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Fernando: Hello Piero and Jennifer! My full name is Yamil Juan Ruiz Anculle. I'm 21 years old.

phone number is 985 471 620 and I am an industrial engineering student at UTP university.
Welcome to our ZOOM meeting, how are you?

Piero: Hello Fernando and Jennifer! I'm fine. My full name is Alessandro del Piero Chaname
Ramirez and I am 22 years old. My phone number is 992 532 009. I study industrial engineering at
UTP university.

Jennifer: Hello Fernando and Piero! I'm also very well. My full name is María Jose Nagaro Chumbe,
I am eighteen years old and my telephone number is 935 001 421. I am an industrial engineering
student at UTP University. Fernando: What do you usually do on vacation?

Piero : I exercise in the mornings. I usually play guitar in the afternoon. Also, I usually visit my
grandmother's house on weekend afternoons. I watch my favorite series when I go to sleep and I
practice dancing from 6 to 8 pm.

Jennifer: I usually work more on vacation because I no longer have things to do. It is a good
opportunity to collect many things, sometimes to distract myself. I take a course. And you,
Fernando? What do you usually do on vacation? What do you usually do on vacation?

Fernando: Well, I usually run in the morning, then I like to go for a walk with my friends, in the
afternoon I like to go play soccer with my brothers and at night I watch television. I see, and now
that the holidays are over, what are you doing now Piero?

Piero: Ehm. I am focusing on my career and practicing programming. Later I will record for English
homework. Right now I'm listening to music. And you, Jennifer, what are you doing now?

Jennifer: I am currently studying and working to be able to pay some expenses that I need. And
you Fernando, what are you doing now?

Fernando: Currently I am doing homework, reviewing some topics, solving some exams and
listening to music. Ok my dear friends, see you later

Piero: See you later Fernando and Jennifer .Jennifer: See you soon Piero and Fernando

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