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You are going to read an article in which people talk about turning their hobbies into careers.
For questions 1-15, choose from the sections of the article (A-F). Mark your answers on the
separate answer sheet.

In which section of the article are the following mentioned?

1. the pleasure of teaching young people B _____
2. valuable experience gained from voluntary work D _____
3. an enhanced appreciation of other people's work A _____
(sự đánh giá cao từ người khác)
4. neglecting a job (lơ là trong công việc) C _____
5. thoughts about the future C _____
6. the financial necessity for engaging in other ventures as well A _____
(sự cần thiết về tài chính để có thể tham gia vào các … khác)
7. encouragement from a family member F _____
8. advice from a specialist E _____
9. finding an alternative leisure pursuit D _____
(Tìm 1 sở thích khác)
10. the value of assessing one's abilities objectively E _____
(cái giá của việc đánh giá giá trị của người khác một cách khách quan)
11. identifying potential customers B _____
12. an impulsive decision C _____
(quyết định bốc đồng, không chắc chắn)
13. un unexpected talent for a particular job E _____
14. a feeling of apprehension before making a major change B _____
(=anxious, lo lắng, e ngại)
15. academic qualifications which were never used F _____
(bằng cấp học thuật không bao giờ được sử dụng)

Turning a Hobby into a Career

It may seem idealistic or risky to exchange one's regular job

for the uncertainty of earning your living from a hobby - but more and more people are
attempting to do just that.

A I had piano lessons when I was young, and I did have some talent. But it soon became
obvious I'd never be good enough for a career on the concert stage. In a way, I was lucky. If I
hadn't realized early on that I'd never make it as a performer, I probably would have carried
on dreaming that my big break would come.(Nhận ra giá trị của việc đánh giá đúng giá trị
của bản thân mình) As it is, I became a music teacher instead, and in my free time I started
to dabble in the technical side of music production. Then an aunt died, leaving me some cash,
and I suddenly realized I could finally set up my own recording studio! Of course, there is a
downside to turning a hobby into a career. I love my job so much that I used to work seven
days a week, but after a while I realized I was getting burnt out - you need to switch off
occasionally. My job has definitely added depth to the way I listen to music; now I can really
understand why someone is using a certain technique or piece of equipment. (cho đến khi cố
gắng hết sức thì nó mới hiểu tại sao ngta làm dc như vậy)

B I studied medicine, but when I finished medical school, I had a sort of crisis. I suddenly
knew I couldn't go on with it! I'd have been an awful doctor. But I was keen on amateur
dramatics and I enjoyed putting on plays at the local youth center, especially coaching
budding actors. So I started wondering if I could make a living from teaching drama. A friend
suggested I should set up as a freelance teacher and offer acting lessons for children. It was
tricky and at first, I couldn't work out how to find customers who would pay for their children
to attend the kind of courses I wanted to run.(Vận hành) Then someone at an organization
called Business Link, which helps people set up their own businesses, suggested advertising
on the Internet! I was contacted by a surprising number of interested people, and five years
down the line I'm doing all right. The classes themselves aren't terribly lucrative, but I
supplement my income by giving talks to amateur dramatics societies, writing articles for
magazines and organizing trips to see shows in London. It's not a bad life.

C When I left college I started working in a bank, but my heart was never really in it. The
problem was partly the environment: I don't like working in an office. I'm more of an outdoor
person – and I'd always been crazy about surfing. Well, one summer while I was in Cornwall
on holiday, I got chatting to the owner of a surf shop. He said he wanted to sell up and I
jumped at the chance to buy the business from him! Looking back, I can see how lucky I was.
It's incredibly difficult to set up a shop like that from scratch. Besides, being such an avid
surfer myself, I assumed a lot of other people must share that interest - which isn't the case!
Obvious when you think about it, but it took me a while to realize what a naive attitude that
was. Now that I've learnt the ropes, I'm thinking either of expanding - more shops, managers
and so on - or diversifying, perhaps producing my own surf boards! I actually think the
second option is more likely because it's a subject which interests me a lot.

D I'd always been a serious amateur photographer, and when I left school I wanted a job that
would allow me a lot of free time for my hobby. So I got a job as a waiter, working evenings
only. Around that time I also offered to help my uncle out in his studio. He was a professional
photographer, and I'd go along at the weekends and act as general unpaid dogsbody (người
phụ việc ko trả công). I got an insight into the business, which made me wonder whether I
too could earn a living from photography. So I saved (tích lũy kinh nghiệm), set myself up as
a professional photographer and tried to survive solely on my earnings from selling pictures.
However, after a while I realized it simply wasn't going to happen. So I swallowed my pride
and got some work as a sales representative for one of the big camera manufacturers, which
takes me round the country to trade fairs and so on, demonstrating the latest equipment. I'm
doing quite well in that line of work, although I've noticed one odd thing: now that my hobby
is my work, more or less, I've had to find another way to switch off. In fact, I've taken up

E My first job was with an insurance company, but I was hardly a model employee (ko phải
là 1 nhân viên kiểu mẫu, nhân viên chăm chỉ). I loathed my job, (lơ là trong công việc) and
instead of selling insurance, I used to wander around the city's numerous art galleries. I have
no creative talent of my own, but I can recognize it in the work of others. I soon picked up
quite a lot of knowledge about contemporary art. Then one day I got talking to the manager
of an art gallery. She mentioned a new gallery that was going to be opened and suggested I
apply for the job of manager. At first, I was doubtful, but I realized I had nothing to lose, so I
applied and was asked to go for an interview. I think the fact that I was so obviously crazy
about art impressed the owners. To my surprise, I've turned out to be quite a good
saleswoman. Of course, most people come into the gallery just to look around, but when
someone shows an interest in one of the works on show, I don't immediately start to persuade
them to buy it. I just chat about the work and what makes it interesting to me. People feel
reassured when they sense your enthusiasm.
F I wanted to study graphic design when I left school, but I didn't have good enough grades
to go on to art school. Instead, I got a job in a garage, and for the next ten years I worked as a
car mechanic. But while I was working, I did some evening courses in industrial design and
got lots of books on the subject. I was interested in the practical side of construction, too: I
even built a car of my own from spare parts. Then I got the idea of building a bike - a four-
wheel delivery bike - and the next thing I knew, my wife was urging me to set up my own
company! I had to take a very deep breath before I finally took the plunge. (bắt đầu, nhảy
vào, lao vòa 1 việc gì đó). I'd done my best to prepare for it, taking a course in business
management in my spare time, and I knew I'd be working longer hours for less money, at
least at first. The big difficulty was the uncertainty of not knowing how much would be
coming in each month. And things were pretty tough for the first few years, although I never
regretted it. Looking back, I can see that I underestimated the amount of paperwork I'd have
to do. I somehow thought I could just concentrate on the nice stuff - designing!


For questions 16-30, read the text below and then decide which word best fits each space. Put
the letter you choose for each question in the correct box on your answer sheet. The exercise
begins with an example (0). Example: 0: A

How to Complain in Shops

People love to complain. Moaning to friends can be a (0) .... of relief from the (16) .... and
strains of work, study or relationships. But when it comes to protesting to a retailer about
(17) .... goods and services, many of us find we don't have the nerve and choose to ( 18) .... in

By the time we do (19) .... summon up the courage to make our (20) ...., we have generally
already allowed the problem to get to us, and we are angry. In this (21) .... we can all too
(22) .... become aggressive, gearing up for battle and turning what should be a rational
discussion into a conflict.

To complain effectively, you need to be specific about your problem and communicate it
clearly using words which are objective and fair. (23) .... over the top with emotional language
and unreasonable claims will get you nowhere. Good negotiators tend to be calm and logical.
They start by explaining the situation and stating their requirements clearly, without threat.
Most complaints prompt a defensive (24) .... from the other person, but by being reasonable
yourself, you (25) .... more chance of achieving the positive (26) .... you want.

If you feel angry or upset about what has happened, by all means tell the company, but do so
calmly (27) .... that you understand the situation from all points of (28) .... but explaining what
you will do if your complaint is ignored. Be sure to remember, however, that it is unwise to
(29) .... threats unless you are in a position to (30) .... them out.

0 A source B well C cause D way

16 A pressures B pains C stresses D struggles
17 A faulty B inexpert C improper D scruffy
18 A stick B suppress C stay D suffer
19 A essentially B especially C exceptionally D eventually
20 A turn B point C mark D say
21 A manner B form C state D mode
22 A easily B happily C simply D casually
23 A Being B Going C getting D Feeling
24 A response B respect C revenge D regard
25 A spend B attract C stand D establish
26 A fallout B outcome C turnout D output
27 A revealing B exhibiting C displaying D demonstrating
28 A mind B opinion C view D reason
29 A make B bear C do D carry
30 A fill B work C do D Carry

Questions 31-35 refer to the following flyer, e-mail, and schedule.

3-D Printer Workshops

Warner City Library, Lafayette branch
September 27
Workshop 1: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Workshop 2: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Many businesses use 3-D printers to create small customized products to sell on
the Internet. 3-D printing also has applications for dentistry, automotive design,
architecture, and more. Imagine what you could do! The Warner City Library is
now offering you the chance to learn about this amazing technology!
Our $30 workshop includes:
 A free demonstration of the 3-D printer
 A short video on innovations in 3-D technology
 A group discussion on the potential applications and uses of 3-D printing
technology led by Warner City Library director Ryan Jefferson
 Hands-on practice, guided by our technical expert
- Each participant will get to choose among five keychain designs to print and
take home.
Due to space restrictions, each workshop will be limited to 12 people. To register, visit the
library's front desk or go to For inquiries, call Sarah
Andrews at 555-9796 or e-mail

To: Sarah Andrews <>

From: Sam Jackson <samjackson@warnerartcommiinitycom>
Date: September 5
Subject: 3-D Printer Workshops

Dear Ms. Andrews,

I am the president of the Warner Art Community and a sculptor by profession. I recently
read your flyer about the 3-D printer workshops. Our group is interested in taking
advantage of this opportunity. However, we'd like the focus to be on art rather than
general 3-D printing. So, we hope that we can develop a custom workshop.
Our members have some specific interests surrounding how we can use 3-D printing in
art. We would like to follow the curriculum you offer but would prefer to discuss more
specific applications for our work on our own. I can lead those discussions. We may also
want to explore making items of our own design in addition to the items you offer. Could
we meet to discuss this further? Naturally, our group will pay any additional fees.
Please let me know when you might be available.
Sam Jackson

Warner City Library


Date/Time Event Event type Location

11/03 Creative Writing Free with Warner City

Workshop registration Library, Main
3 to 5 p.m. Library

11/09 Understanding $10 Warner City

Contemporary registration Library, Main
1 to 3 P.M. Literature Library

11/16 3-D Printing in Art By invitation Warner City

only Library,
2 to 6 p.m. Lafayette

11/23 Book launch: A Free Warner City

Lasting Legacy, by Library,
3 to 5 p.m. Meredith Concord
Street branch

For inquiries about any of the listed events or directions to specific locations of the library,
please call 555-9796, or e-mail

31. What is the flyer mainly about?

(A) A product launch

(B) An online seminar

(C) A learning opportunity

(D) A community club meeting

32. In the e-mail, the word "surrounding" in paragraph 2, line 1, is closest in meaning to

(A) closing

(B) encircling

(C) concerning

(D) approaching

33. Which activity does Mr. Jackson NOT request for his group?

(A) The complimentary demonstration

(B) The video presentation on technology

(C) The hands-on practice using a printing device

(D) The discussion led by library staff

34. What is indicated about the Warner City Library on the schedule?

(A) It is holding an invitation only event at its main location.

(B) It closes at noon sometimes to host special events.

(C) It has multiple locations in the same city.

(D) It operates a tutoring centre for students.

35. What is suggested about the event on November 16?

(A) It is free for members of an art group.

(B) It is the second one of a series to be held.

(C) It will coincide with an author's book launch.

(D) It can accommodate a dozen participants.

Questions 36 – 40 refer to the following e-mail. Form, and coupon.

TO Marian Kentley <>

FROM Brayden Craig <>
SUBJECT Order inquiry
DATE May 2

Dear Ms. Kentley,

My name is Brayden Craig, and I work at Peakland Dairy in Surrey. Our

shop will be launching a new selection of ice cream this summer, and we are
currently searching for ingredients. We plan to include a strawberry variety,
and we would like to place a bulk order with you. This would be for 250
kilograms. Could you let me know if your farm has the means to fulfill such
a large order and, if so, what the cost would be? Naturally, if sales are good,
we will place another order next season.

Also, in addition to vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry flavours, we may

feature a new variety in the future. We are considering using raspberries and
are wondering if your farm grows them. If so, we would like to place an
order for 250 kilograms of them when they are available.


Brayden Craig
Kentley Farm, 5948 Coast Road, Abbotsford, B.C.

NAME Brayden Craig COMPANY Peakland Dairy

PHONE (604)555- E-MAIL cr_brayden@


BILLING ADDRESS 443 Spruce DELIVERY Same as billing address

Road, Surrey, ADDRESS

Product: Seasonal strawberries

Amount required: 250 kilograms
Cost per kilogram: $12.00
Delivery date: May 10
Instructions: Wash well.
SUBTOTAL: $3,000.00
TAX: $210.60
DELIVERY: $120.00

Thank you for placing an order with Kentley Farm. Should there be any problems with
your delivery, contact Marian Kentley at or (604)555-

Get $3 off Peakland Dairy's New Organic Ice Cream!

Thank you for visiting Kentley Farm today! You can now enjoy our
strawberries in Peakland Dairy's new organic ice cream tine, made with
completely natural ingredients! Choose from vanilla, chocolate, strawberry,
and their featured flavor of coffee all made with hormone-free milk and
cream. Simply bring in this coupon to wherever Peakland Dairy products are
sold including Softies Supermarkets, Wilton Groceries, and Day-and-Night
Convenience Stores, and receive $3 off your purchase of a 500ml carton of
any organic ice cream variety!

*Offer valid for one item only and may not be combined with any other

Offer expires September 1.

36. What is true about Peakland Dairy in the e-mail?

(A) It opened a facility in Abbotsford.

(B) It will release a new product line.

(C) It requires fruit to be frozen before delivery.

(D) It only sells ice cream during the summer.

37. In the e-mail, the word "means" in paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning to

(A) intention

(B) capacity


(D) process

38. What has Mr. Craig most likely requested?

(A) A department's contact number

(B) A revised billing statement

(C) A discount on a bulk purchase

(D) A delivery to Spruce Road

39. What is suggested about Mr. Craig?

(A) He was unable to purchase raspberries from Ms. Kentley.

(B) He had to increase the quantity for his strawberry order.

(C) He is searching for a supplier of organic dairy products.

(D) He was given a complimentary ice cream coupon.

40. What is indicated about Kentley Farm?

(A) It offers discounts to stores placing bulk orders.

(B) It supplies fresh strawberries to Wilton Groceries.

(C) It sells Peakland Dairy products to farm guests.

(D) It gives coupons to visitors at its Abbotsford facility.

1B 22A
2D 23A B
3A 24A
4C E 25C
5C 26B
6A B 27D
7F 28C
8E B 29C A
9D 30B D
10E A 31D C
11B 32C
12C 33B D
13E 34A C
14B F 35A D
15F B 36B
16A C 37B
17A 38D
18D 39A
19D 40D

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