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Learning and Training

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Training on Public-Private Partnership

MDB Joint Initiatives - Links to joint multilateral development bank (MDB) initiatives on public-private
partnerships, including knowledge sharing activities, learning and knowledge resources, and joint facilities
and projects are included below.

PPP Certification

Become recognized for your PPP skills

Body of Knowledge - The Body of Knowledge on PPPs identifies underlying principles and the
elements of good practice that are applicable in most circumstances in emerging markets and
developing economies.
Free Online Training - The CP3P Online Training course is a free learning resource that guides you
through Chapter 1 of the PPP Certification Program Guide and prepares you to take the Foundation
exam for APMG's PPP Certification Program.
Take the Exam - The Foundation certification is designed to measure whether a candidate has
sufficient knowledge and understanding of the PPP Guide to act as an informed team member of a PPP
finance project.

PPP E-Learning

Learn the fundamentals of PPPs

Planning and Implementing Disclosure in Public-Private Partnerships, World Bank Group - This
online learning course seeks to equip professionals who work on PPPs with essential skills in planning
and implementing a customized disclosure.
PPP Certification Program Foundation Level, APMG International - This is a free learning resource
that guides you through Chapter 1 of the PPP Certification Program Guide – so that you feel better
prepared to to take the Foundation exam for APMG's PPP Certification Program.
Infrastructure, Public Private Partnerships, and Fiscal Management - This course seeks to equip
professionals, who work on PPP projects, with essential skills in assessing the fiscal implications of
PPPs and managing related fiscal risks.
PPP MOOC: How can PPPs Deliver Better Services?, World Bank Group - These online courses
provide an understanding of the key principles of PPPs and the role of PPPs in the delivery of
infrastructure services. Available in English and French.
PPPs: Implementing Solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Development
Bank - This course analyzes the conceptualization, selection, design and implementation of PPPs,
indicating the benefits and risks that they pose for both the public sector and the private
sector. Available in in Spanish and Portuguese.
E-Learning Series on Public-Private Partnerships, UN ESCAP - ESCAP has developed online
training materials on PPPs over the years. These self-study materials are tailored to provide basic
knowledge of various issues that policy-makers dealing with PPPs have to be aware of. Available
in English, Khmer and Burmese.

PPP Webinars
Stay abreast of trends and developments in infrastructure and PPPs on the World Bank Group, Open
Learning Campus website. Here you will find podcasts, videos, webinars, infographics, mobile apps, and
games that provide a quick overview of materials targeted to your interests.

Below you can find a few examples of PPP webinars from the Open Learning Campus website:

Leveraging Islamic Finance to Maximize Finance for Development - Over the past two decades,
Islamic finance has emerged as an important source of finance for a wide... Read More
Toll Road PPPs: Identifying, mitigating and managing traffic risk - Through PPP models, toll
revenues can be used to enable fiscally-constrained governments to fund new road construction,
improve existing roads, and ensure long-term high quality maintenance. However, the credit quality of
these PPPs and the associated cost and availability of finance are heavily...Read More
Improving Infrastructure Regulation for Countries Affected by Fragility, Conflict and Violence -
To assist practitioners to be able to both develop much needed infrastructure and develop a viable
regulatory system, the Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) partnered with
the University of Florida’s Public Utility Research Center to develop an updated Body of...Read More
Virginia P3: How Proposals Are Identified and Screened for PPP Development - This webinar
will seek to expand upon Virginia’s PPP selection process, especially in identification and screening.
The webinar will also discuss how Virginia’s experience works within the U.S. federal, state, and local
infrastructure, and how applicable this experience can be for developing...Read More
Infrastructure Project Finance in 2016 - Some countries and regions were successful in reviving
their infrastructure project finance markets in 2015 compared with the previous year, others less so.
Overall, there was a slight rise in volumes, with the transport and renewables sectors leading. In 2016,
the trend so far has been toward...Read More
Unified Framework for Feasibility Assessment: Identifying/Screening Projects for PPP
Implementation in the Republic of Korea - The Republic of Korea has a long history of PPP. Its
early experience consisted of individual legislation for specific projects. In 1994, the government
began to formalize its process with the passing of the Act for the Promotion of Private Capital
Investment in Social Overhead Capital, which...Read More
An Attractive Environment: The Netherlands Approach to Identifying/Screening PPP Projects -
The Netherlands has developed its PPP selection process over the past decade, paying special attention
to streamlining and publicizing the process to attract potential investors. Read More
Value for Money: Identifying/Screening PPP Proposals in South Africa - In 1997, the South
African Cabinet approved an inter-departmental task team to create a package of policy, legislative,
and institutional reforms to create an enabling environment for PPPs. To facilitate this work, several
pioneering PPPs were carried out by the South African Roads Agency,...Read More
Identifying/Screening Projects for PPP Implementation: Afghanistan - In 2015, the World Bank
Group assisted the Government of Afghanistan in legal and regulatory reform to foster the growth of
PPP. One of the products of this effort was the development of the PPP Suitability and Prioritization
tool. This tool seeks to streamline the PPP process and ensure that...Read More
Financing and Funding Kenyan PPPs – Emerging Trends and Issues - This webinar will look at
the role of tolls, viability gap financing, and other forms of funding and financing required to make
PPPs in Kenya successful. There will be a focus on issues in financing and funding Kenya’s flagship
PPP projects in the transport and social sectors. Read More

Webinars on Legal and Regulatory Framework in PPPs:

The World Bank Group's Open Learning Campus (OLC) hosts a series of webinars relating to legal
and regulatory frameworks in PPPs. Please find recordings of previous sessions on the Open
Learning Campus. Recent sessions have included:
Southern African Development Community Countries (08 December 2015)
Canada (10 November, 2015)
Kenya (03 November 2015)
Europe and Central Asia (27 Oct 2015)
Kuwait (20 Oct 2015)


View brief videos introducing PPPs and PPPLRC.


Built by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Infrascope is a benchmarking index and study that assesses
the capacity of countries to deliver sustainable public-private partnerships in infrastructure. Explore the
regional Infrascopes and see more here:

Africa Infrascope 2015

Latin America and the Carribbean Infrascope 2014
Asia-Pacific Infrascope 2014

Source - is an online, secure, multi-user project development tool to promote and facilitate high quality and
efficient global project delivery, accessible to the public and private sector. Source is a collaborative effort
with involvement from the African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Brazilian Development
Bank, Development Bank of Southern Africa, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-
American Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, and the World Bank Group.

The Public-Private-Partnership Legal Resource Center (PPPLRC) provides easy access to an array of sample
legal materials which can assist in the planning, design and legal structuring of any infrastructure project —
especially a project which involves a public-private partnership. This website is an initiative of the World
Bank with funding support from the World Bank, the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility, the
African Legal Support Facility, and the Inter-American Development Bank's Multilateral Investment Fund.

The PPP Reference Guide presents a global overview of the diversity of approaches and experiences in the
implementation of public-private partnerships, providing an entry point to the substantial body of knowledge
on PPPs that has been built up by practitioners in governments, the private sector, international institutions,
and academic. The PPP Reference Guide Version 3 was released in 2017 and was a joint product of
the: Asian Development Bank (ADB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Global
Infrastructure Hub, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Islamic Development
Bank (IsDB), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe (UNECE), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the
Pacific (UNESCAP), and the World Bank Group.

The Public-Private Partnerships Fiscal Risk Assessment Model (PFRAM) is an analytical tool to assist
governments and country analysts in assessing potential fiscal costs and risks arising from a PPP project.
PFRAM supports the dialogue of the IMF and the World Bank Group with their client countries on
macroeconomic stability, debt sustainability, fiscal risk management, governance, public finance
management and public investment management. PFRAM follows a five step decision-tree, automatically
generating a set of outcomes: the expected cash flow for the private partner; the government’s income
statement, balance sheet and cash statement; a series of charts comparing fiscal balance and DSA
with/without the specific PPP project; a project risk matrix; and a sensitivity analysis of macro variables.
PFRAM requires project-specific data and country specific macroeconomic data, allowing the user to work
under different assumptions. Thus, the fiscal outcomes are indicative and sensitive to these assumptions.
Building on experience gathered from developers and users, the new version PFRAM 2.0 improves the user
interface making it easier to understand by non-PPP experts and extends the tool’s coverage and
functionalities. See Guidance Note for the Public-Private Partnerships Fiscal Risk Assessment Model
(PFRAM) 2.0 and French version, Public-Private Partnerships Fiscal Risk Assessment Model (PFRAM):
French Version 2.0.

Project Preparation Facilities

The Global Infrastructure Facility (GIF) is a global open platform that facilitates the preparation and
structuring of complex infrastructure public-private partnerships to enable mobilization of private sector and
institutional investor capital. The GIF platform coordinates and integrates the efforts of MDBs, private sector
investors and financiers, and governments interested in infrastructure investment in Emerging Markets and
Developing Economies—fostering collaboration and collective action on complex projects that no single
institution could achieve alone.

The multilateral development banks have created project preparation facilities (PPFs) to improve the quality
of project development, while also strengthening the local capacity needed to ensure lasting results. The PPFs
work to promote regional policy dialogue on infrastructure challenges; to catalyze access to public and
private finance sources; and support sustainable infrastructure projects, in particular public-private
partnerships. The various PPFs that have been launched can act as a model for public officials in emerging
markets to emulate

African Development Bank, Africa50

Asian Development Bank, Asia Pacific Project Preparation Facility
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Project Preparation Facility
Inter-American Development Bank, Infrafund
Islamic Development Bank, Arab Financing Facility for Infrastructure


MDB Infrastructure Investment Project Briefs - This series showcases how the MDBs have come together
to support the development and implementation of public-private partnerships. This support comes in the
form of public sector loans, private sector finance, sector and transaction advice, guarantees, and output-
based aid.

The Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects Database is a joint product of the World Bank Group and
the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility, which seeks to identify and disseminate information on
private participation in infrastructure projects in low- and middle-income countries. The database highlights
the contractual arrangements used to attract private investment, the sources and destination of investment
flows, and information on the main investors. The data can be filtered by projects that include MDB support.

Knowledge sharing

See more knowledge sharing on the Events and Conference page.

3RD Party Related Content

About PPPLRC and PPPs

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