Thesis Intan Setia

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SIN. 11714200533


1443 H / 2022 M


SIN. 11714200533

A Thesis
Submitted as partial fulfillment of the Requirements
for Bachelor Degree of English Education
(S. Pd)


1443 H / 2022 M

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and Merciful, praise belongs to
Allah Almighty. By his guidance and blessing, the researcher has accomplished
the final research paper entitled “The Correlation between Listening Habit to
English Song and Vocabulary Mastery of Eight Grade Students at State Junior
High School 21 Pekanbaru”. It is a scientific writing to fulfill one of the academic
requirements to finish the bachelor degree (S. Pd) at Department of English
Education Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State Islamic University of
Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Then, shalawat and salam always be presented to the
last mesengger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad SAW who has inspired and
lightened many people up all around the world.
Appreciation and sincere thanks to my beloved parents, Mr. Sa’im and
Mrs. Sri Rahayu, who has devoted all love and affection as well as moral and
material attention. May Allah SWT always bestow grace, health, and blessings in
the world and in the hereafter for the kindness that has given to the researcher.
Thank you so much Dad, Mom.
The researcher would like to show her gratitude to all beloved people that
have encouraged. Motivated even helped the researcher in finishing the paper.
They are:
1. Prof. Dr. Hairunas, M. Ag., the Rector of State Islamic University of
Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Dr. Hj, Helmiati, M. Ag., as Vice Rector I, Dr.
H. Mas’ud Zein, M. Pd., as Vice Rector II, Edi Erwan, S. Pt., M. Sc., Ph.
D, as Vice Rector III, and all staff. Thanks for the kindness and the
2. Dr. H. Kadar, M. Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher
Training, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Dr. H.
Zarkasih, M. Ag., as the Vice Dean I, Dr. Zubaidah Amir, MZ, M. Pd., as

the Vice Dean II, Dr. Amirah Diniaty, M. Pd. Kons., as the Vice Dean III,
and all the staff. Thanks for the kindness and the encouragement.
3. Dr. Faurina Anastasia, S.S., M. Hum., the Head of Department of English
Education, who has given me correction, suggestion, support, advice, and
guidance in completing the thesis.
4. Dr. Nur Aisyah Zulkifli, M. Pd., the Secretary of Department of English
Education, for her guidance to the students.
5. Nurdiana, S.Pd, M.Pd., the Academic Supervisor for her guidance to the
6. Kurnia Budiyanti, S.Pd., M. Pd, my beloved supervisor who has given me
correction, suggestions, support, advice, and guidance in accomplishing
this thesis.
7. The Headmaster of Junior High School 21 Pekanbaru Hj. Efa Dewi,
M.Pd., my beloved English teacher, Misrawati, S.Pd. and all staffs who
have helped me in accomplishing this research.
8. My beloved sibling Pratu. Mhd. Yusuf and my sister in law Putri Novia
Rismayanti as mood booster in my life time.
9. My beloved all of my family, thank you for always giving support.
10. My best friends Isnaini Safitri S.Pd., Dwi Ayu Safitri S.Pd., Kholifatul
Azizah S.Pd., Masitha Rahma S.Pd., Rizka Asfira, Siti Saidah Siregar
S.Pd., Citra Ramadita S.Pd., Felia Winerdha S.Pd., Wismoyo Aris
Munandar S.T., M. Ridho Al-Hafiz, S.Pd., Rivan Septian, Reza Pratama,
M. Afdhal Dzikri, S. Pd. who always give me a lot of love and support.
Thank you for making my university life full of happiness.
11. Association of Islamic University students Pekanbaru branch (HMI MPO)
12. For all people who have given the researcher great support in carrying out
finishing this thesis. It cannot be write one by one.

Finally, the researcher realize that this thesis is still far from perfections.
Therefore, constructive comments, critiques and suggestions are appreciated very

Pekanbaru, February 15th , 2022

The Researcher,

Intan Setia


Intan Setia (2022): The Correlation Between Listening Habit to English

Songs and Vocabulary Mastery of Eight Grade Students
at Junior High School 21 Pekanbaru

Possessing good vocabulary mastery helps students improve their

communication skill. It means owning much vocabulary will enable students to
express more ideas and have better communication. After conducting an
observation, the researcher found some problems at schools like some of the
students still had a lack of vocabulary, not able to identify the meaning of the
word, not be able to produce their vocabulary, difficult in memorizing the new
vocabulary. To overcome this problem, there are some media, techniques, or
habits that can improve students’ vocabulary one of which is by listening to
English songs. The process of repeated listening activity will be a habit. The
vocabulary is obtained through the lyrics of English songs frequently listened to
by the students. Therefore, based on the problem above, the researcher conducted
a research to find out if there was significant correlation between listening habit to
English songs and vocabulary mastery of grade eight students at SMPN 21
Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research was to find out if there was significant
correlation between listening habit to English songs and vocabulary mastery of
grade eight students at SMPN 21 Pekanbaru. This research was quantitative
research with correlation method. The population in this research were 349
students of grade eight at SMPN 21 Pekanbaru. This research used random
sampling technique. The samples in this research were 36 students obtained
through simple random sampling technique. In data collection, the researcher used
questionnaire to assess listening habit to English songs on students and used test
of vocabulary mastery to measure the students’ vocabulary mastery. The
researcher used coefficient correlation of spearman’s rank through SPSS 22.0
program. The results of this research showed that the sig. r value obtained was
0.735 where higher than the alpha value (0,05). It showed that the Ho is accepted
and Ha is rejected. The r count value was -0,058 < r table which was 0,329.
Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no correlation between listening habit
to English songs and vocabulary mastery of grade eight students at SMPN 21


Intan Setia (2022): Hubungan antara Kebiasaan Mendengarkan Lagu-lagu

Bahasa Inggris dan Penguasaan Kosakata Siswa Kelas
Delapan di SMP Negeri 21 Pekanbaru.

Memiliki penguasaan kosakata yang baik membantu siswa meningkatkan

keterampilan komunikasi mereka. Ini berarti memiliki banyak kosakata akan
memungkinkan siswa untuk mengekspresikan lebih banyak ide dan memiliki
komunikasi yang lebih baik. Setelah melakukan observasi, peneliti menemukan
beberapa permasalahan di sekolah seperti beberapa siswa masih kekurangan kosa
kata, beberapa siswa tidak dapat mengidentifikasi arti kata, beberapa siswa tidak
dapat menghasilkan kosa kata mereka, beberapa siswa sulit dalam menghafal
kosakata baru. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, ada beberapa media, teknik, atau
kebiasaan yang dapat meningkatkan kosakata siswa salah satunya adalah dengan
mendengarkan lagu-lagu bahasa Inggris. Proses kegiatan menyimak yang
berulang-ulang akan menjadi kebiasaan. Kosakata diperoleh melalui lirik lagu
bahasa Inggris yang sering didengarkan oleh siswa. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan
permasalahan di atas, peneliti melakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah ada
hubungan yang signifikan antara kebiasaan mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris
dengan penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas delapan di SMPN 21 Pekanbaru. Tujuan
dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan yang signifikan
antara kebiasaan mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris dengan penguasaan
kosakata siswa kelas delapan di SMPN 21 Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini
adalah siswa kelas delapan SMPN 21 Pekanbaru sebanyak 349 siswa. Penelitian
ini menggunakan teknik random sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 36
siswa yang diperoleh melalui teknik simple random sampling. Dalam
pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan kuesioner untuk menilai kebiasaan
mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris pada siswa dan menggunakan tes
penguasaan kosakata untuk mengukur penguasaan kosakata siswa. Peneliti
menggunakan koefisien korelasi rank spearman melalui program SPSS 22.0. Hasil
penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sig. nilai r yang diperoleh adalah 0,735 dimana
lebih tinggi dari nilai alpha (0,05). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Ho diterima dan
Ha ditolak. Nilai r hitung sebesar -0,058 < r tabel yaitu 0,329. Oleh karena itu,
dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara kebiasaan mendengarkan
lagu berbahasa Inggris dengan penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas delapan di SMPN
21 Pekanbaru.

‫مل ّخص‬

‫إنتان سيتيا‪ :)٢٢٢٢( ،‬عالقة بني عادة االستماع إىل األغاين اإلجنليزية وإتقان املفردات لدى‬
‫تالميذ الفصل الثامن ابملدرسةاملتوسطة احلكومية ‪ ٢٢‬بكنبارو‬

‫يساعد امتالك مفردات جيدة الطالب على حتسٌن مهارات االتصال لديهم‪ .‬ىذا يعين‬
‫أن امتالك مفردات كبًنة سيسمح للطالب ابلتعبًن عن املزيد من األفكار واحلصول على تواصل‬
‫أفضل‪ .‬بعد املالحظة وجد الباحثون عدة مشاكل يف املدارس مثل ؛ ال يزال بعض الطالب يفتقرون‬
‫إىل املفردات ‪ ،‬وبعض الطالب ال يستطيعون حتديد معىن الكلمات ‪ ،‬وبعض الطالب ال يستطيعون‬
‫تكوين مفرداهتم ‪ ،‬وبعض الطالب يواجهون صعوبة يف حفظ املفردات اجلديدة‪ .‬للتغلب على ىذه‬
‫املشكلة ‪ ،‬توجد عدة وسا ئل أو تقنيات أو عادات لزايدة مفردات الطالب ‪ ،‬من بينها االستماع إىل‬
‫األغاين اإلجنليزية‪ .‬ستصبح عملية االستماع املتكرر عادة‪ .‬يتم احلصول على املفردات من كلمات‬
‫األغاين اإلجنليزية اليت غالبًا ما يستمع إليها الطالب‪ .‬لذلك ‪ ،‬بناءً على املشكالت املذكورة أعاله ‪،‬‬
‫أجرى الباحث دراسة ملعرفة ما إذا كانت ىناك عالقة ذات داللة إحصائية بٌن عادة الطالب يف‬
‫االستماع إىل األغاين اإلجنليزية وإتقان مفردات طالب الصف الثامن يف ابملدرسة املتوسطة احلكومية‬
‫‪ ١٢‬بكنبارو‪ .‬كان الغرض من ىذه الدراسة ىو حتديد العالقة املهمة بٌن عادة االستماع إىل األغاين‬
‫اإلجنليزية وإتقان مفردات طالب الصف الثامن يف ابملدرسة املتوسطة احلكومية ‪ ١٢‬بكنبارو‪ .‬ىذا‬
‫البحث ىو حبث كمي مع طريقة االرتباط‪ .‬كان عدد السكان يف ىذه الدراسة ‪ ٩٤٣‬طالبًا يف‬
‫الصف الثامن من ابملدرسة املتوسطة احلكومية ‪ ١٢‬بكنبارو‪ .‬استخدمت الدراسة أسلوب أخذ‬
‫العينات العشوائية‪ .‬تكونت العينة يف ىذه الدراسة من ‪ ٩٣‬طالبًا مت احلصول عليهم من خالل تقنية‬
‫أخذ العينات العشوائية البسيطة‪ .‬يف مجع البياانت ‪ ،‬استخدمت الباحثة استبانة لتقييم عادات‬
‫االستماع لدى الطالب لألغاين اإلجنليزية واستخدمت اختبار إتقان املفردات لقياس إتقان املفردات‬
‫لدى الطالب‪ .‬استخدم الباحث معامل ارتباط رتبة سبًنمان من خالل برانمج احلزمة اإلحصائية‬
‫للعلوم االجتماعية ‪ .١١،٢‬نتائج ىذه الدراسة تشًن إىل أن قيمة سيج‪ r .‬الذي مت احلصول عليو ىو‬
‫‪ ٢،٧٩٠‬وىو أعلى من قيمة ألفا (‪ .)٢،٢٠‬يظهر أن "ىو" مقبول بينما "ىا" مرفوضة‪ .‬قيمة ‪r‬‬
‫احملسوبة ىي ‪< ٢،٢٠٠-‬جدول‪ .٢،٩١٣ r‬قد يكون من املهم أنو ال توجد عالقة بٌن عادة‬
‫االستماع إىل األغاين اإلجنليزية وإتقان املفردات لطالب الصف الثامن يف ابملدرسة املتوسطة‬
‫احلكومية ‪ ١٢‬بكنبارو‪.‬‬


SUPERVISOR APPROVAL ........................................................................ i

EXAMINER APPROVAL ............................................................................ ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ iii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vi
ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... vii
ABSTRAK ARAB ................................................................................................ viii
LIST OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... xi
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xi
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xiv
A. Background of the Problem ........................................................... 1
B. The Problem .......................................................................................... 4
1. Identification of the Problem ................................................... 4
2. Limitation of the Problem ....................................................... 4
3. The Formulation of the Problem ............................................. 4
C. Objective and Significance of the Research ................................... 5
1. The Objective of the Research ................................................ 5
2. The Significance of the Research ............................................ 5
D. The Definition of Term .................................................................. 6
1. Listening Habit ......................................................................... 6
2. English Song ............................................................................. 7
3. Vocabulary Mastery .................................................................. 7


A. The Theoretical Framework ........................................................... 9
1. Vocabulary Mastery ................................................................... 9
2. Listening Habit .......................................................................... 10
3. English Song .............................................................................. 13
4. Listening Habit to English Song ................................................ 14
5. The correlation between Listening Habit to English Songs
and Vocabulary Mastery ........................................................... 14

B. The Relevant Research ................................................................... 16
C. The Operational Concept ............................................................... 19
D. The Assumption and Hypothesis of The Research......................... 21
1. The Assumptions ....................................................................... 21
2. The Hypothesis .......................................................................... 21


A. The Research Design...................................................................... 22
B. The Location and the Time of Research ....................................... 22
C. The Subject and Object of Research ............................................. 23
D. The Population and Sample of Research ........................................ 23
1. The Population of the Research ................................................. 23
2. The Sample of the Research ...................................................... 24
E. The Technique of Data Collecting ................................................. 25
F. Validity and Reliability of Instrument ........................................... 28
G. The Technique of Data Analysis .................................................... 32


A. Results ........................................................................................... 34
1. Listening Habit to English Songs ............................................ 34
2. Vocabulary Mastery ................................................................ 51
3. Listening Habit to English Songs and Vocabulary Mastery ... 54
B. Discussion .................................................................................... 56


A. The Conclusion ............................................................................. 58
B. The Suggestion.............................................................................. 58



Tabel II.1 The Vocabulary aspects Taken from Nation ............................ 10

Table III.1 The population of eight grade students at State Junior High
School 21 Pekanbaru ................................................................. 24
Table III.2 Table for Determining Sample Size ........................................... 25
Table III.3 The Blue Print of Questionnaire ................................................ 27
Table III.4 The Blue Print of Vocabulary Test ............................................ 28
Table III.5 Validity of Vocabulary Test ...................................................... 29
Table III.6 Validity of Listening Habit to English Songs Questionnaire .... 30
Table III.7 The level of Acceptable Reliability .......................................... 31
Table III.8 Reliability Statistics of Vocabulary Test ................................... 31
Table III.9 Reliability Statistics of Listening Habit to English Songs
Questionnaire ............................................................................. 31
Table III.10 The Response Scale of Listening Habit to English Songs ......... 32
Table III.11 Table for Classification of Students’ Score ............................... 32
Table III.12 The level of Vocabulary Score .................................................. 33
Table IV. 1 I listen to English songs in my spare time to learn new
vocabulary .................................................................................. 34
Table IV.2 I spend a few minutes/hour listening to English songs to
memorize/remember new English vocabulary .......................... 35
Table IV.3 I listen to English songs while studying English to learn the
grammar/grammar of English song lyrics ................................. 35
Table IV.4 I listen to English songs in my spare time to learn how to apply
grammar/grammar structures in English .................................... 36
Table IV.5 I listen to English songs at night to practice my pronunciation
in English ................................................................................... 36
Table IV.6 I listen to English songs in my spare time to create a sense of
fun when learning English ......................................................... 36
Table IV.7 I listen to English songs repeatedly/rhythmically to motivate
myself to learn English .............................................................. 37

Table IV.8 I listen to English songs before going to school to make me
more interested in learning English ........................................... 37
Table IV.9 I used to listen to English songs ................................................. 38
Table IV.10 I listen to English songs to study ............................................... 38
Table IV.11 Besides listening, I also sing English songs .............................. 38
Table IV.12 I don't like listening to English songs for a long time ............... 39
Table IV.13 I'm not used to listening to English songs, because I don't
know the meaning ...................................................................... 39
Table IV.14 For me it is very difficult to memorize English songs ............... 39
Table IV.15 Since I was little I don't like listening to English songs ............ 40
Table IV.16 I can't write down the lyrics of the English songs I listen to ..... 40
Table IV.17 I am very interested in listening to English songs ..................... 40
Table IV.18 The English songs I listen to are interesting because the lyrics
are good ...................................................................................... 41
Table IV.19 The English songs that I listen to are fun because the music is
good to listen to .......................................................................... 41
Table IV.20 I want to be able to speak English by listening to English songs
.................................................................................................... 41
Table IV.21 I can't learn English by listening to English songs .................... 42
Table IV.22 Even though I often listen to English songs, I still can't
understand/know the lyrics. ....................................................... 42
Table IV.23 I can't imitate English songs because the lyrics are hard to
understand .................................................................................. 43
Table IV.24 I can't enjoy English songs because I don't know what they
mean ........................................................................................... 43
Table IV.25 The English songs that I listen to are very boring, because the
music is not pleasant to listen to ................................................ 43
Table IV.26 I am interested in English songs whose vocabulary I know the
meaning ...................................................................................... 44
Table IV.27 I translated English song lyrics using google translate .............. 44
Table IV.28 If I can't figure out the meaning of English songs, I will ask my

friend who is good at English .................................................... 44
Table IV.29 I'm interested in listening to English songs but I'm lazy to
know the meaning ...................................................................... 45
Table IV.30 I'm not interested in English songs whose vocabulary I don't
know ........................................................................................... 45
Table IV.31 For me, translating English songs using google translate is not
effective. .................................................................................... 46
Table IV.32 If there's an English song that doesn't catch the title, I'm not
interested in knowing the lyrics. ................................................ 46
Table IV.33 For me it is not important to know the meaning of English
songs .......................................................................................... 46
Table IV.34 The Mean Score of Listening Habit to English Songs ............... 47
Table IV.35 The Frequency of Listening habit to English Songs .................. 48
Table IV.36 The Recapitulation of Listening Habit to English Song
(Positive Categories) .................................................................. 49
Table IV.37 The Recapitulation Score of Listening Habit to English Song
(Positive Categories) .................................................................. 49
Table IV.38 The Recapitulation of Listening Habit to English Song
(Negative Categories) ................................................................ 50
Table IV.39 The recapitulation Score of Listening Habit to English Song
(Negative Categories) ................................................................ 50
Table IV.40 The mean score of Vocabulary Mastery ................................... 52
Table IV.41 The Frequency of Vocabulary Mastery .................................... 53
Table IV.42 Descriptive Statistics .................................................................. 53
Table IV.43 Listening Habit to English song and Vocabulary Mastery ........ 54
Table IV.44 Test of Normality ....................................................................... 55
Table IV.45 The Correlation Between Listening Habit to English Song and
Vocabulary Mastery at Eight Grade Students of Junior High
School 21 Pekanbaru Riau ......................................................... 56


Appendix 1 Syllabus
Appendix 2 Questionnaire and Test
Appendix 3 Students’ Answer
Appendix 4 Recommendation letters



A. Background of the Problem

Listening is one of the four skills of the English language. In English

there are four skills in learning a language, namely listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. Listening has an important place in learning because it is

one of the four main skills in learning language acquisition. Listening can

occur at any number of points in the teaching sequence. In the learning

process, skills in mastering the language are very important needed by

students so that in learning English students can achieve the objectives of the

learning. According to Mendelsohn (1994) as cited on Gilakjani (2011)

“Listening plays an important role in communication as it is said that, of the

total time spent communicating, listening spends 40-50%, speaking 25-30%,

reading 11-16%, and writing about 9%". Thus, that listening has a larger

portion than other skills. And it can be said that it can affect students in

learning English.

The process of listening repeatedly will become a habit. According to

James (2010) as cited on Zara Firsty Meautia (2012) “Habit as an automatic

and mindless behavior to develop consistency and regularity in the healthful

behavior in daily life". Intentional behavior becomes repetitive behavior.

Repeated behavior can lead to habit formation. Without realizing this habit

were become a routine that continues to be done repeatedly on a regular basis

and tends to occur unconsciously.


Interest in English songs can lead students to listen to English songs

more often, and more repetition in an activity can form habits. Students who

like to listen to English songs were usually listen to these songs over and over

again. That way, the habit of listening to English songs were formed in them.

The activity of listening to songs were very easy for them.

Having the habit of listening to English songs were increase students’

English vocabulary. The vocabulary is obtained from the lyrics of English

songs that are often listened to by students. According to Murphey (1992)

cited on Millington (2011) "Song can also be useful tools in the learning of

vocabulary, sentence structures, and sentence patterns, not to mention their

reflectivity of mother tongue culture”. Based on that statement, the influence

of songs in vocabulary learning is very good. From the song can increase

vocabulary mastery. Listening to English songs in daily life can add or affect

our vocabulary mastery. According to Rivers (1994) "Vocabulary mastery

refers to great skills in mastering language words. This is individual

achievement and ownership.” Thus, students who have strong vocabulary

mastery have language skills.

In addition there are still few researchers who research about the

correlation between listening habit to English song and vocabulary mastery.

There is previous research discussed about correlation between listening

ability and vocabulary mastery (Ellys Rafika Sari Turnip et al, 2018), which

focused about correlation between listening ability and vocabulary mastery

level. The previous research about correlation between listening to English


song, vocabulary mastery toward listening skill there is (Dimas Aditya Dwi

Atmaja, 2014) and the previous research about the correlation between habit

in listening to English song, vocabulary mastery and listening skill that are

(Zara Firsty Meutia at al, 2012) and Despita (2020) which focus on the

correlation between habit in listening to English song and vocabulary mastery.

Therefore, the researcher thinks that this research is necessary to be

conducted. Those previous research become the research based research

problems for this research because from those findings, the researcher found

gap which is necessary to be investigated by the researcher.

At SMP Negeri 21 Pekanbaru, use the 2013 curriculum. Based on

2013 curriculum provides vocabulary must be taught and learned in junior

high school. The passing score of the English material researcher was 76.

After doing interview with one of the English teachers and some of the

students at SMP Negeri 21 Pekanbaru, some of the students still had a lack of

vocabulary, some of the students were not able to identify the meaning of the

word, some of the students were not be able to produce their vocabulary, some

of the students were difficult in memorizing the new vocabulary. In the other

hand, there are so many students who like to listen to English songs because it

has become their habit in their daily life.

Based on the description above, the researcher tries to find out whether

or not there is a relationship between listening habit to English song and

vocabulary mastery. This is a way that can help teachers identify students'

listening habits to English song and their vocabulary mastery in the teaching

and learning process in the classroom.


Based on these problems, researchers are interested in conducting

research and conducting a survey on the relationship between students'

listening habit to English song and their vocabulary mastery. Therefore,

researchers are interested in conducting a research entitled "The Correlation

between Listening Habit to English Songs and Vocabulary Mastery at

State Junior High School 21 Pekanbaru".

B. Problem of the Research

1. Identification of the Problem

a. Some of the students still had a lack of vocabulary

b. Some of the students were not able to identify the meaning of the


c. Some of the students were not be able to produce their vocabulary.

d. Some of the students were difficult in memorizing the new


2. Limitation of the Problem

After identifying the problems stated above, thus, the researcher

needs to limit and focus on the correlation between listening habit to

English songs and vocabulary mastery of eight grade students at state

junior high school 21 Pekanbaru.

3. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the explanation of back ground of the study, there are some

problems which can be identified in this field of study:


a. What is listening habit to English songs of eight grade students at

state junior high school 21 Pekanbaru?

b. What is vocabulary mastery of eight grade students at state junior

high school 21 Pekanbaru?

c. Is there any significance correlation between students’ listening habit

to English songs and their vocabulary mastery of eight grade students

at state junior high school 21 Pekanbaru?

C. Objective and Significance of the Research

1. Objective of the Research

a. To describe the score of listening habit to English songs of eight grade

students at state Junior High School 21 Pekanbaru

b. To describe the score of students’ vocabulary mastery of eight grade at

state Junior High School 21 Pekanbaru

c. To examine the correlation between listening habit to English songs and

their vocabulary mastery of eight grade students at state Junior High

School 21 Pekanbaru

2. Significance of the Research

a. The research findings are expected to be very meaningful, especially for

the researcher as a notice of learning how to conduct a research.

b. The research findings are expected to be useful and valuable, especially

for the students and the lecturer of the English Education Department of



c. The research findings are expected to give positive information,

especially for those who are aware teaching and learning English.

d. The research findings are expected to develop the theories on English

language teaching.

e. To fulfill of the requirements for undergraduate degree of English

Education Department of Education and teacher training Faculty of UIN


D. The Definition of the Terms

To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation, it is necessary to

define the term use as follows:

1. Listening Habit

Listening has an important place in learning because it is one of the

four main skills in learning language acquisition. According to

Mendelsohn (1994) as cited on Gilakjani (2011) “Listening plays an

important role in communication as it is said that, of the total time spent

communicating, listening spends 40-50%, speaking 25-30%, reading 11-

16%, and writing about 9%. ". Thus, that listening has a larger portion than

other skills. And it can be said that it can affect students in learning

English. This means that listening is very influential in the process of

learning English and were a good effect on those who do it, it would be

even better if this listening activity is often done repeatedly.

The process of listening repeatedly will become a habit. According

to James (2010) as cited on Zara Firsty Meautia (2012) “Habit as an


automatic and mindless behavior to develop consistency and regularity in

the healthful behavior in daily life". Intentional behavior becomes

repetitive behavior. Repeated behavior can lead to habit formation.

Without realizing this habit were become a routine that continues to be

done repeatedly on a regular basis and tends to occur unconsciously. So it

can be said that these habits are closely related to hobbies.

2. English Songs

To distributed hobby, of course, it is necessary to were an interest

in an object. Which is not only interesting and fun but also useful in

teaching many skills and developing English. According to Murphey

(1992) cited on Millington (2011) "Song can also be useful tools in the

learning of vocabulary, sentence structures, and sentence patterns, not to

mention their reflectivity of mother tongue culture”. Interest in English

songs can lead students to listen to English songs more often, and more

repetition in an activity can form habits. Students who like to listen to

English songs were usually listen to these songs over and over again. That

way, the habit of listening to English songs were formed in them. The

activity of listening to songs were very easy for them to do.

3. Vocabulary Mastery

Having the habit of listening to English songs were increase your

English vocabulary. The vocabulary is obtained from the lyrics of English

songs that are often listened to by students. According to Murphey (1992)

cited on Millington (2011) "Song can also be useful tools in the learning

of vocabulary, sentence structures, and sentence patterns, not to mention

their reflectivity of mother tongue culture”. That way the vocabulary

mastery owned by students were increase and can make it easier for

students to learn English. According to Rivers (1994) "Vocabulary

mastery refers to great skills in mastering language words. This is

individual achievement and ownership.” Thus, students who have strong

vocabulary mastery have language skills.



A. Theoretical Framework

1. Vocabulary Mastery

To improve the language, so have to master the vocabulary.

Vocabulary mastery means get the complete understanding about

vocabulary. Hornby (1995) defines that “Mastery as a complete

knowledge, or complete skills. It is about how great you are in carry the

vocabulary”. Rivers (1994) states that “Vocabulary mastery refers to the

great skill in possessing words of language. It is an individual

achievement and possession”. Based on Nation (2001) there are 3 aspects

in vocabulary, they are:

a. Form

There are a wide variety of techniques used to learn vocabulary

in English. This learning vocabulary technique focuses on using word

forms as a way to broaden your English vocabulary. The great thing

about word forms is that you can learn a number of words with just

one basic definition. In other words, word forms relate to a specific

meaning. Of course, not all of the definitions are the same. However,

the definitions are often closely related. The form is included by

spoken, written and word parts.

b. Meaning

This means understanding the concept of the foreign word or

phrase. Often this is straightforward because the word can be related


to its referent by direct association or because there is equivalent word

in English. The meaning in vocabulary is involved by form and

meaning, concept and referents, and associations.

c. Use

Using the context (or surroundings) of the word, is one way to

get at the meaning of an unknown word. There are 4 types of context

clues: grammatical functions, collocations, constraints on use (register,

frequency ...)

According to Nation (2001) cited on Aulia, et al (2020) there

are 5 indicators of the vocabulary mastery. In this research, only

focused on one sub-aspect of each. They cover Form (written),

Meanings (associations) and Use (grammatical function). The

indicators are discussed in the table II.1.

Tabel II.1
The Vocabulary aspects Taken from Nation
(2001) cited on Aulia, et al(2020)
Vocabulary aspects Indicator

Students can identify synonym of the words.

Meanings Students can identify antonym of the words.
Students can distinguish the root word and word
Form with prefix or suffix.
Students can know in what context they can use
Use the word.
Students can answer questions according to the
context in the text or conversation.

2. Listening Habit

English as foreign language has been learned at school, from

elementary school until senior high school. It has four skills that haveto be

mastered by students. These skills are reading, listening, writing, and


speaking. According to Hegelsen (2003) cited on Ardi (2013) state that

“Listening is an active, purposeful process of making sense of what we

hear”. This demonstrates the importance of listening in the information

processing of what is heard. Listening is very good for students, if it is

often done by students because from listening theycan receive information.

It is highly recommended for students to be able to add insight for

students. Especially if listening to this is often done repeatedly, without

realizing something that is often done repeatedly will become a habit for


Habit is an action that is done repeatedly, the repeated action is a

sign that it is realized that it will become an automatic action, the

automatic action would form a person's habit. According to Lally &

Gardner (2013) cited on Rebar (2020) “Factors that have been shown to

determine the formation of habits are planning and behavior enactment,

strong cue-behavior implicit associations, or increasing the intrinsic value

of the behavior by providing incentives or rewards”.

According to Covey (1997) as cited on Hamdan (2003) “Habit is

the intersection of knowledge (knowledge regarding what to do and

why), skill (skill, which deals with how to do), and desire (desire, with

regard to wanting to do)”.


Picture II.1

The element of knowledge is a habitual element that relates to

individual knowledge about what can be done and why it should be done.

While skill is an element related to how to do it, while desire is related to

encouragement or motivation for why something to do it. The first and

second elements are part of human habits that are external (learned), while

the element of desire/motivation comes fromwithin the individual.

According to Yıldırım & Yıldırım (2016) cited on Shamaila Amir

(2020) state that listening habit to try to understand every word in what

the learner hears. From that explanation, in line with the habit of listening

to English songs, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the song.

Because the meaning of the song can affect the vocabulary mastery of

students who listen to it.


Based on the theories above, it can be stated that listening habit is

activities that are carried out repeatedly and pay attention to get meaning

in listening to songs that have words, melodies, rhythms sung by a singer

in English words by people in everyday life.

3. English Song

There are some benefits of song, furthermore, in the teaching and

learning activity. Using songs in the teaching and learning of English has

become popular since songs can give many benefits due to several reasons.

According to Murphey (1992) cited on Pejic (2016) state that “Listening to

English songs has many benefits for students, and emphasizes that songs

help language development in students and affect short and long term

memory”. When the students listen to English song in the first time, they

try to find the lyric of the song and look up the dictionary to know some

vocabulary that they do not know. Unconsciously, that is the enjoyable

activity learning process in a good way. In other words, if the students

listen to English song frequently, they will get more new words.

According to Murphey (1992) cited on Millington (2011) states

that "Song can also be useful tools in the learning of vocabulary, sentence

structures, and sentence patterns, not to mention their reflectivity of

mother tongue culture”. They are usually based around a theme or topic

that can provide the context for vocabulary learning. Therefore, students

can get the advantages of using song as an input of their English language

learning especially to achieve the vocabulary.


Based on the theories above, it can be stated that English song is

English songs can increase mastery of English vocabulary and make

students easy to remember English vocabulary.

4. Listening Habit to English Song

According to Murphey (1992) cited by Yi-Chun Chen (2009) there

are three indicators of Listening Habit to English Song:

a. Repetitive Action

Students are expected to often listening to English songsand

repeat these activities.

b. Attention

Students are expected to be able pay attention to English


c. Get the meaning

Students are expected to be able to know the meaning of

English Song as a whole.

5. The Correlation between Listening Habit to English Song and

Vocabulary Mastery

English is an international language, a foreign language, where

English here is mandatory for students to learn. To know a language, you

must first know the vocabulary of the language. Vocabulary is one of the

most important in a language. Vocabulary is needed by students to

improve their English skills. The students don't really understand English

because they don't understand the meaning of the words. But to learn

vocabulary is difficult. The students have to remember the words and


practice them. Moreover, English is a foreign language in Indonesia.

Using English outside the classroom isvery difficult because people do not

use English to communicate. The students have few opportunities to use

and apply English in their daily life. Therefore, the teacher must maximize

vocabulary learning in the classroom which still has several obstacles.

One of the problems faced by students is that they get bored easily when

learning a language. So there needs to be new innovations from teachers

to foster student learning motivation so they don't feel bored in learning


Listening to English songs is one of the skills that can motivate

students in learning English, especially in vocabulary mastery. According

to Murphey (1992) cited on Millington (2011) states that "Song can also

be useful tools in the learning of vocabulary, sentence structures, and

sentence patterns, not to mention their reflectivity of mother tongue

culture”. Interest in English songs can lead students to listen to English

songs more often, and more repetition in an activity can form habits.

Students who like to listen to English songs usually listen to these songs

over and over again. That way, the habit of listening to English songs is

formed in him. The activity of listening to songs is very easy for them to

do. According to James (2010) as cited on Zara Firsty Meautia (2012)

states “Habit as an automatic and mindless behavior to develop

consistency and regularity in the healthful behavior in daily life". From

the explanation above, the researcher concludes that the habit of listening

to English songs is correlated with vocabulary mastery. Students' listening


habit to English song will help students to be motivated in learning,

especiallyin learning vocabulary.

B. Relevant Research

According to Syafi'i (2015) required to observe some previous

research conducted by other researchers in which the results are relevant to

our research itself. In other words, the researcher has to inform the designs,

findings, and conclusions of the previous research. To avoid plagiarism from

other research, there is some research that has been conducted concerning this


The first related study is conducted by Ellys Rafika Sari Turnip,

(2018) entitled “Correlation Between Listening Ability and Vocabulary

Mastery at STKIP PGRI Trenggalek”. The purpose of this research was to

find a correlation between listening ability and vocabulary mastery. In this

research, respondents came from second and fourth-semester students at STKIP

PGRI Trenggalek in the 2017/2018 school year. The number of the sample

was 31 people using purposive sampling technique. This research is a

correlation design and quantitative approach. The data obtained in this

research used two tests: gap filling tests for listening and multiple choice tests

for vocabulary tests. This research data is calculated using the Person Product

Moment formula with Microsoft excels application by manually. It showed

that the two variables result is 0.164 it means, there is a correlation but very

low. So the conclusion of this research there is a very low Correlation

between listening ability and vocabulary mastery at STKIP PGRI Trenggalek.

The second relevant research is conducted by Dimas Aditya Dwi


Atmaja (2014) entitled “Relationship between in Listening English songs,

Vocabulary Mastery toward Listening Skill. This research aims at finding the

correlation between interest in listening to English songs, vocabulary mastery

and listening skill. The study involves 29 students of a state school in

Banyudono. They were selected as the sample by using cluster random

sampling. The data on students’ interest in listening to English songs are

collected by using questionnaire and data on students’ vocabulary mastery and

listening skill are collected by using test. The techniques used to analyze the

data are Simple and Multiple Linear Regression and Correlation. The result of

the correlation analysis between two independent variables (interest in listening

to English songs and vocabulary mastery) and one dependent variable

(listening skill) is a positive and significant. The results indicate that: (1)

interest in listening to English songs contributes to listening skill; (2) similar

interaction is found between vocabulary mastery and listening skill; and (3)

interest in listening to English songs and vocabulary mastery simultaneously

contribute to students’ listening skill.

The third relevant research is a research by Zara Firsty Meutia, Abdul

Asib, A. Dahlan Rais entitled “A Correlational Study Between Habit in

Listening to English Songs, Vocabulary Mastery, and Listening Skill”. The

purpose of this research was to find out the correlation between habit in listening

to English songs, vocabulary mastery, and listening skill of the tenth grade

students of SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta in the academic year of 2012/2013. This

research found that there is a positive correlation between habit in listening to

English songs and vocabulary mastery toward listening skill. The result of

Significance Correction from Kolmogorov- Smirnov, it can be concluded that

significance value of habit in listening to English songs (X1) is 0.813 > 0.05;

vocabulary mastery (X2) is 0.533 > 0.05; and listening skill (Y) is 0.541 >

0.05. So, from the result above the data are in normal distribution.

The last relevant research is a research by Despita entitled “A

Correlational Study between Habit in Listening to English Songs, Vocabulary

Mastery, and Listening Skill”. The purpose of this research was to found out

the correlation between habit in listening to English songs, vocabulary

mastery, and listening skill of the tenth grade students of SMK KIMIA YTK

Palembang. The results of the research showed that there is a positive

correlation between habit in listening to English songs and vocabulary mastery

toward listening skill. The result of Significance Correction from Kolmogorov-

Smirnov, it can be concluded that significance value of habit in listening to

English songs (X1) is 0.813 > 0.05; vocabulary mastery (X2) is 0.533 > 0.05;

and listening skill (Y) is 0.541 > 0.05. So, from the result above the data are in

normal distribution.

A few of previous research discussed about listening habit to English

song and vocabulary mastery such as Ellys Rafika Sari Turnip et al, (2018)

focuses on correlation between listening ability and vocabulary mastery,

Dimas Aditya Dwi Atmaja (2014) focuses on relationship between in listening

English songs, vocabulary mastery toward listening skill, Zara Firsty Meutia et

al, (2012) focuses on a correlational study between habit in listening to English

songs, vocabulary mastery, and listening skill, Despita (2020) focuses on a

correlational study between habit in listening to English songs, vocabulary


mastery, and listening skill, while, in this research focus on correlation

students’ listening habit to English song and their vocabulary mastery. In

conclusion some of the researchers conducted the research about correlation

habit in listening to English song to vocabulary mastery and listening skill then

listening ability that focuses on students’ habit in listening to English song,

vocabulary mastery and their listening skill then listening ability. But, in this

research the researcher want to know the correlation between students’ listening

habit to English song and their vocabulary mastery.

C. Operational Concept

Operational concepts are derived from related theoretical concepts on

all of the variables that should be practically and empiritically operated in an

academic writing (Syafi’i, 2013). This is very crucial because operational

concepts are used to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpreting in scientific

research. In order to clarify the theories used in this research, the researcher

would like to explain briefly about variables of this research.

This research is a correlational research. The researcher uses the

quantitative approach with correlation method in this research. If two

variables are highly related, scores on one variable can be used to predict

scores on the other variable. This research uses the quantitative correlational

method because of the analysis stresses on the numerical data process with

statistical data. This research use correlational research method because of

this method shows the relationship and the influence. This research is focused

on two variables, they are:

Variable X is students’ listening habit to English song (independent variable).


Variable Y is students’ vocabulary mastery (dependent variable).


D. Assumption and Hypothesis of the Research

1. Assumption

In this research, the researcher assumes that the more often the

students' listening habit to English song, the better their vocabulary


2. Hypothesis

Based on the assumption above, the researcher formulated the

hypothesis as follows:

Ho: There is no significant correlation between listening habit to

English song and vocabulary mastery.

Ha: There is a significant correlation between listening habit to English

song and vocabulary mastery.



A. Research Design

This research focuses on listening habit to English song and vocabulary

mastery. So, the researcher used quantitative approach in this research.

According to Creswell (2014) “quantitative research is an interrelated set of

constructs (or variables) formed into propositions, or hypotheses, that specify

the relationship among variables (typically in terms of magnitude or

direction)”. There are two variable in this study, this research aimed to

investigate the correlation between listening habit to English songs and

vocabulary mastery.

To relate the two variables, the researcher used correlation design.

According to Ary (2010) “Correlational research methods are used to assess

relationships and patterns of relationship among variables in a single group of

subjects”. In conducting the research, the researcher used a specific formula to

measure the correlation between two variables. Therefore, the data findings

could be well interpreted and concluded based on the research question.

B. Location and Time of the Research

The location of this research was a public Junior High School in

Pekanbaru. It is located in Soekarno Hatta street No.639, Sidomulyo Timur,

Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai, Kota Pekanbaru Riau. The time of collecting

the data to the school was from September to October 2021.


C. Subject and Object of the Research

The subject of this research were of eight grade students at state Junior

High School 21 Pekanbaru. Meanwhile, the object of this research were the

wheather or not there’s correlation between listening habit to English songs

and vocabulary mastery.

D. Population and Sample of the Research

1. Population

The population of this research was the eight grade students at state

junior high school 21 Pekanbaru. According to Sugiyono (2011) "The

population is a generalization area consisting of objects or subjects that

have certain qualities and characteristics determined by the researcher to

be studied and then drawn conclusions”. The total of the population

consisted of 349 students with 9 classes. The VIII-1 class consisted of 40

students, the VIII-2 class consisted of 37 students, the VIII-3 class

consisted of 41 students, the VIII-4 class consisted of 39 students, the

VIII-5 class consisted of 40 students, the VIII-6 class consisted of 39

students, the VIII-7 class consisted of 35 students, the VIII-8 class

consisted of 39 students, and the VIII-9 class consisted of 39 students. The

total numbers of the students as follow:


Table III.1
The population of eight grade students at State Junior
High School 21 Pekanbaru
No. Class Population

1 VIII-1 40

2 VIII-2 37

3 VIII-3 41

4 VIII-4 39

5 VIII-5 40

6 VIII-6 39

7 VIII-7 35

8 VIII-8 39

9 VIII-9 39

Total 349

2. Sample

There are some techniques to take the sample for a research. In order

to get the data for this research, the researcher used a set of questionnaire

and test. In a research, a representative sample is very important to reach

the purpose of the research. According to Bungin (2005), “sampling is a

case of how to organize some technique in taking the sample of the

research, how to stake out the sample in order to be a representative


The sample of this research used simple random sampling. According

to Gay et al., (2012) “Simple random sampling is the process of selecting a

sample in such a way that all individuals in the defined population have an

equal and independent chance of selection for the sample”.

According Arikunto (2006) “Simple random sampling is done if the


population is more than 100 persons, the sample can be taken between 10-

15%, and 20-25%. In this research, there were 349 students as the

population and the researcher took 10% of the population as the sample”.

In this research the sample size was 10% for each class. So, the researcher

took 36 numbers of students as the sample of the research. It can be seen

in the table below:

Table III.2
Table for Determining Sample Size
No. Class Population Sample

1 VIII-1 40X10% 4

2 VIII-2 37X10% 4

3 VIII-3 41X10% 4

4 VIII-4 39X10% 4

5 VIII-5 40X10% 4

6 VIII-6 39X10% 4

7 VIII-7 35X10% 4

8 VIII-8 39X10% 4

9 VIII-9 39X10% 4

Total 36

E. Technique of Data Collection

In order to get the data for this research, the researcher used the

questionnaire and the test.

1. Questionnaire

In this research, the questions in the questionnaire were written in

Bahasa Indonesia in order to make easier the respondents answer the

questions. According to Sugiyono (2011) “Questionnaire is Data


collection techniques are carried out by giving questions or written

statements to respondents to answer”. The questionnaire is adapted from

Yi-Chun Chen (2009). The questionnaire consisted of 33 items which

contained some categories. They are repetitive action, attention and getting

the meaning. In this part, the researcher asked the students to choose one

option that they agreed with. All questions represented listening habit to

English songs. To make easy in determining the interval of the score, all

answer of the questionnaire would be changed become likert scale. A

likert scale assess attitude toward a topic and asking respondents to

indicate for each whether they always, usually, rarely or never. Based on

likert scale, the score of each student would be marked as follows:

a. Positive Categories

1) Score 4, for item always

2) Score 3, for item usually

3) Score 2, for item rarely

4) Score 1, for item never

b. Negative Categories

1) Score 4, for item never

2) Score 3, for item rarely

3) Score 2, for item usually

4) Score 1, for item always

Finally, the total scores of the students’ answer in the questionnaire

would represent their in listening habit to English song.


Table III.3
The Blue Print of Questionnaire
No. Categories Item Number Total Item
Positive Negative
1. Repetitive 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 14,15,16 16
2. Attention 17,18,19,20,21,22,23 24,25,26 10
3. Getting 27,28,29,30 31,32,33 7
Total 33

Based on the table above, according to Murphey (1992) cited by Yi-

Chun Chen (2009) there are three indicators of listening habit to English

songs, which have a total of 33 questionnaire items. Each indicator has a

different number of questionnaire items. The first repetitive action has a

total of 16 items, consisting of 13 items in positive categories and 3 items in

negative categories. The second attention has a total of 10 items, consisting

of 7 items in positive categories and 3 items in negative categories. The last

is to get the meaning, which has a total of 7 items, consisting of 4 positive

categories and 3 negative categories.

2. Test

The researcher used test to assess the vocabulary mastery. According to

Arikunto (2010) “Test is the number of questions or exercises or other tool

to measure one’s skills, intelligence, ability or talent”. It means that test is

one of the ways to collecting data which is conducted by questions to

measure something. In this research the researcher used test to assess the

students’ vocabulary mastery. The test was multiple choices that conducted

based on the vocabulary mastery indicators. The test of vocabulary mastery

consists of 30 items. The result of listening habit to English would like to

correlation between the result vocabulary mastery.


Table III.4
The Blue Print of Vocabulary Test
No. Indicators Items of questions
1 Students can identify synonym of the words. 3, 5, 6, 14, 20, 28
2 Students can identify antonym of the words. 10, 12, 19, 24, 25, 29
3 Students can distinguish the root word and word with 4, 7, 13, 18, 23, 30
prefix or suffix.
4 Students can know in what context they can use the 2,8,11,17,22, 27
5 Students can answer questions according to the 1,9,15,16,21, 26
context in the text or conversation.

Based on the table above, according to Nation (2001) cited by Aulia et

al. (2020), there are five indicators in identifying the vocabulary mastery.

The test questions for vocabulary mastery are 30 items. Each indicator has a

total of 6 test items.

F. Validity and Reliability of Instrument

To obtain the data from the respondents, the researcher made try out for

multiple choice tests to determine the validity and reliability then, analyzed

the reliability and validity used SPPS 22 Program.

1. Validity of Instrument

To analyze the validity of vocabulary mastery test, the researcher

conducted a try out by handing 36 students who was not included in the

research sample. The researcher used SPSS 22 Program to analyze the

data. The researcher compared R observed to R table at significant level of

5% is 0.3291 (df =N-2=34). The R observed of each item should be higher

than the R table to be considered as a valid question. If the observed of r

on the analysis of less than R table, it can be concluded that these items are

not significantly correlated with the total score (declared invalid) and must

be removed or corrected.

a. The validity of test

Table III.5
Validity of Vocabulary Test

Item No. R Observed R Table Result

Item 1 .565 0.329 Valid
Item 2 .525** 0.329 Valid
Item 3 .524 0.329 Valid
Item 4 .551 0.329 Valid
Item 5 .616 0.329 Valid
Item 6 .383 0.329 Valid
Item 7 .492 0.329 Valid
Item 8 .447 0.329 Valid
Item 9 .615 0.329 Valid
Item 10 .643 0.329 Valid
Item 11 .677 0.329 Valid
Item 12 .405 0.329 Valid
Item 13 .445** 0.329 Valid
Item 14 .524 0.329 Valid
Item 15 .515 0.329 Valid
Item 16 .599 0.329 Valid
Item 17 .609 0.329 Valid
Item 18 .588** 0.329 Valid
Item 19 .481 0.329 Valid
Item 20 .591 0.329 Valid
Item 21 .402 0.329 Valid
Item 22 .654 0.329 Valid
Item 23 .523 0.329 Valid
Item 24 .467 0.329 Valid
Item 25 .642 0.329 Valid
Item 26 .436 0.329 Valid
Item 27 .377 0.329 Valid
Item 28 .726 0.329 Valid
Item 29 .591** 0.329 Valid
Item 30 .498 0.329 Valid

From the table above, the researcher concluded that no items are

invalid. So, the researcher used all items in the test.


b. The validity of questionnaire

Table III.6
Validity of Listening Habit to English Songs Questionnaire

Items No. R value R table Result

Item 1 .762 0,329 Valid
Item 2 .823 0,329 Valid
Item 3 .818 0,329 Valid
Item 4 .886 0,329 Valid
Item 5 .861 0,329 Valid
Item 6 .840 0,329 Valid
Item 7 .828 0,329 Valid
Item 8 .775 0,329 Valid
Item 9 .818 0,329 Valid
Item 10 .848 0,329 Valid
Item 11 .776 0,329 Valid
Item 12 .678 0,329 Valid
Item 13 .640 0,329 Valid
Item 14 .629 0,329 Valid
Item 15 .596 0,329 Valid
Item 16 .627 0,329 Valid
Item 17 .829 0,329 Valid
Item 18 .755 0,329 Valid
Item 19 .753 0,329 Valid
Item 20 .769 0,329 Valid
Item 21 .672 0,329 Valid
Item 22 .650 0,329 Valid
Item 23 .670 0,329 Valid
Item 24 .755 0,329 Valid
Item 25 .752 0,329 Valid
Item 26 .651 0,329 Valid
Item 27 .628 0,329 Valid
Item 28 .667 0,329 Valid
Item 29 .618 0,329 Valid
Item 30 .669 0,329 Valid
Item 31 .715 0,329 Valid
Item 32 .640 0,329 Valid
Item 33 .628 0,329 Valid
From the table above, the researcher concluded that no items are

invalid. So, the researcher used all items in the questionnaire.

2. Reliability of Instrument

Reliability has to do with accuracy of measurement. The kind of

accuracy was reflected in obtaining the similar results when measurement


was repeated on different or by different person. According to Creswell

(2012) “Internal consistency reliability is the instrument administered

once, using one version of the instrument”.

The table below is the categories of reliability test used in determining

the level of reliability of the test.

Table III.7
The level of Acceptable Reliability
No Reliable Validity
1 >0.90 Very high
2 0.80-0.90 High
3 0.70-0.79 Reliable
4 0.60-0.69 Marginally/Minimally
5 <0.60 Unacceptably low
(Cohen, Manion&Marison, 2007, p.506)
The researcher also used the SPSS 22.0 program to find out whether

the instrument was reliable or not.

a. Reliability of test

Table III.8
Reliability Statistics of Vocabulary Test

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.745 31

From the table above, it can be seen the value of Cronbach's Alpha

is 0.745. the value is higher than the standard Cronbach's Alpha which

is 0.60. Therefore, it can be concluded that the test is reliable and the

level of reliability is reliable.

b. Reliability of questionnaire

Table III.9
Reliability Statistics of Listening Habit to English Songs

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,971 33

The table above showed the value of Cronbach's Alpha is

0.971 which is >0.60. It means the questionnaire is reliable.

Reliability level, 0.971 is on the very high category.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

The purpose of this research is to measure the correlation between

listening habit to English songs and vocabulary mastery of eight grade students

at State Junior High School 21 Pekanbaru, the researcher use statistic method.

Therefore, the researcher uses correlative research to analyzed the data. Ary

(2002) stated that “statistical techniques for determining relationships between

pairs of scores were as correlational procedures”. In this research, the

researcher used SPSS 22.0 to calculate and analyze the data.

1. The response scale of Listening Habit to English Song and the interval to

classify the gained percentage of questionnaire.

Table III.10
The Response Scale of Listening Habit to English Songs

Rating Scale Positive Score Negative Score

Always 4 1
Usually 3 2
Rarely 2 3
Never 1 4

Table III.11
Table for Classification of Students’ Score

Interval Students’ level of listening habit to

English song
85 – 100 Very High
65 – 84 High
55 – 64 Fair
35 – 54 Low
0 – 34 Very Low

2. The level of vocabulary score by Salkind (1994) can be seen in the table


Table III.12
The level of Vocabulary Score
Score Interpretation Level
80-100 Very High
70-79.99 High
60-69.99 Average
50-59.99 Low
0-49.99 Very Low

3. To analyze whether there is any correlation between those two variables

(the students’ Listening Habit to English Songs and Vocabulary Mastery),

the researcher analyzed by using coefficient correlation of spearman’s rank.

Below the researcher mentions the pattern of coefficient correlation of

spearman’s rank as follow:

P : coefficient correlation of spearman’s rank

d : the difference between the rankings

n : number of observation data

Statistically, the hypotheses are:

Ha is accepted if ro<rtable or there is a significant correlation

between the students’ listening habit to English songs and their vocabulary


Ho is accepted if ro>rtable or there is no significant correlation

between the students’ listening habit to English songs and their vocabulary



A. Conclusion

The purpose of this research was to find out the correlation between

listening habit to English songs and vocabulary mastery. Based on findings

and discussion, the researcher concluding that listening habit to English song

did not effect students vocabulary mastery significantly. One other hand,

many aspects contributed to vocabulary mastery such as speaking, reading,

and writing.

B. Suggestion

Based on the finding, the researcher would like to propose several

suggestions, as follows:

1. To the teacher, it is better to pay more attention to the students’ vocabulary

mastery and help the students to enrich their vocabulary mastery by using

various methods or techniques to make the students more interested to

learn vocabulary.

2. For the students, they must implement method or technique from their

teacher to master vocabulary because vocabulary mastery plays an

important role in learning English, in order to develop their language

skills. The students should train themselves as much as possible in order to

enrich their knowledge and improve their vocabulary mastery.

3. Finally, the researcher hopes the findings of this research may be reference


to the following research for further research with the different objectives,

sample, methodology, and occasion.


Ardi, Y. A. (2013). "Listening Media" Application Media in Preparing Listening

Material. Lingua Didaktika, 6.

Arikunto, S. (2006). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: PT


Arikunto, Suharsini. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian- Suatu Pendekatan Praktek.

Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Aulia, H. R., et al. (2020). The Effect of Duolingo application on Students’

English Vocabulary Mastery: English Language Education Study Program
Association, Vol.4, No.2.

Bungin, Burhan. (2005). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif. Jakarta: Prenadamedia.


LISTENING SKILL. Journal of English Education.

Dimas Aditya Dwi Atmaja, N. E. (2014). Relationship Between Interest In Listening

English Songs, Vocabulary Mastery Toward Listening Skill.

Gay, L. R., Mills, G.E., & Airasian, P.W.(2012). Educational

Research:competencies for analysis. New Jearsey: Pearson

Gilakjani, A. P. (2011). as study of factors affecting EFL learners' english listening

comprehension and the strategies for imprehension and the strategies for
impovement . Journal of Language Teaching and Research.

Hornby, A.S. (1995). Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English.

Oxford: Oxford University

Millington, N. T. (2011). Using Song Effectively to Teach English to Young Learners.

Language Education in Asia, 2(1), 134.

Nation, I.S.P. (2001). Learning Vocabulary in another Language. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press

Pejic, N. D. (2016, October). The Effect of Using Songs on Young Learners and their
Motivation for Learning english. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(2).

Rebar, M. S. (2020, November). Habits.

Sugiyono. (2011). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif,
Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung: CV. ALFABETA.

Schmidt, J. C. (2010). Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied

Linguistics. Malaysia: Pearson Education Limited.

Yi-Chun Chen, P.-C. C. (2009). The Effect of English Popular Songs on Learning
Motivation and Learning Performance. An Interdisciplinary Journal, 13-

Zara Firsty Meautia, A. A. (2012). A Correlation Study Between Habit in Listening to

English Songs, Vocabulary Mastery, and Listening Skill.

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN 21 PEKANBARU
Kelas / Semester : VIII/Ganjil& Genap
Tahun Pelajaran : 2020/2021
Kompetensi Inti:
 KI1dan KI2: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianut nya
serta Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, percaya
diri, peduli, dan bertanggung jawab dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai
dengan perkembangan anak dilingkungan, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat
dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, dan kawasan regional.
 KI3: Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural, dan metakognitif pada tingkat teknis dan spesifik sederhana
berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,seni,
budaya dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, dan kenegaraan terkait
fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
 KI4: Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara
kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, dan komunikatif, dalam ranah
konkret dan ranah abstrak sesuai dengan yang dipelajari disekolah dan
sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang teori.
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Nilai Karakter Kegiatan Sumber Belajar Penilaian
pendapat, serta -Ungkapan a.l. dalam  Kamus
menanggapinya, Excuse me, Isit interaksi Bahasa Inggris
sesuai dengan clear?,Great, I dengan guru  Pengalaman peserta
thinkso.,dsb. dan teman didik danguru
- Ucapan, secara alami
penggunaannya di dalam dan
tekanan kata,
intonasi, ejaan, diluar kelas
tanda baca, -Melakukan refleksi

4.1Menyusun teks dan tulisan  Melakukan Religius prosesdan hasil • Lisan

interaksi tangan tindak tutur Mandiri belajar • Tertulis
interpersonal  ungkapan

lisan dan tulis Interaksi antara meminta Gotong royong • Penugasan
sangat pendek peserta didik dan perhatian, • Kejujuran • Unjukkerja
dan sederhana guru didalam dan
• Kerja keras • Portofolio
yang diluar kelas yang dalam bahasa • Percaya diri
melibatkan tindakan meminta

inggris dengan
tindakan perhatian, percaya diri Kerjasama
meminta mengecek  Melakukan
perhatian, pemahaman, tindak tutur
mengecek menghargai ungkapan
pemahaman, kinerja, meminta menghargai
kinerja dalam
menghargai dan
bahasa inggris
kinerja,serta mengungkapkan dengan percaya
meminta dan pendapat yang diri
mengungkapka dapat  Melakukan
n pendapat, dan menumbuhkan percakapan
menanggapinya perilaku yang interpersonal
dengan termuat di KI dengan
memperhatikan menggunakan
fungsi sosial, ungkapan
struktur pendapat melalui
teks,dan unsur kegiatan
kebahasaan terintegrasi
yang benar dan menyimak,
sesuai konteks membaca,
berbicara dan
menulis dengan
percaya diri
3.2Menerapkan fungsi  Fungsi social  Menentukan • Religius - Menyimak,  Buku • Lisan
sosial, struktur teks, Menjelaskan, tujuan • Mandiri membaca, dan
menirukan, guru
Penunjang Kurikulum
2013 Mata Pelajaran
• Tertulis
dan unsure kebahasaan komunikatif teks
teks interaksi
memaparkan • Gotongroyong membacakan Bahasa Inggris When • Penugasan
transaksional lisan dan mengajak,
kemampuan dan • Kejujuran beberapa teks English • Unjukkerja

kemauan, pendek berisi
tulisyang dans Kerjakeras
melakukan suatu kemampuan dan • Portofolio
Melibatkan tindakan ebagainya. tindakan • Percaya diri kemauan, dengan
 Mengidentifikasi • Kerjasama
 Struktur teks struktur teks dantekanan kata
yang benar
kemampuan dan - Menanyakan
kemauan, hal-hal yang
melakukan suatu tidak diketahui
tindakan atau yang
 Mengidentifikasi
dalam teks
 Mengidentifikasi
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Nilai Kegiatan Pembelajaran Sumber Penilaian
Pemebelajaran Belajar
memberi dan - Memulai Memaparkan kemampuan Berbeda Rings TheBell,
meminta informasi dan kemauan, melakukan KelasVIII,
- Menanggapi - Menentukan modal yang
terkait kemampuan suatu tindakan orang Kemendikbud,
(diharapkan/diluard tepat untuk diisikan
disekitarnya dengan baik RevisiTahun2017
dan kemauan, ugaan) kedalam kalimat-kalimat
sesuai dengan struktur teks  Kamus
melakukan suatu  Unsur dan unsure kebahasaan
tindakan, sesuai kebahasaan - Bertanya jawab dengan teman
tentang kemampuan dan  Pengalamanp
dengan konteks - Ungkapan esertadidik
kemauan masing-masing
penggunaannya. kemampuan dan danguru
untuk melakukant indakan-
(Perhatikan unsure kemauan yang
tindakan tertentu
kebahasaan sesuai, dengan
modal: can, will. - Memaparkan hasil temuannya
can,will) dalam bentuk teks pendek
- Nominasingular
tentang temannya dan
dan plural dengan
atau tanpa a, the,
dikelompok lain diikutitanya
4.2Menyusun teks interaksi - Ucapan, tekanan  Menggunakan • Religius - Melakukan refleksi tentang • Lisan
proses dan hasil belajarnya
transaksional lisan kata, intonasi, ungkapan yang • Mandiri • Tertulis
dan tulis sangat tepat dalam struktur

ejaan, tanda baca,
pendek dan dan tulisan tangan teks yang runtut Gotongroyo • Penugasan
sederhana yang  Topik Interaksi dengan unsure ng • Unjukkerja
melibatkan tindakan antara peserta
kebahasaan yang
benar sesuai
• Kejujuran • Portofolio
memberi dan didik didalam dan konteks • Kerjakeras
meminta informasi di
luar kelas yang
memaparkan • Percayadiri
terkait kemampuan kemampuan dan
dan kemauan, melibatkan kemauan, • Kerjasama
melakukan suatu kemampuan dan melakukan suatu
tindakan, dengan kemauan tindakan dalam
bentuk tulisan
memperhatikan melakukan
fungsi sosial, struktur tindakanyang  Menggunakan
teks, dan unsur dapat
kebahasaan yang menumbuhkan kemampuan dan
benar dan sesuai perilakuyang kemauan,
konteks termuatdiKI melakukan suatu
tindakan orang
disekitarnya dengan
tepat dalam struktur
teks yang runtut
dengan unsure
kebahasaan yang
benar sesuai
konteks dalam
bentuk tulisan
maupun lisan.
3.3Menerapkan  Fungsi sosial  Menentukan tujuan • Religius -Menyimak, membaca,  Buku
• Lisan
komunikatif teks danmenirukan, guru Penunjang
ungkapan keharusan,
larangan dan
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Nilai Karakter Kegiatan Pembelajaran Sumber Penilaian
Pemebelajaran Belajar
sosial, struktur Menyuruh, Himbauan • Mandiri membacakan beberapa Kurikulum20 • Tertulis
• •
percakapan, dengan 13
teks, dan unsure melarang, dan  Mengidentifik Gotongroyong ucapan dan tekanan kata MataPelajara Penugasan
kebahasaan teks menghimbau. asi struktur
• Kejujuran yang benar nBahasaInggr • Unjukkerja
interaksi  Struktur teks teks ungkapan
• - Menanyakan hal-hal isWhenEnglis
- Memulai
keharusan, Kerjakeras
hRings • Portofolio

larangan dan yang tidak diketahui
lisan dan tulis Percaya diri TheBell,
- Menanggapi himbauan atau yang berbeda

yang melibatkan KelasVIII,
 Mengidentifikas Kerjasama - Menentukan modal
tindakan rdugaan) yang tepat untuk Kemendikbud
i unsure ,
memberi dan
 Unsur kebahasaan
diisikan kedalam
meminta kebahasaan kalimat-kalimat
dalam teks 017
informasi terkait rumpang
- Ungkapan  Mengidentifikasi - Diberikan beberapa  Kamus
keharusan, keharusan, ungkapan kasus, bertanya jawab Bahasa
larangan, dan larangan, keharusan, dengan teman tentang Inggris
himbauan, sesuai himbauan
dengan modal
larangan dan keharusan, larangan,  Pengalaman
dengan konteks himbauandari himbauan melakukan peserta didik
penggunaannya must,(don’t) orang disekitarnya
have tindakan-tindakan dan guru
(Perhatikan dengan baiksesuai tertentu
to...,should, dengan struktur
- Nominasing teks dan unsure - Memaparkan hasil
kebahasaan ulardanplural temuannya dalam
must, should) denganatau tanpa bentuk teks pendek
tentang temannya dan
4.3Menyusun a,the, this,  Menggunak • Religius mempresentasikan • Lisan
teks interaksi
an ungkapan yang • Mandiri dikelompok lain • Tertulis
transaksional tepatdalam struktur
lisan dan tulis - Ucapan,teka teks yang • Gotongroyong
diikutitanya jawab
• Penugasan
- Melakukan refleksi
sangat pendek
nankata,intonasi, runtutdenganunsurke • Kejujuran tentang proses dan hasil • Unjuk kerja
dan sederhana antulisantangan
• Kerjakeras belajarnya
• Portofolio
yang melibatkan
 Topik mengungkapkankeha • Percaya diri

Interaksi antara rusan, larangan dan
memberi dan himbauandalambent Kerjasama
peserta didik dan
meminta uktulisan
gurudi dalam dan
informasi terkait
diluar kelas yang  Menggunaka
keharusan, n ungkapan
melibatkan keharusan, larangan
larangan, dan
keharusan, dan himbauan orang
larangan, disekitarnya dengan
himbauan yang tepat dalam struktur
memperhatikan teks yang runtut
fungsi sosial, dengan unsure
struktur teks, dan kebahasaan yang
unsur benar sesuai konteks
kebahasaan yang dalam bentuk tulisan
maupun lisan.
benar dan sesuai
KompetensiDasar Materi Indikator Nilai Kegiatan Sumber Belajar Penilaian
Karakter Pembelajaran
perilaku yang
termuat diKI
3.4Menerapkan  Fungsi social  Mengidentifika • Religius - Menyimak,  Buku • Lisan
fungsi sosial, Menjaga si ungkapan • Mandiri menirukan, dan
• Tertulis
struktur teks, dan yang digunakan
unsure kebahasaan
untuk • Gotong royong beberapa contoh Mata Pelajaran • Penugasan
teks interaksi dengan guru dan
ungkapan • Kejujuran percakapan, den Bahasa Inggris • Unjukkerja
• Kerja keras
menyuruh ganucapan dan When English
interpersonal lisan teman. dalam bahasa tekanan kata yang Rings The Bell, • Portofolio
dan tulis yang
 Strukturteks Inggris • Percaya diri benar KelasVIII,
- Memulai  Mengide • Kerjasama
- Mengidentifikasi Kemendik bud,
tindakan ntifikasi ungkapan yang Revisi Tahun2017
menyuruh, - Menanggapi sedang dipelajari  Kamus
mengajak, rdugaan) n yang - Menanyakan hal- Bahasa Inggris
memintaijin, serta digunaka hal yang tidak  Pengalaman peserta
 UnsurKebah n untuk diketahui atau didik dan guru
asaan mengaja yang berbeda
sesuai dengan
- Ungkapan k - Menentukan
a.llet’s ...,  Mengidentifika ungkapan yang
penggunaannya canyou ..., tepat secara
si ungkapan
would you like yang digunakan lisan/tulis dari
...,may I,please. untuk meminta berbagai situasi lain
- Nominasingular ijin dalam yang serupa
dan plural dengan bahasa Inggris - Membiasakan
4.4Menyusun teks atau tanpa a,the,  Melakukan • Religius menerapkan yang • Lisan
this, sedang dipelajari
tindak tutur • Mandiri dalam interaksi • Tertulis
interpersonal menyuruh
lisan dan tulis
b. dalam bahasa • Gotongroyong dengan guru dan • Penugasan
- Ucapan, tekanan inggris dengan • Kejujuran teman secara
alami di dalam dan • Unjukkerja
kata, intonasi,
pendek dan
percaya diri
• Kerjakeras di luar kelas • Portofolio
ejaan, tanda

• Percaya diri
sederhana baca,dan tulisan
- Melakukan refleksi
yang tangan tentang proses dan
melibatkan  Topik
terungkapan • Kerjasama hasil belajar
tindakan Interaksi antara dalam bahasa
menyuruh, guru dan peserta inggris dengan
mengajak, didk didalam percaya diri
meminta ijin, Dan diluar kelas  Melakukan
dan percakapan
menanggapi interpersonal
nya dengan dengan
memperhatik ungkapan
an fungsi meminta ijin
sosial, melalui
struktur teks, kegiatan
dan unsur terintegrasi
kebahasaan menyimak,
yang benar
berbicara dan
dan menulis dengan
percaya diri
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Nilai Karakter Kegiatan SumberBelaja Penilaian
Pemebelajaran r
Sesuai konteks yang melibatkan
tindakan menyuruh,
mengajak, meminta
ijin yang dapat
perilaku yang
termuat di KI
3.5Membandingkan  Fungsi social  Mengidentifik • Religius - Mencermati dan  Buku • Lisan
fungsi sosial, Menjagahubungan asi perbedaan • Mandiri menemukan
perbedaan dan
Kurikulum 2013
• Tertulis
struktur teks, dan
dan unsur
persamaan • Gotongroyong persamaan dari Mata Pelajaran • Penugasan
dengan guru dan
kebahasaan teman.
dari beberapa • Kejujuran beberapa Bahasa Inggris • Unjukkerja
• Kerjakeras
greeting card greeting card When English
beberapa teks
untuk hari untuk hari Rings The Bell, • Portofolio
khusus dalam
 Struktur TeksTeks special • Percaya diri special tertentu KelasVIII,
bentuk greeting -
• Kerjasama
greetingcarddapat tertentu Mengidentifik Kemendik bud,
card, dengan mencakup  Mengidentifikasi asi dan Revisi Tahun2017
memberi dan ucapan selamat menyebutkan  Kamus
meminta yang ada dengan ucapan Bahasa
- Identifikasi(namaperi selamat yang Inggris
informasi terkait stiwa, ucapan dan
dengan hari-hari hariistimewa)bersifat tekanan kata yang ada dengan  Pengalaman
benar ucapan dan peserta didik dan
spesial, sesuai khusus tekanan
dengan konteks - Ungkapankhusus  Mengidentifik katayang
penggunaannya yangrelevan asi perbedaan benar
- dan
persamaan - Mencermati dan
komposisiwarna menemukan
dari beberapa
 UnsurKebahasaan greeting card perbedaan dan
persamaan dari
-Ungkapana.l. untuk event
Congratulatio lain
greeting card
ns. Well  Membuat greeting • Religius untuk event lain • Lisan
done.Goodjob.,dll. card terkait • Mandiri - Mengidentifikas • Tertulis
mbentukgreeting hariistimewa yang
card, sangat relevan dengan • Gotongroyong i perbedaan dan
• Penugasan
persamaan, dan
pendekdanseder pesertadidiksaatitu. • Kejujuran memberikan • Unjuk kerja
hana,terkait  Menyajikan • Kerjakeras penilaiannya
• Portofolio
• Percaya diri
hari- penilaian dari - Membuat
hasilidentifikasiper greeting card
bedaandanpersama • Kerjasama terkait hari
angreetingcard istimewa yang
fungsisosial,stru relevan dengan
ktur teks, peserta didik
danunsur saat itu.
kebahasaan,seca - Melakukan
rabenardan refleksi tentang
proses dan hasil
KompetensiDasar Materi Indikator NilaiKarakter KegiatanPembelajaran Sumber Belajar Penilaian
Sesuaikonteks -Ucapan,
tekanan kata,
 TopikPeristiwa,
tahun, naik
dsb.yang dapat
perilaku yang
termuat diKI
3.6 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Fungsi social  Mengidentifikasi • Religius - Menyimak dan menirukan  Buku • Lisan
struktur teks, dan Menyebutkan, kalimatmenanyakan dan • Mandiri
guru menanyakan dan
menyebutkan keberadaan
• Tertulis
unsure kebahasaan teks menyebutkan keberadaan
interaksi transaksional
orang, benda, binatang • Gotongroyong orang, benda,binatang 2013 Mata • Penugasan
lisan dan tulis yang inventaris,
dirumah, sekolah, dan • Kejujuran dirumah, sekolah, dan Pelajaran • Unjukkerja

sekitarnya,dengan tata sekitarnya, dengan tata Bahasa
melibatkan tindakan dan Kerjakeras
bahasa, ucapan dan tekanan bahasa, ucapan dan Inggris When • Portofolio
memberi dan meminta sebagainya. kata yang benar • Percaya diri tekanan kata yang benar English Rings
informasi terkait
keberadaan orang,
 Strukturteks  Mengidentifikasi • Kerjasama
- Mencermati beberapa The Bell,
keberadaan orang, benda, teks pendek tentang KelasVIII,
benda, binatang, sesuai - Memulai situasi suatu tempat Kemendik
binatang dan jumlahnya
dengan konteks - Menanggapi(dih dari teks pendek tentang dengan menyebutkan bud,
arapkan/diluar situasi suatutempat keberadaan orang, benda, RevisiTahun2
dugaan) 017
(Perhatikan unsure  Mengidentifikasi
binatang dan jumlahnya
kebahasaan there is/are)
 UnsurKebah ungkapan jumlah yang
untuk kemudian  Kamus
asaan membaca dengan ucapan BahasaIn
tepat pada kalimat-kalimat
- Ungkapandeng dan tekanan kata yang ggris
an Thereis/are benar  Pengalamanp
- Kata jumlah - Mengisikan denga esertadidik
yang tidak nungkapan jumlah yang danguru
tertentu: little, tepat pada kalimat-
few, some, kalimat rumpang
many, much, - Membuat teks pendek
alot(of). untuk mendeskripsikan
- Frasakata rumah masing-masing
dan sekitarnyadengan
menyebutkan keberaan
4.6Menyusun teks  Mengisikan dengan • Religius • Lisan
interaksi ungkapan jumlahyang • Mandiri • Tertulis
transaksionall tepat pada kalimat-
isan kalimat rumpang • Gotongroyong • Penugasan
 Membuat teks pendek • Kejujuran • Unjukkerja
Kompetensi Materi Indikator Nilai Karakter Kegiatan Pembelajaran Sumber Penilaian
Pemebelajaran Belajar
depan: in ,on, under, in Mendeskripsikan rumah • Kerjakeras

Dan tulis sangat orang, benda, binatang dan
• Percaya diri
pendek dan fron tof, below, above, masing-masing dan jumlahnya, dengan ejaan dan
sederhana yang dan lain lain. sekitarnya dengan tanda baca yang benar
-Ucapan,tekanan kata, menyebutkan keberaan • Kerjasama - Mempresentasikan
intonasi, ejaan, tanda orang, benda, binatang dan dikelompok lain dan
tindakan memberi baca, dan tulisan tangan jumlahnya, dengan ejaan
bertanya jawab tentang isi
dan meminta
 Topik Keberadaan dan tanda baca yang benar teks
informasi terkait
orang, binatang,  Mempresentasikan di - Melakukan refleksi tentang
keberadaan orang, kelompok lain dan proses dan hasil belajarnya
benda, dikelas,
benda, binatang, bertanya jawab tentang isi
sekolah, rumah, dan
dengan teks
sekitarnya yang dapat
fungsi sosial,
perilaku yang termuat
struktur teks, dan
di KI
unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan
sesuai konteks
7Menerapkan fungsi  Fungsi social  Mengidentifikasi ungkapan- • Religius - Menyimak dan menirukan  Buku • Lisan
sosial, struktur Menjelaskan, ungkapanyang • Mandiri guru membacakan teks-teks
pendek dan sederhana tentang
• Tertulis
teks,dan unsure menunjukkan kejadian rutin
kebahasaan teks
dalam teks • Gotongroyong kejadian rutin yang 13 Mata • Penugasan
interaksi  Strukturteks  Mengidentifikasi kejadian• Kejujuran merupakan kebenaran umum Pelajaran • Unjukkerja
transaksional lisan rutin yang serupa dengan • Kerjakeras yang sangat dikenal peserta Bahasa
- Memulai didik, dengan ucapan dan Inggris When • Portofolio
• Percaya diri
dan tulis yang yang disebutkan dalamteks
- Menanggapi pada konteks lain tekanan kata yang benar English Rings
melibatkan -
Mengidentifikasi kegiatan• Kerjasama
(diharapkan/ diluar  Mengidentifikasi ungkapan- The Bell,
tindakan memberi dugaan) ungkapan yang KelasVIII,
rutin yang biasa, sering,
dan meminta
 Unsur kebahasaan kadang-kadang,biasanya,
menunjukkan kejadian rutin
dalam teks
, Revisi
informasi terkait
- Kalimat deklaratif dan tidak pernah mereka
- Menanyakan tentang Tahun2017
keadaan / tindakan interogatif dalam lakukan sebagai anggota
/kegiatan/kejadiany Simple Present Tense. keluarga dan remaja sekolah kejadian rutin yang serupa  Kamus
dengan yang disebutkan Bahasa
angdilakukan/terja- Adverbia: menengah
dalam teks pada konteks lain Inggris
di secara rutin atau always, often,  Mengidentifikasi
informasi tentang hal-hal - Bertanya jawab tentang
Kebenaran umum, yang biasa, sering,
dilakukan dikeluarganya
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indik Nilai Karakter Kegiatan Pembelajaran Sumber Penilaian
Pemebelajaran Belajar
Sesuai dengan konteks sometimes,never, kegiatan rutin yang biasa,  Pengalaman
penggunaannya. usually,every sering, kadang-kadang, peserta didik
(Perhatikan unsure - Nominasingulard biasanya, tidak pernah dan guru
anplural mereka lakukan sebagai
kebahasaan simple
denganatau tanpa anggota keluarga dan remaja
present tense) sekolah menengah
a,the, this,
those,my,their,ds - Mengumpulkan
b. informasitentang hal-hal
- Ucapan, tekanan yang biasa,sering, kadang-
kadang, biasanya dilakukan

kata, intonasi,
4.7Menyusun teks interaksi
ejaan, tanda  Membuat teks-teks Religius dikeluarganya untuk • Lisan
transaksional lisan dan baca, dan tulisan pendek dan • Mandiri membuat teks-teks pendek • Tertulis
tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana tentang

tangan dan sederhana
tentang hal-halyang Gotongroyong • Penugasan
sederhana yang
 Topik Kegiatan/ biasa, sering,
• Kejujuran
- Saling menyimak dan bertanya
• Unjukkerja
melibatkan tindakan jawab tentang teks masing-
kejadian sehari-
memberi danmeminta hari dan
• Kerjakeras masing dengan teman-
• Portofolio

informasi terkait keadaan temannya
kebenaran dilakukandi Percaya diri
/ndakan/ - Melakukan refleksi tentang

Umum yang keluarganya
Kerjasama proses dan hasil belajarnya
kegiatan/kejadian yang dapat  Melakukan
dilakukan/terjadi secara menumbuhkan percakapan tentang
rutin atau merupakan perilaku yang hal-hal yang biasa,
kebenaran umum, dengan sering, kadang-
termuat diKI
memperhatikan fungsi kadang, biasa nya
sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks

3.8Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Fungsi social  Menyebutkan • Religius -Menyimak dan menirukan guru Buku • Lisan
struktur teks, dan unsure Menjelaskan, kegiatan yang sedang • menyebutkan tindakan, Penunjang
Mandiri kegiatan yang sedang • Tertulis
kebahasaan teks interaksi dilakukan dikelas, Kurikulum20
transaksional lisan dan
n sekolah, dan rumah • Gotong royong dilakukan di kelas, sekolah, 13 Mata • Penugasan
tulis yang pada saat diucapkan, • Kejujuran
dan rumah pada saat Pelajaran • Unjukkerja
diucapkan, dengan ucapan
 Struktur teks
dengan ucapan dan
tekanan kata yang
• Kerja keras dan tekanan kata yang benar
Inggris When • Portofolio
- Memulai benar • Percaya diri
- Menanggapi  Mengidentifikasi • Kerjasama
yang menunjukkan
kejadian yang sedang
 Menyebutkan tindakan,
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pemebelajaran Indikator Nilai Karakter Kegiatan SumberBelaj Penilaian
Melibatkan tindakan (diharapkan /di luar yang sedang - Mengidentifikasi English Rings
memberi dan dugaan) dilakukan oleh ungkapan- The Bell,
meminta informasi  Unsur anggota keluarga ungkapan yang KelasVIII,
kebahasaan mereka dengan menunjukkan Kemendikbud,
ucapan dan tekanan kejadian yang Revisi
keadaan/tindakan/k - Kalimat deklaratif dan kata yang benar Tahun2017
sedang terjadi
egiatan/kejadian interogatif dalam
Present  Menyebutkan - Bertanya  Kamus
yang sedang tindakan, kegiatan jawab untuk Bahasa
dilakukan/berlangs yang sedang mengetahui Inggris
- Adverbia:now
ung saat dilakukan yang tindakan,  Pengalama
diucapkan, sesuai - Nomina singular dan tampak pada kegiatan yang npesertadidik
plural dengan atau tampilan visual (a.l. sedang danguru
dengan konteks
tanpa a, the, this, gambar,video) dilakukan
penggunaannya. those,my,their,dsb. oleh anggota
(Perhatikan unsure - Ucapan,tekanan keluarga
kebahasaan present kata,intonasi, ejaan, mereka
continuous tense) tanda baca, dan tulisan - Menyebutkan
tangan tindakan,
 Topik Kegiatan kegiatan yang
dan kejadian sedang
yangsedang dilakukan yang
tampak pada
4.8Menyusun teks berlangsung dirumah,  Menyusun teks • Religius tampilan visual • Lisan
interaks sekolah dan
sekitarnya yang
interaksi • Mandiri (a.l.gambar,vide • Tertulis
itransaksional lisan transaksional lisan
• Gotongroyong
dan tulis sangat • Penugasan
dan tulis sangat dapat menumbuhkan - Membuat
pendek dan perilaku yang pendek dan sederhana • Kejujuran teks pendek • Unjukkerja
sederhana yang termuat di KI yang melibatkan
tindakan member dan
• Kerjakeras berdasarkan
• Portofolio
melibatkan tindakan meminta informasi • Percaya diri visual
memberi dan
• Kerjasama
terkait keadaan lainnya
meminta informasi /tindakan/kegiatan/kej - Saling menyimak
terkait adian yang sedang danbertanyajawab
keadaan/tindakan/k dilakukan/ tentang teks
egiatan/kejadian berlangsungsaat masing-masing
diucapkan, dengan dengan teman-
yang sedang
memperhatikan temannya
dilakukan/berlangsu fungsi sosial, struktur
ng saat diucapkan, - Melakukan refleksi
teks,dan unsur tentang proses dan
dengan kebahasaan yang hasil belajarnya
memperhatikan benar dan sesuai
fungsi sosial, konteks
struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan
sesuai konteks
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Nilai Karakter Kegiatan Pembelajaran Sumber Penilaian
Pemebelajaran Belajar
3.9Menerapkan fungsi  Fungsi social  Membadingkan • Religius - Menyimak dan  Buku • Lisan
sosial, struktur Mengidentifikasi, jumlah dan sifat • Mandiri menirukan guru
membaca interaksiyang
• Tertulis
teks,dan unsure orang, benda,
kebahasaan teks
binatang, dengan • Gotongroyong menggambarkan Mata Pelajaran • Penugasan
interaksi mengkritik,
ucapan dan tekanan • Kejujuran perbandingan jumlah Bahasa Inggris • Unjukkerja
• Kerjakeras
kata yang benar dan sifat orang, benda, When English
transaksional lisan mengagumi.
 binatang, dengan ucapan Rings The Bell, • Portofolio
• Percaya diri
dan tulis yang Menjawab
pertanyaan dan tekanan Kelas VIII,
melibatkan tindakan  Struktur teks dengan • Kerjasama
katayangbenar Kemendikbud,
memberi dan
- Memulai menggunakan - Menjawab pertanyaan Revisi
meminta informasi informasi yang dengan menggunakan Tahun2017
terkait perbandingan
- Menanggapi informasi yang  Kamus
(diharapkan/diluar terdapat dalam
jumlah dan sifat teks, secara lisan. terdapat dalam teks, Bahasa
dugaan) secara lisan.
orang, binatang,
 Unsur  Mendeskripsikan Inggris
benda, sesuai dengan perbandingan - Mendeskripsikan  Pengalaman
kebahasaan perbandingan jumlah peserta didik
konteks jumlah dan sifat
- Kalimat orang, dansifat orang, benda, dan guru
penggunaannya perbandingan binatang yang tampak
(Perhatikan unsure positif, komparatif dalam dua gambar yang
yang tampak
kebahasaan degree of dan super latif berbeda
dalam dua gambar
comparison) dengan: as... yang berbeda - Bertanya jawab untuk
as,-er,-est,  Mengajukan pertanyaan
orang,benda, binatang
more..., the dan jawab anter kait
most... yang mereka ketahui di
- Perbandinganjuml rumah, sekolah dan
orang,benda,binatang sekitarnya
ah: yang mereka ketahui
more,fewer,less dirumah, sekolah dan - Membuat beberapa
- Nominasingular sekitarnya teks pendek dan
4.9Menyusun teks dan plural dengan
atau tanpa a,the,
 Membuat beberapa teks • Religius membandingkan • Lisan
interaksi transaksional
pendek dan sederhana • Mandiri orang, benda, • Tertulis
lisan dan tulis sangat membandingkan
pendek dan sederhana
those,my,their,dsb. orang,benda,binatang • Gotongroyong binatang yang
mereka ketahui • Penugasan
yang melibatkan
- Ucapan, tekanan yang mereka ketahui • Kejujuran - Saling menyimak • Unjukkerja
tindakan memberi dan ejaan,tanda
 Mengajukan pertanyaan • Kerjakeras danbertanyajawab
• Portofolio
• Percaya diri
meminta informasi dan jawaban tentang tentangteks masing-
baca,dan tulisan
teks masing-masing masing denganteman-
terkait perbandingan tangan
jumlah dan sifat  Topik
dengan teman- • Kerjasama temannya
temannya - Melakukan refleksi
orang, binatang, Perbandingan tentangprosesdanhasil
benda, dengan orang, benda, belajarnya
memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan
Yang benar dan
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Nilai Karakter Kegiatan Pembelajaran SumberBelajar Penilaian
Sesuai konteks Binatang dikelas,
yang dapat
perilaku yang
termuat diKI
3.10 Menerapkan  Fungsi  Mengidentifikasi • Religius - Membaca dan  Buku • Lisan
fungsisosial, struktur sosialMelapor beberapa • Mandiri mencermati teks-teks
pendekdan sederhana
Kurikulum2013 • Tertulis
kejadian,kegiatan yang
• Gotongroyong
teks, dan unsur kan,mencerita
kebahasaan teks terjadi di masa tentang beberapa Mata Pelajaran • Penugasan
interaksi transaksional menjelaskankejadia lampaumelalui teks- • Kejujuran kejadian, kegiatan yang Bahasa Inggris • Unjukkerja
• Kerjakeras
teks pendek terjadi dimasa lampau When English
lisan dan tulis yang nyangdilakukan/t dansederhana - Melengkapi kalimat Rings The Bell, • Portofolio
melibatkan tindakan erjadi,di
 Melengkapi kalimat • Percaya diri dengan jawaban KelasVIII,
member dan meminta waktulampau.
• Kerjasama
dengan berupa ungkapan- Kemendikbud,
informasi terkait jawabanberupa ungkapan yang Revisi
keadaan/  Strukturteks ungkapan-ungkapan diambil teks, dengan Tahun2017
tindakan/kegiatan/ yang diambil teks, ejaan dan tanda baca  Kamus
- Memulai yang benar Bahasa
kejadianyang dengan ejaan dan
- Menanggapi(dih tanda baca yang benar - Bertanya jawab tentang Inggris
maupun tidak rutin,
 Mengajukan kegiatan/peristiwa di  Pengalaman
gaan) waktu lampau yang pesertadidik
pertanyaan dan
atau menjadi  Unsurkeba jawaban tentang mereka dan anggota danguru
kebenaran umum di hasaan keluarga atau teman
kegiatan/peristiwa di
waktu lampau, sesuai - Kalimat waktulampau yang nyaalami
dengan konteks deklaratif dan mereka dan anggota - Mengumpulkan
penggunaannya. interogatif keluarga atau informasi tentang
(Perhatikan unsure dalambentuk temannya alami beberapa peristiwa
Simple Past atau kegiatan diwaktu
kebahasaan simple
Tense lampau untuk
past tense) membuat teks-teks
- Nomina singular
dan plural pendekdansederhana
dengan atau - Saling
tanpa a,the, this, mempresentasikan,
those,my,their,ds menyimak dan bertanya
b. jawab tentang teks
- Ucapan,tekanan masing-masingdengan
kata,intonasi, teman-temannya, secara
ejaan ,tanda lisan,dengan ucapan
baca, dan tekanan kata yang
4.10 Menyusunteks  Membuat teks-teks • Religius benar
• Lisan
- Melakukan refleksi
Interaksitransaksionalli pendek dan sederhana • Mandiri tentang proses dan hasil • Tertulis
tentang beberapa
san peristiwa atau kegiatan • Gotongroyong belajarnya • Penugasan
di waktu lampau yang
KompetensiDasar Materi Pemebelajaran Indikator NilaiKarakter Kegiatan Sumber Penilaian
Dan tulis sangat pendek dan tulisantangan pernahdialami • Kejujuran • Unjukkerja
dan sederhana yang  Topik Kegiatan,  Mempresentasika • Kerjakeras • Portofolio
melibat kan tindakan
member dan meminta
tindakan yang (rutin)
terjadi di
n, teks masing-
masing dengan
• Percaya diri
informasi terkaitk masa lalu disekolah, teman- • Kerjasama
eadaan rumah, dan temannya,secara
lisan, dengan
/tindakan/kegiatan/kejad sekitarnya yang dapat ucapan dan
ianyangdilakukan/terjad menumbuhkan tekanan kata yang
i,rutin maupun perilaku yang benar
tidakrutin, atau menjad termuatdiKI
ikebenaran umum di
waktu lampau,dengan
memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai
3.11  Fungsi social  Mengidentifikasi teks • Religius - Menyimak guru  Buku • Lisan
Membandingk Melaporkan, recount tentang • Mandiri membaca beberapa Penunjang
teks recount Kurikulum201
• Tertulis
an fungsi sosial, pengalaman pribadi
struktur teks, dan
mengambil teladan,
seseorang • Gotongroyong tentang 3 Mata • Penugasan
unsur kebahasaan  Menceritakan kejadian, • Kejujuran pengalaman pribadi Pelajaran • Unjukkerja

seseorang Bahasa
beberapa teks personal  Struktur teks
kegiatan yang dialami Kerjakeras
- Bertanya jawab Inggris When • Portofolio

recoun tlisan dan tulis secara kronologis
Dapat mencakup Percaya diri English Rings
dengan member dan  Menggunakan tentang kejadian,
• kegiatan yang The Bell,
bagan alir untuk Kerjasama
meminta informasi - orientasi mempelajari
dialami secara KelasVIII,
terkait pengalaman - urutan kronologis Kemendikbud,
alur cerita
pribdi di waktu - Menggunakan Revisi
 Melengkapi ringkasan baganalir untuk Tahun2017
lampau, pendek dan - orientasi ulang pengalaman dengan mempelajari  Kamus
sederhana,  Unsur kalimat-kalimat yang alur cerita
Sesuai dengan kebahasaan diambil teks,dengan
ejaan dan - Didektekan
dengan tulisan
- Melengkapi
tsb. Dengan
kalimat yang
KompetensiDasar MateriPemebelajaran Indik NilaiKarakter KegiatanPembelajara SumberBelajar Penilaian
ator n

kontekspenggunaan - Kalimatdeklaratif diambilteks,dengane BahasaInggris

nya daninterogatifdalam jaandantandabaca  Pengalamanp
• Religius
Teks recount SimplePasttense  Menuliskan teks-teks esertadidik
• Lisan
- - Mengumpulkan danguru
• Mandiri
Adverbiadanfrasaprep pendek
osisionalpenujukwakt informasitentang • Tertulis
Menangkap makna dengantulisan tangan
secara kontekstual u:yesterday, tentang • Gotongroyong pengalaman • Penugasan
terkait fungsi sosial,
lastmonth, anhour
ago, dansebagainya.
pengalamanpribadiya • Kejujuran pribadidi waktu
lampau • Unjukkerja
struktur teks, dan
- Adverbiapenghubung
• Kerjakeras untukmembuat • Portofolio
unsure kebahasaan waktu: first,then,  Membuat • Percaya diri teks-teks
teks recount lisan dan afterthat, before,
tulis, sangat pendek atlast,
teks-teks • Kerjasama a
pendek - Saling
dan sederhana, terkait finally,dansebagainya. dansederhana
- Nominasingulardanplu mempresentasikan,
pengalaman pribadi di tentang
ral denganatau tanpa menyimak dan
waktu lampau pengalamanpr bertanyajawab
(personal recount) a,the, this, ibadidiwaktul
those,my,their,dsb. tentang teks
ampau masing-
Menyusun teks - Ucapan,tekanankata,in  Mempresentasik masingdengantema
recount lisan dan tonasi, an teks masing- n-
ejaan,tandabaca,dantul masing dengan temannya,secaralis
isantangan teman- an,dengan
terkaitpengalamanpri  TopikPeristiwa,pen temannya,secara ucapandantekanank
galamanyangterjadi lisan, dengan atayangbenar
badi di waktulampau
di ucapan - Melakukan refleksi
(personalrecount), dantekanankata tentangprosesdanh
sekolah, rumah,dan
denganmemperhatika yangbenar asil belajarnya
teks, danunsur
kebahasaan,secara perilaku yang
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Nilai Karakter Kegiatan Pembelajaran Sumber Belajar Penilaian
3.12  Fungsi social  Membaca dengan • Religius - Membaca dengan  Buku • Lisan
Membanding Memberi suara lantang setiap • Mandiri suaralantang setiap
Kurikulum 2013
• Tertulis
kanfungsisosial,strukt pengumuman/pemb
ur teks, danunsur
eritahuan, dengan • Gotongroyong an, dengan ucapan dan Mata Pelajaran • Penugasan

ucapan dan tekanan Kejujuran tekanan kata yang benar Bahasa Inggris • Unjukkerja
kebahasaanbeberapa Dilaksanakan
tekskhususdalambent sesuai yang
kata yangbenar
• Kerjakeras - Menyimak untuk menemukan When English
 Menemukan perbedaan dan persamaan dari Rings The Bell, • Portofolio
ukpesansingkatdanpe diharapkan. perbedaan dan • Percaya diri beberapa Kelas VIII,

persamaan dar pengumuman/pemberitahuan Kemendikbud,
huan(notice),  Strukturtext ibeberapa pendek dansederhana, dengan Revisi
denganmemberi Dapat mencakup: pengumuman/ menggunakan tabel analisis
danmeminta pemberitahuan - Mempelajari contoh dan  Kamus
informasiterkaitkegiat - Judul atau pendekdan kemudian mempresentasikan BahasaInggris
ansekolah, tujuan sederhana, dengan hasil analisis tersebut di atas  Pengalaman
pengumuman menggunakan secara lisan, dengan ucapan pesertadidik
tabel analisis dan tekanan kata yangbenar danguru
penggunaannya - Informasi rinci
yang diumumkan - Membuat pengumuman/
pemberitahuan yang lazim
 Unsur dibuat di kelas dan

sekolah,untuk kemudian
Teks pesan
- Ungkapan-  Mempresentasikan Religius ditempel didinding kelas • Lisan
singkatdanpengumum ungkapan yang hasil analisis • Mandiri - Melakukan refleksi tentang • Tertulis
an/pemberitahuan(not tentang perbedaan
lazim digunakan
dalam dan persamaan • Gotongroyong proses dan hasil belajarnya • Penugasan
Menangkap pengumuman dari beberapa • Kejujuran • Unjuk kerja
maknasecara yang berbeda- pengumuman/pem
beritahuan pendek
• Kerjakeras • Portofolio
- Nomina singular dan sederhana • Percaya diri

secara lisan,
dan plural Kerjasama
ur teks, danunsur dengan ucapan dan
dengan atau
kebahasaanpesan tanpa a,the, this, tekanan kata yang
singkat those,my,their,ds benar
danpengumuman/pem b.  Membuatpengu
beritahuan(notice) - Ucapan,tekanank muman/pemberit
lisan ata,intonasi, ahuan yang
ejaan, tanda lazim dibuat
dantulis,sangatpendek dikelas dan
dan baca, dan tulisan
tangan sekolah, untuk
sederhana,terkait kemudian
didinding kelas
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pemebelajaran Indikator Nilai Karakter Kegiatan Pembelajaran Sumber Penilaian
kegiatansekolah  Topik Kegiatan,
4.12.2Menyusun teks peristiwa,dan
Khusus dalam bentuk
hal penting bagi peserta
pesan singkat dan
didik dan guru yang
eritahuan (notice),
rilaku yang termuat
sangat pendek dan
sederhana, terkait
kegiatan sekolah,  Multimedia Layout
dengan dan dekorasi yang
memperhatikanfun Membuat tampilan teks
gsi sosial, struktur lebih menarik.
teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara
benar dansesuai
3.13 Menafsirkan  Fungsi social  Mendengarkan • Religius - Mendengarkan,  Buku • Lisan
fungsi social dan Mengembangkan nilai- lagu bahasa • Mandiri membaca, menyimak,
dan menirukan lagu
Kurikulum 2013
• Tertulis
inggris terkait
• Gotongroyong
unsur kebahasaan nilai kehidupan dan
dalam lagu bahasa kehidupan remaja bahasa inggris secara Mata Pelajaran • Penugasan
karakter yang positif
inggris terkait SMP/MTs secara • Kejujuran lisan Bahasa Inggris • Unjukkerja
• Kerjakeras - Menanyakan hal-hal When English
kehidupan remaja  Unsur  yang tidak diketahui Rings The Bell, • Portofolio
• Percaya diri
SMP/MTs Mengidentifikasi
kebahasaan fungsi sosial dan atau berbeda Kelas VIII,
- Kosa kata dan tata unsur kebahasaan • Kerjasama - Menyebutkan pesan Kemendikbud,
bahasa dalam lagu dalam lagu yang terkait dengan Revisi
bahasa inggris bahasa inggris bagian- Tahun2017
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, terkait kehidupan bagiantertentu  Kamus
intonasi, ejaan,tanda remaja SMP/MTs - Melakukan refleksi Bahasa
4.13 Menangkap baca,dan tulisan  Menyebutkan • Religius tentang proses dan hasil Inggris
• Lisan
tangan belajarnya  Pengalaman
makna secara pesan yang • Mandiri peserta
• Tertulis
kontekstual terkait terkait
dengan fungsi dengan • Gotongroyong • Penugasan
sosial dan unsur fungsi sosial • Kejujuran • Unjukkerja
kebahasaan dalam
dan unsur
• Kerjakeras • Portofolio
lagu bahasa inggris dalam lagu • Percaya diri
terkait kehidupan
• Kerjasama
remaja SMP/MTs inggris terkait
Questionnaire of Listening Habit to English Song

Name :

Class :

Please put check mark (√) in the blank space that indicate your opinion.

Rating Scale Positive Categories

4 3 2 1
Always Usually Rarely Never
For questionnaire no 1-13, 17-23 and 27-30

Rating Scale Negative Categories

1 2 3 4
Always Usually Rarely Never
For questionnaire no 14-16, 24-26 and 31-33

No. Statement Rating Scale

4 3 2 1
1. Saya mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris di waktu senggang
untuk belajar kosa kata baru.
2. Saya meluangkan waktu beberapa menit/jam mendengarkan lagu
berbahasa Inggris untuk menghapalkan/mengingat kosa kata baru
dalam bahasa Inggris.
3. Saya mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris saat belajar bahasa
Inggris untuk mempelajari tata bahasa/grammar dari lirik lagu
berbahasa Inggris.
4. Saya mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris di saat waktu luang
untuk belajar menerapkan struktur tata bahasa/grammar dalam
bahasa Inggris.
5. Saya mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris pada malam hari untuk
melatih pelafalan kata saya dalam bahasa Inggris
6. Saya mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris di waktu luang untuk
menciptakan rasa senang ketika belajar bahasa Inggris.
7. Saya mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris secara berulang ulang/
ritme untuk memotivasi diri belajar bahasa Inggris.
8. Saya mendengarkan lagu berbahasa Inggris sebelum ke sekolah
agar lebih tertarik lagi mempelajari bahasa Inggris.
9. Saya biasa mendengarkan lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris
10. Saya mendengarkan lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris untuk belajar
11. Selain mendengarkan, saya juga menyanyikan lagu-lagu berbahasa
12. Saya tidak betah berlama-lama mendengarkan lagu-lagu berbahasa
13. Saya tidak biasa mendengarkan lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris,
karena saya tidak mengetahui artinya
14. Bagi saya sangat sulit untuk menghafalkan lagu-lagu berbahasa
15. Sejak kecil saya tidak suka mendengarkan lagu-lagu berbahasa
16. Saya tidak bisa mencatat lirik lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris yang
saya dengarkan.
17. Saya sangat tertarik untuk mendengarkan lagu-lagu berbahasa
18. Lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris yang saya dengarkan menarik karena
liriknya bagus
19. Lagu-lagu berbahasa inggris yang saya dengarkan menyenangkan
karena musiknya enak untuk di dengarkan
20. Saya ingin bisa berbahasa Inggris dengan cara mendengarka lagu-
lagu berbahasa Inggris
21. Saya tidak bisa belajar bahasa Inggris dengan cara mendengarkan
lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris
22. Meskipun saya sering mendengarkan lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris,
saya tetap saja tidak bisa memahami/mengetahui liriknya.
23. Saya tidak bisa menirukan lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris karena
liriknya susah untuk dipahami.
24. Saya tidak bisa menikmati lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris karena
saya tidak mengetahui maksud artinya.
25. Lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris yang saya dengarkan sangat
membosankan, karena musiknya tidak enak untuk di dengarkan.
26. Saya tertarik pada lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris yang kosakatanya
saya tahu artinya
27. Saya menerjemahkan liri lagu berbahasa Inggris menggunakan
google translate
28. Jika tidak bisa mengetahui arti dari lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris,
saya akan bertanya kepada teman saya yang pintar berbahasa
29. Saya tertarik untuk mendengarkan lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris
tetapi saya malas untuk mengetahui artinya
30. Saya tidak tertarik pada lagulagu berbahasa Inggris yang
kosakatanya saya tidak tahu
31 Bagi saya menerjemahkan lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris dengan
menggunakan google translate tidaklah efektif.
32. Jika ada lagu berbahasa Inggris yang tidak menarik judulnya, saya
tidak tertarik untuk mengetahui liriknya.
33. Bagi saya tidaklah penting untuk mengetahui arti dari lagu-lagu
berbahasa Inggris

Name :

Class :


1. Answers to all questions are to be recorded on the multiple-choice form,

either in the format A-D in the option.

2. Mark one box only to indicate the answer you consider correct for each


3. This test is required as the instrument of the research.

4. This test does not influence your school for English subject.


1. Teguh : This fried chicken is my favorite.

Hilda : I like it too. This fried chicken is very ....


B. Bitter



2. Tomy, Jane, Mark, Sarah ....... smart students

A. Is

B. Am

C. Are

D. Is Not
3. My mother is very pretty

The synonym of „pretty‟ is

A. Ugly



D. Stupid

4. Which of the following is the prefix of „Polite‟?





5. He has a big house

The synonym of „big‟ is

A. Large

B. Small

C. Tiny


6. Anton is a fast runner

The synonum of „fast‟ is

A. Slow

B. Quick

C. Energetic

D. Calm
7. Which of the following is not a suffix?





8. Alina .... song every night

A. Sings

B. Sing

C. Is

D. Does

9. She is a students. She .... at school


B. Study

C. Studying

D. Does

10. Choose the antonym pair.

A. Intelligent And Smart

B. Hardworking And Diligent

C. Funny And Humorous

D. Rich And Poor

11. She .... not work because she has the flu

A. Is

B. Be
C. Do

D. Does

12. Choose the antonym pair.

A. Giant and tiny

B. Honor and justice

C. Scary and horrific

D. Vague and loud

13. Which suffix can you add to the end of „cook‟ to make a new word?

A. Ing

B. Ful

C. Est

D. Re

14. What is the synonym of the word „sad‟

A. Strong

B. Happy

C. Unhappy

D. Brilliant

15. My sister went to the dentist two days ago because her ..... were in pain

A. Ears

B. Fingers

C. Hands

D. Teeth
16. Angel‟s doll is broken. Angel is very ..... now

A. Charm

B. Sad

C. Happy

D. Confused

17. I and my friends ....... in the library. We read some books

A. Are

B. Is

C. Have

D. Am

18. Which of the following is the prefix of „Respect‟?





19. “She is foolish.” The antonym of „foolish‟ is

A. Brainy

B. Idiotic

C. Dumb

D. Wise

20. All typing errors must be deleted from this memo. The synonym of „

deleted‟ is

A. Erased
B. Corrected

C. Circled

D. Determined

21. What is he doing in the garden ?

A. He is watching TV

B. He is playing cards

C. He is planting flowers

D. He is eating

22. We .... soccer match

A. watches

B. Doing

C. Watching

D. Watch

23. Which of the following is a suffix?

A. Pre

B. Ing

C. In


24. “ This seems like a good hotel” the antonym of „good‟ is

A. Bad

B. Brilliant

C. Great

D. Dirty
25. “ it is hot outside” the antonym of „hot‟ is

A. Cold

B. Warm

C. Breezy

D. Stormy

26. Grant is a tailor. He makes……

A. clothes

B. bag

C. belt

D. Ice cream

27. My father … tea every morning.

A. Drink

B. Drinks

C. Drinking

D. Is

28. Mrs.Smith will “demonstrate” how this computer works. The synonym of

demonstrate is…

A. Guess

B. Learn

C. Show

D. Estimate
29. “He is tall.” The antonym of tall is…

A. Big

B. Short

C. Huge

D. Long

30. Which of the following is not a prefix?

A. In

B. Un


D. Dis
4. Saya
3. Saya mendengarkan
mendengarkan lagu berbahasa
2. Saya meluangkan lagu berbahasa Inggris di saat
1. Saya waktu beberapa Inggris saat waktu luang 5. Saya
mendengarkan menit/jam mendengarkan belajar bahasa untuk belajar mendengarkan lagu
lagu berbahasa lagu berbahasa Inggris Inggris untuk menerapkan berbahasa Inggris
Inggris di waktu untuk mempelajari tata struktur tata pada malam hari
senggang untuk menghapalkan/mengingat bahasa/grammar bahasa/grammar untuk melatih
belajar kosa kata kosa kata baru dalam dari lirik lagu dalam bahasa pelafalan kata saya
Nama Kelas baru. bahasa Inggris. berbahasa Inggris. Inggris. dalam bahasa Inggris
Farel Pratama 8.3 Jarang Jarang Biasanya Jarang Jarang
Qori'ah Wulan dari 8.2 Jarang Tidak pernah Biasanya Biasanya Biasanya
Ikhsanul khoir 8.5 Jarang Biasanya Jarang Jarang Jarang
M.Fachri Alfajar 8.6 Jarang Jarang Jarang Jarang Tidak pernah
Simanungkalit 8.1 Jarang Jarang Jarang Jarang Jarang

8. Saya
6. Saya 7. Saya mendengarkan
mendengarkan mendengarkan lagu
lagu berbahasa lagu berbahasa berbahasa
Inggris di Inggris secara Inggris
waktu luang berulang sebelum ke
untuk ulang/ ritme sekolah agar 9. Saya biasa 10. Saya
menciptakan untuk lebih tertarik mendengarkan mendengarkan
rasa senang memotivasi lagi lagu-lagu lagu-lagu
ketika belajar diri belajar mempelajari berbahasa berbahasa Inggris
Nama Kelas bahasa Inggris. bahasa Inggris. bahasa Inggris untuk belajar
Farel Pratama 8.3 Jarang Jarang Jarang Biasanya
Qori'ah Wulan Selalu
dari 8.2 Biasanya Biasanya Biasanya Selalu
Ikhsanul khoir 8.5 Tidak pernah Tidak pernah Jarang Jarang
M.Fachri Jarang
Alfajar 8.6 Jarang Jarang Jarang Jarang
Simanungkalit 8.1 Biasanya Jarang Jarang Jarang Jarang

13. Saya tidak

11. Selain 12. Saya tidak mendengarkan 14. Bagi saya
mendengarkan, betah berlama- lagu-lagu sangat sulit 15. Sejak kecil
saya juga lama berbahasa untuk saya tidak suka
menyanyikan mendengarkan Inggris, karena menghafalkan mendengarkan
lagu-lagu lagu-lagu saya tidak lagu-lagu lagu-lagu
berbahasa berbahasa mengetahui berbahasa berbahasa
Nama Kelas inggris Inggris artinya Inggris. Inggris
Farel Pratama 8.3 Biasanya Biasanya Biasanya Jarang
Qori'ah Selalu
Wulan dari 8.2 Biasanya Selalu Selalu Selalu
Ikhsanul khoir 8.5 Jarang Biasanya Biasanya Jarang
M.Fachri Jarang
Alfajar 8.6 Jarang Jarang Jarang Jarang
Kevin Selalu
Simanungkalit 8.1 Jarang Selalu Selalu Selalu
19. Lagu-lagu
18. Lagu-lagu berbahasa
16. Saya berbahasa inggris yang 20. Saya ingin
tidak bisa 17. Saya Inggris yang saya bisa berbahasa
mencatat lirik sangat tertarik saya dengarkan Inggris dengan
lagu-lagu untuk dengarkan menyenangkan cara
berbahasa mendengarkan menarik karena mendengarka
Inggris yang lagu-lagu karena musiknya enak lagu-lagu
saya berbahasa liriknya untuk di berbahasa
Nama Kelas dengarkan. inggris bagus dengarkan Inggris
Farel Pratama 8.3 Tidak pernah Tidak pernah Jarang Jarang
Qori'ah Biasanya
Wulan dari 8.2 Jarang Jarang Tidak pernah Biasanya
Ikhsanul khoir 8.5 Jarang Jarang Jarang Jarang
M.Fachri Jarang
Alfajar 8.6 Jarang Jarang Jarang Jarang
Kevin Selalu
Simanungkalit 8.1 Jarang Selalu Selalu Selalu

21. Saya tidak 25. Lagu-lagu

bisa belajar 22. Meskipun saya berbahasa Inggris
bahasa Inggris sering mendengarkan 23. Saya tidak bisa 24. Saya tidak bisa yang saya
dengan cara lagu-lagu berbahasa menirukan lagu- menikmati lagu-lagu dengarkan sangat
mendengarkan Inggris, saya tetap saja lagu berbahasa berbahasa Inggris membosankan,
lagu-lagu tidak bisa Inggris karena karena saya tidak karena musiknya
berbahasa memahami/mengetahui liriknya susah untuk mengetahui maksud tidak enak untuk
Nama Kelas Inggris liriknya. dipahami. artinya. di dengarkan.
Farel Pratama 8.3 Jarang Biasanya Jarang Jarang
Qori'ah Biasanya
Wulan dari 8.2 Jarang Jarang Biasanya Biasanya
Ikhsanul khoir 8.5 Biasanya Biasanya Jarang Jarang
M.Fachri Jarang
Alfajar 8.6 Jarang Jarang Jarang Jarang
Kevin Jarang
Simanungkalit 8.1 Selalu Selalu Selalu Jarang

28. Jika tidak

mengetahui 29. Saya tertarik
arti dari lagu- untuk
26. Saya lagu berbahasa mendengarkan
tertarik pada 27. Saya Inggris, saya lagu-lagu
lagu-lagu menerjemahkan akan bertanya berbahasa 30. Saya tidak tertarik
berbahasa liri lagu kepada teman Inggris tetapi pada lagulagu
Inggris yang berbahasa saya yang saya malas berbahasa Inggris
kosakatanya Inggris pintar untuk yang kosakatanya
saya tahu menggunakan berbahasa mengetahui saya tidak tahu.
Nama Kelas artinya google translate Inggris artinya
Farel Pratama 8.3 Selalu Jarang Jarang Jarang
Qori'ah Biasanya
Wulan dari 8.2 Biasanya Biasanya Biasanya Biasanya
Ikhsanul khoir 8.5 Selalu Selalu Jarang Jarang
M.Fachri Jarang
Alfajar 8.6 Jarang Jarang Jarang Jarang
Kevin Tidak pernah
Simanungkalit 8.1 Selalu Jarang Selalu Tidak pernah
31. Bagi saya
menerjemahkan 32. Jika ada lagu
lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris
berbahasa yang tidak menarik 33. Bagi saya
Inggris dengan judulnya, saya tidak tidaklah penting
menggunakan tertarik untuk untuk mengetahui
google translate mengetahui arti dari lagu-lagu
Nama Kelas tidaklah efektif. liriknya. berbahasa Inggris.
Farel Pratama 8.3 Jarang Biasanya
Qori'ah Wulan Jarang
dari 8.2 Biasanya Jarang
Ikhsanul khoir 8.5 Jarang Selalu
M.Fachri Jarang
Alfajar 8.6 Jarang Jarang
Kevin Jarang
Simanungkalit 8.1 Selalu Jarang
1. Teguh : This fried
chicken is my
favorite. 2. Tomy, Jane, 3. My mother is 4. Which of the
Hilda : I like it too. Mark, Sarah very prettyThe following is the 5. He has a big
This fried chicken is ....... smart synonym of prefix of houseThe synonym
Nama Kelas very .... students „pretty‟ is ... „Polite‟?... of „big‟ is...
Farel Pratama 8.3 A. Delicious C. Are C. Beautiful D. IM A. Large
Qori'ah Wulan dari 8.2 A. Delicious C. Are C. Beautiful D. IM A. Large
Ikhsanul khoir 8.5 A. Delicious C. Are C. Beautiful D. IM A. Large
M.Fachri Alfajar 8.6 A. Delicious C. Are C. Beautiful D. IM A. Large
Simanungkalit 8.1 A. Delicious C. Are C. Beautiful C. IN A. Large

6. Anton is a fast 7. Which of the

runnerThe synonum following is not a 8. Alina .... song 9. She is a students. 10. Choose the
of „fast‟ is... suffix? every night She .... at school antonym pair.
B. Quick C. RED D. Does A. Studies D. Rich And Poor
B. Quick C. RED A. Sings A. Studies D. Rich And Poor
B. Quick A. FUL A. Sings A. Studies D. Rich And Poor
B. Quick C. RED B. Sing A. Studies D. Rich And Poor
B. Quick B. EST A. Sings B. Study D. Rich And Poor

13. Which suffix can 15. My sister went to

11. She .... not work you add to the end of 14. What is the the dentist two days
because she has the 12. Choose the „cook‟ to make a synonym of the ago because her .....
flu antonym pair. new word? word „sad‟ were in pain
D. Does A. Giant and tiny A. Ing C. Unhappy D. Teeth
D. Does A. Giant and tiny A. Ing C. Unhappy D. Teeth
D. Does A. Giant and tiny A. Ing C. Unhappy D. Teeth
D. Does A. Giant and tiny A. Ing C. Unhappy D. Teeth
A. Is A. Giant and tiny D. Re B. Happy D. Teeth

20. All typing errors

18. Which of the must be deleted from
16. Angel‟s doll is 17. I and my friends following is 19. “She is foolish.” this memo. The
broken. Angel is ....... in the library. the prefix of The antonym of synonym of „
very ..... now We read some books „Respect‟? „foolish‟ is deleted‟ is
B. Sad A. Are B. DIS C. Dumb A. Erased
B. Sad A. Are B. DIS A. Brainy A. Erased
B. Sad A. Are B. DIS A. Brainy A. Erased
B. Sad A. Are B. DIS A. Brainy A. Erased
B. Sad A. Are B. DIS D. Wise A. Erased

23. Which of the 24. “ This seems like 25. “ it is hot

21. What is he doing 22. We .... soccer following is a a good hotel” the outside” the
in the garden ? match suffix? antonym of „good‟ is antonym of „hot‟ is
C.He is planting
flowers D. Watch B. Ing C. Great A. Cold
C.He is planting
flowers D. Watch B. Ing A. Bad A. Cold
C.He is planting
flowers D. Watch B. Ing A. Bad A. Cold
C.He is planting
flowers C. Watching B. Ing A. Bad A. Cold
C.He is planting
flowers C. Watching D. Un A. Bad A. Cold
28. Mrs.Smith will
“demonstrate” how
this computer works. 30. Which of the
26. Grant is a tailor. 27. My father … tea The synonym of 29. “He is tall.” The following is not a
He makes…… every morning. demonstrate is… antonym of tall is… prefix?
A. clothes B. Drinks C. Show A. Big D. Dis
A. clothes A. Drink C. Show B. Short C. Ing
A. clothes B. Drinks C. Show B. Short C. Ing
A. clothes B. Drinks B. Learn B. Short C. Ing
A. clothes B. Drinks C. Show B. Short C. Ing

Intan Setia, the second daughter from Mr. Sa’im and

Mrs. Sri Rahayu, was born on July, 17 1999 in Pusaran. She

lived in Pusaran 8, Enok subdistrict, Indragiri Hilir Regency of

Riau. She was graduated from MI Nurul Wathan Pusaran 8

and continued her study at MTs. Nurul Wathan Pusaran 8. In

2014, entered Islamic Senior high school 1 INHIL until 2017.

Then continued her undergraduate education (S1) at State Islamic

University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training, English education Department study program. The campus organization

experience that the she has lived as a student is a member of the Inhil Student

Association (HIPPMIH), the administrator of the Association of Islamic

university students (HMI) of the Tarbiyah Commissariat for the 2019-2020

period, the administrator of the Association of Islamic university students (HMI)

within the State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau in the field of

development and study of civilization for the period 2021-2022.

Some of the external campus organizational training that the she has


1. Basic Training (LK 1 HMI Tarbiyah Commissariat of State Islamic University

of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau) in 2018

2. Intermediate Training (LK 2 National HMI Pekanbaru branch) in 2020

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