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Mini Survey Instrument

Name: John Matthew Remion Your level & Section: 12-DAMASCUS

Organization: Student Governing Board Position: Vice-President

Give three reason for running this position:

1. To help my fellow students to have a safe environment in this school.

2. To address the concerns of other students in our school.

3. To empower the LGBT Community.

Are you happy with your role in this organization?

Yes No

Why? (Since the experience of being a leader so if ever the President is absent, I will take the
responsibility of it.)

Cite the difficulties that you encounter when relating with someone.

If I didn't get closed to my fellow members, I struggle to communicate with them since I am an ambivert.

What do you do when there is a conflict among your members?

The best way to deal with the conflict is to boost myself confidence to have a good communication with
each other. I will boost myself confidence so that I can approach them to have a perfect program.

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