Assino Praco

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assignment on networking:


-create a network in Cisco Packet Tracer that includes the specified devices and configurations:

Email Server Configuration:

You can configure an email server using the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) service. Set up an SMTP
server on a Cisco router or a dedicated server. Ensure that the email server has a valid domain name and can
send and receive emails.

Web Server Configuration:

Create a web server using HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). You can use a Cisco router or a dedicated
server. Configure the IP address, set up an index.html file with the desired content (e.g., “Welcome to My
Website”), and ensure the server responds to HTTP requests.

DNS Server Configuration:

Set up a DNS (Domain Name System) server to resolve domain names to IP addresses. Configure DNS services
on a Cisco router or a dedicated server. Add DNS records for the specified domain names (e.g., email server,
web server).

FTP Server Configuration:

Configure an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server to allow users to upload and download files. Set up an FTP
service on a Cisco router or a dedicated server. Create user accounts with appropriate permissions (read, write,

Routing Protocols:

Implement routing protocols (e.g., OSPF, RIP) between your routers to ensure proper communication within
the network.

IP Phones Configuration:

Set up IP phones per department. Configure DHCP services to assign IP addresses to the phones. Ensure that
the phones can make calls within the same department and other departments.

Web Server Content:

Configure the web server to serve a simple website. Create an index.html file with the desired content (e.g.,
name and phone number).

FTP Server Permissions:

Configure the FTP server to allow users to upload and download files. Set appropriate permissions for user

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