English Work Sample

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Hi my name is Julean kyle Bagsic

and i am a stundent in espleta 1 ALS jhs and this is

my work sample in learning strand 1 communication Arts english

And our goal in this work sample is relate Dereks 400-meter run in the barcelona
summer olympics

You can watch it yourself on youtube the titles is "DEREK REDMOND - You raise me

I can relate to his exprience in the 1992 barcelona games when he tore his
hamstring because when i was a kid a got severe asthma

I was always in and out of hostpital and i was held for 4 years before i can re
enter in school.
I was already 8 and still in kinder it wanst fun because i cant spell my name and

I rember when i was 9 years old and i was in the 1st grade i was make fun of my
peers hearing the sentece " Why are still first grade what are you retarded"

maybe thats why i hated going school i was lazy doing my home work and not studying
hard for a test or a quizz, never understand the importance of eduction.

I but i always say " Its better late than never" i've realize the importance of
able to read,write,have some basic computation skills,and having basic knowledge of
the world
A.K.A having a education.

It isnt about being first in the race it's all about finnishing what have you
started,Derek Redmond qouted"I finished last… but I finished."

And i will do the same with my eduction i might not be able gradute early like my
peers would but i am determined to finish my eduction.

And heres a qoute from spider man " Anyone can win a fight when the odds are easy.
It’s when the going's tough when there seems to be no chance that's when it counts"

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