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Significance of Hands-on Training to the Food

Technology Graduating Student of Negros Oreintal
State University

Baga, Melgrace Magdalyn B.

Sayre, Krismelle S.

Negros Oriental State University – Main Campus


Professor Geo Rey Tajada

January 13, 2022



The Food Technology sector collaborates with all of the topics on following written and

verbal directions, reading, speaking, and listening, weighing, measuring, using time and

money, personal hygiene, and problem solving. This study looked at the impact or the

significance of hands-on training on the careers of NORSU's food technology graduating

students, and it is descriptive in nature, thus the researchers will not make any conclusions.

The method, project flow, study design, respondents, environment, instrument, data

collection, and statistical treatment are all part of the research methodology. In view in the

fact that the survey's results come from a variety of students and professionals in the subject,

the researcher's only basis is the assigned respondents. The study merely emphasizes the

importance of hands-on training in NORSU's food technology. Employers want the best

people out there who will actually benefit the organization as the sector grows more

competitive. Candidates should stand out not only in terms of how they present themselves,

but also in regard to the papers an individual have, which will contain certifications and


Table of Contents

The Cover Page/Title Page… ......................................................................................... 1

Abstract… ....................................................................................................................... 2

Table of Contents… ........................................................................................................ 3

Introduction… .............................................................................................................. 4-5

Objectives of the Study … ............................................................................................. 6

Statement of the Problem … .......................................................................................... 6

Significant of the Study… ........................................................................................... 6-8

Theoretical Framework of the Study… ................................................................... 9-10

Conceptual Framework of the Study… ...................................................................... 11

Review of Related Literature… .............................................................................. 12-15

Review of Related Studies… ................................................................................... 15-16

Research Methodology… ....................................................................................... 17-20

Findings…................................................................................................................ 21-23

Discussion…............................................................................................................. 24-25

Conclusion… .................................................................................................................26

Bibliography/reference list… ..................................................... ……………………27



Food technology is the application of science and associated fields of study to assure food

safety and the well-being of individuals, families, and communities during the post-harvest

handling, preparation, processing, packing, storage, and distribution of food. It encompasses the

food system's social, cultural, economic, managerial, and environmental components. Hands-on

training is extremely important in this discipline, especially for students from Negros Oriental

State University. It allows students to self-correct whatever educational mistakes they make in the

present, while still having access to professional help. While notes can be copied incorrectly and

the thread of learning can get buried under a teacher who speaks too quickly or a poorly-written

textbook, live examples of core concepts are registered in the brain as holistic experiences, giving

the student's mind more anchors to tie the memory to. It allows students to self-correct whatever

educational mistakes they make in the present, while still having access to professional help.

Hands-on training is a technique used by educational institutions and businesses to teach

individuals how to perform a certain task. It gives the learner real-world experience by allowing

her to get her hands on whatever she's studying, giving her a sense of control. Students who

complete a practical and hands-on component of their course are much more likely to finish with

a greater understanding of how the industry works and a better sense of the procedures involved

in their chosen profession. In the childcare sector, the importance of hands-on training cannot be

emphasized. Human behavior is so nuanced that it would take a lifetime of reading to even come

close to the amount of knowledge you can get from just one afternoon spent with a youngster in

your care. It's one of those things that parents frequently mention as one of the most surprising

aspects of having children. It's the way the delicate commitments and responsibilities that are

established and then fulfilled by the simple act of caring for another person teach you so much

about the child, yourself, and mankind in general.

This study proposes how significant hands-on training would be to the graduating student

of Negros Oriental State University . To determine the importance of the said training, the

researcher conducted a separate survey questionnaire to the graduating students of NORSU and

questionnaire to the professional or to those individuals who are in food service industry like

restaurant owner, restaurant staff (cook, crews) and teachers who handled food service subjects,

this is done in a period of one month.

This study will contribute to increase a student’s knowledge on how important hands-on

training is on their career development and this will guide them to where they could get this

experience and participate as much as they can.


Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are:

1. To recognize the significance of hands-on training in the career of a food technology students.

2. To describe collect data and determine the student’s perception about the impact of hands-on

training on their career.

3. To learn about hands-on training and collect data from professionals who are familiar with the

food service industry.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine:

1. What is the significance of hands-on training that can help the food technology students?

2. Will hands-on training boost the career of the food technology student of NORSU?

3. Where do food technology students of NORSU get a hands-on training?

Significance of the Study

As the industry becomes more and more competitive, employers want to have the best

candidates out there that will truly benefit the company. The candidates should standout not just

in presenting oneself but also the papers you have will have the substantial impact to them, which

will include certificates and experiences.

This study will benefit the following;

The University. If the school is engaging towards hands-on experience, more student will want to

come to the university. Because student always get trilled when they get to experience what they

wanted in life. This result to global recognition for being a multi-learning university and producing

a competitive graduates. They will highlighted the importance of providing work-integrated

learning opportunities and getting students out into the real world.

The Instructor. Lead the way in teaching its students how to find meaning in their lives.

The student’s beliefs that universities is a place in life that values and wellbeing at the center of

their student learning and teaching. The learning in classroom will be more interactive. Professors

and lecturers aren’t just teachers – they’re mentors too. For students to see and understand the

paths their professors have been on to get where they are today can be both inspiring and valuable.

The Students. This study will light up their knowledge about the importance of hands-on

training and will have the desire to participate. If that happens the outcome, students will be more

competitive in the field and gain confidence from the experience of the hands-on training. They

will also be understand if the course they have chosen is really for them.

The College of Industrial Technology. They will look for more hands-on training

programs and be active in participation to different contest or seminars. The college will be an

outstanding department producing competitive employees and they will be proud of producing

such success talents in the field.

The Researchers. The study will help the researchers to learn more knowledge about the

topic in the duration of the research. Helping them come up more ideas to how will the research

flow and answer question in a more scientific and logical way.


The Community. The study will benefit the community to be more productive; helping them to

be more aware of the importance of having not just book knowledge but also the learning process

of hands-on training. If they learn about this, more and more training programs will arise.

The Food Industry. If the study will push forward, a well-trained workforce saves the restaurant

time and money, and it also increases profitability in the food industry.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research, however solely focused on the significance of the hands-on training on the

career of the graduating food technology students in NORSU,

Another significant limitation of this study it is descriptive in nature does the research

cannot determine be used to establish cause and effect relationships.

Results are limited as they provide numerical descriptions rather than detailed narrative

and generally provide less elaborate accounts of human perception.



David Kolb published his learning styles model in 1984 from which he developed his

learning style inventory. Kolb's theory of learning is based on two levels: a four-stage cycle of

learning and four separate learning styles. Most of Kolb’s theory is concerned with the learner’s

internal cognitive processes. Kolb says that learning involves the acquisition of abstract concepts

that can be applied in a variety of situations. In Kolb’s theory, the development of new concepts

is accomplished through new experiences.

Effective learning occurs when a person goes through four stages: (1) having a prior

knowledge, (2) perceiving and reflecting on that experience, (3) constituting abstract ideas

(analysis) and generalizations (inferences), and (4) testing a hypothesis in future endeavors,

resulting in new perspectives.

Figure 1: The Theoretical Framework of the Study

Kolb's learning theory (1984) defines four distinct learning styles based on a four-stage

learning cycle (see above). Kolb explains that different people naturally prefer a single different

learning style. A person's preferred style is influenced by a number of factors. For instance, the

individual's social environment, educational experiences, or basic cognitive structure.


Whether what influences the choice of style, the learning style preference itself is the result

of two pairs of variables, or two separate 'choices' that we make, which Kolb presented as lines of

an axis, each with 'conflicting' modes at either end. The east-west axis of Kolb's two continuums

is commonly referred to as the Processing Continuum (how we approach a task), and the north-

south axis is referred to as the Learning Continuum (how we learn).

Figure 2: The Theoretical Framework of the Study

Kolb acknowledged that a person could not simultaneously perform both variables on a

single axis. The style of learning is the result of these two choices. It's frequently easier to visualize

Kolb's learning styles as a two-by-two matrix. Each learning style is a hybrid of two preferred

styles. The matrix also emphasizes Kolb's terminology for the four learning styles: diverging,

assimilating, converging, and accommodating:



The conceptual paradigm of the study is illustrated in the following diagram:

Figure 3: The Conceptual Framework of the study

Figure 3 demonstrates the use of system approach model containing the Input, Process and

Output. The input of this study comprises theories, articles about hands-on training and profiling

the respondents. The process incorporates developed the questionnaire, conduct the survey,

tabulating the responses, and interpret the data. The output of the study is the completion of the

research on the Significance of hands-on training to the graduating student of NORSU.



Prior to the development of the research on the Significance of Hands-on Training to Food

Technology Graduating students of NORSU, related literature and studies were reviewed by the


Related Literature

A degree (or several) on the résumé can also give applicants an advantage in order to be

hired in the first place. In case you are a new graduate, your degree may serve as proof that you've

obtained the abilities fundamental for an entry-level work in your chosen field. Prospective bosses

are likely to see you as somebody who can get up to speed rapidly, requiring small on-the-job

preparation, which costs the company both time and money. Any work involvement you've

obtained along the way can help, whether it came within the shape of an internship in your field

or a work however small it might be. As an individual who need job opportunities you need show

the company that you have the potential, you are learning continuously, keeping up with industry

trends, and developing any new skills the employer may need. Further training, such as

participation in a corresponding certificate program, can also help, Mueller (2020).

In an article written by Temmerman (2019), he said that, for an employers it is more

important for recent graduates to have skills related to a certain industry or profession. Employers

ask new graduates to have practical skills. Employers expect employees to have both theoretical

knowledge and understanding, as well as practical and real-world professional knowledge, and be

able to "down-to-earth." Many university courses now include some work-based learning, but

those experiences can be limited in time and scope of experience. Some university graduates may

turn to gain up-to-date employment skills not obtained through their university academic degree.

Here are two possible options. The first is vocational education; and the second is universities

supplementing degrees with complementary skills-based certificates. The author added other

solution which is incorporating a professional skill-based certificate-level qualifications, which

most universities are beginning to adapt to complement to a regular degree courses. These are the

courses that students are required to take before beginning their degree, or during their degree.

Integrating a degree with a certificate that will contribute the students with a competitive advantage

when applying for a job. She emphasizes the technical competences a student should have, that

certification programs are typically specialized in a particular field. The focused of this program

is not in the academic coursework but on the technical competences a student will have assist a

degree. For a degree is no longer a sure passage in acquiring a job, so it is very beneficial for a

graduate to be well rounded and have technical, practical career skills to complement their

academic skills, along with other valuable life experiences even if it is just a volunteer work and

so forth.

According to Donato (2019), hands-on training assist and comfort new hires by presenting

them what their job are like. A lot of worker learn quicker while doing the task than while seeing

it done by someone else doing it. She presented several methods of hands-on training, this include

OJT or On-the-Job Training, simulations, role play, behavior modeling. On-the-Job Training is

training which is delivered while an individual is performing tasks or processes related to their

particular occupation. The employee typically performs tasks that are essential to their job function

with the supervision of a manager, mentor or someone in the company who knew the task well.

The new hires going through OJT learn at their own pace and given the chance to ask questions,

this way they motivated to gain more knowledge and actively take part. Apprenticeship also

include in OJT, were they will get paid while learning and possibly get hired in the end.

Simulations is a directive that trainers need to elucidate feasible situations and new hires to check

situations and consider what they'd do and why. Management and trainers can then reassess their

decisions and explain why they were correct or why not. Role play on the other hand a training

that boost communicative capability and group confidence as trainees work together to unravel an

issue or address a certain circumstances; and behavior modeling a collaborative exercise meant to

indicate new hires how employee react and acquit in a cordial and tough situation.

Hands-on preparation or training is utilized for educating individuals on how to perform

particular assignments. It permits learners to apply their information to real-world circumstances.

Not at all like conventional classroom preparing, in which learners tune in to addresses, and where

they might see photographs, outlines, and recordings, hands-on learners are effectively included.

For numerous individuals, it's a stronger way to memorize since they're more able to keep in mind

something they've done, as contradicted to something they've listened to or have read. The disciple

show has been around for centuries since it works. Learning by doing gives the learner with support

and input. Hands-on learning permits understudies to create the move from the "why" behind an

errand to the "how." Considers have appeared that the brain reacts in an unexpected way to learning

encounters when they are hands-on. When learners are physically locked in, they are way better

able to get it troublesome concepts and they have way better maintenance of what they've learned.

Making an error and finding the proper solutions gives you consent to require dangers, and indeed

flunk. You'll construct self-confidence each time you experience an impediment and figure out a

way to overcome it. Hands-on learning can boost your capacity to learn within the classroom, at

the work, and in life, said by Dayton (2019).

Experiential learning is learning by actual experience. Meaning, understanding and

knowledge are created when learners participate in real-life activities. Classroom training, as we

traditionally know it, does not always allow for a deep understanding because of its passive,

didactic nature. The active and practical experiential learning often allows for deeper

understanding, especially in adult learning environments where learning by doing ideally forms a

fundamental principle of all learning activities. Experiential learning theory is built on the work of

20th century scholars, notably John Dewey, Kurt Lewin and Jean Piaget, who all shared the view

that experience should be central in learning and development (Kolb & Kolb, 2005:194)

Related Studies

According to Katajavuori, Lindblom-Ylänne, & Hirvonen (2006), it is crucial to stimulate

student’s education and incorporate theoretical knowledge in practice during post-secondary

education. Paying more attention to practical knowledge in the theoretical part of the syllabus, one

of the tools to improve undergraduate education. In the data they collected when they conducted

an interview to the 47 pharmacy student, it shows that this allow students to develop a practical

understanding of theory and their motivate them to study. The students gained practical skills and

knowledge in a working community of professionals. The results showed that students should be

able to rehearse their reflective skills both during the theoretical studies and during the practice

period because the practice period was too short.

This study relate to the present study which is the significance of hands-on training in the

food technology student, where it aims is finding out what practical experience do to a student.

The recent study might not be a technical course but it implies the need of experience as vital part

of every student that is in preparation to develop their career.

The recent study of Novotorov (2001) main objective is to determine and analyze previous

students’ views on the impact of the Iowa State University internship program. It explored how

graduates of internship and practical training programs in agriculture and agribusiness felt about

their programs. Those who support different internship perspectives differ vastly in their views

about the impact of internships on student professional and personal growth, and the agrarian need

for productive agriculture. In the survey results are from an intern in the United States Russia. The

participants are predominantly well accord to the experiential learning program even before their

internship it heightened their interest, which give advantage towards their first employment. On

the other hand the respondents agreed that internship and practical training application transform

their professional capacity, additionally developed their professional and personal skills. The study

relates to the present study for it proposes the impact or signify the students’ development towards

their career if they undergo hands-on training experiences such as internship. The past study is

more practical for it is the point of views in the professional spectrum that is why the present study

will propose a questionnaire that is intended for those who are professional in the food handling



The research methodology includes the method, flow of the project, research design,

respondents, environment, instrument, data gathering and statistical treatment.


The method chosen to collect data for the assessment is the survey method, specifically,

(1) a video chat interview replaced by a Google form questionnaire, with the selected professional

or individual in food service industry and;

(2) a survey questionnaire is created via Google forms that is send to messenger of the Food

Technology Graduating Students.

In the survey questionnaire the data were collected from _58__ respondents who were

studying and a graduating student in the Industrial Technology whose major is Food Technology


Also, the researchers randomly selected professionals in the field and interviewed them to

get their responses about their views on hands-on training. Due to the pandemic, the typhoon

Odette and the respondent’s busy schedule, the researcher decided to replace the interview into a

questionnaire through Google classroom



Defined the Problem.

Deciding the Right Research Title.

Background Research on Articles

Related to the Topic

Research Design

Formulate Questionnaire

Data Collection

Survey Interview
Questionnaire Questionnaire



Figure 4: The Flow of the Project Study


Research Design:

This research is using descriptive quantitative design. The type of descriptive quantitative

design involves in the research are survey and interview to describe status or the perception of the

participants. This research is using survey as research design, this allow researchers to collect a

large amount of data in a relatively short period.

Interviews are commonly use in a qualitative study but it can also be used in the quantitative

study. The researchers uses this method to help us explain, better understand, and explore research

study about the hands-on training in the career of the student.

Research Participants

Participants of this research is 58 food technology graduating students of Negros Oriental

State University. While the participants of the interview is randomly pick for their professional

background, this will help the researchers understand the expert views about the study.

Participant criteria is such as below:

Survey Questionnaire

(a) Food technology graduating students in Negros Oriental State University.

Interview / Questionnaire

(b) Professional in the field or has the background in the Food Industry (Teacher, Instructor,

Food Service worker).

Research Environment

The locale of the study is in the Negros Oriental State University, Main Campus which is

located in Capitol Area, Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete, 6200 Negros Oriental. The university

has the greatest number of academic programs and student organizations, it has nine (9) campuses

located in strategic areas across the province of Negros Oriental, namely: Dumaguete (2)

campuses, Bais (2) campuses, Bayawan-Sta. Catalina Campus, Siaton Campus, Guihulngan

Campus, Pamplona Campus and Mabinay Campus. Founded in year 1907, through Republic Act

No. 9299 signed by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on June 25, 2004, Central Visayas

Polytechnic College (CVPC) was converted into Negros Oriental State University (NORSU). The

Campus is accessible either by land and water transportation from all points of neighboring island.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the study was conducted in the social media platform in

the safety of the respondent’s homes. The distance from the school is not determined.

Research Instrument

The study used interview but then replaced by questionnaires for those whose profession

is aligned to food service handling and survey questionnaire for the students as its research

instrument because it gathers data faster than any method, it is most convenient among all other

instruments and accommodate their busy schedule.

Collection of Data:

Collection of data was conducted in one month, using Google form. Researcher created

survey questionnaire in Google form and disseminated the link to the group chat and their personal

account in messenger who are fourth year graduating student in Negros Oriental State University.

While the interview/s or questionnaire was conducted through sending the respondents questions

on their Gmail accounts and messenger, this is also done in a period of one month.


Survey Questionnaire

Out of 58 graduating student of food technology in NORSU, the researcher accumulated a

total of 35 responses.

I. The respondents says that they all have an idea what is hands-on training.

II. 34 (97. 1%) knew about On-The-Job Training (OJT), 14 (40%) knew about

Internship, 14 (40%) TESDA Training Program.

III. 25 (71.4%) experience or attended hands-on training, while 10 (28.6%) said they

did not.

IV. Question no.4 accumulated 28 responses to what type of hands-on training they

attended, 19 (67.9%) On-The-Job Training (OJT), 11 (39.3) TESDA Training Program,

and the response to those who don’t have experience; work immersion and immersion is

equal 1 (3.6%)

V. When asked what is the hands-on training for, 27 (81.8%) said it is for school; 14

(42.4%) for self-improvement; and 12 (36.4%) is for work purposes.

VI. Question no.6 accumulated 33 responses, if the hands-on training help and give the

respondent an advantage 31 (93.9%) said Yes, while 2 (6.1 %) responded Maybe and no

one responded No.

VII. Question no. 7 accumulated 33 responses, which rate their experience from 1-5,

where 5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest rate on hands-on training: 12 (36.4%) give 5; 11

(33.3) give 4; 8 (24.2%) give 3; 1 (3%) give 1 and 1 (3%) give 0.

VIII. Question no. 8, accumulated 29 responses if hands-on training be significant or

important in the future; the response all agreed that is important in the future.

IX. Question no. 9 rate from 1-5 where 5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest significance

rate of hands-on training on their career: 17 (48.6%) rate 5; 12 (34.3%) rate 4; and 6

(17.1%) rate 3.

X. Question no. 10, they are asked to check the word if it is a significance or important

of the hands-on training: Job opportunities 30 (85.7%); self-improvement 29 (82.9); Career

Development 27 (77.1); Competitiveness 19 (54.3%). The respondent also give their

significance of hands-on training common word in the data include enhance skills and

knowledge, boost self-confidence or confidence, and great opportunities in the future.

Interview or Questionnaire

The data collected towards the questionnaire for professionals or individual who [have/had]

the background about the Food Service Industry or who teach subject related to Food Handling

shows that:

Hands-on training is an immersion activity of students either short or long term basis

similar to OJT to gain knowledge and actual experience and exposure to the best practices of a

food industry making a student competent on the task it will be assigned to her. Food technology

student can capture desirable attitude and skills through the working environment she or he is in.

A way to teach people by actively applying knowledge in real-life situations. In other words, learn

by doing. A bridge to develop your skills. Training in a simulated work environment.

The five professionals all strongly agree that hands-on training important to a career of a

Food Technology Graduating student. They also strongly agree that Hands-on Training will give

significance to the Food Technology Graduating student.

The data collected why hands-on training is significant to the Food Technology Graduating

student. The respondents commented that: it is significant because this will pave the way for local

and international employment, Food Technology students can showcase the knowledge, and

attitude and skills acquired while still a student. A great feat to the teachers because what they

instilled in the minds, hearts of students are put into practice making them soar to greater heights,

hands-on training is the walking advertisement of the school where you graduated, FT competence

is the trademark that she will bring wherever life brings her .

Hands-on is specifically essential as it permits college students to have interaction in

kinesthetic learning. Students carry out physical activities rather than just paying attention to

lectures. By "doing" this allows them to benefit a higher expertise of the lesson. It permits them to

experiment with trial and error, to learn from their mistakes and recognize the ability gaps among

theory and practice. To be more globally competitive.

Hands-on understanding gives students the independence to learn through real-world

experience instead of merely reading or listening to someone.

The data also show that all recommend to take part in hands-on training especially

technological course like food technology.

The respondents suggested to the Food Technology students, to how or where they can

acquire hands-on training before they graduate the data show keyword like TESDA Training

Programs, OJT, and Internship to Food industries, restaurants, school cafeterias, hospital kitchen,

cruise ships, military cafeterias, and etc. The body of a research paper reveals the essence of the

work. The major difficulty faced by most writers is how to arrange the information presented in

the paper.


The results indicate that hands-on training give substantial significance to the

graduating student of Food Technology. The respondents have a valuable knowledge about

the hands-on training. Majority of the survey takers have been involved in a hands-on

training like TESDA programs, OJT and work immersion. It also show that to those

graduating student who experience learning by doing, give them advantage and to those

who don’t have experience they believe that it will be significant in the future, which also

aligned with what the professional strongly agree on the significant of hands-on learning.

This supported both the student and professional’s idea that this kind of training, will help

them in getting a job, improve themselves, advancement career and gain confidence in the

global competitiveness.

The data of the professionals in the food industry shows that there were many

opportunities that the students can acquire hands-on training, a person should always look

to that chances. The results certainly agrees to the recent articles and study. It just added

more information to where we can obtain the kind of training that students of food

technology needed, which is recognize from the professionals. These results highlighted

the existing evidence of the Significance of hands-on training; that will help guide student

to what they could do before graduating the degree.

The result of the survey is only from 35 students out 58 graduating students and 5

professionals in the field, so the researcher only ground lies on the 40 respondents. The

research paper can only show the significance of hands-on training to the food technology


Future studies should take into account if the hands-on training is more helpful with

the addition of certificates and take into account if a bachelor’s degree will cover the lack

of hands-on training a student ought to have.



Hands-on learning is very important since it allows pupils to engage in kinesthetic

learning. Rather than just listening to lectures, students engage in physical activities. They

can benefit from a better level of skill in the course by "performing" it. It allows individuals

to explore with trial and error, learn from their failures, and identify the gaps in their skill

between theory and practice. The findings are consistent with recent articles and research.

It just provided additional information on where we may acquire the type of training that

students of food technology require and that is recognized by experts. This backed up the

students' and professionals' beliefs that this type of training would help them find work,

improve themselves, grow their careers, and gain confidence in global competition.


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Donato, D.D. (02 August 2019). Definition of Hands-on Training. Human Resources. Retrieved


Katajavuori, N., Lindblom-Ylänne, S. & Hirvonen, J. (2006) The Significance of Practical

Training in Linking Theoretical Studies with Practice. High Educ 51, 439–464 (2006).

McLeod, S. A. (2017, October 24). Kolb - Learning Styles and Experiential Learning Cycle.

Simply Psychology.

Mueller, A. (16 December 2020). Education vs. Experience: Which One Gets the Job?

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Novotorov, Andrew, "Perceived Impact of Internship and Practical Training Programs on

Professional and Personal Growth: Implications to Agricultural and Extension Education "

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Temmerman, N. (08 March 2019). When a Degree Just isn’t enough also Offer Upskilling.

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