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Lesson Plan

Module, Unit, Assignment Mod 27 Unit 3 Act 2

Candidate Name Nicholas Vetri and Alex

Lesson Title Teaching Reported Speech

Grade Level, Subject/Content Area Year 3 University Students

Time Segment of Lesson 45 minutes

Standard/s Addressed in Lesson Unfortunately, my school doesn’t have any standards

for my classes, but I will focus on having students
correctly use reported speech in English.

Unit Goals Students will be able to use reported speech to

report what others say.
Students will be able to learn to give positive,
constructive feedback.
Students will be able to give simple directions in
spoken English.
Students will be able to express agreement and
disagreement in spoken English.

Objectives of the Lesson

Content Students will be able to accurately use vocabulary

about crime in written and oral forms.

Language Students will be able to orally present a dialogue

using reported speech accurately and present in
front of class.

Cultural Students will be able to create an authentic

representation of social contexts relevant and
familiar to their cultural background.

Learner Profile Information

This class has 33 students all of whom are Chinese with an L1 of Mandarin Chinese. They are all English
majors who are passionate about learning English, and it will feature into their future careers. Most students
have lower intermediate speaking and listening levels and upper-intermediate to advanced reading and
writing levels. They have learned grammar thoroughly in their academic careers, but they have time applying
it to the production of the language. Although many of them have learned about reported speech before, they
will probably be at least half of the class that makes mistakes in its use during speaking and writing due to
lack of practice. There is no information available about learning disabilities, but according to my
assessments there are 5 students who are very advanced in English and could be considered gifted and 4
students who score much lower than the class average.

Student Diversity and Differentiation

Identify students who will need differentiated instruction

Student Diversity Differentiation

5 gifted students

4 students who score below average Use of visual clues and peer support. Prompts and
example dialogue for reference

Formative and Summative Assessment

Formative Summative

Peer-to-peer constructive feedback on dialogue Performance of dialogue with feedback at end of

Teacher monitoring and assisting students lesson.
Students complete worksheet

In two weeks from this class, students will have their

midterm project due. The midterm project will be
students will write and perform two dialogues based
on topics that show their understanding of two units
of study. One of the dialogues in the project will be to
use reported speech to create a dialogue where
students share advice that their teacher or relatives
have given them.

Big Ideas to be Addressed in the Lesson

Using reported speech to talk about events you witnessed.

Learning how to give constructive feedback.

Discussion Questions
List questions for students to discuss during class, before class or after class. If discussions must happen
outside class, what tool will you use to facilitate the discussion (e.g. X)?

During Before and/or After

What is the difference between direct and indirect

reported speech?
How is reported speech used?
Produce a dialogue using the required parts of

21st Century Knowledge and Skills

21st Century Knowledge/Skills Teaching Strategies

communication Relay race communication and writing activities

collaboration Students work together to create and deliver


creative thinking Write creative dialogue about crime.

Literacy Skills

Metalinguistic connections - students language into different forms

Reading - translating and comprehending meaning from text
Speaking - performance of dialogue
Writing - use of correct elements of speech in handout and in written drafting of dialogue
Listening - active listening and assessing of other student’s performance

Teaching Strategies and Related Student Activities

1. A competitive relay race game where the class is split into two teams and one person from each
team must take the team’s stuffed animal and run (walk quickly) to the board and write the correct
answer. This game will review the vocabulary from the last week about crime. 5 mins we do

2. Introduction of the grammar point reported speech using PowerPoint slides with examples. 4 mins I

3. Short worksheet where students translate sentences from declarative speech to reported speech.
When they are done, I will quickly go over the grammar points again and have students correct each
other’s papers. 5 mins we do

4. Short PowerPoint presentation on how to give positive constructive feedback, and what things are
helpful to correct. 4 mins I do

5. In groups of 4 students write a short dialogue about reporting a crime they witnessed to the police.
After they finish, they will read their dialogue to another group, switch the papers their dialogues are
written on, and give each other constructive feedback using a feedback organizer which promotes
constructive feedback. Then students will make changes. While they are doing all of this, I will
circulate and help students to correct their writing for style and grammar. 15 mins You do

6. Students perform their dialogues in front of the class. After each dialogue I will start with positive
feedback and then correct any errors they have in the grammar point of reported speech. 12 mins.

Materials and Resources for Lesson

Materials, Tech Tools, Websites Required Preparation

Markers and stuffed toy Bring to the classroom before class. Markers for
board available in class.

Powerpoint Slides Prepare examples and feedback slides

Student worksheet Copy enough sheets before class


Reported sSpeech worksheet adapted from British Council Learn English activities from

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