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Lesson Plan

Subject: Computer Topic/Lesson: Ch-4 MS Excel 2007

Class: VI No. of Periods: 10

Learning Objectives/Aim:

 General Aim: To Learn the use of MS Excel is day to day life

 To learn the use of MS excel for performing simple calculations.
 To teach various excel functions.
 To use different formulas in Excel

Period Mode of Transaction/ Resources NCF Closure/ Improvement/ Learning Refle

Methodology/Learning connections Differentiation/ Skills Outcome
activities Assessment/ Employed ction
10 Period 1& 2- Book Students will Lab activity: To An oral recap Students will learn
spreadsheet software Smart Board learn about create a new blank after every how to perform
and different types Smart TV spreadsheet worksheet, and save period will be mathematical
Spreadsheet software is Real life taken. calculations easily
software. Use it in MS Excel.
used to store the data in example The students
of MS Excel and quickly.
the form of Rows and will be asked
in performing
Columns. few questions
to judge their
Concept of Workbook calculation
and worksheet and of the chapter. The students will
learn different
Name some
spreadsheet related MS-Excel
software? like spreadsheet,
Students will Lab activity: To workbook,
Period 3 & 4- Starting differentiate open existing WS No. of rows worksheet and cell.
MS-Excel, components between row and to enter the and columns in
of MS Excel screen and column. marks of 5 students a worksheet. Will use computer
in 5 subjects and to to perform
Different components:- Use of cell save it. Critical mathematical
Title bar, Scroll bar, name pointer and cell Thinking calculations.
box, Formula bar, Status address in Technological
bar and their functions. literacy
Period 5 & 6-Discussion
Method for Question
answers. Students will
Lab activity: To
share their answers as per
open existing WS
their understanding.
Period 7 & 8- Concept of
and to format the
row column and cell:- data i.e. changing
Demo on the smart font color, font size
board to explain about and type etc
row, column, cell Student will learn
pointer and cell address to open existing
Period 9- Data types in workbook and to
Comments in MS- correct the already
Excel: entered data.
Students will
Period 10- Discussion able to answer
of Workbook exercises. the workbook

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