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September 19, 2023

Experiment 3- Carbohydrates

Kimberly R. Salarza BSN 1-F

Seliwanoff”s test (Resorcinol- HCl Reaction)

a. Place 1cc of Seliwanoff’s reagent in a test tube

b. Add 3 drops of 5% glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose and starch solution.

This picture was after putting the Seliwanoff’s reagent into 5 solutions in the test tubes.

c. Boil in a water bath

After boiling the solution in water bath for 1 minute and 30 seconds, the solution
changes its color.
*The close up picture of the solution

Light colors solution after putting the Seliwanoff’s reagent and the 5 solutions

For 1 minute and 30 seconds of boiling the solution became red except for the solution
where we put the starch solution.
In conclusion:
Seliwanoff’s Reagent

Sample Positive or Negative

Glucose +

Sucrose +

Fructose +

Lactose +

Starch Solution -

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