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This paper presents the results of the study conducted in order to improve the lightning
performance of the PDO F2 and Looc F2 34.5kV line. The modeling and simulations were conducted with
the use of EMTP-RV software. The data used are the existing line parameters of PDO F2 up to Oro
garden recloser, including the loads and insulators along the line. The LIOV module of the EMTP-RV is
used to simulate the lightning strike that causes the induced overvoltage. The result of the LIOV module
simulation is then used as voltage source along the line of the PDO F2 model resembling a lightning
strike. The conducted simulations showed that the lightning-induced overvoltage at any point of the
PDO F2 will cause flashover to the lines which results to line-to-ground and line-to-line faults. Also, it is
observed that since the line have no wired shield and its neutral line is located below the phase line,
lightning will probably hit the conductors of the upper phase of the circuit line. The reduced number of
back-flashover on the existing 34.5kV lines can be achieved by: 1. Installation of new shield wire; 2.
Transferring of neutral line and place it above the phase lines; 3. Installation of Line Surge Arresters; this
measure can be implemented as a stand-alone or in combination with other recommendations. The
possible locations for installation of LSAs were determined according to the results of the simulations
conducted with the EMTP-RV program and by using the data of the existing 34.5kV line feeders; 4. Install
cut-out or recloser in along the critical parts of the feeders.

Lightning-induced overvoltages are transient overvoltages on overhead power lines caused by
indirect lightning events, i.e. lightning strikes hitting the ground or objects in the vicinity of the lines.
Induced overvoltage from a nearby lightning strike may lead to the line flashover or insulation failure of
transformers, arrestors or other equipment. A flashover or equipment failure may lead to the outage
and therefore means are to be adopted to protect the distribution transmission line from such. Due to
the lower insulation level of medium voltage lines, induced overvoltages are of major concern for
distribution lines rather than for transmission lines.

Recently CEPALCO is suffering outages caused by Lightning. Two particutar feeder, PDO F2 and
LOOC F2 are the focus of our study since it has lines that are located in high altitude areas and both
feeders have embedded generators. The aim of this study is to create a simulation model representing
both feeders and subject them to a simulated lightning-induced overvoltage, then recommend a
solution to improve the lightning performance of both feeders.

The data used are the existing line parameters of PDO F2 upto Oro garden recloser, including
the loads and insulators. The modeling and simulations were conducted with the use of EMTP-RV
software. The LIOV module of the EMTP-RV is used to simulate the lightning strike that causes the
induced overvoltage.


A. Assumptions:
 The lightning event happed between or along the span of 34.5kV line of PDO F2 - Oro Garden
Recloser; 14km
 The lightning event happed between or along the span of 34.5kV line of Looc F2 - Jasaan
Recloser towards Cabulig; 13km
 34.5kV line insulator have CFO of 180kV
 Line Parameters
o Phase conductors: 336 ACSR w/ 0.02179m outside diameter
o Ground conductor: EHS Steel 3/8
o Line configuration: Y-05-3
 Feeder loading is based on the latest load forecast for 2020
 Arresters used is metal oxide (Zno)
 Simulation time-step is 0.02µs and simulation time of 20ms
B. Lightning-induced Overvoltage Modeling

Lightning-induced overvoltage is modeled using the LIOV module of EMTP-RV software. The
LIOV provides the calculation of the overvoltages caused by downward lightning flash and the effect of
only one return stroke is considered. The typical lightning strike waveform (figure 2) is modeled using
the sum of two Heidler functions (Figure 1) with parameters from [1].

Figure 1 – Heidler Function Figure 2 - Lightning typical waveform

We then use the line parameter of the feeders (Figure 3) to model the line conductor geometry
(Figure 4) needed by the software. The geometrical line conductor data are assumed to be uniform
along the span. The vertical height H is the distance from the ground. The horizontal distances D of the
conductors are measured from an arbitrary vertical plane of reference. The diameter d are the outside
diameter of the phase line conductors.

Figure 3 – PDO and Looc 34.5kV Feeder line parameters Figure 4 - Line conductor geometry

Figure 5 represents the circuit of the lightning-induced overvoltage using EMTP-RV software.
The length of the feeder is divided into three (3) equal LIOV lines with three (3) observation points. The
location of the stroke is specified by defining the x and y coordinates, where x is the point at the feeder
line with respect from the origin (Substation) and y is the distance of the stroke perpendicular to the
lines. Y equals to zero (0) means a direct lightning strike to phase conductors. The sample of resulting
induced overvoltage from the model and simulation is shown in figure 6. The highest magnitude is
observed from a point nearest to the lightning stroke. The resulting overvoltage waveform is then
extracted into data points and will be converted to voltage source which will be used in simulating a
lightning event on the feeder models.
Figure 5 – EMTP equivalent circuit for the case study

Figure 6 – Induced overvoltages waveform from the three observation points

C. Modeling of Lightning event along the feeder lines

PDO and Looc feeders are modeled using EMTP-RV software based on the exact line parameters
of phase lines and ground conductor (Figure 7). We also mimic the line configuration of all utility post
from substation up to the last recloser. Line insulators are also modeled using a flashover switch in
which parameters are based on the critical flashover limit (CFO) of a 34.5kV porcelain insulator (Figure
8). Modeled insulators will give signal indicators if its CFO limit is reached or not, simulating a flashover
during the lightning event simulation.

The lightning-induced overvoltage along the feeder line is modeled using a Table function
voltage source (Figure 9). The data used for this voltage source are from the LIOV simulation results
(Figure 6). It will then be connected along the feeder line to simulate a lightning strike. The lightning
symbol in figure7 is a subcircuit icon for the table function voltage source.
Figure 7 – Feeder Model based on existing line parameters and line configurations
(Lightning strike is represented by table function voltage source)

Figure 8 – Insulator Model Figure 9 – Table function voltage


D. Modeling of Arresters

The EMTP-RV software uses Metal Oxide type of arresters. To model the line arrester that we
are going to use, we follow the IEEE SPD WG standard and the MWR model (MOSA Wide-Range) to set
its parameters and V-I curve (figure 10). Then we based our model from ABB technical data of surge
arrester to represent LSAs that are available in the market.
Figure 10 – EMTP-RV Arrester Model


A. Lightning Event and its Effects on the Line Conductors

Using the model of the LIOV module, we capture the waveform of a lightning stroke 10.6
kilometers from the S/S and 30 meters away from the distribution line (figure 11). Then we use the data
of the waveform to model a voltage source representing the lightning-induced overvoltage along the
feeder line.

Figure 11 – Lightning Stroke Geometry

The following results are the effects of the lightning-induced overvoltage to the feeders. It is
assumed that during this simulation, no arresters are installed yet. Therefore, there is a 100% probability
of an insulator flashover.

a. Insulators with flashover

Figure 12 – Flashover on phase A and B for two (2) structures and flashover on phase A for one structure

b. Phase voltages observed from S/S

A Lightning-induced overvoltage surge of approximately 200kV for 2 µs causing a flashover along

Phase A and B.
Figure 13 – Phase voltages status during Flashover along phase A and B

c. Phase currents observed from S/S

The line-to-ground fault due to flashover increases the phase current 275A to 5.6kA causing the
protection to trip resulting to an interruption.

Figure 14 – Phase current status during Flashover along phase A

B. Applying Lightning Mitigating Devices (Line Arresters)

Line arresters are arresters applied on the lines to reduce the risk of insulator flashover during
surge event i.e. lightning-induced overvoltage, switching surge. In this study, we will see how lines
arresters mitigates surges to avoid insulator flashover. We will also determine the size and the optimal
location of the line arresters.

Using the model of the LIOV module, we capture the waveform of a lightning stroke 10.6
kilometers from the S/S and 30 meters away from the distribution line (figure 11). Then we use the data
of the waveform to model a voltage source representing the lightning-induced overvoltage along the
feeder line.

The following results are the effects of the lightning-induced overvoltage to the feeders. It is
assumed that during this simulation, there will be installed arresters on all phases and on all structures.
Other options will be discussed on LSA’s optimal location.

a. Insulators status
Figure 15 – There are no insulator flashover on all phases along the feeder

b. Phase voltages observed from S/S

Figure 16 – Phase voltages status during lightning event with LSA

c. Phase currents observed from S/S

Figure 17 – Phase currents status during lightning event with LSA

C. Shield Wires Solution

One of the methods that can be applied to improve the lightning performance of overhead
power distribution lines is the use of shield wires. Although the effectiveness of this measure against
direct strokes is quite limited unless the shield wire is grounded at every pole, the ground resistances
are low, and the line has sufficient CFO between the ground lead and the phase conductors, the line
performance against indirect strokes can be improved.

In the study conducted by Alexandre Piantini of Institute of Energy and Environment, University
of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; he presented the effectiveness of shield wires in reducing the
magnitudes of lightning-induced voltages on medium-voltage distribution lines.

In our case, both PDO F2 and Looc F2 have no shield wires and its neutral line is installed below
the phase lines. Part of the recommendation is to install a shield wire above the phase lines to improve
the lightning performances of these feeders.

Our simulation shows that having shield wire installed on the feeders, the probability of
flashover incidents was reduced to 35% compared to feeders without shield wire (Table 1).

D. Optimal location for line surge arrester

Determining the optimum locations for line arresters to achieve the desired outage rate is not a
simple task. If no arresters are installed on a line, it is a well-known fact that with an induced
overvoltage to a phase conductor, there is a 100% probability of an insulator flashover. It is also a fact
that if arresters are installed on every phase of every tower, a direct strike to the shield or phase
conductor will result in 0% probability of an insulator flashover. This is proven by our simulation results
shown in IV A&B.

Any arrester locations other than these two above will result in lowering the probability of
flashover, but without a lightning mitigation study the probability will be unknown. We conduct a
simulation using our model in EMTP-RV software. We simulate a lightning event on every structure in
our model all the while following the location options listed below.

 No Arrester
 Arrester on top phase only on every other Structures
 Arrester on all phases on every other structures
 Arresters on alternate phase in every structure
 No arrester only shieldwires
 Arrester on top phase on every structure
 Arrester on all phase on every structures

The following table shows typical results of a lightning mitigation study for various arrester
locations and the EMTP-RV simulation result done using our models.

Arrester Location Probability of Flashover

Typical results from By EMTP
other studies [2] simulation
No shield and No Arrester 100% 100%
Arrester on top phase only on
every other Structures 88% NA
Arrester on all phases on every
other structure 87% 62%
Arresters on one phase per
structure (alternated) NA 74%
No arrester only shield wires 21% 35%
Arrester on top phase on every
structure 18% NA
Arrester on all phase on every
structure 0% 0%
Table 1 – Probability of flashover with various options

The optimal location of line arresters will be on every utility post on all phases. The probability
of flashover happening is zero. But this will be very expensive. It seems that usual overvoltage
protection is as much an economic decision as a technical decision. Therefore, installing shield wire on
the concerned feeders or installing LSAs 1 phase per structure are much more recommended or a
combination of both options

Lightning-induced overvoltage at any point of the feeders will cause flashover to the lines which
results to line-to-ground. Also, it is observed that since the line have no shield wire and its neutral line is
located below the phase line, lightning will probably hit the conductors of the upper phase of the circuit
line. The simulation using EMTP shows that using LSA on all phases on every utility post will solve the
flashover problems however this solution is very expensive. Other solution options are presented with
lower cost but probability of flashover during lightning event are still high.

1. Installation of new shield wire
2. Transfer the neutral line and place it above the phase lines -
3. Installation of Line Surge Arresters
a. Apply on all phases on every structure – zero flashover probability but expensive
b. Apply on one phase per structure – least cost but with high probability of flashover
c. Combination of 2 and 3b – not so expensive with 26% probability of flashover
4. Install cut-out or recloser along the critical parts of the feeders – 45-75% probability of
flashover but other parts of feeders will be interrupted during flashover


[1] C. A. Nucci, F. Rachidi, M. V. Ianoz, and C. Mazzetti, “Lightning-induced voltages on overhead lines,” IEEE
Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 75–86, 1993.

[2] Jonathan Woodworth, Consulting Engineer, ArresterWorks; ArresterFacts 017, “What is a Transmission
Line Arrester”, 2009

[3] Alexandre Piantini, Institute of Energy and Environment, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil;
“Lightning-Induced Voltages on Distribution Lines with Shield Wires”, 2016

[4] Valdemir Brito, Edson G Costa, George R.S. Lira, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG); “A
Wide-Range Model for Metal-Oxide Surge Arrester”, 2017

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