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Name of the student Project topic

1. Mr ADITYA YADAV Analysis of essentials of a contract

with reference
relevant case laws
2. Mr AKASH JANGIR Business Law
A study of the term proposal and
its relevant
provisions under the Indian
Contact Act, 1872
3. Mr AMIR KHAN A study of the term acceptance
and the its relevant
provisions under the Indian
Contact Act, 1872
5. Mr ANKIT CHOUDHARY A study of provisions pertaining to
Consideration under
ICA, 1872 with relevant case laws
6. Mr ARJAV BHURA A study of Minor's capacity to
7. Mr ARYAN BAIRWA Free Consent under ICA,1972
8. Mr ASHUTOSH KOUL A study on the effect of consent
obtained by coercion and undue
influence on validity of contract
9. Mr AYUSH KHANDELWAL A study on the effect of consent
obtained by
misrepresentation on the validity
of contract
10. Mr DHRUVA BHANAWAT A study on the effect of consent
obtained by Fraud on the
validity of contract
11. Mr GARVIT DANGAYACH An analysis of the difference
between misrepresentation
and fraud under the ICA, 1872
12. Mr HARISH Singh Void Agreements under the ICA,
13. Mr JITENDRA GEHLOT Agreements in Restraint of Trade
14. Mr KESHAV AGRAWAL Wagering Agreements
15. Mr KESHAV RAJ Contingent Contract
16. Mr LOKESH PRAJAPATI Doctrine of frustration of Contract
17. Mr MOHD YUSUF Quasi Contracts
19. Mr PARMESHWAR YOGI Remedies for breach of Contract
20. Mr PRASAN BAGARIA Overview of various modes of
discharge of a contract
21. Mr PRATHAM BARASA A study of the rules relating to the
communication and
revocation of offer and acceptance
22. Mr RAGHAV MANGAL Critical Analysis of the Doctrine of
‘ CAVEAT EMPTOR ‘ under the Sale
of Goods Act, 1930
23. Mr RISHABH CHANDAK Critical Analysis of rules as to
delivery of goods under the Sale of
Goods Act, 1930
24. Mr RONAK Critical Analysis of Rights and
liabilities of partners under the
Indian Partnership Act,1932
25. Mr SACHIN YADAV A study of Condition and Warranty

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