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The importance of a well-designed factory on the process flow and safety of the product
within a food manufacturing business.

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Table of Contents
Advantages of a well-designed factory on the process flow and safety of the product..............................3
Layout and Flow......................................................................................................................................4
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)...............................................................................5
Sanitary Design........................................................................................................................................7
Equipment and Automation....................................................................................................................8
Quality Control and Testing...................................................................................................................10
Employee Training and Hygiene............................................................................................................11

Food safety pertains to the established procedures and protocols involved in processing,
manipulating, and preserving food products to mitigate the risk of foodborne diseases and
physical harm (Tropea, 2022, p 7441). Food products are susceptible to various health hazards
as they traverse the supply chain, starting from the farm, moving to the factory, and ultimately
reaching the consumer's plate (Zhu et al., 2022, p 109194). In order to mitigate potential
hazards and safeguard consumers from harm, safe food handling practices and procedures are
implemented throughout all stages of the food production life cycle (Vågsholm et al., 2020, p
16). Implementing a well-designed factory layout is one approach to ensuring proper food
handling procedures.

Prerequisite Programs (PRPs) that aim at maintaining proper hygiene during food
preparation and storage necessitates the implementation of a carefully designed factory layout.
Frequently, individuals need to exercise caution when handling raw materials in various
locations within workspaces (Odeyemi et al., 2020, p 322). Microorganisms may be present on
various surfaces, such as worktops, sinks, or floors, which may not be perceptible to the naked
eye (Tropea, 2022, p 7441). Therefore, it is imperative to devise the factory layout to facilitate
the maintenance of food safety and sanitation across all areas. The present essay examines the
significance of a carefully designed factory layout in terms of the smoothness of the production
process and the product's safety in the context of a food manufacturing enterprise. This essay
will center on Dunbia, a food manufacturing company specializing in red meat processing. The
company sources and produces beef, lamb, and pork products for various markets, including
retail, commercial, and food service, domestically and internationally.

Advantages of a well-designed factory on the process flow and safety of

the product
Most cases of food poisoning or intoxication are the consequence of pathogenic
bacteria. Vågsholm et al. (2020) highlight that listeria causes illness in around 1600 persons
annually, resulting in 260 fatalities. In addition, there are roughly 380 fatalities associated with
the 1 million annual cases of Salmonella in the United Kingdom (Rosli et al., 2022, p 64).
Furthermore, according to the World Health Organization, contaminated food is responsible for

600 million annual instances of food poisoning and 420,000 annual fatalities (WHO, 2023). The
adverse effects on health from consuming unsafe food are undeniable. Factory layout and
design may go a long way toward preventing such incidents from happening. Some benefits of a
well-designed factory to the production process and product safety include the following.

Layout and Flow

To reduce the possibility of contamination, it is essential that the structure of a factory
consider the movement of both products and workers. In most cases, this means setting apart
specific locations for the various steps of the production process, such as receiving, processing,
packing, and storing (Vågsholm et al., 2020, p 16). Separation like this makes it easier to
maintain cleanliness and safety by avoiding cross-contamination between uncooked and
cooked foods (Rosli et al., 2022, p 56). In Figure 1, we see the Dunbia factory's spine
architecture in its industrial design. There is a transparent chain of command from the
warehouse's reception area to its final product. The lack of downtime and the streamlined
tracking of raw materials means contamination is less likely to occur (Zhu et al., 2022, p
109194). Figure 1 shows, for instance, that the Dunbia facility has carefully segregated the
areas where raw materials are received from those where food is cooked and handled,
preventing any cross-contamination between the two (Rosli et al., 2022, p 56). According to Zhu
et al. (2022) article, the excellent design of the factory spine arrangement is ultimately
responsible for the seamless operation of Dunbia's operations and the near-absence of any
potential for contamination.

Figure 1 Dunbia factory design

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)

The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system is a systematic strategy
for ensuring no food-related risks are overlooked during manufacturing. Using HACCP
principles, a well-designed plant sets up control measures at crucial stages of production
(Odeyemi et al., 2020, p 322). This preventative method aids in detecting and resolving
potential problems before they impact the result (Tropea, 2022, p 7441). Dunbia's processing
plant is set up so fresh meat is refrigerated immediately upon postmortem examination and
maintained at continuous internal temperatures below -12oC (Nagel-Alne et al., 2022, p
109160). However, Nagel-Alne et al. (2022) assert that while immediate freezing to
temperatures below -12 degrees Celsius is not always necessary from a hygiene perspective;
this plant was built with the capability of doing so.

Moreover, a proficiently structured manufacturing facility has a graphical representation

outlining the sequential steps in producing its merchandise. The flow chart identifies potential
biological, physical, and chemical hazards that may arise at each processing point (Mtewa et al.,
2020, p 621). Critical control points (CCPs) are chosen based on the stages of the flow chart
where potential hazards have been recognized (Nagel-Alne et al., 2022, p 109160). Critical
control points (CCPs) refer to specific points, stages, or measures in a food production process
where control measures can be implemented to prevent, eliminate, or mitigate food safety

hazards (Vågsholm et al., 2020, p 16). Various control techniques can be employed, such as
temperature, pH, water activity, processing time, and moisture content.

Figure 2 HACCP in meat processing


Sanitary Design
Sanitation is an important PRP of a well-designed factory since it defines the regular and
special thorough cleaning of an entire facility. Mtewa et al. (2020) support that one advantage
of well-designed food processing facilities is that they enable effective cleaning and sanitation
eliminating any form of contaminants. Implementing smooth and non-porous materials, such as
stainless steel, for surface areas is recommended due to their ease of cleaning and resistance to
bacterial proliferation (Zhu et al., 2022, p 109194). Besides, a well-designed factory ought to
consider the positioning of drainage systems, sufficient ventilation mechanisms, and
appropriate illumination to guarantee a sanitary setting (Patil et al., 2022, p 161). Zhang et al.
(2021) further explain that it is also essential that the surfaces of equipment that come into
contact with any food in-process items or material do not exhibit reactivity or adsorption
towards the processed materials. Additionally, the equipment must t have a negative impact on
the product, which can occur due to factors such as leakage from valves, lubricant drips, or
unsuitable modifications or adaptations (Zhu et al., 2022, p 109194). All these considerations
account for a food factory not being termed a well-designed factory.

Operating food processing machinery that facilitates thorough cleaning and prevents
cross-connections between products and other solutions (such as cleaning solutions, allergens,
and raw food components) is paramount (Zhang et al., 2021, p 869). Patil et al. (2022) assert
that a well-designed factory uses clean-in-place (CIP) methods to disinfect the vast bulk of the
food processing machinery. Dunbia, a meat processing firm, uses clean-in-place (CIP)
technology to clean its processing equipment and systems without disassembling them (Figure
3). In reference to Zhu et al. (2022) findings, these devices are meant to automate the cleaning
process, minimizing the need for human labor and the likelihood of cross-contamination, both
benefiting Dunbia.

The majority of CIP systems nowadays are computerized and operated from a single
hub. The time, temperature, and quantity of water used in a cleaning cycle may all be precisely
managed in this way (Patil et al., 2022, p 161). According to Patil et al. (2022), automated CIP
systems allow for cleaning cycles to be performed at predetermined intervals or in response to
events of interest. Companies like Dunbia Meat Processing have rigorous validation and

verification processes in place to guarantee that their CIP system is working properly (Zhu et al.,
2022, p 109194). Besides, Patil et al. (2022) emphasize that cleaning solutions must be tested
often, surfaces of equipment must be swabbed for microbiological analysis, and visual
inspections must be performed frequently to ensure cleanliness.

Figure 3 Clean-in-place (CIP) systems

Equipment and Automation

The safety of foods produced in a factory may be greatly affected by the selection of
machinery and automation technologies. The danger of biological (pathogens), physical (such as
dirt), and chemical (such as allergies) contamination is reduced when the design is more
sanitary (Mtewa et al., 2020, p 621). Research by Mateti et al. (2022) affirms that equipment
designed to sanitary standards makes food processing safer by eliminating physical dangers
(such as metal shavings) and is simpler to clean and maintain. For instance, a well-designed
factory incorporates X-ray equipment that may spot contraband that might otherwise get past
metal detectors (Zhang et al., 2021, p 871). The ability of these technologies to detect foreign

objects like glass, stones, or bone pieces improves food safety by revealing possible risks that
may have been overlooked by conventional inspection procedures (Mateti et al., 2022, p 3433).

Figure 4 Dunbia meat processor

Figure 3 above shows a Dunbia automated meat processor with little to no human
intervention. One benefit of automation is that it helps reduce the amount of human
interaction with food items, which in turn lowers the risk of contamination and improves the
reliability of results (Possas et al., 2022, p 100814). Dunbia employs automated sorting and
grading technologies in its meat processing operations to maintain quality and safety standards
(Konur et al., 2021, p 9). According to Possas et al. (2022), meat quality parameters, including
color, fat percentage, and marbling, may be evaluated with the use of these devices thanks to
cutting-edge imaging technology. Automation of the grading process allows for precise quality
control with little room for human mistakes (Fung et al., 2018, p 91).

Nevertheless, equipment calibration is also an essential PRP in Dunbia facility.

Temperature control is essential in the meat processing industry since it aids in meeting quality
and food safety regulations and reduces spoilage-related waste (Possas et al., 2022, p 100814).

A well-designed temperature management system will keep the building at a uniform

temperature by regulating the ventilation, heating, cooling, and containment systems (Mateti
et al., 2022, p 3433). Product quality may be maintained at all times with the aid of
temperature monitoring systems, which do more than just keep an eye on products while they
are in storage or transit (Dima et al., 2022, p 5111). Strict temperature control is required
during manufacturing and storage to ensure food safety. Dunbia's automatic temperature
monitoring systems keep track of the cold storage, frozen storage, and cooking area
temperatures in real-time (Cherkasova et al., 2023). Zhang et al. (2022) explain that these
systems sound alarms when temperatures go outside of a predetermined safe range, ensuring
that all necessary precautions are taken to keep food safe.

Quality Control and Testing

In the food industry, consumer protection is paramount, and a well-designed factory
should be designed with thorough quality checks and testing procedures. Raw ingredients,
intermediate items, and final products may all be sampled and tested on a regular basis to
detect problems and quality issues (da Silva Farias et al., 2019, p 1005). The term "meat quality
assurance" refers to a method of controlling the quality of meat and meat products that is both
preventative and proactive (Rosli et al., 2022, p 56). Checking that cattle are raised, processed,
supplied, transported, and stored in a clean, sanitary environment is helpful (Dos Santos et al.,
2022, p 116672). According to Nagel-Alne et al. (2022), the norms and regulations of the target
market inform the methods used for ensuring the quality of the meat, which may include
inspections, lab testing, audits, quality control, and certification of meat safety.

Dunbia's production layout facilitates thorough PRP for laboratory testing of meat
quality, including checks for spoilage, grading, residue, and stability/shelf life. Dunbia conducts
quality tests on their meat as part of their factory's commitment to ensuring that all stages of
the meat supply chain adhere to safe, clean, and excellent manufacturing methods (Zhang et
al., 2021, p 876). Tracking the whole process, determining whether any deviations occurred,
validating and maintaining a standard technique, and ensuring consistent quality are all part of
meat quality control (Amani and Sarkodie, 2022, p 5037). The architecture of the Dunbia facility
allows for all these steps to be taken to remove, lessen, or avoid threats to food safety.

Corrective measures are conducted anytime there is a departure from the established
standards, and this is made possible via the prompt quality testing of meat and meat products
that is required by legislation (Dima et al., 2022, p 5111).

A proactive strategy to maintain the highest level of meat quality assurance is necessary
to ensure a stronghold in the national and international market, thus increasing share in the
meat trade, including exports, in response to year-round consumer demand for high-quality,
safe, ready-to-eat food products (Tropea, 2022, p 7441). Accordingly, Dunbia implements
manufacturing methods based on the HACCP model and maintains the highest standards of
sanitation. HACCP Meat Quality Control Checks guarantee that a hazard analysis is carried out,
critical control points are identified, critical limits are set, procedures are put in place for
monitoring and remedial action, and records are kept and checked (Amani, and Sarkodie, 2022,
p 5037). When combined with safe and sanitary working conditions, all of these factors provide
the highest possible standard of meat quality. A certificate of meat safety is issued after being
inspected by a quality auditor or inspector. This accreditation raises the profile of the certified
product or service in target markets both domestically and internationally. Dunbia benefits
from the meat safety certificate in a number of ways, including reduced risk, cost savings,
improved access to markets, increased customer trust, and a larger market share.

Employee Training and Hygiene

Lastly, a proficiently planned manufacturing facility encompasses specialized PRPs and
areas for employee education and sanitation protocols. This encompasses imparting education
on food safety procedures, individual cleanliness practices, and appropriate utilization of
safeguarding gear (Odeyemi et al., 2020, p 330). Dunbia factory values the importance of
having all individuals directly involved in the food manufacturing and production process
receive comprehensive training and practical experience in accordance with the prescribed
guidelines of GMP/HACCP principles. Deprá et al. (2022) explain that in their factory design,
they have set aside a room that is meant for this training and education incorporated with all
essential materials.

Furthermore, it is crucial to provide specialized attention to the instruction and

preparation of individuals who are responsible for managing and manipulating potentially
hazardous substances (Mtewa et al., 2020, p 627). Therefore, consistent and ongoing training in
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) must be offered to all personnel, including working
individuals, officers, managerial staff, and quality control personnel (Tropea, 2022, p 7441).
According to research by Dima et al. (2022), it is essential to maintain accurate records of
attendance for such training sessions and maintain accurate documentation of all training
activities, and conduct regular and thorough evaluations thereof.

Workplace hygiene may be greatly improved with the provision of separate facilities for
washing hands, changing clothing, and stowing personal belongings (Deprá et al., 2022, p
100295). For instance, soap and hand sanitizer dispensers need to be strategically placed in
hand-washing locations for optimal hygiene. In addition, Dima et al. (2022) argue that the
facilities should be placed where all workers can easily access them in order to wash their
hands and use hand sanitizer in order to prevent the spread of disease-causing microorganisms
before beginning work, after returning from breaks, after using the restroom, or any other time
their hands may become soiled or contaminated.

To summarize, the significance of a well-designed manufacturing facility on the
efficiency of operations and the safeguarding of product integrity is of utmost importance. The
aforementioned activities are essential in enhancing operational efficiency, promoting seamless
integration of equipment, streamlining workflow management, ensuring adherence to safety
protocols, facilitating quality assurance, and enabling flexibility. Through the consideration of
these factors in the design phase of a factory, corporations can optimize operational efficiency,
elevate product quality, and sustain the production of safe goods. The strategic decision to
invest in a well-designed factory can provide long-term benefits for manufacturers, allowing
them to prosper in a competitive environment while satisfying customer expectations and
prioritizing the health and well-being of all consumers.

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