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Grammar in Context

Fall 2021
Christina Hodeib
Assignment V
1. The deadlines for submitting this assignment are as follows:
Wednesday groups: Tuesday 11:30 pm on the e-learning system.
Thursday group: Wednesday 11:30 pm on the e-learning system.
2. You can edit this file or upload your own.

Name: Herczeg Kinga

Task 1: Explain why each of the underlined articles is used in the following sentences.
1. A tiger is a dangerous animal. generalization
2. An SUV was involved in an accident on the freeway last night. The driver and the passengers
were injured. ‘Driver’ and ‘passengers’ reflects back to the SUV
3. She has a brother and a sister. The brother is a university student and the sister is still in high
school. they were already mentioned
4. Ø Teachers want good materials. teachers in general
5. Oasis is the Manchester band that shot to fame in the early 1990s. identification
6. We are in danger of permanently damaging the Earth. identification
7. This blouse is made of Ø silk. material
8. Can you give me a screwdriver? any kind of screwdriver is good, it don’t have to be a
specific one
9. Careful! You’re going to drop the vase. identification
Task 2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate article (the; a/an/ zero article Ø)
Magnum is a co-operative of nearly sixty photographers with offices in New York, London,
Paris, and Tokyo. The co-operative was founded by photographers Ø Robert Capa, Henri
Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger, and David Seymour. All of them had been involved in the
Second World War. Rodger had walked hundreds of miles in the forest to escape the Japanese in
Ø Burma. And Seymour received a medal for his work for American Intelligence. However, all
Ø founders of Magnum had been photographers for some time. A photographic work that they
were famous for dated back further. Capa’s photos of the Spanish Civil War were called ‘ the
finest pictures of front-line action ever taken.’ They ally appreciated the importance of showing
the world what really happens during Ø conflicts and major world crises. So they decided to
produce the best documentary photography at that time. Cartier-Bresson once commented ‘some
photographers tell the news step by step as if making an accountant’s statement.’ He and
Magnum, on the other hand, felt that the news had to be shown in a way that would engage Ø
Task 3: Explain the meaning differences in each pair of sentences in the following:
(1) a. Is Ø intelligence hereditary? whole unit, intelligence in general
b. Apes display an intelligence similar but not identical to that found in humans. referring to
a specific kind of intelligence
(2) a. There was a Henry Kilgore asking for you. one Henry Kilgore from a group of H.K.
b. The Henry Kilgore you’re referring to is clearly not the one I know. He was already
mentioned before
(3) a. He tries to stand, then falls down, screaming in pain, a large fragment of glass embedded in
his leg. it refers to a piece of glass
b. The office furnishings are made of Ø glass, leather, and chrome. glass as a whole unit
Task 4: Underline the extra article in each line in the following text

Task 5:
1, We went to the theatre last night and saw a great play, although some of the acting was a
bit poor.
2, Give me a ring tomorrow before I go and we’ll arrange to meet at the office.
3, The prime minister told a reporter that the government wanted to pass a law banning
hunting. I asked the hotel manager where the pool was and she directed me to the 7th floor.
5, They said on the news on the radio that Mount Vesuvius, the volcano that destroyed
Pompeii could erupt again.
6, The car has revolutionized transport and is absolutely vital to the economy of most.

7, The judge read the jury’s verdict aloud and then sentenced the accused to five years in

8, A job in the media can be quite stressful because of the pressure you are under to do
things on time.
9, Very few people in the 19th century went to school or university and most started work at
a very young age.
10, I have a little free time since I gave up karate, so I’m thing of trying a new hobby, like
learning a musical instrument.

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