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Open Migrator/LM for Windows
Version 3.13

Release Notes
Rev A05

November 26, 2014


GA Date 11/26/2014 This revision includes the new features, fixes, and restrictions for Open
Migrator/LM for Windows version 3.13.
These release notes contain supplemental information about EMC Open
Migrator/LM for Windows and provide the latest information not
included in the EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Product Guide. The
release notes also describe the enhancements for version 3.13 and
identify specific restrictions or performance limitations.
This document is organized as follows:
◆ Product description .............................................................................. 2
◆ New features and changes .................................................................. 4
◆ Fixed problems ..................................................................................... 7
◆ Environment and system requirements ............................................ 8
◆ Known problems and limitations .................................................... 10
◆ Technical notes .................................................................................... 15
◆ Documentation ................................................................................... 15
◆ Software media, organization, and files.......................................... 16
◆ Installation ........................................................................................... 17
◆ Troubleshooting and getting help .................................................... 18

Product description

Product description
EMC® Open Migrator/LM for Windows provides online data
migration for high availability data centers. Open Migrator/LM
operates at the filter-driver level to manage and move Windows data
from a source to a target volume with minimal disruption to the
server or applications. Open Migrator/LM requires one potential
restart of the server after installing the application.

Note: This product was previously titled EMC Data Relocation Utility (DRU)
for versions prior to 3.7.3.

The name Open Migrator/LM, as used throughout these release

notes, refers only to the Windows operating system version of this
software product.
Open Migrator/LM allows a maximum of 10 concurrent migrations
while allowing full read and write access to the source volume. It
does this by copying the source volume byte by byte to the target
volume in a granularity based on the size of a track on the source
volume. During and after migration, Open Migrator/LM captures all
input /output (I/O) to the source volume and writes it to both the
source and the target volumes. By filtering I/O requests to the
volume manager (FTDisk or LDM), Open Migrator/LM synchronizes
the source volume and target volume until the migration is
To verify the migration operation, Open Migrator ensures that the
source and target volumes are identical.
To complete the migration, do the following:
◆ Stop all applications and services that are using the source
◆ For non-cluster disks, either reboot the server or select “Complete
migration” for each migration in the OM GUI.
◆ For clustered disks, select “Complete migration” for each
migration in the OM GUI.
When the migration is complete, the software does the following:
◆ Moves the source's drive letter, and all other mount points, to the

2 EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes

Product description

◆ Expands the file system to match the size of the target, if

◆ For a cluster disk migration, the software also copies all the
cluster information (resource name, dependency, cluster disk
properties, and so on.) of the source disk to the target disk. The
source disk is removed from the cluster.
Applications dependent on the source volume will have a brief
outage time. You can decide when to schedule the outage or to
complete migration operations that are required.
Open Migrator/LM uses a client/server model where the server is
installed on the system hosting the volumes to be migrated. The
source and target volumes must be on the same system. The target
volumes must be manually formatted for the Windows NT file
system (NTFS) before beginning migration. The client can be located
anywhere in the network on any system in the same domain or in a
trusted domain. Volumes are not migrated across the network.
The Open Migrator/LM consists of the following components:
◆ A Windows service.
◆ A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in user interface.
◆ A filter driver.
◆ A volume expand utility that expands the original source file
system to utilize the entire size of the target volume.
The MMC snap-in user interface is a Microsoft compatible COM
component. The MMC interface provides a graphical presentation of
a server's data, captures user input, and displays critical error
The filter driver copies data from the source to the target volume,
synchronizes I/O from the source to the target volume, and verifies
that the target is an identical copy of the source volume.
The volume expand utility expands the target volume's file system to
the end of the new target volume and copies the drive letter and
mount points.

Note: Be sure to read the remaining sections of these release notes for
particular requirements and possible restrictions or limitations for your
environment before installing the software.

EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes 3

New features and changes

New features and changes

This section details the changes, new features, and enhancements in
the Open Migrator/LM V3.13 product. These enhancements extend
the existing functionality, providing you with the industry-leading
technology you expect from EMC.
For information on previously released Open Migrator/LM features,
refer to the corresponding release notes located at EMC Online

Note: The OM 3.12 Product Guide also applies to version 3.13.

Support announcements
EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows version 3.13 supports VMAX
3 family arrays.
EMC announces the End of Primary Support (EOPS) dates for the
versions of Open Migrator/LM for Windows listed in Table 1. If you
are running these or earlier product versions, EMC recommends that
you upgrade to the current version as soon as possible.

Table 1 Open Migrator/LM for Windows version EOPS dates

OM/LM version GA date EOPS date

3.11 May 2009 September 2014

3.10 March 2008 September 2014

3.9 November 2006 September 2014

Note: For detailed information on supported Windows operating systems

and the available Service Packs, refer to EMC Open Migrator/LM in the
E-Lab™ Interoperability Navigator at On the
EMC Online Support home page, go to the Product and Support Tools section
and click on the E-Lab Interoperability Navigator link.

4 EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes

New features and changes

Windows Server 2008 R2

Open Migrator/LM version 3.12 onwards supports Windows Server
2008 R2 including Failover Cluster.

Windows Server 2012 R2

Open Migrator/LM version 3.13 supports Windows Server 2012 R2.

Guest OS of Microsoft Hyper-V Server

All current features of Open Migrator/LM are supported when Open
Migrator/LM is running in a Windows Guest OS on Microsoft
Hyper-V Server 2008 or 2008 R2.

Hypervisor of Hyper-V Server 2008 and 2008 R2

Open Migrator/LM version 3.12 onwards supports the hypervisor of
Hyper-V Server 2008 and 2008 R2 with the exclusion of support for

Note: Open Migrator/LM GUI cannot work in the Server Core environment
of Hyper-V Server. Migrations must be performed remotely. Refer to the
instructions in the EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.12 Product
Guide for information on remote migrations.

Migration behavior changes to reduce a reboot

Open Migrator/LM behaviors are changed since version 3.12.
Migrations in standalone environment (not clustered) can either be
completed by a reboot of the server, or selecting "Complete
migration" for every migration from the Open Migrator GUI.
Migrations of clustered disks can only be completed by selecting
"Complete migration". The migration best practice for Windows
Server 2003 MSCS is different with previous Open Migrator/LM
versions. Refer to the instructions in the EMC Open Migrator/LM for
Windows Version 3.12 Product Guide.

EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes 5

New features and changes

Note: If you are using a previous Open Migrator/LM version, refer to the
instructions in the EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.9 Product
Guide and the EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.11 Release Notes.

6 EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes

Fixed problems

Fixed problems
This section details the reported fixed problems in the Open
Migrator/LM for Windows version 3.13 product.
For information on previous Open Migrator/LM fixed problems,
refer to the corresponding release notes located on the EMC Online
Support website at:

Potential system crash if the migrating devices are unexpectedly removed

With previous releases, the Windows operating system (OS) may
crash if the migrating devices are unexpectedly removed. The
problem has been fixed with version 3.12.

EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes 7

Environment and system requirements

Environment and system requirements

The following describes the environment and systems requirements
for Open Migrator/LM.

Requirements Open Migrator/LM has the following requirements.

System requirements
Open Migrator/LM is fully supported on Windows Server 2008,
Windows Server 2008 R2 platforms with various Service Packages,
and Windows 2012 Server R2.

Note: For detailed information on supported Windows operating systems

and the available Service Packs, refer to EMC Open Migrator/LM in the
E-Lab Interoperability Navigator at On the
Support home page go to the Product and Support Tools section and click on
the E-Lab Interoperability Navigator link.

Remote users for Windows clients

As a minimum requirement for Windows 2008 remote users, the user
must be added to the Distributed COM users group on the local host
to be able to utilize Open Migrator/LM.

Considerations Consider the following before installing Open Migrator/LM:

Microsoft Terminal Server incompatibility

Open Migrator/LM is incompatible with Microsoft Terminal Server.

Product upgrades
More recent versions of EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows may
be available, go to the EMC Online Support website for updates:

Microsoft cluster server

For data migration of Microsoft cluster servers, Open Migrator/LM
can only be installed on a single node of a cluster.

Note: When upgrading your Open Migrator/LM software, EMC

recommends that you restart your system after uninstalling any previous
versions, then continue with the install of the new version.

8 EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes

Environment and system requirements

iSCSI support
Open Migrator/LM V3.9 and above supports operations with iSCSI
host bus adapters (HBAs). Open Migrator/LM does not support and
will not work under Microsoft’s iSCSI Software Initiator protocol.

EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes 9

Known problems and limitations

Known problems and limitations

The following are known problems in or limitations to Open
Migrator/LM for Windows version 3.12 and above. Except for one of
the issues shown below, these are independent of array type or code

Device ID display on Open Migrator GUI

The Open Migrator GUI will not display a Symmetrix Device ID
correctly for Symmetrix arrays if the ID has more than three
characters, excluding leading zeroes. This will not have any impact
on migration or any other functionality. The user can install Solutions
Enabler and use CLI commands to view the Device IDs of the
physical devices, for example by using the sympd list command.

Disk Microcode Version display on Open Migrator GUI

The Open Migrator GUI does not display the Disk Microcode Version
correctly in Enginuity 5876. This does not have any impact on
migration or any other functionality. The user can install Solutions
Enabler and use CLI commands to view the Disk Microcode Version
of the physical devices, for example by using the syminq command.

Note: This issue relates only to VMAX 10K, 20K, 40K arrays (Enginuity 5876).

Formatting target volumes

Before beginning a migration, manually format all the required target
volumes for the Windows NT file system (NTFS). In addition, ensure
that the target volumes are available to all nodes.

Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service

Open Migrator/LM does not support the migration of volumes with
ShadowCopies that have been created with the Microsoft Volume
Shadow Copy Service (VSS) Software Provider. Volume blocks that
have been modified by the volsnap filter driver component of VSS are
not visible to the Open Migrator/LM filter driver. Therefore, those
changes are not migrated to the target volume and cause the verify
action to fail. Also, the drive letters for VSS volumes are assigned late
in the boot sequence. Therefore Open Migrator/LM may not be able
to migrate those drive letters at boot time, which causes the migration
to fail.
Before migrating a VSS volume, disable VSS on that volume. After
the migration has completed, re-enable VSS on the new volume.

10 EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes

Known problems and limitations

Note: This restriction only applies to software-based ShadowCopies that

have been created with the Microsoft VSS Software Provider, and not
hardware-based ShadowCopies created with the EMC VSS Hardware
Provider. Open Migrator/LM is fully supported with hardware-based

Open Migrator/LM client timeout

If the Open Migrator/LM client is connecting remotely to an Open
Migrator/LM server, and that server is rebooted, the Open
Migrator/LM client becomes unresponsive until it times out. This
timeout value is determined by the remote procedure call (RPC)
running on the Windows server, not the Open Migrator/LM.

Support for FAT file systems

Open Migrator/LM does not support the migration of FAT file
systems. If you require support for migrating a FAT file system,
contact EMC.

Veritas dynamic disks

Open Migrator/LM does not support the migration of Veritas
dynamic disks in an MSCS environment.

Failure of source device during reboot

If the source device of a migration fails during the reboot of the
server, the expansion of the target file system may fail. If this occurs,
run chkdsk /F on the target file system. At this point, the data can be
migrated to another target (from the current target) for the file system
expansion to occur.

Using rescan after attaching the filter driver

Typically, when you attach the Open Migrator/LM filter driver to the
volumes being migrated, the software asks you to restart the server.
First, it is not necessary to restart the server after each attach of the
filter driver, instead wait until all volumes have been attached and
then restart the server. Second, it is possible to avoid restarting the
server all together by using the Rescan disks and volumes command
in the Open Migrator/LM GUI. After the filter driver has been
attached to all volumes being migrated, issue the Rescan disks and
volumes command. If the Migration Status for each of these volumes
becomes Ready, restarting the server is not necessary. If any of the
volumes’ Migration Status is listed as Not Ready, a restart of the
server is required.

EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes 11

Known problems and limitations

Incorrect display of an empty target volume

When migrating to target volumes that do not contain any data, the
migration process may incorrectly report that the target volume is not

Migration persistence with MSCS

Migration persistence across a reboot is not available for MSCS
migrations. So, ensure that all cluster nodes remain online during a
MSCS migration.

Note: Do not reboot the migrating (active) node until all MSCS migrations
are manually completed.

Open Migrator/LM requires exclusive control of all devices involved

in the migration. Migrations fail if any migrating disks (source or
target) are offline.

Restarting failed MSCS migrations

The following error message may appear when an attempt to restart
Open Migrator/LM migrations fails within an MSCS environment:
"Can’t open or access target volume, it may be in use."
To restart migrations, close the Open Migrator/LM GUI, then restart
the Open Migrator/LM Service.

MSCS migration and Windows AutoMount feature

For all Windows cluster migrations, switch off the Windows
AutoMount feature on all hosts for the duration of the migration. You
can switch off Windows AutoMount using Microsoft DiskPart.

Windows Server 2000

From V3.10, EMC Open Migrator/LM does not run on Windows
Server 2000.

Windows Server 2003

From V3.13 onwards, EMC Open Migrator/LM will not support
Windows Server 2003.

Open Migrator/LM can not work if Windows Server is updated

If Open Migrator/LM is installed in Windows Server 2008 x64 and
the system is upgraded to Windows Server 2008 R2, the OM Volume
Class Filter is removed by Microsoft upgrade agent and Open
Migrator/LM cannot work. At that point remove Open Migrator/LM
and reinstall it.

12 EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes

Known problems and limitations

This is applicable to other upgrades such as Windows Server 2008 R2

to Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 to Windows
Server 2012 R2.

Active partition migrations

Open Migrator/LM cannot migrate active partitions. Any partitions
that are marked as active appear as systems disks in the GUI. To
migrate a volume with an active partition, use Microsoft DiskPart to
mark the partition as inactive and restart your system.

Volume extents not displaying correctly

On Windows 2003 systems, volume extents in the GUI may not
display correctly due to Windows disk counting beginning at 1 rather
than 0. This is a known Open Migrator/LM issue and does not affect
data migrations to or from these volumes.

Open Migrator/LM and Solutions Enabler

When running Open Migrator/LM with EMC Solutions Enabler
installed, the Open Migrator/LM GUI displays errors if launched
while the SYMCLI symcfg discover command is running.

iSCSI software support

Open Migrator/LM does not support Microsoft’s iSCSI Software
Initiator protocol.

Target cluster disks of failed migrations not deleted

In some specific cases (such as, the migrating node reboots or crashes
unexpectedly), target disks of failed 2008 or 2008 R2 MSCS
migrations are not removed from the cluster. In this case, manually
delete the target disks using the Microsoft Failover Management tool
(GUI or cluster cmd).

MSCS disk and its dependency disk cannot be migrated at the

same time
If a cluster disk in MSCS depends on another cluster disk (its
dependency), the disks cannot be migrated at the same time. The
disks must be migrated one at a time. That is, start the migration for
one cluster disk, complete it, and then start the migration for the
other cluster disk.

Disk Management GUI may become unresponsive

After one or more migrations are launched, the Disk Management
GUI (diskmgmt.msc) may become unresponsive during initialization
for an extended period of time.

EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes 13

Known problems and limitations

Hidden sector count error

When the hidden sector field in the boot sector of an NTFS volume is
copied from the source volume to the target volume and if the source
and the target have different hidden sector counts, the boot sector of
the target volume contains the wrong hidden sector count after
This can be fixed by using the Fixboot.exe tool from the Microsoft
Windows 2003 Recovery Console.
For instructions on how to use the Recovery Console, refer to the
following address:

14 EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes

Technical notes

Technical notes
There are no technical notes presented with this release of Open
Migrator/LM for Windows version 3.13.

These release notes provide the latest information not included in the
EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.12 Product Guide.

EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes 15

Software media, organization, and files

Software media, organization, and files

This section describes the EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows kit,
its components and associated documentation.

EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows kit

The EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows kit for contains the
following components:
◆ setup.exe for 64-bit
◆ EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes
◆ EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.12 Product Guide
The EMC Open Migrator/LM Version 3.13 software, this release
notes document and the EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version
3.12 Product Guide are available at the EMC Online Support website:

16 EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes


Complete installation procedures and options for Open
Migrator/LM for Windows are in the EMC Open Migrator/LM for
Windows Product Guide.
Before you run the installation program, do the following:
◆ Review the requirements listed in “Environment and system
requirements” on page 8 and Chapter 1 of the EMC Open
Migrator/LM for Windows Product Guide.
◆ Check the operational platform support for your system.

Note: For detailed information on supported Windows operating

systems and the available Service Packs, refer to EMC Open
Migrator/LM in the E-Lab Interoperability Navigator at On the Support home page go to the Product
and Support Tools section and click on the E-Lab Interoperability
Navigator link.

◆ Verify that you have administrative privileges, as they are

required to install and run the Open Migrator/LM client and
server software.
◆ Uninstall any earlier versions of the software, according to the
instructions in the EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Product
◆ Review the installation options described in the EMC Open
Migrator/LM for Windows Product Guide.
◆ If installing Open Migrator/LM in a Microsoft Cluster Server
(MSCS) environment, install the software on only one node of the
cluster node set.
◆ If installing Open Migrator/LM on Windows Server 2008
systems, you must run the installation with the Run as
administrator option.
◆ If installing Open Migrator/LM in a Microsoft Cluster Server
environment, install the software when the cluster service is
◆ Previous driver signing issues have been fixed. When the
Windows Security pop-up displays “Would you like to install this
device software”, click Install.

EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes 17

Troubleshooting and getting help

Troubleshooting and getting help

When experiencing difficulties with your host and connected storage
environment, be sure to examine the “Known problems and
limitations” on page 10 to see if your difficulty is a known problem
recognized by EMC. If an EMC feature does not function properly, or
does not function as described in the documentation set, contact the
EMC Customer Support Center for assistance.

Where to get help EMC Support, product, and licensing information can be obtained as
Product information — For documentation, release notes, software
updates, or for information about EMC products, licensing, and
service, go to the EMC Online Support website (registration required)

Technical support — For technical support, go to Services>Customer

Service on the EMC Online Support website. To open a service
request through EMC Online Support, you need a valid support
agreement. Please contact your EMC sales representative for details
about obtaining a valid support agreement or to answer any
questions about your account.

18 EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes

Troubleshooting and getting help

Copyright © 2014 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.

EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is
subject to change without notice.


Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable
software license.

For the most up-to-date regulatory document for your product line, go to the Technical Documentation and
Advisories section on EMC Online Support.

For the most up-to-date listing of EMC product names, see EMC Corporation Trademarks on

All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

EMC Open Migrator/LM for Windows Version 3.13 Release Notes 19

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