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Volume: 14
Pages: 1064-1075
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1317
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10068475
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-3-11
Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1064-1075, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1317, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068475, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) - Based Modules

Learners’ Mastery and Performance in Mathematics VI
Nuova Fima Marie C. Maylon*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The main thrust of this research was to assess the teachers’ perception on the Most Essential learning
Competencies (MELC) based modules in relation to Learners performance in Mathematics VI. The
respondents of the study were Grade VI teachers and learners in the Division of Bohol. Specifically, this
study sought to determine the mastery level of Grade VI learners in mathematics competencies in first to
third quarters. This study used descriptive-survey, documentary analysis and correlation research designs to
obtain the information needed. The study covered 3,655 learners and 731 teachers in Grade VI. The data of
the study were computed and presented on tables using the weighted mean, Pearson-Moment Coefficient of
Correlation the results were analyzed and interpreted. Based on the findings the content were relevant,
quality were moderately high and usability were described as useful. And the learned competency from first
to third quarter falls to mastery level. Content was significantly related to learners performance while,
quality and usability had slight relation to learners performance. After a thorough examination of the
findings and conclusion of the study, the researcher recommends. On paying more attention on the learning
materials used in classroom, to encourage to innovative materials and techniques in teaching mathematics
and the necessity of reviewing the aspects of MELC - based modules. Furthermore, the math experts, subject
area supervisors and math writers and teachers must collaborate and focus to the less to least mastered
competencies. From the given recommendations, the researcher offers a proposed improvement measure.

Keywords: MELC, teachers and learners, mastery level, innovative materials and techniques

Introduction modules. One writer per module, and after a day or

two of writing workshops the teacher writers finished
In the current educational system, adjustment in crafting the modules with less reviews and assessment
curriculum was crafted by the Department of as of the short period of time.
Education in consideration to the alarming results and
impact of coronavirus across the country has elicited Besides, the Department of Education (DepEd)
the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). identified 53 out of 155 errors in Mathematics
Modules, 15 were duplicates, 11 were from unknown
As such, the MELC are defined as what the students’
resources, 20 factual ideas and 7 are computational
need, considered indispensable, in the teaching-
related mistakes. The accuracy of the content in
learning process to building skills to equip learners for
learning material is important. Up to date informations
lifelong learning. It is MELC- based modules are
that cope with the new changes must be considered to
useful to teachers as guide in acquiring knowledge,
ensure the appropriateness of the content of a learning
understanding skills, and attitudes that they need to
facilitate in every lesson. material. (Fazio, 2014). Learning material which is
difficult to understand will contribute to decrease of
On the other hand, due to the sudden shift brought by learning (Kumari, 2012) while inappropriate learning
the pandemic, modules were made in short span of material will not make the learners achieve better
time. Writers were cramming to finish the modules in academic performance (Idrus, 2006).
time. For instance, the content would be crafted by the
subject matter expert, while the graphic designer Moreover, the Quarterly Report on Assessment
would be concerned with making sure the content Analysis of Grade VI Progress and Achievement
presentation connects through the user with the goals Report in Ubay 1 District shows that grades in
and objectives, assessment, evaluation, and other Mathematics are lower as the majority of grades fall to
necessary parts. These were the inadequate practices Fair level to Satisfactory level and less to Very
on crafting the MELC-based modules since the writers Satisfactory level. These are evident from the reports
were only subject teachers who were chosen by the of the school year 2021-2022. In this connection the
immediate supervisors, the writers were deem to be researcher would like to gather data on the MELC and
good teachers in the subject area but were just trying learners’ mastery and academic performance in
their very best in completing the MELC- based Mathematics VI for the school year 2022-2023. Hence,
the researcher has come up with the study.

Nuova Fima Marie C. Maylon 1064/1075

Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1064-1075, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1317, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068475, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

from first to third quarter of school year 2022-2023.

Research Questions Likewise a correlational method was used to determine
the relationship between the quality, content, usability,
The main purpose of this study is to assess the learner’s mastery level and learners’ performance on
teacher’s perception on the Most Essential Learning Mathematics VI.
Competencies (MELC)-based modules and learners’
mastery academic performance in Mathematics VI of Environment and Respondents
the Public Elementary Schools in the Division of
Bohol for the School Year 2022-2023. The study was conducted in thirty (30) different public
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following elementary schools in the Division of Bohol, located in
questions: twenty six (26) municipalities, as respondent schools.

1. What is the perception of teachers of the MELC- With the use of Stratified Random Sampling the
based modules content in Math VI in terms of: respondents in every district of the study were chosen,
1.1 clarity; seven hundred thirty one (731)teachers handling
1.2 congruency; mathematics and three thousand six hundred fifty five
1.3 purpose; (3, 655) learners from grade VI which comprises the
1.4 quality; subject of the study.
1.5 relevance;
1.6 significance; and Furthermore, it should be noted that this sample does
1.7 usability? not represent the entire population, but it is considered
2. What is the mastery level of learners based on the acceptable to demonstrate the purpose of this study.
set of With the following distribution:
competencies in every quarter:
2.1 first quarter;
2.2 second quarter; and
2.3 third quarter?
3. What is the academic performance of Grade VI
learners in Mathematics VI subject using the MELC
based Modules?
4. Is there a relationship between the learners’
academic performance and teachers’ perception in
terms of:
4.1 clarity;
4.2 congruency;
4.3 purpose;
4.4 quality;
4.5 relevance;
4.6 significance; and
4.7 usability ? The researcher does not intend to generalize the results
5. What action plan could be proposed based on the but to qualitatively describe the teachers’ perception of
result of the study? Mathematics Most Essential Learning Competency
based Module in the current school year 2022-2023.

Design The research instrument used to assess the Most

Essential Learning based modules at the Elementary
This study employed a descriptive-survey method in level in the Bohol Division. The questionnaire for
assessing the teachers’ perception to learner’s mastery content were developed based on the study of Goode
on Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) as cited by Natividad (2021) in his published thesis
content, learners’ academic performance in “Perceived effectiveness of Self-Learning Modules in
Mathematics VI and mastery level of competencies the Elementary Level”. The 45-item test questionnaire

Nuova Fima Marie C. Maylon 1065/1075

Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1064-1075, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1317, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068475, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

was further modified and subdivided to seven

principles of content.
research location to conduct survey. After the
The teacher questionnaire was composed of three approval, the researcher survey questionnaires were
parts. The first part the perception of teachers of the distributed and retrieved from the respondents. After
MELC- based Module which contains the seven answering the questionnaires, the responses were
principle of content named as follows: clarity, tallied for analysis and interpretation.
congruency, purpose, significance, relevance, quality
and usability. It was measured using the agreement of
teacher respondents on the given statements with a 4- Results and Discussion
point Likert scale which was 4- Strongly Agree, 3-
Agree, 2-Disagree and 1-Strongly Disagree.
This chapter covers the presentation, analysis, and
Another questionnaire was used to measure the interpretation of data according to the sequence of
mastery level of learners in every competency in given specific- sub problems.
mathematics for the school year 2022-2023 from first
quarter to third quarter. It is based to the list of Most Table 1. Teachers’ level of perception of MELC-
Essential Learning Competencies. It was measured based Module N=731
using the agreement of learner and teacher respondents
with a 4-point Likert scale which was 4- Highly
Mastered, 3- Mastered, 2-Less Mastered and 1- Least

The instrument was pre-tested using the Cronbach

Alpha in determining the reliability and validity of the
instrument. The respondents for the reliability and
validity test of the teacher questionnaire were the 5
teachers from Humayhumay Elementary School.
While the respondents for the Learners questionnaire
were randomly selected Grade 6 learners from the two
schools. The Learner questionnaire obtained a
reliability coefficient of .783 and the Teacher
Questionnaire was .860, which were both considered a
good measure of internal consistency.

To collect information regarding the study, the

researcher distributed survey questionnaires to the
respondents. Instructions were given especially to
learners. The researcher asked the respondents to
provide answers to the question given. Information
gathered was used for analysing and interpreting the

The study was conducted to all public elementary

schools of different s of the Division of Bohol. The
subjects of the study were the Grade Six teachers
handling mathematics and learners for the school year


A letter of request was sent to the Dean of the college

and Campus Director for approval to conduct the
study. After the approval, a request letter to conduct
the study was sent the Division Superintendent. After,
a request of permission sent to the principals of the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1064-1075, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1317, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068475, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 1 shows the teacher’s perception of the MELC-

based modules in terms of content clarity the statement
“The MELC-based modules have details enough for
learner to progress through the instruction”, got the
highest weighted mean under the content principle
clarity of 2.72 which is interpreted as “clear” while the
statement “target objectives being formulated giving
clear direction and establish of expectancy” got the
lowest weighted mean 1.94 which is interpreted as
“less clear”. The composite weighted mean under
clarity got 2.378 which means “less clear”. Lack of
clarity or with unspecified means of implementation
depicts a major problem at the accomplishing goals.
There are significant changes on problems related to
clarity as seen in many studies. This is in line with the
study of (Gross, 2017) found that the majority of
teacher were unable to identify the important features
of the new modules as to unclear changes can cause
apprehension and uneasiness to implement the new
sets of learning materials.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1064-1075, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1317, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068475, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The table displayed on the teachers’ perception on quality”. The result depicts that MELC based modules
content congruency the item “are consistent with topic are in moderate level quality and it is suitable to the
skills found in the DepEd MELC for Mathematics VI” grade level as perceived by the teachers. The
got the highest weighted mean of 3.55 meaning “very discussions and activities in the MELC based modules
congruent”. This means that the modules in are match to the needs and level in doing the activities
mathematics VI are consistently align with the given and assessments to attain and fully grasp the
sets of competencies. Meanwhile, the statement “the competencies in Mathematics VI. The composite
MELC- based modules embed motivational and weight weighted mean got 2.70 which is interpreted as
cognitive strategies in every lesson/ topic to keep in moderate quality since all the statements under
learners on track” got the lowest weighted mean of content quality were describe as “moderate quality”.
2.58 meaning “congruent”. Though it got the lowest
weighted mean it still is congruent when in terms of This connects with the study of Lacbay (2020), that
keeping the learners on track. modules used as supplementary learning materials
together with the use of other learning materials are
The composite weighted mean in the content designed to assist learners in improving their critical
congruency is 2.912 interpreted as “congruent”. This thinking skills, problem-solving and intellectual skills
agrees on the study of Mercado (2017) revealed that that would be based on the real – life situation to
when objectives in the module are congruent, specified become independent learning.
time allotment, and possesses an appropriate
instruction. Stated objectives have an essential role in Table 1 also depicts the teachers’ perception of the
the appropriateness of the MELC-based module. In MELC-based modules in terms of content relevance.
addition, Salandanan (2015) further emphasized that For the teacher respondents the statement “The MELC
module that are congruent to the objectives and to the based modules assess to bridge the gap between what
other parts of it shall make the learner to progress. The the learners already know”, are consistent with topic
congruency of instructional materials to the objective and skills found in the DepEd competencies for
of the lesson is an essential aspect of the lesson, and an Mathematics VI,” obtained the highest weighted mean
important consideration in using the learning material. of 2.81, which is describes as “relevant”. This shows
that the teachers are using MELC based modules as it
The results on the content purpose as perceived by the is aligned with the set of competencies given for the
teachers manifest that the MELC- based modules are current school year. These modules serve as guide and
“purposeful” with the composite mean of 2.677. The reference in making lesson plans and lesson logs.
statement “the MELC- based modules enable the
learner to acquire skills and competencies in(MELC)”, On the other hand, the statement “The MELC based
got the highest weighted mean 3.10 which is modules provide for the development of higher
interpreted as “purposeful” all the items under content cognitive skills,” got the lowest weighted mean of 2.30
purpose where interpreted as purposeful meaning the and describes as “less relevant”. Still, the ratings
teacher perceives that the MELC- based modules in provided great help in improving the learning material
mathematics VI content guides the learner to acquire in this aspect. It is still a must to correct mathematical
the needed skills and competencies. This correlates misinformation, since the material serves as the bible
with the study of Samonte as cited by Vergara (2017) of the daily classroom quest for knowledge. Teachers
assessed module for the use of learners of St. found out some conceptual, grammatical, answer keys
Scholastica College. It was found out that the majority and typographical errors in the module. Chinwendu
of the learners’ responses were positive. The (2014) has stated lexico syntactic errors contained in
suggestions were sufficient reasons for considering the the teaching materials if not corrected will make
modules to be purposeful. Purpose is also one of the students the conveyor belt of the errors contained in
principles of content. Thus, the study arrived in a the teaching material. This means errors in the
conclusion that the current instructional materials used teaching material should be corrected so as not to
are purposeful and adequate. Yet, the modules were multiply the commission of mistakes since most
designed for self-instruction. It is purposeful when use teachers and students are dependent on these materials
by teachers in their class. for teaching and learning.

In addition, table shows the teachers’ perception on In addition, the table exhibits the teachers’ perception
content quality. The Statement no. 1 “The MELC on content significance. The statement the MELC-
based modules have content and text font that are easy based modules suit to the learners’ academic need and
to read” got the highest 3.04 which means “moderate level in mathematics,” got the highest weighted mean

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1064-1075, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1317, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068475, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

3.28 and describes as “most significant”. This means themselves in learning concepts presented in printed
that the modules are having concepts that were modules. Also, for teachers who are using MELC
developed to contribute enrichment, reinforcement and based modules in their everyday lessons the lessons
mastery of learners in Mathematics VI competencies. progressed and the set of needed competencies can be
Meanwhile, the statement “the MELC-based modules
have concepts that were developed to contribute
Along this line of thought, majority of the respondents
enrichment, reinforcement and mastery”, got the
lowest weighted mean 2.13 which is described as “less were very optimistic and enthusiastic in their desire for
significant”, this means that the modules are used only the improvement of the learning material, since there
as references and does not mean for remedial are some concepts that gained low weighted mean as
instructions. This finding is in consistent with the shown in the three tables. And these materials are used
discussion of Nepomuceno as cited by Balderas (2016) for instruction. Similarly, various researches have
who described the modules in the following already been conducted like that of Tomlinson (2011)
statements: It focuses on a distinctive, identifiable which attempted to develop learning materials. The
skills or set of skills or outcomes other than skills, it is improvement and enhancement of the learning
fairly short so as to make learners use their study time material is based on the suggestions of both math
significantly that is essential for self-teaching. experts and teacher respondents who were the users of
the material and has direct contact with students. There
Besides, it describes the teachers’ perception of MELC
based modules on content usability. The statement “the is a need for re-evaluation of the learning materials
MELC- based modules help teacher in accomplishing and check if they are updated, relevant and still suited
the competencies in every topic/competencies,” to the needs of students. On the other hand, it is also a
obtained the highest weighted mean 3.13 which need to put in consideration to determine also if the
described as “useful”. It portrays that when teachers material is aligned with the international standards of
are using modules in mathematics, learners cannot mathematics education.
answer the activities and evaluation part without
guidance, further instruction and giving examples. Table 2. Mastery Level in Mathematics VI Most
While statement Essential Learning Competencies First Quarter
“The MELC- based modules are easy to avail, access
and is user friendly,” gained the lowest weighted mean
of 2.45 which is describes as “slightly useful”. It
relates that the teacher can taught the required number
of competencies and topics in a given time. If the
MELC- based modules are easy to access.

Proper evaluation of learning materials will lead to

quality learning. Without sufficient and quality
learning materials, there is always the danger that
learners do not acquire the necessary knowledge,
skills, and attitude appropriate for them to be ready
and confident in all the rudiments of learning and are
equally competitive with learners in other parts of the

As cited by Troop (2020), there must be an interaction

between the learner and content to have effective
acquisition and development of new knowledge. In
developed learning materials educators must actively
engage in incorporating interesting content to stimulate
interest and increase motivation among the learners.

It supports the study of Dangle (2021), the DepEd

modules is effective in today’s fast transition
educational learning time. The students engaged

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1064-1075, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1317, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068475, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 3 demonstrates the mastery level of most

essential learning competencies in mathematics VI for
second quarter. Item “The learner solves routine and
non -routine problems involving finding the
percentage, rate and base,” obtained the lowest
weighted mean of 2.07 from the learner respondent
and 2.11 from teacher respondents, both are describe
as “less mastered”.

Table 3. Mastery Level in Mathematics VI Most

Essential Learning Competencies Second Quarter

Table 2, exhibits the mastery of most essential learning

competencies in mathematics VI in first quarter. Item
no. 2 “The learner solves routine and non-routine
problems involving addition and/or subtraction of
fractions,” got the lowest weighted mean 1.97 which is
describes as “least mastered”.

Table 2 verifies that the first quarter competencies are

mastered with an overall weighted mean of 2.64 and
2.68 from the learner and teacher respondents
respectively. There are competencies which are “less
mastered” and “least mastered” but there are more
“mastered” competencies in first quarter most essential
learning competencies.

It is also supported with the response of the teacher

respondents that got the weighted mean 2.03 which is
described as “less mastered”. The addition and
subtraction competency found in item 1 and 2 shows
that learners have a great difficulty in this competency
in the first quarter.

This can be also related to the study of Resnick (2016)

found that learning fractions especially addition and
subtraction can be challenging for students with
Solving percentage, base and rate are a complex
mathematical learning difficulties. Students with
concept consisting of different aspects and requiring
inaccurate whole number line estimation performance
different concepts of proportional reasoning. Teachers
were twice as likely to show low- growth in fractions.
need to pay close attention to their approaches to
Therefore, a critical need exists to improve fractions
percentage, base and rate problems in order to build
learning for students with mathematics learning
robust understanding. The competency about the
difficulties. Moreover, addition and subtraction of
competency on ratio got also a low weighted mean
fractions requires more step than multiplication and
2.48 and 2.55 from learner and teacher respondents
division. It requires common denominator which make
respectively. This result can be implied from the study
it a bit complex than the other competencies.
of (Lamon, 2007) since ratios are an important aspect

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1064-1075, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1317, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068475, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of percentages, dealing with percentage problems

requires the use of proportional reasoning. Percentages
as intensive quantities provide a standardized way to
solve comparison problems, whereas percentages and known and asked not in accordance with the problem
ratios provide ways of solving missing-values and did not know the purpose of questions. This is in
problems. line also with research conducted by (Morin, 2017)
which states that the cause of difficulties is not being
Overall, the composite weighted mean is 2.70 for both able to understand the concept, not being able to
learner and teacher respondent, it is describe as determine completion of the mathematical sentence. In
“mastered” meaning the learner did grasp the addition, it is also observed to find out other factors
mathematics competencies for the second quarter. Like that influence students’ difficulty in learning.
the first quarter, there are some competencies that
were less mastered but in the overall mastery level the Table 4. Mastery Level in Mathematics VI Most
learners mastered most of the competencies in second Essential Learning Competencies Third Quarter
quarter most essential learning competencies.

Table 4 demonstrates the mastery level in mathematics

VI of the most essential learning competencies for
third quarter. The item “The learner solves word
problems involving measurement of surface area,” got
the lowest weighted mean of 1.93 which is described
as “less mastered”.

The confusion of solving the surface area can be

interpreted as a transformation error as revealed in
several researches also documented results which
show even in college students’ poor understanding of
surface area (Light,2007). This is exact what Mahlaba
(2020) highlighted that most students are trained to
memorise for the tests and examination, they cannot
apply what have learnt in a new polygon. Errors like
the ones present imply that there is need of designing
robust interventions to enhance students’
understanding from level where the teaching and
learning of surface area is introduced.

Overall, the most essential learning competencies for

third quarter obtained the weighted mean 3.06 and
2.94 from learner and teacher respondents respectively
both describes as “mastered” this means that the
learners have mastered the competencies for the third
quarter. There are few competencies that fall to “less
mastered” nonetheless, the overall mastery for the
quarter is evident.

Together with, the most essential learning

competencies in three quarters it is evident that the
competencies which got low weighted mean are the
less mastered competency and doing problem solving.
Similar to the research conducted by (Jupri, 2016)
which concluded that the difficulty experienced by Table 5 results clearly depict that most of the
students in solving word problems is to understand the respondents got “Very Satisfactory” with the grades
meaning of the words in the given problem. The same range from 85-89, obtained 77.42%. It can also be seen
t h i n g was e x p r e s s e d by m a t h e m a t i c s that there are only 161 out of 3655 or 4.40 %
teacher difficulties in solving word problem unable to
write down what is known and asked, write down

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1064-1075, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1317, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068475, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

respondents got the “Outstanding” with grades ranges Table 6. Relationship between MELC based Modules
from 90-100. 90 out of 3655 or 2.46 % of the to Academic Performance and Mastery Level of Grade
respondents got grades from 75-79.
VI N=731
Table 5. Learners’ Academic Performance in
Mathematics VI N=3655

Therefore, majority of the learner respondents got

“very satisfactory” grades it is considered that learners
have mastery on the mathematical competencies but
there are also learners who fall to “fair satisfactory” to
“fair” grades.

Teaching and learning materials such as textbooks,

modules and teachers’ guide and other learning aids
are critical ingredients in the teaching and learning
Besides, table 6 exhibits the relationship between the
process. Learning materials aid teaching and learning
perception of teacher’ on MELC- based modules
as learners are able to see what the teacher teaches.
content congruency to learner’s academic
They also provide opportunities for pupils to use what
performance. For the paired variables content
they have learned (Etsey, 2005). Finally, it can be
congruency of MELC- based Modules and
concluded that uses of teaching material such as
Mathematics VI academic performance the r value
module in classroom plays a vital role for achieving
0.0857 is greater than the p- value 0.00204 the result
better performance in mathematics.
denotes that there is a significant relationship between
Table 6 manifests the relationship between the the congruency of MELC- based modules and the
perception of teacher’ on MELC- based modules mathematics VI performance. Therefore, the null
content clarity to learner’s academic performance. For hypothesis was rejected.
the paired variables content clarity of MELC- based
It is supported the study of Dangle (2021), the MELC-
Modules and Mathematics VI academic performance
based modules from the Department of Education is
the r value 0.0435 is greater than the p- value 0.00255
effective in today’s fast transition educational learning
the result denotes that there is a significant relationship
time. The students engaged themselves in learning
between the content of MELC based modules and the
concepts presented in printed modules. Also, for
mathematics VI performance. Therefore, the null
teachers who are using MELC- based modules in their
hypothesis was rejected.
everyday lessons the lessons progressed and the set of
needed competencies can be attained.
Thus, this ascertains the fact that using MELC- based
modules guide learners to understand the content
Meanwhile, table 6 exhibits the relationship between
clarity regardless of other factors, and increases their
the perception of teacher’ on MELC- based modules
performance, the positive effect on learners’ academic
content purpose to learner’s academic performance.
performance benefit learning. The use of learning
For the paired variables content purpose of MELC-
materials aside from textbooks. The way teachers
based Modules and Mathematics VI academic
facilitates learning with the help of modules, learners
performance the r value 0.565 is less than the p- value
are being equipped with knowledge, concepts and 0.1269 the result denotes that there is a no significant
mathematical skills can play essential role in coping relationship between the purpose of MELC- based
with their studies and make them capable of competing modules and the mathematics VI performance.
globally (Selwyn, 2015). Therefore, the null hypothesis was accepted.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 1064-1075, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1317, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10068475, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The most important thing to consider is the purpose of terms of contents, organization of topics, utility,
content thus its features will determine the mechanic or language used, appropriateness of
appropriateness of its output. The study of Guido presentation, illustration, pedagogical approaches and
(2014) affirms that the realization of appropriateness, physical makeup of the test.
development, and comprehension of competency of
the learning module helps learner’ progress in Besides, table 6 exhibits the relationship between the
mathematics concepts. The learning module is found perception of teacher’ on MELC- based modules
to be effective in teaching and stimulates critical content significance to learner’s academic
thinking in a coherent academic pursuit as it enhances performance. For the paired variables content
learners’ understanding and critical thinking. significance of MELC- based Modules and
Mathematics VI academic performance the r value
While, the paired variables content quality of MELC - 0.0491 is greater than the p- value 0.00001 the result
based Modules and Mathematics VI academic denotes that there is a significant relationship between
performance the r value 0.1688 is greater than the p- the significance of MELC- based modules and the
value 0.00001 the result denotes that there is mathematics VI performance. Therefore, the null
significant relationship between the content quality of hypothesis was rejected.
MELC- based modules and the mathematics VI
academic performance. Thus, the null hypothesis was Besides, the paired variables content usability of
rejected. MELC - based Modules and Mathematics VI academic
performance the r value 0.3100 is greater than the p-
On the other hand, the quality of the learning material value 0.2872 the result denotes that there is significant
appears to be the most appealing area in predicting relationship between the usability of MELC- based
teaching effectiveness towards teaching elementary modules and the mathematics VI performance. Hence,
learners. The result connects the study of West (2019) the null hypothesis was rejected.
that there is strong correlation between the quality of
learning material and academic achievements The results of the paired variable agrees the study
regardless of learners’ socio economic status. Learners Pedro, (2018) that learning module has confirmed
without learning modules achieved significantly lower positive impact on learners’ performance by the
test scores than those who had learning modules. With guidance of teachers. The use of MELC- based
the high correlation between learning materials and modules alleviates the workload of teachers in finding
achievement shows the effect on individual student, appropriate materials for the lessons. This boosts
but also the effect of how a teacher has when using learners’ capability of performing well.
learning materials. Likewise, when the teacher uses the
MELC based modules as guide and without copies for
the students the learners may not cope with the oral
dictation and may fail to some mathematical concepts.
The inference of the study posits that the content of
While, table 6 also manifests the relationship between Most Essential Learning Competencies based modules
the perception of teacher’ on MELC- based modules used by teachers in teaching was related to the
content relevance to learner’s academic performance. learners’ mathematics VI performance of the
For the paired variables content relevance of MELC- participating public elementary schools of Bohol
based Modules and Mathematics VI academic Division. The teacher respondents shows that the
performance the r value 0.00643 is less than the p- learning material used for the current school year
value 0.0823 the result denotes that there is a no 2022-2023 is the MELC- based modules were the less
significant relationship between the relevance of clear, congruent, purposeful, moderate quality,
MELC- based modules and the mathematics VI relevant, significant and useful.
performance. Therefore, the null hypothesis was
accepted. Consequently, the learners’ Mathematics VI
performance was related by clarity, congruency,
This is in line with Sadsad’s (2000) study on relevance quality, significance, and usability. While, it is not
of the resource content in Science and Technology I in related to purpose and relevance. The difficulty
the Division of Quezon City revealed that there was experienced by learners in solving word problem in
high significant relationship between the assessments mathematics VI competencies in first to third quarter
of the pilot and non-pilot science teachers as to level of was slightly correlated with the MELC- based modules
relevance and acceptability of the resource book in used in the classroom. Majority of learner’s

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education- theorists-and-theoriesmichael-g-moore/
Humayhumay Elementary School
Saba, F. (2014b). Introduction to Distance Education: Theorists Department of Education – Philippines
and Theories— Charles Wedemeyer | Distance- Com /introduction-

S a b a , F. ( 2 0 1 4 c ) In t r o d u c t i o n to Distance

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