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5 rasas or expression of love with

Krishna for the liberated jivas

Aman Kashyap December 11, 2019

S criptures and Rasika Vaishnavs mention about 5 rasas

which only a fully liberated soul (jiva) when in complete

awareness of their spiritual identity or eternal relationship
with Divine Couple can serve Them in different bhavas.
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1 5 Transcendental Rasas of a devotee for Krishna

1.1 Shant Rasa
1.2 Dasya Bhav
1.3 Sakhya Bhav
1.4 Vatsalya Bhav
1.5 Madhurya or Kanta Rasa

5 Transcendental Rasas of a
devotee for Krishna
Shant Rasa

Here, the jiva takes a form which is not directly in

reciprocation but in service of Divine Couple. For example,
they become a throne, flowers, grass, trees etc. to give
pleasure to the Lordships during their asta-kaliya nitya lilas.
However, there is not free exchange or reciprocation of love
in full terms, hence once a sadhaka or devotee reaches
this level and aspires for more, he can progress to next rasa.

Dasya Bhav

Here, the devotee offers service and bhakti to Lordships in

awe, reverence and respect but there are formality and
restriction of complete exchange of love. Even though,
devotees whose constitutional position is dash bhav is
highest for them. For example, Prahladha Maharaj Ji
worships Narayan in Dashya Bhav and Krishna or Narayan
takes the form of Narshima Dev to protect His devotee. Also,
Hanuman Ji's servitude and surrender to Shri Sita Rama is
worshipped time and again.

Sakhya Bhav

Devotees play with Krishna in the spirit of a dear sakha or

friend. They eat food with him, steal curd, throw pebbles on
gopis matka (pot), joke with him and freely exchange
the bhav of friendship with Him. It is a beautiful state of
expression of love, however, there is unavailability of
freedom of full expression intimately.

Vatsalya Bhav

Here, the devotee is older and senior to Krishna and is in the

mood of parents and sees Krishna as their little lalla or
dear most child. There is a free flow of motherly, fatherly (or
paternal love) for Krishna which is indeed beautiful, but yet
there is a scope for a more free flow of love without any

Madhurya or Kanta Rasa

This is the topmost madhurya rasa where the devotee is

Krishna's dear sakhis (female friends) and lovers. All the
boundaries that were there in earlier 4 bhavas are crossed
here. The flood gates of prema-rasa fully open in
this bhav and the heart of devotee and Krishna is flooded
with love. Here, the devotee does everything for satisfaction
and pleasure for only and only Krishna. This is a confidential
secret for very few and Srila Prabhupada has preached the
Hare Krishna Mahamantra as given by Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu, and the maha-mantra straight away gives
access to this topmost madhurya rasa with due course of
sincere chanting and having lalsa (desire)
and lobha (greed) for vraja-prema-bhakti.





Let us see them in detail:


This rasa is shown by those who approaches the Lord with admiration of His
greatness, Opulence, etc. This may trigger love on Krishna in future, this mood will
not be a loving mood.

For example, when we see a person who is in a greater position than us, we show
our reverence. Similarly, if it is shown to Krishna, it is a reverence form of relation.
Examples of santa rasa devotees:

(1) Nine yogis such as Kavi, Havi, Antariksa, Prabuddha, Pippalayana, Avirhotra,
Dravida or Drumila, Camasa and Karabhajana.

(2) The four Kumaras such as Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatkumara and Sanatana.


This is the next stage of SANTA RASA. When a Santa rasa advances further, that
person may like to do some service to Krishna. This is similar to the workers start
serving our higher authorities or leaders. This service attitude need not be a form of
love, but, even as a reverence or fear.



This Sakya rasa is the next stageof that person that includes the previous two rasas
also. That is, reverence and service to Krishna is still there, but in a diminished
condition; In due course of time, it further advances to the close friendship with
Krishna. This develops a kind of equality and closeness in mingling with Krishna. In
this phase, the friend will not give much importance to the greatness of Krishna
because of familiarity.

For example, first, you may show reverence with a person; then, you may serve him;
this associations may develop as a close friendship with him.

If you take Sudama, he developed a close friendship with Krishna that is in Sakya
rasa and Krishna even carried Sudama on his back. Arjuna too showed intimate
friendship with Krishna and Krishna drove the chariot for Arjuna in the war field.

(How to love Krishna? READ HERE!)


When the friendship further intensifies, it develops as a Protective care like caring a
person who is under our care. This is like Parents showing a kind of caring attitude
to their children or the children of others.

For example, when Yasodha saw all the creations inside the mouth of child Krishna,
she prayed to demigods to protect her child. This is out of parental affection.

This is the topmost form of rasa one can maintain with Krishna. This will include all
the previous four rasas. At the same time, the person would have attained a state of
having the intimate feelings of love and sharing intimate exchanges with Krishna.
Here the affection has crossed protective state. There will be no formalities between
them. Just care and nurture of Krishna will be in their mind.

(Is it possible to get Krishna as our friend? How? READ HERE!)

For example, Gopis were very much worried whether any stone or thorns may be
pricking His feet even when Krishna walked. They even thought that they can lie on
the ground and Krishna can walk on their bodies. They never cared for their own
pleasures, but to give themselves to Krishna. That much of care on Krishna. This
Madhurya rasa is possible only with Krishna because He is the master of all souls.
This is not possible with the humans.

The above five rasas take one to the topmost state of relationship with Krishna.

What about the persons who are unable to show the above PRIMARY

If it is not possible for them, they may show any of the seven other relationships
(rasas) with Krishna. Such extra rasas are called SECONDARY RASAS.



They are:

(1) Showing anger on Krishna.

(2) Wondering Krishna.

(3) Making comedy.

(4) Chivalry (honour, kindness, and courage)

(5) Merciful relation.

(6) Dread (greatly feared; dreadful)

(7) Ghastliness (shock, revulsion, or horror).

(Rasas (or) Bhavas (or) Moods (or) Relations with Krishna – Final Destination!!

You can see these twelve types of rasas in many places around us even in our day
to day life. However, when they are shown on Krishna, it takes us towards liberation
from material platform and takes the person to Krishna Himself.

Now, my reply to your question:

Santa rasa is the neutral attraction towards both personal and impersonal form of
Krishna. He has not yet come to the full attraction to the personal form of Krishna.
Therefore, a person may be attracted towards personal form of Krishna also. Clearly
speaking, a person dominated with the attraction towards the personal form of
Krishna may also show attraction towards the impersonal form and vice versa.

In santa rasa, though the person may be already in a position of getting attracted
towards the impersonal aspect of Krishna, ie, the Paramathma form, he may also
have the seeds for the future advancement towards Krishna’s personal form.
Because every stage of rasa is supposed to advance further towards the ultimate
stage of Madhurya rasa.


Therefore, though a devotee is in Santa rasa, he will get attracted towards other
rasas in due course of time when he gets suitable opportunities.

This means that one is not very strongly attached to the personal feature of the Lord
and such a devotee sees the Krishna’s ‘representation’ everywhere as Paramathma.

In brief, the Santa rasa devotees may not be SUFFICIENTLY attracted towards the
personal form of Krishna. They are in an intermittent stage. Some times, the
attraction towards the Personal form is awakened when they meet certain situations
like seeing the deity of Krishna.

(If we consider Krishna in any relation, will we get rebirth to fulfill that
wish? READ HERE!)

Let us understand this with an example:

If you need an example in our day to day life, you can take the example of a 3-4
years old child. He does not know anything about Krishna and His forms. However,
when he sees a deity of Krishna, he may show the symptoms of getting attracted.
His body may tremble with ecatasy.

Thus, even a santa rasa devotee can be attracted towards the personal form of

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