteristics of the four included RCTs. twice daily for the first 3 months increasing to 1000 mg twice
The diagnosis of PCOS in all four trials required at least two of the daily for the next 3 months for three of the trials (Morin-Papunen
following three features: (i) oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhoea, (ii) et al., 2000, 2003; Rautio et al., 2005). The OCP type was ethinyl
clinical or biochemical hyperandrogenism and (iii) polycystic estradiol (EE) 35 mg combined with cyproterone acetate (CPA)
ovaries on ultrasound (Morin-Papunen et al., 2000, 2003; Harborne 2 mg (EE35/CPA2) in all four trials (Morin-Papunen et al., 2000,
et al., 2003b; Rautio et al., 2005). Subjects in three (Morin-Papunen 2003; Harborne et al., 2003b; Rautio et al., 2005). None of the
et al., 2000, 2003; Rautio et al., 2005) of the four included studies trials actively changed the subject’s lifestyle in terms of diet and
did not meet the new proposed internationally agreed definition of exercise.
PCOS (Fauser et al., 2004) due to failure to exclude other causes of The included studies randomized a total of 156 (104 excluding
hyperandrogenism such as hyperprolactinaemia and congenital duplication of participants as discussed in ‘study selection’ above)
adrenal hyperplasia. women (range for individual trials 20 –52). Two (50%) of the four
The main inclusion criteria were: PCOS in one of the trials (Rautio studies randomized fewer than 50 participants. All four trials were
et al., 2005); PCOS whose primary complaint was hirsutism in one of graded ‘A—clear’ for allocation concealment performed by on-site
the trials (Harborne et al., 2003b); obese PCOS in one of the trials computer system utilizing locked files or third party with the
(Morin-Papunen et al., 2000) and non-obese PCOS in one of the random allocation sequence generated by computer generation or
trials (Morin-Papunen et al., 2003). Exclusion criteria included random numbers table. All four studies were unblinded and data
T2DM for all four trials (Morin-Papunen et al., 2000, 2003; Harborne analysed by available case analyses (trial participants analysed in
et al., 2003b; Rautio et al., 2005), sex hormones or drugs known to the groups to which they were randomized and only participants
affect carbohydrate metabolism for one of the trials (Harborne who completed the trial were included) rather than on the preferred
et al., 2003b) and sex hormones or drugs known to affect lipid metab- intention-to-treat basis (trial participants analysed in the groups to
olism for all four trials (Morin-Papunen et al., 2000, 2003; Harborne which they were randomized and all participants included). One
et al., 2003b; Rautio et al., 2005). trial (Rautio et al., 2005) had sample size justification.

Metformin versus OCP in PCOS

Additional information was sought and supplied from all four trials

Recruited non-obese women with

syndrome (PCOS) women whose
primary complaint was hirsutism

patients of Morin-Papunen et al.

with the lead author responding for two trials (Morin-Papunen et al.,

patients included the combined

Assessed lipid levels only. The
Recruited obese women with
2000, 2003) and the second (Harborne et al., 2003b) and fourth

Recruited polycystic ovary

(Rautio et al., 2005) authors for the remaining trials.

Statistical analysis

(2000; 2003)
Statistical analyses were performed in accordance with the guidelines
for statistical analysis developed by the Cochrane Collaboration. For


dichotomous data, results for each study were expressed as an odds

ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) and combined for
meta-analysis with Review Manager (RevMan) software using the
fixed-effect model (Peto method). For continuous data, the mean post-
Total daily metformin Type of oral

treatment/intervention values and standard deviation for each

Diane 35

Diane 35

Diane 35

Diane 35
group were measured and the weighted mean differences (WMDs)
with 95% CI were calculated. Where different scales measured the

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same continuous data outcome, the mean post-treatment/intervention

values and standard deviation for each group were measured and the
2000 after 3 months

2000 after 3 months

2000 after 3 months

standardized mean difference (SMD) with 95% CI was calculated.
1000 increasing to

1000 increasing to

1000 increasing to

ACA, available case analysis; Allocation concealment: A, clear; BMI, body mass index; Diane 35, 35 mg ethinyl estradiol plus 2 mg cyproterone acetate.
Heterogeneity (variations) between the results of different studies
was examined by inspecting the scatter in the data points on the
treatment (months) dose (mg)

graph and the overlap in their CIs and, more formally, by checking
the results of the chi-squared tests where P  0.05 represents statisti-

cal homogeneity. P ,0.05 or 95% CIs not containing 1.00 (OR) or 0

(WMD) were considered statistically significant.
Duration of


Primary outcome measures

Mean age Mean BMI
(kg m22)

Three trials comparing metformin versus OCP with a combined

total of 69 participants analysed (104 particpants randomized)




reported on hirsutism using either Ferriman – Gallway (FG)

scoring system (Morin-Papunen et al., 2000, 2003) or a

subjective (patient self-assessed) visual analogue scale from





0 to 10 (Harborne et al., 2003b). Meta-analysis demonstrated

no difference in effect on hirsutism between metformin and
Number analysed
(type of analysis)

OCP (SMD 20.18, P ¼ 0.48, 95% CI -0.67 to 0.32)

(Figure 2). The SMD statistic is used when pooling continuous
34 (ACA)

18 (ACA)

17 (ACA)

35 (ACA)

data on outcomes measured by different scales (Statistical

Analysis). Statistical heterogeneity (variability in the treatment
effects being evaluated in the different trials) was present.
Blinding Number

There was a single trial comparing metformin versus OCP with




34 participants analysed (52 participants randomized) reporting

acne subjectively (patient self-assessed) using a visual ana-




logue scale ranging from 0 to 10 (Harborne et al., 2003b).

Table I. Characteristics of included studies

This trial demonstrated no significant difference in acne


scores between metformin and the OCP (WMD 0.90,


P ¼ 0.18, 95% CI -0.40 to 2.20 (Figure 3).


Type 2 diabetes mellitus

One trial comparing metformin versus OCP with 18 partici-
Morin-Papunen et al.

Morin-Papunen et al.

Rautio et al. (2005),

(2003b), Scotland

pants analysed (32 participants randomized) reported diagnosis

(2000), Finland

(2003), Finland
Harborne et al.

of T2DM (Morin-Papunen et al., 2000). No significant

difference was seen in the development of T2DM between

the metformin and OCP groups (Peto OR 0.17, P ¼ 0.37,


95% CI 0.00 to 8.54) (Figure 4).

M.F.Costello et al.

Figure 2. Comparison of metformin versus oral contraceptive pill with outcome of hirsutism.

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Figure 3. Comparison of metformin versus oral contraceptive pill with outcome of acne.

Figure 4. Comparison of metformin versus oral contraceptive pill with outcome of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Cardiovascular disease reported menstrual pattern in terms of days between menses

There were no trials comparing metformin versus OCP report- and metformin was significantly less effective in improving
ing the outcome measure of CVD (stroke or myocardial menstrual pattern (Peto OR 0.08, P ¼ 0.004, 95% CI 0.01–
infarction). 0.45) (Figure 5).

Endometrial cancer Hormonal: serum total testosterone (nmol l21)

There were no trials comparing metformin versus OCP report- There were three trials comparing metformin versus OCP with
ing endometrial cancer as an outcome. a total of 69 participants analysed (104 participants random-
ized) reporting on total serum testosterone (Morin-Papunen
Secondary outcomes measures et al., 2000, 2003; Harborne et al., 2003b). Meta-analysis
Improved menstrual pattern demonstrated a significantly higher serum total testosterone
There were two trials comparing metformin versus OCP with a with metformin compared with the OCP (WMD 0.54,
total of 35 participants analysed (52 participants randomized) P ¼ 0.001, 95% CI 0.22– 0.86) (Figure 6).
reporting on improvement in menstrual cyclicity (Morin-
Papunen et al., 2000, 2003). Eighteen of 21 participants on Metabolic: fasting insulin (mIU l21)
metformin and 20 of 24 participants on the OCP had either There were three trials comparing metformin versus OCP
oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhoea at baseline. Both trials with a total of 69 participants analysed (104 participants
Metformin versus OCP in PCOS

Figure 5. Comparison of metformin versus oral contraceptive pill with outcome of improved menstrual pattern.

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Figure 6. Comparison of metformin versus oral contraceptive pill with outcome of serum total testosterone.

randomized) reporting on fasting insulin levels (Morin- on triglyceride levels (Harborne et al., 2003b; Rautio et al.,
Papunen et al., 2000, 2003; Harborne et al., 2003b). 2005). Metformin resulted in a significantly lower triglyceride
Meta-analysis showed significantly lower fasting insulin level than the OCP (WMD 20.48, P ¼ 0.01, 95% CI 20.86 to
levels in favour of metformin (WMD 23.46, P ¼ 0.0005, 20.09) (Figure 10).
95% CI 25.39 to 21.52) (Figure 7). The fasting insulin
levels did not change with OCP treatment in any of the three Severe adverse events (requiring stopping of medication)
individual trials. (gastrointestinal and others)
There were three trials comparing metformin versus OCP with
Metabolic: fasting glucose (mmol l21) a total of 104 participants randomized and analysed reporting
Three trials comparing metformin versus OCP with a total of on severe (requiring stopping of medication) adverse
69 participants analysed (104 participants randomized) events (Morin-Papunen et al., 2000, 2003; Harborne et al.,
reported on fasting glucose levels (Morin-Papunen et al., 2003b). Metformin caused a significantly higher incidence of
2000, 2003; Harborne et al., 2003b). There was no significant severe gastrointestinal side effects (i.e. nausea, diarrhoea)
difference in fasting glucose levels between the two (Peto OR 7.75, P ¼ 0.02, 95% CI 1.32 – 45.71) and a
interventions (WMD 0.13, P ¼ 0.25, 95% CI -0.09 to 0.35) significantly lower incidence of other severe adverse events
(Figure 8). The fasting glucose levels did not change with (i.e. weight gain, high blood pressure, depression, chest pain,
OCP treatment in any of the three individual trials. headache) (Peto OR 0.11, P ¼ 0.0008, 95% CI 0.03 – 0.39)
compared with the OCP. However, overall, there was no sig-
Metabolic: fasting total cholesterol (mmol l21) nificant difference between metformin and the OCP when
There were two trials comparing metformin versus OCP with a taking into account all severe adverse events (Peto OR 0.48,
total of 69 participants analysed (104 participants randomized) P ¼ 0.18, 95% CI 0.17– 1.39) (Figure 11). Not surprisingly,
reporting on total cholesterol levels (Harborne et al., 2003b; there was significant heterogeneity in the overall severe
Rautio et al., 2005). Meta-analysis demonstrated no significant adverse events meta-analysis due to the different side-effect
difference in total cholesterol levels between metformin and profiles of metformin and the OCP.
the OCP (WMD 20.11, P ¼ 0.60, 95% CI 20.53 to 0.30)
(Figure 9).
Metabolic: fasting triglycerides (mmol l21) The OCP is the traditional therapy for the chronic treatment
Two trials comparing metformin versus OCP with a total of 69 of PCOS, exerting a number of beneficial effects including
participants analysed (104 participants randomized) reported regularization of menses, amelioration of hirsutism and acne
M.F.Costello et al.

Figure 7. Comparison of metformin versus oral contraceptive pill with outcome of fasting insulin.

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Figure 8. Comparison of metformin versus oral contraceptive pill with outcome of fasting glucose.

Figure 9. Comparison of metformin versus oral contraceptive pill with outcome of fasting total cholesterol.

Figure 10. Comparison of metformin versus oral contraceptive pill with outcome of fasting triglycerides.

and protection from the development of endometrial cancer and CVD leading to speculation that the insulin-sensitizing
(Diamanti-Kandarakis et al., 2003). However, limited but con- agent metformin may be a safer treatment alternative
tradictory observational evidence based on non-randomized (Diamanti-Kandarakis et al., 2003, Vrbikova and Cibula,
studies raises the issue that OCPs may worsen insulin resist- 2005).
ance, glucose tolerance and lipid levels in PCOS women and This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs
consequently possibly enhance the long-term risk for T2DM comparing metformin versus OCP treatment in women with
Metformin versus OCP in PCOS

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Figure 11. Comparison of metformin versus oral contraceptive pill with outcome of severe adverse events (requiring stopping of medication).

PCOS. This review has found that up to 12 months treatment (2000, 2003) were clinically hirsute. Hirsutism was assessed
with the OCP compared with metformin in PCOS is associated by a patient self-assessed visual analogue scale in the Harborne
with an improvement in menstrual pattern and serum testoster- et al. (2003b) trial and by the FG scoring system for the trials
one levels with the OCP and a reduction in fasting insulin by Morin-Papunen et al. (2000, 2003). The duration of treat-
and lower fasting triglyceride levels with metformin. Severe ment was 12 months for Harborne et al. (2003b) and
side-effect profiles differ between the two therapies. There 6 months for Morin-Papunen et al. (2000, 2003) (Table I).
were either extremely limited or no data on important clinical There was no evidence of benefit with either metformin or
outcomes such as the development of T2DM, CVD or endo- OCP for acne based on 34 women in a single trial (Harborne
metrial cancer. There was no evidence of a difference in et al., 2003b) (Figure 3). The OCP was superior to metformin
effect between metformin and the OCP on hirsutism, acne in reducing serum total testosterone levels by 0.5 nmol l21
and fasting glucose or total cholesterol levels. (Figure 6). Therefore, the OCP results in a greater reduction
The OCP was superior to metformin in improving menstrual in total testosterone levels when compared with metformin,
pattern with all OCP subjects and 10/16 (62.5%) of metformin but there are insufficient studies to date assessing whether
subjects reporting such an outcome (Figure 5). This finding this more favourable biochemical androgen profile with the
was not surprising and consistent with that of a recent systematic OCP leads to a more favourable clinical androgen effect in
review which showed that metformin results in the restoration of terms of hirsutism or acne.
regular menses in only 60% of PCOS women with The meta-analysis demonstrated significantly lower fasting
oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea (Costello and Eden, 2003). insulin levels by 3.5 mIU l21 with metformin treatment
Unfortunately, there were no trials assessing whether this more when compared with the OCP (Figure 7). All three individual
favourable OCP effect leads to a reduction in the long-term RCTs demonstrated a reduction in fasting insulin levels with
risk of endometrial cancer compared with metformin. metformin and no change in fasting insulin levels with OCP
The hirsutism score data from the three trials were con- treatment (Morin-Papunen et al., 2000, 2003; Harborne et al.,
flicting, thus there is insufficient evidence of relative benefit 2003b). There was no evidence of a difference in effect
of either metformin or OCP. Statistical heterogeneity was between metformin and the OCP on fasting glucose levels
present with the results for the trial by Harborne et al. (Figure 8). When one examines the data on fasting glucose
(2003b) differing from the trials by Morin-Papunen et al. levels from the individual three trials, there was no change
(2000, 2003) with the former trial demonstrating a significant seen with OCP treatment in all three trials comparing with
reduction in hirsutism with metformin, whereas the other no change in two (Harborne et al., 2003b; Morin-Papunen
two trials showing a trend in the opposite direction (conflicting et al., 2003) of the three trials and a significant decrease by
evidence) (Figure 2). The reasons for this are unclear but may 0.2 mmol l21 in the third RCT (Morin-Papunen et al., 2000)
be due to differences in the selection criteria for the PCOS par- with metformin treatment.
ticipants, assessment method for hirsutism (described in The meta-analysis showed no evidence of a difference in
Results) and the duration of treatment as outlined below. effect between metformin and the OCP on fasting total choles-
All 52 participants in the trial by Harborne et al. (2003b) and terol levels (Figure 9). Fasting total cholesterol levels did not
18 of 52 participants in the trials by Morin-Papunen et al. change with either metformin or OCP therapy in each of the
M.F.Costello et al.

two trials (Harborne et al., 2003b; Rautio et al., 2005). were conducted by the same investigator group. This may
However, a significantly lower fasting triglyceride level by limit the potential applicability of the results of this review if
0.5 mmol l21 was seen with metformin treatment when com- ethnic variation in baseline risk of adverse outcomes (clinical
pared with the OCP (Figure 10). The fasting triglyceride level or metabolic) or response to metformin or the OCP exists.
did not change in both individual RCTs with metformin treat- Differences between trial populations, assessment methods,
ment. However, OCP treatment resulted in either no change study duration and drug side-effect profiles have resulted in
(Harborne et al., 2003b) or an increase (Rautio et al., 2005) heterogeneity within some of the analyses as discussed
in fasting triglyceride levels. In the trial by Rautio et al. above. The mean age of the subjects in the trials ranged from
(2005), the mean fasting triglyceride levels increased from 28 to 31 years, limiting the applicability of the results of this
1.3 to 1.9 mmol l21 with OCP treatment. The current review to not include adolescent women with PCOS. All the
recommended upper limit for fasting triglyceride levels in trials were of short duration, and therefore, long-term data on
the authors’ countries of Australia and New Zealand is the comparison effects between metformin and OCPs are
2.0 mmol l21 (Anonymous, 2001), although other international lacking in terms of important clinical outcomes such as
cut-off levels of 1.7 mmol l21 do exist (Bloomgarden, 2004). hirsutism, acne and development of T2DM, CVD or endo-

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Overall, the meta-analysis showed no evidence of a differ- metrial cancer.
ence in severe adverse events requiring stopping of medication
between the two treatments (Figure 11). However, metformin
caused a significantly higher incidence of severe gastrointesti-
nal side effects (i.e. nausea, diarrhoea), whereas those treated
with the OCP experienced a significantly higher incidence From the studies included in this review, there is limited evi-
of severe other (other than gastrointestinal) adverse events dence to support that the OCP is more effective than metformin
(i.e. weight gain, high blood pressure, depression, chest pain, in improving menstrual pattern and reducing serum total testos-
headache). terone levels. There is also limited evidence to show that met-
formin is more effective than the OCP in reducing fasting
insulin and not increasing triglyceride levels and that metfor-
Limitations min causes a higher incidence of severe gastrointestinal
There are a number of limitations to this review. The value of adverse effects, whereas the OCP results in a higher incidence
any meta-analysis is totally dependent on the quality and lack of severe non-gastrointestinal adverse effects. However, there
of bias in its component primary studies. The careful assess- is insufficient evidence to show that either metformin or the
ment of study validity and heterogeneity of the individual OCP is more effective in terms of treating hirsutism and
studies is essential in minimizing the risk of inappropriately acne, preventing the development of T2DM and reducing
combining biased and disparate studies leading to misleading fasting glucose or total cholesterol levels. There are no data
systematic reviews (Hughes, 1996). Although, all the included (or evidence) on which to make clinical decisions in terms of
studies were randomized with adequate allocation concealment development of CVD or endometrial cancer when comparing
to reduce selection bias, none were blinded to outcome assess- metformin with the OCP.
ment or analysed by intention-to-treat analysis, placing these The limited RCT evidence to date does not show adverse
trials at risk of ascertainment and attrition biases, respectively metabolic risk with the use of the OCP compared with metfor-
(Guyatt et al., 1993). min in terms of both clinical (T2DM, CVD) and surrogate
Although the inclusion of unpublished studies is controver- (fasting glucose, insulin and total cholesterol levels) metabolic
sial (Cook, et al., 1993), reliance upon published studies outcomes. However, it should be re-emphasized that all
alone may distort the results of a meta-analysis because available trials are limited in the duration of metformin or
positive studies (statistically significant) are more likely to be OCP treatment and therefore long-term effects are not known.
published than negative ones (non-significant) with the attend- The limited number of RCTs comparing metformin versus
ant risk for the review to overestimate treatment efficacy OCP treatment highlights the need for more long-term, well-
(Dickersin et al., 1987). Funnel plot analysis for the identifi- designed and executed RCTs directly comparing the efficacy
cation of publication bias in this review was not performed (in terms of both clinical and surrogate hormonal and metabolic
due to the limited number of studies. outcomes) and safety of these therapies in order to help clarify
There were a limited number of RCTs (n ¼ 4) comparing the preferred long-term medical treatment option for women
metformin versus OCP. A number of results are constrained with PCOS, including adolescents. There is a striking lack
by small numbers and wide CIs that limit the precision and con- of data concerning long-term outcomes, including T2DM,
fidence of conclusions. In addition, the ‘lack of evidence of CVD and endometrial cancer, and this should be addressed in
difference’ for a number of outcomes is not synonymous longer-term trials.
with ‘evidence of a lack of difference’. Meta-analysis was
not possible for a number of important clinical primary out-
comes due to either an absence of trials (CVD, endometrial Acknowledgement
cancer) or the presence of a single trial only (acne, T2DM). The authors wish to thank the Cochrane Menstrual Disorders and
All of the data in this review are from women with PCOS Subfertility Review Group in Auckland, New Zealand, for their help
recruited from European centres and three of the four trials and support in the conduct and preparation of this review.

Metformin versus OCP in PCOS

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