Amazon Bug - 1

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[MYYP-6] User is not able to search items Created: 20/Oct/23 Updated: 24/Oct/23

Status: To Do
Project: MyyProject
Components: None
Affects versions: None
Fix versions: None

Type: Bug Priority: Medium

Reporter: Mohammad moees Assignee: Mohammad moees
Resolution: Unresolved Votes: 0
Labels: None
Remaining Not Specified
Time Spent: Not Specified
Original Not Specified

Attachments: Screenshot 2023-10-20 172339.jpg

Rank: 0|i00013:
Sprint: MYYP Sprint 1
Story point 8
Severity: Very High
Prioriry: Very High


Steps to Reproduce:

Step1: Go to “”

Step2: Login with valid credentials

Step3: Click on “Search” field on the top of the page

Step4: Type name of the product

Step5: Click on Search Button

Expected Result:

Product with all the details should be displayed

Actual Result:

No Product is displayed when searched


OS: Windows 11

Browser: Chrome

Language: English

Generated at Tue Oct 24 11:34:04 UTC 2023 by Mohammad moees using Jira 1001.0.0-

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