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Bonku Babu's Friend

Workbook Answers
Ashish Srivastava
2 months ago · 19 min read

Bonku Babu's Friend questions and a

Section B: Context Questions

I. Read the extract given

below and answer the
questions that follow:
For the last twenty-two years, Bonku Babu had
taught geography and Bengali at the
Kankurgachhi Village Primary School. Every
year, a new batch of students replaced the old
one, but old or new, the tradition of teasing
poor Bonku Babu continued among all the

(i) What in the extract shows that the

students were teasing Bonku Babu for a
long time?

Ans: The phrase "for the last twenty-two years"

in the first sentence of the extract suggests
that Bonku Babu has been teaching at the
Kankurgachhi Village Primary School for a long
time. Additionally, the phrase "but old or new,
the tradition of teasing poor Bonku Babu
continued among all the students" implies that
the students have been teasing Bonku Babu
consistently throughout his time at the school,
old students replace by the new students but
the teasing is going on traditionally. These all
things from the extract show that the students
were teasing Bonku Babu for a long time.

(ii) What form of teasing was used by his


Ans: Despite of being an experienced and

senior teacher at the Kankurgachhi Village
Primary School students continuously tease
him. Some drew his cartoon on the
blackboard, others put glue on his chair; or, on
the night of Kali Puja, they lit a chasing rocket
and set it o" right behind him.

(iii) How did Bonku Babu react to the teasing

by the students?

Ans: Bonku Babu did not get upset by the

teasing of the students. He remained calm and
only sometimes he said, "shame on you boys".
The tradition of teasing Bonku Babu continued
among all the students. However, No one had
ever seen Bonku Babu get angry, he could not
a"ord to lose his temper and leave his job.
Also, there were always a few good students in
every class, which made teaching worthwhile
for him. He invited those boys to his house,
o"ered them snacks, and told them tales of
foreign lands and exciting adventures.

(iv) According to the bank Babu, what made

his life as a teacher worth living?

Ans: According to Bonku Babu, what made his

life as a teacher worth living was the presence
of a handful of good students in every class,
even if the rest of the class was full of
pranksters. Teaching these good boys was
rewarding for him. He often invited them to
his house, o"ered them snacks, and told them
tales of foreign lands and exciting adventures,
which he believed was an enriching experience
for both him and the students.

(v) Why did Banku Babu put up with the


Ans: As a middle-aged man, he knew how

di#cult it would be for him to find another job
if he left this. Therefore, he continued to put
up with the teasing and maintained his calm.
Additionally, he had few good students in
every class, and teaching them was rewarding
for him. He believed that sharing his
knowledge and experiences with his students
was enriching for both him and the students.

II. Read the extract given

below and answer the
questions that follow:
Only the other day -- less than two months
ago--, they were talking about ghosts. Usually,
Bonku Babu kept his mouth shut. That day,
for some unknown reason, he open it and
declared that he was not afraid of the ghost
that was all! but it was enough to o"er a
golden opportunity to others. On his way back
home later, that night Banku Bhaiya was
attacked by a spook.

(i) What made his associates arrange and

attacked on Bonku babu by a spook? How is
it shown in the story that the attack was
arranged by associates?

Ans: During an evening gathering hosted by

Sripati Majumdar, Bonku Babu's associates
were discussing ghosts when he declared that
he was not afraid of them, providing them with
an opportunity to prank him. Later that night,
as he was passing a tamarind tree, Bonku
Babu was attacked by an apparition with black
ink smeared on it, which suggests that the
attack was premeditated and planned by one
or more of the associates at the gathering.

(ii) Describe in your own words the attack by

the spook.

Ans: According to the story, after the evening

gathering hosted by Sripati Majumdar, Banku
Babu was walking home when he was
attacked by a spook. The spook was described
as a tall, thin figure that leapt down from a
tamarind tree and landed on Banku Babu's
back. Banku Babu was not frightened, but he
was injured, and his neck ached for three days.
Furthermore, his new kurta was torn and had
black stains all over it.

(ii) What happened to Bonku Babu as a result

of the attack?

Ans: As a result of the spook attack, Bonku

Babu was physically injured and his new kurta
was torn with black ink stains all over it. He
also su"ered from neck pain for three days.
The attack not only caused him physical
discomfort but also emotional distress as he
was the target of a planned prank by his

(iv) What was the favourable conditions for

the spook to attack?

Ans: The favourable condition for the spook to

attack was when Bonku Babu was passing
under a tamarind tree at night after attending
an evening gathering where the topic of
conversation was ghosts. Bonku Babu had
declared that he was not afraid of ghosts,
which gave the associates at the gathering a
golden opportunity to prank him. this incident
made a favourable condition for the spook to

(v) Why did Bonku Babu attend a meeting

despite the attack by the spook? If he were
not to attend the meeting what would
happen? what does it show about rural life in
this area?

Ans: Bonku Babu attended the meeting

despite the attack by the spook because he
didn't want to o"end Sripati Majumdar, who
was an important figure in the village and the
school committee. Moreover, he was aware
that his absence would take away the only
source of entertainment for the other
members of the meeting. This highlights the
importance of social etiquette, respect for
elders and superiors and maintaining social
relationships in rural life.

III. Read the extract given

below and answer the
questions that follow:
That particular evening Bonku Babu was the
first to spot the strange light. Then he call
Nidhu Babu and showed it to him. However,
when he arrived at the meeting, he found that
Nidhu babu has coolly claimed full credit for
being a person to see it, and was boasting a
great deal about it. Banku Babu said nothing

(i) why did Nidhu babu say that he was the

first person to spot the strange light? What
does it say about his character?

Ans: Nidhu Babu claimed credit for being the

first person to spot the strange light because
he wanted to appear knowledgeable and
important in front of the group. It shows that
he is a person who seeks attention and
recognition. This says something about Nidhu
Babu's character, as he seems to be someone
who wants to take credit for things he did not
do. He is an opportunity seeker, boastful and
seeks attention from others.

(ii)What does Bonku Babu's silence show

about his character?

Ans: Bonku Babu's silence in the situation

where Nidhu Babu claimed credit for spotting
the strange light, despite Bonku Babu being
the actual first person to spot it, suggests that
he is not confrontational and prefers to avoid
conflicts. He is also humble and not interested
in taking credit for his observations.

(iii) Later, why did they change the topic of


Ans: They changed the topic of satellites

because Chandi Babu expressed Doubt about
the hype surrounding a point of light in the sky
and dismissed it as "humbug". This led to a
discussion among the group about the value
of satellites and their achievements. Nidhu
Babu then redirected the conversation
towards the topic of rockets, which was
considered more meaningful and interesting
than satellites by some members of the group.

(iv) What did Ramkanai say about human


Ans: Ramkanai said, "Not us" but it is a human

achievement surely. And a great achievement"
Ramkanai recognizes and appreciates the
achievement of launching a satellite into
space. He believed that the discovery of a
satellite in space is a significant
accomplishment for humanity.

(v) What is the prospect of a rocket landing in

the village? Why? What was Bonku Babu's
view on this?

Ans: The prospect of a rocket landing in the

village was discussed among a group of
people, including Bonku Babu, who believed it
was unlikely to happen. Because rockets were
not a common occurrence in their area, they
also did not see any practical purpose or
benefit for a rocket to land in their village.
Bonku Babu remains silent, later he suggested
the possibility of an alien visit.

IV. Read the extract given

below and answer the
questions that follow:
"Consider his looks, not to mention his
brains... yes, Bunkum would be the ideal
"Right. Suitable for keeping in a museum. Or a
zoo," Ramkanat chipped in.

Bonku Babu did not reply, but wondered

silently: if anyone were to actually look for a
specimen, weren't the others just as suitable?
Look at Sripati Babu. His chin was so much like
a camel's. And that Bhairav Chakravarty his
eyes were like tortoise. Nidhu Babau looks like
a rat, Ramkhanai is like a goat and Chandi
Babu is like a flittermouse. If a zoo really had
to be filled up...!

Tears sprang to his eyes.

(i) Why did he call Bonk Babu an 'ideal

specimen' and for whom?

Ans: Chandi Babu called Bonku Babu an 'ideal

specimen' for aliens as a sarcastic remark
because he thought Bonku Babu was being
ridiculous by suggesting that aliens would
want to come to their village. He said Bonky
was the best human specimen for aliens.
Chandi Babu was not serious about it and was
just making fun of Bonku Babu's statement.

(ii) Why did he call him as "Bunkum"? what

does it say about his perception of Bonku

Ans: Chandi Babu called Bonku Babu as

"Bunkum" as a playful variation of his
name. Referring to Bonku Babu as "Bunkum"
suggests that Chandi Babu does not hold
Bonku Babu in high regard and make funs of
silent and innocent people. This derogatory
nickname also indicates a lack of respect
towards Bonku Babu.

(iii) Name three of his associates whom

Bonku Babu says could be other specimens.
what reasons does he gave for his choice?

Ans: Bonku Babu thinks that Sripati Babu,

Bhairav Chakravarty, Ramkanai Chandi babu
and Nidhu Babu could be other specimens. He
gives reasons for his choices based on their
physical appearance - Sripati Babu's chin
resembling a camel's, Bhairav Chakravarty's
eyes resembling those of a tortoise, and Nidhu
Babu resembling a rat. Ramkanai like a goat,
Chandi babu like a flittermouse.

(iv) Why didn't Bonku Babu wonder silently

about his associates what would have
happened if he had spoken?


(v) How did Bonku Babu reply to each of his

associates mentioned in the extract and the
end of the story?

Ans: Bonku Babu had a few things to say to

each of his associates at the meeting. Here are
his responses:

Nidhu Babu: "Nidhu Babu, if you call me

Bunkum, I shall call you Nitwit, and you
must learn to live with that!"
Sripati Babu: "And Sripati Babu, you are
an important man, of course you must
have chamchas, but I am not. If you like,
I can send my cat to you, it's quite good
at licking feet."

Bonku Babu finished his speech and left the

meeting, feeling confident and free. From that
day forward, he stopped caring about what
others thought of him and started living life on
his own terms.

V.Read the extract given

below and answer the

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