Adrian Julyano Adyatma - XII RPL-1-My Biography

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My Biography

(Adrian Julyano Adyatma-XII RPL-1)

My name is Adrian Julyano Adyatma, I was born in a simple family in

Surabaya on July 4th 2005. I am the second child, my older is sister. When I was in
elementary school, I school at SDN Bubutan IV Surabaya for 6 years. I was very
active playing with my friends, both school friends and friends at home. Start
playing ball, shower in the rain as well as adventurous like Bolang.

After graduating from elementary school, I continued to SMPN 3 Surabaya.

At first I wasn't sure I would be accepted, because my DANEM is small, thank
God my TPA test scores were good so I was accepted at SMPN 3. In middle school
I was not very active at school, especially during middle school there was also the
Covid pandemic.

After graduated from junior high school, I wanted to continue to high

school, but my grades were low and the distance from my house was not enough
for the zoning route, so I was not accepted. My parents suggested that I enter SMK
N 2. Before registering, I was invited to conduct a field survey at SMK N 2, I was
Finally I enrolled in SMKN 2 majoring in software engineering (RPL),
Alhamdulillah I was accepted.
The reason I majored in software engineering (RPL) are :
- Lots of Job Opportunities
- Required in Almost All Companies
- The future of the career is still long
- Can Work From Home
- Can Provide Convenience For Many People
- Big Salary
- Sharpen Thinking Ability

At eleventh grade I underwent an internship in Malang to be precise at

Universal Big data with 7 of my friends namely Brillian, Satrio, Rama, Putra,
Kindy, Alifah and Raras. We did an internship for six months from 1 st of
December 2022 until 31th of May 2023.We traveled to Malang by train.
During our internship we boarded there, in Lowokwaru Malang. The six of
us men boarded in the same place, while the women boarded in another. At the
boarding house we cooked by ourselves, washed clothes and dishes by ourselves,
so we really learn to be independent there.

Now I'm in twelfth grade, and I'm grateful to study at SMKN 2 majoring in
Software Engineering (RPL), because I got a lot of knowledge and practice Beside
that all of my friends, teachers, and the environment are very good, so I'm happy
and comfortable at school.

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