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Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER

TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
MML-2844 Maria Serena I. DIOKNO Ed. Hidden Lives, concealed Narratives: A History of Leprosy in the Philippines 293 MML Natonal Historical Commision of the Philippines C-2016
MML-2845 Harold I. Kaplan, MD Synopsis Of Psychiatry (Behavior Science) Part 1 Seventh 299 MML Williams & Wilkins C-1994
MML-2846 Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis Of Psychiatry Part 3 Seventh 939 MML
MML-2847 Marcial C. Amaro, Jr. Director, ERBD The Asean Rattans 115 MML
MML-2848 Dale D. McConkey How To Manage By Results Fourth 301 MML American Management Association C-1983
MML-2849 Anthony J. Tarquin Engineering Economy A Behavior Approach 429 MML McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1976
MML-2850 Ferdinand L. Singer Engineering Mechanics Second 525 MML Harper & Brothers, Publishers C-1941
MML-2851 Jacques Normand Preventing HIV Transmission 334 MML National Academy Press C-1995
MML-2852 Ferdinand L. Singer Engineering Mechanics Second 525 MML Harper & Row, New York Evanston & London & John Weatherhill, Inc. C-1941
MML-2853 Stephen J. Ettinger, D.V.M. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine Volume 1 821 MML National Book Store Inc. C-1975
MML-2854 Selma H. Fraiberg The Magic Years Understanding and Handling the Problems of Early Childhood 305 MML Macmillan Publishing Company C-1959
MML-2855 J.B. Edmond Fundamental of Horticulture Fourth 560 MML McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1957
MML-2856 Mary McCarthy House Warming First 204 MML Published simultaneously in Canada C-1983
MML-2857 Donna Goldfein Everywoman's Guide To Time Management 125 MML Les Femmes Publishing C-1977
MML-2858 Margaret Tadeja-Cruz 3Rs of Fun in Waste 132 MML National Solid Waste Management Commision C-2012
MML-2859 Gregorio S. Miranda, Ph.D. Business and Government 362 MML R.M. Garcia Publishing House C-1967
MML-2860 H.L. Capron Computers Tools for an Information Age Fifth 497 MML Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc. C-1998
MML-2861 R.R. Yager Ed. Fuzzy Sets And Application: 684 MML John Wiley & Sons, Inc C-1987
MML-2862 D. Gale Johnson Word Agriculture In Disarray 304 MML Macmillan (hard-cover)and Fontana C-1973
MML-2863 Russell L. Ackoff The Democratic Corporation 247 MML Oxford University Press C-1994
MML-2864 Leo G. Sands Leo Sands' Complete Guide To CB Radio 374 MML Parker Publishing Company, Inc. C-1979
MML-2865 Roberto G. Reeves Ed. Manual Of Remote Sensing 867 MML American Society Of Photogrammetry C-1975
MML-2866 Roy Pilcher Principles of construction management Second 370 MML McGraw-Hill, Book Company C-1967
MML-2867 Wilfred Owen Wheels 200 MML
MML-2868 Arthur C. Clarke Man And Space 200 MML
2869 Understanding Literature 722 Macmillan Publishing Company C-1987
2870 Dr.Pooja Deptt. Of Botany Textbook of Plant Chemistry First 219 Discovery Publishing House PVT.LTD C-2011
2871 Margaret Nicholson A dictionary Of American-English Usage 671 Oxford University Press C-1957
PL-2872 Herbert S. Zim Bones 63 PL William Morrow and Company C-1969
2873 George W. Hunter, Ph.D. Biology in Philippine Life 517 American Book Company C-1954
2874 Understanding Literature 722 Macmillan Publishing Company C-1987
MML-2875 N.G Jerlov Marine Optics First 231 MML Elsevier Science Publishers B.V C-1976
PL-2876 Jack Price Merrill Pre Algebra 530 PL Merrill Publishing Company C-1986
MML-2877 William Diller Matthew Special Publications Of The New York Academy Of Sciences Volume 1 223 MML Published By The Academy C-1939
2878 Erika Domesek P.S.- You're Invited 154 C-2013
PL-2879 Christian R. Hirsch Geometry 678 PL C-1990
2880 Janice VanCleave's A+ Projects in Eart Science Winning Experiments for Science Fairs and Extra Credit 234 Published Simultaneously in Canada C-1999
MML-2881 Stephen Croall Ecology For Beginners 174 MML Pantheon Books C-1982
MML-2882 Jay L. Batongbacal Ed. Archipelagic Studies Charting New Waters 195 MML UP Systemwide Network On Archipelagic and Ocean Students C-1998
MML-2883 Bataan A Case On Ecossystem Approach To Sustainable Development In The Phil. Second 129 MML Philippine Rural Reconstructon Movemen C-1991
MML-2884 Carroll Lane Fenton Plants We Live On The Story Of Grains and Vegetables 128 MML C-1973
MML-2885 E.J.L. Soulbsy Helminths, Arthropods & Domesticated Animals Sixth 824 MML Lea & Febiger Philadelphia C-1968
MML-2886 Gerald Knox Ed. Better Homes and Gardens Container Pants 96 MML C-1978
2887 Alpheus W. Smith The Elements Of Physics 745 McGraw -Hill Book company C-1951
MML-2888 Ben Pansky, Ph.D.,M.D. Review of Gross Anatomy Fifth 585 MML Macmillan Publishing Company c-1984

Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
2889 Charles Wilson The History Of Unilever A Study In Economic Growth And Social Change Volume 2 486 Cassell & Company LTD C-1954
2890 Charles Wilson The History Of Unilever A Study In Economic Growth And Social Change Volume 1 331 Cassell & Company LTD C-1954
MML-2891 Gerhard von Glahn Law Among Nations An Introduction to Public International Law 810 MML Macmillan Publishing Company C-1981
MML-2892 Wesley L. Gould International Law and the Social Science 338 MML Princeton University Press C-1970
MML-2893 Bernard H. Oxman Ed. Law Of The Sea 184 MML C-1983
MML-2894 Richard A. Falk The International Law Of Civil War 452 MML The Johns Hopkins Press C-1971
MML-2895 R.J. Vincent Nonintervention and International Order 457 MML The Princeton University Press C-1974
MML-2896 Leland M. Goodrich Ed. International Organization Politics & Process 465 MML The University Of Wisconsin Press C-1973
MML-2897 Paul Taylor Ed. International Institutions at Work 245 MML St. Martin's Press C-1988
MML-2898 How To Weigh And Measure Children 94 MML C-1986
MML-2899 King Gordon The United Nations In The Congo A Quest For Peace 184 MML Carnegie Endowment For International Peace C-1962
MML-2900 Terry A. Clark Learning by Doing Panasonic Partnerships and Systemic School Reform 152 MML St. Lucie Press C-1997
MML-2901 Inis L. Claude, Jr. Swords Into Plowshares The Problems and Progress of International Organization Fourth 514 MML Random House, Inc. C-1956
MML-2902 Robert W. Gregg Ed. The United Nations System and its Functions selected readings 460 MML D. Van Nonstrant Company, Inc. C-1968
MML-2903 The Blue Helmets A Review of United Nations Peace-keeping Second 449 MML United Nations Department of Public Information C-1990
MML-2904 Implementation Of The Agenda Fof Action Social Development In the Escap Region 361 MML United Nations Public C-1998
MML-2905 James S. Sutterlin The United Nations and the Maintenance of International Security 146 MML C-1995
MML-2906 Gilberto M. Duavit The Local Government Code with Text of the Philippine Constitution 49 MML C-1983
MML-2907 Richard B. Lillich Ed. Humanitarian and the Intervention United Nations 234 MML University Press of Virginia C-1973
MML-2908 Sydney D. Bailey The Secretariat Of The United Nations 113 MML C-1962
MML-2909 Stephen M. Schwebel The Secretary-General of the United Nations His Political Powers And Practice 299 MML Harvard University Press-Cambridge C-1952
MML-2910 Rules And Regulations Implementing the Local Government Code 108 MML
MML-2911 Catherine McARDLE KELLEHER, Ed Political Military Sysyrms Comparative Perspectives Volume IV 299 MML Sage Publications, Inc. C-1974
MML-2912 Brent Fisse Corporations, Crime And Accountability 279 MML University Cambridge Press C-1993
PL-2913 Central Book Supply, Inc. Special Supplement to Revised Penal Code, As Amended Second
MML-2914 Prof. Jose N. Nolledo Rules Of Court in the Philippines Revised 454 MML Philippine Graphic Arts, Inc. C-1996
MML-2915 Betty Boyd Caroli First Ladies 398 MML Oxford University Press C-1987
MML-2916 Policy Statements 91
MML-2917 Rules and Regulations Implementing the Labor Code Of The Philippines 183 MML
MML-2918 Fred I. Greenstein Ed. Leadership In The Modern Presidency 430 MML Harvard University Press C-1988
MML-2919 John B. Harris Ed. Nuclear Weapons And The Threat Of Nuclear War 483 MML Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers C-1986
MML-2920 Louisa A. Leslie Gregg Shorthand For Colleges Transription 447 MML McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1982
MML-2921 Dolores Celis Pineda Modern Production Typing (With Filipino) Revised 130 MML National Book Store C-1980
MML-2922 Martin Gardner Codes, Ciphers And Secret Writing 96 MML Simon and Shuster, Children's Book Division C-1972
MML-2923 Bernice Kohn Secret Codes And Ciphers 63 MML Prentice-Hall, Inc. C-1968
MML-2924 Mary A. DeVries The Prentice-Hall Complete Secretarial Letter Book 286 MML Prentice-Hall, Inc. C-1978
MML-2925 Engr.George Escape Cortez Management Operations Quantitative Technique 197 MML Granwater Publication C-2001
MML-2926 Lawrence H. Peters Business Cases in Statistical Decision Making Computer Based Applications 231 MML Prentice-Hall, Inc. C-1994
MML-2927 Eduardo A. Morato, Jr. Creativity and Intuition In Management 121 MML Asian Institute of Management C-2000
MML-2928 David N. Ricchiute Auditing and Assurance Services Seventh 813 MML South Western Thomson Learning C-2003
MML-2929 D.S. Pasion-CPA, Ped. D. Bookkeeping Simplified 266 MML Magistrado Enterprises C-1981
MML-2930 Joel Gerson Standard Textbook For Professional Estheticians Third 507 MML Milady Publishing Corporation C-1979
MML-2931 Rosalinda L. Orosa Above The Throng Portraits & Profiles Sketches & Silhouettes 288 MML Heritage Publishing House C-1980
MML-2932 Rosalinda L. Orosa Above The Throng Portraits & Profiles Sketches & Silhouettes 288 MML Heritage Publishing House C-1980

Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
MML-2933 Sherman E. Lee Ed. On Understanding Art Museums 212 MML Prentice -Hall Internatioanl , Inc. C-1975
MML-2934 Sonia P. Ner Ed. A GuideBook To The Museums Of Metro Manila 115 MML Ayala Museum Of Philippine History C-1988
MML--2935 Geronimo V. Manahan Philippine Architecture In The 20th Century 80 MML Kanlungan Inc. C-1994
MML-2936 Bill Pullum Position Rifle Shooting 272 MML Stoeger Publishing Company C-1973
MML-2937 Indian Standard MML Indian Standards Institution C-1988
MML-2938 Richard G. Hatton Figure Drawing 350 MML Dover Publications, Inc C-1965
MML-2939 Concepcion Rodil Marites Human Resources Management Principles And Practices Third 459 MML National Book Store C-1988
MML-2940 Roger-Gerard Schwartzenberg The SuperStar Show Of Government 308 MML Barron's Educational Series, Inc. C-1980
MML-2941 Valarie A. Zeithaml Delivering Quality Service 226 MML The Free Press A Division Of Macmillan, Inc. C-1990
MML-2942 Fred Luthans Ed. Operations Management Dedision Making In the Operations Function 848 MML McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1993
MML-2943 Remigio C. Bolado Comprehensive Text And Reviewer In Marine Engineering 709 MML Central Professional Books, Inc. C-1993
2944 Eugene P. Odum Fundamentals Of Ecology Third 574 W.B. Saunders Company C-1971
2945 Benjamin Harrow, Ph.D. Textbook of Biochemistry Ninth 648 W.B. Saunders Company C-1966
MML-2946 Alfred Sherwood Romer The Vertebrates Body Third 475 MML W.B. Saunders Company C-1962
MML-2947 William E. Fruhan, Jr. Case Problems In Finance Tenth 692 MML Richard D. Irwin, Inc. C-1949
MML-2948 Philip L. Stein Physical Anthropology Fith 504 MML McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1993
PL-2949 Science Its Changing Your Word 104 PL
PL-2950 Science Its Changing Your Word 104 PL
MML-2951 Richard S. Snell, M.D., Ph.,D. Clinica Anatomy for Medical Students Fourth 1058 MML Little, Brown And Company C-1992
MML-2952 Morris Fishbein, M.D. The New Illustrated Medical and Health Encyclopedia 699 MML H.S. Stuttman Co., Inc. Publishers C-1970
MML-2953 Morris Fishbein, M.D. The New Illustrated Medical and Health Encyclopedia 352 MML H.S. Stuttman Co., Inc. Publishers C-1970
MML-2954 Harold Shryock,M.D. Modern Medical Guide Revised 694 MML Philippine Publishing House C-1986
MML-2955 P. Armitage Statistical Methods In Medical Research 504 MML Blackwell Scientific Publications C-1971
MML-2956 Lisa Dougherty The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual Of Clinical Nursing Procedures Sixth 870 MML Blackwell Publishng C-1992
MML-2957 Lea & Febiger Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription Fourth 314 MML Educational Publishing House C-1991
MML-2958 Ben Pansky, Ph.D.,M.D. Review Of Gross Anatomy Fifth 585 MML Macmillan Publishing Company C-1984
MML-2859 William DeMyer, M.D. Neuroanatomy 380 MML Harwal Publishing Company C-1988
MML-2960 Malcolm B. Carpenter Core Text Of Neuroanatomy Third 473 MML C-1985
MML-2961 Richard S. Snell, M.D., Ph.,D. A Review With Questions and Explanations Neuroanatomy 298 MML C-1992
MML-2962 William F. Ganong Review of Medical Pysiology Fourteenth 672 MML Merriam & Webster, Inc.
MML-2963 Malcolm B. Carpenter Study Guide And Sef-Examination Review For Core Text Of Neuroanatomy Third 181 MML JMC Press, Incorporated
MML-2964 Lucille Daniels, M.A. Muscle Testing Techniques Of Manual Examination Fifth 88 MML W.B. Saunders Company C-1986
MML-2965 Lucille Daniels, M.A. Muscle Testing Techniques Of Manual Examination Fifth 88 MML W.B. Saunders Company C-1986
MML-2966 Malcolm B. Carpenter Core Text Of Neuroanatomy Third 473 MML C-1985
MML-2967 William E. Segall Intrduction To Educational Teachig in a Diverse Society 369 MML Prentice-Hall, Inc. C-1998
MML-2968 Jack deGroot, MD, PhD Correlative Neuroanatomy Twentieth 451 MML Prentice-Hall International Inc. C-1988
MML-2969 Jay Conrad Levinson Guerrilla Negotiating 272 MML Published Simultaneously In Canada C-1999
MML-2970 Development Powered by Volunteers 238 MML Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency
MML-2971 Frank Minirth Ask the Doctors 211 MML Special Arrangement C-1973
MML-2972 Senator Vicente C. Sotto III A Vision For A Drug-Free Philippines 359 MML Mary Jo Educational Supply C-1993
MML-2973 Gabriella E. Molnar, M.D. Pediatric Rehabilitation Second 548 MML C-1992
MML-2974 Occupational Exposure And Injury 258 MML C-1990
MML-2975 Edward A. Thibault Proactive Police Management 342 MML Prentice-Hall, Inc. C-1985
MML-2976 Katie Hafner Cyberpunk 368 MML C-1991

Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
MML-2977 Rod B. Gutang Pulisya 301 MML Prentice -Hall Internatioanl , Inc. C-1997
MML-2978 Amnesty International Report 278 MML Amnesty International Publications C-1988
MML-2979 Susan George Ill fares the Land essays on food, hunger, and power 102 MML Writers and Readers Publishing C-1984
MML-2980 Adam Roberts Ed. United Nations Divided World 287 MML Oxford University Press C-1988
MML-2981 The Supreme Master Ching Hai From Crisis To Peace The Organic Vegan Way Is The Answer 169 MML C-2010
MML-2982 Clinical Education: An Anthology Volune 2 539 MML American Physical Therapy Association C-1996
MML-2983 Margaret O. Hyde Know About Drugs Third 76 MML Walker Publishing Company, Inc. C-1971
MML-2984 Candace White Ciriaco Outdoor Education In Girl Scouting 172 MML Girl Scouts Of The United States Of America C-1984
MML-2985 Roy A. Edelfelt Careers In Education 197 MML VGM Career Horizons C-1998
MML-2986 Sterling Fishman Ed. Teacher, Student, and Society Perspectives on Education 380 MML Simultaneously in Canada C-1984
MML-2987 H. Warren Button The Foundations of Education: Stasis and Change First 398 MML Random House, Inc. C-1984
2988 Supreme Master Ching Hai From Crisis To Peace The Organic Vegan Way Is The Answer First 169 C-2010
MM-2989 Michael W. Kirts Who Controls Our Schools? 183 MML Standford Alumni Association, Standford, California C-1984
MML-2990 Making Education Work (Education And ManPowers Development Programs) Volume 2 388 MML Published in Quezon City, Philippines C-1983
MML-2991 Making Education Work (Governance And Management) Volume 4 234 MML Published in Quezon City, Philippines C-1993
MML-2992 Making Education Work (Sectoral Targets And Functional Linkages Volume 3 185 MML Published in Quezon City, Philippines C-1993
MML-2993 Molleen Matsumura Voices For Evolution 176 MML The National Center For Science Educational, Inc. C-1982
MML-2994 Maximo Marina, O.P. E.d Unitas A Quarterly For The Arts And Sciences Volume 55 725 MML University of Santo Tomas Manila, Philippines C-982
MML-2995 Mike Rose Lives On The Boundary 255 MML Penguin Books C-1989
MML-2996 Herman C. Gregorio Princples and Methods of Teaching Revised 580 MML R.P.GARCIA Publishing Company C-1960
MML-2997 Regina C. Buenavista Mga Gawain Sa Pagpapaunlad Ng Buhay 5 225 MML St. Augustine Publishing, Inc. C-2004
MML-2998 Robert Rosenthal Pygmalion In The Classroom Teacher Expectation and Pupils' Intellectual Development 240 MML Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. C-1968/
MML-2999 Macario Naval Administration And Supervision for Philippine Schools 261 MML Quezon City Philippines C-1967
MML-3000 Carmelita S. Lorenzo Sining Ng Pakikipagtalastasang Panlipunan 436 MML EchanisPress, Inc. C-1994
Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
American Society For Testing And
O59 J.H. Underwood Chevron-Notched Specimens:Testing And Stress Analysis 348 Materials C-1984
Corrosion And Degradation Of Implant Materials:Second American Society For Testing And
O60 Anna C. Fraker Symposium 457 Materials C-1985
PL-061 Benjamin Locsin Layug A Tourist Guide to Noble Philippine Museums 214 New Day Publishers C-2012
American Society For Testing And
O62 T.Z. Harmathy Fire Safeti Science and Engineering 432 Materials C-1985
American Society For Testing And
O63 T.Z. Harmathy Fire Safeti Science and Engineering 432 Materials C-1985
O64 Charles J. Epstein Ed. Etiology And Pathogenesis Of Down Syndrome 260 Wiley-Liss, Inc. C-1995
Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture, Second American Society For Testing And
O65 Paul A. Lagace, Ed. Volume 422 Materials C-1989
American Society For Testing And
O66 R.N. Yong Consolidation Of Soils: Testing And Evaluation 750 Materials C-1986
American Society For Testing And
O67 Wuncheng Wang, Ed. Plants for Toxicity Assessment 363 Materials C-1990
Advances in Fatigue Lifetime Predictive American Society For Testing And
O68 M.R. Mitchell, Ed. Techniques:Second Volume 253 Materials C-1993
American Society For Testing And
O69 T.Z. Harmathy Fire Safeti Science and Engineering 432 Materials C-1985
PL-070 Jaime C. Laya Consuming Passions Philippine Collectibles 392 PL Anvil Publishing, Inc. C-2003
PL-071 Benjamin Locsin Layug A Tourist Guide to Noble Philippine Museums 214 New Day Publishers C-2012
PL-072 David Anderson Investigated Reporting 307 PL Fitzhenry & Whiteside Limited C-1976

PL-073 Vergel O. Santos The NewsWriting Formula 64 PL Communication Consulting Center, Inc. C-1989
Raising Hell (How the Center for Investigative Reporting
PL-074 David Weir Gets the Story) 340 PL Addison-Wesley Publishing Company C-1983
PL-075 Carmen Guerrero Nakpil Myself,Elsewhere 191 PL Nakpil Publishing C-2006
PL-076 Honor Blanco Cabie The Active Newsroom 180 PL National Book Store Inc. C-1985
Constructing The Filipina: A History Of Women's
PL-077 Georgina Reyes Encanto Magazines 121 PL The University Of The Philippines Press C-2004

O78 Filipino Calendar of Quotations Fiscal Administration Foundation, Inc. C-1990

Patubas An Anthology of West Visayan Poetry (1986- National Commission for Culture and the
O79 Leoncio P. Deriada 1994) 229 Arts C-1995
Ang Mga Pilipino Sa Ating Kasaysayan A Centennial
PL-080 Resource Book 115 PL National Centennial Commission
PL-081 Lauren Fedarko, Ed. Understanting Psychology Fourth 554 PL Glencoe/McGraw-Hill C-1974
Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
PL-082 Lauren Fedarko, Ed. Understanting Psychology Fourth 554 PL Glencoe/McGraw-Hill C-1974
PL-083 Lauren Fedarko, Ed. Understanting Psychology Fourth 554 PL Glencoe/McGraw-Hill C-1974
PL-084 Milagros M. Catabona, Ph.D. Introduction to Experimental Psychology 260 PL St. Mary's Publishing Corp. C-1994
PL-085 Milagros M. Catabona, Ph.D. Introduction to Experimental Psychology 260 PL St. Mary's Publishing Corp. C-1994
PL-086 Luciano L' Abate The Self In The Family 404 PL Johm Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1997
MML-087 Paul C. Cozby Methods in Behavioral Research Ninth 410 MML McGraw-Hill C-1977
PL-088 Hiroshi Minami Sikolohiya Ng Mga Hapones 177 PL Ang Solidarity, Inc. C-1993
PL-089 Richard A. Kalish, Ed. Midlife Loss Coping Strategies 323 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1989
PL-090 Richard A. Kalish, Ed. Midlife Loss Coping Strategies 323 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1989
MML-091 Vincent Ryan Ruggiero Beyond Feelings A Guide to Critical Thinking Seventh 237 MML McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. C-2004
Johnson & Johnson Baby Products
PL-092 Melvin D. Levine Middle Childhood Development and Disfunction 521 PL Company C-1984
PL-093 John W. Santrock Child Development 687 PL Brown & Benchmark Publishers C-1996
PL-094 Edward F. Zigler Children Development And Social Issues 799 PL D.C. Health and Company C-1987

PL-095 Andrew Colman Cooperation and Competition in humans and animals 300 PL Van Nostrand Reinhold (UK) Co.Ltd., C-1982
PL-096 Julie Straw The Work of Leaders 218 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-2013
PL-097 Andrew Sercombe 50 Ways to a better life 127 PL New Day Publishers C-1996
PL-098 Josefina O. Santamaria Managing your Carrer to the Top 80 PL New Day Publishers C-2005
PL-099 Marsha Ledesma Living from the Heart 264 PL Globetrotting Lens Corp. C-2009
PL-100 Maximiliano Rebollo, O.P. Moral Education in the School 197 PL UST Publishing House C-2000
101 William D. Hall Making the Right Decision Ethics for Managers 248 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1993
PL-102 Elizabeth Midlarsky Altruism in Later Life 269 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1994
PL-103 David L. Bender Biomedical Ethics 216 PL Greenhaven Press, Inc. C-1987
You Can Drink and Stay Healthy A Guide For The Social
PL-104 Dr. Robert Linn Drinker 193 PL C-1979
PL-105 Florentino T. Timbreza Ang Tao Te Ching ni Lao Tzu sa Filipino 269 PL De La Salle University Press, Inc. C-1999
PL-106 Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai Ang Pangaral Ng Buddha Ikatlo 308 PL Kosaido Co., Ltd. C-2011
PL-107 Gracianus R. Reyes Scattered Brain Showers 107 PL Giraffe Books C-1999
PL-108 Richard Brinsley Sheridan The Filipino Martyrs 124 PL New Day Publishers C-1989
Filipinos Tribal Religious Experience:II.Sickness, Death and
PL-109 Henry W. Kiley After-Death 208 PL Giraffe Books C-1994
PL-110 Mariel N. Francisco A Spiritual Pillow Book 153 PL GCF Books C-1998
PL-111 Yay Padua-Olmedo Sorry to Burst Your Bubble 77 PL New Day Publishers C-2008
PL-112 Sonny A. Ordoña Lolo Uweng Living Lord in the Holy Sepulchre 131 PL Biblio de ESDM de Landaian c-2013
PL-113 Sonny A. Ordoña Lolo Uweng Living Lord in the Holy Sepulchre 131 PL Biblio de ESDM de Landaian c-2013
Social Teaching A Guide For Liberation And Development
PL-114 Fernando G. Elesterio In The Third Millenium First 165 PL Cognita TRC C-1994
Social Teaching A Guide For Liberation And Development
PL-115 Fernando G. Elesterio In The Third Millenium First 165 PL Cognita TRC C-1994
PL-116 Master Choa Kok Sui Meditations for Soul Realization 133 PL Institute For Inner Studies, Inc. C-2000
PL-117 Islamic Values
PL-118 Harold Klemp The Spiritual Laws Of ECK 115 PL ECKANKARK C-1990
PL-119 Harold Klemp The Spiritual Laws Of ECK 115 PL ECKANKARK C-1990
PL-120 Dr. Roger M. Berg Scott,Foresman Social Studies 395 PL Scott,Foresman and Company C-1982
121 Joaquin g. Bernas, S.J. A Living Constitution The Ramos Presidency 231 Anvil Publishing, Inc. C-1999
PL-122 Craig Calhoun Sociology Sixth 651 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc C-1994
PL-123 Craig Calhoun Sociology Sixth 651 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc C-1994
PL-124 Richard T. Schaefer Sociology Fifth 677 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc C-1995
PL-125 Richard T. Schaefer Sociology Fourth PL McGraw-Hill, Inc C-1992
PL-126 Richard T. Schaefer Sociology Fifth 677 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc C-1995
PL-127 Richard T. Schaefer Sociology Fifth 677 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc C-1995
PL-128 David Hicks Cultural Anthropology 415 PL HarperCollins College Publisher C-1994
PL-129 Matilda White Riley Sociological Lives Volume 2 185 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1988
PL-130 Matilda White Riley Sociological Lives Volume 2 185 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1988
PL-131 Salvacion M. Colon General Sociology:A Simplifief Approach 251 PL National Bookk Store C-2005
PL-132 Joseph R. Dominick The dynamics of Mass Communication 616 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc C-1993
PL-133 Joseph R. Dominick The dynamics of Mass Communication Updated 616 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc C-1993
Applications.Communication For Personal and
PL-134 James Payne Professional Contexts 526 PL Clark Publishing, Inc. C-2001
Applications.Communication For Personal and
PL-135 James Payne Professional Contexts 526 PL Clark Publishing, Inc. C-2001
Patterns In Communication A Guide to Speech and Critical
PL-136 Wilhelmina G. Hedde Listening 357 PL J.B. Lippincott Company C-1973
PL-137 Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach, Ed. Media Audience And Social Structure 400 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1986
The Human Transaction Facets, Functions, and Forms of
PL-138 R. Watne Pace Interpersonal Communication 397 PL Scott, Foresman and Company C-1973
PL-139 Cora R. Arboleda Essentials of Communication Researh 180 PL Anthonisy Enterprises C-2006
PL-140 Cora R. Arboleda Essentials of Communication Researh 180 PL Anthonisy Enterprises C-2006
PL-141 Cora R. Arboleda Essentials of Communication Researh 180 PL Anthonisy Enterprises C-2006
PL-142 Alice Colet Villadolid Featuring The Philippine Press:1637-2005 122 PL
PL-143 Daniel M. Stowell Sales, Marketing, & Continuous Improvement 286 PL Jossey-Bass Publishers C-1997
PL-144 Daniel M. Stowell Sales, Marketing, & Continuous Improvement 286 PL Jossey-Bass Publishers C-1997
Dimensions Of Organizations Environment, Context,
PL-145 Mary Zey-Ferrell Structure, Process, and Performance 390 PL Goodyear Publishing Company C-1979
146 Richard J. Stillman II The American Bureaucracy 309 PL Nelson-Hall Chicago C-1987
MML-147 Mahbub ul Haq Reflections on Human Development 252 MML Oxford University Press, Inc. C-1995
PL-148 Evelyn Miranda-Feliciano Filipino Values and our Christian Faith 126 PL OMF Literature Inc. C-1990
PL-149 Evelyn Miranda-Feliciano Filipino Values and our Christian Faith 126 PL OMF Literature Inc. C-1990

PL-150 Timothy J. O'Leary Computing Essentials 2015 Making IT work for you 408 PL McGraw-Hill Education C-2015
151 Preston Gralla Online Kids A Young Suffer's Guide To Cyberspace Revised 276 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1996
PL-152 Elmer A. Ordoñez Ed. The Philippine Revolution and Beyond Volume II 1065 PL Philippine Centennial Commission C-1998
PL-153 Elmer A. Ordoñez Ed. The Philippine Revolution and Beyond Volume II 1065 PL Philippine Centennial Commission C-1998
154 Richard Brinsley Sheridan The Filipino Martyrs 257 Trademark Publishing Corporation C-1998
155 Cesar Adib Majul Apolinario Mabini Revolutionary 256 Trademark Publishing Corporation C-1998
PL-156 Philippine Revolution The Making of a Nation 458 PL National Centennial Commission C-1999
PL-157 Elmer A. Ordoñez Ed. The Philippine Revolution and Beyond Volume I 536 PL Philippine Centennial Commission C-1998
PL-158 Elmer A. Ordoñez Ed. The Philippine Revolution and Beyond Volume I 536 PL Philippine Centennial Commission C-1998
PL-159 Benedict J. Kerkvliet The Huk Rebellion 305 PL New Day Publishers C-1979
An eyewitness history People Power The Philippine
160 Monina Allarey Mercado Revolution of 1986 320 The James B. Reuter, S.J., Foundation C-1986
PL-161 Rafaelita Hilario Soriano A Shaft Of Light Revised 344 PL C-1996
Revolutionary Clergy The Filipino Clergy and Nationalist
PL-162 John N. Schumacher, SJ Movement,1850-1903 298 PL The Ateneo de Manila C-1981
PL-163 Thomas Y. Canby Our Changing Earth 199 PL The National Geographic Society C-1994
PL-164 Charles B. Nam Understanding Population Change 171 PL F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc C-1994
PL-165 Margaret S. Boone Capital Crime Black Infant Mortality in America Volume 4 253 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1989
PL-166 Margaret S. Boone Capital Crime Black Infant Mortality in America Volume 4 253 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1989
PL-167 Margaret S. Boone Capital Crime Black Infant Mortality in America Volume 4 253 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1989
PL-168 Sangguniang Kabataan Primer Book 1 208 PL Concern , Inc. C-1992
PL-169 Sangguniang Kabataan Primer Book 1 208 PL Concern , Inc. C-1992
Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Educational
PL-170 Decisions For Healthy Living Teen Health 443 PL Division C-1990
Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Educational
PL-171 Decisions For Healthy Living Teen Health 443 PL Division C-1990
PL-172 Todays Teen Third 528 PL Glencoe Publishing Company C-1988
PL-173 Maximiliance Szinovacz, Ed. Families And Retirement 304 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1992
PL-174 Moving Forward with Gad 115 PL
Gender and Development making the bureaucracy
PL-175 gender-resposive 162 PL UNIFEM and NCRFW C-1994

PL-176 Julia T. Wood Gender Lives Communication, Gender, and Culture 359 PL International Thomson Publishing C-1994

Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
Women's Voice,Feminist Visions Classic and
PL-177 Susan M. Shaw Contemporary Readings Fith 677 PL McGraw-Hill C-2009

PL-178 Audrey T. McCollum The Trauma of Moving Psychological Issues for Women 310 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1990
Women's Voice,Feminist Visions Classic and
PL-179 Susan M. Shaw Contemporary Readings Third 743 PL McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. C-2007
PL-180 Nicanor G. Tiongson The Women Of Malolos 496 PL Ateneo De Manila University Press C-2004
PL-181 Joan C. Williams White Working Class 180 PL Harvard Business Review Press C-2017
PL-182 The Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines 85 PL Rex Bokk Store, Inc. C-2000

PL-183 Beverly Chiñas The Istmus Zapotecs Women's Roles in Cultural Context 129 PL Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. C-1973
PL-184 Patricia Y. Murray Living In America A Popular Culture Reader 578 PL Mayfield Publishing Company C-1998
PL-185 Hiromu Shimizu The Orphans Of Pinatubo 388 PL Solidaridad Publishing House C-2001
National Commission For Culture and the
186 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
187 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
188 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
189 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
190 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
191 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
192 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
193 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
194 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
195 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
196 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
197 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
198 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
199 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
200 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
201 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
202 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
National Commission For Culture and the
203 Hannbal H. Bara Tausug of Sulu (Katu Tubo) 52 PL Arts C-2009
Community Participation in the Delivery of Basic Health
PL-204 Trinidad S. Osteria Servce 194 PL De La Salle University C-1988

PL-205 Fernando Napkil Zialcita Authentic Though not Exotic: Essays on Filipino Identity 340 PL Ateneo De Manila University Press C-2005
PL-206 Renato Perdon Kulturang Pilipino 238 PL Manila Prints Autralia C-2012
PL-207 Renato Perdon Kulturang Pilipino 238 PL Manila Prints Autralia C-2012
PL-208 Renato Perdon Kulturang Pilipino 238 PL Manila Prints Autralia C-2012

The Meaning Of Difference American Construction Race, Sex and

PL-209 Karen E. Rosenblum Gender, Social Class,Sexual Orientation and Disability Sixth 520 PL McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. C-2012
Ruptures, Schisms, Interventions Cultural Revolution in
PL-210 E. San Juan, Jr. the Third World 172 PL De La Salle University Press C-1988
PL-211 Nick Joaquin Culture And History 411 PL Beaulah Pedregosa Taguiwalo C-2004
Philippine Cultural Disasters Essays On An Age Of Hyper
PL-212 R. Kwan Laurel Consumption 354 PL Willing Ox Publishing C-2010
Philippine Cultural Disasters Essays On An Age Of Hyper
PL-213 R. Kwan Laurel Consumption 354 PL Willing Ox Publishing C-2010
Filipino at Pagpaplanong Pangwika Ikalawang Sourcebook
PL-214 Pamela C. Constantino ng SANGFIL 327 PL Sentro ng Wikang Filipino-Diliman C-2005
PL-215 Frank D. Cox Family Living Relationships And Decisions 487 PL National Textbook Company C-1994

PL-216 Violet Gaynor The Glow An Inspiring Guide to Stylish Motherhood 223 PL Stewart, Tabori & Chang C-2014
Placemaking The Art And Practice Of Building
PL-217 Lynda H. Schneekloth Communities 263 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1995
Placemaking The Art And Practice Of Building
PL-218 Lynda H. Schneekloth Communities 263 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1995
PL-219 Roger Barr Cities 128 PL Lucent Books, Inc. C-1995

Philippine Cities Contemporary Stories of Resiliency and National Commission For Culture and the
MML-220 Erlita P. Mendoza Resolve through Change and Progress 123 MML Arts C-2017

Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year

Philippine Cities Contemporary Stories of Resiliency and National Commission For Culture and the
PL-221 Erlita P. Mendoza Resolve through Change and Progress 123 MML Arts C-2017
State and Local Government and Politics Essential
PL-222 Harry A. Bailey, Jr. Readings 360 PL F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc. C-1993
State and Local Government and Politics Essential
PL-223 Harry A. Bailey, Jr. Readings 360 PL F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc. C-1993
PL-224 Juanito S. Ortiz The Barangays of the Philippines Revised 365 PL C-1992
Transforming Local Government Executives Into Effective Asia Research and Management
PL-225 Dr. Isidro D. Cariño Managers 395 PL Corporation C-1995
Transforming Local Government Executives Into Effective Asia Research and Management
PL-226 Dr. Isidro D. Cariño Managers 395 PL Corporation C-1995

Katarungang Pambarangay Primer And Guidebook Step-

PL-227 Teresita Leonardo De Castro By-Step Guide To Katarungang Pambarangay 270 PL Mary Joy Publishing House Incorporated C-1999

FootPrints In The Wilderness The life and times of Oscar F.

PL-228 Manuel F. Martinez Santos and his message to the Filipino Youth 354 PL Coconut Industry Reform Movement, Inc. C-1997
Federalism: The Next Disaster? Political Economy Of
PL-229 Armando Armas Jr. Government 208 PL
PL-230 Thomas E. Patterson The American Democracy 774 PL McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. C-1994
Corporate Political Agency The Construction of
PL-231 Barry M. Mitnick Ed. Competition in Public Affairs 327 PL Sage Publication, Inc C-1993
PL-232 Aliza Becker Citizenship Now A Guide for Naturalization Revised 167 PL McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. C-2003
PL-233 Emery Reves The Anatomy Of Peace Eighth 293 PL Harper & Brothers Publishers C-1945

PL-234 Lualhati Milan Abreu Agaw-dilim, Agaw-liwanag 271 PL The University Of The Philippines Press C-2009
Politics In Developing Countries Comparing Experiences
PL-235 Larry Diamond Ed. with Democracy 503 PL Lynne Rienner Publishers C-1990
PL-236 Brunei Merdeka 204 PL Ayala International Borneo Ltd.
The Fall of Hong Kong China's Triumph and Britain's
PL-237 Mark Robert Betrayal 336 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc C-1994

PL-238 Guy Lachapelle The Quebec Democracy Structures Processes & Policies 484 PL McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited C-1993
Politics In Developing Countries Comparing Experiences
PL-239 Larry Diamond Ed. with Democracy 503 PL Lynne Rienner Publishers C-1990
PL-240 Eduardo Lachica HUK Philippine Agrarian Society in Revolt 331 PL Solidaridad Publishing House C-1971
PL-241 Ferdinand E. Marcos The Democratic Revolution 309 PL Office of Media Affairs C-1985
Black Hands Of Beijing Lives of Difiance in China's
PL-242 George Black Democracy Movement 390 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1993
PL-243 Bernard H. Ross Urban Politics Power In Metropolitan America Fourth 471 PL P.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc. C.1991
PL-244 Bernard H. Ross Urban Politics Power In Metropolitan America Fourth 471 PL P.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc. C.1991

PL-245 Stephen John Stedman Ed. The Political Economy Of Democratic Development 214 PL Lynne Rienner Publishers C-1993
The Foundation for Communication
PL-246 Glenda M. Gloria Spin and Sell How Political Ads Shaped the 2004 Elections 124 PL Initiatives C-2004
Face Of EmpireUnited States-Philippine Relations, 1898-
PL-247 Frank Hindman Golay 1946 549 PL Ateneo De Manila University Press. C-1997
PL-248 Russell J. Dalton Citizen Politics In Western Democracies 270 PL Chatham House Publishers, Inc. C-1988

PL-249 John Spanier Games Nations Play Analyzing International Politics Fourth 614 PL Praeger Publishers, Inc. C-1972

PL-250 Daniel Warner An Ethic of Responsibilty in International Relations 153 PL United States of America C-1991
MML-251 Philippine Bilateral Agreements (2001-2002) 595 MML Foreign Service Institute
PL-252 Hsiao Shi-Ching History Of Chinese-Philippine Relations 432 PL C-1998
PL-253 David L. Bender Ed. Nuclear Proliferation 234 PL Greenhaven Press, Inc. C-1992

PL-254 Perry E. Gianakos American Diplomacy And The Sense Of Destiny Volume 1 132 PL Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. C-1996
France And The Philippines From The Begginning To The
PL-255 Denis Nardin End Of The Spanish Regime 132 PL National Historical Institute C-2004
PL-256 Carlos P. Romulo The Romulo Reader 163 PL Bookmark, Inc. C-1998

Assembly Of The Nation A Centennial History of the House House of Representatives of the
PL-257 of Representatives of the Philippines 1907-2007 307 PL Philippines
PL-258 Manuel D. Duldulao A Century Of Philippine Legislature First Volume 1 384 PL C-2007
PL-259 Manuel D. Duldulao A Century Of Philippine Legislature First Volume 2 390 PL C-2007
PL-260 McConnell Brue Flynn economics Second 531 PL Douglas Reiner C-2013
PL-261 Roy J. Ruffin Principles of Macroeconomics 416 PL Scott, Foresman and Company C-1938
PL-262 Damodar N. Gujarati Basic Economics Second 705 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc. c-1988
PL-263 Robert B. Ekelund, Jr. Economics 872 PL Simultaneously in Canada C-1986
PL-264 Saaduddin A. Alauya Quizzer In Muslim Personal Law Second 177 PL National Book Store, Inc. C-1986

Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year

PL-265 Dr. Allen W. Smith Understanding Economics Second 449 PL McGraw- Hil School Publishing Company C-1991

PL-266 Dr. Allen W. Smith Understanding Economics Second 449 PL McGraw- Hil School Publishing Company C-1991

PL-267 Dr. Allen W. Smith Understanding Economics Second 449 PL McGraw- Hil School Publishing Company C-1991
International Money & Debt Challenges for the World International Center for Economic
PL-268 Rudiger Dornbusch Ed. Economy 200 PL Growth C-1991

Philippine Science & Technology: Economic, Political and

PL-269 Socorro M. Rodriguez Social Events Shaping Their Development 136 PL Giraffe Book C-1996
PL-270 J.Vernon Henderson Principles Of Economics 1235 PL D.C. Health and Company C-1991
PL-271 Ernesto L. Pineda Property 678 PL Central Professional Books, Inc. C-1999

PL-272 Armando Armas Jr. Trilateral Monopoly Mythology Destructive Creation 189 PL Manaoag House C-2009

Philippine Science & Technology: Economic, Political and

PL-273 Socorro M. Rodriguez Social Events Shaping Their Development 136 PL Giraffe Book C-1996
The Human Development Race Improving The Quality Of International Center for Economic
PL-274 Marc M. Lindenberg Life In Developing Countries 233 PL Growth C-1993
PL-275 D.K. FieldHouse Unilever Overseas 620 PL Croom Helm London C-1978
International Money & Debt Challenges for the World International Center for Economic
PL-276 Rudiger Dornbusch Ed. Economy 200 PL Growth C-1991
Asia And Africa Legacies And Opportunities In
PL-277 David L. Lindauer Development 422 PL Institute for Contemporary Studies C-1994
The Bias Againts Agriculture Trade And Macroeconomic
PL-278 Romeo M. Bautista Ed. Policies In Developing Countries 339 PL Institute for Contemporary Studies C-1993
Ang Pagsulong Ng Kapitalismong Ersatz Sa Timog-
PL-279 Yoshihara Kunio Silangang Asya 337 PL Solidarity Foundation, Inc. C-1993
The Continuing Revolution Meeting the Challenges of Ramos Peace and Development
PL-280 Fidel V. Ramos Development and Poverty Reduction 394 PL Foundation, Inc. C-2001

The Continuing Revolution Meeting the Challenges of Ramos Peace and Development
PL-281 Fidel V. Ramos Development and Poverty Reduction 394 PL Foundation, Inc. C-2001

The Continuing Revolution Meeting the Challenges of Ramos Peace and Development
PL-282 Fidel V. Ramos Development and Poverty Reduction 394 PL Foundation, Inc. C-2001
PL-283 O.D. Corpuz An Economic History Of The Philippines 312 PL University of the Philippines Press C-1997
After Marriage Ends Economic Consequences For Midlife
PL-284 Leslie A. Morgan Women 169 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1991
Lifehacker The Guide To Working Smarter Faster, And
PL-285 Adam Pash Better Third 476 PL Wiley Publishing, Inc. C-2011

Women's participation in the labour force: A methods test

PL-286 Richard Anker, M.E.Khan in india for improving its measurement 204 PL International Labour Organisation C-1988
The Employee Experience How to Attack Talent, Retain
PL-287 Tracy Maylett, EdD. Top Perfomers, and Drive Results 219 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-2017
Business Without Bosses How Self-Managing Teams Are
PL-288 Charles C. Manz Building High-Performing Companies 238 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1993
National Business Employment Weekly Guode To Self-
PL-289 David Lord Employment 266 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1996
MML-290 Raymond A. Noe Employee Training and Development Fifth 589 MML McGraw- Hil Companies, Inc. C-2010

PL-291 Dr. Florence M. de Guia Is Training Quantifiable? An HRD-OD Breakthrough 101 PL Florence de Guia & Associates C-1998
PL-292 Victoria Rialp Children and hazardous work in the Philippines 72 PL International Labour Organization C-1993
PL-293 Jean Curtis Working Mothers 214 PL Doubleday & Company, Inc. C-1976
PL-294 Manolo I. Abella Sending Workers Abroad 115 PL International Labour Organization C-1997
Philippine Labour Migration Critical Dimensions Of Public
P-295 Joaquin L. Gonzalez III Policy 198 PL Institute of Southeast Asian Studies C-1998
The Wall Street Journal On Management The Best of the
PL-296 David Asman Ed. Management Journal 246 PL Dow Jones And Company, Inc. C-1985
PL-297 Josefina O. Santamaria Managing Work And Career 88 PL New Day Publishers C-2003
World Debt Tables 1996 External Finance for Developing
PL-298 Countries Volume 2 567 PL International Bank C-1996
PL-299 R. Malcon Richards Personal Finance 617 PL Scott, Foresman and Company C-1984
300 John J. Pringle Essentials Of Managerial Finance 796 Scott, Foresman and Company C-1984

PL-301 Jonathan Michaels Personal Finance on the Web: The Interactive Guide 284 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1997
PL-302 Francisco J. Colayco Wealth within your Reach Pera Mo, Palaguin Mo! 231 PL Caloyco Foundation for Education, Inc. C-2004
PL-303 Arthur C. Nelson A Guide to Impact Fees and Housing Affordability 294 PL IslandPress C-2008
PL-304 Peter S. Rose Bank Management & Financial Services 721 PL McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. C-2008

PL-305 Hazel J. Johnson Financial Institutions and Markets A Global Perspective 560 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1993
PL-306 Project Practice Book American Literature 249 PL McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. C-2012
Behiind Closed Doors Wheeling and Dealing in the
PL-307 Hope Lampert Banking World 386 PL Simultaneously in Canada C-1986
Rejuvenating Bank Finance For Development In Asia And
PL-308 The Pacific 207 PL United Nations Publication C-2002

Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
PL-309 Yun-Hwan Kim Ed. Government Bond Market Development in Asia 690 PL Asian Development Bank C-2001
National Commission for Cultureand the
PL-310 Rener R. Escalante History Of Hacienda De Imus 1590-1910 250 PL Arts C-2013
Repormang Pang-Agraryo at Kaunlarang Pangkanayunan:
PL-311 Ma. Loudes Zerelda S. Pacuribot Manwal Ng Paralegal Panagatlo 277 PL PESANTEch C-1999
PL-312 Mariano N. Querol Land Reform In Asia 291 PL Solidaridad Publishing House C-1974
PL-313 Terry B. Friedman LandLord Tenant PL The Butter Group LTD. C-1989
PL-314 M.G. Mayer Ed. Journal Of Power Sources Volume 33 346 PL Elsevier Sequoia C-1991
Handbook Of Conservation And Solar EnergyTrends And
PL-315 V. Daniel Hunt Perspectives 385 PL Van Nostrant Reinhold Company Inc. C-1982
Handbook Of Conservation And Solar EnergyTrends And
PL-316 V. Daniel Hunt Perspectives 385 PL Van Nostrant Reinhold Company Inc. C-1982
PL-317 Backyard Wildlife 194 PL C-2015
Commentaries On The Revised Tariff And Customs Code
PL-319 Montano A. Tejam Of The Philippines Fourt & Revised Volume III 2417 PL Central LawBook Publishing CO., Inc. C-1984
PL-318 Sofronio B. Ursal Philippine Law On Local Government Taxation 424 PL Good Governance Books C-2000
Commentaries On The Revised Tariff And Customs Code
PL-319 Montano A. Tejam Of The Philippines Fourt & Revised Volume III 2417 PL Central LawBook Publishing CO., Inc. C-1984
Commentaries On The Revised Tariff And Customs Code
PL-320 Montano A. Tejam Of The Philippines Fifth & Revised Volume 2 1471 Central LawBook Publishing CO., Inc. C-1992
Commentaries On The Revised Tariff And Customs Code
PL-321 Montano A. Tejam Of The Philippines Fourt & Revised Volume III 2417 PL Central LawBook Publishing CO., Inc. C-1984
Tax Reform and the Cost of Capital An International
PL-322 Dale W. Jorgenson Comprison 420 PL The Bookings Institution C-1993
Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers In Asia Current
PL-323 Paul Smoke Ed. Practice and Challenges for the Future 282 PL Asian Development Bank C-2002

PL-324 Emma S. Avendaño Pinoy Entrepreneur Home Economics Teacher's Manual 156 PL Diwa Scholastic Press INC. C-2007

PL-325 Emma S. Avendaño Pinoy Entrepreneur Home Economics Teacher's Manual 444 PL Diwa Scholastic Press INC. C-2007
PL-326 Peggy Lambing Entrepreneurship 299 PL Prentice-Hall, Inc. C-1997

PL-327 Anthony and Diane Hallett Entrepreneur Magazine Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurs 512 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1997
The Art of Agribusiness 111 and More Success Stories in
PL-328 Arthur C. Yap Agri-Entrepreneurship 277 PL MRMCI C-2010

Special Report Food Prices and Inflation in Developing

PL-329 Asia: Is Poverty Reduction Coming to an End? 37 PL Asian Development Bank C-2008

PL-330 Yasmin Arquiza Voices from the Islands 88 PL Asian Conservation Foundation, Inc. C-2017
Fisheers Of The Visayas (Visayas Maritime
PL-331 Iwao Ushijima E. Anthropological Studies 464 PL University of the Philippines Press C-1994
Fisheers Of The Visayas (Visayas Maritime
PL-332 Iwao Ushijima E. Anthropological Studies 464 PL University of the Philippines Press C-1994
PL-333 Ralph T. Byrns Micro Economics Second 562 PL Scott, Foresman and Company C-1984
PL-334 Nancy Smith Barrett The Theory Of Macroeconomic Policy Second 483 PL Prentice-Hall, Inc. C-1975
PL-335 J. Vernon Henderson Principles Of Microeconomics 630 PL D.C. Health and Company C-1991
PL-336 J. Vernon Henderson Principles Of Microeconomics 714 PL D.C. Health and Company C-1991
The Art of Change Leadership Driving Transformation in a
337 Cheryl Cran Fast-Paced World 235 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-2016
PL-338 Small-scale forest-based processing enterprises 246 PL C-1990
PL-339 Chris Zook The Founder's Mentality 213 PL Bain & Company, Inc. C-2016
Keeping it in the Family Successful Succession Of The
PL-340 James W. Lea, PhD Family Business 203 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1991
Green Kit Mga Gender-Responsive ENR Enterprises sa
PL-341 Pilipinas 136 PL
Green Kit Mga Gender-Responsive ENR Enterprises sa
PL-342 Pilipinas 136 PL
Mines And Minerals Of The Great American Rift (Colorado
PL-343 Richard Walker Holmes New Mexico) 332 PL Van Nostrand Rheinhold Company Inc. C-1983
The Global Manufacturing Vanguard New Rules from the
PPL-344 Micheline Maynard Industry Elite 221 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1998
Sangguniang Kabataan Primer-Book II Philippine 2000 And
PL-345 The National Moral Recovery Program 172 PL Concern, Inc.
Planning Local Economic Development Theory and
PL-346 Edward J. Blakely Practice Volume 168 307 PL Sage Publications, Inc C-1989

Politics and Policy Making In Developing Countries International Center for Economic
PL-347 Gerald M. Meier Ed. Perspectives on the New Political Economy 369 PL Grrowth C-1991
Managing Adjustment in Developing Countries Economic International Center for Economic
PL-348 Marc Lindenberg and Political Perspectives 328 PL Grrowth C-1989
Managing Adjustment in Developing Countries Economic International Center for Economic
PL-349 Marc Lindenberg and Political Perspectives 328 PL Grrowth C-1989
PL-350 John P. Frendreis The Modern Presidency and Economic Policy 335 PL F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc. C-1994
Social Market Economy Principles and Implementation Ferdinand Schoningh, Paderborn,
PL-351 Rolf H. Hasse Ed. Economic Policy from A to Z 534 PL Germany C-2008

Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
Social Market Economy Principles and Implementation Ferdinand Schoningh, Paderborn,
PL-352 Rolf H. Hasse Ed. Economic Policy from A to Z 534 PL Germany C-2008
Social Market Economy Principles and Implementation Ferdinand Schoningh, Paderborn,
PL-353 Rolf H. Hasse Ed. Economic Policy from A to Z 534 PL Germany C-2008

PL-354 Jose T. Almonte Why are Filipino's killing fellow Filipino's 48 PL Foundation for Economic Freedom, Inc. C-2008

PL-355 Jose T. Almonte Why are Filipino's killing fellow Filipino's 48 PL Foundation for Economic Freedom, Inc. C-2008
PL-356 Heinz Kohler Macroeconomics 550 PL D.C. Health and Company C-1992
PL-357 Heinz Kohler Macroeconomics 550 PL D.C. Health and Company C-1992
PL-358 David C. Colander Macroeconomics Seventh 475 PL McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. C-2008
PL-359 Jose C. Sison A Law Each Day 1998 Volume 1 568 PL Central Professional Books, Inc. C-1998
PL-360 Jose C. Sison A Law Each Day 1998 Volume 1 568 PL Central Professional Books, Inc. C-1998
PL-361 Jose C. Sison A Law Each Day 1998 Volume 1 568 PL Central Professional Books, Inc. C-1998
PL-362 James A. McDermott Recommended Law Books Second 152 PL American Bar Association C-1986
PL-363 Ernesto L. Pineda Succession and Prescription 2001 736 PL Central Professional Books, Inc. C-2001

PL-364 Judge Alicia Gonzales-Decano Notes On Torts And Damages 2004 281 PL Central Lawbook Publishing CO.,Inc. C-2004
PL-365 Basilisa Cartagena-Arroyo The Laws and Jurisprudence on Retirement 320 PL C-1998
PL-366 Narciso M. Aguilar Revised Rules on Evidence Annotated First 333 PL Central Book Supply, Inc. C-2004
The Regulatory Laws And Cases On Land, Water And Air
PL-367 Rufus B. Rodriguez Transportation In The Philippines 358 PL Rex Book Store C-1999

PL-368 Rufus B. Rodriguez The Laws On Banking And Finance In The Philippines 470 PL Rex Book Store C-1999
PL-369 Jorge V. Miravite Bar Review Materials In Commercial Law Elevent 680 PL C-1998

Civil Code Of The Philippines Republic Act No. 386 And

PL-370 CBSI EDITORIAL STAFF Ed. The Family Code Executive Oder No. 209 As Amended Ninth 749 PL Central Book Supply, Inc. C-1990

Civil Code Of The Philippines Republic Act No. 386 And

PL-371 CBSI EDITORIAL STAFF Ed. The Family Code Executive Oder No. 209 As Amended Ninth 749 PL Central Book Supply, Inc. C-1990

Civil Code Of The Philippines Republic Act No. 386 And

PL-372 CBSI EDITORIAL STAFF Ed. The Family Code Executive Oder No. 209 As Amended Ninth 749 PL Central Book Supply, Inc. C-1990
PL-373 CBSI EDITORIAL STAFF Ed. The Revised Penal Code (Criminal Law) Twenty -Third 697 PL Central Book Supply, Inc. C-1988

PL-374 Vicente V. Mendoza Bar Review Guide In Political Law Eighth 438 PL Central LawBook Publishing CO., Inc. C-2002

PL-375 Vicente V. Mendoza Bar Review Guide In Political Law Eighth 438 PL Central LawBook Publishing CO., Inc. C-2002

PL-376 Vicente V. Mendoza Bar Review Guide In Political Law Eighth 438 PL Central LawBook Publishing CO., Inc. C-2002
PL-377 Demosthenes B. Donato Labor Juris Millennium 967 PL Central Professional Books, Inc. C-2001
University Of The Philippines Collrge Of
PL-378 Antonio M. Santos A Guie To Philippine Legal Information 201 PL Law C-2013
PL-379 Bruno Leone Internationalism Revised 175 PL Greenhaven Press, Inc. C-1978
PL-380 Bruno Leone Internationalism Revised 175 PL Greenhaven Press, Inc. C-1978
PL-381 Basic Facts About The United Nations 341 PL United Nations C-1995
China and the World New Directions in Chinese Foreign
382 Samuel S. Kim Ed. Relations 339 Westview Press, Inc. C-1989

A Nation On Fire The Unmaking of Joseph Ejercito Estrada

383 Francisco S. Tatad and the Remaking of Democracy in the Philippines 658 Icon Press, Inc. C-2002
PL-384 General Primer 269 PL

A Nation On Fire The Unmaking of Joseph Ejercito Estrada

PL-385 Francisco S. Tatad and the Remaking of Democracy in the Philippines 658 PL Icon Press, Inc. C-2002

PL-386 Jose Agaton R. Sibal Administrative Law With Executive Order No. 292) First 538 PL Central LawBook Publishing CO., Inc. C-1999

PL-387 Jose Agaton R. Sibal Administrative Law With Executive Order No. 292) First 538 PL Central LawBook Publishing CO., Inc. C-1999

PL-388 Jose Agaton R. Sibal Administrative Law With Executive Order No. 292) First 538 PL Central LawBook Publishing CO., Inc. C-1999

Katarungang Pambarangay Digest Of Supreme Court Decisions

PL-389 Teresita Leonardo De Castro Department Of Justice Opinions And Annotations 476 PL GoldBook Publishing C-1993
PL-390 Armando Armas Jr. Impeachment Quagmire First 99 PL Manaoag House C-2012
PL-391 Enrique M. Fernando The Bill Of Rights In The Revised Construction 256 PL
PL-392 The Local Government Code 148 PL
Exterior Insulation Finish Systems ( EIFS): Materials, American Society For Testing And
PL-393 Peter E. Nelson Properties, and Performance 207 PL Materials C-1996
PL-394 Sofronio B. Ursal Philippine Law On Local Government Taxation 2000 424 PL Good Governance Books

PL-395 e-VAT The Law and Regulations 206 PL eAsia Outsourcing and Marketing Services C-2006

Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
Government Procurement Tool Kit (R.A No. 9184,
PL-396 Sofronio B. Ursal Annotated) 393 PL Good Governance Books C-2004
Government Procurement Tool Kit (R.A No. 9184,
PL-397 Sofronio B. Ursal Annotated) 393 PL Good Governance Books C-2004
PL-398 Sofronio B. Ursal Philippine Government Auditing 584 PL Good Governance Books C-2008
PL-399 Sofronio B. Ursal Philippine Government Auditing 584 PL Good Governance Books C-2008
PL-400 Sofronio B. Ursal Philippine Law On Local Government Taxation Third Volume 1 468 PL Good Governance Books C-2010
PL-401 Sofronio B. Ursal Philippine Law On Local Government Taxation Third Volume 1 468 PL Good Governance Books C-2010
PL-402 Sofronio B. Ursal Philippine Law On Local Government Taxation Third Volume 1 468 PL Good Governance Books C-2010
PL-403 Demosthenes B. Donato Labor Juris (1998) Centennial 833 PL Central Professional Books, Inc.
PL-404 Quintin C. Mendoza Philippine Labor Relations Law 354 PL Rex Book Store C-1986

PL-405 The Flag And Heraldic Code Of The Philippines Illustrated 107 PL National Historical Institute C-2006
PL-406 Ernesto L. Pineda The Revised Rules On Criminal Procedure First 686 PL Central Book Supply, Inc. C-2003
PL-407 Ernesto L. Pineda The Revised Rules On Criminal Procedure First 686 PL Central Book Supply, Inc. C-2003
PL-408 Ernesto L. Pineda The Revised Rules On Criminal Procedure First 686 PL Central Book Supply, Inc. C-2003
PL-409 Ernesto L. Pineda The Revised Rules On Criminal Procedure First 686 PL Central Book Supply, Inc. C-2003

PL-410 Alfred J. Kahn Ed. Child Support From Debt Collection to Social Policy 383 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1988

PL-411 Alfred J. Kahn Ed. Child Support From Debt Collection to Social Policy 383 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1988

PL-412 P.R. Jardiniano Public Accountability of Local Officials and Employee First 357 PL Mary Jo Educational Supply C-1994
Negotiating Autonomy Case Studies on Philippine International Work Group for Indigenous
PL-413 Augusto B. Gatmaytan Indigenous Peoples' Land Rights 236 PL Affairs C-2007
Negotiating Autonomy Case Studies on Philippine International Work Group for Indigenous
PL-414 Augusto B. Gatmaytan Indigenous Peoples' Land Rights 236 PL Affairs C-2007
PL-415 David G. Nitafan Ed. Supreme Court Unpublished Decisions Volume 1 768 PL Central Book Supply, Inc. C-1991
Hour Before Dawn The Fall and Uncertain Raise of the
PL-416 Marites Dañguilan Vitug Philippine Supreme Court 319 PL Cleverheads Publishing C-2012
PL-417 Ernesto L. Pineda The Revised Rules On Criminal Procedure First 686 PL Central Book Supply, Inc. C-2003
PL-418 Sofronio B. Ursal How To Manage Barangay Finances 232 PL Good Governance Books
PL-419 Sofronio B. Ursal Readings In Philippine State Audit 378 PL Good Governance Books

PL-420 Sofronio B. Ursal Ang Tamang Pamamahala sa Pananalapi ng Barangay 305 PL Good Governance Books C-2003
PL-421 Sofronio B. Ursal Anti-Graft Guidebook 304 PL Good Governance Books
Evidence Rules: Federal Rules Of Evidence And California
PL-422 Evidence Code 540 PL West Publishing Co., C-1973

PL-423 Isidro D. Cariño A Business Executive Joins The Cabinet His Joys And Pains 65 PL Cacho Hermanos, Inc. C-1992
A Business Executive Joins The Cabinet: His Joys And Pains
PL-424 Isidro D. Cariño And Travails Thereafter 183 PL Cacho Hermanos, Inc. C-1993
PL-425 Sofronio B. Ursal How To Manage Barangay Finances 232 PL Good Governance Books
PL-426 Sofronio B. Ursal How To Manage Barangay Finances 232 PL Good Governance Books
PL-427 Sofronio B. Ursal How To Manage Barangay Finances 232 PL Good Governance Books
A political history of our time Presidential Policies from
PL-428 Manuel F. Martinez Aquino to Ramos to Estrada 339 PL C-1999
A political history of our time Presidential Policies from
PL-429 Manuel F. Martinez Aquino to Ramos to Estrada 339 PL C-1999
PL-430 Mita Q. Sison-Duque In The Beginning… A Nation. A President 383 PL KMSD Publishers, Inc. C-1994
PL-431 Mita Q. Sison-Duque In The Beginning… A Nation. A President 383 PL KMSD Publishers, Inc. C-1994
PL-432 Rosario Mendoza Cortes Ed. Philippine Presidents 100 Years 398 PL New Day Publishers C-1999

PL-433 Isabelo T. Crisostomo Fidel Valdez Ramos Builder, Reformer, Peacemaker 337 PL J. Kriz Publishing Enterprise C-1997

PL-434 Isabelo T. Crisostomo Fidel Valdez Ramos Builder, Reformer, Peacemaker 337 PL J. Kriz Publishing Enterprise C-1997
PL-435 Rosario Mendoza Cortes Ed. Philippine Presidents 100 Years 398 PL New Day Publishers C-1999
PL-436 Rosario Mendoza Cortes Ed. Philippine Presidents 100 Years 398 PL New Day Publishers C-1999
A political history of our time Presidential Policies from
PL-437 Manuel F. Martinez Aquino to Ramos to Estrada 339 PL C-1999
The Anti-Marcos Struggle Personalistic Rule and
PL-438 Mark R. Thompson Democratic Transition in the Philippines 258 PL New Day Publishers C-1995

PL-439 G.H. Enosawa Manuel L. Quezon From Nipa House To Malacanan 178 PL Japan Publicity Agency C-1940
Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
PL-440 David Joel Steinberg Philippine Collaboration In World War II 235 PL Solidaridad Publishing House C-1967
America's Dim Mak Points Unrestricted Wafare In The
PL-441 Victor N. Corpus 21st Century 166 PL Anvil Publishing, Inc. C-2009
America's Dim Mak Points Unrestricted Wafare In The
PL-442 Victor N. Corpus 21st Century 166 PL Anvil Publishing, Inc. C-2009
PL-443 Kerry G. Herron Critical Masses And Critical Choices 247 PL University Of Pittsburg Press. C-2006
"Bandoleros" Outlawed Guerrillas Of The Philippine-
PL-444 Orlino A. Ochosa American War 1903-1907 168 PL New Day Publishers C-1995
PL-445 Joel Best Social Problems Third 381 PL W.W. Norton & Company C-2017
PL-446 Mary Nomme Russell Clinical Social Work Research and Practice 189 PL Sage Publications C-1990
PL-447 Mary Nomme Russell Clinical Social Work Research and Practice 189 PL Sage Publications C-1990
PL-448 Pascual F. Jardiniano Barangay Administration Handbook 359 PL Mary Jo Educational Supply C-1993
PL-449 Lina B. Laigo Sec. Accomplishments and Legacies 31 PL
PL-450 Be Hands On! Inspiring Volunteers Stories 181 PL Anvil Publishing, Inc. C-2008
PL-451 Be Hands On! Inspiring Volunteers Stories 181 PL Anvil Publishing, Inc. C-2008
Beyond Welfare:50 Years Development And Department of Social Welfare and
PL-452 Visitacion R. Dela Torre Empowerment 107 PL Development C-1997

The patient revolution How Big Data and Analytics Are

PL-453 Krisa Tailor Transforming the Health Care Experience 195 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-2016
Management of Hospitals and Health Services Strategic
PL-454 Rockwell Schulz Issues and Performance Third 330 PL The C.V. Mosby Company C-1990
Management of Hospitals and Health Services Strategic
PL-455 Rockwell Schulz Issues and Performance Third 330 PL The C.V. Mosby Company C-1990
456 Michael Windle Ed. Children Of Alcoholics Critical Perspectives 244 PL The Guilford Press C-1990
PL-457 Susan Ople-Osorio Hugs, Not Drugs A Drug Abuse Prevention Manual 131 PL ManilaMail Publication Phils., Inc. C-1997
PL-458 Harry C. Lorenzo, Jr. PhD Drug Abuse, Crime And Home 197 PL
Rehability of Late-Deafened Adults Modular Program
PL-459 Jaclyn B. Spitzer, Ph.D. Manual 212 PL Mosby-Year Book, Inc. C-1993
Readiness in Times of Emergencies and Disasters
PL-460 Dr. Ted "Everest Doc" Esguerra (HandBook) 152 PL Innovative Educational Materials, Inc. C-2016

Pagtatakda Sa Luneta:Ang Monumento At Ang Torre Sa

PL-461 Arvin Lloyd B. Pingul Kasaysayan. Hiraya ng "Knights" at Pasiya ng Bayan Rebisadong 502 PL Bagong Kasaysayan, Inc. C-2016
Kasaysayan Intramuros Ang Matandang Lungsod Ng
PL-462 Maynila PL Children's Communication Center
Balangkas Resource Book On the Care of Built Heritage In National Commision for Culture and the
PL-463 Fernando Zialcita Ed. the Philippines First 70 PL Arts(NCCA) C-2007
Quality Control in Remedial Site Investigation Hazardous American Society for Testing And
464 Cary L. Perket Ed. and Industrial Solid Waste Testing Volume 5 217 PL Materials C-1986
Nutrition in the Philippines The Pat For Its Template, Red
PL-465 Cecilia A. Florencio For Its Color 179 PL The University of the Philippines Press C-2004
PL-466 Armando Ang Overpopulated Philippines 383 PL Armando Ang C-2009
Justice and Healing:Twin Imperatives for the Twin Laws
467 Soliman M. Santos, Jr. Atty. Against Rape 110 C-2001
PL-468 Sofronio B. Ursal Anti-Graft GuideBook 304 PL Good Governance Books
Using Analytics To Detect Possible Fraud Tools and
PL-469 Pamela S. Mantone Techniques 340 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-2013

PL-470 Armando Ang The Evil Of Gambling or How Bettors are Being Ripped Off 272 PL Armando Ang C-2007
PL-471 Robert Hartmann McNamara Juvenile Delinquency Bridging Theory To Practice 428 PL McGraw-Hill C-2014
National Centennial Commission-Women
PL-472 Filipino Women: A Union Catalog 488 PL Sector C-1997

473 Paul B. Butler, Jr. The All Risk Policy Its Problems, and Practical Applications 380 American Bar Association C-1986

MML-474 Kenneth Cushner Human Diversity in Education An Intercultural Approach Florida 485 MML McGraw-Hill Companies
Beat The Odds The Philippine Main Education Highway…
PL-475 Mona D. Valismo Secretary Towards a Knowledge-Based Economy 100 PL
Making Change Happen in Student Affairs Challenge and
PL-476 Margaret J. Barr, George S. McClellan Strategies for Professionals 224 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-2014
Teaching Diversity Listening to the Soul, Speaking from
PL-477 Joan V. Gallos the Heart 274 PL Jossey-Bass Publishers C-1997
PL-478 Joel Spring American Education Sixth 298 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1994

PL-479 Patricia Alden Ed. African Studies and the Undergraduate Curriculum 333 PL Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. C-1994
Making Change Happen in Student Affairs Challenge and
PL-480 Margaret J. Barr, George S. McClellan Strategies for Professionals 224 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-2014
PL-481 Dr. Angela L. Pesayco Gabay sa Mabuting Asal 6 228 PL FBN Educational, Inc. C-1999
PL-482 Theodore Abramson Ed. Handbook of Vocational Education Evaluation 619 PL Sage Publication, Inc. C-1979
Readings in Intercultural Communication Experiences and
PL-483 Judith N. Martin Contexts Second 411 PL McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. C-2002

Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
Effective Character Education A guidebook for future
PL-484 Merle J. Schwartz educators 176 PL McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. C-2008
PL-485 John I. Goodlad Educational Renewal Better Teachers, Better Schools 305 PL Jossey-Bass C-1994

PL-486 Yolanda V. Javier The Filipinos: Their Education Yesterday And Today 512 PL Yolanda V. Javier C-2005
487 Treasures 483 Macmillan/McGraw-Hill C-2011
PL-488 Robyn R. Jackson You Can Do This Hope And Help For New Teachers 210 PL Jossey-Bass Publishers C-2014
Learning Disabilities Theories, Diagnosis, and Teaching
PL-489 Janet Lerner Strategies Fourth 581 PL Houghton Mifflin Company C-1985
Success Through Teamworks A Practical Guide To
PL-490 Richard Y. Chang Interpersonal Team Dynamic 101 PL Richard Chang Associates, Inc. C-1994
PL-491 Gary Robert Muschla The Elementary Teacher's Book Of Lists 377 PL Jossey-Bass C-2010
PL-492 Samuel A. Kirk Educating Exceptional Children 415 PL Houghton Mifflin Company C-1962

PL-494 Let's Learn Arabic PL

MML-495 David T. Conley Getting Ready for College, Careers, and the Common Core 307 MML Jossey-Bass C-2014
PL-496 Laurent A. Daloz Mentor Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners 286 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-2012
PL-497 Jovita M. Ross-Gordon Foundations Of Adult And Continuing Education 418 PL Jossey-Bass C-2017
PL-498 William A. Kaplin The Law Of Higher Education Fifth Volume 2 2088 PL Jossey-Bass C-2013
PL-499 William A. Kaplin The Law Of Higher Education Fifth Volume 1 1075 PL Jossey-Bass C-2013
PL-500 Michael Harris Leading the Learner-Centered Campus 193 PL Jossey-Bass C-2010
PL-501 William R. Lowery College Admissions Counselling 618 PL Jossey-Bass Publishers C-1982

PL-502 Cicero D. Calderon Treasures of the Mind, Heart and Spirit Selected Speechs 307 PL UniTown Publishing House C-2004
Student Writing in the Quantitative Disciplines A Guide for
503 Patrick Bahls Colleges Faculty 166 PL Jossey-Bass C-2012
PL-504 Elena Q. Tanodra Philippine Educational System 220 PL VERH Educational Enterprise C-2003
PL-505 Dhruv Grewal, PhD Marketing Fifth 679 PL McGraw-Hill Education C-2016
PL-506 Dhruv Grewal, PhD Marketing Fifth 679 PL McGraw-Hill Education C-2016
PL-507 Dhruv Grewal, PhD Marketing Fifth 679 PL McGraw-Hill Education C-2016
PL-508 William M. Pride Marketing Basic Concepts and Decisions Fourth 752 PL Houghton Mifflin Company C-1985
PL-509 Jerome McCarthy Basic Marketing A Global-Managerial Approach Eleventh 763 PL Richard D. Irwin, Inc. C-1960
PL-510 Jerome McCarthy Basic Marketing A Global-Managerial Approach Eleventh 763 PL Richard D. Irwin, Inc. C-1960
PL-511 E. Jerome McCarthy Basic Marketing A Managerial Approach Eighth 841 PL Richard D. Irwin, Inc. C-1960
PL-512 E. Jerome McCarthy Basic Marketing A Managerial Approach Eighth 841 PL Richard D. Irwin, Inc. C-1960
American Society For Testing And
513 Cletus H. Jones Ed. Marine Fuels 292 Materials C-1985
PL-514 Mordechai E. Kreinin International Economics A Policy Approach Fourth 432 PL Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. C-1983
PL-515 Mordechai E. Kreinin International Economics A Policy Approach Fourth 432 PL Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. C-1983
International Economics And International Economic
PL-516 Philip King Policy: A Reader 446 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1990
The Manila-Acapulco Galleons:The Treasure Ships Of The
PL-517 Shirley Fish Pacific 540 PL Author House C-2011
The Manila-Acapulco Galleons:The Treasure Ships Of The
PL-518 Shirley Fish Pacific 540 PL Author House C-2011
PL-519 Alan Black Urban Mass Transportation Planning 411 PL Mc-Graw-Hill,Inc. C-1995
National Book Store, Inc. and Anvil
PL-520 Reynaldo Gamboa Alejandro Philippine Christmas Art & Form 219 PL Publishing, Inc. C-2002

Mga Alamat at Kuwentong Bayan Dito, Doon, at Kung

Alfredo C. Nem Singh Saan-Saan 158 PL Anvil Publishing,Inc. C-2010

Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
PL-001 James W. Neuliep Ed. Replication Research In The Social Science 517 PL Sage Publications, Inc. C-1991
A Calendar of Rizaliana in the Vault of the Philippine
PL-002 Ambeth R. Ocampo National Library First 238 PL Anvil Publishing, Inc. C-1993
Stewart,Tabori & Chang An Imprint Of
MML-003 Lisa Occhipinti Novel Living 143 MML Abrams C-2014
PL-004 Conrad Carlberg, PhD Excel Sales Forecasting for dummies Second 392 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc., C-2016
PL-005 Vernon J. Richardson Accounting Information Systems 350 PL McGraw-Hill Education c-2014
PL-006 L. Scott Hansen Autodesk Inventor 2013 406 PL McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. C-2013
PL-007 Clive L. Dym Knowledge Based Systems In Engineering 404 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1991
PL-008 Hojjat Adeli, Ed. Knowledge Engineering Fundamentals Volume 1 354 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1991
PL-009 Hojjat Adeli, Ed. Knowledge Engineering Applications Volume 2 352 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1990

PL-010 Dr. Gregory E. Anders Microcomputer Accounting Tutorial And Applictaions Fourth 310 PL Glencoe/McGraw-Hill C-2002
MML-011 Jemma Development Group Visual Guide Microsoft PowerPoint 2013/2016 136 MML Jemma Inc. C-2017
MML-012 Jemma Development Group Visual Guide Excel 2016 169 MML Jemma Inc. C-2018
PL-013 Phyllis Yasuda Using Microsoft Works 2.0 on the IBM PC 208 PL Mitchell McGraw-Hill C-1991
PL-014 Jane Holcombe Survey of Operating Systems Fourth 496 PL McGraw-Hill Education C-2015

PL-015 Barry Burd, PhD Java Programming for Android Developers dummies Second 437 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc., C-2017
Structures And Abstractions A Brief Introduction To Turbo
PL-016 William I. Salmon Pascal, (5.x,6.x,7.0) 564 PL Richard D. Irwin, Inc. C-1992
PL-017 Henry F. Korth Database System Concepts Second 694 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1991
PL-018 Henry F. Korth Database System Concepts Second 694 PL Mc-Graw-Hill, Inc. C-1991
PL-019 Bob McFarlane Assignments in AutoCAD 174 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc., C-1997
PL-020 Bob McFarlane Assignments in AutoCAD 174 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc., C-1997
PL-021 Loren Heiny Power Graphics Using Turbo C++ Second 447 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc., C-1994
PL-022 Philippine National Bibliography 1999 356 PL
Annotated Bibliography of Selected Titles on Filipino
PL-023 Women 215 PL Vibal Publishing House, Inc. C-1997
PL-024 Richard Lingeman Theodore Dreiser An American Journey 651 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1993
PL-025 Jean Louis Heck Accounting Literature Index Third 440 PL McGraw-Hill, Inc. C-1994
PL-026 Index to Periodical Articles on Filipino Women 529 PL Vibal Publishing House, Inc. C-1998

PL-027 Marc Meola Starting and Operating Live Virtual Reference Services 167 PL Neal-Schuman Publishing, Inc. C-2002
PL-028 Juan C. Buenrostro, Jr. Batayang Aklat Sa Librarianship 211 PL Greet Books Trading C-1992
PL-029 E. Arsenio Manuel Documenting PhilippineAsian 82 PL Filipiniana Publications C-1994

Number Date Received Class AUTHOR TITLE OF BOOK Edition Volumes Pages Source of Found Cost Price PUBLISHER Year
PL-030 E. Arsenio Manuel Documenting PhilippineAsian 82 PL Filipiniana Publications C-1994

PL-031 John S. Gordon United States -European Community Trade Resources 404 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1993
National Commission for Culture and the
PL-032 Harold Ll. Rentoria, OSA Professionalizing Archiving in the Philippines 228 PL Arts C-2016

PL-033 Anthony and Diane Hallert Entrepreneur Magazine Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurs 512 PL John Wiley & Sons, Inc. C-1997
The 2012 Word Book Year Book A Review Of The Events
PL-034 Of 2011 495 PL World Book, Inc. C-2012
PL-035 Time For Kids Almanac 2015 288 PL Time For Kids Books
Time For Kids That's Awesome! The Word's Most
PL-036 Nellie Gonzalez Cutler Amazing Facts & Records 207 PL Richard Fraiman C-2012
PL-037 Tell Me What? Revised 207 PL Octopus Publishing Group Ltd C-2002
PL-038 Discover the Extreme World 224 PL Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd C-2011
PL-039 Discover the Extreme World 224 PL Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd C-2011
PL-040 Discover the Extreme World 224 PL Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd C-2011
PL-041 Tell Me Where? 207 PL Octopus Publishing Group Ltd C-2002
PL-042 Tell Me When? 207 PL Octopus Publishing Group Ltd C-2002
PL-043 Tell Me About? 207 PL Octopus Publishing Group Ltd C-2002
PL-044 Tell Me How? 207 PL Octopus Publishing Group Ltd C-2001
PL-045 1,000 Q & A 224 PL Parragon Charist House C-2013
PL-046 Belinda Gallagher 1st A to Z 512 PL Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd C-2005
O47 Elmer A. Ordonez Ed. Toward the First Asian Republic 227 Philippine Centennial Commission C-1998
PL-048 Felice Sta. Maria Household Antiques & Heirlooms 303 PL GCF Books C-1983
Characterizing Sources of Indoor Air Polution and Related
O49 Bruce A. Tichenor Ed. Sink Effects 406 C-1996
Marine Geotechnology and Nearshore/Offshore American Society For Testing And
O50 Ronald C. Chaney Structures 372 Materials C-1986
Microindentation Techniques In Materials Science And American Society For Testing And
O51 Peter J. Blau Engineering 303 Materials C-1985
American Society For Testing And
O52 Roy E. Beal Ed. Engine Coolant Testing: Second Symposium 285 Materials C-1986
American Society For Testing And
O53 Shirtliffe/Tye, Ed. Guarded Hot Plate and Heat Flow Meter Methology 244 Materials C-1985
High Modulus Fiber Composites in Ground Transportation American Society For Testing And
O54 D.W. Wilson, Ed. and High Volume Applications 169 Materials C-1985
American Society For Testing And
O55 Peter R. DiGiovanni Testing Technology of Metal Metal Matrix Composites 443 Materials C-1988
O56 Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach Media, Audience, And Social Structure 400 Sage Publications, Inc. C-1986
O57 Elmer A. Ordonez Ed. Toward the First Asian Republic 227 Philippine Centennial Commission C-1998

Strength Testing Of Marine Sediments:Laboratory And In- American Society For Testing And
O58 Ronald C. Chaney Situ Measurements 558 Materials C-1985

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