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Marketing Objectives

Describe marketing objectives in terms of sales or market share.

 Increase sales in the company by 30% in the year 2020

 Attain a market share of 25% for Product A within 2 years

 Increase the number of online store purchases by 15%

 Increase the number of retail outlets selling by 150.

 To increase product awareness amongst the target market by 20%.

 To expand into at least one international market.

 To identify new products and new markets.

 To attain annual growth of at least 10% over the next three years.

The Financial Objectives of the business are:

1. To achieve sales revenue of 30% by finding new ways of advertising their gym wear to target

a larger market, and trying to enter new markets globally. Increasing revenue is the most basic

and fundamental financial objective of any business. Revenue growth comes from an emphasis

on sales and marketing activities, and is solely concerned with increasing top-line earnings —

earnings before expenses. Companies often set revenue goals in terms of percentage increases

rather than aiming for specific dollar amounts. Many business experts argue that the primary

purpose of a business is to produce financial returns for its stakeholders, but many organisations

also pursue a number of non-financial objectives. Though these items may not appear to directly

contribute to the organisation's bottom line, non-financial objectives can help improve a number

of metrics critical to the company's success.

2. To produce a profit of 20% more from the previous year. This is possible by increased sales.

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3. To increase profit by making more sales and maintaining the best quality of products that will

attract more clients.

4. To decrease expenses by finding raw material locally that will cut the cost and making more

sales online so that we can have maximum sales with little manpower, by doing that, the

company we cut the cost of having more employees on the ground.

5. To achieve a return on investment of 100% that will boost the business.

6. To produce a cash flow of more than $50,000.

7. To raise finance by 30% by being carefully with the quality of the products.

8. To reduce debt by 50%, that will be possible by avoiding loans that attract more interest thus

making loses.

9. to payoff loan by 50%.

10. To produce a dividend of 5% annually.


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