Avsec Training

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Q 1. Which are the contingency plans which need approval of BCAS prior to implementation?

a. AHCP B. CTCP c. BTCP d. All the above

Q 2. ADP is issued by
a. Airport Operator b. BCAS c. Aircraft Operator d. DGCA
Q 3. AEP is issued by
a. BCAS b. DGCA c. Airport Operator d. Aircraft Operator
Q 4. Guard of honour in the airside is given to which of the following?
a. Visiting Head of the State b. President of India c. Prime minister d. Bharat Ratna Awardee
Q 5. Appendix "A" of BWAF is filled by
a. BDDS b. Recipient of the bomb threat call c. Supervisor d. Airport Director
Q 6. Frisking of passenger is measure.
a. Anti Sabotage b. Anti Hijacking c.Anti Terrorist d.None of above
Q 7. The term 'FOLLOW ME' is associated with which of the following?
a. Vehicle in the Airside b. Decision given by CASO c. Vehicle in the Landside d. None of these
Q 8. Which of the following is New and Emerging threat to Civil Aviation?
a. Sabotage b. Hijacking c. CBRN d. All the above
Q 9. Which of the following is a Biological Weapon?

a. Phosgene b.Ricin c.Tear Gas d.Hydrogen cyanide

Q 10. How many types of Detonators?
a. 2 b.4 c.5 d.6
Q 11. How many types of Explosives?

a. 2 b.4 c.6 d.8

Q 12. There are ----------------------- overlapping zones in DFMD.
a. 8 b. 1 c.5 d.6
Q 13. Which of the following letter allows one to enter into apron area?
a. P b.A c.B d.C
Q 14. Who is the coordinator of BTAC?

a. BCAS b.DG-BCAS c.DGCA d.Airport Director

Q 15. CCS Committee which is responsible to counter Hijacking is body?
a. Apex b.Executive c.Operational d.Advisory
Q 16. Mechanism is operated by victim is

a. Command b.Ambient c.Time Delay d.Anti Handling

Q 17. Entry into public areodrome is associated with Rule -----------------------------------------
a. Rule 8A b.Rule 90 c.Rule 88 d.Rule 22
Q 18. In which year Indian Aircraft Rule was formed?
a. 1991 b. 1937 c. 1934 d. 1947
Q 19. Convention on Offences and Certain other Acts Committed on Board of an Aircraftis related with
a. Tokyo Convention b. Montreal Convention c. Hague Convention d. Chicago Convention
Q 20. Montreal Protocol was held in-----------------------------------
a. 1988 b. 1971 c. 1989 d. 1985
Q 21. Montreal Convention was held in-----------------------------------
a. 1970 b. 1971 c. 1988 d.1985
Q 22. Which of the following offences and terms related with Montreal Convention?
a. Aircraft in Service b. Navigational Aids c. Communication of false information d. All the above
Q 23. Plastic explosive is called as plastic because
a. False Aircraft amount of it can cause large destruction b. It can be moulded into any form
c.It looks like plastic d. None of these
Q 24. Jaipur is which type of Airport?

a. Normal b. Sensitive c. Hypersensitive d. None of these

Q 25. Reconciliation of baggage is associated with which incident?
a. Kanishka tragedy b. Kandahar incident c. Demolition of twin towers d. Lockerbie incident
Q 26. Access into Aircraft is responsibility of ---------------------------------------------

a. ASG b. Airline Security c. BDDS d. None of these

Q 27. Access into Airport is the responsibility of -----------------------------------------
a. ASG/APSU b. Airline Security c. Airport Operator d. All the above
Q 28. Who cordons the Aircraft on specific Bomb threat call?
a. BDDS b. ASG/APSU c. NSG d. All the above
Q 29. Which order is related with screening of Hold Baggage?
a. 34/2006 b. 05/2022 c. 23/2005 d.34/2005
Q 30. Random checking of hand baggage percentage?
a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 25
Q 31. Which among the following is not a radio telephonic communication?
a. Listen before you transmit b. using slang c. Think before you speak d. keep it short and concise

Q 32. PEK Colour

a. Yellow b. Orange c. white

Q 33. Knife of more than 10cm or 6 inches is prohibited item.
a. Weapon b. Dangerous article c. Dangerous substance d. None of these
Q 34. Toy gun carried by adult is -----------------------------------

a. Weapon b. Dangerous article c. Dangerous substance c. None of these

Q 35. Who is responsible for passenger frisking and hand baggage screening?
a. ASG/APSU b. Airport operator c. Airline security d. All the above
Q 36. Who is responsible for screening of screening of female hand baggage?

a. Only certified male staff b. Only certified female staff c. Both d. None of these
Q 37. Role of BCAS in Civil aviation security is -----------------------------------------
a. Advise government of India on Civil Aviation Security matters b. Monitor implementation of Civil Aviation
Secuirity Policy/Programme c. To impart training to all the agencies of civil aviation d. All the above
Q 38. To provide training on Aviation Security is the responsibility of ---------------------------------------------------
a. CASO b. BCAS c. APD d. AAI
Q 39. When was CISF first introduced at airport?

a. 3rd Feb 2000, Jaipur b.3rd Feb 2001,Jaipur c.3rd Feb 2000,Delhi d.3rd Feb 2001,Delhi
Q 40. Roshan sleeps in SHA after PESC and missed his flight, he will be called as-----------------------------------------------------
a. No Show Passenger b. Gate No Show Passenger c. Unatteded passenger d. All the above
Q 41. Security control of cargo is responsibility of ---------------------------------------

a. ASG/APSU b. Regulated Agent c. Cargo Agent d. Airline and Airport Operator

Q 42. The period between closing of the doors of the aircraft after embarkation andopening of the same for
disembarkation is known as

a. Aircraft in flight b. Aircraft in service c. Aircraft not in service d. None of these

Q 43. Acts or Attempted acts such as to jeopardise the safety of civil aviation are knownas

a. Acts of lawful Interference b. Acts of unlawful interference c. Acts of interference d. None of these
Q 44. PPP stands for --------------------------

a. Public Private Partnership b. Private Public Partnership c. Public Private Protocol d. None of these
Q 45. The letter "P" in ASTP stands for --------------------------------------
a. Programme b. Protocol c. Package d. Provision
Q 46. IED stands for --------------------------------------------------------------

a. Improvised Explosive Device b. Improvised Explosive Detonator c. Improvised Explosive Detection

b. Improvised Explosive Destruction

Q 47. How many gates are required for better access control?
a. As less as possible b. More gates are required c.10 d.8
Q 48. Who is not allowed to enter into airport through staff gate?
a. Passenger b. Airline Employees c. Airport Employees d. GHA
Q 49. Who have the Legitimate access into the airport?

a. GHA staff b. Airport Employees c. AOG d. All the above

Q 50. Ceiling comes under which sweep?
a. 2nd sweep b.3rd sweep c.1st sweep d.None of these
Q 51. 11th september 2001 is related with which incident?

a. Demolition of twin towers in USA b. kandahar incident c. kanishka tragedy d. lockerbie incident
Q 52. Appropriate authority who is responsible for implementation of NCASP?
a. BCAS b. DG-BCAS c. DGCA d. None of these
Q 53. Who is the convenor of CC?
a. DG-BCAS b. BCAS c. APD d. None of these
Q 54. Which of the following is associated with an Unruly Passenger?

a. Assault, Intimidation, Menace b. Wilful Recklessness c. Both (a) & (b) d. None of these
Q 55. Metal detected by DFMD is -------------------------------------
a. 30 gms b.20gms c.15gms d.5gms
Q 56. How many CTP tests are there?

a. 6 b.8 c.3 d.4

Q 57. Load officer is also known as-------------------------------------
a. Senior b. Profiler c .Loader d. Pilot
Q 58. First Hijacking took place in -------------------------------
a. Peru b. Lebanon c. Quba d. London
Q 59. Baggage involuntarily or inadvertently seperated from passenger or crew is knownas

a. Mishandled baggage b. Accompanied baggage c. Unaccompanied baggage d. Unattended baggage

Q 60. Passenger profiling is
a. Observation of passenger, baggage & documents b. Checking of passenger, baggage & documents

C.Both (a) & (b) d. None of these

Q 61. Unruly passenger should be

a. Offloaded b. Offloaded only at destination c. Both (a) & (b) d. None of these
Q 62. The passenger making direct connection between two different flights -----------------------------------------------------
a. Transfer passenger b. Transit passenger c. Interline passenger d. None of these
Q 63. Baggage reconciliation is duty of
a. ASG/APSU b. Airline Security c. Airport Operator d. All the above
Q 64. While searching of vehicle if weapon is detected, what course of action is followed?

a. INFORM local police by pre alarming signal b. Remain calm and do not alarm passenger c. Inform passenger

b. All the above

Q 65. Which committee was formed after Kanishka incident?
a. Ramamitran Committee b. B N Kirpal Committee c. Arun Mishra Committee d. B D Pandey Committee
Q 66. Committee formed after 10th Sep 1976 hijacking is

a. Ramamitran Committee b. B N Kirpal Committee c. Arun Mishra Committee d. B D Pandey Committee

Q 67. Kanishka Tragedy of Air India aircraft over Atlantic ocean is associated with -------

a. Hijacking b. Sabotage c. Ground to air attack by missile d. Use of MANPADS

Q 68. Colombo Airport attack by LTTE held in the year
a. 2000 b.2001 c. 2002 d. 1999
Q 69. CO-MAT, AVI and DIPLOMAT is associated with ---------------------------------------------------

a. Cargo b. Passenger c. Both (a) & (b) d. None of these

Q 70. Access control challenge for airport is
a. Size of the airport and boundary b. Number of workers at the airport c. Airports are open for 24 hours

b. All the above

Q 71. Knitting needle comes under which prohibited item.

a. Dangerous Article B. Weapon C. Dangerous Substance D. Explosive

Q 72. Fire cracker is
a. Dangerous article b. Weapon c. Dangerous substance d. Explosive
Q 73. Screening of passenger is carried out at the entrance to an area, designated to holdall the passengers for a particular

a. e-Centralized Plan b. Semi-centralized Plan c. Concourse Plan d. None of these

Q 74. Basic concept of security.
a. Deter, Delay, Detect, Respond b. Delay, Detect, Deter, Respond c. Deter, Detect, Delay, Respond

b. Deter, Delay, Respond, Detect

Q 75. Gun powder is

a. Incendiary material b. High explosive material c. Requires detonator d. None of these

Q 76. TIP projects images.

a. Real b. Virtual c. Both (a) & (b) d. None of these

Q 77. How many dangerous category prisoners are allowed on flight?
a. 3 b.2 c.1 d.4
Q 78. Whose permission is required to carry prisoner on aircraft?
a. BCAS b. DGCA c. Airport operator d. Aircraft Operator
Q 79. MLAs are allowed in airport

a. In all the areas of the airport b. Not allowed in airport without AEP c. Allowed till segreggation point .

b. None of these
Q 80. Which of the following is used as physical measure?
a. Perimeter wall b. HHMD c. DFMD d. CCTV
Q 81. Which of the following is not used to search the vehicle?

a. Trolley mirror B. UVSM C. UVSS D. DFMD

Q 82. MRTD stands for -------------------------------
a. Machine Readable Travel Documents b. Man Readable Travel Documents
c. Machine Readable Transport Documents d. Man Readable Transport Documents
Q 83. Which of the following organization has been designated as counter hijack taskforce by the govt of India?

a. CISF b. BCAS c. SPG d. NSG

Q 84. NCASTP deals with ----------------------------------
a. Training of personnel in aviation security b. Security c. Safety d. All the above
Q 85. BCAS was formed as Regulatory authority on civil aviation under MCA on ---------

a. 1st April 1987 b.1st April 1988 c.1st April 1985 d.1st April 1986
Q 86. Aircraft (Security) Rules came into effective from
a. 19th Jan, 2011 b.19th Jan, 2012 c.19th Jan, 2010 d.19th Jan, 2013
Q 87. Power of Central Government to Prohibit or Regulate construction of Buildings,
Planting Trees etc.
a. section 8C b. Section 9A c. Aircraft Rule 24B d. Aircraft Rule 16
Q 88. Prohibition of intoxicated persons entering aircraft comes under which rule

a. 24 b.25 c.19 d.78

Q 89. Definition for Hijacking is given in
a. section 3 of Anti-Hijacking Act, 1982 b. Section 3 of Anti-Hijacking Act, 1992

C. Section 3 of Tokyo Convention Act, 1975 d. Rule 3 of Anti-Hijacking Act, 1982

Q 90. Power of Central Government to make orders in emergency

a. section 6 of Aircraft Act, 1934 b. Section 7 of Aircraft Act, 1934

b. Section 8 of Aircraft Act, 1934 d. Section 9 of Aircraft Act, 1934

Q 91. Rule 19 of Aircraft Rules, 1937 deals with
a. Cancellation, suspension or endorsement of licences, certificates, authorization andapproval

a. Penalty for failure to comply with directions issued under section 9

b. Penalties for Failure to Comply with Directions Issued Under Section 5

c. No person shall carry or permit carriage

to, from, within or over India on any aircraft any dangerous goods

Q 92. According Rule 84 of Aircraft Rules, 1937 the Aerodrome License will not begranted for
a. not exceeding 24 months b. not exceeding 36 months c. not exceeding 48 months d. not exceeding 60 months
Q 93. How many elevated concrete fortified Morchas / pickets, covered with cone type roofs & anti grenade nets have to
provided at entry naka to the terminals, departure andarrival forecourt?
a. 1 b.2 c.3 d.4
Q 94. Normally where each passenger's passport or identity document shall be examined
for normal security procedures for the prevention of fraud?

a. At Entrance of Terminal b. After Check-in c. At Check-in d. After Security Check

Q 95. On what basis random Screening of passenger and baggage will be carried out atentry gates to the terminal
a. behavior detection and risk assessment. B. in compliance to directions issued by Terminal Manager

b. in compliance to directions issued by Commissioner of Police d. Intelligent inputs from IB and CBI
Q 96. Passenger with the prosthetic or brace/support appliances must be accompaniedby

a. Certified screener b. Airline staff of any gender c. Airlines staff of same gender d. Airport operator staff
Q 97. The screening in private area for differently-abled person will be done by minimumhow many people?
a. 1 b.2 c.3 d.4
Q 98. What technology been used for effective detection of explosives at Airside andlandside ?
a. Detection dogs b. HHMD c. DFMD d. X-BIS
Q 99. Which agency shall be responsible for deployent of Armed Personnel at alighting and boarding points?

a. Airport Operator B.NSG C. RD,BCAS D.ASG

Q 100. who is responsible for protecting the passenger drop-off and pick-up areas and terminal frontages to prevent
vehicles being left unattended that can be used to commit an act of unlawful interference.

a. CISF & Locale Police b. Airport Operator& Regulated Agent c. CISF & BCAS d. Locale Police & NSG

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