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Name: Justine S.

Anonuevo BSED ENG 3A

1. Do you agree with the teacher 1 suggested?

By just reading it, I find it hard to comprehend because for me it was grammatically incorrect
that results to the unclear delivering of message so I can’t say that I am agree or disagree.

2. Do you think those are things students are facing?

Since the message of Teacher 2 is more clear and comprehensible compared to Teacher 1, I
will based my answer to what Teacher 2 have said. I agree with Teacher 2 because as a
student I am guilty that there are times that I tend to forget the rules of grammar.
Furthermore, when I am just having a conversation with someone, I am very confident
because I thought it was grammatically correct. However, when I write it down I’ve noticed
that I was grammatically incorrect.

3. What can we do to help improve this situation?

As a future educator, of course I will do my very best to teach my students the correct using
of words and its meaning, and the correct grammar. I will also encourage them to read more
articles or books that would help them improve their grammar.

4. What else is needed?

Based on my perspective, I guess the Department of Education should have programs that
would encourage the students to improve their grammar.

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