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Madiun, March 16, 2019

AHHA Store

About: Application for a Job Application at AHHA Store

Based on job information from AHHA Store. Through this application letter I applied to apply for a job at
AHHA Store to fill a position as a Admin. I, the undersigned below :

Name: Vega Hatika Utami Arsa

Place / Date of Birth: Jakarta, June 10, 1996
Female gender
Education: D3/Diploma
Phone Number: 082334848585/08813440294
Address KTP: Jl. Raya Pagotan-Dagangan, Kec.
Dagangan, Kab. Madiun, East Java

To complete some of the data needed for consideration for Mr. / Mrs. leaders in the future, I enclose the
complete data themselves as follows:
1. Resume
2. CV
3. Identity card
4. Pas Photo
5. Diploma
6. Value transcripts

Thus I made this cover letter actually. For your attention and wisdom, Mr. / Mrs. my leader would like to
thank you.

Best regards,

Vega Hatika U.A.

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