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Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Amount (Ushs)


1. Preliminaries 20,100,000

2. Demolitions 2,765,300

3. Substructure 3,092,000

4. Walling 2,506,400

5. Roofing 921,480

6. Windows 6,462,110

7. Doors 9,013,000

8. Finishes 2,001,000

9. Electrical 5,377,000

10. Mechanical 23,712,500

11. External Works 10,223,000

Sub-Total 01 86,173,790

Contingency (5%) 4,308,690

Sub Total 02 90,482,480

VAT (18%) 16,286,846

TOTAL 106,769,326

Main Summary Page 1 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures



Contract Particulars

The Contractor shall include here or in his prices for compliance

with the following requirements of the General Conditions of
Contract (GCC) and Special Conditions of Contract(SCC) in the
PPDA Standard bidding Documents (SBD) for works , June 2005.

A. General

A Insurance covers 1 550,000

B Contract is not subject to price Adjustment

B. Time Control

C Work program 1 300,000

C. Quality Control

D Tests 1 240,000

D. Cost Control
E Performance Security 1 1,000,000

F Management meetings 1 400,000

E.Finishing the Contract

G As-built drawings, operating and maintenance Manuals 1 120,000

The Contractor shall allow here or in his prices for provision,

maintenance and removal as applicable, of the following
preliminary items as may be required for the works:

General Matters
H Plant, tools,equipment, and vehicles 1 3,000,000

I Safety, health and welfare for work people 1 2,000,000

J Notices and fees to local authorities, and undertakings 1 100,000

Bill No.1 : Preliminaries Page 2 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures


K Setting out the works 1 (UGX)

Carried to Collection 8,510,000

L General foreman 1 500,000

M Transport for materials and workmen 1 800,000

N Safety 1 800,000

O Fire Precaution 1 100,000

P Nuisance (noise, water, smoke, dust, rubbish) 1 100,000

Q Quality, Samples, Testing and Approval 1 100,000

R Safeguarding and protecting the works against damage and theft 1 700,000

S Compliance with Local security regulations 1 200,000

T Water for works 1 1,000,000

U Sign Board for works 1 1,000,000

V Lighting and power for works 1 300,000

W Programme and Progress charts 1 100,000

Maintaining site records: Drawing, Schedule, site diary, Visitors' 1

X book and Site instructions book 200,000

Y Occupation Certificate 1 40,000

Z Site Meetings 1 50,000

Temporary Works
The contractor shall allow here or in his prices for provision of and 1
clearance at completion of the following temporary works.

A Temporary roads: tracks, hard-standings , crossings and the like. 1 500,000

Temporary buildings: sheds, offices, sanitary facilities and other 1

B temporary buildings for the contractor's use. 2,400,000

C Temporary screens and hoardings: 1 300,000

Bill No.1 : Preliminaries Page 3 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures


D General scaffolding 1 (UGX)

Cleaning the works

E Removal of rubbish, debris and cleaning at completion 1 1,000,000

Carried to Collection 11,590,000

From Page 1 8,510,000

From Page 2 11,590,000

Total Carried to Main Summary 20,100,000

Bill No.1 : Preliminaries Page 4 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount


A Carefully pull down existing old iron sheets roof including SM 1 7,000 7,000
ridges and hand over re-usable materials to the employer
and cart away debris from site

B Ditto but roofing (Tie-beams, Rafters. Struts, purlins), hand Item 1 800,000 800,000
over re-usable materials to the employer and cart away
debris from site

C Ditto old defective soft boards ceiling SM 1 3,400 3,400

D Ditto old expanded metal lathe ceiling SM 1 3,400 3,400


E Carefully demolish existing 150mm plastered masonry and SM 1 36,000 36,000

cart away debris and make good finishes

F Carefully demolish existing 200mm plastered masonry and SM 1 43,000 43,000

cart away debris and make good finishes

G Carefully hack off existing plaster and cart away debris and SM 1 8,000 8,000
make good finishes

H Carefully hack off exisiting tiles and hand over re-usable SM 1 8,000 8,000
materials to the employer and cart away debris from site

I Carefully hack off existing screed and cart away from site SM 1 8,000 8,000

J Carefully demolish reinforced concrete and cart away CM 1 300,000 300,000
debris and make good finishes
J' Ditto ground slab SM 1 30,000 30,000


K Carefully pull down existing glazed steel window, handover SM 1 50,000 50,000
to the Employer

Bill No. 2 : Demolitions Page 5 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount



L Carefully pull down existing wooden door and frame, SM 1 50,000 50,000
handover re-usable materials to the Employer
Carried to Collection 1,346,800
M Ditto steel door SM 1 55,000 55,000

N Carefully remove existing cabinets and handover to the LM 1 300,000 300,000

Concrete Worktops
O Carefully demolish worktops, cart away debris and make CM 1 240,000 240,000
good finishes

Plumbing Installation and Sanitary Fittings

P Carefully diconnect and remove all existing sanitary fittings Item 1 170,000 170,000
in the building and all associated water supply, waste water
and soil water drain pipes

Electrical Fittings
Q Carefully diconnect and remove all existing electrical Item 1 420,000 420,000
fittings in the building and all associated wiring, trunking,

R Carefully disconnect and remove the existing steel water Item 1 100,000 100,000
tank (1No.), and stub columns and hand over reusable
materials to Employer.

S Carefully disconnect and remove the existing water tank Item 1 100,000 100,000
and tank base and hand over reusable materials to

Immediate External Works

T Break and remove existing dilapidated concrete splash SM 1 32,000 32,000

apron and cart away , level and prepare to receive new

Steel Works

Bill No. 2 : Demolitions Page 6 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

U Carefully disconnect exisitng structural steelworks and kg 1 1,500 1,500
handover to the Employer

Carried to Collection 1,418,500


Page No. 1 1,346,800

Page No. 2 1,418,500

Total Carried to Main Summary 2,765,300

Bill No. 2 : Demolitions Page 7 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount


A Excavate 150mm deep to Remove all vegetable
SM 1 7,000 7,000
soil level site.

B Excavate for foundation trench, depth not
CM 1 20,000 20,000
exceeding 1.2m

C Return, fill and ram in 150 mm layers, approved

imported murrum at optimum moisture content CM 1 40,000 40,000
around foundations

D Load and cart away surplus excavated materials

CM 1 12,000 12,000
from site

E 200 mm thick bed of hand packed hardcore well

rolled and blinded with 50 mm thick fine SM 1 40,000 40,000
approved material

F Insecticide treatment to surface of hardcore and

SM 1 1,200 1,200
tops of foundation walling

Plain concrete Grade 20 (Mix 1:2:4/25 mm

Aggregate) as described in:-
50mm Thick blinding layer 25,000

G 200mm thick Strip foundation CM 1 550,000 550,000

Reinforced concrete Grade 25 (Mix 1:1.5:2 /20

mm Aggregate) as described in:-
I 100 mm thick ground floor slab SM 1 65,000 65,000

J Column Base CM 1 650,000 650,000

K Stub column CM 1 650,000 650,000

Reinforced powerfloated concrete Grade 30

(Mix 1:1:2 with 14/20 mm Aggregate) with
approved hardener such as sika quartztop 3
or equal approved as described in:-
L 150 mm thick ground floor slab SM 1 120,000 120,000

Bill No. 3: Substructure Page 8 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

Carried to Collection 2,155,200

Bill No. 3: Substructure Page 9 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

including cutting to length, bending,
hoisting and fixing and including all
necessary tying wire and spacing blocks

M 8mm Diameter bars kg 1 8,200 8,200

N 10mm ditto kg 1 8,200 8,200

O 12mm ditto kg 1 8,200 8,200

P 16mm ditto kg 1 8,200 8,200


BS 4483 as described

Q No. A 142 Fabric Mesh reinforcement weighing

SM 1 31,000 31,000
2.22 Kg. per square meter fixed in slab

R Sawn form work for shuttering stub columns,
SM 1 34,000 34,000
sides of column bases

Ditto Edges of floor bed 75 to 150mm high LM 1 18,000 18,000


S 1000 Gauge polythene sheeting laid on blinded
SM 1 5,000 5,000

Burnt clay brick walling well bonded using in

cement and sand (1:4) mortar complete with
hoop iron after ever two alternate courses in:-

T 230 mm thick walling SM 1 78,000 78,000

150mm thick walling SM 1 64,000 64,000

Mass Concrete Ramp as described

U Excavate to reduce level for ramp base level and
well ram and spread excavated material on site CM 1 20,000 20,000
where directed.

V Mass concrete (grade 20) in ramp CM 1 550,000 550,000

Bill No. 3: Substructure Page 10 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

W Sawn formwork to side of ramp SM 1 34,000 34,000

Carried to Collection 866,800

Bill No. 3: Substructure Page 11 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

Splash Apron (500mm overall width)

X 100mm Thick plain concrete (grade 20) on and

including 100mm thick approved hardcore well
rammed and blinded and having 150mm thick
SM 1 70,000 70,000
well burnt clay bricks edge walls on 100mm thick
strip concrete all with cement-sand finishes
measured all inclusive.

Carried to Collection 70,000


Page No. 1 2,155,200

Page No. 2 866,800

Page No. 3 70,000

Total Carried to Main Summary 3,092,000

Bill No. 3: Substructure Page 12 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount


Preamble: The rates shall include allowances for

chasing exsiting walling for joining new blockwork to
existing where applicable and making good
surrounding works/finishes.

Hessian based bitumenous felt damp-proof

course laid on and including 25mm thick cement
and sand (1:3) under:-
A 150mm wall LM 1 5,000 5,000
A' 230mm wall LM 1 5,000 5,000
Solid Concrete Block: Load bearing
(4.00N/mm2) block walling bedded, jointed and
pointed in cement:sand (1:4) mortar : with and
including hoop iron wall ties in every alternate
couse: in

B 150mm Walling SM 1 78,000 78,000

C 230mm Ditto SM 1 100,000 100,000

D Eaves beam filling 230mm x average 300mm high LM 1 30,000 30,000

Concrete work as described

E 200 x 200mm Reinforced concrete (grade 25) column

2400mm high reinforced with and including 4 No.
12mm twisted square high tensile bars tied with 8mm
diameter stirrups at 200mm centres including wrot
formwork to sides. NO 1 68,000 68,000

F 150mm x 200mm Reinforced concrete (grade 25)

lintel reinforced with and including 4 No. 12mm
twisted square high tensile bars ditto including
chasing in existing brick walling for lintel ends. LM 1 56,000 56,000

Reinforced concrete Grade 25 (Mix 1:1.5:2 /25

mm Aggregate) as described in:-
G 200x300 Beam cm 1 650,000 650,000
G' 200x200 Column cm 1 650,000 650,000
H Ring Beams cm 1 650,000 650,000

Bill No. 4 : Walling Page 13 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount


Carried to Collection 2,292,000

including cutting to length, bending, hoisting
and fixing including all ncessary tying wire and
spacing blocks
I 12mm rebar kg 1 8,200 8,200
J 8mm rebar kg 1 8,200 8,200

K Sides and soffittes of columns sm 1 34,000 34,000
L Sides and soffittes of ring beams sm 1 34,000 34,000
Precast Concrete (grade 30) as described:

M 400mm x 75mm window cill rebated , throated and

splayed, fair finished on exposed surfaces and bedded
on brick work in cement and sand (1:4) mortar
including making good finishes LM 1 25,000 25,000


N Opening Size overall size, P1 SM 1 105,000 105,000

Carried to Collection 214,400

Page No. 1 2,292,000

Page No. 2 214,400

Total Carried to Main Summary 2,506,400

Bill No. 4 : Walling Page 14 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Unit Amount

Price (Ushs)


Well seasoned and treated with pressure

impregnation and sawn hardwood as described
in areas of the new roof. The rates to apply for
replacement of the same in the old part of
A 150mm x 50mm Tie-beams (Double) LM 1 14,500 14,500
B 150mm x 50mm Rafters LM 1 14,500 14,500

C 100mm x 75mm Wall plate LM 1 17,400 17,400

D 100mm x 50mm Struts/Ties LM 1 11,040 11,040

E 100mm x 50mm Purlins LM 1 11,040 11,040

Well seasoned and treated wrot soft wood as

F 25mm x 250mm Fascia /barge board LM 1 32,000 32,000

Knot, prime, stop and apply one undercoat and

three coatsof gloss enamel paint on:-
G Wood surfaces over 200mm but not exceeding LM 1 5,000 5,000
300mm girth

The following in steel trussess including

hoisting and fixing 3.0m above ground level.
Contractor to prepare shop drawings for
approval by Structural Engineer

H 50x50x3mm (5.4kg/m)Top and Bottom Chords KG 1 15,000 15,000

I 40x40x3mm (4.06kg/m) Ties and Struts KG 1 15,000 15,000

J 150 x 50 x 2mm Thick Zed purlins weighing KG 1 15,000 15,000

K 100 x 50 x 2mm Thick Zed purlins weighing KG 1 15,000 15,000

L 16mm anti-sag rods KG 1 15,000 15,000

Bill No.5 : Roofing Page 15 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Unit Amount

Price (Ushs)
M 200mm x 200 x 6mm thick base plate bolted into No. 1 300,000 300,000
Carried to Collection 480,480
N 18mm diameter bolts; 200mm long complete with No. 1 20,000 20,000
head, nut and washers.

One coat Primer : two undercoats : and one coat glos

s oil paint : on metal : to
O Structural steel work KG 1 650 650

Roof Covering (Provisional)

Prepainted IT4 iron sheets as described;
P 28 gauge Pre-painted IT4 iron sheet covering laid SM 1 52,000 52,000
and nailed to timber Purlins, with 200mm side and
head over laps.
Q 300mm Wide ridge covering LM 1 30,000 30,000

R 300mm Wide hip flashing LM 1 20,000 20,000

S 900 mm Wide valley flashing LM 1 20,000 20,000

Rainwater collection
T 150mm diameter PVC gutter complete with holderbats L.M 1 40,000 40,000

U 100mm PVC down pipe complete with holder bats L.M 1 30,000 30,000

V Fullbora and vent cowl No. 1 25,000 25,000

W 100mm Diameter bend No. 1 30,000 30,000

X 100mm Diameter shoe No. 1 18,000 18,000

Y Ditto sawn neck offset No. 1 18,000 18,000

Z 3mm thick MS plate fascia; 200mm girth welded onto LM 1 8,000 8,000
steel rafters; one coat red oxide primer

AA 200 x 300mm wide x 3mm thick purpose made MS gutter; LM 1 50,000 50,000
welded onto steel rafters; one coat red oxide primer

AB Extra over gutter for outlet to suit 100mm diameter pipe. NO 1 50,000 50,000

Bill No.5 : Roofing Page 16 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Unit Amount

Price (Ushs)

AC Extra over gutter for valley hoppers NO 1 50,000 50,000

Carried to Collection 441,000

Bill No.5 : Roofing Page 17 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Unit Amount

Price (Ushs)

Page No. 1 480,480
Page No. 2 441,000

Total Carried to Main Summary 921,480

Bill No.5 : Roofing Page 18 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Amount

Unit Qty Rate (Ushs)



BS 990 primed with one coat red oxide primer before
fixing : window stays and Fasterners : complete with
fixing lugs built into walls all to drawings detail.
A Window overall size 2400 x 1800mm high NO. 1 939,250 939,250
B Window overall size 1000 x 1200mm high NO. 1 221,000 221,000
C Window overall size 900 x 900mm high NO. 1 165,760 165,760
D Window overall size 2400 x 900mm high NO. 1 386,750 386,750
E Window overall size 1500 x 900mm high NO. 1 221,000 221,000
F Window overall size 2400 x 900mm high NO. 1 331,500 331,500
G Window overall size 2400 x 1500mm high NO. 1 663,000 663,000
H Window overall size 2400 x 600mm high NO. 1 276,250 276,250

PURPOSE MADE STANDARD Steel burglar proofing

made from 16mm diameter round bars : one coat red
oxide primer
I Window overall size 2400 x 1800mm high NO. 1 240,000 240,000
J Window overall size 1000 x 1200mm high NO. 1 144,000 144,000
K Window overall size 900 x 900mm high NO. 1 612,000 612,000
L Window overall size 2400 x 900mm high NO. 1 240,000 240,000
M Window overall size 1500 x 900mm high NO. 1 156,000 156,000
N Window overall size 1500 x 900mm high NO. 1 288,000 288,000
O Window overall size 2400 x 900mm high NO. 1 240,000 240,000
P Window overall size 2400 x 1500mm high NO. 1 300,000 300,000
Q Window overall size 2400 x 600mm high NO. 1 93,600 93,600

TOUCH-UP PRIMER, prepare and apply two

undercoats and one finishing coat gloss oil paint on:-
R Burglar proofing SM 1 10,000 10,000

5mm thick Clear glass and glazing to metal with putty in
S panes of various sizes SM 1 92,000 92,000
5mm thick Obscured glass and glazing to metal with putty in
T panes of various sizes SM 1 92,000 92,000

Bill No. 6: Windows Page 19 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Amount

Unit Qty Rate (Ushs)
Carried to Collection 5,712,110

Bill No. 6: Windows Page 20 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Amount

Unit Qty Rate (Ushs)




U Window SM 1 750,000 750,000

Carried to Collection 750,000

Page 1 5,712,110

Page 2 750,000

Total Carried to Main Summary 6,462,110

Bill No. 6: Windows Page 21 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount



Mild steel doors as described:

A Double leaf burglar-proof grill door and frame size No. 1 1,500,000 1,500,000
1200mm x 2400mm high complete with approved
fixing lugs, 2No. Tower bolts, 2No. Padbolts and
2No. Heavy duty padlocks including priming and
painting with three coats of gloss enamel paint to
project Manager's approval

B Ditto size 1400mm x 2400mm high ditto No. 1 1,800,000 1,800,000

C Steel plate door and frame size 900mm x 2400mm No. 1 850,000 850,000
high including 300mm high steel louvred vent
complete with casement lock and furniture and
approved 2 No. padlocks with staples including all
necessary priming and painting with three coats of
gloss enamel paint
D Purpose-made single leaf steel plate door and frame No. 1 1,100,000 1,100,000
size 900mm x 2100mm high comprising 4mm plate
welded on both sides, stiles and edges of 40mm thick
steel frame work of 40mm x 40mm SHS to approval
of the Project manager including all locking
E Purpose-made double leaf steel & glass door and No. 1 1,400,000 1,400,000
burglar proof, size 1500mm x 2400mm high as to the
approval of the Project manager including all locking

Carried to Collection

Wood doors as described

F 44mm solid core mahogany veneered flush door and No. 1 1,050,000 1,050,000
frame size 900mm x 2400mm high comprising
polished/varnished door fixed with a pair of 100mm
x 30mm polished steel butt hinges on and including
150mm 50mm polished/varnished rebated and
chamferred mahogany Door frames with architraves,
with PVO

Bill No. 7 : Doors Page 22 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount


Carried to Collection 7,700,000

Bill No. 7 : Doors Page 23 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

FRAMES; with panes, 8mm thick one way
tempered and tinted glass and glazing and fixed
with side lights ; with EPDM rubber gasket; all
ironmongery and accessories as per Architect's

G Door SM 1 850,000 850,000

Iron mongery to approval of the Project Manager

H Three Lever Motice Locks complete with latch No. 1 230,000 230,000
furniture to approval)

I Steel casement lock No. 1 210,000 210,000

J Rubber Door stops No. 1 23,000 23,000

Carried to Collection 1,313,000


Page No. 7,700,000

Page No. 1,313,000

Bill No. 7 : Doors Page 24 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount


Total Carried to Main Summary 9,013,000

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Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount



Floor Finishes
Cement and sand (1;3) as described
25mm screed finished to receive ceramic floor tiles in new
A concrete floor areas SM 1 32,000 32,000
B 20mm Thick floor screed finished to receive terrazzo

Supply and fix 300 x 300 x 8mm thick approved non-slip

ceramic floor tiles in approved patterns: bedded and
jointed in approved adhesive : pointed with approved
coloured cement : to
C Floors SM 1 128,000 128,000

D Ditto to 6mm x 100mm Skirting LM 1 30,000 30,000


SLIP PORCELAIN FLOOR TILES; bedded and jointed
in and including approved adhesive : pointed with and
including approved coloured grout: to
E Floors SM 1 140,000 140,000

F Skirting LM 1 32,000 32,000


second coat of 24mm thick colored cement and marble
aggregate (1:2:5) including 15 x 3mm plastic dividing
strips at 1200mm centres: as per Architects detailed
drawing; in
G Screeded floor SM 165,000 0

H 150 x 10mm Skirting LM 34,000 0

200 x 300 x 8mm CERAMIC WALL TILES and bedding

and pointing in approved waterproof grout : to
I Walls SM 92,000 0

J Extra over tiles for rounded edge top LM 5,000 0

Bill No. 8: Finishes Page 26 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

K Ditto for corner strip LM 5,000 0

Carried to Collection 362,000

Wall Finishes

Apply 25mm two coat cement lime plaster on new walls

L internally finished smooth to receive paint. SM 1 20,000 20,000

Rub down, apply polyfila where applicable and apply

therr coats of approved super qaulity silk vinly emulsion
paint oon plastered
M Walls internally SM 1 20,000 20,000

Ceiling Finishes
Expanded Metal Lath Plastered ceiling comprising, 100 x 50mm
softwood framing ceiling joists at 600mm centres; 100 x 50mm
branderings at 600mm c/c; metal lath nailed onto framework;
10mm cement sand (1:4) pricking course, including 12mm lime
N plaster (m/s) all measured inclusive SM 1 64,000 64,000
Extra over for 100 x 100mm cornice LM 8,000 0

O Extra over for 600mm framed access door to ceiling NO 1 100,000 100,000

Rub down, apply polyfila where applicable and apply

three coats of approved super quality emulsion paint on
P Celing soffites including cornice SM 1 20,000 20,000


Wall finishes (Cement and washed sand (1:3) render

trowelled smooth)
Apply 25mm two coat cement lime plaster on new walls
Q Externally finished with wooden float to receive paint. SM 1 20,000 20,000

Rub down, apply polyfilla where applicable and apply

one coat penetrating plaster primer and three coats of
super quality "weatherguard" emulsion paint on
rendered/ palstered
R Walls SM 1 20,000 20,000

Bill No. 8: Finishes Page 27 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

40mm thick burnt clay facing bricks as manufactured by Uganda Clays Ltd
or other equal and approved, in cement and sand mortar (1:3) and pointing
with neat recessed joints as work proceeds and cleaning down on
S completion. SM 1 120,000 120,000

Carried to Collection 384,000

Stone Slates
200x100mm stone machine cut stone slates to walls fixed
T externaly with cement sand and mortar SM 1 85,000 85,000

U Copping LM 1 20,000 20,000


V 40 x 40 x 2.5 mm SHS Metal Grill (at 75mm c/c spacing) SM 1 250,000 250,000

WORKTOPS COMPRISING OF: 100mm thick concrete

worktop reinforced with BRC mesh on and including
200mm thick brick wall 1050mm high support at
2000mm (average) centers; finishes on top and fascia
with 25mm thick polished granite; plaster, paint and
decorations; in accordance with Architect's detailed
Worktops overall size 600mm wide x 850mm high; to
W Architect's detailed drawing LM 1 900,000 900,000

Carried to Collection 1,255,000


Bill No. 8: Finishes Page 28 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

Page No. 1 362,000

Page No. 2 384,000

Page No. 3 1,255,000

Total Carried to Main Summary 2,001,000

Bill No. 8: Finishes Page 29 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount



Supply, install, connect and set to work the

following, all as described in the Specifications
and Drawings.

Power Supply
A HD Meter box single phase & Adaptable box No. 1 400,000 400,000

B 100A 6 Way TPN MCCB Distribution Board, No. 1 740,000 740,000
complete with TPN MCCBs, integral MCCB main
intergral Isolator switch, voltmeter, ammeter and
selector switches, under/over-voltage, single
phasing and phase reversal protection, and all
accessories as CRABTREE LOAD STAR/
MEMSHIELD or equal approved.
C Supply Cable 50mm2 x 3core PVC/SWA/PVC LM 1 150,000 150,000
Copper cables buried in ground, clipped to wall
complete with terminations clipping and all
D Supply Cable 25mm2 x core PVC Copper earth LM 1 94,000 94,000
cables buried in ground, clipped to wall complete
with terminations and all accessories.

E Lighting points wired by 3 x 1.5mm2 SC PVC No. 1 160,000 160,000
copper cables in 25mm PVC concealed conduits
complete with all accessories.

F Bulk head security lights No. 1 300,000 300,000

G 225 X1200mm, 1x36W bare batten fluorescent No. 1 165,000 165,000

luminaire, of slim cross section with clip on cover
plate and adjustable end cap system,complete with
switch start Cat. no. PP136 and pre-fitted with
electronic chalk ballast Cat. No. PPZXL136, as
Thorn Popular Pack Batten, (source:
Comprehensive Product Catalogue 2003/2004,
Page 90/91) (Light F)

Bill No. 9 : Electrical Page 30 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

H Circular flourescent fittings No. 1 300,000 300,000

Carried to Collection 2,309,000

I 6A 1 gang 1 way moulded switch as MK or equal No. 1 20,000 20,000

J 6A 2 gang 1 way moulded switch as MK or equal No. 1 23,000 23,000


Sockets Outlets
K Socket outlets wired by 3 x 2.5mm2 SC PVC-I No. 1 167,000 167,000
cables as a ring in 25mm PVC concealed conduits /
trunking complete with all accessories.

L 15A double gang switched metal clad socket outlet No. 1 45,000 45,000
with neon indicator as MK or equal complete with
all accessories (on walls).

M Copper tape of hard drawn high conductivity M 1 100,000 100,000
copper 3mm x 25mm cross section for horizontal
and down conductors complete with fixing clips
and all accessories as by FURSE or equal.

N Air terminals 16mm diameter, 1200mm long, No. 1 100,000 100,000

complete with tape adapters, spikes and all
accessories by FURSE or equal approved.

O BI-Metallic Test clamp complete as by FURSE or No. 1 105,000 105,000


P Earth Electrodes made from hard drawn copper No. 1 120,000 120,000
16mm diameter, 1200mm long, complete with cap,
earth clamp, and all accessories as made by FURSE
or equal approved.

Q 400x400 mm Earth Mate made from hard drawn No. 1 400,000 400,000
copper 16mm diameter, 1200mm long, complete
with cap, earth clamp, and all accessories as made
by FURSE or equal approved.

Bill No. 9 : Electrical Page 31 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

R General Earthing by 25mm2 stranded bare copper M 1 120,000 120,000
cable complete with all accessories.

SPrecast concrete earthing manhole No. 1 432,000 432,000

300x300x300mm complete with cover marked with
to Collection 1,632,000
T Earthing: excavate pit 1500x1200x1500mm No. 1 278,000 278,000
(LxWxD) and place course salt mixed with charcoal
dust and soil in pit and compact and drive
electrodes into this pit, connect and place precast
manhole and connect up ready and measure the
Energy Meters
U Three phase Electronic Energy Check Meters No 1 528,000 528,000
complete with a MOD-BUS interface, and all
accessories and to UMEME Standards and
V Cabling from Umeme to Change Over Switch by M 1 400,000 400,000
ground / cable tray complete with terminations,
glanding, clipping and all accessories.

W Cabling from Generator to Change Over Switch by M 1 230,000 230,000

ground / cable tray complete with terminations,
glanding, clipping and all accessories.

Carried to Collection 1,436,000


Bill No. 9 : Electrical Page 32 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

Page No. 1 2,309,000

Page No. 2 1,632,000

Page No. 3 1,436,000

Carried to Main Summary 5,377,000

Bill No. 9 : Electrical Page 33 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount



Provide all materials, install, connect and set to
work the following all as described in the
Specifications and Drawings.

Mechanical Installations
Fire Fighting Installations
A Carbon Dioxide portable fire extinguisher 5kg as No. 1 500,000 500,000
NAFFCO CO2 gas extinguisher Model NC5 or
equal approved.

B Dry powder portable fire extinguisher 9 kg as No 1 512,000 512,000

NAFFCO ABC powder Model NP9 or equal
C Sanitary Fittings

D Vitreous China Wash Hand Basin, with one tap hole No 1 1,020,000 1,020,000
38mm chrome plated chain waste, plastic bottle trap,
complete with all accessories

Single piece slim in-wall cistern with floor mounting No 1 935,000 935,000
flame ,installation kit and Drain Pipe Connector set
As JAQUAR JCS WHT-2400FS for wall hang WC
COMPLETE WITH Flush control plate .

E Surface shower pipe con wall complete with Shower No 1 150,000 150,000
F Toilet roll holder with flap complete with fixing to No 1 150,000 150,000
the wall.

G Shower soap holder No 1 120,000 120,000

Water Supply and Internal Plumbing

All pipe work shall be completed with fittings
such as bends elbows, tees and all accessories
and shall be inclusive of all builder's work.
25mm PPR cold water Pipe work complete. LM 1 30,000 30,000

I 20mm PPR cold water Pipe work complete. LM 1 27,000 27,000

Bill No. 10 : Mechanical Page 34 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

J 25mm gate valves No 1 28,000 28,000

Carried to Collection 3,472,000

K Flexible tube 450mm long complete No 1 8,000 8,000

L PVC 4way Floor Trap No 1 15,000 15,000

Supply and fix the following in uPVC soil and

waste system to BS 4514 with fittings, fixed
according to the manufacturer's printed
instructions and BS 5572:1978 all as supplied by
KEY-TERRAIN or equal approved, complete
with all fittings and accessories.

M 110mm Upvc PN6 soil waste pipe buried in the LM 1 28,000 28,000
ground to a fall of 1:60 complete with all accessories.

N 50mm uPVC soil waste pipe in wall complete with all LM 1 14,000 14,000

Water Supply
O 25mm HDPE PN10 water distribution line burried LM 1 3,500 3,500
at least 600mm complete with all accessories
including excavation, and back filling.

P 3000 litre PVC tank as CRESTANK complete with No 1 4,200,000 4,200,000

inlet, outlet, overflow and wash out fittings and
accesories fixed onto a steel stand to store and
supply water all measured inclusive
Q 10000 litre PVC tank as CRESTANK complete with No 1 7,200,000 7,200,000
inlet, outlet, overflow and wash out fittings and
accesories fixed onto a ground masonry and
concreted base to store and supply water all
measured inclusive
Sewer System

Bill No. 10 : Mechanical Page 35 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

R Excavate for and construct manhole size No 1 562,000 562,000
450mmx600mmm depth to invert level (average)
600mm built in 200mm thick concrete block walling
in 1:4 cement mortar walls plastered inside with
approved water proofing additive in two
coats:150mm concrete mix (1:3:6-20mm aggregate)
base 1000mmx150mm (average) thick benching
including 2No straight and curved 150mm half
round main channel:150mm thick slab,
610mmx450mm rebate opening and cast iron cover
including all accessories as per drawing.

Carried to Collection 12,030,500

S Excavate for and construct 15 users Septic Tank No 1 6,810,000 6,810,000
over all size 4000mmx1800x1700mm (LxWxD
inner dimensions) built in two chambers in 200mm
thick concrete block walling in 1:4 cement mortar
walls plastered inside with approved water proofing
additive in two coats:150mm concrete mix (1:3:6-
20mm aggregate) base :100mm thick top reinforced
concrete slab of grade 25/20 with two
600mmx450mm rebate openings, inlet and outlet
manhole and double seal heavy duty cast iron covers.
Rate to including all accessories as per drawing

T Soak pit 1830mm diameter, depth 3500mm tapering No 1 1,400,000 1,400,000

to 2000mm diameter complete with hardcore,
1000gauge polythene sheet and all accessories.

Carried to Collection 8,210,000

Bill No. 10 : Mechanical Page 36 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount



From Page 1 3,472,000

From Page 2 12,030,500

From Page 3 8,210,000

Total Carried to Main Summary 23,712,500

Bill No. 10 : Mechanical Page 37 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount



Concrete pavers
A Provide and lay 60mm thick precast interlocking SM 1 82,000 82,000
concrete pavers laid in an approved pattern, on cement
sand bench on well compacted murram

B Provide and lay 450mm long; 125mm x 300mm precast LM 1 30,000 30,000
concrete garden kerb stone to approval bedded on
100mm thick concrete grade '20' bed haunched
including pointing joints in cement/sand (1:3) mortar to
engineers' detail and including all necessary excavation
and disposal.
D Prepare and apply one undercoat and two coats of road LM 1 20,000 20,000
marking paint for kerbs

E Sliding gate 3000mm wide x 2500mm high comprising; No. 1 ##### 4,200,000
100x25 Seasoned Timber Panelling in MS Gate Frame;
all spray painting and decorations ; including all
necessary ironmongery and sliding gear; as per
Architect's detailed drawing

F Chainlink fencing 2400mm high overall comprising LM 1 380,000 380,000

gauge 12 chainlink of 50mm x 50mm x 2100mm high
with 3No. Rows of gauge 12.5 galvanised straining wires
tied to and including 75mm x 75mm x 6mm top
cranked mild steel angle posts 3.20 metres long
anchored at 3.0 metres centres in pit of 400mm x
400mm x average 500mm deep concrete (grade 20) with
bottom of chainlink anchored in 150x300 concrete
upstand made up of plain C20 concrete along the
chainlink perimeter, and with 3 strands of barbed wire
on top of gauge 13 including all necessary excavations,
backfill, formwork, disposal of spoil and three coats of
gloss enamel paint on metal surfaces of angle posts.

G Plant hedge of euphobia , 0.5m spacing, double row LM 1 8,000 8,000

along the chain link

Bill No. 11 : External Works Page 38 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount


Carried to Collection 4,720,000

Boundary wall
H Boundary walling 2500mm high overall above ground LM 1 763,000 763,000
level comprising; 230mm thick solid concrete block wall
1500mm high above ground with 300 x 100mm thick
weathered and throated coping; rendered and plastered
both sides; with and including 690 x 230mm thick plain
concrete grade 20 strip footing; 230mm wide EPDM
damp proof course; 350 x 350mm reinforced concrete
columns at 3000mm centres with 400 x 400 x 150mm
thick weathered and throated capping on 900 x 900 x
300mm thick reinforced concrete column bases;
1100mm high painted metal grille to pattern comprising
of 25 x 25mm Criss Cross RHS at 150mm centres with
40X40mm RHS Framing with gloss paint as approved
anchored into concrete with fish tail; all spray painting
and decorations ; including all necessary excavation,
formwork and disposal; as per Architect's detailed

I Level site, import suitable vegetable soil and spread and m2 1 20,000 20,000
level on site average 100mm deep and plant approved
grass including watering until established (selected areas
Gates and Stiles
J Double leaf grille gate size 4880mm x 2400mm high No. 1 ##### 4,720,000
overall comprising 25mm x 25mm x 4mm SHS vertical
bars at 100mm centres with spear-shaped top, welded to
50mm x 30mm x 4mm SHS top, intermediate and
bottom rails welded in turn to 50mm x 50mm x 4mm
SHS vertical frames complete with heavy duty hinges
cast in concrete and including all necessary locking
accessories and 2No. heavy duty padlocks to approval
assimilating single leaf pedestrian grille gate size 900mm
x 2400mm ditto (all general surfaces painted with three
coats of gloss enamel paint)

Carried to Collection 5,503,000

Bill No. 11 : External Works Page 39 of

Construction and Renovation of Livestock Breeding, Production Support, Farm Administrative, and Residential Structures

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount


Page 1 4,720,000

Page 2 5,503,000

Carried to Main Summary 10,223,000

Bill No. 11 : External Works Page 40 of

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