Social Location Questionnaire

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Social Location Questionnaire

1. Cultural Background:
a. What cultural traditions or practices do you identify with or participate in?
b. How does your cultural background influence your beliefs and values?

2. Gender and Sexuality:

a. How do you identify your gender, and what does that mean to you?

3. Economic Status:
a. What is your current occupation or source of income?

4. Race and Ethnicity:

a. How do you define your racial or ethnic identity?
b. How do you connect with your racial or ethnic community and heritage?

5. Education and Background:

a. What level of education have you completed, and how has it influenced your life

6. Religion and Beliefs:

a. What is your religious affiliation, if any, and how does it influence your values and
b. Have you encountered any challenges or opportunities related to your religious beliefs?

7. Geographical Location:
a. Where were you born and raised, and how has that location impacted your experiences
and identity?

8. Family Structure:
a. How does your family background influence your values and expectations?

9. Age and Generation:

a. What age group do you belong to, and how do you perceive the generational differences?
b. How have societal changes over the years influenced your worldview?

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