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Lecturer: Đặng Huỳnh Phương
Class: CLC_20DMA06
Class code: 2021702032611
List of students made:
Lê Hữu Phát - 2021008519
Ngô Phụng Cầm - 2021008412
Nguyễn Viết Hân - 2021008440
Nguyễn Thanh Danh - 2021008417
Nguyễn Hoàng Minh Thông - 2021008556

Ho Chi Minh, 2021



Score in number Lecturer’ signature

(Score in word) ĐẶNG HUỲNH PHƯƠNG
(Hoï teân vaø chöõ kyù cuûa
GV höôùng daãn)




First of all, my group would like to express our sincere thanks to the management
board, the teachers of the University of Finance and Marketing for creating favorable
conditions for my group to complete the thesis topic and complete the final exam.

In particular, in order to complete this research project, my group would like to

express our gratitude to Master Dang Huynh Phuong, the lecturer who guided my group
throughout the project; you assisted my group in orienting the topic, content, knowledge,
standards, and research methods to complete this essay.

It is unavoidable that my group will make mistakes while taking the test; we hope to
receive useful suggestions on the work from the teacher to the team, and we will strive to
improve in the future.

Sincerely !


CHAPTER 1: AN OVERVIEW OF BUSINESS AND BRAND ......................... 2

1.1.HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT .............................................................. 2
1.1.1. INTRODUCING UNILEVER’S BUSINESS ..................................................... 2
11.2.THE LAUNCHING OF DOVE PRODUCT LINE ............................................... 2
12.ENTERPRISES IN VIETNAM ...................................................................... 3
THE BUSINESS ....................................................................................................... 3
2.1. MACRO-ENVIRONMENT .......................................................................... 3
2.1.1. POLITICIAL ....................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2. ECONOMIC ........................................................................................................ 3
2.1.3. CULTURAL ........................................................................................................ 5
2.1.4. DEMOGRAPHIC ................................................................................................ 5
2.1.4. 1. Population and age structure ........................................................................ 5 Geographic shifts in population..................................................................... 6 Changes in the workforce .............................................................................. 6
2.1.5. TECHNOLOGICAL............................................................................................ 6
2.1.6. NATURAL .......................................................................................................... 6
2.2. MICRO-ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................... 7
2.2.1. SUPPLIERS ......................................................................................................... 7
2.2.2. MARKETING INTERMEDIARIES ................................................................... 7 Resellers – Retailers ...................................................................................... 7 Physical distribution firms ............................................................................ 7 Marketing service agencies ........................................................................... 8
2.2.3. CUSTOMERS ..................................................................................................... 8
2.2.4. COMPETITORS .................................................................................................. 8 Main competitors ........................................................................................... 8 Minor competitors ......................................................................................... 8
2.2.5. PUBLICS ............................................................................................................. 9

iii General public ............................................................................................... 9 Media public .................................................................................................. 9
2.3. SWOT .............................................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER 3: MARKETING STRATEGY ........................................................ 11
3.1. SEGMENTATION....................................................................................... 11
3.2. TARGETING ............................................................................................... 13
3.2.1. TARGETING STRATEGY............................................................................... 13
3.2.2. TARGET MARKETS ....................................................................................... 13
3.3. DIFFERENTIATION .................................................................................. 14
3.3.1. PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION .................................................................... 14
3.3.2. IMAGE DIFFERENTATION ........................................................................... 14
3.4. POSITIONING............................................................................................. 15
3.4.1. POSITIONING MAPS ...................................................................................... 15
3.4.2.VALUE PROPOSITION .................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER 4: MARKETING MIX ...................................................................... 17
4.1. PRODUCT .................................................................................................... 17
4.1.1. DOVE’S PRODUCT ......................................................................................... 17 Level of Dove’s product .............................................................................. 17 Product classification .................................................................................. 17
4.1.2. PRODUCT STRATEGY ................................................................................... 17 Product mix ................................................................................................. 17 Brand ........................................................................................................... 18 Design .......................................................................................................... 18 Packaging .................................................................................................... 18 Product Support Services ............................................................................ 19
4.2. PRICE ........................................................................................................... 19
4.2.1. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL FACTORS .................................................... 19 Internal factors ............................................................................................. 19 External factors............................................................................................ 20 Types of market .................................................................................... 20
iv demand ............................................................................................ 20 Psychological factors of customers....................................................... 21 Competitors ................................................................................................. 21
4.2.2.VALUE-PRICING ............................................................................................. 21 Customer perception of value ..................................................................... 21 Base on competition .................................................................................... 22
4.2.3. PRICING STRATEGY ..................................................................................... 22 New-product pricing strategies market -skimming pricing ........................ 22 Contribution................................................................................................. 23
4.2.4. CHANGE PRICE .............................................................................................. 23 Buyer Reactions to Price Changes .............................................................. 23 Responding to Price Changes ...................................................................... 23
4.3. PLACE .......................................................................................................... 24
4.3.1. SUPPLY CHAINS AND THE VALUE DELIVERY NETWORK ................. 24 Distribution .................................................................................................. 24 Flow in marketing chanel ............................................................................ 24 Channel of distribution ................................................................................ 24 Support and build distribution channels in many areas .............................. 24 Manufacturing ....................................................................................... 24 Logistics ................................................................................................ 25 Marketing .............................................................................................. 25 Sales ...................................................................................................... 25 Marketing System................................................................. 25 Marketing System ............................................................ 25 Other distribution channel system ............................................................... 25
4.3.2. CHANEL DESIGN DECISION ........................................................................ 26 Set a channel goal ........................................................................................ 26 Analyze consumer needs ............................................................................. 26
CHANNELS ................................................................................................................ 26

v Advantages .................................................................................................. 26 Disadvantages .............................................................................................. 26 Solution to solve .......................................................................................... 27
4.3.4. MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION .......................................................................... 27 The goal of physical distribution ................................................................. 27 The nature of the distribution of matter ...................................................... 27 Distribution decisions .................................................................................. 27
4.3.5. RETAIL FORMS............................................................................................... 28
4.4. PROMOTION .............................................................................................. 29
4.4.1. COMMUNICATION MODEL ......................................................................... 29
4.4.2. ADVERTISING (DOVE’S 5MS) ..................................................................... 29 Mission ........................................................................................................ 29 Money .......................................................................................................... 29 Message ....................................................................................................... 30 Media ........................................................................................................... 33 Measuring the success ................................................................................. 33
4.4.3. DISCOUNT PROMOTION .............................................................................. 33
4.4.4. PUBLIC RELATIONS ...................................................................................... 34
4.4.5. PERSONAL SELLING ..................................................................................... 34
4.4.6. DIRECT MARKETING .................................................................................... 35
CHAPTER 5: PROPOSAL ................................................................................... 36
5.1. INSIGHT: ..................................................................................................... 36
5.1.1. ANALYTICS INSIGHT .................................................................................... 36
5.1.2. INSIGHT ........................................................................................................... 36
5.2.IDEA ............................................................................................................... 36
5.2.1.KEY MESSAGE ................................................................................................ 36
5.2.2. SUMMARY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS................................. 37 Phase 1: Create a trend to change yourself ................................................. 37 Phase 2: With Dove. Find authentic hair..................................................... 37
REFERENCE ......................................................................................................... 38

Word Stand for Page

FMCG Fast Moving Consumer Goods 4, 9, 24, 25
GDP Gross Domestic Product 3
VND Viet Nam Dong 14, 15, 16,
21, 23, 37
COVID-19 COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of 3, 4
coronavirus. 'CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D'
for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019
novel coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV.'
TVC Television Commercial 33


Pic 2.1: VietNam (Urban 4 cities)’s FMCG market at a glance........................................... 4

Pic 2.2: VietNam (Rural)’s FMCG market at a glance ........................................................ 4
Pic 2.3: Key “Đẹp tự nhiên” on Google Trends ................................................................... 5
Pic 2.4: The Population of VietNam .................................................................................... 5
Pic 3.1: Positing map with price and quality ...................................................................... 15
Pic 3.2: Positing map with often used and awareness ........................................................ 15
Pic 3.3: More and more strategy........................................................................................ 16
Pic 4.1: Three levels of product .......................................................................................... 17
Pic 4.2: Logo of Dove ........................................................................................................ 18
Pic 4.3: The price of some shampoo brands in VietNam ................................................... 22
Pic 4.4: Dove products which have reasonable prices ....................................................... 23
Pic 4.5: Elements in the Communicaion Process ............................................................... 29
Pic 4.6: The “Real Beauty” caimpagn of Dove .................................................................. 30
Pic 4.7: “Dove Real Beauty Sketches” ............................................................................... 31
Pic 4.8: Short film “ Reverse Selfie” .................................................................................. 32
Pic 4.9: “Beauty Rituals From Nature”, ............................................................................ 34
Pic 4.10: “Bồng bềnh tóc mây” .......................................................................................... 35
Pic 5.1: Dove product bottles which have many different hairstyles ................................. 37

Vietnam's economy is fast-paced and demanding. In order to develop a development
strategy in Vietnam, brands must have a clear vision. Our group was impressed by Dove of
Unilever's strategy after learning and learning. We would like to introduce an overview of
the business through this essay in order to analyze the environment from micro to macro as
well as the business's SWOT. Our group will examine the brand's STP and marketing-mix
strategies in the following two sections. As a result, insight and a few ideas are provided,
allowing the brand to maintain and grow in the future.

Unilever is the world's leading manufacturing brand. Unilever operates mainly in the
household, food and personal care products industries. Unilever's products achieve high
annual sales of more than 1 billion dollars in the world: Knorr, Lipton, Omo, Dove, Sunsilk,
... some other products include: Pond's, Suave, Axe, Vaseline, Snuggles.
With Unilever’s annual revenue reaching nearly 50 billion USD, this business can
confidently compare with some big companies in terms of annual revenue such as: Nestle
(about 69 billion USD), Kraft foods (about 34 billion USD).
Unilever was founded in 1930 by the merger of UK-based soap maker company Lever
Brothers and the Dutch margarine maker Margarine Unie since both companies’ trade in
vegetable oil-related products: soap (Lever Brothers) and oil (Margarine Unie). Unilever's
vegetable oil production had declined by the 1980s, but its commercial operations in the
Netherlands and the United Kingdom had grown into large multinational corporations with
operations in international markets, particularly India, Africa, Latin America, and Southeast
Asia. Unilever has positioned itself as having both local origins and a global reach.
Dove is an American product that was created in the 1950s after World War II to care
for war burn victims. People believe that Dove has been present in the UK for a long time,
but the truth is that Dove's bath soap only arrived in the UK in 1992. It is a brand in four
categories of Lever Faberge.
In 1957, America has created a moisturizing bath soap, the Dove brand, that has
changed all consumer stereotypes because they believe bath soap helps to clean the skin.
Because it contains natural moisturizers, this product is extremely beneficial to humans. It
is, in particular, a cleansing product, but Dove does not irritate damaged skin.
Dermatologists have confirmed that this product is gentler than other similar products.
Use advertising and image messages: “Soap made by Dove does not dry the skin
because it contains up to a quarter of the lotion content”. Therefore, Dove has received the
love and trust of consumers and has become the leading brand of the bath soap in America.
In th 4 years of the 90s (1990-1994): Dove’s bath soap has reached the world and is
presented in 55 countries around the world.

In 1995, Dove expands its product line to include shower gels, deodorants, facial
cleansers, hair care moisturizers and moisturizing lotions.
Main product lines:
• Hand cream: there are 2 types of hand cream.
• Bath soap: Dove Gentle Exfoliating,..
• Dove shower gel
• Body care: Dove Firming body lotion
• Deodorant roll was born in 1998 including roller, spray bottle and wax.

Built and operating since 1995, headquartered in Cu Chi Industrial Park- Ho Chi Minh
City, 100% foreign investment capital. Up to now, in Viet Nam market, Dove’s products
have been widely used. Women love and use it thanks to its ability to restore damaged hair.
Dove has long been a popular and trusted brand representing damaged hair care products
in Viet Nam. In addition, with that strong development, Dove has deployed a large Hair
Salon system in Ho Chi Minh city and Ha Noi. Up to now, these hair salons are maintaining,
developing and have become large and prestigious Salons.


Due to the appearance of various foreign brands in Vietnam, particularly in fast-
moving consumer products, the Vietnamese government has enacted a number of laws
and programs to encourage Vietnamese citizens to support their country by purchasing
Vietnamese goods, such as the "Vietnamese people use Vietnamese goods" program.
These laws have a significant influence on how customers choose products. As a result,
global businesses like Dove find it challenging to manage and develop their operations in
There have been a lot of positive developments in the Vietnamese economy recently.
For instance, for 2 consecutive years (2018 and 2019) Vietnam's GDP growth is over 7%
and in 2020 Vietnam's GDP increased by 2.91%, although this is the lowest increase in
recent decades, but in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic has complicated, the statistics
agency considers it a great success, in the group of the highest economic growth in the

world. It means that Vietnamese people's living standards are greater now than in the past,
and they are more concerned about the quality of their daily life.
In recent years, there has been a major shift in the distribution of income in Vietnam.
The percentage of upper-class and middle-class consumers are increasing. It demonstrates
that Vietnam's living standards are rising, and that people can now buy more products,
particularly shampoo, to take care of themselves.
Because of the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak, people's purchasing habits changed
in a variety of ways; they began to shop online instead of going to stores.

SOURCE: Kantar Asia Pulse (2021)

Pic 2.1: VietNam (Urban 4 cities)’s FMCG market at a glance

SOURCE: Kantar Asia Pulse (2021)

Pic 2.2: VietNam (Rural)’s FMCG market at a glance

For hundreds of years, Vietnamese women have washed their hair with soapberry. As
a result, many companies have included soapberry flavor in their shampoos in order to
appeal to Vietnamese customers. Furthermore, some people used to believe that shampoos
contained a lot of chemicals and that using chemicals on their hair was dangerous. These
elements may have an impact on their profit and market growth in Vietnam.
Life style: People tend to use eco-friendly products with natural ingredients, they also
want to have natural beauty.

SOURCE: Kantar Worldpanel Division Vietnam Insight (2020)

Pic 2.3: Key “Đẹp tự nhiên” on Google Trends

2.1.4. 1. Population and age structure
According to, the population of Vietnam
in 2019 was 96.462.106 people. It has risen to 97.338.579,
placing fifteenth in the world until 2020. (CIA).
Furthermore, 69.3 percent of the Vietnamese population
is between the ages of 15 and 64. (CIA 2020). Vietnam
appears to have a young population as well as a sizable
labor force. As a result, Vietnam is a potential investment
and trading market.

Pic 2.4: The Population of VietNam

5 Geographic shifts in population
Vietnam has recently experienced rapid urbanization. According to the General
Statistics Office of Vietnam, the average population in urban areas will increase from 36.3
percent in 2018 to 37.7 percent in 2020. (n.d.). People relocate to large cities such as Ho
Chi Minh City, Ha Noi, and Da Nang in search of better jobs and a higher standard of
living. Changes in the workforce

Women make up 50.52 percent of the population and 48 percent of the labor force
in Vietnam.' Women are increasingly entering the workforce and gaining higher levels of
education. As a result, they have a steady income and are more likely than in the past to
look after themselves. Because Dove's target customers are women, this is a great sign for
Dove shampoo.

Dove has three distinct hair care technologies: Fibre Active, Micro Moisture serum,
and Trichazole Actives technology. Dove also provided customers with a hair damage
meter. The strength of this meter is that it can produce results comparable to those obtained
in laboratories, and it can measure anywhere while also displaying results to customers in
a timely manner. Dove is another brand that has had success with social media platforms
like Facebook and YouTube for customer interaction. Dove also created a website in a
variety of languages to showcase their products and communicate with their customers.

2.1.6. NATURAL
Unilever's use of ecologically friendly package design is a key goal that impacts the
company's benefits and determines its performance in many areas. Dove shampoo
packaging for the Vietnamese market comes in two varieties: sample and plastic bottle.
Both forms of packaging are made of low density polyethylence (LDPE) plastic, which is
identified by the code 4 (LDPE#4 ) on the back of the Dove shampoo container. According
to Wilcox, this type of plastic is one of the safest types of plastic for product packaging
because it is easily recyclable.
According to Unilever, animal testing will be phased out for all of their goods only if
it is absolutely necessary to protect human health and safety as well as the environment.
This procedure is governed by strict policies and is under the supervision of the

The Vietnam National Chemical Group (Vinachem) was established in 1995 by the
Prime Minister of Vietnam's Decision No 2180/TTg on the restructuring and reorganization
of the Vietnam National Chemical Corporation. In 2010, the company changed
into Limited Company and moved to Hanoi, Vietnam. Supplying raw materials to the
chemical industry was one of the group's main trade activities (Vinachem). In September
of 2010, Vinachem became a chemical supplier to Unilever. Unilever acquired Vinachem's
core ingredients, but it had to import other resources to create about $100 million each year.
As a result, both firms have chosen to work together to produce the necessary .The
cooperation brought significant benefits to Unilever.

2.2.2. MARKETING INTERMEDIARIES Resellers – Retailers
Dove is a shampoo brand that focuses on the Vietnam market, with over 150 large
distributors and 300,000 small retailers in 63 provinces. Dove shampoo is available in most
Vietnamese supermarkets, including Lottermart, Maximax, and Coopmart. In addition to
these large supermarkets, Dove shampoo is available at a variety of local markets,

• Song Da Industry Trade Joint Stock Company: a well-known company in the

Vietnamese market. It is situated in the Vietnamese capital of Ha Noi. The firm has
specialized in products such as laundry detergent, shampoo, hair conditioner, shower
gel, bath gel, and other similar items since 1996. (Sodamart 2013).
• Sovina Company Limited is an international trade company. It was founded in 1998
with Mr Michihiro Yamakawa, the Chairman of Sunny Ocean Group's support. Dove
hair shampoo, Sunsilk hair shampoo, Coca-Cola, OMO, and more brands are
available from the firm (Sovina 2012). Physical distribution firms

Unilever has primarily operated in the Vietnamese market with Lever Viso and Lever
Haso since 1995. They formed a joint venture to manufacture and sell high-quality home
and personal care products. Dove and Unilever's active distribution strategy can be seen in
how they use various modes of transportation such as motors, containers, trucks, and so
on.... The firm aims to make sure that its items can reach tiny shops in rural regions and
customers all throughout Vietnam.

7 Marketing service agencies
Despite having their own marketing department, Unilever still works with Ogilvy &
Mather Vietnam in the advertising and marketing department. Ogilvy and Mather is
one of the world's largest advertising agencies. Advertising, promotion, relationship
marketing, digital marketing, and other services are provided by these company.

With the advancement of media, the definition of beauty has become so limited that
“only the young, blond, and tall are beautiful.” Dove's products have taken this into
consideration, focusing on the true beauty of women, which includes not only youth and
slimness, but also women of all ages and skin colors from all over the world. As a result, in
contrast to other brand names. Therefore, unlike other brand names, Dove and its shampoo
products are targeting to women who are between 25 and 40.
2.2.4. COMPETITORS Main competitors
Competitors like as Pantene, Sunsilk, Clear... have a significant impact on Dove
goods, such as losing segmentation, pushing more effort and budgets on advertising and
promotion, and being aware of the risk of losing a leading position in the Vietnamese
shampoo market.
Pantene: is a Procter & Gamble(P&G) brand that first entered Vietnam in 1995.
Pantene and its shampoo products recognized the importance of having healthy hair and
supplied good-looking and healthy hair to all women. Anti-dandruff shampoo, Smooth
Vitality shampoo, Lightweight shampoo, Smooth shampoo, Repair and Protect shampoo,
and Anti-breakage shampoo are the six primary Pantene's products in Vietnam.
Sunsilk: In 1995, they joined the Vietnamese market. Sunsilk has become one of the
most popular brand names among Vietnamese consumers thanks to careful steps. Sunsilk
also has a 13 percent share of the female shampoo market and is in a top three hair care and
hair conditioner brand in Vietnam. Minor competitors

CLEAR is a division of the Unilever corporation. CLEAR entered the Vietnamese
market gradually by step, including technical solutions to wash away dandruff and other
scalp problems, and eventually became the No. 1 shampoo in the country (Unilever
Vietnam 2013). CLEAR is used by both men and women to get rid of dandruff and prevent
it from coming back, as well as to keep their hair smooth and healthy.

Double Rich of LG company is reasonable for various type of hairs such as damaged
hair or fine hair, thick hair. Its aim is keeping hair healthy and smooth. In Vietnam, Double
rich has five main products for hair care including Double Rich Soft & Smooth,
Double Rich Revitalizing, Double Rich Breakage Control, Double Rich Nutri & Smooth,
and Double Rich Anti-dandruff.

2.2.5. PUBLICS General public
Following the announcement by the United States Department of Health and Human
Services that the amount of formaldehyde, also known as 1.4 dioxane, in some types of
shampoo from Johnson & Johnson or L'Oreal is too high and causes cancer in people,
Vietnamese consumers are more aware of the importance of using shampoo and prefer
shampoo from outside Vietnam market over domestic products (Bach & Nam 2009). It also
means that several large supermarkets, such as Coop mart or Maximart, will no longer
distribute shampoos until Formal Health agency decisions on product quality are issued
(Bach & Nam 2009). Customers will be less likely to use shampoo as a result of this
announcement. Dove, being one of the world's largest shampoo manufacturers, is also
negatively impacted Media public

Dove is a well-known brand in the Vietnamese shampoo industry, with
advertisements in a variety of online and print publications, including Thanh Nien
newspaper,,, and others. These articles are either about how
to use Dove shampoo effectively to achieve smooth and strong hair, or they are simply
about promoting the superiority of Dove shampoo. Dove is also popular on several social
networking sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, thanks to the rapid expansion of the

2.3. SWOT
- Dove is having a collaboration with world -Only appeals to women, using items
famous marketing companies like Mather and that aren't particularly popular among
Ogilvy males.
- Diversity of products, suitable for many -Unilever's pricing are a little too high
different needs for rural customers to pay, especially
- There are 5 production factories located in the those on a low income.
North such as Hanoi, the South has factories in -Intense competition for Dove in the
(FMCG) Fast Moving Consumer
Cu Chi, Bien Hoa, Thu Duc City to produce Goods market means limited growth in
enough products for the Vietnamese market. market share
-Dove shampoo is sold in most supermarkets, - Although Unilever buys the majority
in addition to being distributed to markets or of its materials from Vinachem, it still
even small grocery stores. Sell online as well needs to import other materials. As a
as offline result, transportation, tax, and other
Dove is a popular shampoo among Vietnamese incidental charges increase the
consumers because it is a product of Unilever company's costs.
-a company that provides quality products
trusted by Vietnamese people.
-Unilever initially arrived in Vietnam during -Several years ago, Dove encountered
the early stages of the Vietnamese market. rumors about products containing
After this year, the firm has provided a wide cancer-causing chemicals, causing
range of items, including Dove. It quickly damage to the brand.
established a household name in the shampoo - Big competitor with Unilever is P&G
market, attracting a large number of female in Vietnamese market. Both companies
customers in particular. The benefit of arriving arrived in Vietnam in 1995 at the same
early has provided the firm with a competitive time and offer a wide range of products
advantage over its competitors. in two industries: food and health care.
-Involvement of college students and Unilever's sales may be impacted by
collaboration with businesses can bring up new P&G. The reason for this is that both
possibilities. firms' goods are extremely convenient.
Women in Vietnam have long black hair as part However, P&G's products, which have
of their heritage and culture. The new Western a wide distribution and a huge market
hairstyle trend of short and colored hair is share, will benefit more than
becoming increasingly popular. Furthermore, Unilever's.
short hair may help individuals feel more -Dove competes with various shampoo
energetic and does not require a lot of time to brands from other countries, in
nurture. Because of its features, Vietnamese addition to domestic competitors.
ladies accept this style of hair. The new trend People are more likely to recommend
makes it easier for the company to enter the the highest-quality goods. As a result,
market. people do not hesitate to purchase
-As people's living standards rise, there is a foreign items that are highly effective.
greater need for health and aesthetic products. As a result, potential and loyal
It expands the company's production customers are lost. Unilever's
possibilities. production may be reduced.
Geographic: all women, women aged 25-40 are mainly across the provinces, but
nowadays girls aged 10-17 are also being noticed.
Segment: Teenagers ( 10-17) and college students and new graduates
Demographic Psychographic Behavourial
• Age: 10 to 25 Lifestyle: • Loyalty Status:
• Gender: • Young people watch TV, Youngsters always
Female entertainment programs and want to approach
• Income: surf the web every day. new things, but
Students who They are people who like everything gets
are advertising that is dynamic, boring quickly.
economically playful, attractive but still Their point of view
dependent on meaningful is always changing
their families • They are people who care and affected in
because they about their own beauty and many ways
have no health • Occasion: daily
income. The • However, college students uses
rest are tend to and classify • Usage rate:
financially information more wisely. In Medium product
independent addition, they have more users
• Occupation: opportunities to participate
mostly students in extracurricular activities
and understand more about
the world they live in.
Segment: Young adults
Demographic Psychographic Behavourial
• Age: 26 to 40 Lifestyle: Loyalty status:
• Gender: • they spend a lot of time and • They like high
Female money to make themselves quality products, in
• Income: more beautiful order, they will be
Customers are • They like to use products loyal customers.
mostly with beautiful designs and • Dove needs to invest
financially modern and luxurious a lot of time to
independent features
and have a • They frequently dye and curl conquer this
stable income their hair. customer segment
• Occupation:  Prefer hair care products • Occasion: daily use,
All that can enhance their Happy Women's
occupations damaged hair. The Day or holiday gift
(ex: doctors, products' quality is critical.
teachers, …)
Segment: Adults
Demographic Psychographic Behavourial
• Age: over 40 Lifestyle: • Loyalty Status:
• Gender: • Females over the age of 50 They want to save
Female are frequently concerned time and money by
• Income: about split ends, breakage, selecting the
middle-to-high lint, hair loss,… product that
income • They are financially self- provides the most
• Occupation: sufficient and conscious of satisfaction.
All their appearance. • Benefits sought:
occupations • They are the ones who buy Dove's shampoo
personal care products such treats hair loss at
as shampoo, body wash, .. low prices and are
with high quality for their available in
families and themselves. supermarkets and
• They have product usage stores, hairdresser.
experience. In addition, they
can be purchased at
platforms Shopee,
Lazada, ..
• Occasion: gift,
everyday uses
• Usage rate:
medium product

Because Vietnamese women have many hair problems, to meet that, Dove has
launched many different product lines that can best suit them. Mainly with the following 3
main types:

• Dove Damage Therapy Intensive Repair Shampoo with

Keratin Repair ActiveTM formula that nourishes and repairs
damaged hair.

• Dove Nutritive Solutions with Oxyfusion@ technology makes

hair up to 95% bouncy, bringing life to thin, flat hair.

• Dove Hair Fall Rescue Shampoo with Trichazole ActivesTM

for brittle, falling hair.

Dove is using differentiated marketing (segmented marketing) to increase sales and

market share in Vietnam by introducing 3 major types of shampoo.


Dove's products used to target at all women
of all ages, shapes and sizes but now the main
target market is women over the age of 18 years
old, particularly those between the ages of 25 and
40; those who are concerned about their skin
problems and belong to middle-high income
groups, willing to pay more for high-quality
products; for a variety of reason.
First of all, every woman wants to have a natural beauty and good health; a healthy
and young, active life. But sometimes their own appearance is forgotten because they have
to dedicate themselves to taking care of their family and loved ones, or taking care of their
personal career. So as they get older, they want to regain lost value, which creates an
opportunity for personal care products and hair problems to be increasingly used.

Moreover, for women, hair is very important, as it gives them confidence and
enhances their own personal beauty. But at the age of 30, women have many hair problems
such as dry, broken, fibrous, split ends, thin and weak. With that in mind, Dove offers a
variety of shampoos for different hair problems, aiming to capture a large number of
customers in the market
In terms of spending, the national average household expenditure in 2020 is 2.89
million VND/person/month, up 13% from 2018. Expenditure on living accounts for 2.7
million VND per person per month, accounting for 93 percent of total household spending.
As a result, Vietnamese women between the ages of 25 and 40, who have purchasing
power for quality products, can now afford to purchase more Dove products than in the
past, since health is one of the top concerns of Vietnamese people. (according to a survey
conducted by Nielsen in the second quarter of 2020)

Companies often compete with each other by offering points of difference. Unilever
in general and Dove in particular have been very skillful in choosing the difference in
images and products to capture market share.


In the past, using shampoo was only intended to help cleaning hair and make it healthy.
However, that is not the only factor in being beautiful. So Dove has responded by offering
a variety of shampoo options such as nourishing, restorative, intensive and daily
moisturizing treatments. That makes a difference and is more satisfying with many
customer needs.
Nourishing oil care shampoo, for example, is made of mineral oil and natural almond.
Both elements provide essential nutrients that aid in the smoothness, shine, and softness of
the user's hair. With its Keratin Repair ActiveTM, Dove Intensive Repair Shampoo
contributes to the rebuilding of hair and the prevention of breakage. (


"What the public thinks of your company is critical to its
success."(Katie Schmidt, the founder and lead designer of
Passion Lilie), "By projecting a positive image that you
believe in, you can establish your company as socially
conscious." The more a company thinks about the environment, natural resources, and the
community, the more likely customers to have faith in the company.

“For over 30 years, we've been using a variety of non-animal alternatives to test the
safety of our ingredients and products” ( Dove has a policy that prohibits any
kinds of animal testing on their products. Their products are PETA approved, which leave
a positive brand image in the minds of customers.
Dove products have a high price and
relatively good quality. Meanwhile,
Tresemme is a good quality product
with a high price. Although there are
many other Dove shampoos that are
reasonably priced, in order to capture
the older customer market, Dove
needs to improve the quality better.
Other competitors such as Sunsilk,
Clear should also be noticed because
their prices are lower than Dove
(about 20,000 VND for 340g) but
also satisfy the needs of consumers.
Pic 3.1: Positing map with price and quality In the future, maybe they will
develop more hair care shampoos to
win customers.
This is a positioning map of brand
awareness and frequency of using
shampoos. Although, Dove is a brand
with high awareness (89.7%) but only
a small number of customers (about
12.8%) choose Dove to use as the
main and regular shampoo.
Meanwhile, brands such as Sunsilk,
Tresemme, and Clear are consumed
more despite lower awareness.
Therefore, Dove needs to carefully
examine the reason to fix it.

Pic 3.2: Positing map with often used and awareness

=> In general, Dove products are good quality products and are well known by many
consumers. To capture the shampoo market share, they need to solve the problem of low
prices and low consumption.

It can be said that Dove's “More
and More” is a rather special strategy
that helps them attract many customers
with hair concerns and compete with
Sunsilk, Clear. The price of Sunsilk and
CLEAR shampoo is approximately
VND 60,000 per 340 grams. On the
other hand, On the other hand, with
84,000, Dove brings products with
more benefits and many attractive
Pic 3.3: More and more strategy

Positioning statement
For over a decade, Dove has been working to
make beautiful a source of confidence instead of
anxiety. Their goal is to help girls and women raise
their self-esteem through a positive relationship
with their looks. In 2017, in honor of Dove's 60th
anniversary, they reaffirmed their commitment to
women worldwide by launching the Dove Real
Beauty Pledge, which consists of three vows:

• “Always feature women, never models.

• Portray women as they are in real life, do not digitally distort images.
• Help 40 million young people build self-esteem and positive body confidence.”

4.1.1. DOVE’S PRODUCT Level of Dove’s product
• Core product: Dove is specialized for women's hair care. The aim of Dove’s
shampoo product is to clean hairs, to solve hair’s problems such as hair fall, frizzy
hair, dry hair, damaged hair or dandruff.
• Actual product:
+ Dove’s brand: A famous brand for personal health care of Unilever. Dove’s Beauty
Bar is known as the #1 Dermatologist.
+ Dove’s logo is easily recognized relying on the peace pigeon.
+ Dove product’s feature: Protect hair’s color, keep it shiny and smooth
• Hair Care Product: Dove Intensive Repair Shampoo, Dove Oxygen Moisture
Conditioner, ..
• Augmented product: Dove provides online services such as: purchasing, shipping
and customer caring.

Pic 4.1: Three levels of product Product classification

This is convenience product. Dove’s products can easily be found in all convenience
stores, supermarkets or markets with good prices thanks to Unilever’s supply chains.
4.1.2. PRODUCT STRATEGY Product mix
According to Dove VN website, there are 3 main hair product lines:

• Dove Intensive Repair Series (included shampoo and conditioner) for damaged hair
• Dove Oxygen Moisture Series (included shampoo and conditioner) for moisturizing
• Dove Nourishing Secret Series (included 3 types of shampoo and 4 types of
conditioners) for solving any hair’s problem Brand
Brand name: Dove.
Brand symbol:
• Logo: Dove with the peace pigeon
• Slogan: Real Beauty
• Customer target: Female from 16 to 40 who valued natural, healthy beauty
• Dove provides solutions for their hair problem.
Brand equity: Dove is one of the most famous brands in Viet Nam. We can find
Dove images from anywhere. In Viet Nam, people have become familiar with Dove for a
long time.

Pic 4.2: Logo of Dove Design
Dove's product design is extremely simple and practical. Furthermore, Dove's
products include the Unilever logo to give customers confidence in the product because
Unilever is a large corporation with a long history of quality. The product's name is also
simple and easy to remember, creating a sense of familiarity. Accompanied by a unique
peace pigeon logo that is unmistakable to any brand. Packaging
Dove creates bottle casings in a range of sizes, from large to small, to meet the needs
of each customer. Each product is also designed with youthful and eye-catching colors,
attracting a large number of customers, particularly young customers. Specifically, product

information, production date, manufacturing location, and information about safety
techniques are printed on the packaging. Product Support Services
Dove is currently implementing a "new beauty principle" that affects brand
communication with female customers. This principle is aimed at ordinary women,
broadening the concept of beauty to include women of various physiques and skin tones.
Dove demonstrates to female customers that it is a brand that truly understands and cares
about them. The process included
• Checking the health of the customer’s hair
• Advising customers on the right hairstyle

4.2. PRICE
One of the company's objectives is to
increase market share by retaining the
strength of Dove products in order to
maintain a good position and image in
the hearts of consumers. Dove wants to
help women enhance their inner and
outer beauty by using their products . To
that end, Dove is focusing more on
creating compelling advertisements. Dove has used real women in their advertisements for
over 40 years without using technology to manipulate their models. As a result, its
advertisements are very honest, and consumers are more likely to trust it because they
believe they are similar to the models in the advertisement. Dove launched a successful
'Real Beauty' marketing campaign that drew a lot of positive feedback from customers.
Furthermore, Dove has implemented a variety of promotional strategies, including the
distribution of coupons, quantity discounts, trade-in allowances, sample testing services,
and the sponsorship of numerous
social activities .Furthermore, in
order to increase market share,
Dove offers a diverse range of
products that caters to consumers'
various needs and desires.
Another goal for Dove is to try to
outperform competitors by
improving the quality of their products in the future to meet the needs of upper-class
Recognizing that the majority of people in rural areas have low incomes, Unilever Vietnam
has devised a pricing strategy to provide consumers with competitive prices. Instead of
importing raw materials, Unilever has collaborated with many local small and medium-
sized businesses to obtain them immediately. It is extremely profitable because the
company can reduce product costs while avoiding high taxes. Furthermore, to reduce
transportation and storage costs, the company has distributed production and packaging
across the country in the northern, central, and southern regions
Dove is currently in a growth phase, so it needs to improve product quality, pay closer
attention to product packaging, and invest in more appealing advertising campaigns. External factors Types of market
Dove shampoos are sold in a monopolistic competition market in which numerous
manufacturers produce products with various features, designs, or styles. The shampoo
market in Vietnam is quite diverse, with countless brands from various companies such as
Unilever's Clear and Dove, P&G's, Pantene and Head & Shoulder, Wipro Unza's
Enchanteur, and so on. However, because each company's products differ, they are more
active in pricing decisions. The company has the ability to set a higher price based on the
value of the product in order to maximize profit without fear of losing all customers.
However, in order to offer an appropriate price for its products, the company must also pay
attention to the prices of its competitors. demand
The company must consider about the
relationship between the price charged and the
resulting demand level. In general, demand and
price are inversely related- that is, the higher the
price, the lower the demand. Consumers with
limited budgets probably will buy less of
something if its price is too high. If a decrease in
price can lead to an increase in demand, this indicates that there is demand elasticity. If
demand is elastic, sellers will consider lowering their prices, a lower price will produce
more total revenue. More than ever, companies need to understand the price sensitivity of
their customers and the trade-offs people are willing to make between price and products
20 Psychological factors of customers
Customers' willingness to pay is frequently influenced by psychological
factors. When customers are unfamiliar with the products, brands, or prices of competitors,
they are more likely to be skeptical of the product's price. They won't be able to accept the
price if they can't find a reason to satisfy their desire. Many customers acknowledge that
there is a strong relationship between price and product quality. They believe that a high
price equates to a high quality. Furthermore, consumers frequently compare the prices of
competing products.
Dove's price in the Vietnamese shampoo market is slightly higher than that of other
shampoos. Dove shampoo, on the other hand, makes a good impression on customers as a
high-quality product through a useful advertising campaign, luxurious and elegant design,
and demonstration of its excellent ability to care for damaged hair. As a result, customers
can be satisfied with the price of Dove shampoos. Competitors
The prices of competitors have a
significant impact on a company's
pricing decisions. Since customers can
compare the prices of competing
products before purchasing a product,
the company must offer competitive
prices to meet customer demands and
maintain its competitive position.
The strengths of Unilever's Dove
shampoo are the same as those of P&G's
Pantene. Both brands are aimed at the middle class, are used for damaged hair, and have
received numerous positive customer reviews. Both products are of the same quality. As a
result, Dove is unable to outprice Pantene without losing customers. Instead, Dove shampoo
is priced similarly to Pantene, with both Dove and Pantene shampoos costing 84 000 VND
and 75 000 VND respectively.

4.2.2.VALUE-PRICING Customer perception of value
Dove has focused on pricing products based on customer perceptions of their products
rather than just the seller's price. This value-based pricing allows businesses to easily
consider what prices are appropriate to meet the needs of customers while also bringing in
profits. Dove was also able to increase market share and customer loyalty when purchasing
21 Base on competition
The shampoo market in Vietnam is currently expanding at an increasing rate because
people have a greater sense of self-care and their incomes have increased. Dove's
competitors include Pantene, Clear, Sunsilk, and Double Rich. A price list for their products
in the Vietnamese market is shown in the chart below.
According to the chart, Dove is the second-most expensive shampoo, while Pantene
is the most expensive. This means that, while Dove offers the same quality as Pantene, they
offer a lower price to consumers. This means that, despite the fact that Dove and Pantene
have fairly similar quality, Dove has offered a more competitive price to the consumer.
However, the remaining competitors are Sunsilk, Clear, and Double Rich, all of which have
lower prices than Dove. This poses a challenge for Dove, forcing them to demonstrate that
the value of the product is high and worthy of the high price.

Pic 4.3: The price of some shampoo brands in VietNam

4.2.3. PRICING STRATEGY New-product pricing strategies market -skimming pricing
Dove frequently offers a high price when launching new products in order to
maximize profits when demand for the product is high; however, after a while, Dove lowers
the product price in order to attract more customers. price-sensitive products while
maintaining a competitive advantage over counterfeit products that have recently appeared
on the market.
Penetration pricing
Dove has entered the market by introducing new product lines to the Vietnamese
market. by offering a price low enough for the majority of customers to support the product
and for Dove to gain a high share of the market. Moreover, the more the goods sold, the
lower the price of the product can be. This pricing strategy has helped Dove have their place
in the Vietnamese market and can eligible to compete with rivals. Contribution
Dove has offered many different prices, sizes, and types of shampoo, using product
line pricing to focus on specific customer groups. This means that Dove products are
suitable for different hair conditions.
~160.000 VND (750ml) for Dove Damage Therapy Intensive Repair Shampoo
~ 155.000 VND for Nutritive Therapy Nourishing Oil Care Shampoo
~90.000 VND for Dove Hair Fall Rescue Shampoo
~100.000VND for Dove Straight and Silky shampoo

Pic 4.4: Dove products which have reasonable prices

4.2.4. CHANGE PRICE Buyer Reactions to Price Changes
Dove's price is determined by other factors, including the line of hair care products,
and it competes with competitors. Consumers will pay a reasonable price to use the
product, but the percentage they will buy back when the price of the product rises is very
small. Because there are numerous other excellent product lines on the market. Responding to Price Changes
Recognizing that low-income Vietnamese consumer living in rural areas continue to
account for a sizable proportion of the population, Unilever Vietnam implements a
savings policy to optimize import costs in order to lower product costs to match their
ability to consume. Unilever has also instituted a financial assistance policy to assist local
businesses in upgrading production equipment, transferring technology, and organizing
production training programs.

4.3. PLACE
Since Dove is a subsidiary of Unilever, the issue of product distribution will be
handled by Unilever.
Factory: Unilever Vietnam has 5 factories: Cu Chi Industrial Park, Bien Hoa , Thu
Duc, Ha Noi
-> Directly at the factory, products are manufactured, packaged, and stocked.
Furthermore, in order to save and utilize human resources, it collaborates with many
domestic factories in production and processing activities, supplying production materials
and product packaging.
-> The number of products is sufficient to supply the country's 63 provinces and cities.

Unilever has a nationwide distribution network in 63 provinces and cities, particularly

in major cities like Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Hai Phong, and Quang Ninh. Each
province can have up to 10 retailers. a wide distribution other province may have a couple
of large distributors. Flow in marketing chanel
Product flow: Dove's products are distributed to consumers via middlemen.
Negotiation flow: Dove’s products are exchanged through buying and selling
activities among manufacturers, distributors and consumers
Ownership flow: Each time, Dove's products are licensed through an intermediary
distributor. The product will be discounted, and discounted through many owners, but still
ensure a stable price to consumers.
Information flow: Product is exchanged among parties.
Promotion flow: The manufacturer supports the product in communication in order to
strongly promote it to consumers. Channel of distribution
Unilever has more than 150 major distributors in 63 provinces and cities, as well as
300,000 other retailers. Combining multiple distribution channels, such as large
distributors, retailers, convenience stores, department stores, supermarkets, and so on. Support and build distribution channels in many areas Manufacturing
According to Gartner, Unilever has a high ranking in the FMCG supply chain because
they take control of factories and invest in increasing productivity while also focusing on
building and protecting the environment.
24 Logistics
Unilever is improving and upgrading its distribution operations, utilizing a diverse
network of distribution channels. Dove products will be available through joint shipping
with a variety of consumer brands. another application. Marketing
Unilever employs a number of platforms to reach customers through a well-covered
medium. Digital marketing is one of the most effective and important ways to influence
purchasing habits at all stages of the decision-making process, across all channels. Sales
Unilever cooperates with many distributors and resellers to capture a large share of
the consumer goods market, ensuring that Unilever's brand is available and appropriately
displayed, in all channels from supermarkets to e-commerce, large and small retailers. Marketing System
Unilever is a well-known and leading brand in Vietnam's FMCG industry. Every day,
approximately 30 million people use and gain access to Unilever products (according to
Unilever Vietnam). As a result, the managed marketing system is the most effective system
Dove can use to manage distribution. Dove wants its products to be visible to customers at
eye level, at the cashier counter, or anywhere in the store. Marketing System
Instead of developing its own system, Unilever pools the resources of many
companies at the same hierarchical level to reduce distribution costs and provide consumers
with more product options. , Dove works with many other companies and businesses to
ensure that the parties' interests are not jeopardized. Other distribution channel system
HMS has brought Dove shampoos to the widest possible audience. Dove always
understands and works with distributors to bring the best products to a wide range of
customer segments. Dove is active in communication and advertising activities in urban
areas, bringing its products to large and small stores, supermarkets, and care stores. In rural
areas, Unilever's sales force and other small grocery stores deliver their products to every
location, large and small, in various villages and communes.
However, it is also a disadvantage because the problem of controlling stores with
large quantities will present many difficulties in terms of price stabilization and ensuring
timely quantities.

4.3.2. CHANEL DESIGN DECISION Set a channel goal
The goal is to alter or change people's social perceptions, particularly those of women.
Dove wants its product lines to have a positive impact on people, both physically and
emotionally, so that users have a positive perception of themselves and society. Analyze consumer needs

They choose Dove due to the need to prevent hair loss, care, and damage recovery in
order to make hair smooth, soft, strong, and dandruff-free. The vast majority of Vietnamese
are middle-class. Women aged 15 to 45, in particular, who use Dove frequently.
Students with middle and low incomes will look for novel products between the ages
of 15 and 20. Dove is an appropriate choice for many different kinds of weather and
climate. Colors and scents are present in these products.
Users between the ages of 20 and 40 are students, employees with average-to-good
incomes, and they prefer shampoo products that treat tangles, restore hair damage, and have
a mild fragrance.
People aged 40 to 45, usually employees with a good income or more, will use high-
quality, reputable, and expensive products.


CHANNELS Advantages
Having a strong financial background because it is 100% foreign investment.
There are large human resources and effective policies to attract talents. They have a
good remuneration policy and a good team to train workers into qualified people with goof
Focus on investment and technological innovation development.
Standing at the top of the industry in terms of products built and supported by quality
Having a high-quality marketing strategy policy.
Have a wide distribution network. Disadvantages
Because it is a company with foreign investment owned by foreign investors, it also
has an effect on customers' perceptions of the suitability of products when compared to
Vietnamese people.
Due to high costs, some technologies have yet to be implemented in Vietnam.
Others must be imported from abroad, which adds to the cost.
Marketing is still lacking, resulting in a failure to successfully implement a message
to users about the strengths of the company's products.
Product costs are still quite high in comparison to some developed countries.
Inadequacies in style and working environment because foreigners play a key role,
resulting in conflicts at times. Solution to solve

- They should implement policies to lower prices and promotions to attract
customers to their side.
- Products need to be constantly renewed and replaced to meet the increasingly
diverse needs of products and the potential needs of customers to attract them their side.
- There is a quick and attentive customer service department.

4.3.4. MATERIAL DISTRIBUTION The goal of physical distribution
Customers should be introduced to your product. Encourage customers to use the
company's products and services.
Unilever has different distribution policies depending on the region and market
situation so that businesses can maximize their capacity and bring high profits through
market expansion, revenue growth, and favorable conditions for the company. The nature of the distribution of matter

Unilever manages the supply networks, the value-added flow from producer to
consumer owned by the transport stream. Distribution decisions

Order processing decision:
• Order delivery: businesses or intermediary distribution channels will come to
Unilever to discuss the issue of ordering Dove products.
• Accept payment: Businesses or intermediary distribution channels pay the
full amount of the product or the percentage of the deposit in advance after
receiving the remaining payment.
• Prepare goods: Unilever’s factory will prepare enough Dove products to
deliver to business partners.

• Transportation: Businesses or intermediary distribution channels will go to
Unilever’s factory warehouse to transport goods.
• Marking bill of lading and delivery.
Decide on the warehouse to store goods: Unilever has a factory name Unilever
shampoo factory located in Thu Duc, HCM city and a factory in Cu Chi Industrial Park.
Both factories operate with high productivity to supply Dove shampoo products to serve
the needs of 3 regions Norths, Central and South.
Deciding on the amount of stock in the warehouse: Quantity of products available at
warehouse or at points of sale in bulk.
Deciding on the transport of goods:
• Transport shipment size: the larger the product shipment, the lower the cost per
tonnage per unit distance.
• Length of transport distance: the longer the distance, the lower the
transportation cost per unit of transport product.
• Type of means of transport: road, air… Each different type of means of
transport determines different freight rates.
Department stores/ shopping malls: Bach hoa xanh, AEON, Vincom…
Supermarkets: Big C, Vin mart, Coop mart…
Retail stores: grocery store, …
Direct retailing: at home, mobile sales in crowded places…
Retail via telecommunications and postal networks: Shopee, Lazada, sendo, facebook,
Email, ...


Pic 4.5: Elements in the Communicaion Process

*Dove’s “Real Beauty” communication model:
Dove's Real Beauty campaign adds significant brand value by assisting Dove in
gaining the trust of customers, particularly women. It also provides Dove with a large
number of potential customers, which results in significant profits for the company
4.4.2. ADVERTISING (DOVE’S 5MS) Mission
Broadening the narrow definition of beauty to make more women feel beautiful every
day and inspiring them to take care of themselves. Money
Dove spends money on the most effective tool, which is social media.

29 Message
The Real Beauty Campaign is a reminder to women that their beauty is derived from
their own personalities and power, not from a tube, an airbrush, or a cream.
Women frequently have a negative perception of their own beauty and constantly
underestimate themselves. Dove recognizes this and has launched the "Real Beauty"
campaign on a global scale to promote women's self-esteem. The campaign has reached
hundreds of millions of women around the world thanks to the video "Real Beauty
Sketches," which has become the most popular video of all time. The video clip depicts
several young women drawing their own faces so that an artist (sitting behind a curtain) can
sketch portraits of them. A third person will then draw their faces for the artist to sketch
into another portrait. The experiment revealed a significant difference between the two
drawings, which were depicted better by a third person than the self-described portrait.

Pic 4.6: The “Real Beauty” campaign of Dove

Pic 4.7: “Dove Real Beauty Sketches”

This is a social experiment based on psychological understanding, that the woman

herself tends to make negative comments about her appearance more than outsiders; this
mentality puts pressure on them to lose confidence in their appearance.
The experiment created strong empathy with the public, especially women. Dove's
Real Beauty campaign contributes to affirming women: “You are more beautiful than you
think”, especially when they are confident in themselves.
Continue in 2021:
The Real Beauty campaign is a continuing of the "Reverse Selfie" video, but this time
with a completely different target audience. Before beginning implementation, the brand
gathered information from a survey of young people. In fact, up to 67 percent of 10 to 17-
year-olds want to improve or conceal their flaws before posting photos online. Furthermore,
59% of other girls said they are self-conscious about their bodies and will edit each photo
to look slimmer. And 37% of survey respondents confirmed that they cannot live without
photo editing tools in order to become more beautiful.

SOURCE: YouTube (2021)

Pic 4.8: Short film “ Reverse Selfie”

With the desire and inspiration, the Real beauty campaign created the story of a young
girl who uses photoshop technology on her phone to create a portrait of herself with a
flawless beauty with makeup, standard facial contours before posting on social networks.
Although the video is about a new audience and only lasts a minute, it reminds viewers of
the brand's journey over the years to spread the "beauty comes from confidence" message.
The project honoring beauty has directed society to pay attention to the mentality of the
young generation, particularly teenagers - the subject of the most inner changes.
After eliciting sympathy and attention from society, the campaign also published 32
pages of a book about why young people are increasingly using social media and how to
easily help adults. redirect children's attention away from these negative influences. Media
Use social media as the major platform
Public Relations and Event to fuel the social debate
Viral video “Real Beauty Sketches” Measuring the success
Analyzing the website visits by using Google Analytics
Many likes and shares on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube
TV talk shows and TVC
Debating on Online Forums
The video “Real Beauty Sketches” reached 114 million views, 3.74 million shares
after 1 month of launch.
Customers who register for a guest account on Dove's website will receive a 20-40%
off Dove coupon. Customers also receive a variety of reward gifts when they shop on Dove-
affiliated online shopping sites.
Dove also launches promotions on women's holidays such as International Women's
Day and Vietnamese Women's Day.
Customers will receive a full refund with a coupon for the next purchase if there are
any issues with their purchase, such as incorrect delivery, faulty or expired products.

Dove made a series of press announcements in 2019 as they prepared to launch
Dove “Beauty Rituals from Nature”, announcing the launch event on June 14 with the
appearance of special guests. Dove has never failed to pull off successful events when
launching new products.


Pic 4.9: “Beauty Rituals From Nature”,

Dove is constantly innovating in its approach to customers to bring them the most
novel experience. During the “Bồng bềnh tóc mây” campaign, Dove showed a
breakthrough in personal touting style when the campaign was a combination of art and
technology. They designed 3 super booth activations, 2 in Ho Chi Minh City and 1 in Ha
Noi Capital, which were designed in a circular cylinder with the top of its head a giant
cloud made up of more than 3000 light bulbs. When shopping in the malls, buyers can’t
help but marvel at its grandeur. Not only on the form side, customers when participating
in activities will experience the feeling of flying to the clouds. Through leveling,
customers will go to higher clouds; music, scent and wind technology is the secret to this
experience. This campaign helps Dove to reach more customers, help them bring new
product images to customers and find more information about potential customers.

SOURCE: Facebook Dove (2018)

Pic 4.10: “Bồng bềnh tóc mây”


Dove knows how to use direct marketing to its advantage. Maintain a close
relationship with potential customers who have the ability to increase the value of the Dove
brand through gifting forms such as birthday gifts or holidays, and giving customers pre-
use products. Customers will feel special and will trust Dove as a result of this. For those
KOLs and Dove distributors who frequently request collaboration, send them emails of
recommendation about their products and businesses.
• Truth: When people change their appearance, they are always unsure about how they
appear. They always wonder: "I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that
hairstyle?", “I'm not sure what it will look like if I cut it shorter.” “I'm not sure if
dying red is suitable for my hair?” ...
• Tension: They are constantly afraid of changing. “Would it be bad if I made it?”
• Motivation: Always wanting to be beautiful yourself, always looking for something
new, making a breakthrough, and changing people's perceptions of you.
• Message:
o Do you fear changing yourself?
o You don't know what you'd look like if you changed your appearance?
o But you always want to try, to find the beauty that you believe is best for you.
o Then everyone will notice it. Allow yourself a chance.
o With Dove, go beyond your own limits, find yourself.

5.1.2. INSIGHT
When you're always looking for a chance to be noticed, or simply want to rediscover
yourself. Then you're afraid because you can't do it yourself; afraid of all challenges; afraid
of failure; afraid of looking bad in the eyes of others; afraid that your hair isn't suitable for
you; afraid of wasting a lot of time changing the new one and then having to go back to the
old one. But have you considered this: What if the new one is truly lovely? What if the new
hairstyle is perfect for you? Will you keep the old one if the new one improves your image
and clearly demonstrates your personality? Simply take action. Instead of sitting there
pondering and hesitating, doubting something, then go out and find out the truth. You can
go back to the old style if it doesn't fit. It doesn't matter; at the very least, you tried. Be
assured that Dove will accompany you on your quest to discover yourself, the beauty you've
always desired.

“Vượt qua giới hạn bản thân để tìm lại chính mình” -Using Vietnamese to convey
the best meaning

5.2.2. SUMMARY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Phase 1: Create a trend to change yourself
Budget: 5 billion VND
Goal: Raise awareness of 100,000 new users.
Using social media platforms: Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram
Take pictures of yourself with different hairstyles that you think are attractive.
Hastag #dovevuotquagioihan
Prizes will be given to those who are creative and have a distinct personality. Phase 2: With Dove. find authentic hair.
Budget: 5 billion VND
Goal: increase purchase by 50,000 users
Use communication in conjunction with distribution systems, agents and hair
care retailers,
Dove will go out and find the most popular hairstyles, or you may come up with new
ones yourself.
Print your own hair style on Dove product bottles.
Distributing products to hair care salons and hairdressing shops in Vietnam.

SOURCE: My group

Pic 5.1: Dove product bottles which have many different hairstyles



Tool Turnitin
Last Submission date: 04-Jul-2021 12:59PM

Assignment for each members
Lê Hữu Phát -*Chapter 5: 5.1,5.2
-*Chapter 4: 4.2.4, 4.3.1
-*Add: 2.1.2, 2.1.3,
-Divide assignments among members and report
-Complete editing
Ngô Phụng Cầm -*Chapter 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
-*Chapter 4: 4.2.1
-Check plagiarsm
-Check and correct errors in English (about 40% of contents)
Nguyễn Viết Hân -*Chapter 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
-*Chapter 4: 4.2.2, 4.2.3
-Write “Thanks”
Nguyễn Thanh Danh -*Chapter 4: 41, 44
-Write “Excuetive Summary”:
-Make the cover
Nguyễn Hoàng -*Chapter 1: 1.1, 1.2,
Minh Thông -*Chapter 4: 4.3.2, 4.3.3, 4.3.4, 4.3.5
-Write “Thanks”
*The main member completes 80% of the work, the rest of the members contribute about 20%
for each part

15-18/6 My group researched and selected businesses such as Coca Cola,
Pepsi, Dutch Lady, Pond's, Dove, Knorr, Omo => 18/6 : Dove
19-20/6 The whole group consulted the sources and tried to capture as much
data as possible
Phát divides assignments among members
21-23/6 My group is free to complete the work
24-28/6 Phát synthesizes and updates content continuously
24 Cầm submits Chapter 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Time to complete

Hân submits Chapter 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

25 Phát submits Chapter 5: 5.1, 5.2
Hân resubmits Chapter 2
26 Cầm submits Chapter 4: 4.2.1
Phát submits Chapter 4: 4.2.4, 4.3.1 and resubmits Chapter 5: 5.2
Danh submits Chapter 4: 4.1
Thông submits Chapter 1: 1.1, 1.2 and Chapter 4: 4.3.2-5
27 Hân submits Chapter 4: 4.4.2, 4.4. 3
Danh submits Chapter 4: 4.4
28 Danh resubmits Chapter 4: 4.4
Phát completes content
29/6-1/7 My group checks the finished essay for correction and addition
Phát adds 2.1.2, 2.1.3,
Cầm checks plagiarsm (one time)
2/7 Cầm checks and corrects errors in English
Thông and Hân submits “Thank”
Danh makes the cover
3/7 Cầm checks plagiarsm (two times)
Phát completes the word file as required
Phát remarks member in group
4/7 Cầm checks plagiarsm (three times)
My group reviews the work and submits it on time

Lê Hữu Phát: Assigns group work clearly, works hard for the team, has a high sense of
Ngô Phụng Cầm: Has a high sense of responsibility at work, good English level, always
completes the assigned work well, always asks about the progress of the work
Nguyễn Viết Hân: Completes work well, complete article details, good responsible, pay
attention to the assignment.
Nguyễn Thanh Danh: The assignment is fully completed and responsible, enthusiastically
support team.
Nguyễn Hoàng Minh Thông: The assignment is fully completed and responsible
➔ Many of the members' English level is not good so it's a problem but the team works
effectively, has good group meetings, works with high efficiency, everyone always has a
positive opinion to complete the assignment.

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