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Test Bank for Brunner and

Suddarth’s Textbook of
Medical-Surgical Nursing, 11th Edition:
Suzanne C. Smeltzer
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Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Caring
Objective: 5
Patient Needs: C-2
Feedback: Effective nursing care must be culturally competent, appropriate, and sensitive to
cultural differences.

3. What type of health problem is the nurse most likely to see in the health care system?
A) Poor prenatal care
B) Lack of information
C) Immobility
D) Chronic disease

Ans: D
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Nursing Process
Objective: 2
Patient Needs: D-4
Feedback: The decline in the birth rate and the increase in lifespan have resulted in a growing-
older adult population. This population is living longer due to a variety of factors. This longevity
contributes to the increase in chronic diseases.

4. The nurse is assisting a patient in planning to return to work after an extensive illness. The
patient's need for self-fulfillment fits in which level of Maslow's Hierarchy of basic needs?
A) Physiologic
B) Safety and security
C) Love and belonging
D) Self-actualization

Ans: D
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Nursing Process
Objective: 1
Patient Needs: C-1
Feedback: Self-actualization, which is among the highest-level needs according to Maslow's
Hierarchy, may be reached through self-fulfillment, desire to know and understand, and aesthetic

5. Viewing health and illness on a continuum assists the nurse in understanding that:
A) Care should focus on the treatment of disease.
B) A person's state of health is ever-changing.
C) A person does not have varying degrees of illness.
D) Care should focus on the patient's response to medications.

Ans: B
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Caring
Objective: 1
Patient Needs: B-1
Feedback: By viewing health and illness on a continuum, it is possible to consider a person as
being neither completely healthy nor completely ill. Instead, a person's state of health is ever-
changing and has the potential to range from high-level wellness to extremely poor health and
imminent death.

6. The nurse working in a community health clinic teaches that disease prevention is best
achieved through:
A) Attending self-help groups
B) Yearly physicals
C) Community social events
D) Behaviors that promote health

Ans: D
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Teaching/Learning
Objective: 1
Patient Needs: B-2
Feedback: Health is seen as a lifestyle that is oriented toward wellness. The lifestyle is
accomplished through health-promoting behaviors.
7. A nurse on a medical-surgical unit has been asked to become a member of the hospital's
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) committee. In preparing to serve on this committee, the
nurse learns that CQI programs:
A) Establish accountability on the part of health care professionals
B) Focus on the process used to provide care
C) Identify incidents rather than processes
D) Justify health care costs

Ans: B
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Communication/Documentation
Objective: 2
Patient Needs: A-1
Feedback: Continuous Quality Improvement programs focus on the processes used to provide
care with the aim of improving quality by improving the processes. The Quality Assurance
programs of the 1980s focused on individual incidents and errors and were required for
reimbursement of services.

8. Managed health care has led to significant changes in the health care delivery system. What
effect has managed health care had on the hospital's patient population?
A) Patients are in the hospital for a longer period of time.
B) Pre-negotiated payment rates have remained unchanged.
C) Patients with high home care needs are being discharged into the community.
D) Use of ambulatory care has decreased.

Ans: C
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Communication/Documentation
Objective: 2
Patient Needs: A-1
Feedback: The results of managed care include a reduction of in-hospital days, more severely ill
patients, and patients who are discharged into the community with high home care needs.

9. The Patient's Bill of Rights includes the patient's right to privacy. When might the nurse break
this right?
A) When the patient has threatened to harm himself or herself
B) When the patient has been diagnosed with a terminal disease
C) If a family member has called to inquire about the patient's condition
D) There are no circumstances when this rule may be broken.

Ans: A
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Caring
Objective: 3
Patient Needs: A-2
Feedback: The patient has the right to privacy in all circumstances. The exception is if the
patient threatens to harm himself or herself or someone else.

10. In order for the nurse to implement the interventions in a clinical pathway, what first must be
A) Interventions must have a signed physician's order.
B) The nurse manager must review the plan.
C) The unit must approve the document.
D) The nurse must sign the document prior to initiating.

Ans: A
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Communication/Documentation
Objective: 4
Patient Needs: A-1
Feedback: A clinical pathway must have a signed physician's order prior to implementing the

11. A nurse researcher is conducting a study about the effects of noise on hospitalized patients'
pain levels. The primary purpose of nursing research is to:
A) Involve patients in their care while hospitalized
B) Contribute to the scientific base of nursing practice
C) Draw conclusions about the quality of patient care
D) Explain ongoing medical studies to patients

Ans: B
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Communication/Documentation
Objective: 3
Patient Needs: A-1
Feedback: Nursing research may be conducted by direct care providers or nurse researchers. The
primary purpose of nursing research is to contribute to the scientific base of nursing and improve
nursing practice based on evidence.

12. Home health care is becoming one of the largest practice areas for nurses. What has
contributed to this change?
A) Chronic nursing shortage
B) Focus on treatment of disease
C) Nurses prefer working during the day instead of evening or night shifts
D) More critically ill patients being discharged to home from the hospital

Ans: D
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Nursing Process
Objective: 3
Patient Needs: A-1
Feedback: As a result of decreased hospital stays and more critically ill patients being released
to home, home health care is becoming one of the largest practice areas for nursing.

13. A nurse is practicing in an oncology clinic and her role includes clinical practice, education,
management, consultation, and research. Which of the following would most accurately describe
this nurse's title?
A) Midwife
B) Clinical nurse specialist
C) Nurse manager
D) Staff nurse

Ans: B
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Caring
Objective: 5
Patient Needs: A-1
Feedback: Clinical nurse specialists practice within a circumscribed area of care. They define
their role as having five major components: clinical practice, education, management,
consultation, and research.

14. Nursing continues to recognize the importance of collaboration with other health care
disciplines to meet the complex needs of the patient. Which of the following would be an
example of a collaborative practice model?
A) The nurse and the physician discussing and jointly making clinical decisions
B) The nurse accompanying the physician on rounds
C) The nurse making a referral on behalf of the patient
D) The nurse attending an appointment with the patient

Ans: A
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Moderate
Integrated Process: Communication/Documentation
Objective: 4
Patient Needs: A-1
Feedback: The nurse-physician collaborative practice model requires the nurse and the physician
to function collaboratively in making clinical decisions. The collaborative model is a venture that
promotes shared participation, responsibility, and accountability in a health care environment
that is striving to meet the complex health care needs of the public.

15. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, which dimension of care is considered primary
in importance when caring for a dying patient?
A) Spiritual
B) Social
C) Physiologic
D) Emotional

Ans: C
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Analysis
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Caring
Objective: 1
Patient Needs: D-1
Feedback: Physical care is an individual's most basic need according to Maslow's Hierarchy of
needs. When physiologic needs are met and the patient feels comfortable, other dimensions of
care can be addressed.

16. When prioritizing a patient's care plan based on Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, the nurse's
first priority would be:
A) Allowing the family to see a newly admitted patient
B) Ambulating the patient in the hallway
C) Administering pain medication
D) Teaching the patient to self-administer insulin

Ans: C
Chapter: 1
Cognitive Level: Application
Difficulty: Difficult
Integrated Process: Nursing Process
Objective: 1
Patient Needs: D-1
Feedback: In Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, pain relief addresses the patient's basic physiologic
need. Allowing the patient to see his family addresses a higher-level need related to love and
belonging. Activity, such as ambulation, is a higher-level need above the physiologic need.
Teaching the patient is also a higher-level need related to the desire to know and understand and
is not appropriate at this time, as the basic physiologic need must be addressed before the patient
can address these higher level needs.

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