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The Sengoku Jidai started at the year 1493, there are many great generals with talent that
had gathered under many great daimyo’s .

Of the East, Shimazu,Ito,Otomo, Amako, Mori, Chosokabe, Of the central Ashikaga,

Miyoshi, Azai, Asakura, Iga-Koga federation ,Of the west Oda, Tokugawa, Imagawa,
Takeda, Uesugi,Hojo, and many others

Many fine warriors exists in these times, such as Shikanosuke Yamanaka, and many others
that came after him, fine swordsman like those of Yagyu Munenori and Musashi Miyamoto.

Nobunaga Oda , the first Unifier was close to realizing a unified Japan but he died at
Honnoji at 1582, due to the betrayal of Mitsuhide Akechi who died to a bunch of bandits
after losing to Hideyoshi Toyotomi at the battle of Yamazaki.

Then came Hideyoshi who continued his conquest, But he died in 1600, dying in the age of
peace which culminated to the Battle of Sekigahara in our time, but in this time, the Takeda
emerged and will changed the times of this world.

In this age of war, where the weak can overthrow the strong (Gekokujou), and the people
suffer, there would only be one savior at this age, In this age of Ambition, only one will have
his ambition reach the very edge of the world.
The Return of The Takeda, The Journey to
During the reign of Hideyoshi Toyotomi (1582), The Takeda was effectively neutralized due to the previous Invasion
of Oda Nobunaga, but there is a branch that survived the defeat of the Takeda, the Branch of Taka Takeda or
Takeda Shuri, She was 15 when she ran to Ueda Castle.

She hid at Ueda castle while Carrying in her womb, her first born son named Takeda Teruyaki, Teruyaki was born
and was raised by both Shuri and Masayuki, then Shuri married a Sanada kin and gave birth to both Yasukage and
Terutane a year after Teruyaki.

Katsuyori dies two years after the birth of Teruyaki, at Tenmokuzan alongside his son’s and the rest of the Takeda
submitted, but only the lucky ones escaped and seek refuge to the Sanada or became Rogue Bandits.

Teruyaki was born of both Taka (Shuri) Takeda and Nobuhide Oda, Teruyaki Was describe as “Ambitious as Sun
Quan, and Calm as Zhou Yu”, born in 1580, He was made the Heir of the Takeda clan after a ceremony in Ueda after
the death of Katsuyori in 1582, One day, When he was Eight years old, he was sent to the capital to get officialized
by the court under Hideyoshi, on his way to the capital, he sighed and said in a sad tone “ In my grandfather’s era, he
led his men into battle with great ambition in his heart, same with my uncle who commited suicide, but I had failed in
doing what they did in their age, how could I stay like this?!”, this words signaled his ambition to his followers and
they vowed to never said those words until Teruyaki become free of the chains that holds him, His looks are like jade,
his hair is short yet full on his head.

During his time in the capital, He usually stayed in his room and write letters to his clan in Ueda, but one was
intercepted by a Nishina, one of the kin of Takeda, he was working as a messenger at that time, he opened the letter
and in the letter it is said “During king Yue’s time under king of Wu, he accepted any act of shame by the King of Wu,
This is what I will do during my time here, to endure the shame of serving another, and thus I asked that you all
prepared yourself for the day we will return to Kai and reclaim our home.”, this Nishina kin was touched by the
writings of Teruyaki and vow to make a home for him in Komadome, his name is Nishina Yamahide, and he was the
one who will build Komadome Castle, and that’s where the story of the Three Takeda Prodigies began to unfold.

Yasukage was born from Taka Takeda and her spouse, Sanada Tokumaru, son of Nobutsuna Sanada, Yasukage
was described as “ Ambitious as Cao Cao, Valor of Zhang Fei, and the combined cunningness Of Shingen and
Kenshin”,born in 1581, He was taught strategy by Masayuki at an early age, and at 8 years old, he was able to lead a
small group of retainers with ease, during his stay in Ueda, when he was studying under Masayuki, he predict
something while reading the Art of war, turned to Masayuki who sat next to him and said “ I saw a Large Monkey sat
on a big tree, then come a big fat Tanuki, wishing to sat at the place the large monkey sat down, the Tanuki threw a
rock at the large monkey and the monkey fell, but the Tanuki didn’t get what he want, he also fell when trying to climb
up the tree, and it was fox that threw the rock as well, the fox then sat down at the place where large monkey once
sat and laughs all day long.”, Masayuki heard this, he then kept those words in his heart and prepare his men for that
day to come, he had a great friend, his name is Yerukage Sanada, his father Hagatashi Sanada, is the descendant of
one of Masayuki’s brother, Masateru Sanada, Yasukage was of a dashing young man, face like jade, and his hair
reached his waist, but it was cut a bit short to reach his spine and it was tied into a lower ponytail.

It was in a quiet day, the two played with two girls, named Yushi and Suechi, Yushi is the sister of Yerukage, and
Suechi is of the Uesugi, when suddenly two bandits came towards them, both Yasukage and Yerukage quickly went
into action, defeating the bandits and driving them off with their fist, both Yushi and Suechi praised both of them and
said “Brother Yerukage and Yasukage are amazing for defeating those bandits!” Yasukage blushed alongside

Then when they went home, Yerukage said “Brother, you are talented, changes happened everyday, and yet you
keep your ambition away from your brothers, why is that?”, Yasukage put his hand on his chin and said “I am indeed
ambitious, but I am loyal, after all I loved my eldest brother and younger brother, how could I hurt my elder brother?”,
Yerukage shakes his head “Brother , one day you will replaced Teruyaki”.

“Yunshi, do you expect me to replace my brother?” Yasukage asked, “Moroshi, you are like a free eagle in the middle
of a group of crows, of course you are worthy to do so” Yerukage answered, “Moroshi, If you ever want help just ask
me, and I will try to help” Yerukage added, Yasukage look at Yerukage, or Yunshi, the eyebrows are quite in a
serious mood, “he is serious” Yasukage thought, “Well then If it ever happen one of my subordinate will go and find
you, deal?” Yasukage said, “Deal” Yerukage replied.

Born on the same day as Yasukage, Described as a cultured man even at 5 years old, Terutane was known as “Cao
Zhi of Japan”, at an early age he wrote many poems as well as many paintings, He was known for his sense of
Humor and his strength is said to be “As Strong as a Bull” thus his helmet had horns to fit the description of his
strength, in one of his poem’s, he wrote this when he was 15 along with his two elder brothers (Teruyaki is 16 at that
time while Terutane and Yasukage is 15):
“As the wind blew East
So to will the banners of our father’s
The day of our return shall come
Though many will not see
The one’s left will see it’s glory”.

Deciding that the time has come, Terutane gathered his paintings and poems, and sold them at a higher price, it was
said he made a fortune by selling his own Paintings, and he used that fortune to order his subordinates to make a fort
in Komadome, as his subordinate marched south to Komadome, they met with Yamahide Nishina, and Yamahide
ordered them to follow him, and so they did, they arrived to Komadome, and Yamahide start to work on the castle,
two of these subordinates were Terumasa Kozuki, and Torataishi Takanashi. Terutane had a jade like face, a
dashing one at best, his hair is short and was tied into a bun.
The castle was completed in just 6 month’s of work and Yamahide wrote a letter to Taka Takeda saying “We are both
of the same kin and of the same place, I wish you a happy day for today, now I have made a home for both you and
your childrens, I hope you could move here in Komadome,In fact I invited you here to Komadome, the land of our
home, Kai.”.

After getting that message, Taka ask her sons “One of your kin, Yamahide had wrote to us, that he had prepared a
home at Komadome, now choose between these options, one you will not come, meaning you will have to stay here
for the rest of your life, or two you will come, meaning you will have a chance to do great things”, the three brothers
picked the second option,and their mother Taka followed her son’s wishes.

Taka gave them money and, the three brothers went to the blacksmith, who is known as “Yukoshi Unno”, and there
they asked for their armor and weapons, Of Teruyaki, he donned dark red armor with an ornament on front side of his
helmet surrounding the Takeda symbol on his helmet in the Shikoku Style, and had a horse hair on the helmet, he
wielded a Dragon head Naginata for his personal weapon, Of Yasukage, he donned a black armor, the helmet had a
monster head with ears and horns that surrounds the Takeda symbol on the helmet, equipped with horse hair, he
wielded a Dragon Coiling Jumonji as his personal weapon, Of Terutane, his armor is dark armor with an moon
crescent ornament on the front side of the helmet, on the sides are horns, he wields a twin serpent spear as his
personal weapon, Yasukage handpicked 300 strong warriors for the journey and picked Moriyama Saegusa Who is
known as “Executioner Saegusa”,Tomotatsu Tsuchiya who is known as “Serpent Spearmen” and Yamataishi Obata
who is known as “ Fiery Whirlwind” to be lieutenants. Moriyama was previously a butcher and a cook, but When he
saw that his knife is rusted, he asked for two large blades , and this earned him the nickname “Butcher Saegusa”, but
then due to him being picked as an executioner, he cuts off two people with just his executioner blade, hence why he
is called “Executioner Saegusa” he had another sword , it was called the large 6 dragon blade and this blade could
cut through 7 people In just one slash.

While Both Tomotatsu and Yamataishi were officers in the Sanada clan, Tomotatsu was called Serpent Spearmen
due to his ability with a serpent spear which he excel at, and Yamataishi was called Fiery Whirlwind due to his fiery
passion for battle and his fierceness in battle, he wields Two Iron Axes which he excel at, Tomotatsu was the
descendant of Masatsune Tsuchiya , his two cousins from another Tsuchiya were Shikanomaru Tsuchiya, and
Nobutomo Tsuchiya, before leaving, Yamataishi said to Teruyaki “My Lord, I have a cousin somewhere in Kai, he is
of great skill with his spear, and is quite good at water warfare, his name is Kageyatsu Obata, I will write a letter to
him and told of our leave so he can join us” of course Teruyaki allowed him to write the letter, Yamataishi wrote the
letter, put his special red ribbon, and quickly send an messenger with the letter for Kageyatsu.

Yasukage had a horse of high breed, it can cover 2000 li a day, and was white in color, when the horse fell down, it
rises again and had a lot of energy even in a fight, hence why it is called “White Phoenix Horse”, for Teruyaki, he
rode a Black horse that can cover 1500 li a day and it was called “Black Dragon horse” due it’s long form and a lot of
stamina, with that the head of the horse is like a dragon, For Terutane, he had a brown horse that can run 1000 li a
day and was called “Brown Hare”, they were given some armor for their horses, they all were given some iron plates
for the heads, and chains to cover their body, only Yasukage’s horse that didn’t equip any armor.
they said goodbye’s to the Sanada clan, Thanking them for protecting them all this time and left for Komadome, Taka
arranged the formation that will escort them to Komadome, Teruyaki and Terutane wield their perspective weapons
and guard the right,left sides, while Yasukage Lead the way , Lieutenants were Moriyama on Terutane’s unit,
Yamataishi on Yasukage’s, and Tomotatsu on Teruyaki’s, on their march south, not even a 900 meters far from
Saijoyama, they encountered Bandits of around 300 , they wield Tachi’s,Spears and hooks, their armor is of red
crimson and wore zunari Helmets,lead by a man with two iron bludgeon (Tie Tian, Swordbreaker in Chinese) he wore
an impressive attire, his helmet had thunderbolts as horns, on the front of his helmet is a small monsterhead
ornament with a bronze Square plate on top with the Carved words “ Two Iron Clubs, his armor (Yukinoshita Dou)
and helmet (Zunari Kabuto) was of the color Dark Red, and his horse is of red color, His name Is Renchu Baba,
Teruyaki was forming his men into a defensive formation during this march, Renchu halted his men and saw
Teruyaki’s majestic looks and thought to himself “This man seems like a gallant fellow, no no, I will not harm him but I
must know his name”, he then galloped alone to meet Teruyaki, Teruyaki saw him and saluted him, Renchu asked
“Gallant Fellow, Who are you so I may know who I will strike or serve?” Teruyaki look at him with awe and said his
name “I am Teruyaki Takeda” “Not the Teruyaki Takeda who is known to be “Grand Daimyo of Takeda” “ I am such
fellow” Renchu then leapt of his horse, put his two bludgeons to the ground and Kowtowed three times “I have heard
of your fame and was in awe of you my lord” Teruyaki leapt of his horse, and pull him up “Don’t do that, I am of minor
talent, but please tell me your name” “I am Renchu Baba, I was well known in the Gallant Fraternity as General of
Two Iron clubs hence the name on the plate on my head, I killed an official due to him Bullying one of the Peasants
from the Sanada and was forced into Banditry, I heard of your illustrious name but I have no time to go and meet you,
today heaven is kind to let me meet you” Teruyaki was into talented men and so he asked Renchu “ If I ask you to
join, will you accept?” Renchu said without any hesitation or doubt “Yes My lord, I am willing to die just to serve you”,
Great” Teruyaki said “I will now go and find my brothers, I wanna introduce them to you” Teruyaki called for his two
brothers, then they came, Renchu saw them and was in awe of them , especially of Yasukage, and thought to himself
“What a group of great fellow man, I am ashamed to try and endangered them here, today heaven has decreed me
to serve these fellow gallant men, If I can’t have them all as brothers, my life would be in vain” , Renchu joined them
alongside his 300 men, then they resumed their march south, as they are near Fukashi ,Renchu Exclaimed “I just
remembered something” Teruyaki turned and asked “What did you remember brother?” , “I have a brother,my lord”
Renchu said “He is a well to do man, and was proficient in tactics, Strategy as well as that administration, in the
gallant fraternity, he was called “The Little Sleeping Dragon”, If my lord could recruit him, your life wouldn’t be in vain”
, “If there is such a man” Teruyaki said “I wish to meet him, let me bring my brother too”, Teruyaki called for
Yasukage and explained his attention, “If he is such a talented man then we should go and recruit him, Elder Brother”
Yasukage said, and Teruyaki was pleased, the three went to meet with Renchu’s brother, they arrived at the front of
a humble cottage, there stands a man with a handsome face, his attire was of white and blue, his hat was
reminiscent of Kong Ming (Zhuge Liang’s Courtesy Name), in his hand a feather fan, truly a majestic figure, The Man
spoke “Brother, I have predicted you will come with these two man, come inside and I will reveal the state of the land”
the three entered the cottage, and was served warm tea, there on top of the table, was a map of the land, and chess
pieces placed next to it, Yasukage then spoke “ We have been served tea by your brother and yet we haven’t know
his name, may I ask such a man’s name?” the man speaks “I am Yoshiteru Baba, Ever since my brother left home
and become a bandit, I haven’t considered to meet him until now” “Is that so, well then may I see what step after we
took over Komadome and Kai?”, Yoshiteru rose up and with his fan he points at the map, “Shinano after Kai to place
the foundation, Repel invasions from north and east, take Owari,Mikawa, Totomi and Suruga, then march on the
capital, that is all my lord”, Yasukage nod and said “Exactly what I have thought” but Teruyaki was skeptical and
asked “If so, then what of the Chosokabe, Mori, Toyotomi, Date, Shimazu, Maeda, and others?” Yoshiteru then
answered “My lord, of these clans, I would say the situation is as “a flea to a buffalo is a pest, yet a flea to a bird is a
meal, thus both lived side by side” we couldn’t just pacify everyone with force as that was against the law of virtue
and we will be looked Upon with impression of a barbaric, use hard tactic for those that is against us, and use soft
tactic to pacify them easily, of the Tokugawa and Toyotomi, One will die and one will survive but less power and
reduced, the Maeda would be defeated by the Men of Uesugi” Teruyaki asked “ Of Tokugawa why would their leader
die?” Yoshiteru turned towards Teruyaki and said “My lord, your life is valuable as food to the hungry masses, life is
fleeting like a dream,at Very place where you start your conquest, you will die there as a price to defeating Ieyasu,
and Ieyasu will die by the hands of a Maeda.” Of Course Teruyaki listened and kept it to his heart, and everyone
drink their tea without worry, the four departed back to the caravan and continue on their journey, Yoshiteru was
made Chief Strategist after the meeting.

On their way through Suwa, Yasukage met a young man with a fine skill with the spear he wields, he went and asked
his name, “I am Terukage Suwa, I lived in Suwa ever since I was young, I am known as the “Dolphin under the water”
due to my ability to dive into waters and my tactics with Water ambushes” Yasukage Recruited him there, The
Caravan continued on, Yasukage met a man during the journey, he threw arrows with precision of a sharp archer,
and hit all the targets even if it was 100 li, Yasukage went to talk to him, the man saw Yasukage’s looks ran towards
him, and kowtow three times, Yasukage asked “Who are you, good fellow?” the man answered “I am Daisuke Hara,
Living here near the Suwa River,I worked as a fisherman, one day I was fishing when I saw someone being chased
by a tiger, and so I picked up a fork and threw it, it hits the tiger precisely at the head, hence why I got the nickname
“Three headed Nezha” I made these arrow’s to be able to penetrate any armor ” Terukage came out of the line and
greeted Daisuke Hara, it turns out they lived at the same neighborhood before until Daisuke had to moved to the
north west of the Suwa river, Yasukage recruited him also, along the Journey he picked up Masahiro Tada “Sky Gun”
After seeing him instructing his men on Gunnery, Torayasu Kiso “The Demon Whirlwind” when he saw him using a
knife perfectly, the two conversed and He told Yasukage of his past “ I was born on the battlefield, so you can call me
battle born, anyways, I am of the Kiso clan of Kiso Fukushima, my Mother died on the field, and I grew up on the
field, taking food and weapons from dead soldiers, but when I am forced, I…”, he continued while trembling “I eat
human flesh… but IT WAS DELICIOUS!”,he shouts in joy,” and I have become a gourmet for it, then later, I met
Moriyama, and the two of us opened a butcher shop, I then left to here, and now served you!” he said, Yasukage
although a bit disgusted, couldn’t help but laugh, and said “Come with me, there is more meat for you to eat”
Torayasu jumps in the air with his two pairs of knifes and followed Yasukage, when they met Moriyama, he lunge at
Torayasu, attempting to strangle him, he said “My Lord, this fiend need to die”, Yasukage asked why, and then
Moriyama explains “This Fiend.., after he and I opened a shop, he keeps looking at the customers with eyes of
hunger, and one day, I remembered that this fiend killed and ate an official, hence why I become a wanderer and
become an executioner to not be captured due to our relation, this bastard keeps ruining my life in every step I took!”
Torayasu’s shark like teeth was arranged into a smile, he laughs and said “That Official taste nice, probably because
of evilness, or because of the amount of seasoning he used on himself!”,Torayasu continues laugh, Moriyama’s
raised his fist, and punched Torayasu’s face two times, Yasukage rushed forth, pushed off Moriyama off Torayasu,
and help both of them up, he then said “Brother’s, we’ve all done wrong in the past, so it’s not really a big deal,
Moriyama , I begged you to accept Torayasu’s apology, and apologize”, he then stares at Torayasu and said “You
also need to behave yourself, and ask for forgiveness and accept his apology” , Torayasu mumble something, but his
smile is back and said “Sure thing My lord!”, both of them reconcile their problems and thanked Yasukage for
showing them the way, of course the journey continues, Yerutachi Naito “Hardened Strategist”, It was when
Yasukage consults Yoshiteru Baba when he entered the Tent, startling Yasukage, but not Yoshiteru, then Yoshiteru
told Yasukage the name of the Individual as Yerutachi Naito, Yoshiteru then told of his relation with the Naito clan,
and how Yerutachi had helped them before, Yasukage nodded and asked Yerutachi to joined him which he accepts,
Terayashu Yamamoto “One Eyed Tiger” joined him along with Kokuyushi Amari “Big Oni”, Hishiomasa Itagaki “Thin
Oni”, Kageyatsu Obata “River Catching Demon”,Kamayori Hoshina “Fire Tip spearmen”, Masayuki Obu “ Traveller of
2000 Li”, during the night he met a man practicing and dancing swords under the moon and the river reflects his
moves, He donned a dark armor, and a hachimaki, and his horse a brown horse, Yasukage was impressed, but the
man saw him and quickly kowtow, it seems he knows who Yasukage is, Yasukage leapt off his horse, grabbed his
arms, and lift the man up, “My friend, don’t do that, it seems you know who I am but I do not know who you are, so
can you please tell me who you are?” The man look up and said “ I am Taishomasa Yokota, In the gallant fraternity,
who haven’t know you, Lord Yasukage, that attire you donned,and that weapon you wield?, I am known as
“Swordsman beside the river” due to my love to train near rivers” but Yasukage changes it “That doesn’t really fit you,
how about “Swordsman under the moon”?” Taishomasa answered “My lord, to earn a name like that from you is like
gift from the heavens, a blessing my lord” When hearing of Taishomasa’s voice, both Terukage and Daisuke came
out, and greeted him, they explained that Taishomasa once lived near them, and the three had an oath of
brotherhood, it was there that Yasukage brought him in as well.

Near Tsujigasaki there is a bandit group, rumored to be led by two Brothers, who is laying in wait for them, of course
the sharp eyed Yasukage halted the men, Terutane’s shift came and he prepared his twin serpent spear ,Renchu
Baba readied his clubs, and The rest readied their perspective weapons, but two men came on horseback, “We
asked to meet Teruyaki and Yasukage” they said, Terutane was on duty and so he went to meet them, even though
they don’t recognize Terutane , they felt a bond stronger than ever with Terutane , the Two man asked “Good Fellow,
What is your name?”, Terutane answered “I am Terutane Takeda” the two was startled, and asked, “Not the “Cao Zhi
of Japan” or the “Poetic Bull” ?” Terutane then answered“I am that person”, the three chatted and Terutane saw that
the two are trustworthy, after all he felt a strong bond like brotherhood and the two of them was brought infront of
Yasukage and Teruyaki by Terutane, the two leapt of their horses and kowtowed, Teruyaki went down and lift them
up, “Don’t do that, I am of minor talent, but I wish to ask both you gallant fellows to introduce yourselves”, one of the
man spoke “I am Teruhashi Kosaka, I lived at Kaizu Castle but due to my rashness, I killed a man and was forced
alongside my brother here to Kai and turned to Banditry, in the gallant fraternity I am known as “Brutal Kosaka” due
to my brutal tactics“ he then introduced his brother “This is my brother, Teruguchi Kosaka, he is a great strategist , a
patient man and was good at Orthodox tactics, hence why he is called “Calm Kosaka”, Teruyaki was skeptical but
Yasukage allowed them to join the band.

When they are near Komadome, Yasukage saw a man with red attire, his helmet is an eboshi helmet with a horn
ornament, he wields a Saihai (Command baton) that seemed to be able to Lead around thousands or Milions of men,
and called spirits to help, Yasukage ordered the caravan to continue without him, and went to meet the man, of
course the man saw the Looks of Yasukage and was In awe , he went to meet Yasukage and asked “Good Fellow,
may I asked your name ?” Yasukage heared that and turned to The man “I am Yasukage Takeda” hearing the name,
The man leapt of his brown steed, and kowtow, Yasukage leapt of his white steed , grabbed Teruyashi’s Arms and
said “Brother, to me this is too formal, when I saw you, you are like a brother, but may I asked your name?” “I am
Teruyashi Yamagata, I lived around Kofu castle my entire childhood” he said “I killed an official of the Toyotomi
because of him doing injustice to the people and was forced to flee to Komadome, lord Yamahide Nishina gave me a
place to live , due to my red attire, I am known in the gallant fraternity as “Red Devil” I am not talented , but may I
asked to hold your whip?” Of course Yasukage was pleased by the look of Teruyashi Yamagata and Recruited him.

When the caravan arrived at Komadome, they have around 900 men, 300 of the original troops, 150 of Renchu, 450
of the Kosaka brothers , Yamahide Nishina went out with his escort of 200 horseman, he saluted Them and invited
them inside.

Yamahide was honored to meet Taka (Shuri) Takeda, and lead them all the way inside the castle, the castle has five
floor, a deep moat surrounding the castle with a river running on the left side of the castle, Yasukage then ordered
the troops to donned their Takeda banner,and to guard around the castle, he placed Teruyashi as his Second in
command, and the rest was given their own quarters and ranks as lieutenants for now, for Teruyaki, He asked
Yoshiteru to be Head Strategist, a task fitting for him and Yoshiteru accept it, Teruyashi introduced the 10 motobe’s
to Yasukage and Yasukage recruited them as well, Yasukage stayed outside the castle to direct the defenses, and
assigned tasks, Moriyama as the cook alongside Torayasu, Teruyashi as second in command, Daisuke Hara and
Masahiro Tada as scout commander, the rest had their own work.

Meanwhile inside the castle, Teruyaki and Terutane along with their mother Taka, was shown the places inside the
castle, the 1st floor is the guest floor, the 2nd floor is the weapon’s storage same with the 3rd floor, the 4th is the Living
floor,5th is filled with cannon’s on all sides and there was the Meeting room, build like an imperial room.

In the Meeting room, Taka and her sons are invited to sat down by Yamahide, and they discuss about the castle,
“This castle is perfect for defensive purposes against a large foe, and the cannons on the 5 th floor could be used to
repel an assault” Teruyaki said, Terutane and Taka agree, it was two days after that question was asked that
Yasukage heard of it when he was drilling his forces in the yard of the castle alongside Teruyashi and Terukage, and
gave his answer “Although it is perfect, we are still low on many things, first is manpower, to defend a castle, you will
need enough men to hold each position, 2nd is supplies, an army marched on its stomach, and equipments are
needed, same with ammunition and gunpowder, for now, with talented officers, we could handle the siege for long
until our resources ran out”, later there are three talented warriors who come to the front gates, seeking to meet
Teruyaki, Yasukage was there to greet them, and allowed them to entered into the castle, they are permitted to meet
with Teruyaki who prepared a banquet for them, these three would be later known as the White Scaled Dragon
Yurikatsu Kuromatsu, White Maiden of Komadome,Yuechi Kuromatsu, and Chain Administrator, Tatenobu
Tatenashi, but While Yurikatsu and Yuechi gained their nickname early on, Tatenobu would later gain it when he
becomes Owari’s administrator, but for now he is known as Chain Catcher for his ability with a specially made chain
that could become long,and short, heavy and light to Tatenobu’s commands, Tatenobu is of the Hosokawa clan,
meaning he is Tatenobu Hosokawa, Teruyaki recruited them and put Yurikatsu as his personal Advisor, while Yuechi
is given the lady’s guard, for Tatenobu, Yasukage requested that he becomes the treasurer, of course Teruyaki
trusted Yasukage and so he appoint Tatenobu as the Treasurer, which will positively impact the Takeda later on as
Tatenobu is skilled in Finance and administration works, he isn’t corrupt and disliked to be bribed, instead when he
got bribed, he gave the money into the treasury, and managed the accounts of each and everyone in the castle, from
up to down, his eyes doesn’t miss a single mark, Yasukage’s advice was correct.

In the following months of negotiating with Hideyoshi, and continuing to exist, Teruyaki manage to carved up some
sizeable territory near Komadome, and it was during that Time that Hideyoshi muster the men to march on Odawara,
he forced Teruyaki to send his best warriors to assist, of course, Teruyaki asked Yasukage to lead the force and be
his representative to the Toyotomi, but after thinking about it, Teruyaki is asked by Yasukage to lead them as
Hideyoshi needed the leader of the clan to join into the fight, of course with no other options, Teruyaki donned his
armor, grabbed his naginata, ordered for the gathering of troops, which includes 400 infantry, 200 archers, 50
gunners, and 450 cavalry, which is around 1,100 men , his second in command is Yasukage, his adviser is Yoshiteru
, his lieutenants are Terutane,Renchu, Kamayori,Tomotatsu, Yamataishi, Daisuke, and Taishomasa, left in charge of
the defense of Komadome is Yurikatsu Kuromatsu and the remaining generals, the Takeda then prepared a farewell
banquet, and finally marched on Odawara, they are under the command of Tokugawa Ieyasu, but they listened only
to Teruyaki and Yasukage, the following march isn’t eventful, after they arrived near the Tokugawa camp, they
camped just a few meters away from the Tokugawa camp, the next day, the two camps gathered together for
breakfast, and ate their fill, a debrief is presented of the current Situation, though Teruyaki is impatient, he gradually
bear with it as Yasukage instead answer every question on his behalf, while Terutane kept his blade on his waist and
stand guard next to Teruyaki, of course with Yasukage talking, they were given a separate role to fulfill, and the army
marched slowly towards Odawara, on their way, the Takeda contingent decided to break off from the Tokugawa force
as planned by Yasukage and Ieyasu, and go their separate way southwards, their role given during the debrief Is to
take out the southern resistance, they met with a Hojo force of around 3000, Teruyaki quickly set up his battleline and
asked Yoshiteru and Yasukage for advice, It was agreed that Renchu will lead the vanguard of around 100 cavalry as
a flanking force and Renchu donned his armor, handpicked 100 horsemen, and rode out of the camp, the Takeda
rested that day.

The next day, the battle begins with a barrage of gun fire, But as Masahiro had trained the Takeda Gunners to fire in
volleys and to reload quicker, the disciplined drilled into them made them better than expected, and the Hojo gunners
fell quickly to the guns of the Takeda, then the Hojo officer screamed for the spearmen to go to the front, and they
charged forward, Yasukage commanded the central force, and seeing this, he ordered his spearmen to braced
spear, and quickly send command to Daisuke, who is leading the archers to open fire, the archers let loose their hail
of arrows, and the central force engaged with the central Hojo force, on the wings, the right and left is lead by
Tomotatsu and Yamataishi engaged the Hojo force on their side, the remaining cavalry on the wings were lead by
Kamayori and Taishomasa was held back by Yoshiteru, Teruyaki watched over them alongside Yasukage,
Yoshiteru,and the gunners squad, Yoshiteru sat on a Wooden wheel chair similar to Zhuge Liang, he was directing
with his feather fan in response to Teruyaki’s every order.

The two sides fought for hours, but the Takeda is getting the better of them, and soon is pushing the enemy back, it
was at this time that Renchu sprung out of his hiding place, though he is given the role of striking first, Renchu
instead hide his troops and moved around the enemy unnoticed, he is thinking not like other vanguards, leading the
troops, he leads the charge and strike the Hojo back side, Panic occurred as the Hojo is surrounded and quickly melt
under the pressure, then Yoshiteru gave the signal for the cavalry on the wings to advance, the Cavalry quickly
sweep in from the sides, and completed the encirclement, the Hojo commander was slain by Terutane Takeda, and
his two lieutenants were taken prisoner by both Kamayori and Taishomasa, Tomotatsu and Yamataishi killed two
commanders of the Hojo, and the Hojo force surrenders, Teruyaki wanted to finished them off , Teruyaki thinks of the
previous deeds commited by the Hojo against the Takeda, but Yasukage Reminded him of the kinship they share
with the Hojo, as well as that their own faults against the Hojo when the tripartite alliance was broken, so as a result,
Teruyaki gave them compensation and told them to return home, many left but many joined the Takeda, as a result
of those joining the Takeda, more and more dissatisfied Hojo soldiers joined their march south, but they wished to get
across to assault Odawara castle from the south, so Yasukage asked the Hojo’s who had surrender if they know a
man with talents on the sea under the Hojo or a naval force to moved to Odawara ,one of the deserted Hojo retainer
spoke “Surely you didn’t forget about the Eyes of the Sea, Harasaki Hojo?”, Teruyaki and Yasukage exclaimed loudly
“We haven’t grown old and shouldn’t be forgetful” they then explained to the rest of Harasaki, of how from a young
age he is a fine martial artists and was good in seafaring “If we had him, we wouldn’t worry of the problems of
conquering later” Teruyaki said, Yoshiteru grin for a bit and said “If Lord Teruyaki wanted him, I had a plan to trap him
and let him join us” Yoshiteru then called for Taishomasa and Kamayori , he ordered them to lead some men to build
a fort just north of a castle of the Hojo, seeing the forts, the Hojo garrison commander request aid from Odawara,
back at Odawara, Harasaki Hojo is drilling his sailors when he was called to the tenshu, since he was the son of
Tsunashige, he was given an important position by Ujimasa, combined with his talent, he rose high up the ranks, and
inherited his father’s Yellow troops, but the Yellow troops would fall to Harasaki’s brother, Tsunayasu Hojo, inside the
Tenshu’s council room, the general gathered and Harasaki sat at the fourth row,after some discussion, Ujimasa then
asked Harasaki to lead the fleet to carry troops to assist the castle besieged by the Takeda, Harasaki protested and
said “My lord, it’s best to hold the troops here, I heard of the Takeda, although they are still restoring their strength,
they have many gallant fellows and are extremely brave, if we sent troops there, we would surely lost to them, I
suggests to reconsider, as we should defend Odawara from the Tokugawa threat”, But due to Ujimasa’s rage,
Harasaki was forced to order his fleet to set sail from port, there he stands on the deck of his ships, his armor
glistened and his helmet had a monster head as an ornament, on his waist a blade with a dragon biting from the hilt,
the next day they set sail, the fleet were outfitted with Ozutsu’s, and their sail are large, they sailed at great speed of
the wind, and arrived near the castle in just half a day, Harasaki ordered his men to set up positions on the shore and
to bring out their horse, they set up camp where they landed, the next day, the Takeda force is upon them, they are
lead by none other than Yasukage, who brought with him, Kamayori and Taishomasa alongside 130 cavalry with long
lances, Harasaki hearing this, donned his armor and lead his men to meet with the Takeda army, Yasukage saw him
leading on top of a black pointed white steed, and shout to him “Are you not Harasaki Hojo?”, in response Harasaki
said “Yes I am , you wretched buffoon, our two clans are like kins, why do you surrender to our foe?, I will personally
brought you to Odawara in Bonds!”, Kamayori couldn’t handle the insult , “He dare to insult the general, I will teach
him a lesson for this!” he thought as he rode forth, pointing at Harasaki, he shouts “ Hojo Harasaki, surely you know
who I am?” ,and wielding his black iron wolf tooth spear, he charges towards the Hojo line, a Lieutenant flew out with
40 men, but Kamayori fought them for 40 minutes, and killed all of them in a few moves, Harasaki was amazed of
Kamayori’s spearmanship, he shouts back “I know who you are, the Hoshina Spear style is indeed remarkable, but
can you really best me!?” saying that, he rode out to fight him, brandishing his dragon hilt blade, he shouts towards
Kamayori “Take a look at My Sword!”, and the two warriors met in a clash, they fought for 40 rounds, Taishomasa
could see from a far that Kamayori is weakening, although he had done well at first 35 rounds, now he is getting to
frantic and is losing balance, Suddenly Taishomasa clapped his horse, he roared, and charges forward, brandishing
his twin wakizashi’s, and together with Kamayori, Harasaki saw this and said “Two on One , aye?”, but in his heart he
knew this will be tricky, “It seems so, hope you can handle the two of us” Taishomasa replied with a grin,the two
fought Harasaki for a further of 30 rounds, Taishomasa and Kamayori circled around Harasaki, who is holding on with
his dragon hilt blade, and a short wakizashi, the spectacle of the fight reminisce of the fight with Lu Bu and the Three
brothers, 4 swords and 1 spear, yet Harasaki is unfazed, the three fought long and hard, Harasaki could see that he
is weakening, so he parried their weapon, withdrew back to his troops,and ordered a bombardment, as well as a
general charge, Taishomasa and Kamayori quickly turned their horse, and fled , the cannon fires roared, but the
Takeda retreated quicker since they are on horseback, the cannons ceasefire and, the Hojo pursued, it was in the
deep wooded area at which Harasaki facepalms and said “We have been tricked, everyone pull back!” , As they tried
to withdrew, they got ambushed by Renchu Baba and Tomotatsu Tsuchiya, the fleeing Takeda turned back, and
charge at the Hojo, Harasaki tried to flee but he met with Renchu, he said “Baba General, Let me passed or I will kill
you myself!”, Renchu shakes his head and said “Rogue, do you really think you can beat me!?”, and the two met in
melee, but Renchu is superior in strength against Harasaki who is frantically trying to cope with Renchu, who saw
weakness and lunge at him, the two grapple on each other and fall into the ground, they both stands up and fought in
a fierce Hand to hand combat, “Didn’t you know I am quite good with my hands?!” Renchu said to Harasaki, but
Harasaki remained silent as the two trade blows,but Harasaki had already lost most of his strength from earlier and
Renchu saw that he is weakening, Renchu quickly lunge at him again and successfully bind him with a rope given by
the troops around them, Renchu then brought him to the camp, when he was brought before Teruyaki, Teruyaki
personally opened the bonds and led Harasaki to sit with him, Harasaki was moved by this and joined the Takeda,
his men likewise joined as well, Harasaki then brought the Takeda contingent south of Odawara, and there they set
up camp.

In the end Odawara wouldn’t fall until later, and the Hojo clan collapsed, Harasaki wept, but Teruyaki comfort him and
promised that the Hojo will return, Harasaki nodded, and asked to lead a group of horsemen to gather the survivor,
Teruyaki agree and a few days later, while still encamping south of Odawara , Harasaki returned with Ujikuni Hojo
and seeing how Harasaki was treated well, Ujikuni kneel and swear fealty.

The Takeda marched to return to Komadome, and it was uneventful, back to Komadome, things went as usual.
But then Since Hideyoshi is planning an Invasion of Joseon, Teruyaki asked Terutane to try and stop their armies
from joining the campaign against Joseon, and Terutane said to Teruyaki “My lordly brother, Lord Date Masamune
ordered his men to be dressed in beautiful armor and this allowed his troops to not participate, meanwhile we are in
our own turf with less money than most, I suggest we do a performance”, Teruyaki asked what it is , Terutane said “
A martial performance as well as armor showcase and Musical performance, we must somehow outperform the
Date, this way we could keep our troops fresh”, thus came to being “Terutane’s singing riders” this unit performed
martial as well musical performance, this impressed Hideyoshi so much that he ordered that the Takeda will not Join
the invasion of Joseon.

then Yasukage lead the army against the Armies of Asano, he split his men into three groups, 500 under him, 500
under Taishomasa and 500 under Renchu,In the following weeks, Yasukage gained the retainer Nobuhide Oyamada
after a skirmish by Renchu, who defeated Him in a duel, after getting a fair treatment Nobuhide introduced his friend
Tashiu Anayama and the two swear fealty, not just that, Asahiko Asano defected due to the disputes and also due to
being trapped by none other than Yerutachi Naito who strategized to make Asahiko defect, the Asano was defeated
quicker than expected and they are forced to fall back to Kofu which Yasukage put under siege, but the Asano was
saved due to the report of Takeda Aggresion near the border, and Yasukage was forced to retreat but with a clever
plot, he ordered his men to set up flags around Tsujigasaki palace as well as that ordered some of his subordinate,
Tashiu and Nobuhide to return to Komadome and organized a festival there, this marked the beginning of the
Yasukage Idiom “Putting flags for a Festival to hide an army” meaning to conceal whatever is your doing from your
own enemies, Hideyoshi after seeing a festival and a lot of flags around Tsujigasaki was confused at what the
Takeda is doing, “were they attacking the Asano or it is the opposite and they are just trying to prepare for a festival?”
Hideyoshi think and then return to Kyoto, then Yasukage continued his siege, then the Asano gave up some land at
the south, however Yasukage never stopped invading northward.

It was at this time that Teruyaki married to an Oda girl name Mishi, after the marriage Mishi was given hime at the
back of the name becoming Mishi-Hime, she will be the mother of Yoruishi Takeda who will be later known as “The
Great Black Dragon”, Teruyaki’s Other title is “Grand Dragon of Takeda” after his participation in the battle of

In the end it doesn’t really matter if the Hideyoshi actually comply as Yasukage in the following years continued his
aggression towards the Asano and Hideyoshi didn’t even bat an eye due to his Joseon Campaign, a campaign that is
failing due to the losses on the sea by Yi Sun Shin.

During 1595, the Hidetsugu incident happens, resulting in the death of Hashiba Hidetsugu, and many prominent
figures, the Bessho clan’s three prominent generals were all either exiled or released from service, Sashomasa
Chunsho Puruken Ningentaisho was one such figure, after being released, he wandered the land in search of his
companions, he luckily stumbled upon Komadome, and was invited like a general into the castle, there Teruyaki
introduced himself and the rest to him, and Sashomasa thanked them for their hospitality, while the banquet is
ongoing, Sashomasa decides to go out to find some peace for himself, it was there that he saw Yasukage directing
the troops, and felt that Yasukage isn’t that too shabby in strategy, and decides to go meet him, Yasukage turned
and saw Sashomasa, he quickly bowed but before he hits the ground, Sashomasa catches him, the two exchanged
looks and ever since that day, the two become teacher and students, Sashomasa taught everything he knows about
strategy, he taught of human psyche, how it effects the morale, how to be two steps ahead or three steps ahead of
everyone else, how to plan, how to be unpredictable, and how to always listened to the trusted of his own,
Sashomasa once said to Yasukage “Good student, once you create a bond, you must do everything to protect it, be it
your dream, or your brothers, everything is yours to protect, it was until you give up that you can’t no longer save
anything”, Sashomasa teaches Yasukage for five weeks till he left to find his comrades, Sashomasa called them
Kuroitatsu, and Akatora, ever since then, Yasukage never saw him again since that day.

As 1600 draw closer, Hideyoshi fell ill, and Yasukage was called to the capital, Yasukage, Knowing well his raids
against the Asano is being unfolded as he is on his way to the capital, had a clever plot, he just went to the capital,
and asked to see the reports and read it infront of Hideyoshi, when Hideyoshi heard of all the things that happen in
Kai, he almost send Yasukage to death if not for the fact that Yasukage fooled the monkey by saying some of the
reports are made up by bringing his own reports on the Asano movements as well as that a report of Tokugawa
Activities,(Mostly made up) Hideyoshi was dumbfounded but also skeptical, he called Ieyasu and Nagamasa to
confirm the reports, but the invitation went back to Yasukage through a disguise warrior which is in fact Masayuki
Obu, and Yasukage asked Terutane to copy the writings of Hideyoshi and copy it all to the lords of the land, and so
he did, the messengers went north to south, as every lord read it, they become enraged of the insults thrown at them
by “Hideyoshi’s” Writing, and they went to the capital, and so Hideyoshi just become more and more stress out due to
the amount of letters with different words but the same handwriting as his, and thus this sped up the process, and
1600, Hideyoshi Toyotomi died, after hearing of how Terutane had written and fooled the entire land with
“Hideyoshi’s Handwriting” he would soon be known as the “Sacred hand writer”.
Hideyoshi’s death, Takeda battled against
the Asano, The Fiery Crimson Zilong Joined
the Takeda
1600 AD, and Hideyoshi has died, his successor, Hideyori is still young and was not ready for the position of
Kampaku, and so a power struggle had begun, as many lords appointed by Hideyoshi sided with either Ishida or

The Tokugawa called over eastern clans to see who will joined him, the Takeda came as well, as Teruyaki also came
with Yamayoshi Hosokawa, and Tomotatsu Tsuchiya as his bodyguards, along with the Sanada, Masayuki Sanada,
Nobushige Sanada (Yukimura), and of course, Nobuyuki Sanada, but Teruyaki refused to Join the Tokugawa and
leave the conference, this of course, was seen as Teruyaki wanting to assist Ishida, after the Takeda left, the Sanada
also refused to join the Tokugawa and sided with the western army, but Nobuyuki sided with the eastern army, and
so the Sanada split up.

When Teruyaki arrived home, he called over Yasukage, and all his staff for a meeting, “The Situation is Dire, as the
Minister thought of me joining the Side of the Side Minister (Ishida’s nickname from Teruyaki’s perspective), I need
your advice on what to do next as our situation is in dire straits.” The words coming out of Teruyaki made the council
thought of it hard, then Yasukage Rises and give his honest opinion “The Minister side is filled with his own
supporters, so We wouldn’t be having much contribution, While the Side Minister (Yasukage Shared some of
Teruyaki’s views on Ishida) is but a simple man, his side is filled with Lords with wild Ambitions, so We would also not
able to benefit from such association, I suggest we just ignore those two and build our own network of clans, let’s call
the Sanada and the other central clans to join us.” The suggestion was heard all over the halls, many of Yasukage’s
supporters also need to thought hard until they finally accept, while the other sides just accept as they don’t have
much to say as Yasukage was the most trusted man that is close To Teruyaki.

And so Teruyaki wrote a letter, explaining everything to Masayuki, of the day’s discussion, and asked if he also
agree, Masayuki wrote in his letter “Yasukage managed to see the flaw of both sides, and yes he also knew of my
ambitions, but to be offer such a generous offer of a central force, I will accept this for now.” When Teruyaki read it,
he assumed Masayuki just accept it, but he consoled Yasukage of the letter, “ Masayuki is indeed a cunning man, his
ambition is wild as was his plan’s, I Suggest we just accept him for now, as he was of course, a fox of Ueda” Teruyaki
heard that and just went on with it.

It was also during this time that a certain man with crimson eyes left Ueda alongside his loyal subordinates.

In the end, the central army was formed between the Sanada and Takeda, but there is still the problem of the other
central clans, especially the Asano clan which Yasukage has been harassing ever since he become the Takeda’s
Commander In Chief.
In the end, the Anegakoji clan joined as well, the current head of the Anegakoji showed their support to Teruyaki as
they remembered the Takeda’s deeds, but other than them, the rest was against Teruyaki, from the Asano,Sengoku,
and even other clans, with words of an army under the Asano with the combined force of Sengoku and other
clans,Teruyaki decided to lead the army himself, but was actually opposed by Yasukage, “Lordly Brother, I seen the
stars and from what I could see, there will be a defeat , please let Teruyashi lead the battle instead” Teruyaki didn’t
listen as he thought that Yasukage is stealing the light, but as Yasukage would be right later, as the battleline was
drawn up, and both sides engage, Teruyaki leads his own circle of generals so the Central units were Takeyama
Kiso’s unit, Tsunamaru Naito’s unit, and Terutane’s unit, on the left wing was lead by Takayaro Motobe’s unit, while
the right is lead by Ujikuni Hojo’s unit, at first the Central unit of the Takeda managed to push back the central Asano
forces, but the cavalry on the sides was having a great difficulty to hold back the Asano cavalry, and was forced to
pull back, and the sides of the Takeda was assaulted, Teruyaki rushed his personal body guards forward but it was
too late, the Takeda was defeated and Teruyaki was forced to retreat, behind him followed by Asano Pursuers, one
of his subordinate, his closest bodyguard, Nobutomo Tsuchiya, who wore a Spider helmet, quickly grabbed his
lance,leads whatever troops are left, which is 200, and charge at the Asano Pursuers, Takeyama tried to lead his
troops to protect Teruyaki’s retreat but they were overwhelmed , he cuts down 20 troops and said to his remaining
troops “Though you and I have failed, we at least have done well in the service of Teruyaki and the Takeda” he
continued to fight alongside his troops against the Asano troops but he was slain by Nagashige Asano and his unit
was annihilated, Tsunamaru would lead his troops in a desperate attempt to take Nagamasa Asano’s head, as he
cuts through thre ranks of Asano troops, he shouts “I am Tsunamaru Naito, descendant of Masatoyo Naito, cousin of
Yerutachi Naito, Nagamasa, your head is mine!” but he would be slain at the hands of Gonbei Sengoku, Terutane
Manages to break through the encirclement and saving Ujikuni’s unit, they fled towards the closest outpost alongside
the remaining troops.

As he charges forward, he shouts “I am Nobutomo Tsuchiya, You will not passed through here!”, he fought and killed
70 of them, till he was killed by a man with a crab helmet, Nobutomo was only 24, and his title was “Spider Lancer”,
then Renchu Baba came with 20 horsemen and escorted Teruyaki, the group was forced to flee, but then Renchu
stand alone with his two clubs and screamed towards Teruyaki, “My Lord ,Flee now!”.

Teruyaki wanted to help but he was forced to flee, and he barely retreated from Nagamasa’s pursuit, and as he saw
the pursuers coming closer, he shuts his eyes and laments in his heart “Oh how pitiful my end would be, I should
have listened to Yasukage” ,“HAVE NO FEAR, FOR I AM HERE!” the scream was heard from behind Teruyaki,
Teruyaki snapped back to reality, he turned and saw, there on top of a White horse, was a crimson warriors, standing
between him and the pursuers, his weapon is of a hooked lance with a horse head, , on his waist was a straight
blade inside the scabbard, a quiver of arrows and a place to put his bow on his horse, his eyes is of crimson red “My
lord, I suggest you run and leave these men to me” said the warrior as he charges into the ranks of enemies, and so
Teruyaki ran and reached the nearest Takeda Outpost, there Terutane with 200 horse men went out ,greet Teruyaki,
and rushed him inside, once they are inside the tent, came Yasukage and he kneeled, his eyes are watery “Brother,
forgive my lateness, as I wasn’t finish when I said of Teruyashi, I saw the stars and saw that there will be a traitor in
today’s battle, that’s why I asked for Teruyashi to lead, so that he could catch the traitor, but in the end it didn’t end
well for you,then I send Renchu Baba to save you but he is still holding the enemy back, at least you are alive,I–I am
so glad to see you alive.” Teruyaki grabbed Yasukage’s arm and pull him up, Teruyaki then ordered Yasukage to sit,
and told a story of a warrior he encountered, “Do you know such warrior brother?”, Yasukage think for a bit and
pondered on who it is when a warrior with crimson armor came in with a Sack, “Moroshi, don’t tell me you forgot who
I am?”, Yasukage look at the man, and recognized the crimson eyes and face “Yunshi, It’s been a long time”, it turns
out it was Yerukage Sanada, his childhood name is Yunshi, when Yasukage was still in Sanada protection, they both
met and become good friends, Yerukage threw the sack, and Teruyaki opened the sack, it was the head of a Motobe
Retainer of his, “Old friend, this is the man that I have been asked by General Teruyashi to find, he was called Yaro
of Motobe, and was well known for his crab helmet, I managed to cut him down as he was chasing you , my lord”,
Teruyaki thanked Yerukage’s effort and went back to discuss with Yasukage, “Of today’s battle I failed, and made us
suffered heavy losses, is there a way to get back at them?”, Yasukage think and said “Tomorrow we could do the
same thing as today, and lure their cavalry to our side, while our pikemen push hard”, Teruyaki approved of such
plan, but feeling a bit anxious Yasukage then added “However I will need someone to lead the Cavalry on the sides,
Teruyashi is able, but other than him, I couldn’t pass it to anyone”, Teruyaki heard that and call Yerukage, “He could
be useful” Said Yasukage, and He whisper something to Yerukage, Yerukage went out of the tent and went to sleep,
while Yasukage continued to plan along with Teruyaki, he then send Masahiro Tada to raid the enemy camp, his
lieutenants are Daisuke Hara, and Kageyatsu Obata to attack the enemy during the night.

after the discussion , Teruyaki suddenly wept profusely, when asked why by Yasukage, he said “I have lost so many
good man today, Tsunamaru, Takeyama, and Nobutomo, they had assisted me in my escape, and paid the price.”,
Yasukage could only sigh and ordered for a burial for the fallen generals.

In the meantime, Renchu manages to break through the encirclement, and leading the remaining troops, he struck
towards the Asano pursuers, causing them to withdraw in panic, he then returned to the outpost after ensuring there
is no pursuers.

Of course, Masayuki Obu arrived and was asked to survey the army, and so he donned his armor which is filled with
charms, this is called the charm armor of impenetrable Charms, if Masayuki wants to ,he can make it heavy or light,
even changing it’s looks, and wore his hat of many knowledge and winds, setting out to survey the army, a few
moments later, he came back in a panic, he said “My lord, I survey the area and the men, all is well until I found out
Taishomasa is missing!”

Truly the words of Masayuki sparked a scheme, to save a general, you must plunge into danger, in the end there will
be new recruits

Warriors gathered, and a general must be saved

What will happen next!
Taishomasa Captured and was Saved,
Hooked spears won the Day
Hearing that Taishomasa was missing, Yasukage and Teruyaki called Yoshiteru discuss the matter, “My lords, I have
a plan to save Taishomasa, But I will need 5 gallant men to fight, he then selected Renchu Baba, Daisuke Hara,
Terutane Takeda, Tomotatsu Tsuchiya, and Yamataishi Obata” “But Daisuke has gone off to Raid the Asano”
Yoshiteru then called out for Daisuke and he was there outside the tent, awaiting instructions “ Brother, I awaited the
command to save Taishomasa” Daisuke said, Yasukage responded by saying “But I already told you to go raid the
enemy camp” Daisuke seems fired up to save Taishomasa as both of them are like flesh and bones, of course
Yasukage had no choice, Yasukage said to Yoshiteru “Chancellor, it seems that our little brother here isn’t going to
wait long” Yoshiteru laughs and replied “It seems so my lord” Daisuke was then given instructions and relay them to
Renchu Baba, “Brother Ren, we should quickly save him”, Renchu put his hand on his chin, he is deep in thought, he
then returned to reality and said to Daisuke “Wait, we need to go and tell the others” and so Renchu and Daisuke
went and gather the other men, they wore handkerchiefs on their heads, and donned light clothes, Renchu
handpicked 7 blades, and 2 spears, the five sets off to save Taishomasa, At the command post, Yasukage then
asked to reinforce the five once they saved Taishomasa, Yoshiteru simply laugh softly and said “Our Lord Teruyaki
should be prepared with 200 men to enter their compound, while for those five, I feel like we will get 5 more talented
men into our army soon” Teruyaki went out and handpicked 200 men, who all wields Naginata’s, rode on his steed
and left with them , Yasukage look outside “You sure they will be doing this alright?” Yoshiteru simply grin and told
Yasukage to prepare for tomorrow’s battle.

The five men walk on the road, now Masayuki had given every brothers a copy of his 2000 li boots in a form of boots
with charms which allowed them to walk at the same rate as Masayuki, then they found a small camp, thus they
decided to investigate and found a good position to watch over it, it’s an Asano camp, and there they saw
Taishomasa, all bruised and bloodied, such a sight is too much for the five to bare, the officer came to interrogate
Taishomasa, of course Taishomasa kept his mouth shut and was tortured again, the sight stirred up the sense of
Justice on the five men’s heart, Renchu throw down swords and the spears, and Daisuke readied his arrows, and
threw one at the officer, Renchu ‘s group charge down from their hiding place and struck hard, the arrow hit the
officer straight through the throat, the group fought hard and Renchu managed to get close and cut the chains
holding Taishomasa, he handed him a sword and the group continued to hack through the Asano troops,
unexpectedly 5 men came out of hiding as well, and they also attack the Asano troops, They were quite skilled with
the weapon they used and Renchu’s group was amazed.

Then the camp was then attacked by none other than Teruyaki Takeda’s unit, they broke through the gates and
entered in, Renchu’s group kowtowed and presented Taishomasa, Teruyaki quickly grabbed Taishomasa and
hugged him “Brother, sorry for making you deal with such pain” Taishomasa long surpassed pain burst out in tears,
they both stayed in each other’s arms for a bit until Taishomasa calmed down, finally he was given back his armor ,
headband, his twin wakizashi’s, and his large flag but was ordered to return to Komadome to healed up, then
Teruyaki Noticed the five men other than Renchu.

Teruyaki saluted them, and asked their name, one of them spoke, his armor is of those of Antiquity and his face was
reminiscent of Yoshitsune “Firstly my lord, may we asked your name?” Teruyaki replied “I am Teruyaki Takeda”, the
man was surprised, and said “Not the “Great Daimyo of Takeda” or “Grand Dragon of Takeda”?, Teruyaki replied “I
am that humble person” Of course the five bow before him but Teruyaki told them to not do it, “So may I know you
five gallant men?” the first to spoke was the man with the facelike Yoshitsune, “I am Yamazaki Nishina, I was born
here In Kai and was forced into banditry due to my condition and taxes, I am proficient in many weapons but I liked
using bows, and sword, I am also pretty good at Tactics and strategy though that is nothing to boast, in the gallant
fraternity I am called “Little Yoshitsune” due to my face and armor” he then points to another man, his face is a fierce
one and he wields a staff as a weapon “This is Fukotama Oda, he was born in Mino and was an officer in the Asano
army, he was proficient with staffs and military drills hence why he is known as “Staff instructor”, he was forced here
due to his crime of killing two junior officer who had broken military rule and due to them being from an influential
family” he then point to another man, he had a face like jade and he wore a red handkerchief , he wields two iron
tonfa’s “This is Yukoshimasa Sanada, He was born in Ueda, but due to many reasons, he moved to the capital and
was doing well till he was framed for no reasons and was forced here he was known in the gallant fraternity to be
“Fire Tiger” due to his effective use of fire attacks” he then point to another man, he wields a short dagger spear.on
his waist strapped a straight blade and his face was reminiscent of Sun Ce “This is Ginyasu Takeda, he was born
here and was an excellent martial artists, due to his face he is known as “Lesser Bofu” he is the descendant of
Katsuyori” Teruyaki then asked “Of which Son?” “The second one, hence why he is safe” after that he then point to
another man, his face is fierce yet like jade, he wields a spear much similar to those of Xiang Yu “This is Masayama
Ii, he was born in Totomi province and was an officer under Hideyoshi, he was proficient in many weaponry and was
a fierce man, he tried preventing an officer who is about to send his entire men into a suicide charge and kill the
officer when he was doing the opposite of what Masayama tried to prevent, he was forced to flee here and had 60
followers with us”, Masayama then whistle and 60 of those men came out with forks, spears, bow and arrows, and
swords, Teruyaki invited them and they accept, they were then recruited into Takeda ranks.

They rode towards the camp and Yasukage was pleased to meet them in the command camp, of course Teruyaki
returned with Fukotama Oda and Ginyasu Takeda to Komadome, while the rest was given positions of Lieutenant’s.

For tomorrow, celebration was in order and the generals along with lieutenants feasted for the night.

The next day was a day of preparations for battle against the Asano, With Fukotama called again back to the
frontlines to drill the troops, he and Yerukage shared some secrets in drills and they completed the training of the
Hooked spear units in a short time, while Masayama Ii disciplined and inspected the troops.

The day was full of activity of drills, and planning for the battle, Teruyashi then organized the men, while Teruyashu
counted the numbers of the troops present, Yukoshi Unno of Yerukage’s unit was there to produce weapons and the
hooked spears, while the rest do as they were doing all day, patrolling and meeting each other to converse in
conversations, Messengers came and went reporting on movements of the Asano forces, then the night came and
there Yasukage knew tomorrow is the day of the battle, and so he ordered every man to rest well for tomorrow will be
a fine fight.

The battle itself was split into two, one with Teruyashi leading, and one with Renchu leading, Renchu fought against
the Asano force to the west of the field where Teruyashi is stationed, Renchu led his force to flank the Asano forces,
and met an Asano force in battle, the cause for the battle is due to Renchu’s vanguard, which are the Suwa and
Hoshina Units met a scouting Asano unit under Yamakoshi Okudaira, the three engaged, and the Takeda vanguard
won the fight, Terukage slew Yamakoshi Okudaira, whilst Kamayori took the opportunity to annihilate the survivors.

Some of the Okudaira survivors quickly informed of the situation, and Nagamasa sends Nagashige Asano to deal
with the Baba threat, of course Renchu learnt of this, and rode with around 100 of his thunderbolt cavalryman to set
an ambush, from what he learned from Kamayori and Terukage, the Okudaira unit had build a pontoon bridge to get
across without being detected as they are scouting, and so Renchu hatched a scheme, it was the afternoon when the
Asano forces under Nagashige arrived to the pontoon bridge, the troops quickly went across, but as half of them are
across, Nagashige felt as if something is wrong, he quickly ordered “Withdrew, something is afoot”, it was then that
the 100 thunderbolt cavalryman appeared behind the Asano, and on top a red horse, a man shouts “Worthless
fodders!, I will send you all to the King Of HELL!” ,it is Renchu, wielding his two bludgeons ,he points towards the
Asano and ordered a general charge with him charging at the front, Renchu had managed to get across before the
Asano arrived, he has been laying in wait, his charge to their rear quickly works its effect, as more men tried to flee
across, their weight and numbers caused the bridge to collapse, cutting the force into two, both the Hoshina and
Suwa unit appeared and attacked the ones that was acrossed.

On the other side, Renchu slew many in his charge, as he charges, he repeatedly shouts “ I am Renchu Baba, come
and Die , worthless Asano worms!”, his bludgeons took down so many that Nagashige couldn’t believe his eyes, then
Renchu had gotten Nagashige on his sight, and leads his remaining cavalryman to charge towards Nagashige’s main
unit, he slew two commanders of the Kameda, and Sengoku units, Kameda Masanari, and Sengoku Gonkushi, and
drove the units into a panic, Nagashige saw the fierce look of Renchu and his Thunderbolt cavalryman, and he felt
fear, he quickly galloped, leaving his men to die, the entire Asano force was wiped out, those on the other side,
surrendered to Kamayori and Terukage, Terukage quickly ordered the construction of the pontoon bridge, and after it
was complete, they crossed it, Renchu leads his troops east to the battle on the east.

Meanwhile, back to the main battle, the two sides had arranged themselves in battle, Gonbei Sengoku’s unit was the
vanguard of the Asano, for the Takeda, Taishomasa Yokota leads the vanguard, the units on the center were Yokota,
Amari, Kiso, and Obata (Kageyatsu), while on the left wing, were Ginyasu, and Nishina (Yamahide) units, on the right
wing were, the Sanada (Yerukage) and Tsuchiya units, the first to charge, was the Yokota Unit, they aimed to take
out the Kameda unit, the Kameda unit followed suit, the Amari, and Kiso units charges forward to meet their
perspective foe’s, only the Obata (Kageyatsu) unit didn’t move as the Sengoku unit isn’t responding to all of the
commotion, on the wings, the units engaged, but the Takeda employed a special Hooked spear to their cavalryman,
they were trained for this, with the spear, they could snag the horses legs or pull down a rider on foot, on horseback,
they could pull the rider off the horse,or cut off their head using the downward blade, the battle raged for a few hours,
the Sengoku unit moved, but the Obata (Kageyatsu) unit quickly responded and halted them back before the unit hit
the Kiso units, from the high ground beyond the bridge,Teruyashi watches the battle on horseback, he leads the
battle on this side, and he already knew what to do, infront of his unit is the Obu unit under Masayuki, a messenger
came, and said “The Asano on the wings are pulling back”, “Too soon” Teruyashi thought, he said to the messenger
“Report noted, return to your post”, he raised his Saihai, and turned it around, the Takeda units on the wings also
withdrew, he then saw the Asano on the wings quickly returning and hit both the Obata (Kageyatsu unit), and Yokota
unit, he then shouts “Takeda on the wings, time to turn and charge back!”, he then points his Saihai forward, and the
Takeda units on the wings charges forward, the sudden rush from the Takeda caused the wing of the Asano to
collapse, and the Asano on the right was retreating in a rout, the Obata (Kageyatsu) unit quickly assaulted from the
right, and attacked the center, with the pressure in the center being too much, the Asano center was in disarray, on
the left flank, suddenly banners appeared at the furthest left, the Baba force have arrived, they have been moving
nonstop, and they have arrived to assault the left flank of the Asano, the sight of Renchu caused fear amongst the
Asano force on the left, fearing encirclement, Nagamasa Asano ordered a withdrawal and fled the battle with his
unit, the Asano force routed as they are being chased down by the Takeda force, Gonbei Sengoku fled as well, his
unit retreated with him, but the rest was killed as they are fleeing the battle, the Takeda had won, to Nagamasa, his
retreat is an embarrassing one, his unit is tattered shape, but he knew he must hurry back to the Kofu Castle,
suddenly, he saw a unit infront of him bearing the Hoshina banner, it is Kamayori Hoshina’s force, Renchu knew the
route of the Asano escape and so he sends Kamayori to lay in wait, Kamayori on his brown steed, pointing his spear
towards Nagamasa he shouts “Nagamasa, you have nowhere to go, leave your head here, and die!”, but Nagamasa
quickly reached for his spear, and charges forward, his men follow suit, after a few minutes of fighting, Nagamasa
manages to breakthrough but with a wound on his left shoulder, he only had 20 cavalryman left, seizing the
opportunity, he galloped off with his remaining troops to Kofu castle.

Renchu came with his unit alongside Terukage Suwa and his (Terukage) unit, and Kamayori apologized for his
inability to capture Nagamasa, Renchu said “No need to apologize, brother, now lets go back to Our lord”, the three
turned their horse, and returned to the camp, Yasukage greeted them in front of the camp’s gate, and with Renchu,
he ordered Kamayori and Terukage to rest, and went with Renchu to the command tent, there Teruyashi, Yerukage,
Yoshiteru, and Terayashu is discussing of the next course of action.

On the table, a map of Kai, Yasukage asked “What do you think should we do?, I ask for all of your advice”,
Teruyashi went forward, and points to Kofu castle, “with the Asano losing so many men” he said “It is best if we
assault Kofu now before they got a chance to recover”,Renchu and Yerukage nods their head in approval, but
Yoshiteru steps forward and said “My lord, the stars indicated the Asano, although not long before this world, would
survive, for now let us wait until a messenger came”, but Teruyashi presses on “My lord, stars don’t say the fate of
many, the Asano is in disarray, we must strike when the iron is hot”, suddenly a messenger bearing a centipede
banner came and said “Reporting, Ieyasu Tokugawa had changed course and is heading towards Komadome Castle
to answer the pleas of the Asano!”, Yasukage remained calm, and tell the messenger to return to his post, It was
here that Terayashu Yamamoto finally spoke “My lord, with lord Ieyasu coming here, it is surely not a small force”, of
course Yasukage already anticipated this and said “Don’t worry, I already ordered the other outpost to be dismantled
and the stockpile of weapons, and food along with the wood to return to Komadome a few days ago”, the five was
surprised and asked how did he know of the coming of Ieyasu, Yasukage replied “I am not too intelligent but I know
for certain, The Side Minister already took Fushimi castle, and as a response, Ieyasu changed course, using the
Tokaido route, while his son will go through the Nakasendo route, and will definitely face Masayuki in battle”, the five
applauded Yasukage’s knowledge but he said “It was nothing, it is all thanks to my teacher ,Sashomasa ,that I was
able to see far”.

As a result of his actions, the fox will fought against the old Tanuki, the Takeda facing the Tokugawa again in a fight.

The battle to decide the fate of the Takeda will begun in Komadome, as fire will be lit upon that castle.

What will happen next?.

Siege of Komadome, The Gallant Teruyaki
Died as Ieyasu is next
On the command tent, after getting the report of Ieyasu coming, and Yasukage’s preparations, Yoshiteru then spoke
“My lord, as we retreat, I doubt the Asano would stand duck and watch us retreat, I suggest lord Yerukage, lord
Teruyashi, and lord Kamayori to lead their men in an ambush to make sure the pursuing Asano force could be
thrown into a panic and wouldn’t pursue us”, to that Yasukage replied “I’ve been thinking the same thing, Chief
Strategist, you truly have a mind like Kong Ming”, Yasukage sets his eyes on Teruyashi and Yerukage , “You heard
the chief strategist, move now to ambush the enemy, make sure they don’t feel the satisfaction of pursuing us” he
ordered, Teruyashi and Yerukage took their leave, called for Kamayori, and left for the mountain.

The Takeda army quickly packed up their things, and began withdrawing in mass towards Komadome castle, back to
Kofu, hearing the report of the Takeda retreat, Nagamasa was skeptical , Gonbei volunteered to pursue the retreating
Takeda force, of course Nagamasa agreed, and Gonbei marched out with 3,000 men, he quickly arrived at the site of
the previous battle, and quickly get across, suddenly he felt an uneasy gaze, and looked up only to find Yerukage
with a force of archers, staring down at him, from the left and right, the Hoshina and Yamagata units assaulted the
Asano pursuers, Yerukage let loose his arrows alongside his men, the ambush caused the Sengoku force to retreat
in panic, with the Asano pursuers kept in check, Teruyashi withdrew alongside Kamayori and Yerukage to

The arrival of Yasukage and the entire Takeda force alerted Teruyaki, who comes out of the castle, and greeted
them, then asked Yasukage “What is going on brother?”, Yasukage replied “the Minister is on his way to assist the
Asano”, Teruyaki’s face turned sour and he shouts “To the War Council, to each commanders of their unit, stay on
the walls and keep an eye out for the Minister!”, the generals quickly enter the castle, Kamayori, Ginyasu, Yamazaki,
Terukage, and Taishomasa guard the walls.

They all entered the war council, Teruyaki sat at the front while the others sat on the sides, Teruyaki then said “The
Minister is on his way with the Asano forces, I asked for advices on how to defend and who to place”, Yamahide rose
up and said “I suggest we build a ward in the center gate.”, Teruyaki was confused and asked why, “As all the sides
are guarded well, the Left gate had a bridge that could be cut off” Yamahide Replied “while the right gates had deep
moats, and a deeper one made by the river the comes down from the left gate, the center had the same properties
but with residential area’s, if I was able to build a ward, not only it could do well, it could destroy the enemy’s
momentum”, Teruyaki after hearing those words from Yamahide, think it was good and send him off to build the
ward, as the war council continued, Teruyaki and the other discuss of the positions of commanders, and troops, and
they agreed that Terutane will take up position on the west gate, his lieutenants would be Teruyashu Yamamoto,
Asahiko Asano, and Masayuki Obu, On the East Gate, the Kosaka Brothers are placed in the defense, their
lieutenants would be Yerutachi Naito, Kamayori Hoshina, Daisuke Hara, and Moriyama Saegusa, Yerukage would be
placed in the defense of the proposed ward of Yamahide at the front gate, his lieutenants would be Yukoshi Unno,
Rentama Tenko,Masahiro Tada, and Masayashi Sakai, as he was going out, Yamahide came across Yasukage, who
is patrolling while the others are inside, on his way out, and he spoke of the ward he is currently planning to build a
ward, Yasukage agree with it actually, but insists he joined to help build it, and so they build it, it was bailey, made of
Wood and Stone, with some iron, with holes for gunners,gunner positions on top, and cannon positions on top of the
bailey’s ceiling, they completed it in just a few days.
Yamahide asked what to name the ward, Yasukage think and said “Shingen Ward”, Yamahide asked why, “Like
Shingen, this bailey will stand still like the mountain, and it’s attack will be as fierce as fire” Yasukage Answered,
Yamahide just approve of the name and went back to the castle, this raised the fame of Yamahide as a skilled

For the defense, the central gates and the ward would be defended by Yerukage Sanada, West gate would be
Terutane Takeda, the Eastern gates would be under the Kosaka Brothers, Tenshu itself would be defended by the
remaining generals under Teruyaki, Masayuki Obu was withdrawn from the western defenses, and given the role of
bringing messages, Masayashi was also withdrawn from the front gates and was given control of the flood
gates,Teruyashi was send to take the task of ambushing Ieyasu from Fuji Yoshida, but before he left, Teruyaki came
and gave him a secret instruction, he accept it and left with his men which is around 700 horsemen .

as Ieyasu draws closer to Komadome, Teruyaki ordered the local lords to harass them, and so they did, the
harassment against the Tokugawa-Asano armies forced them to move quickly, but as they get closer, they got
harassed even harder, and they losed 3 cannons on one of the ambushes.

Ieyasu thought for a second, “Perhaps these Takeda men are even dangerous than Hideyoshi thought, I must make
sure they are wiped out”, Ieyasu ordered the Asano to gather men, same with the forces from Suruga, but as for the
forces in Mikawa and Owari, they are to held back due to the Oda Threat.

The Numbers of the Tokugawa forces is around 30.000 men, adding 4.210 men from Asano (the Takeda Defeated
the Asano in two separate battle’s where the losses for the Asano from the first and second were 2.400 men), even
though there is 3.600 men from Naomasa and 1,000 from Tadakatsu, they mainly act as support on the rear as
Ieyasu didn’t really seem to feel that it will be long.

On the yard, and on the castle, troops quickly rallied and gather at the rally point, they lined up accordingly, with their
commanders at the front, and troops at the back, forming either three or two lines while having 500 in reserves, in
total they have 7,000 men in the defense, Teruyaki was on the top of the Tenshu, overlooking all the assembled
company, Teruyaki began his speech “Soldiers of the Takeda, Loyal Retainers of our great clan, Our clan is in
danger of being wiped out, Ieyasu Tokugawa is coming here with a large force of men, he has come to assist our
enemy, the Asano.” He looked down, clenching his fist, he raised it to the skies and continued “That’s why we shall
fight, the Minister’s army maybe strong in numbers, but we have fortune and experience, together we shall repel
these invaders, and save the Takeda!”, he then unsheathed his sword, and raised it up in the sky, “Everyone, Assist
me in this battle, lend me your strength!, show them the strength of what the Warrior of Kai could do!”, the first to roar
are the troops under Terutane, then followed by the other troops, the chant of Ei Ei OH! Continues to echo through
the castle and towards the sky, Taka Takeda watches from inside her room, smiling as she saw his father, Shingen in
Her son’s leadership and charisma, but worried still of the coming battle, hence why she has a sword right next to her
in case..
The combined Tokugawa and Asano troops arrived in front of Komadome castle, and began to position themselves
to face the respective gates.

The first day only had a few skirmishes erupting on the frontlines, with Daisuke Hara, and Masahiro Tada leading
some troops to gauge the strength of the Tokugawa force, and when they saw they are not in a good position, they
withdrew their troops, after that, both sides rest for the night.

The Next day was the beginning of the siege , it starts with the Asano unit under Nagamasa wanting revenge,and
charges towards the Shingen ward, Lord Masanobu Honda and Lord Tadatsugu Sakai’s unit followed, Naomasa
wishes to join the fight , but he was denied, because his work was to protect the Main Tokugawa unit under Ieyasu
Tokugawa, alongside the Honda Unit, but it became apparent that their numbers were ineffective due to the complex
residence infront of the castle, they were scattered and was funneled into the alley ways, men was crushed under the
pressure of so many men, then as they came close to the ward, they were shot by gunners from the ward, volleys
after volleys were fired at the Asano, and heavy casualties was cause amongst the Asano ranks, same with the other
units, the Asano quickly withdrew with heavy losses, alongside the Honda Unit under Masanobu and the Sakai Unit
under Tadatsugu.

In the west gates, Terutane stand guard on top of his steed, the Mizuno unit wasn’t able to move as they fear the
powerful gaze of the man, he shouts at the “I am Terutane Takeda, the Poetic Bull!, whoever comes close will feel
my Spear down their throats!”, strucked by fear, the west Tokugawa units froze in place,of the Takeda at the east
gate, the Kosaka brothers lured in The Okabe unit, Daisuke Hara killed Masatsuna Okabe with his arrows, which he
threw like a javelin, and Moriyama Saegusa came out with two large blades alongside his own unit ,and Torayasu
Kiso, they went on scattering the Okabe Unit.

In the center, the Okubo and the Aoyama unit charges forward, but they quickly became victims of the ward as well
as the complex residence’s narrow roads, then came another unit lead by Suketada Ogawa and Nobunari Naito, and
they too fell victim, when the fourth wave came it was under Lord Kazumasa Ishikawa and Chikayoshi Hiraiwa,
suddenly the flood gates open and the Tokugawa force drowned in the flood attack, of course, Ieyasu was furious, he
ordered the cannons to aim at the tenshu itself, but then cannon fire began from the Shingen Ward and from the east
and west gates till the castle cannons, they destroyed every cannon emplacements, setting up a chain of explosions
that caused heavy casualties to the Tokugawa, shocked by the lose of the cannons and the losses of men, Ieyasu
ordered messengers to be sent for his son, Hidetada to link up at Kai, but he received news that Hidetada is halted
by the Sanada, even though he fell into a deep sadness, he couldn’t ordered a retreat, if he retreats here, then the
Takeda will be able to reclaim their lands, quickly the Ii Unit heads for the frontlines, finding that the Assault on the
West Gate under Mizuno Tadashige was halted due to Terutane standing on the bridge alone, Naomasa could see
why they couldn’t move or breach the castle, the bridge itself is a rope bridge, of course, there is also Terutane, who
is still on top of that bridge, guarding it, reminisce of Chang Ban, he quickly ordered some of his subordinates to
assist the Mizuno, while his main unit stays in front of the flooded area, alongside the other badly damaged units, the
Honda unit under Tadakatsu was moved to the Right flank of Ieyasu’s main force to protect him if things went badly.

Meanwhile, Teruyaki donned his armor, wield his naginata, and was prepared to ride into battle, Yasukage tried to
stop Teruyaki but was hit from the back and fell unconscious, who is it? Well it is Tomotatsu Tsuchiya, who catches
Yasukage, ready to assist his lord, “My Lord, are you sure?, we are winning this battle, and there’s no point in
sacrificing yourself here”, “My friend, My guardian, as long as I lived, I stayed in the castle, and when I do come out, I
was beaten on the field, I am ashamed to be alive as I have been beaten once, and I wish to win this battle using my
death, My brother Yasukage, he will replace me and will be the one who will fulfilled my dream and the dream of
many Takeda men” Teruyaki Replied to Tomotatsu, then Mishi-hime came as well, riding her steed and donning her
armor, she is ready to die as well “My love, forgive me for dragging you too”, “No need to be sorry my lord, I have
prepared for this ever since I married you” She replied, she is carrying Yoruishi Takeda, Teruyaki’s son, Teruyaki
grabbed and carried him on his arms, he sang a few songs and gave it to a servant, a child, the future wife of
Yoruishi , she was 8 when Yoruishi was 1, then Teruyaki gather his men and along with his guardian and wife,
around 300 men, he charged from the west gate, and assaulted Ieyasu’s position, many warriors came out of their
position to held Teruyaki and hopefully kill him, but they are unable to cope with the strength of Teruyaki, who wields
a special Naginata, the dragon Head Naginata, that can pierce anything and whoever wields it will feel immense
strength as well as bravery, he cut through Tokugawa lines and shouts “I am Teruyaki Takeda, out of my way or be
cut by my glaive!”, The Honda unit quickly heads towards the breach, they quickly sets up a second line of defense,
but Teruyaki at the front of his 300 horsemen, cuts through the first Honda troops in front of him, and continued to
charge forward, Tadakatsu tried to stop him, but he could see that Teruyaki is superior to him, but he tried his best,
however Teruyaki manages to wound Tadakatsu’s left leg, and that was the first time Tadakatsu was wounded, panic
struck the Tokugawa, knowing that Tadakatsu is wounded, in the heat of battle, he ordered his guardian, Tomotatsu
to return to the castle, when he refused, Teruyaki forced him to go.

Mishi-hime was killed in the fighting, but she managed to take down 60 Tokugawa troops before she fell, Yamayoshi
Hosokawa, Teruyaki’s close Guardian died after killing 30 Troops, Teruyaki was furious and screams at the
Tokugawa lines “You Fodders!, you dare kill my Beloved and Guardian?!”, he charged like a Dragon at his foe’s,
many of his bodyguards was held back, but he just charged forward and shouts “I am The Lord of Takeda, and I am
Here to take Ieyasu’s head”, Tokugawa gun squads quickly open fired, he lost his horse, and fell, but he get up, and
continued his advance, he let out a mighty roar, he was shot 5 times by gunners but his armor was made of fine steel
and many of the bullets either grazed him, or bounce, he killed the gunners and continue to charge, he killed 150
men at the charge, then he reached Tokugawa Ieyasu, who stands up from his command seat, he glared at Ieyasu,
points towards him using his Naginata, and speaks loudly “Ieyasu, Your head is mine!” and continued walking
towards Ieyasu, the soldiers around him stand back as they fear the sight of Teruyaki, Ieyasu, seeing Teruyaki
covered in blood charging at him, was frightened , he felt the memories of Mikatagahara returning into him, thus he
ordered his men to pierce him with everything they got, and with a quick motion,he killed thirty men in front of Ieyasu,
then he tapped the ground with his naginata, let out a powerful roar that made the Tokugawa troops near him to
tremble in fear, turned his head to Komadome and died there standing, no one could get close to him even in death,
Tomotatsu and Yamataishi charges out of the castle and rallied the remaining Bodyguards, Tomotatsu shouts “We
Will avenge our lord!” then charges again with Yamataishi and the Remaining Bodyguards against the Tokugawa
ranks, then came the ambush, from the mountains, the sounds of horse hooves pounded the ground ,It is Teruyashi ,
who finally ride forth from Fuji Yoshida, with around 700 men charged down towards Ieyasu, His lieutenants are
Ujiyoshu Maeda,Terukage Suwa,Hishiomasa Itagaki, and Taishomasa Yokota, Ieyasu tried to order the reserve in
when he was shot on the back , an arrow from Ujiyoshu Maeda, then Ujiyoshu let out a roar, let loose a second one
and the arrow pierces through the skull of Ieyasu, Killing Ieyasu, Ujiyoshu took out his sword and cut off Ieyasu’s
head, and shouts “I am Ujiyoshu Maeda , Look Here!, I have taken the Head of Ieyasu Tokugawa!”, now with the
troops of Teruyashi and Tomotatsu attacking from both sides,the Ambush on the Main camp is a success, The
Tokugawa was gripped by fear and morale dropped, they tried to retreat from the field but it was too late.
the enraged Takeda forces charged out of the castle , catching them in a pincer, defeated them and pursue them,
Masanobu Honda was pierced through his skull by Kamayori Hoshina’s fire tip black iron wolf tooth spear when he is
attempting to escape, Kamayori quickly cut his head and put it in his basket, he killed many commanders in his
charge while shouting “I am Kamayori Hoshina!, Commanders of the Tokugawa!, Allow me to partake in this
slaughter!”, Kazumasa was slain by Yamataishi’s twin axes who charges alongside 50 Horsemen,Tadatsugu was
slain when he was surrounded, brought down by hook spear troops under Ginyasu Takeda and had his head cut off
by Kageyatsu Obata, who came on top of a white steed and wields his Su Yari, while charging, Renchu killed many
in his charge, He wounded Naomasa Ii on his left shoulder, and drove off Tadakatsu Honda after fighting 20 rounds
with him, Mizuno Tadashige, Okubo Tadayo, and many others were slain in the pursuit by either surrounded by
troops, fell from their horse, drowned and many more, a black day for the Tokugawa, half of the famed warriors of
Tokugawa laid slain at the fields of Komadome, their leader’s head is taken, and almost around 60% of the
Tokugawa forces send against The Takeda was destroyed, the Kanto region was carved up by the surviving
retainers, and Ieyasu’s son, Hidetada only have Edo castle, while at Musashi province, both The Sakakibara and the
Sakai declared independence, Naomasa took over Minowa Castle and licked his wounds, Tadakatsu went to serve
Hidetada as he is loyal to Ieyasu and the Tokugawa, this victory also severely weakened the Asano, of that we will
speak no more.

After the victory, all of the Takeda officers mourned the death of Teruyaki and Mishi-hime, Yasukage and Terutane
was profoundly hit by the death, they weeped till blood mixed with their tears, and they fasted for 3 days,locked In
their room, offering prayers to Teruyaki, of course the sit of the Takeda was empty and Yasukage need to fill it as he
is the second eldest, but he said in tears “My brother hadn’t been dead for a few days, and you asked me to take his
place, heaven will not see to it” the Takeda brothers weeped for 5 days until they calmed down, and Yasukage
agreed to take the daimyo position, heaven blessed Yasukage’s position as daimyo, as if heaven itself wasn’t done
praising Yasukage for his loyalty to Teruyaki, he was taken to a dream,in bed, then Teruyaki appeared in front of him,
“Brother, Congratulations”, Yasukage saw Teruyaki and weep, “Brother, why are you congratulating me?, I am such
a useless man after your death” but Teruyaki grabbed Yasukage’s hand and said “Brother, Heaven itself was filled
with celebration with your rise, they appointed me as a deity over the Takeda, do not weep for long brother, I will
always be with you”, “I haven’t buried you yet, but I promised to bury you at Kyoto” Yasukage promised, Teruyaki
with a smile on his face disappear, awakening from the sleep, he called for the villagers and ordered them to
construct a shrine dedicated to Teruyaki, and every month, many pray and many prayers were answered, Teruyaki’s
body is encoffined inside of an iron coffin and was tended to everyday to keep it from decay and fresh.

After such an event, Yasukage went to work, he appointed officers into parts of the castle, managed supplies, care
for the people under him, and recruit for the coming conflict, it was at this time that Yutomasa Akiyama left the Asano
and joined the Takeda, at the first day of the next week, Yoshiteru Baba and Terayashu Yamamoto advised him on
taking over Shinano, “Are you sure?, our men isn’t ready yet” Yasukage asked, “Of course my lord, you had an
advantage over the Asano and clans inside Shinano, we are allied with the Sanada, as well as that the Tokugawa is
fractured due to the defeat, of Owari, Mikawa, and Suruga, the clan there will not attack unless they see us an actual
threat” Terayashu replied, “Who should I send to take over Shinano quickly?” Yasukage asked again ,Yoshiteru
replied “For the vanguard to take Kai, yourself will suffice, to the rest, send the Kosaka brothers with men to take
Kaizu castle, for Fukashi and Iida castle, send my brother, and Yutomasa Akiyama, these two men know the terrain,
and wasn’t Yutomasa’s ancestor,Nobutomo Akiyama had once defend it from Oda incursions, you should put him
there to defend it as well”, Yasukage was pleased with the answer and go as planned, he took over Kai and Shinano
in less than 2 weeks as the Asano was weakened and confusion overruled the Asano council before they could
regroup, they were scattered, some joined the Takeda to work under Asahiko Asano, others ran to different clans and
offer their service, while Sengoku clan decided to take Komoro and held there, then he placed Iida and Takato castle
in the hands of Yutomasa Akiyama, Fukashi to Renchu Baba and placed in the defense of Kaizu the Kosaka
Brothers, at Suwa he looked over the river, and he looked to the skies, he was having peace in his life for the first
time in a while, then reports came in, a centipede messenger bring news “General, Sanada is gathering men at Ueda
castle, Lord Elder Kosaka (Teruhashi, as he is the oldest, while the youngest is his brother, Teruguchi) need your
assistance, not just that, a few days ago, at Kaizu a kunoichi from the Sanada is caught by General Obu
(Masayuki) !” Yasukage was annoyed by this, he send a message to Renchu to assemble at Kaizu and march at
Ueda, Yasukage marched out with 8.000 men as he wants to keep enough men to defend the borders, Renchu
marched out with only himself and 200 men , he placed Kamayori Hoshina to guard at Fukashi, and instruct him to
march south if he saw Yutomasa is in trouble.

To say of the campaign in Shinano, it was smooth as most clans that was once under the control of the Asano
defected immediately due to the Reputation of the Takeda, so there isn’t much resistance, of course, to pacify the
Major clans, Yasukage secretly send Torayasu to Kiso Fukushima, where he suddenly become the head over the
Kiso Clan under direct order by Yasukage, of course,the Kiso clan refused him at first, but gradually opened up as
Torayasu isn’t that bad to talk to, and they finally accept Torayasu as the head, then Yasukage send Terukage to the
Suwa clan, where he was appointed directly by all members of the Suwa Clan as the leader , as for the Ichijo and
Nishina, both Terutane and Yamahide was send to become a member or head of the clans, Terutane Kept his
Takeda name but also Kept his Ichijo name, Of course, this was to continue to Nobutatsu Ichijo’s line, the Younger
Brother of Shingen, Sending his youngest brother is Symbolic to the Ichijo Family, as for Yamahide, it was pretty
simple as he was with Yamazaki Nishina who is the child of one of the high ranking in the family, so Yamahide
became leader without much opposition ,the Takeda forces charges northward through Suwa and there they split into
two armies, Renchu was send to take over Fukashi with around 2000 men, his brother Yoshiteru become his
strategist, meanwhile his lieutenants are Kamayori Hoshina, Ginyasu Takeda, and Masayama Ii.

When passing through Suwa, two warriors came forth to Join Yutomasa, these are Yuushin Mochizuki and Saruhide
Mochizuki, the two are skilled in spear,cudgels,and maces, they were profound in the arts of war, although they will
be only counted later as Trusted of the Heavenly generals as they stayed loyal to the Takeda even after Nobuhide
enticed Yutorikama to rebel later, the two joined Yutomasa as lieutenants, Yutomasa had Yerutachi Naito as his
strategist, of course with the Two Mochizuki twins joining them, this caused the Mochizuki clan to relocate to Iida
Castle, and served under Yutomasa.

Of course Yasukage stayed at Suwa for a bit, and placed Terukage Suwa in charge of the place, back in Kai the
defenses and Management was given to Yamahide Nishina who was given Yurikatsu as his advisor, and for his
lieutenants Fukotama Oda, Yukoshimasa Sanada, Yamazaki Nishina, and Kageyatsu Obata, they were all stationed
at Tsutsujigasaki palace, Teruyaki’s son, Yoruishi , was then put under extreme protection but free to play with other
childrens and learn with them, the servant that protects him was assigned to life immediately, he placed Tomotatsu
Tsuchiya and Yamataishi Obata to be guardian’s of the child, The Sanada challenges Yasukage to a fight, will
Yasukage triumph over the Sanada?, Find out in the next chapter!.
Battle of Ueda Castle, Naomasa Ii was
forced to flee due to Renchu’s Assault
They met at the road and march on Ueda castle, of course, Masayuki (Sanada) was ready for this, he already
prepared the defenses, and as there is no fortress close to Ueda other than Kaizu castle, Yasukage will be forced to
retreat, but Yasukage is not a fool and was a clever fellow, he ordered the building of a wooden fortress to
accommodate for his men and supplies, Yerukage was placed guarding the building, and once it is complete, it was
done in just a day, Masayuki was amazed , “Yasukage is like this after he left Ueda, how great is he to be able to
copy Hideyoshi?!” Masayuki Exclaimed loudly, the Sanada was in a panic after waking up seeing a fort infront of
them, Yasukage then divide his men into 4, he will lead from the command post which is in front of the fort, Renchu
took the northern assault, Terutane Central assault, and Teruyashi Southern assault, giving them the plan, they went
according to plan, Yerukage point out the Floodgates, but Yasukage replied “I know that, the flood gates are already
used and it hadn’t rained for a few days, though you are right, so I will wait here”, he heed Yerukage’s advise, of
course the central and northern gates are breached, and the south is ready to be breached, when the Sanada moved
more men to the center and north, Teruyashi leads his force, assaulted the south gates and took it with minimal

And as expected, at least of Yasukage, Yukimura Sanada ambushed him, “My lord, It’s an ambush” a soldier
screamed, Yasukage then shouted “They are here, come out now!”, then Takeda ambush troop appeared, and
Yukimura was amazed but also in a state of panic, but he saw that Yasukage was wide open on top of his steed,
wielding only a fan with Takeda Symbols on it and the four words of Furinkazan, wielding his Red Crimson Jumonji
spear, Yukimura charged at Yasukage, his spear leveled, “Moroshi, Look out” Yerukage then blocked the Attack as
Yukimura’s spear already near Yasukage’s eye, which stare at him closely, Yerukage then charged at Yukimura and
the two was in a duel in 12 bouts, “Yerukage is a better spearmen, there’s no way I could win” Yukimura thought and
ordered the retreat, Yasukage then moved his arms and hands like wings and the way was opened for Yukimura,
Yukimura was amazed but not missing this opportune moment, retreat alongside the remaining men, Yerukage
wanted to pursue but Yasukage called out to him “Yunshi, no need to pursue, let the bird find it’s nest so we can get
the eggs”, Yerukage was confused but he stopped pursuing, inside Ueda, fierce fighting ensued on the streets, but
the Sanada mostly lost in the fight due to how coordinated the troops of the Takeda are, in the end Masayuki

The siege of Ueda is a victory to The Takeda clan, he leads the men to victory and marched into the city, Yasukage
send Yerukage with the terms, but Yerukage was ordered to read it, he was shocked and asked “why allow Masayuki
to keep the castle’s in Kanto?!, He will rebel again” but Yasukage Reply “didn’t Tokugawa once is the Enemy of Oda
but become close ally with the Oda, I saw opportunities by allowing him to guard my sides as well as that to exist, he
can took Kanto but until I reached Kyoto I will carve it up between the Sanada and the Hojo to balance the power in
the region” Yerukage was amazed at how Yasukage saw far the benefit of allowing the Sanada to live, and he agree
to go to negotiate, of course, the terms are accepted and Yasukage was invited into the banquet in Ueda, many
advised him not to do it, but he goes anyway, Masayuki and Yukimura welcomed him in and allowed his officers to
join as well, that night everyone is feasting and celebrating, but Yasukage walked out of the castle and saw the stars
“Naomasa will come here” he predicted, Masayuki came to him and asked him what he saw, “I saw the stars, a great
general will come to Komoro castle”, and came the messenger, he quickly reported “Naomasa is marching towards
Komoro castle, he is leading 7.000 men to reinforce the Sengoku Clan” Masayuki then send away the Messenger
and told Yasukage to be ready for war, “Foster father, I thank you for your guardianship over me when I was young,
forgive me for attacking you due to the message of you preparing an army”,“Yasukage, My child, the land is in chaos,
and we only ready to fight when threaten, when we saw you quickly conquered Shinano, we the Sanada felt threaten
and gather the men, of course after seeing you now, I realized that I am talentless before you, I apologized for my
rudeness, take my son Yukimura as your officer, and make sure to restore the Takeda to it’s glorious future”
Masayuki said, Yasukage accepted Yukimura into his ranks and ordered the preparation to begin.

Renchu Baba and Yoshiteru was sent to intercept Naomasa Ii, he had Ginyasu Takeda, Masayama Ii, Daisuke Hara,
and Terukage Suwa as his lieutenant , his backup is of course Taishomasa Yokota who is camped near Komoro with
his men, another Contingent lead by Masayashi Sakai with Asahiko Asano, and Masahiro Tada as his lieutenant, the
two contingent marched out the same day, Yasukage called Yerukage, “Brother, You will go through the mountain
and took Minowa castle, I will give you 600 men, this is so to cut off Naomasa from his escape route” “Understood”,
of course came Yarui Ii, “My lord, beware of that woman” “I will” Yerukage left in secret with 600 men, and sure
enough Yasukage had to entertain Yarui Ii, “Lord Yasukage, my father Naomasa send me here as an envoy”
Yasukage was suspicious but he couldn’t refused that this is a good opportunity , he led her to the dining place, and
there he and Yarui dine for abit, “My lord, can I ask where is your generals?”, “I sent them back to Fukashi and Kai,
anything else?” “Oh nothing, I was just asking, by the way, where is your friend Yerukage?” “Milady this is the dining
room, you eat or not as well as that Yerukage is back at Kaizu castle”, Yarui Ii was annoyed at Yasukage’s
dishonesty and demand he speak truthfully, of course he replied with cunning “Oh Yerukage, he is now at Iida castle
assisting Yutomasa Akiyama, while I am here only to remember my time in this place” “But you just finished the
conquering of Shinano, the armies aren’t yet able to return” “Oh about that, We already disbanded after Ueda”
“What?!” Yarui Ii grinned but she hid it with a surprise look,of course she then leave due to her time is over “He is a
fool, he only won Komadome with bravery, father would be winning wars in no time” she thought, when she reached
Komoro castle, she was expecting to find her father, she was surprised to heard that Naomasa is beaten back by a
force “Who is leading the army?” she asked to the soldiers, the soldier look at her and said “It’s Renchu Baba” Yarui
Ii realized she had been tricked but she then went to find his father who is now ready to surrender, why is he
surrendering? Yerukage took the mountain route and took Minowa castle, Renchu Baba is already in front of them
and now he is caught between the two, Naomasa then tell how his situation came to be.

Renchu Baba’s army managed to defeat the Ii army at the battle near Komoro castle, causing the Ii army to withdraw
in defeat, the battle went like this, they are set up on an empty plain with both sides on the field covered with trees,
and so Renchu with his brother, Yoshiteru worked a scheme, he send Taishomasa ahead to face the Ii army as the
vanguard while he moved through the forest and strike the Ii from the rear, of course Naomasa knew of the forest on
his sides,but he isn’s sure where to set up his troops and so he placed his men on rear, but these are only about 500
men, not enough to cover the flanks, and so Taishomasa arrived and set up his lines, the first were naginata wielding
warriors of around 1.000 men , they wore a large nobori of a swordsman dancing under the moon and the rest are
Renchu’s contingent as Renchu took 700 elite horsemen’s and the remains are about 2.000 men, the Ii army is
around 3.500 men as the 500 men was put in the rear to deter any flanking forces, before the engagement starts,
Taishomasa came out from his lines, he wore a white Hachimaki, and his armor was entirely grey,over it was a
Jinbaori , on his back was a long Nobori banner with a drawing of a swordsman dancing under the moonlight next to
a river, and on the flag was written “Taishomasa Yokota”, he challenged the entire Ii army into a duel “Evil Tokugawa
rebels, I hope you are well ever since Renchu wounded you!”, which was responded by the furious Naomasa Ii , who
urged his horse forward with his lance levelled at Taishomasa, “Have some rest brother, let me fight this oaf till 100
rounds” Saying so, Ginyasu Takeda charges forward and met Naomasa Ii, though on the field, duels are discouraged
due to the disaster in Joseon, but due to head taking traditions and maybe due to personal grudges or temper, duels
are still relevant even after the Invasion of Joseon ,the two fought for 40 bouts, then Taishomasa charges forward
and engaged Naomasa, he shouts “I, Taishomasa, is here!”, Naomasa shouts “Worthless worm, take this!” as he
withdrew his lance and strike towards Taishomasa, Taishomasa’s left Wakizashi flew out of the scabbard and parry
the lance, it is the Earth Wakizashi, , it could held against any strikes and was durable ,then Taishomasa took out his
other Wakizashi from his right, it was the Wind Wakizashi, , it could cut through steel like hot knife to butter, Ginyasu
swiftly withdrew, both Taishomasa and Naomasa fought for a few rounds till Naomasa saw that he is no match for
Taishomasa and tried to flee , but Taishomasa’s eyes are sharp and his hands are quick, he wounded Naomasa with
a slash to the left of the torso, and disarmed Naomasa, of course Naomasa flew quickly , then Masayama Ii and
Ginyasu Takeda flew out from the wings to pursue, only to meet two lieutenants which they dispatched in just three
rounds,Taishomasa ordered his men forward, Naomasa then ordered his men forward as well, the two sides met in
melee, it turns out Taishomasa’s Naginata warriors are elite veteran troops and one of them can take down 6 before
one died, and so the frontline became a meat grinder, Renchu then emerged from the trees and struck at the rear
troops who were unprepared and scattered them, he and his men charged at the rear of Naomasa, Renchu’s
thunderbolts quickly made him a prime target by troops and they charged at him, his twin iron bludgeons flew out os
his scabbards, and he pummeled the Ii troops, the excitement turned into fear as Renchu’s clubs struck many down,
leaving many with crushed skulls, Naomasa’s back was exposed and so the Ii army had to split into two fronts, Ii
Naomasa quickly leads his Red Cavalry against Renchu’s thunderbolts, but it was too late, the Red Cavalry of Ii was
beaten to pulp by the Thunderbolts Cavalry with their massive swords and lances, then Taishomasa ordered the
assault, leading from on top of his horse, Ginyasu and Masayama lead their units and struck deep into the Ii lines.

This caused the Ii army to evaporated and scattered towards Komoro, but they saw the flags of the Takeda and
Sanada on the top of the walls,it turns out Renchu and Yoshiteru had ordered Masayashi’s contingent move towards
Komoro to cut off Naomasa from Hidehisa Sengoku’s force , even going as far as defeating and driving them off the
land, and there stands Masayashi Sakai wielding his straight nanban blade alongside Ujiyoshu Takeda, Wielding his
long bow and Masahiro Tada, wielding his Sky Arquebus, Masayashi saw Naomasa with his men and said loudly
towards Naomasa while pointing his sword at Naomasa “Dog’s of the Tokugawa, Dare you come here after losing to
the general, Now You have fell right into my hand, leave your head and the rest of you, escape now”, Ujiyoshu shot
an arrow to the sky and it whistles, suddenly around 8 ambush units came out of hiding, and the troops on the wall let
loose many arrows, the Ii army is beginning to get hit over and over again through their flanks, Ujiyoshu rode out of
the gates and charges, brandishing his sword, he cuts through the Ii ranks with ease and killed over 6 Ii Lieutenants,
Masahiro aimed his Sky Gun, and fired a round, killing a lieutenant with a shot through the heart, the Ii army had to
flee again, being pursue by both Masayashi and Renchu’s contingent, soldiers dropping little by little until only 4,000
men remained, many deserted and fled into the mountains, he tried to escape to Minowa where he found that the
castle is captured and on top of the walls, Yerukage is staring at the Ii forces, already knowing what just happened he
shouts “Pretender of the Red Cavalry, this castle has been taken long ago!” and send his men out to assault, Yukoshi
Unno charges out with his Red dragon Glaive alongside Rentama Tenko, and 200 horsemen, they cut through the
ranks of Ii troops, the Ii army fled due to this defeat, and only 3,000 men remained, Ii Naomasa hits rock bottom, his
men demoralized and his army is beaten over and over again, he is losing hope, and the sounds of Horse hoofs
keeps getting closer.

He listened and raise his head to see where the sounds came, He saw it, he saw Yasukage came alongside two
generals on his wings, he wore his signature armor and helmet, his sword on his waist, and he wields his Dragon
coiling head Jumonji spear, he rode on a white steed, that is nicknamed white phoenix steed , on the right is Renchu
Baba whose helmet had thunderbolts as horns and a monsterhead with a bronze square with the word “General of
Twin Iron Rods” he rode on his red hare steed, and on the left is Taishomasa Yokota who rode with a flag on his
back with the word “Swordsman under the moon, Taishomasa Yokota” he rode on a brown horse, Of course
Naomasa had no strength to fight, but one of his subordinate with the clan name of Naito charged at Yasukage with
his lance leveled, of course it was parried by Taishomasa Yokota , who uses his twin wakizashi’s, he shouts “How
Dare your unskilled hands soiled the skills of my lord?!” he charges forward and slices off the head of the man, of
course another came with the clan name of Honda, who also charged with his blade, and was met by Taishomasa
Yokota, due to Taishomasa’s quick hands , man couldn’t come close, but Renchu called out “Brother rest for abit, I
will handle this Oaf”, Taishomasa turned , and fled, the man pursued and Renchu charged, the two engaged in melee
for 10 bouts, but with a swift strike, Renchu knocked the weapon off the man with his left bludgeon , and bringing his
right bludgeon down upon the man, and break the man’s skull.

Another came with a big axe, and Renchu fought him as well, this time it was Yasukage who charged, he shouts
“This one is mine, Renchu, allow me to kill this fellow!”, and Renchu retreat after a few bouts, and Yasukage
engaged, he swinged his spear up and then down and strike the man who blocked with his axe, the strike felt like the
earth shakes and the man wasn’t able to cope with this same with his steed, and so with a quick motion, Yasukage
swinged down to up and then disarmed the man, then retract his spear, and pierce the man at the abdomen, killing
him, seeing such prowess, Naomasa surrendered and the Ii was absorbed into the Takeda ranks.

Yasukage then send Yerukage and Renchu to take Musashi Province for the extra land for the Sanada, for Renchu,
he was given 1,300 men with Daisuke Hara, Masahiro Tada, Ujiyoshi Maeda, and Hishiomasa Itagaki as his
lieutenant, while for Yerukage, he was given 1.200 men with Rentama Tenko, Yukoshi Unno, Taishomasa Yokota,
and of course, the newly recruited Yukimura Sanada, or better known as Nobushige Sanada.

The two accomplished their job perfectly and none was lost during the invasion except for soldiers that died which
Yasukage mourned and was then comforted by Yerukage.

Of the Sakai, Yerukage met them in an open field, The Sakai had around 1.700 men, before the battle starts, a Sakai
Lieutenant challenged the Sanada into a duel, Rentama Tenko “Large Axe” came out of the line and wielding his
large heavy axe, he charged at the man on foot, the man was on a horse so he was confident of his speed but it
turns out his horse is tired, and needed to rest and so he was panicking till Rentama was close enough, and with a
cleave through the waist, Rentama shouts “DOWN YOU GO!” and the man was half the man he was, and so the two
sides met in melee, but Yerukage pull his center away from his two flanks and the Sakai fell for it, and the
overextended flanks are exposed, Takeda Ambush unit came out of hiding and assaulted the sides, and the Sakai
entered into a state of panic, Their commander Torimasa Sakai was a skilled spearmen but he is often too impulsive
and was too eager to charge head on into an enemy, his ability with the spear made sure no one could come close,
but here he met his match, Yerukage charged at him, his hooked lance levelled towards Torimasa who parried and
struck at Yerukage but Yerukage parried it, Torimasa speaks “Worthless fodder!, you are no match for me”,
Yerukage replied “You sure about that?” , and the two fought in melee for 8 bouts, Torimasa was making a lot of
mistake and was acting on the defensive, Yerukage then with his amazing agility, spinned and feinted a stab,
Torimasa tried to parry it but then Yerukage turned the stab into an upward swing, and disarmed Torimasa, then he
swinged his lance from left to right, and dealt a blow to his right side, “Argh!” Torimasa screams, the pain was too
much but Torimasa could handle it, Of course, seeing no way to win, Torimasa organized the retreat, and Yerukage
didn’t pursue, of course after that the Sakai Surrenders, and was absorbed into the Takeda Ranks, but they were
later given to the Sanada to be used in the taking Kanto, and of the Sakakibara, Renchu managed to win without
causing any bloodshed by showing himself in front of his men, he shouts “Sakakibara dogs!, see for yourself, the
descendant of the Immortal of Mino, I am Renchu Baba, the General of two Iron clubs, he then points his left club
towards the Castle itself and continued shouting “I will take this without a problem, so you dogs should just
surrender!”, the Sakakibara saw the appearance of Renchu and were scared out of their minds, they quickly
surrendered without a fight, they were then absorbed and was later given to the Sanada as well.

Yasukage praised them for their bloodless victory, and rewarded them, then he reinstated the three Danjo, this
includes Kamayori Hoshina taking the Mantle of Spear Danjo, Teruguchi Kosaka taking the Mantle of Fleeing Danjo,
and Yerukage Sanada taking the mantle as Offensive Danjo, the three gladly took the title, Renchu gained
Nobuharu’s title of Immortal of Mino.

It was then that Yasukage called for Teruyashi to his room, when the two met inside the room, they discussed of
troop formations, tactics, and later plans, then Teruyashi noticed that Yasukage had two books ontop of the table,
and when he read the first one’s name, he recognized it as Heiho Okigusho, and the Second book he can guess is
the Koyo Gunkan, of course Yasukage had these books ever since he was still a child in Ueda, and he usually read
them when he had free time, Yasukage then offered Teruyashi the books, to which Teruyashi declined, saying “A
warrior like me doesn’t understand well these books, My Lord, you should keep reading them and improve”, of
course, Yasukage smirked a bit, and the two continued the discussion to the night, of course, Yerukage came to the
room, and the three continued to chat till they had to go to bed.

The next day, Yasukage re-organize the ranks, he created two more roles to be filled by Yamahide Nishina and
Yukoshi Unno, Master of Fortifications, and Master of Blacksmiths, the two took up the role quickly and began their
work, Yasukage then re-organize the army, creating a sets of roles, and equipment for those roles, the order was
given to Yukoshi who then moved the Blacksmiths of Shinano into creating these orders, and sending them directly
into the stockpile, in order to distribute these equipments, Yasukage Placed Yurikatsu Kuromatsu, and Rentama
Tenko in charge of distribution, they quickly set out and began distributing to the troops, the troops quickly became
well equipped, to manage their training, Masahiro Tada, And Fukotama Oda was in charge of that, of the supplies
accountant, and treasury accountant, Tatenobu Tatenashi was given the role, managing the supply route was given
to Yukoshimasa Sanada, due to this arrangement, the Takeda became well equipped for the coming war or conflict.

Weeks passed, and then on Komoro, while inspecting his men, Yasukage was visited by Masayuki Obu who came
with a terrible news, a few days ago, Fukushima Masanori had gathered the Clans of the south into a coalition and is
in the process of Besieging Iida castle, Apparently Masayuki was assigned by Yasukage as “The Scout of the land”
and he just passed by Iida when he saw that it was under siege, he recognized the attacking army as the coalition
under Fukushima and wielding his 9 ring podao, he charges into the fray, cutting through the enemy lines ,and
entered the castle by leaping over it, note the walls of Iida was upgraded thanks to Yerutachi’s effort, the walls are
thicken and was made high enough to rival the castle’s in the Mainland with deep moats, and holes on the walls for
gunners or archers, Yutomasa greeted him, tell him to get to Yasukage and ask for Reinforcements, Masayuki accept
the task, and charges out of the castle,fighting through the coalition lines to get to Yasukage, Yasukage quickly send
Masayuki to Renchu, who is already marching back to Fukashi, and report of the news, Renchu then turned to his
men which is around 200 cavalryman, and say “My friends, we will marching towards Iida castle to relieve it, who
volunteered to go to Fukashi to tell Kamayori to muster the men to wait for us in Fukashi?” out came one of the
Lieutenants with the name Shikanomaru Tsuchiya on his white steed, his hair is white ,he wields a Su Yari ,and a
silver blade is strapped on his waist “My lord, let me deliver the news!” he said to Renchu, of course Renchu send
him ahead, and continue the journey, the Rider galloped quickly towards Fukashi, urging his horse to be quick, he
then passed a stable, and bought a horse, riding it, and galloped full speed, he reached Fukashi in just a day, he
asked to meet with Kamayori and Kamayori came out, fully armored, Shikanomaru explains why he is here to
Kamayori and urged Kamayori to muster the troops as ordered by Renchu, of course, Kamayori handpicked 2,000
men, leaving 1,000 to hold Fukashi and put the lieutenant to hold the fort, and Kamayori waited till the arrival of
Renchu at the afternoon, they agree they must be quick to relieve Iida, and they all marched quickly towards Iida,
later Shikanomaru was one of the Trusted of the Heavenly generals, and would die after Terutane’s death.

Eight days ago, when the Coalition entered into Shinano through the south, there are small forts resisting them, as
they advance further, the resistance grew fiercer, two forts fell with their commanders falling down like flies, while
some fort held, like the fort under Yukitori Tada, and another fort under Tokushima Mochizuki, they quickly assemble
the defenses and repel each assaults by the coalition, this prompted the coalition to simply ignore and lay troops to
deter the forts from sallying out, they aimed to take Iida Castle and then Takato castle, in the defense of Takato was
Yamazaki Nishina with two lieutenants, Ryuutaro Nakano, and Kushomasa Ouki, Yamazaki wanted to send
reinforcements to Iida but then reports of a contingent of troops moving towards Takato alarmed him to not send
troops, and simply held position, however Ryuutaro volunteered to go with 400 horsemen which Yamazaki allowed.

Yutomasa had heard of the lost,and wanted to fight them head on, However Yerutachi instead advised him to hold
position in Iida, and wait for reinforcement, Ryuutaro arrived a day after, he was quickly granted entrance, and his
force boosted the defenses, just in time for the Coalition force to arrive and besiege the castle.

Now, In Iida, Yutomasa’s force held Iida castle for a week, continuing to repel assaults after Assaults, Yerutachi had
ordered the men to guard the wall and made shifts for the troops, he made sure Iida is well equipped, and why he
commissioned a special kind of spear to push the ladders off the wall from Yukoshi Unno a few weeks ago, not to
mention, the hot oil on the gates readied to be used against the coalition troops attacking the front or other gates,of
course Yerutachi advised Yutomasa to sallied out a few times with both Yuushin and Saruhide by his side along with
200 cavalry man “It is better to go out ,brother, weaken the enemy, cut their force’s ability to muster an assault, and
returned to hold the gates” the three looked at each other and nodded, they quickly gathered the troops and grabbed
their weapons, then they sally out to engage the enemy as they are trying to breach the walls using siege towers,
now both Yuushin and Saruhide wields identical spears which are both called Twin Ogre tooth Spear, the only
difference of them is the tassels, Yuushin had a red tassel, while Saruhide a green tassel,these cavalryman wore a
black armor and a red scarf on their head, they have a quiver filled with arrows and bows, this is because both
Yuushin and Saruhide wanted to fool the enemy that they are archers, before they charged, they let loose arrows,
this is the Mochizuki Horse unit, they wield long lances , they succeeded to driving off the enemy but since the
coalition is in a large force, they returned to the castle, Yerutachi then advised Yutomasa and he said “The enemy is
large in numbers, and only a few are well experienced, if you were to charge out again with the Mochizuki twins, you
can force the enemy to reconsider, and it will only the Fukushima attacking us”, Yutomasa heed this advice and
quickly lead his men out of the castle and assault the enemy, striking deep into the large infantry force, and
horsemen, Yutomasa killed many in his charge and after killing enough men, the force retreat back into the castle, of
course as Yerutachi predicted, Only the Fukushima is willing to charge to the walls as the other clans with them had
been beaten to the pulp by the previous raid, the Fukushima attacked again but failed and retreated with heavy

Meanwhile back to Renchu, feeling that it was too slow, Renchu asked advice from his brother , Yoshiteru then spoke
“It is better to send Brother Taishomasa and Brother Kamayori with around 600 cavalry to quickly assist Iida”,
Renchu then called out for Taishomasa and Kamayori , he then gave out 600 cavalry, and ordered Taishomasa and
Kamayori to lead the vanguard, the two accepted, and collected the men, they all charges ahead, as they are only a
few miles from Iida, back to Iida, the defenses continued to held, Yutomasa encourages his men and assisted in
defending the walls while grabbing his bow and shooting down arrows upon the charging foes, eventually he saw
from the north, the flag of swordsman under the moon and a spear on fire, It is Taishomasa and Kamayori, they both
had arrived from the north and charges at the northern besieging force, killing many in their charge, Yutomasa finally
ordered the gates to be opened, and donning his lamellar armor, and his dragon tooth cudgel, he charges out
alongside 2000 men with Yuushin and Saruhide on his wings, Yerutachi was left behind to guard Iida with Ryuutaro
and around 500 men.

The two force struck at the coalition force, Taishomasa’s men charges murderously alongside Kamayori’s men,
Taishomasa Manages to kill one of the Fukushima Retainer with a slice to the throat, while Kamayori threw his bag of
oil at the opponent he is fighting and burned him to death as well as a stab through the throat, they joined up with
Yutomasa who suggests they continue to pursue and push the coalition back far back to Nagashino, the two fort
commanders, Yukitori and Tokushima, sallied out to pursue as well, after some distance, the two sides camped but
for the coalition they camp at the Shitaragahara plain, while the Takeda forces encamped in front of Nagashino
castle, Yuushin and Saruhide was ordered by Yutomasa to occupy the castle, their lieutenants were Yukitori and
Tokushima, after a few hours, they took the castle with minimal resistance, and so they rested, the next day, the two
force engaged in a skirmish but not much, this continued till for 3 days until Yasukage with Renchu Baba arrived with
their perspective force.

Yasukage then praised Renchu Baba and Yoshiteru Baba for their quick thinking of sending the vanguard first and
selecting Kamayori Hoshina and Taishomasa Yokota as the leader of the vanguard, of course Yasukage was
concerned of one thing, Nagashino is considered at that time as the place where Nobunaga revolutionized warfare by
using only guns to destroy the Takeda force under his Uncle, Katsuyori at the year 1575, half of the fame generals of
Takeda died that day and it was known to the Takeda as the most disastrous battle’s in their history, that was 25
years before , but Renchu said to him “My lord, the past is the past, the battle of Nagashino is a disaster but this time,
we will make it different, if you will I had a plan” of course Yasukage asked what is the plan, Renchu Baba said “My
lord, look at the field and look at the plain, we can lure them in using a bait unit, I will be the bait, Tashiu Anayama
and Nobuhide Oyamada will also be the bait, for the flanking force I would suggest, Commander in chief, Brother
Teruyashi Yamagata, and Second in command, Brother Yerukage Sanada, with Brother Taishomasa Yokota as their
lieutenant, for the other invasion force, lord Masayashi Sakai with around 4.000 men with brother Ujiyoshu Maeda,
and Brother Asahiko Asano as his lieutenant, then when the enemy had been lured out of the plain, we can use the
chance to take their fortifications and use it against them, for the gunners, I suggest your Guard Lieutenant, brother
Tokumatsu Onihashi.” Yasukage was pleased with this and inquire with Tokumatsu Onihashi, his Guard Lieutenant,
of the gunner plan,” My lord, it is easy to do, I will train the gunner in the three line tactic along with Masahiro Tada,
we could also use wood to make palisades and using water, we wet the ground to slow the enemy down.” Yakutana
Takamasa, one of Yasukage’s bodyguard, guards next to Yasukage with his 100 men during this, Yakutana was of
Musashi province, and he was chosen for his leadership and valor for this role.

Of course Yasukage was enlightened with this and the next day was filled with confidence, For the Coalition, they
thought they can use guns against the Takeda and so they build up Palisades and moats the same way as
Nobunaga Oda does at 1575 at the battle of Nagashino, Kazutoyo argue that Takeda won’t fall for the same trick, but
Masanori and other commanders rebuke him, Yasukage’s scouts reported the building of the palisades and moats,
he said “The ways of Nobunaga is revolutionizing, but if they dare think that they had the advantage just by doing the
same thing as Nobunaga, then they are no better than Uncle Katsuyori, for the one who revolutionized warfare also
innovate a new way of fighting”, he said to Masahiro Tada “Make sure the men and the weapons are ready, today I
shall revolutionized warfare once again”, Masahiro then replied “I will make sure they are ready”, Yasukage turned to
the Shitaragahara plains while Masahiro ran back to the troops, he thought to himself “Truly those who is stuck of the
past are doomed to be forgotten”, he then beat his chest and said to himself “Does that mean I am the same as the
them?”, he looked to the ground and build the resolve, he then said “No, I am a better man, though I carried the
dreams of the dead, I too had my own ambition, and that makes me different from them”, he then returned to his
command tent, resting for the day.

And so Teruyashi marched out south with Yerukage and Taishomasa Yokota to flank them using the mountain route
the next day, and when they succeeded at reaching halfway through the path, they met some Yamauchi units on the
path, and so Taishomasa charges forward with his unit and killed the commander of the two units, after he killed the
two , he shouts to the soldiers of the defeated units “Hold your sword and spears, if you wish to die then come and
die, or serve under me , so you can live to see the end of this day”, of course those who wished to survive quickly
moved forward and defect to Taishomasa’s unit, of course, Teruyashi ordered Taishomasa to stay behind them as
they moved through the mountain path, meanwhile on the Shitaragahara plains, Renchu Baba was given control of
the Hoshina, Oyamada and Anayama units, Nobuhide was dissatisfied with his treatment by Renchu Baba, the two
usually argued, and usually Renchu always enraged when seeing Nobuhide, but on the field, Renchu simply looked
at him with an annoyed look, and returned to seeing the plain, Nobuhide really wanted to pierce Renchu through the
back , but Tashiu Anayama kept him under control, besides Kamayori is watching them, Renchu quickly raised his
right hand and ordered “Oyamada Unit , go to the right”, then he moved his right hand to the left and ordered
“Anayama unit, go to the left”, to the Hoshina Unit, he ordered “Brother, you hold position here, and make sure the
ground is wet, our lord wished to see you doing good work today!”, the Baba, Anayama, and Oyamada units move
forward, the Hoshina unit quickly went to work to make sure the ground is wet, to help them, Yasukage send The
Akiyama Unit and the Onihashi unit to assist, the Tada unit stay behind the barricade that had been build, the first
shots open fired by the Fukushima units, but as the gunners are mostly undertrained, and their guns are of low
quality, their shots missed, Renchu continued ordered his men to move forward, while saying to Nobuhide “We are
gonna wait till the second round, then we retreated in somewhat look like a panic”.

Before the Second round was shot, a fog sets in, obscuring the south to north of the battlefield, the Fukushima then
fired their second shot as they saw the Takeda units advancing upon them, then the Takeda fled in a panic, Masanori
thought it was his chance, and charged his unit forward, he was followed by the Yamauchi and Horio units, the
flanking units arrived at their destination, but remained hidden while most of the Coalition chased the fleeing Takeda
units, then it rained, Teruyashi then exclaimed happily “Heavens, so you do wish for my lords rule!”, Yerukage also
saw this and said to Taishomasa “With this rain, the ground would be wet, and the enemy would be bogged down,
with this, we have no chance of losing, that’s why lord Teruyashi exclaimed like that”, Taishomasa smirked and
replied “I know that Brother Yerukage, for now we will be waiting for orders”, Teruyashi then turned and said to them
“What are you two talking about?, come on, follow me, before the fog lifted , we must take the enemy camp”, he
quickly ordered with a loud voice “Red Cavalry!, follow me as we drive our weapons into our enemies guts!”, the Red
Cavalry force roared, Yerukage and Taishomasa’s unit followed the example of the Red cavalry and roared as well,
they charged into the camp, the coalition camp troops fall into confusion and the Takeda killed many in this assault
and plunder the camp, but for now, let us return to the situation at the center of the battlefield, the Coalition got lured
too deep into the bait, and the rain made it worse as they aren’t as mobile as they are before, they pursued till the
sounds of guns alarmed them, then finally the fog lifted after 4 hours, the coalition is surprised to find Barricades built
and Takeda troops laying in wait, Masanori realized his folly and quickly ordered “Back!, Pull back!, we have been
tricked!”, the Takeda gunners opened fired, their experienced and high quality guns quickly make quick work upon
the coalition front row, it was the first volley, and then the Second volley, the front row is in chaos, then Masahiro
ordered a third volley, causing heavy casualties upon the Coalition front unit, and killing many officers in the front
units, the barrage continued for hours, then after the barrage dies down, the Baba Unit, Hoshina Unit, Oyamada Unit
and Anayama unit turned, and charged forward, Renchu killed three officers in the charge, while the rest kill two or
one, seeing that the situation is getting difficult, Masanori quickly send orders to Kazutoyo and he said “You go back
to the camp, and prepare the defenses!, we will retreat after you secured it”, Kazutoyo quickly bring some of his
officers and units , then he went to the camp, but what await him is the sight of the Red Cavalry, and the Sanada
Hooked Pikemen, Teruyashi shouted “Red Dragoons, to the fore!”, the red cavalry front lancers was quickly replaced
by three lines of Gun wielding Cavalryman, The first line open fire, followed by the second and third, they quickly
drew their swords and lances, Teruyashi then signaled the charge and shouted “ Red Dragoons, Charge forward,
The Rest follow from behind!”, they charge with swiftness, and surprise, their assaults are fierce, the Yamauchi units
under Kazutoyo was coping under the pressure, and they are almost overrun if not of Kazutoyo’s quick withdrawal of
the units and Yasutoyo Yamauchi’s reinforcements, the news spread and reached the ears of Masanori, who shouted
“There is no way out!, men, fight with everything you got”, Yasukage watches this from behind the barricades, the
gunners had completed their reloads, and began opening fire, behind the gunners were rows of archers,
Yasukage,on top of his horse, ordered to his archers to let loose while in his thought he said to himself “This is the
only way for a new age to come, with these arrows, I will put an end to these relics”, the archers let loose and arrows
flew, like rain, it falls upon the coalition force, Masanori quickly rode forward and inspired the men “Come on!, fight
with desperation!, we will kill this Yasukage and Take His head!”, it was then that five arrows ran straight to him, one
through his private part, three on his torso, and one through the eye, it was too sudden that he died quick, while in
pain as well, thus end Masanori’s story.

The rest of the coalition forces fled the field , Yasukage ordered for the troops to let the formation a bit opened for the
Coalition troops to flee through it, but as they escaped from the battlefield, they were hunted down in every way
possible, Kazutoyo Yamauchi was captured by Taishomasa Yokota who came with a unit of horsemen, Yasutoyo
Yamauchi was surrounded by Hook sickle spearmen and was stabbed through his throat by Kamayori Hoshina,
Tadauji Horio was killed by 8 horsemen under Kageyatsu Obata, who sliced off Tadauji’s head with his Su Yari, and
the rest are either fled or captured, this victory allowed the second invasion group to took over and conquer through
Suruga and Totomi province, while The group under Yasukage sweep through Mikawa and Owari, there Yasukage
Appointed his old friend, Tatenobu Tatenashi, he was called the Chain Manager for his ability to use chains and
managing many work of administration, he was placed over Owari , and Mikawa, while Totomi and Suruga Was
given to Naomasa Ii who is kept under guard with Renchu watching his actions from Fukashi and Yutomasa from Iida
castles, Of Tatenobu, he came alongside Yurikatsu Kuromatsu who is appointed by Teruyaki to be his advisor, but
Yurikatsu kept his advisor role after the death of Teruyaki, Tatenobu was an old friend of Yasukage during his time in
the Sanada’s protection, when Yasukage went to visit the capital the two bonded and chatted till noon and till he
came to Komadome and was recruited by Teruyaki, he was the administrator of the Takeda Treasury, in fact, most of
those high quality weapons are bought using the Money that was inside the Treasury which Tatenobu had gathered
during the Reign of Teruyaki, and then the reign of Yasukage, hence why he is suitable to manage two provinces of
Owari and Mikawa, while still being the Treasury manager of Takeda, here he earned the nickname “Chain

Renchu was ordered to return to Fukashi to defend against the north, and Yutomasa returned to his defenses at Iida

Meanwhile at the north, the Uesugi had defeated the Maeda in a series of engagements and reduced the Maeda to a
minor clan, in the end the Maeda fell and most of their kin as well as officers escaped to Shinano, where at Fukashi ,
Renchu received them and recruited them into the army, he even asked Ujiyoshu to be the head of the Maeda, which
Ujiyoshu couldn’t refuse, he reported the Uesugi’s movement on the north of Shinano to Yasukage Takeda who was
annoyed of this report, he send a messenger to The Kosaka brothers and told them to “Wait for the sword to slay the
dragon” which Teruhashi Correctly guess and marched his men to fortify the passage on the Echigo to Shinano
route, Yasukage was marching through Shinano with his main army and quickly, he met with Renchu and with
astonishing speed arrived at Kaizu Castle, where they were welcomed into the Castle, when they came to meet
guardian of the castle, Yasukage discovered the guardian is none other that Masayori Komai who is known to be
“Heavenly Eyes”, When Masayori was recruited, the Kosaka Brothers are too busy in their tasks that they made him
the guardian of the castle instead of telling to Yasukage about him, Masayori explained that the Kosaka brothers had
fortified the passage, there Yasukage saw that his writing is good and recruited him as an advisor, and the chief
writer of the clan.

They also met the blacksmith Yukoshi Unno which Yerukage had send to help with weaponry there, Yukoshi
inspected the weapons of his lords and decided to ask for them for a bit, they waited till Yukoshi came back and gave
back to them an upgraded weapon, Yasukage’s Dragon Coiling Head mountain splitting yari is upgraded with extra
sharpness and a durability that could last eternity, Renchu’s Clubs were strengthen in durability that could last until
eternity, the rest also got an upgrade, and so that’s why Yukoshi Unno is called “Magic Blacksmith” because
whatever he made a weapon,an upgrade, or a fix, it turned into something mythical and powerful.

After that The Takeda army marched to met up with the Kosaka brothers, after arriving, they quickly went to meet
with the Kosaka brothers, and they met them at one of the outpost overlooking Kanetsugu Naoe’s contingent,
Yasukage asked “Brother’s what’s the situation?” , the Kosaka brothers answered that when they arrived, they found
Kanetsugu holding position on the passage ,they then placed themselves on the opposite side of Kanetsugu and
build small outposts to undermine the movement of the Naoe.

Yasukage ordered a withdrawal instead , the Kosaka brothers question it and Yasukage replied “In a situation like
this, withdrawal is a great decision to see the reaction of our foe, if they charge into us, they are invading, if they stay
at their position, they want to be left alone” after hearing that the Kosaka brothers was relief as if a large obstacle had
been taken away from their heart, and then Yasukage added “If we are going to withdrew, order the outposts to
quickly pack up or burn their posts, as in this way, the enemy wouldn’t use this opportunity to use them, make sure
everyone evacuate safely and no one is losed” the Kosaka brothers heeded this order, and dispatched messengers
to do as that, then Yasukage called for Renchu and he said this to Renchu “I want you to hold position around this
road, and do this… and …” Renchu listened carefully and after that, he went to his camp, donned his armor, leapt on
his horse and rode to the position with 20 men, then the evacuation began, Kanetsugu saw this and wanted to exploit
the advantage but he saw a man with two clubs, donning a dark red armor, standing on his path alongside 20
horsemen with Naginata, Renchu looked at them like an hungry lion , carefully watching them, and then shouts
“Bastards of the Uesugi, You dare came in front of the Takeda Army, Who dares to come close will have his skull
crushed!” the Uesugi troops were terrified at the sight of this man, and Kanetsugu was cautious, they are in a stand
still for 5 hours, then a rider with crimson armor came from the back wielding a hooked lance with a horsehead and a
white red pointed Tassel that served as decoration for the lance ,It’s Yerukage Sanada , he whisper to Renchu
“Brother, it is complete” Renchu nodded and ,alongside Yerukage, galloped off back to their troops and retreat
alongside the evacuation units, Yasukage was pleased that no one was hurt or lost.

Yasukage then withdrew with all of the Takeda troops in the area, and set out to Kaizu, where he had a council going
on, then Terutane arrived from Kai with around 2.500 men along with Hishiomasa Itagaki, and Kokuyushi Amari
Yoshiteru then spoke of his plan and his plan goes like this “Saijo Yama will be occupied by Brother Renchu with 700
men, from Kaizu, all the remaining generals will lead around 2.000 men from Kaizu Castle, while Terutane lead 2.500
men to set up on east road to close up on Kagekatsu when he entered Kawanakajima while from the west side of
Kawanakajima,Lord Yasukage will be stationed with 700 men”, Terutane set out with his men and set up on the east
road, overlooking the main road to Kawanakajima, he ordered the men to rest, and set up cooking pots, and then the
Uesugi army was upon them, the vanguard was lead by the descendant of Kageie Kakizaki, Kageyama Kakizaki,
who saw the rising smoke and reported to Kanetsugu, Kanetsugu dispatched a unit under Amakusa Kagemochi with
orders to scatter the Takeda ambush force, the sudden raid caught the Takeda Unit off guard and many fled,
Kagemochi saw Terutane and mocked him “Defeated General, Brother of Yasukage, I hope you know well to
Surrender to me!”, Terutane was furious and while grinning,he replied “Dolts, Death is staring at your face, it is you
who should surrender”, Enraged, Kagemochi engaged in a duel with Terutane who could still handle himself in a
fight, the two fought for a few round, but seeing that he is about to be captured by the surrounding Uesugi troops,
Terutane thought to himself “Caught off guard like this, it’s probably best to flee,but first I will need to wound this
bastard’s horse” he then feinted a strike and then when Kagemochi parried the strike but Terutane brought his twin
serpent spear back, and with a quick stab, he wounded the horse of Kagemochi which made Kagemochi fell of his
horse, then Terutane turned and flee, he already send a messengers to Kaizu already and regrouped with his
remaining men, around 2300 lived, and 200 died, but Terutane isn’t done yet, he ordered his men to remain hidden
till Kagemochi leave then he and his men went to prepare on the east road as the Uesugi army marched on
Kawanakajima, the news from Terutane’s defeat made it to the hands of Yasukage, a few officers asked to lead the
advance but Yasukage said “No need, let the fish enter the net and then we make our moves” of course the Uesugi
army entered Kawanakajima plains and send scouts to Saijoyama, but the fog sets in, and no Scouts return, then
Kagekatsu check for himself and Lo, behold, the flag with the word “General Of Twin Clubs” is there to greet him,
seeing that he has entered into a trap, Kagekatsu tried to withdrew but it was too late, the Takeda unit from
Saijoyama charged out, then came another Takeda Unit coming from Kaizu, then from the west, Yasukage and his
men charged out towards the Uesugi lines, the two sides met in melee, but as the Takeda had more experience and
advantages, the Uesugi was coping with the pressure from all three sides, Kagekatsu saw his back is opened and
tried to order his men there but then the Banners of Terutane shown up with the words “Poetic Bull”, Terutane
grinned and screamed “ Remember me?!, I have been waiting for far too long” alongside his men he charged at the
Uesugi rear, “You don’t seem to know when to give up don’t you?!” Saying this, Kagemochi quickly send his unit to
protect the Uesugi rear, the entire Uesugi army is now encircled.

The Takeda continued advancing, their Long pikes struck at Uesugi’s spearmens, which had only a mix of short and
medium spears, the frontlines continued forth, the Uesugi desperately held their ground, but the battle turned into a
horror, men trampled by their own, Uesugi troops had a hard time to breath, and some just barely survived under the
pressure, but the Takeda troops held disciplined and they gradually restore order to their own formations, gaps on
the Uesugi lines are formed, and these were filled with Sword wielding Takeda men, trampling over the dead bodies
of Uesugi troops,Daisuke Hara killed one of the Nagao, Masakage Nagao with a shot through the skull, Yamataishi
and Tomotatsu killed 7 lieutenants with the clan name of Murakami, and the rest killed many in their charge, Renchu
Baba killed 10 Lieutenants, and wound 20, he killed 100 Uesugi soldiers in his northern charge, Yasukage saw this
as an opportune moment, he leapt on his white steed, grabbed his Dragon coiling head Jumonji Yari and charged
with 50 bodyguards, Yerukage, afraid of Yasukage’s safety, leapt on his white steed as well, grabbed his horse head
hooked sickle yari and charged as well with 40 men, Teruyashi seeing the two of them charging, grabbed his blade,
leapt on his steed, and charged with 60 men towards the Uesugi gaps to assist, the charge made the gaps in the
Uesugi lines even larger, and panic ensues, Yasukage managed to broke through the Uesugi Lines, Yasukage
continue to struck hard, cutting down 90 Uesugi troops ,until he was face to face with Kagekatsu who is on top of a
brown steed , but Kagekatsu grabbed a spear and charged at Yasukage, the two fought for 15 bouts, when they say
fought, they meant Kagekatsu had to hold on hos own against Yasukage’s strikes, which was had the impact of an
earthquake, and barely survived, but one of Kagekatsu’s retainer drove off Yasukage who parried the strike and flee,
then came Yerukage, and this time Kanetsugu came and fought him for a few bouts till Yerukage withdrew, then
Came Teruyashi , but Teruyashi withdrew while ordering his men to help assist in the breaking of the Uesugi line
from within, Kageyama Kakizaki charged out of his unit and wielding his lance,gathering his might , He charged at
Teruyashi while shouting “Beware of your strength!, Yamagata!, for I am Kageyama Kakizaki”, Teruyashi quickly
drew his sword and the Two fought for a few rounds till Teruyashi parried one of the strikes and galloped away,
Kageyama quickly fixed up the Uesugi frontlines by leading his men forward to fix the gaps, then a Takeda warrior by
the name Harutoshi Ousho, charged and engaged with Kageyama, after a few hours he was quickly slain by
Kageyama, the frontline has finally stabilized and finally Kagekatsu had a time to breath for a bit and confer with
Kanetsugu on what to do, “My lord, The situation is dire, the frontlines could break at any minute and the fight is
gradually turning against us” Kanetsugu said “Of the Thirty Six ways, running away is the best option, leave two
strong units as rear guard, then withdrew in an organized fashion” just then Kagemochi had successfully forced
Terutane’s unit to withdrew and send a messenger reported this to Kagekatsu, Kagekatsu saw this as an opportunity,
he asked the Units of Kosumasa Jojo, descendant of Masashige Jojo, and Terukosu Kojima, the descendant of
Yataro Kojima, to hold while the rest withdrew, Yasukage ordered his men to pretend to fight while letting the Uesugi
slipped out one by one, Yasukage then said “Of course, I am merely testing the Uesugi to see if they still retain their
dignity, well it seems they kinda did”, the 7 th battle of Kawanakajima is over, Kagekatsu is on the run with his entire
army but Yasukage didn’t order a pursue, because he knew who will do it for him “Bull oh Bull, do you wish to avenge
your lose?” he said in a low tone with a grin.
The remnants of the Uesugi army withdrew with a great groan, the defeat was catastrophic, but it was done well
enough In the withdrawal, Kagekatsu sigh and said “If only I am like my father, Kenshin, I was like Shingen at that
moment, where Yasukage charged into my camp, and he is like father” but Kanetsugu comfort by saying “My lord,
isn’t that good for you? Shingen had defeated many lords in his time but his rival is your father, as well as that
Shingen had many great generals, you also had many great generals too my lord” Kagekatsu was pleased, but then
the sounds of gongs and swords startled him and he saw him, Terutane with his twin serpent spear with remnants of
his unit which is around 2.000 men has been laying in wait for them, “Kagekatsu could leave, but his head stays”
Terutane said sadistically “MEN, TAKE KAGEKATSU’S HEAD FOR ME”, they all charged down against the Uesugi
army, who is in panic and confusion, Terutane cut his way through the Uesugi lines, charging towards Kagekatsu
who is now a bit terrified and petrified, Kagemochi saw this and, in a fury, charged with his lance at Terutane,
Terutane looked at him, and shout while charging towards Kagemochi “Your head especially!”,and the two engaged
in melee, meanwhile Kagekatsu saw opportunity and rode hard to break through the encirclement, Hishiomasa
Itagaki appeared in his way, twirling his spear, he shouts as he charged at Kagekatsu “Leave your head for me!”, but
he was held back by 6 Uesugi troops trying to save Kagekatsu, he killed them and shout “Worthless fodders, get out
of my way!”, but was again held back by more Uesugi troops, which he killed in large numbers, still Kagekatsu fled
from him, Kagekatsu continued to rode hard, but this time is Kokuyushi Amari, brandishing his kanabo, he charged
like a large oni at Kagekatsu and shouts “I will take your HEAD!”, but he was held back by Kageyama who fought him
for a few bouts just for Kagekatsu to escape, all the Uesugi army follow suit and retreat in great defeat,Kagemochi
was wounded on his left shoulder and was forced to run, Kageyama was forced to flee due to the strength of
Kokuyushi, Satisfied, Terutane ordered his men to withdrew to Kaizu castle to await further instructions.

The Uesugi returned to their lands, and there they breath a sigh of relief, Kagekatsu ordered Kageyama, Kosumasa,
and Terukosu to be promoted ,and placed them to guard in the borders against the Takeda, he returned to
Kasugayama castle to rest and lick his wounds, of this we wouldn’t speak no further.
At Kaizu, the Takeda men are celebrating, they lose less then 1500 men and the Uesugi had withdrew in great
defeat, fulfilling the victory at Kawanakajima, they celebrate to Shingen and his 24 generals, they honored the grave
of Yamamoto Kansuke, grandfather of Teruyashu, Sake and fine dishes were served by Moriyama Saegusa and
Torayasu Kiso, and the army cheered to the cries of victory, the day was a glorious one, but Yasukage was on the
Tenshu’s top floor, looking the stars, and writing a few things on note,Yerukage saw him and asked whats wrong,
and Yasukage replied “The Army is resting and celebrating, but I will need to make peace with the Uesugi” Yerukage
wished to know why, “ In the past, our two clans fought over Shinano and had great respect with one another,
Grandfather respected Kenshin and Kenshin to Grandfather, hence why I will need to make an alliance with them”
Yerukage simply nods after hearing such a reply, and called on Masayori Komai to wrote it.

The next day, Yerukage picked a trustworthy messenger, and send him to meet with Kagekatsu, but anxious, he
send Daisuke Hara, and Masahiro Tada to guard the messenger, Daisuke and Masahiro ate their meals, donned
their civilian clothing and their hats, and grabbed their weapons, then the three left for the border, they stopped on a
Uesugi outposts and show their attentions as farmers who are moving, and so they are allowed to pass, the three
continued till they found a village, and there they rent an inn, then rested, the next day, they ate their fill and
continued on their way, they finally arrived to Kasugayama Castle town and inquire of Kagekatsu, which the local
show them the castle, the three then found a secret path to the tenshu and using that, the three entered into the
Tenshu without anyone noticing, and met with Kagekatsu, Kagekatsu of course was startled, but Daisuke assure him
everything is fine, and show him the messenger, who is in fact, Masayuki Obu, Kagekatsu read it and this is what
was written.

Dear Kagekatsu, I hoped you have been well, your father is a respected man in my heart and my Grandfather’s
hearts, I wish to known if you are fine for an alliance, you can expand anywhere just don’t invade my territory and I
will be fine, that’s it for today, thank you
Written by Masayori
Words by Yasukage.

After reading the letter, Kagekatsu was shocked of the proposal, but Masayuki assured him it is legit, and shown
another thing, a simple chest and inside the chest is filled with a lot of gold ryo’s, showing how generous Yasukage
is, of course with this Kagekatsu had no doubts and send envoy back to Yasukage saying “I accept, and you too
must not invade” of course Yasukage send a reply that just said “Sure, why not?” , with this assurance, the Uesugi
and the Takeda made a permanent alliance, but of course, the Uesugi send someone to marry Yerukage, and of
course Yerukage accepted the marriage,but then Yerukage remembered something and asked Yasukage to look for
him, when they are both alone, the two chatted for abit till Yerukage talked of the thing he remembered “My lord, why
not marry your childhood friends?” Yasukage was taken aback at first but asked “Which one?”, Of course Yerukage
said their name as Seichi and Yushi, in their childhood, the two vowed to marry Yasukage when Yasukage and
Yerukage is playing with them, Seichi is of the Uesugi and Yushi is of the Sanada, and to Yerukage it is possible to
tighten to bond between the three clans together, “ I would say I accept…” Yasukage answered but not fully convince
“But remember of that Ii clan women?”, Yerukage then recalled her as the one who came to meet with Yasukage and
asked “What it got to do with her?”, don’t tell me…” Yasukage then explained the whole problem with Yarui, the
daughter of Naomasa Ii, She vowed to marry him and become the first wife, but Yerukage simply laugh “My lord, you
are not hesistant in battle yet you are hesitant of marriage? Don’t worry I will do my best to try to make it work” he
said, the next day Yerukage arranged the marriage of the four, Yarui was confused to see the two women next to
Yasukage, of course she was jealous, but Yerukage make sure to keep a watch on her, and Make sure the marriage
went as smooth, and so Yasukage Takeda was married to three clans at the same wedding, the night wedding was
intense with Yarui throwing tantrum towards the two girls but the two didn’t really mind, Yasukage came and slept
with them for the nights, the three was confirmed with children after 5 days, the same day as Yasukage’s marriage,
Renchu and Yuechi was engaged and married the next day.
Birth of many children’s, Invasion of Mino,
and the battle of Utsunomiya
Of course a year passed by and the three gave birth to 5 childrens, it was the month (December) before the start of
the year, Yarui gave birth to Torumaru,and Yasekachi, Seichi gave birth to Renshinkan, and Tokumatsu, and Yushi
gave birth to Yutorikama, Yasukage was happy of this and called for celebration, Yerukage’s wife, Chishi-Hime
already gave birth to two son, Akisho Tenchi , Wife of Teruyashi, gave birth to a son, Yuechi , Wife of Renchu gave
birth to two sons ,and all the generals of Takeda had children that day, except for some like Kamayori Hoshina and
Masayama Ii, who were focused on their weapon technique, Of course the wives of these men are unknown to the
others but the gathering of wives usually had Suechi and Yushi as the representative, Akisho as the Accountant, and
Chishi as the entertainment, Yuechi would usually lead her Red Tomoe troops to protect the women quarters when
the men were away, therefore keeping them safe, the other wives known would be Shikyo-Hime of the Ogasawara
clan, wife of Yoshiteru Baba, Kukyo-Hime of the Yokota Clan, wife of Terukage Suwa, Yui-hime of the Kiso clan, Wife
of Daisuke Hara, and Fukyo-Hime of the Suwa Clan, Wife of Taishomasa Yokota.

The day was filled with happiness, but Yasukage then remembered of the campaigns he missed and this saddened
him, but Yerukage said “Brother, don’t be so saddened, we could catch up in just a year, Yerukage said this with
confidence so Yasukage is pleased, Then Yasukage let Yerukage to planned the march, and so he prepared the
army and generals for the invasion of Mino, leaving the defenses of the eastern side to the Kosaka brothers , they all
left to invade Mino at February, the first contingent will be lead by Ujiyoshu Maeda, the second is lead by Renchu
Baba, while the third is Taishomasa Yokota, the main army is himself, the first contingent is around 1000 men, the
second is around 1.500 men, while the third is 1.000, the main army is around 6.500, Ujiyoshu’s contingent had
Masahiro Tada, and Kageyatsu Obata as lieutenants and the first contingent marched towards Gifu, but was held
back by an army of the Oda, Ujiyoshu struggled till he saw a man with lightning bolt on his helmet and an iron plate
on a monster head, it is Renchu Baba and his Contingent!, “Why is this taking so long, why don’t you fit your arrow to
your bow and let loose?!, let me charge and kill their commander !” shouting this at Ujiyoshu, Renchu urged his horse
forward, and charged , followed by Ginyasu Takeda, Masayama Ii, Terukage Suwa and Kamayori Hoshina, his

Charging into the lines of the Oda army, he struck like thunder and roar like a lion, any man coming close will have
their skulls break, and there Renchu met with the enemy commander in a one on one duel, but in a quick motion,
Renchu strike using his left, knocking away the sword, and bringing down his right club, he screams “Down you go”,
and struck the skull of the commander, shattering it, and killing the commander, the Oda army flee in disarray and in
fear, they flee while trampling their own, killing many in the retreat, Ujiyoshu wanted to pursue but Masahiro said to
him “In Warfare, it is unwise to pursue into unknown territory, who knows there is a trap ahead of, for now let us set
up camp and build up fortifications, that way we could continue the march” Ujiyoshu heed this advise, Taishomasa
Also arrived with his contingent, he had Daisuke Hara as lieutenant.

The Oda army regrouped and counted their numbers, of the 8,000 men, only 3,290 survived, they quickly retreated to
Gifu castle, and there they are given refuge, inside Gifu, there is a man named Oda Yasuaki, an ambitious man, he
had been long since wanted to take over the Oda Clan, who is lead by Hidenobu Oda, with the backing of all the
warriors in the castle, and Yuromasa Shibata, he stormed into the council and forced Hidenobu to yield, Hidenobu
was then placed under house arrest, and in just two days Hidenobu died of Starvation, Yasuaki was of the bloodline
of Nobutada, and so was a rightful heir, at least thats what he said, however if he uses the blood of Nobutada as
Justification, then Yasukage could also use the blood of Yoruishi Takeda, Son of Teruyaki, who had the blood of
Nobutada Oda due to his mother’s previous engagement with him, Yasukage didn’t use him to honor his brother, but
would use it later as justification against the Toyotomi and the Unification of the Land.

Knowing of the Takeda army in his land, Yasuaki lead army of around 8,000 men, put the castle under guard with the
3,290 survivors, and march on the Takeda Camp, scouts reported this to Ujiyoshu Maeda, who then lead a council,
they discuss of the situation and finally agree that an army will need to be sent, and so Ujiyoshu picked 2000 men,
and march out to meet with the Oda army, Renchu, Kamayori, and Kageyatsu followed suit, they met with the Oda on
the Road to Gifu, Seeing the small size of the Takeda force, the Oda mocked them and laughed at their small
numbers, seeing this paltry force, Yuromasa of Shibata rode out to mock and challenge” Small worthless Scums, if
any of us run, they are not a real men, Who dare wished to faced me?!”, “This wretched man is mocking us, I will not
stand it” Renchu thought as he rode out of his line and shouts in anger “I will kill you prick myself! ”, clapping his
horse forward, he waved his two iron bludgeons and charged at Yuromasa, Yuromasa likewise charged with his
lance levelled, the two met in melee and fought for 20 rounds, but as the fight is going on, Yuromasa noticed the
strength of Renchu being superior to his “This man is too strong for me, let my arrow decides his fate instead”
Yuromasa thought, Yuromasa then feint a retreat, and then Renchu pursue, Yuromasa took out his bow, fitted his
arrow to his bow, and let loose at Renchu, but Renchu’s eye is sharp, and his hands are quick, he knock the arrow to
the left, then Yuromasa let loose another arrow, and again Renchu knock it to the right, this rather upsets Yuromasa,
Renchu’s horse pounded in hot pursuit but then a voice came, “Brother Renchu, Rest for a bit, and let me handle this
oaf” Renchu turned to see Yerukage and he retreated, Yuromasa then let loose another arrow, but Yerukage is quick
and strike the arrow away from Renchu, Yuromasa then charged with his lance levelled, Yerukage likewise, and then
the two fought in melee, but Yerukage is a Mighty spearmen ,it was not looking good for Yuromasa, “This guy is
tough, alright, lets see if you can handle my shots with my bow!” Yuromasa thought and then feint a retreat but
Yerukage laughs as he took out his own bow, a bow that could shoot even wind, then fitted his arrow, and with great
strength he pull the strings and let loose while shouting “You are less of a man than me, how dare you try that trick
against me!?”, as Yuromasa turned to try and replied to the insult, but as he did so,he was hit through the Spine and
fell down his horse, the arrow punched through the armor and spine like the falling force of an ice spire , and
Yuromasa fell like a falling mountain, Yuromasa looked at the arrow, he screams in pain and then died in agony, this
rather upsets Yasuaki who then ordered his men to retreat in an organized fashion to Gifu castle, he ordered for the
two rear guard of Oda, Mori Nobuyashi, and Kozume Nobumasa to stay for a bit to hold position and discourage the
Takeda from advancing, instead Kamayori ordered “We shall not let them escape, Charge at them, men!”, he raised
his spear and lead the charge, during this time, Kamayori is known as a Cavalry and Infantry Commander, so he
leads both of the branch together, his title other than “Fire Tip Spearmen, is General Leopard, in this battle, he leads
them on foot, both Nobuyashi and Nobumasa’s units tried to stop him but Kamayori’s men was too strong for them,
both Nobuyashi and Nobumasa tried to stop Kamayori themselves, Kamayori performed his three moves, “Tree Log
in the way” where he charges forward, and holding his spear upfront, he closed his hand’s distance to the center of
the spear,then he slides down and using the spear like a log, caused the horses to fell down, de-horsing the two
commander, then he performed his “Sweeping Buddhist Temple” where he sweeps his spear left and right like a
broom, which kept the two from reaching Kamayori, even separated them .and then initiated his “Piercing Hawk’s
Beak” where he withdrew his spear, and with a quick motion, precisely pierced the throat of Nobuyashi , Nobumasa
was afraid of Kamayori’s skill and fled, his lieutenant, Nagayoshi Saito tried to kept order to the troops but was slain
by Kamayori’s lieutenant, Yamatoshi Kozuki who wields a lance, who will later be known as “Hawk of Kamayori”, and
would die in the Joseon campaign , his descendant would move to Ueda and served the Sanada clan, the following
battle is a massacre, and the Oda’s rear guard was route, after the battle, Renchu praised Yerukage’s archery,
Yerukage was humble ,then Yasukage arrived and Renchu said of the Archery of Yerukage to Yasukage, and
Yasukage was astonished but not surprised “Brother Yerukage could hit 100 targets in just a shot and even more
Than that, so it is not surprising to me, but he is indeed a great archer, even rivaling Yang Youji, Li Guang, and even
Huang Zhong” Yasukage said, Yasukage then commended the effort of Kamayori, then they continue on to Gifu
where Yasuaki was preparing for the defenses, he send messenger to ask for assistance from the Ishida, Yasukage
saw this as an act of panic, but isn’t that much of a big deal so he let the messenger slipped out, then he set his eyes
on Gifu, he send Daisuke Hara and Masayuki Obu to scout ahead for a bit, they returned with full information of Gifu,
especially the secret path, Yasukage knew of the path and he had a plan, he would directly made camp on the path
and place his army to besiege Gifu, Yasuaki was holed up in the castle, and he lost hoped but when he saw that the
Takeda didn’t use the secret path to take the castle, he breath a sigh a relief, and he planned to lead an assault into
the Takeda camp, one of his advisors, a man with the name, Yukitoshi Niwa, said that it is more likely a trap but
Yasuaki assure him it is not and lead around 700 cavalryman and went using the secret path, it was night time till he
finally launch the assault but there is no one in the camp, and he finally saw it was a trap, he tried to flee, but gongs
are sounded and banners flew, “IT’S YASUAKI ODA, KILL HIM!” The shouts is heard all around the Oda assault unit,
and Yasuaki was confused, suddenly hooked poles shot out and pull him down his horse, and sword wielding Takeda
troops pour out of their hiding place and engage in melee, Yasuaki was held to the ground, and there Renchu came
out and utter a heaven piercing roar, “TAKE THIS!” he shouts as he brought down his two iron bludgeon, and break
Yasuaki’s arm, and then he break his face, Renchu then charged at the Oda men, who were running for their lives
after seeing Renchu charging at them, Yasuaki is still breathing but seeing this Nobuhide said “General , the enemy
commander is still breathing, allow me to suffocate this man for you!” and after saying that, he stabbed Yasuaki
through the throat, killing the Ambitious man, losing their commander, the Oda clan is in panic and scattered, the two
lieutenants that followed Yasuaki, Hashoru Nobutora, and Kokudo Matatoka died during the ambush, slain by
Renchu Baba, the remaining Hashoru and Kokudo would later flee eastward and enter Shikoku, they will then
become the retainers of the Chosokabe clan, for now let’s return to our story, finally Taishomasa also came out of
hiding and lead his men up the secret path towards the castle, he quickly ordered “Men, spread out and assault the
walls, take out the enemy and open the gates!, men cover me!”, chaos inside the castle was enourmous,
Taishomasa’s men cuts through the walls, covering Taishomasa, reaching the gate, Taishomasa struck the lock and
opened the gates from the Inside, The Takeda army pour into the castle, and in a bloodthirst, slew every Oda men
there, any Descendants of the Oda clan was slain and any warriors of the Oda was slain, Niwa Yukitoshi fended 20
Takeda men by himself with his spear, but ultimately was pierced to death, Nobumasa tried to flee, but he met
Taishomasa Yokota, who cuts off his head, however Only Kokudo Nobuhide, and Hashoru Masatoshi manages to
fight their way out, and fled during the battle, it was a massacre, the day ended in Takeda victory, when Yasukage
entered Gifu, he was astonished to find All the Oda men are dead, he ceremoniously bury the dead and after a few
days ,he appointed Terutane as head over Mino, and placed Yurikatsu Kuromatsu as his Strategist, he set out to
calm the people down after that.

A few days passed, and They celebrated with wine and fine food, but news came that the Date clan is invading into
Kanto and the Sanada is in the process of besieging Edo castle, the final fortress of the Tokugawa, annoyed of this,
he sent a messenger to Kaizu, ordering the Kosaka brothers to engage the Date and hold them back, meanwhile he
ordered Terutane to lead his men to assist the Sanada at Edo, he placed Masayashi Sakai to held position and to
manage Mino till Terutane return from Edo, he picked 4.000 men, brought Kamayori Hoshina, and the rest back to
Kai and into Kanto, next day the feast of preparation is set out and the men ate before they all left for their
perspective targets, on the route through Shinano, Kamayori remembered of something, and Yasukage ask what he
remembered, “My lord, I had a brother, he is a blacksmith and was a good martial artists,If Brother Yasukage didn’t
mind, we could go meet him” Kamayori said, and so the two went to meet with this brother, they arrived at the
cottage, it was of the mainland, and in front of the house, were racks filled with spears and many other weapons as
well as that many types of armor, then Kamayori yell “Brother come out, I had someone you want to meet” then came
out a man on a red horse, his face is like jade, his eyebrows are thick, his face mimic those of Marquis of Wen, his
armor is of those of the Han, His crown are those of Marquis of Wen, he wore a red cape and his weapon are like the
Fangtian Huaji (Sky Draw Halberd) Yasukage was unimpressed but impressed nonetheless, “Brother, why have you
come here, who is this with you?” Kamayori then explain and introduce Yasukage “This is my Brother, Yasukage
Takeda” the man was shocked “Surely not The Fox of Kai known in the gallant Fraternity?” Kamayori confirms it, The
man leapt of his horse and kneel with his weapon stab on the ground, “ I’ve heard your fame, grand commander, but
I am ashamed I have no contribution, heaven is truly generous” Yasukage leapt off his horse and grabbed the arm of
the man, then he pulled him up and said “Don’t do that, you are now a brother to me, but please tell me your name”
the man didn’t listened, he stands up and offer them a place in his house, he called his servant to prepare wine, and
called his wife to come and join him, she is of beautiful face and stature and was carrying a child, the man then
explain, that the child is born coincidently at the same day as Yasukage and the other general’s children, Yasukage
and Kamayori was pleased and then the man introduced himself “I am Masatoyo Hoshina, I am known around here
as a blacksmith, I was fascinated with the weapon of the Marquis of Wen and his attire, and so at first I bought fine
steel and made this weapon of mine to be the exact copy and the same properties as the Fangtian Huaji, after I
made it , a ruffian tried to take it but I kill him and was forced to this dwelling, I made this attire to mimic the Marquis
of Wen and so they called me “Comparable of Fengxian” (Feng Xian is the Courtesy name Of Lu Bu)” Yasukage was
even more pleased and offered him to join him “I wish to follow you to the ends of the earth” Masatoyo answered and
so Masatoyo Hoshina joined the Takeda ranks, Yasukage ordered the servant to pack up along with the family of
Masatoyo to Komadome, where Yamahide had prepared a home for them, Yasukage went back to his army with
Kamayori and Masatoyo Hoshina and continue towards Utsunomiya.

Meanwhile at the Owari-Mikawa-Suruga route, Terutane continued on as well, and picked up Naomasa who is
managing Totomi for awhile, and the march was uneventful, while in Shinano, Nobuhide and Tashiu was stationed
there to make sure the Uesugi kept their end of the treaty, they lead the separate, Anayama Chain Linked Cavalry,
and Oyamada’s Light Cavalry, but this we will not speak no further.

Back to Yasukage, he reached Kaizu castle, then he used the mountain route to reach Utsunomiya quicker, from
Ueda to Minowa, but he send Daisuke Hara ahead to inquire of the Situation, Daisuke went and returned with news
of their success to hold the Date by using the old trick of “Moving through the woods to make it look like a large
army”, This pleases Yasukage which he had a plan to defeat the Date army, of course they continue the march and
met with the Kosaka Brothers who were on their command tents, planning the placement of troops, after much the
greetings, and much discussion, he then send Teruhashi south to assist,meanwhile south, the defenses of Edo is
protected by Tadakatsu Honda who is protecting Hidetada Tokugawa, and the Sanada had lay siege for two weeks,
the northern gate was assaulted same with the east, and south gates, Tadakatsu stand guard on the west gate,
Yukimura’s unit was stationed there, Masayuki’s unit was stationed north, Tsunaie Kawara’s unit was stationed on
the East, and on the south was Masayuki’s main unit, The Sanada continue to besiege and bombard Edo Castle,
Yukimura faces against Tadakatsu in a duel while his men break down the gates, the North and east gates are
assaulted, After a few hours, Terutane arrived, and send Naomasa Ii’s unit to Assist Yukimura’s men, while he sets
up cannons , after that he send his retainers Kobukashi Baba (Cousin of Renchu Baba), Manatoro Saika, and
Yonomura Ashikaga (These men aren’t inside the heavenly generals) to assist the assault from all sides, cannons
fire by Tokumatsu Onihashi (Who isn’t inside the heavenly generals due to later betrayal during the age of
Torumaru), cannon balls ripped through the walls of the tenshu, then after the 40th round, Yukimura managed to
defeat Tadakatsu, and stabbed him in the torso, then from the stab he slashed towards the right side of his chest and
then pierces at the heart, killing Tadakatsu who is glad to die on the battlefield, defending the Tokugawa, Yukimura
then took the head and ordered his men to continue, just then a cannon shot punched through the locked gate,
breaking the lock and wood of the gate, Yukimura’s side pour into the castle, Teruhashi’s men also arrived and
charged at northern gates, breaking through and pouring in, the Kosaka unit were ruthless, they cut down many in
their advance, Teruhashi himself took over 50 heads of the Tokugawa Retainers, and order his men to continue.

All hope is lost for the Tokugawa, Hidetada jumped down from his castle but was caught by none other then Terutane
Takeda, who bounded him, and brought him to the Main camp, many retainers and soldiers died that day, as a
warning, Teruhashi ordered all the heads to be put on spikes except for Tadakatsu’s head which was given to
Yukimura back to do something with it, many heads are displayed and many didn’t dare to resist or rebel.

Back north, Takeda army met the Date army at the road to Utsunomiya, since the author didn’t really known whats
the name of such place, then we would just describe it, the plain is flat and full of grass, and the Date camped east
while the Takeda camp west, Trees are on both sides with a mountain on the side, the land was indeed green,
Yasukage then planned the battle, he deployed his lines in three, while on the wings were cavalry with chains, these
were the first of the Takeda clan’s Chain Linked Cavalry, the most elite was under the Anayama unit, which is
stationed at Fukashi, and he appointed a few men to lead these units, while that he placed 6 ambush units on the
tree lines to conceal themselves, and finally they met in combat, but before the fight started three date lieutenants
challenged the Takeda forces into a duel, of course the first to respond is none other than Taishomasa, wielding his
twin wakizashi’s, he charged towards the three men, and engage in melee, the three had a hard time fighting with
Taishomasa as he was a skilled swordsman, then came another “Brother Taishomasa, allow me to assist” it was
Tomotatsu Tsuchiya, wielding his serpent spear, his horse pounded towards the Date Lieutenants who is encircling
Taishomasa, he engaged one, then another came, it was Masatoyo Hoshina, on his red steed, he shouts “Foolish
Date retainers, coming here to die!” and charged with his halberd levelled, Masamune send two more to engage
Masatoyo , and the fight was spectacular, in the end Taishomasa managed to kill two officers with one having his
head cut off, and the other a slice to the torso, while Tomotatsu defeated his foe with a thrust to the heart, Masatoyo
defeated his opponent with one having his head pierced and another cut off from waist.

The two sides met in melee, the Takeda slowly pulled back as Date had more men than expected, their frontlines
continue to pull while Date troops continue pushing forward, finally when the Date is overextended, Yasukage
ordered the 6 ambush unit to charge out, and they did, the six ambush unit appeared and struck at the sides of Date
army, Kojuro already knew of such ambush but he didn’t expect of 3 others from his back, the leader of these 6 are
Yerukage, Teruyashi, Masayuki, Daisuke, Masahiro, and Kamayori, then came another 3 ambush unit from the back,
lead by Masatoyo, Taishomasa, and Yamataishi Obata, the Date is completely trapped, But Kojuro quickly took this
advantage to put some of his men to the back side, Shigezane then saw Renchu Baba leading his men and charged
at Renchu, of course Renchu saw this and the two met in melee, the two are like tigers, fighting fiercely in between
their units, Shigezane Date’s unit held Renchu Baba’s unit from each other, and the two units are fighting fiercely,
Masatoyo Hoshina saw this and lead his men forward, but was caught by Masakage Rusu’s unit and the two units
fought fiercely as well, meanwhile on the main front, the frontlines are continuing to be in a fierce interlocking combat,
Yasukage could see Date Masamune on top of his steed, Masamune seems calm and direct his men to directions
needed to keep the balance, of course this impressed Yasukage, After a few hours both sides are tired and rested for
a bit, a truce is held till tomorrow and the men retreated back to their camps respectively,Renchu Baba manages to
win against Shigezane in the Duel and withdrew his unit, same with others, in the end it is a stalemate, that same
day, Tsunaie Kawara’s unit arrived in time.

The next day, the two army arrayed for battle again, Masatoyo’s unit is united with Kamayori’s unit, bringing the
Hoshina unit together, the first to strike in the battle is by the Asakichi Unit under Tateyashi Asakichi, they charged at
the direction of the Hoshina Unit, Kamayori look at the charging Asakichi unit, he points his spear, and let out a shout
“Come on then, I will let you taste the Hoshina Spear Style personally!”, he turned to his men and said loudly
“Brother’s!, Follow me!”, the Hoshina Unit answered with a charge, this battle is on the right flank had begun, the
Asakichi Bird Peck brigade against the Hoshina Spear Cavalry, a match, on the left flank, were the Baba Unit and the
Sanada Unit against the Murukawa Unit and Torichatsu Unit, the left flank’s engagement starts when Renchu Baba
leads the charge towards them, Shigezane’s Unit was leading the Murukawa and Torichatsu Unit, and so the left
engaged, the Baba’s Thunderbolt Brigade,and the Sanada Hooked Spear against the Murukawa Veterans, and the
Torichatsu Wind brigade, Yasukage’s unit commands the center unit, which are Obata Unit (Yamataishi Obata),
Tsuchiya Unit, Hara Unit, Tada Unit, Yokota Unit and the Two Kosaka Units, Hara and Tada’s unit began releasing
projectiles upon the Date’s center which is lead by Masamune Date, he leads the Kori Unit, Rusu Unit, Watari Unit,
Harada Unit, Oniniwa Unit, Endo Unit, Katakura Unit, Kayaba Unit, and Yamaoka Unit, the reserves are Goto Unit,
Suzuki Unit,Yashiro Unit, Yunome Unit, and Sanemoto Unit, Date Reinforcements from the Sakata Unit, Aotachi Unit,
Hachisaki Unit, Fuyuhashi Unit, Aodayashu Unit, Taikama unit,and Motohura unit are arriving from the north east, of
course Tsunaie Kawara’s Unit was already put there to stop their advance, Masamune sends both Goto and Suzuki
Units to engage Tsunaie Kawara’s force, but suddenly, Yasukage waved his fan forward, and ordered the Tsuchiya
and Obata Unit to charge, with Hara and Tada’s unit providing cover fire with guns and bows and arrows, Kori and
Rusu’s unit quickly advanced to meet them alongside both Watari Unit and Harada Unit.

The First of the Reinforcements of Sakata and Aotachi arrived in time, and engaged Tsunaie Kawara’s unit, who
suddenly withdrew, they pursue but as they get far, from the river, boats appeared and troops starts pouring out and
fought them, these troops are from Kageyatsu Obata’s unit, and Terukage Suwa’s unit, or they are called Obata Unit
(Kageyatsu), and Suwa Unit, together they defeated the Sakata and Aotachi reinforcements and send them fleeing,
then both Suwa and Obata’s Unit (Kageyatsu) quickly withdrew with their ships, lay wait for an ambush, actually the
Two Kosaka brothers had prepared the two generals to ambush the reinforcements, and sealed their entrance route,
of course after they did it, the Kawara unit quickly seize the route, and blocked it from the rest of the battle.

The fighting on the left flank is fierce as the Asakichi unit are in par with the Hoshina unit, Yasukage send Teruguchi
Kosaka’s unit to assist on the left, meanwhile on the right, the Baba’s unit manages to broke through the Murukawa,
Torichatsu, and Shigezane’s unit, Renchu had killed 20 lieutenants, and he ordered his units to head towards
Masamune Date’s unit,but he was quickly stopped by the Katakura unit and the Kayaba unit, the Sanada unit quickly
regained the upper hand and strucked hard into the Torichatsu and Murukawa units, they forced them back, and
Yerukage killed two of their lieutenants, Shigezane engaged Yerukage in melee, in the center, both sides are fighting
back and forth, the Obata unit (Yamataishi) and Tsuchiya Unit couldn’t broke through the Kori and Rusu units, even
with Hara and Tada unit’s support, Yasukage had Teruhashi Kosaka’s Unit and Yokota’s unit in preparations, he was
on the command tent, watching the battle as it unfold, he is holding his furinkazan fan, he quickly direct the men from
his unit, around 300 to assist the frontlines, and then a messenger came, and the messenger said “Lord Terutane
had sent me here to report of his success and he currently heading this way with the reinforcements!” Yasukage
rejoiced, and so he announce it to every soldiers and spread the news, increasing the morale of the troops, and
generals, Masamune knew well that his reinforcements is being blocked, and that he already send Goto and Suzuki’s
unit to re-opened it, but he gained news that not only the Sakata and Aotachi reinforcements had been defeated and
driven off, but that Goto and Suzuki’s unit had been ambushed and annihilated by of course, the Obata (Kageyatsu)
and Suwa units.

Then suddenly on the left, the Asakichi force, the Asakichi Bird peck Brigade, fled due to their shortcomings against
the Hoshina Spear cavalry, they fled as they can’t cope with the Hoshina’s spear skills and preciseness as well as
that the Kosaka (Teruhashi’s unit) reinforcements, Masamune then send Endo and Oniniwa unit alongside the
Yashiro and Yunome units to stopped the Hoshina advance, then 4 hours passed as the battle continued, Masamune
quickly gained word that Terutane is arriving with more troops for the Takeda, alongside the Sanada Reinforcements.

Overlooking the battle from the high ground, Masamune Knew this is the end, he closed his eyes, and remembered
all that he had done for the sake of conquering the land, all the sacrifice, he pondered back to the past, on the river
where he shot his father, a single drop of tear fell from his left eye,he opened his eyes, and looked upon the
battlefield, his mind has been made, he rode to the front, and he shouts “Soldiers!, As long as I stand, this battle will
not end in total defeat!, take a look at me, and seek me, for the Dragon of Oshu does not falter!”,he then drew his
sword, and points towards the Takeda main unit, “See as the Dragon breakthrough the battlefield!” he continued, the
encouragement quickly rose the morale of the Date units in the front and they fought vigorously, the Main Date Unit
quickly advanced forward, splitting both the Obata (Yamataishi) and Tsuchiya Units , they charged towards the
Takeda main Unit, the Yokota Unit had been kept from the battle for long enough, Taishomasa leads them from the
front as they charged to meet the Date main unit in battle, then Suddenly, from on top of the hill where the Takeda
command post resides, Yasukage ordered that the Furinkazan flag be raised, climbed on his horse and shouts
“Brothers, see the enemy in front of you, the days of unification draw close, follow me, as the fox shall enter the field
once more!”he wields his spear, points the towards Masamune Date, “Come on, and roar with me, my brothers!,
Show them the might of the Takeda army!” and lets out a roar, his troops likewise, roared with him, and they charged,
the center, which had been a back and forth battle, turned into a fierce engagement, the Main Date Unit was caught
by surprised by Yasukage’s daring charge, and the Date soldiers who saw Yasukage, charge at him, eager to
distinguish themselves, Yasukage’s spearmanship make quick work to such soldiers, and he killed a large number
while charging, and lead his men forward, when they are scattered, Yasukage rallied them again and charged, this
happens 5 times, and Masamune was impressed.

The Battle lasted more than 8 hours, both sides goes back and forth, and then, the flag of the Poetic Bull appeared
south west of the battlefield, Terutane’s reinforcements has arrived, the first of the units to arrived are the Terutane,
Sanada (Nobushige), and Kozuki (Bitchu) units, the Takeda army’s morale rose, Terutane saw that the frontlines are
struggling and he points to the Sanada Unit (Nobushige / Yukimura), “Advance, Nobushige, roar like a tiger, and
assist the right flank of the frontlines” he ordered, Nobushige ordered his men to follow him and charges towards the
Shigezane unit, then to the Kozuki’s unit (Bitchu), he ordered “Kozuki will advance to the center of the battlefield, and
assist in the push against the Date center!”, Bitchu Kozuki quickly leads his unit towards the center, and Terutane
ordered his men to follow him as he leads them to the left flank, from three sides, the Date army was quickly pushed
back, during the desperate fighting, The Asakichi that retreated before, returned and charged towards the Baba unit,
of course, seeing this, Masatoyo Hoshina gathered some of his men, and head south, cutting his way through with
only 150 horsemen, he reached the Baba unit before the Asakichi Unit was able to assault the Baba from the rear,
Masatoyo leads his force and engaged the Asakichi unit, which was in a state of confusion due to the Hoshina
reinforcements seeing no other option, and that the battle is turning against him, Masamune ordered a retreat north
west, the Date troops retreat in an organized fashion , Seeing this, Yasukage halted the Takeda force , “Don’t get too
far, and let the Date retreat, to the Baba and Hoshina units, shadow their retreat” he ordered, both sides disengaged
as the Date retreated in an orderly fashion, the Yamaoka, Torichatsu,and Sanemoto’s unit stays to keep both the
Baba and Hoshina Units at distance ,and retreat slowly as rear guard, while retreating, Masamune commended the
efforts of every units involved in the fighting and rewards them for their valor , though the Takeda had won the battle,
They suffer medium casualties, so they also withdrew, the two sides stares at each other and only skirmishes occurs
as the day passed by, Yasukage then send a message to Masamune asking him to negotiate with him, Masamune
then respond and said that he will come to the negotiation table.
The next day, Yasukage and Masamune finally met in private in the middle of the field, they are guarded by their own
guards, Yasukage’s guards had golden leafs on the front side of their helmet and their armor is entirely blackened,
they wield short spears and a katana, with red kosode’s and white hakama’s, Masamune’s guard is the same but with
blue kosode’s, and white hakama’s along with a moon ornament, the two talked over peace terms, and the two
agreed to stay out of each other’s business and they both had writers to write the peace terms.

Peace terms of Utsunomiya

We of the Takeda and Date
Pledge to not fight each other or another
In the future of the land
Whoever broke this terms would be cursed
1.there will be no disturbance between the Takeda,Sanada and Date
2.No fighting will be taken place near or on the borders
3. The three must do what they do and not disturb each other
4.The Return of the Date to Tohoku, and Takeda to their own territory
5. Kanto would be divided between the Hojo and the Sanada after the land is stable.

Signed with blood by Yasukage and Masamune

March on the Capital, Mitsunari died at
After the peace treaty has been made, the two sides returned to their own lands perspectively, Yasukage returned to
Kaizu castle to planned his invasion of Kyoto, he had Renchu and Tatenobu given tasks to invade to the south
through Nagashima, then his own contingent will invade through Sekigahara, Yerukage will split up with half and
invade through the north, through Nagahama castle, engaging Otani and into the capital from the north, the south
invasion would be to direct the highly experienced generals of Ishida south so the invasion from the main road and
north would be easy enough, preparations are made the next day, meanwhile, in Mino, a few skirmishes erupted
along the border with Ishida, with one Major battle at Sekigahara, Masayashi leads the troops against the invading
force, Masayashi won the battle with ease and defeated the Ishida forces, this reported to Yasukage who praised
Masayashi for his efforts, the passing years were filled with preparations, drills, and banquets, and then a major
invasion began, started by the Ishida in 1613 as Ishida Mitsunari feared that the Takeda will soon invade,but this
major invasion was quickly repelled by Yasukage’s Brother, Terutane Takeda.

The two armies met At Sekigahara again, Terutane leads the Hoshina Unit, Oda Unit, Saegusa Unit, and Ii
(Masayama) unit, while Mitsunari leads the Shima unit and Gamo unit, Hideie Ukita’s force also appeared same with
Yoshihiro Shimazu’s force, Hideaki Kobayakawa’s force, Yoshitsugu Otani’s force, and Nagashige Niwa force, the
first to charge is Hoshina Unit under Masatoyo, he wields his halberd and charges forward murderously into the Ukita
force, Terutane quickly send Oda and Saegusa units to the wings and assist the Hoshina, Sakon Shima, Mitsunari’s
strategist, quickly moved his unit to assist in the front, the Mori forces under Mori Takamoto positioned on Mount
Nangu, he tried charging down the mountain but was blocked by the Ii unit, the Ii unit under Masayama stand firmly
and held their ground with ferocity, forcing the Mori to hold position, even killing Hiroie Kikkawa during the fight, the
main battle field is at center of Sekigahara , the Hoshina Unit , even with the Oda and Saegusa units support is
unable to breakthrough the Ukita unit, Mitsunari anxiously waits for the reinforcements under Yukinaga Konishi and
Muneshige Tachibana, it was then that word reached Mitsunari that the Takeda Reinforcements are approaching
from Tarui Juku and Utozaka, and it was a large force, Mitsunari knew what this means, and so ordered the entire
force to assault immediately, Terutane rode forth from his unit, and shout in anger “Mitsunari Ishida, Foot Licker of
the Toyotomi, you dare charge unto us?!”, he turned to his unit and ordered “Those who wished to follow me, ready
your swords and spears, fight with everything you got, let us go and cut off the head of Mitsunari!”, the Takeda unit
Under Terutane charges towards mount Okayama, and engaged with the Shima Unit, then the first to arrive from the
Utozaka is the Baba unit under Renchu Baba, he quickly lead his unit towards mount Matsuo, then more and more
reinforcements arrived from Utozaka, the Hoshina unit under Kamayori leads a charge towards Otani Yoshitsugu’s
unit at Fujikawa, he was followed by the Yokota unit under Taishomasa Yokota and Yamatoshi Kozuki’s unit, his
lieutenant, Kageyatsu Obata’s unit quickly assaulted mount Nangu from the back, he was followed by the Mochizuki
unit under the Mochizuki twins, and Sanada Nobushige’s unit, then from the north, from Tarui Juku, reinforcements
under Teruyashi Yamagata arrived to assist, his force quickly advance on mount Nangu and assisted the Ii unit under
Masayama, then the Hara and Tada units arrived , Hara heads for mount Okayama, while Tada heads for mount
Nangu, Hideaki’s force desperately held against Renchu’s force but the force was outmatched and Renchu killed
Hideaki in his charge with Renchu shattering Hideaki’s skull using his iron clubs, the Akaza, Ogawa,Kutsuki, and
Wakisaka units was similarly dispatched, with Renchu taking mount Matsuo, but at eastern part of the battlefield, the
Mori force on Mount Nangu was pushed from the two flanks, and was forced to charge down west towards the
Takeda main camp, towards mount Momokubari, which is protected by the Oda unit who withdrew from the fight to
catch their breath, seeing this, Fukotama rally his men, and the Oda unit held firm against the assaulting Mori force,
but ultimately, the Mori bypassed the Main camp, and went straight towards Fujikawa, where the Otani force under
Otani Yoshitsugu, opened the way for them, the Yamagata force finally entered the center of Sekigahara, the Hara
unit successfully routed the Gamo unit and forced Satoie to flee, dividing his force into two,Sakon Shima head
towards the Hara unit to hold him from reaching the Main Ishida Unit, the other part was given to his subordinate,
Mitsutaka Aoshi to hold Terutane, but Terutane manages to breach through his force, and killed Mitsutaka with a slit
on Mitsutaka’s throat by Terutane’s Twin Serpent spear, the Oda unit under Fukotama quickly returned to Sekigahara
and heads for Mount Minami-Tenma, the Ukita Likewise was forced to retreat due to this move with the Hoshina, and
Saegusa units on hot pursuit, Terutane stopped his force in front of mount Kita-Tenma, he knew who is stationed
there, the Shimazu forces was in a disagreement with Mitsunari and chose to hold position on the mountain, with
them protecting mount Kita-Tenma, Mitsunari’s flank is secure.

But Terutane knew that the Shimazu shouldn’t be underestimated, so he led his unit to watch over the Shimazu
force, meanwhile down to the Otani force, Yoshitsugu was assaulted by the Baba force from mount Nangu and the
Hoshina unit under Kamayori, although he stood his ground, Yoshitsugu’s force was quickly overrun, and he was
forced to flee the battle, from Mount Sasao, Mitsunari could see the battle isn’t going as planned, and ordered a
withdrawal, Terutane halted the entire force for the Ishida to withdrew, with the Ishida force retreating from Mount
Sasao, the Shimazu charged down the mountain in a desperate gamble to retreat, the charging Shimazu forces
fought vigorously through the Takeda force, Yasukage finally arrived, and ordered “Let the Rat find its way out”, the
Takeda disengaged, and seeing the opportunity, the Shimazu decided to fled, the 2nd battle of Sekigahara is over,
and the Takeda came up on top, after this Mitsunari will saw no more chance in regathering strength or even hope for
an invasion for 2 more years, after this , the Takeda continued their preparations and re-gather their force, continue
to prepare.

After 15 years of preparation (1616), the southern invasion force would be around 16.000 while the main invasion
force would be 20.000, he put the Kosaka at Kaizu to keep an eye on the East and he then marched towards Mino, a
year before Taka has died, and was mourned by many, she died of Old age, surrounded by her loved ones.

Of the Southern Invasion would be consists as the following

Commanders: Renchu Baba, Tatenobu Tatenashi
Lieutenants: Masatoyo Hoshina, Kamayori Hoshina, Daisuke Hara, Tomotatsu Tsuchiya, Yamataishi Obata, Ginyasu
Takeda, and Masayama Ii
Of the defense force at Shinano as the following
Commanders of the East, Teruhashi Kosaka and Teruguchi Kosaka
Lieutenants, Fukotama Oda, Yutomasa Akiyama, Masayori Komai, Terukage Suwa, Yamahide Nishina, Yamazaki
Nishina,Yerutachi Naito,Yuechi Kuromatsu and Yurikatsu Kuromatsu
Of the Main invasion force as the following
Grand Commander: Yasukage Takeda
Commanders: Teruyashi Yamagata and Yerukage Sanada
Lieutenants, Taishomasa Yokota, Teruyashu Yamamoto, Moriyama Saegusa, Kokuyushi Amara, Hishiomasa Itagaki,
Harunobu Sanada (15 years old), Gintoki Sanada (15 years old), Torumaru Takeda (15 Years old), Yasekachi
Takeda (15 years old), Renshinkan Takeda (15 Years old), Tokumatsu Takeda (15 years old), Yutorikama Takeda
(15 years old), Torayasu Kiso, Yoruishi Takeda (17 years old), Kageyatsu Obata , the Ten Motobe’s.
Of the Defense force of Mino as the following
Commander: Terutane Takeda
Advisor: Yoshiteru Baba
Lieutenants, Kobukashi Baba,Manatoro Saika,Yonomura Ashikaga, Tashiu Anayama, Nobuhide Oyamada,
Terayashu Yamamoto, Masayashi Sakai, Ujiyoshu Maeda, Asahiko Asano
Of the fleet as the following
Commander: Harasaki Hojo
Lieutenants: Ujikuni Hojo, Ujisaki Hojo (Son of Harasaki Hojo) (15 years old)

The invasion forces met at Mino, set up a grand feast, and then Yasukage step onto the platform, he looked at the
troops gathered there, and then he unsheathed his blade, he quickly point to Gifu, and then to the west, to Kyoto,
“Our predecessors had always dreamt of conquering the capital, Raising the flag on Seta” he said “Here , I ask for all
of your strength, for this is the time of importance, that we, Takeda, must once again enter the Tiger’s den”, he stared
at the sky and raised his fist “ Brothers, Remember our Late Lord, Teruyaki Takeda, Remember his blood,
Remember his sacrifice for this very day” he continued “Our work is simple, we march towards the capital and raise
the flag on Seta, to finally fulfill the ambition of our predecessor, and late Unifiers wish!”, he quickly points at Yoruishi
and said “With him, our cause is right, for he is the descendant of Nobutada, Son of Nobunaga, he is the son of
Teruyaki Takeda!”, quickly everyone bowed before Yoruishi, even Yasukage, but Yoruishi quickly told them to stand
up, and that they did, they quickly shout “To Seta!, To Kyoto, to Fulfill our lord’s dream!”, and “For Lord Yoruishi!, For
the Takeda Clan!”, Yasukage quickly shouts “Brothers!, to arms!, we march to the Capital, Kyoto!”, “HOOOOO!” the
shouts roared through the yard, the troops quickly rushed to their groups , and they quickly went to their perspective
army groups, and quickly set out.

On the north, Yasukage’s force manages to penetrate deep into Ishida Territory, taking Sawayama castle ,
Mitsunari’s Power base with ease, as Yerukage just killed the commander with one arrow through the skull as the
Ishida were sallying out, and was pushed back into the castle, only to surrender after a few minutes of fighting, after
that he continued to the capital, but they had to passed through Kannonji Castle ,Yasukage then ask for advice from
Yerukage, then a scout appeared into the tent, and whispered to Yerukage’s ears, who nodded and sent him away,
Yerukage then said “ The Castle is well defended, but their defenders are quite lacking in strength and had no
vigilance whatsoever, let us send some troops into the castle and ordered them to attack the castle from the inside”,
Yasukage nodded and assigned Torayasu Kiso and his Infilitration and Annihilation units to enter the castle, of
course Torayasu accepts the task happily, and went out with his unit, he went to the castle and check the walls , he
then concluded that the most clearest place would be the western walls, and of course, using Hooks and ropes, he
and his troops scale the walls at midnight, where the soldiers of the defenses lowered their guards, Torayasu and his
troops quickly donned their disguise, and slept on the streets, the next day, the Takeda main force arrived and
besieged the castle, Torayasu held his men while the fight is beginning, urging his men to stay on the alleys, and
Outside the castle, the Takeda has surrounded the castle, and assaulted the walls, Yerukage saw the castle
commander on top of the wall , leading the troops to reinforce the gates, he grabbed his bow, fit an arrow, and let
loose, the castle commander quickly fell as the arrow find a mark on his head, the panic spread, then Torayasu
charges out with his unit from inside the castle, surprising the Ishida defenders, the gates from the inside were
quickly opened by Torayasu’s troops and the Takeda quickly poured into the castle, cutting their way into the main
castle, the remaining castle defenders surrenders and the castle fell.

They then rested inside the castle, Torayasu was cooking for the army, for the rest he cooked soup mixed with beef
and bird meat, after that was done he cooked for himself , when asked what he is cooking,Torayasu tried to hide it,
but the soldier saw inside and see it, he realized Torayasu is just cutting up human flesh for himself, but he didn’t
seem to mind it, Torayasu is a well known Cannibal in Takeda ranks, so when Torayasu want to share the meat,
everyone in the castle laughs but refused the meat, Yasukage was abit disgusted but he also laughed alongside
them, then Yasukage asked Yukoshi Unno who just arrived to make Torayasu another knife, which he did, and the
knife is exceptionally sharp and could last long, then Yukoshi upgraded Torayasu’s original knife and he does the
same as the other knife he made, Torayasu wielded his two knifes in happiness and thanked everyone, when asked
what he liked to do he said “I loved to fight and kill, You all know that, but I do also liked myself some human heads”
then he pull out a human head and boil it, he then saw someone carrying the cargo that is a bit heavy, and he walked
to him and said “here let me give you a hand” and pull out a hand, everyone laugh at this pun.

The next day, Yasukage then placed Torayasu in the defense of the castle, and he set out following the main road,
the southern offensive is going well, as Renchu and Tatenobu already had many plans before they embarked, they
met a few Ishida resistance but they crushed them quicker than the Ishida could muster, and Renchu defeated Satoie
Gamo in multiple occasions, In one battle, Renchu line his men up to face against the Ishida forces under Mori
Katsunari, but Renchu charged ahead of his men into the enemy army, killing many in his charge, his lightning
cavalryman struggled to assist as Renchu’s red Hare was faster than them, he slaughtered his way through till he
reach Katsunari who was then defeated by him and forced back to Nagahama castle alone, and thus the southern
Campaign is a success, but Tatenobu had to invade southward as Tatenobu said to Renchu “Brother, We will need
to split our men here, We must eradicate the southern Ishida, and took over, you must go north to link up with Brother
Yasukage, don’t worry about me, I will make sure to take over as soon as I can” Renchu responded with “Brother, I
agree, but who will accompany you?” Tatenobu picked Ginyasu Takeda, and Masayama Ii, they took 7.000 men, bid
farewell and set out to the southern Ishida lands, while Renchu invade north with the remaining troops which is
9.000, and He inquire with Yerutachi of what to do next, and so Yerutachi split the troops into two groups 5.000 will
go to the route directly towards the capital this will be lead by Renchu Baba, Kamayori Hoshina and Masatoyo
Hoshina, while he took 4.000 men to link up with Yasukage at Azuchi Castle, and so they split up there, Yerutachi
picked Tomotatsu Tsuchiya, Yamataishi Obata, and Daisuke Hara and set out to Azuchi castle, while Renchu Set
out to the capital with Masatoyo Hoshina, of this we will speak no further.

The Takeda Main invasion force Set camp at Yamashina , Previously Yerukage had split up with 10.000 men north to
take the Northern route through north of Lake Biwa to get to the capital, this route is defended by the defeated
general, Katsunari Mori, and Yoshitsugu Otani, Yerukage had Kageyatsu Obata, His two son’s, Yasekachi Takeda,
and Taishomasa Yokota as lieutenants, and set north when they are still at Azuchi castle, and the remaining force is
10.000, Yasukage heard from Scouts that Ishida troops laid just ahead of him and so he set up camp at the mouth of
the Yamashina Valley, meanwhile north, a battle occurred between Yerukage and The Ishida force lead by Katsunari
Mori, the battle was short as Yerukage was a Proper Strategist, and also due to Katsunari leading the Ishida force,
who is wounded due to Renchu, Katsunari was defeated here again, and fled into the safety of Nagahama, which
Yerukage besieged, of course Yerukage had no time to waste, and so his son’s Harunobu and Gintoki Sanada took
5.000 men as vanguards and set out to the Capital, Gintoki Sanada was a brilliant strategist, and his real name is
Yutorimasa Sanada, the Gintoki Name belonged to his father, and so he inherited the name, his brother Harunobu
Sanada was a great spearmen, whose weapon was a custom made scissor spear, which shaped like a crab Pincers,
hence why he is called, Crab Spearmen, the weapon could be used like scissors to cut any wood of a spear, and
hold any weapon back, on their way, Yutorimasa said to Harunobu “Brother, we must be quick or the Otani army is
upon us, take 1.000 horsemen and quickly arrive at Kyoto, make sure to kill any messengers that wore the Ishida
symbols on their flags or armor to deter any information of the frontlines, this is so Sakon Shima will not assist in the
frontlines, quickly brother before it Is too late” of course Harunobu took 1.000 men and quickly marched towards
Kyoto, these horsemen brought extra horses, You see, when Yasukage was preparing for years, he said to every
horsemens to bring as much horses to quickly arrived at their destination, this enable the Messenger to arrive in
time,and the arrival to the field to be quick, this became an apparent policy in the Takeda army and was implemented
in 1615 , a year before Yasukage’s invasion, With the speed of the wind, the Sanada vanguard reach Kyoto in less
than half a day, while that was happening, Gintoki Sanada repelled and scattered the Otani army from the field, and
quickly march to Kyoto, while at Nagahama, Yasekachi, son of Yasukage cleverly used explosives and Yerukage
took the castle in less than a day as well, Katsunari fled to Osaka Castle on horseback with 40 survivors, so they are
marching towards Kyoto, at Kyoto, Sakon was forced to take up defensive position, and Harunobu’s cavalry does as
Gintoki had instructed, they killed messengers from Yamashina that bears the symbol of the Ishida, and patrol the
field from incoming messengers, of this we will speak no further.

At Yamashina, Yasukage saw that it is a good place for an ambush, and so he instructed his men on the following,
he placed 2.000 men on the the top of the valley, while the frontlines meet the Ishida army that is lead according to
report by Ishida Mitsunari, his troops are around 16.000, Yasukage’s around 10.000, Yasukage continue place men
as planned, of the troop that will climb block the escape, Teruyashi had a lieutenant from the Amako clan, Yoshimune
Amako, who had a golden leaf on his helmet, and his armor is of grey colour, he wields a su Yari, and he was known
as “Black Bear” for his strength, and so Yasukage took this Lieutenant and ordered him to lead the flanking force,
and everyone went to do as they had been instructed, when the two met, Yasukage and Yoshimune felt a close bond
and the two quickly become close friends.

The next day, The Ishida army is upon them, the frontlines met, but due to the numbers of the Ishida troops, the
Takeda retreated , leaving barrels in the middle of the valley, they then assemble with Yasukage, who lead his men
to see the Ishida army, Mitsunari saw his opportunity to win and ordered a mass charge, when suddenly rocks began
to fell down and shots from bows and guns alerted him, the Takeda troops on the slopes began raining down
projectiles at the Ishida troops, Mitsunari tried to order his men to withdraw, but then troops under Yoshimune of
around 2.000 men circle from the back and assaulted the rear, making the Ishida army stuck in the valley, with
nowhere to run the Ishida forces tried to force their way through,but Yasukage lead his contingent of 6.000 men
forward, their long pikes lowered and continued to move forward, the Ishida forces was being crushed from two
sides, of course Mitsunari had many officers as well as troops, and they tried to punch through Yoshimune’s troops,
but they were held back and Yoshimune also ordered his men forward, he shouts “Forward with me, The Ishida will
meet their end today!”, he charged alongside his men and twirling his spear, he struck through the men of Ishida,
being the first to strike in the ambush, his skills are something to behold as many Ishida troops fell to his spear, but
he was shot by an arrow and fell for a bit, but he stands up, and continue shouting his name and orders as he
charge forward with the might of a bear, he continue advancing, and met Mitsutaka Shima, and Dokan Wakisaka, the
three fought, Mitsutaka pierced Yoshimune’s left leg using his spear, but was pierced through the mouth by
Yoshimune who used a spear, Dokan then quickly lunged forward with his sword, but missed, and Yoshimune
stabbed him through the spine, killing him, but the wounds soon he sustained soon catches up, and he fell down,
exhausted, his men quickly charges forward, retrieved the body, and retreated, but Yoshimune ordered “My life is for
the Takeda Clan, the Amako is gone, and i should too, carry me forward, and let me cut through them!”, the Amako
unit quickly turned back, and charged forward, with one or two soldier carrying him, Yoshimune cut through the front
and killed many in his charge, the two men carrying his accidently fell, and Yoshimune crawled instead to the front,
even when crawling, he still kills many, until his life ends, the two men quickly retrieved the body, and retreated while
the Amako unit continue charging, the leadership fell to Yoshimune’s son, Shikanosuke Amako “Deer of a hundred
antlers” and his second in command, Toshitsune Kiso, cousin of Torayasu, the Ishida men tried to surrender but they
were quickly dispatched to king Yama, and was massacred, Yasukage saw Mitsunari, and draw his bow, now
Yasukage wasn’t a sharpshooter but he is pretty sharp on his own, and so he fitted an arrow, aim and let loose,
Mitsunari was directing his men when the arrow hit him through his throat, killing him, seeing Ishida Mitsunari, their
commander dead, the Ishida troops dropped their weapons and surrender, but before Yasukage could stop his men
from massacring the rest, only 2.000 of the original 16.000 survived and successfully surrendered.

Battle of Yamashina was a decisive victory for the Takeda clan, but Yasukage felt pity, he then laments “If only
Yoshimune is still alive, he would have enjoyed this victory” , the rest of the army mourned Yoshimune and he was
buried there with full military honors, the victory enabled the Takeda to continue marching on the Capital, and the
death of Ishida Mitsunari allowed the Rest of Takeda armies to sweep clean the Entire Kansai region, meanwhile at
the capital, a Takeda centipede messenger came and shouted that the battle of Yamashina is a victory and the
minister, Ishida Mitsunari is dead, Sakon who is leading the defense was shocked and demoralized, his men too
lamented of this, and finally with the arrival of Yerukage and Yasukage at the same time , Sakon came out to
negotiate the surrender, which was agreed and the final nail in the coffin of the Ishida finally was nailed, every Ishida
family member were quickly stripped of their lands, and their lands was given to the peasantry, which Yasukage
dreamed of from the beginning, he wished the people will make the land prosper and there will be not a single
individual to hold more lands and become a lord, which had caused the Sengoku Jidai to Happen, where in the
beginning, The land was divided due to individuals holding lands all over the country and also due to the chaos that is
the Onin War between the Yamana and the Hosokawa that started due to the Emperor’s succession, As such
Yasukage wishes to have the land without a single individual holding power over all, so that’s why he didn’t assault
Osaka castle under the Toyotomi family whose leader, Toyotomi Hideyori is still young, because he wanted to make
a land where there are four pillars of government to deter any from having so much power.

Yasukage entered the capital along with the rest of his main invasion force and paraded along the streets, the people
of Kyoto saw this and was invited to join, and so many people join in the parade that the city of Kyoto itself is filled
with festivities, Yasukage ordered to give everyone in the city a bag of coins as a sign of good will and visited many
houses with many of his men, they wore their ordinary clothes for this, during the march to the capital, everyone
brought spare clothes, usually 3 or 4 due to Yasukage telling his men that they will be staying at the capital and start
a new life there, and so they also brought their families which was given to Torayasu to protect, those who fell in
battle, their families are given a new place to live near the capital, and they were given compensations to bury and
live their days, those who had no children were given children to be adopted, and so the line continued, Yasukage
wanted to put an end to the widows that couldn’t support themselves after their husband died in battle, so he send
many things to these women, books, poetry, and things to help them lived their days while caring for their children,
and for this he was beloved by his troops and people who believed if they die, their families will be cared for in the
On his way to the palace, he was reminded of his teacher, Sashomasa, and asked for anyone about Sashomasa,
one man came forward, and he came from the land under Bessho, he wore an O’yoroi armor over a red kosode, and
on his head he wore a genpei kabuto, on his waist strapped a curved blade, and on his hand, he wields an Omi Yari,
he then said to Yasukage “that man, once in our clan were three great commanders, these men are talented in many
ways and in battle as well, the leader is named Kuroitatsu Ageharu Kazami, he is the so called “Effeminate General”
due to his long hair, and feminine figure, the strategist, Sashomasa Chunsho Puruken Ningentaisho, he is the so
called “ Gentle Scheming Strategist”, due to his gentle ,kind yet cunning nature, and the last but not least, General of
the Mighty Bow, Akatora Zarutoshi, he is known as “Logical Archer” for his understanding of many different things,
these three aren’t recorded much but they are mostly known for battle’s they have fought, and the Hidetsugu
Incident, where general Kuroitatsu and Akatora is exiled and Sashomasa released from his duty, since then, the
three vanished from the public, Lord Sashomasa is of Peasant Background, his Ningentaisho (Literally Human
General) name was because of his eccentricness, his real clan name is Chunsho.” Yasukage sigh and lament the
loss of them, then he asked the man’s name and how he knows this, he replied “I am no one of note, but I am one of
the three generals of Sashomasa, Masatora Kuzo, after my lord’s departure, I left as well, the other two are
Katomasa Koya, and Chukyo Ninsho, who also left and scattered somewhere else”, Yasukage then asked Masatora
what is the motives of the three, and why they are so close, “They have one purpose, and it is to unite the land, this
one purpose served as a motivation for the three, and how they worked well together is because of that purpose.”
Yasukage nodded and said to his subordinate to give Masatora enough mons to cover his expenses, Masatora
thanked Yasukage, took the four bags of mons, and left on his horse that was in the inn’s stable, Yasukage smiles a
bit and continue on his way.

He then entered the imperial palace and made sure that everyone is calm, then he bowed to the seat of the emperor,
and asked the official there to prepare a large room with a lot of food and wine to drink, for this is a day of
celebration, and so the officials ordered the servants to prepare them a place to eat and so the day was filled with
happiness, the emperor saw this and saw it was a good party and so he joined in, while drunk Yasukage speak
loudly of his accomplishment “ I have fought from Kai all the way here, beaten the Asano, Killed Ieyasu, Conquered
half of Chubu, and defeated Ishida Mitsunari , now I am in the imperial palace, it was all thanks to my men and my
generals, now my predecessors could finally bask in its glory!” he then went on to said some other nonsense but
none to offend others and instead everyone cheered in joy alongside the Emperor.

The next day, Yasukage went to work on his newly acquired land, he appointed talented men to different parts of
Kansai, and he reformed the Army into a standing army, and placed new commanders for them, he then placed
Yoruishi to took over the entire Kansai Region, He knew of the Mori and the Chosokabe, and so he send letters
asking them to politely came to the capital, and so when they refused, Harasaki’s fleet was everywhere near their
ports, Yasukage already predicted that the Mori and Chosokabe will refused, and so send Harasaki and his yellow
flag fleet to block every access to ports and occupy them, the Murakami was also forced to back down and join in the
Takeda fleet, of course after the the Mori and Chosokabe leaders came to the capital, Terumoto Mori and Morichika
Chosokabe entered into Imperial palace and was amazed of how troops are organized, how the people are well fed,
and how the officials as well as the emperor was having a nice chat with Yasukage, you see, Yasukage already
explained his plans to the emperor, which is the four pillar system, a system with an emperor, Prime Minister(the role
of this is quite special due to it being the only role being empty later after Yasukage’s death), Kampaku, and Shogun
shares power, a system the emperor actually didn’t mind, and he didn’t hide anything from the emperor, he told the
emperor all the future plans and the Emperor listened well, thus how he got the Prime Minister position, Morichika
and Terumoto was asked to sit down, and Yasukage discuss with them along with the Emperor on Land Division, and
thus Chugoku stayed in the hands of the Mori , and Shikoku stayed in the hands of the Chosokabe, both sides were
pleased and returned to their lands, of course Shimazu also got the same attention and was allowed to keep the
Entire Kyushu Island, and Yoshihiro Shimazu was given the rank of Commander in Chief of the Armies of Nihon , but
he wasn’t done, Yasukage gave the Shogunate position to Masamune Date, who came into the capital with the most
magnificent steed, and attire, he was welcomed by the Emperor and Yasukage who is delighted to see him.

A month had passed ever since the conquering of the land, Yasukage ordered for the Coffin of Teruyaki to be taken
from Komadome to Mount Hiei, there a ceremony for his burial began and he was buried there, just as Yasukage
Promised, his coffin is made of Iron and Wood with a few copper and gold, he was buried with his armor, weapons,
and belongings, Yasukage and Terutane bowed before the coffin as the coffin is being lowered into the ground, on
the grave of Teruyaki is written “Here lies the Grand Dragon of Takeda, Teruyaki Takeda, leader of the Takeda,
Brother of Yasukage and Terutane alongside his subjects, he treats the people like his sons, and listened to advice,
he is fierce in battle, and cared for his troops” on the left of the tombstone is written “Protecting the clan, no matter
the cost, even in death” .

A week after the ceremony, Trouble began to appear at Osaka, Hideyori decided to rebel due to him seeing that he is
in danger of being deposed, of course annoyed, Yasukage send Masayashi Sakai with Ujiyoshu Maeda, and Asahiko
Asano as his lieutenant, along with the 10 Motobe’s to besiege Osaka first to hold anyone from coming out, till the
main army under Renchu arrived, of course Masayashi quickly went to work, he donned his armor, and then fetched
his gun and straight blade, and quickly went to barracks where Ujiyoshu and Asahiko is there waiting for him, the
three is known as the Three Fists of the Takeda, the three fists are Strength, Leadership, and Technology, there the
10 Motobe’s as well had prepared, and so they eat lunch and set out to Osaka castle, of course with Date presence
in Kansai, their troops quickly form small forts all around Kansai to help with Pacification of the region and easier
control, so of course when the Toyotomi tried to send troops to occupy these forts, but they were swiftly repelled by
Yutomasa Akiyama and the Mochizuki Twins.

Of course, the Sanada was involved, wanting to test Masayashi Sakai, Masayuki Sanada and his son Nobushige
Sanada(Yukimura) went out in secret to Osaka Castle, where they build a ward on the south part and named it
Sanadamaru, of course Yerukage Sanada was send with additional reinforcements with Rentama Tenko and
Yukoshi Unno as his lieutenants, After arriving at Osaka, they quickly lay siege to it, Masayashi placed himself south
facing the Sanadamaru, Ujiyoshu placed North, Asahiko on the East and West, the 10 motobe’s are south with
Masayashi, Of course Masayuki lured out the 10 Motobe’s with a bait, and when the 10 Motobe saw the bait, they
ordered their unit to charge at it, but Masayashi stopped them before they were inflicted damage by the Sanada
maru, but one of the Motobe, Renkanfu lead his troops forward, and was caught in the ambush and thus retreated,
Masayuki saw this and of course realized almost all of this is ficti-, I meant to say, Masayuki realized that Masayashi
had saw through his tricks and applauded his skills.

The arrival of Yerukage boosted the morale of the Takeda army, then came Renchu Baba who arrived to assist, he
arrived with Masahiro Tada, Daisuke Hara,Tatenobu Hosokawa and Torayasu Kiso, and then unexpectedly
Teruyashi came as well with his red brigade, his lieutenants are Yoruishi Takeda,Teruhashi Kosaka (Teruguchi
asked his brother to go as an representative) and Moriyama Saegusa, he arrived with cannons that had been in the
Tokugawa care from Miura, From William “The Englishman from Miura”, who Yasukage gave the Name Miura Anjin,
and kept caring for him along with giving him what he needed to stay in Japan, he was given Miura as his land and a
Japanese women to marry, thus making he stay until he died.
The cannon’s prove to be too much for the Osaka Defenders, as Teruhashi Advises to aim for the Tenshu instead,
and gave signal to Masayashi to also engage with the small moveable cannons, as the Sanada maru is made of
some stone and wood, it couldn’t held against the continuous bombardment while the Takeda is marching towards
them, they couldn’t shoot as the continuous barrage continues to assist in the assault, of course the Takeda took The
Sanadamaru, and struck the south gate, which had been reinforced by the Sanada army, Yerukage was sent to
assist Asahiko, who had just finished constructing 5 heavy large cannons, he called these cannons “Earth Shaker”
and these open fires, they used large iron balls and when they hit, the walls of Osaka was no match for it, it pierces
through the thick walls, and these heavy cannons continued firing, the walls of West and East Osaka were
obliterated, Troops From the two sides pour into the holes, placing planks, and slaughter their way into the Inner
Ward, These troops wield tachi’s, short spears, and arquebus, they donned Nanban Dou’s with zunari Kabuto’s, Dark
armor, their kosode are Yellow, and their Hakama is dark, the northern gates were breached as well, mainly due to
the fighters on the inside, Ujiyoshu’s men wore heavy armor, dark in color, yellow in kosode, and white in hakama’s,
they wore hachimaki’s and wields naginata’s, tachi’s, and Bows, these men pour into the castle from the north, and
assist the assault into the Inner ward.

Renchu’s troop join into the fray, their armor are heavy Yukinoshita dou, Zunari Kabuto, the color of their armor is
dark Crimson, their kosode are dark black, and their hakama is white, they wield Katana’s and Kanabo’s, Renchu
also came forth, ever since his contributions, and service, his armor was renewed with extra thick plates, and better
protection, his helmet as well, the thunderbolts were lengthen, and he wore a long cloak, it was tan in color, he still
wield his heavy two iron clubs, his face is of fierce demeanor, his eyebrows are thick as usual, his lips are red in
color, grown the beard on his chin and mustache like those of Nobuharu Baba, the Toyotomi saw these men and
Renchu became very afraid of them, because Renchu’s men are elite warriors, and had been veterans that followed

Then Moriyama Saegusa with his two large blades on his two hands, charged forth, his Executioner blade is long and
wide, a dragon head on it’s hilt with ring for a pommel, his other blade, the large six dragon blade is very long and
wide, a dragon head on it’s hilt and on the blade there carved three dragons on the two sides, he wore a Pingshanze
on his head with two feathers attached to it, his attire is a paper armor that had an iron dragon head on it’s
shoulders, on the left shoulder, a single piece of shoulder armor over a white kosode.

No one dared to stop Moriyama’s advance, his strength is immense, his swordsmanship is on another level but he is
not like Taishomasa Yokota who could wield blades and had the speed to block as well as assault, but in terms of
strength, Moriyama would won in a straight duel, there is one occasion Moriyama goes duel Taishomasa, it was
during 1613 before the invasion, the two engaged in a practice duel, Moriyama’s strikes with his left which is his
Executioner blade but Taishomasa ducked down in time, but then Moriyama brought down his right hand which is his
large 6 dragon blade, but again Taishomasa dodged to the left, At this point the two had engaged in fierce
competition but Taishomasa Feinted an downward slice with both of his arms, and seeing this, Moriyama Thrust
straight towards Taishomasa with his two blades,but Taishomasa jumped and landed on the swords with his Earth
Wakizashi on Moriyama’s neck, thus winning the match.

However back to the battle, As Moriyama continue’s to cut his way through towards the tenshu Gates, he was met in
a rain of arrows, but his blades are so big that he blocked these incoming arrows, his men also moved forwards,
They wore Tatami armor with O’sode’s, and Zunari helmet, they wield large shields and blades, hence why they
could move forward alongside Moriyama, then gunners of the Toyotomi opened fire, but Asahiko’s cannon was
already set up, and with one volley , the entire front walls evaporated, Moriyama entered the Inner tenshu first, and
Pierce through the defenses alongside his troops, he ordered his men to form defensive walls around the entrance,
and clear out the Toyotomi troops remaining on the walls, the first Takeda unit under Renchu Baba pour into the
compound and then enter the Tenshu, Renchu Baba himself lead this assault, they quickly ascended the stairs, and
when they met lord Hideyori, they pounce on him and bind him tight with a rope, however Masatoyo was wounded
when he entered the inner defenses, heavily wounded, he continued fighting till the flag of the Takeda flew on top of
the tenshu, the battle is won, Masatoyo quickly returned to camp to recuperate and the main army disassemble the
camp, Masatoyo followed the main army to return to Kyoto after he feels he had recovered.

The Battle at sea was lead by none other than Harasaki Hojo who is holding back the Mori fleet at Kizugawaguchi, it
was here Harasaki pondered of what he had gained, the Hojo will be rebuild as promised but he doesn’t saw
meaning in such a thing, he closed his eyes, before the conquering of Kansai, Yasukage and him went to Gifu’s
tenshu top, there the two stare at the sky, Harasaki asked Yasukage “My lord, is there anything you want to say”,
Yasukage turned and replied “Harasaki, what do you think of ideals?”, “A desire to do what you believed in” Harasaki
answered, Yasukage nods his head and ask “What is your ideal?”, “To Unify the land and rebuild the Hojo” Harasaki
answered, Yasukage shakes his head and said “then after you rebuild the Hojo?”, “I will work for the benefit of the
land” Harasaki answered, Yasukage turned completely to Harasaki and asked “What do you think of the law?”,
“something to punished the guilty, and freed the innocent” Harasaki answered, Yasukage then said “if so, Harasaki,
bow and give me your sword”, Harasaki bowed, and offered his sword, Yasukage took it and unsheathe the blade, he
then said “Then Harasaki, this sword… may it be used to punish the evil, and freed the innocent”, Yasukage then
continued while staring at Harasaki “Harasaki Hojo, son of Tsunashige Hojo, I granted you the power to punish in the
court and upheld the law, you will not only serve your clansman in the hall of justice, but you will serve everyone and
deliver judgement upon the guilty, you will be my law enforcer and my brother, now stand up”, Harasaki stands up,
and Yasukage offered his sword back, Harasaki accepts the sword and said “My lord, although my eyes aren’t good
to see the guilty nor the innocent, I will do my best to uphold the law”, Harasaki then returned to his senses, today is
the battle to stop the Mori fleet from Assisting Osaka castle.

The Battle has begun, Harasaki’s fleet formed into a straight line while his left and right units were positioned like a V,
the Mori was desperate to reinforce Osaka , so the Mori Admiral, Mori Tadasuke, lead an assault with light ships
which was filled with troops with bombs and cannons to engage their Takeda fleet, but Harasaki Quickly Answered it
by ordering a volley, decimating the Mori vanguard ships, the vanguard withdrew and lost around 5 ships, and the
Mori main fleet came, Tadasuke ordered the fleet to form into a V like formation, and engage the Takeda Fleet, The
Takeda fleet slowly retreats, and lure the Mori into their mouth and closed on them, this is also where Harasaki
introduced his secret ships, the Turtle ships, ever since the defeat at Korea, the Turtle ship’s design was brought to
Japanese isle, and wasn’t really made or used, so Harasaki asked for permission to borrow Asahiko and the two
made around 7 Ships, these turtle ships were upgraded with better cannon, and better armor, as well as that, they
also improve the sharpness of the Spikes, these ships plunge into the fight and ram into the enemy lines, creating a
gap in their defenses and this where Harasaki’s small ships, these were filled with men with short swords, and
Tanegashima pistols, and armed with a long teppo that could fire a hook that was attached on a rope and these are
the climbing unit, they climb up the enemy ships and engage in close quarters, 5 of the Mori Ships were quickly
engaging with Raiding unit and wasn’t able to fire their cannons, so Harasaki point with his fan to charge into the
gaps, and so they did, many ships went through the gaps they carved and head for the Mori Flagship, panicked,
Tadasuke tried to turn his ship but it was too late, the Takeda Ships rammed into their ships and climbed to the
decks, here Harasaki also joined the melee, he unsheathe his blade, pulled out his Tanegashima Pistol and lead the
assault, he climb onto the enemy flagship , shot a man through the chest, and cut through the Mori sailors and met
with Tadasuke, the two fought but soon Tadasuke saw himself on a disadvantage and tried to flee, but Harasaki saw
this and stabbed him through the heart, killing him, here the Mori lost many ships and men, their fleet was virtually
wiped out.

After the Victory, Hideyori was taken first by two fast horsemen to the Capital where he was given a light punishment,
and was ordered to return to governing Osaka Castle and the area surrounding it, while still retaining the role of
Kampaku, Hideyori was touched by this and left for Osaka Castle, of this we will speak no further.

On the way, Masatoyo fell off his horse due to the wounds sustained from the battle, Yasukage and Kamayori rushed
to his side and Masatoyo said to Kamayori first “Older brother, forgive me for going ahead of you, protect our lord at
all cost for me, alright?, thanks to you, I could be in many great battle’s and saw the unification, and thanks to you I
meet our great lord” then Masatoyo turned to Yasukage, and said “Brother, don’t be saddened, you have done well in
the unification, do not be saddened by my death, thanks to you, I have become a great general and met many fine
men, all I can ask is for a good funeral, and for the brothers everything to be all good”, then he stares to the skies and
closed his eyes, both Yasukage and Kamayori sigh, and tears courses through their eyes, the other generals also
sighed, and they all continued marching till they reached Kyoto, where Masatoyo then was buried with full military
honors, he was buried beside Yoshimune Amako.

After the mourning days, With Many victories and great contribution to the Empire , Yasukage called all his generals
to drink and be merry, but Tashiu Anayama, Nobuhide Oyamada, Kobukashi Baba,Manatoro Saika, and Yonomura
Ashikaga is nowhere to be seen, same with Yarui Ii , his first wife.

Only the 53 Generals (include the wives of Yasukage, Yushi, and Seichi, Teruyashi’s wive, Lady Tenchi, Yuechi
Kuromatsu) (Excluding Taka Takeda, Mishi-hime, Teruyaki, Yoshimune, Yamayoshi, and Masatoyo (These people
are dead), Yasukage (due to him being the host)), they all gathered at the hall in the palace and there they all stand,
dressed in their best cloth and armor, and there Yasukage stand in front, he grabbed a cup and said “Brother’s , we
have endured many fine battle’s, with swords and spears we fought vigorously with all our might to achieve the goal
of Unification, now our hard work had been paid off and we have all gathered here to celebrate our accomplishments,
May the Heaven’s blessed our work “ he was not done speaking when a ray of light shot down from the sky, the 55
generals went to inspect and there they found on the ground a big slab of iron, all there with some cups, a large
barrel of the finest wine (Torayasu could smell it was an old and yet fine wine) and a magical blade which Masayuki
quickly confirmed to contain sacred divine magic, there the slab of iron had name’s written all over it, Yasukage and
the rest couldn’t understand what it all means as it is written in tadpoles, Masayuki, seeing that it is all in his Taoist
books, his Tadpole dictionary and cultivation books said to Yasukage “Brother, it seems I can read it”, Masayuki then
explains to Yasukage of what is written in the slab, Yasukage was astonished and Asked Masayori to write it down.

Here is what it was written:

Doing Heaven’s Will, and United the land

Given the role of many, and would be given
The roles of Heavenly Takeda Generals
Below are the List of the Heavenly Generals of
Takeda Including the dead.

1.Grand Mother of the Takeda, Taka (Shuri) Takeda

2.The Grand Dragon, Teruyaki Takeda
3.Dragon’s bride, Mishi-Hime
4.The Fox of Kai, Yasukage Takeda (The Demon Fox Emperor)
5.Poetic Bull, Terutane Takeda
6.Red Demon Yamagata, Teruyashi Yamagata
7.Crimson eyed Zilong, Yerukage Sanada
8.Immortal of Mino, Renchu Baba (also known as General of Two Iron Clubs)
9.Swordsman under the Moon, Taishomasa Yokota
10.Little Sleeping Dragon, Yoshiteru Baba
11.White Scaled Dragon, Yurikatsu Kuromatsu
12.White Maiden of Komadome, Yuechi Kuromatsu
13.One Eyed Tiger, Terayashu Yamamoto
14.Hardened Strategists, Yerutachi Naito
15.Brutal Kosaka, Teruhashi Kosaka
16.Calm Kosaka, Teruguchi Kosaka
17.Heavenly Eyes, Masayori Komai
18,Magic Blacksmith, Yukoshi Unno
19.Traveller of 2000 Li, Masayuki Obu
20.Turtle of Komadome, Yamahide Nishina
21.Three headed Nezha, Daisuke Hara
22.Heavenly Shots, Masahiro Tada
23.Serpent Spearmen, Tomotatsu Tsuchiya
24. Fiery Whirlwind, Yamataishi Obata
25.Dolphin Spearmen, Terukage Suwa
26.Demon Whirlwind, Torayasu Kiso
27.Fire tip Spearmen, Kamayori Hoshina (Miracle Spearmen) (General Leopard)
28.Comparable to Fengxian, Masatoyo Hoshina (Grand Marquis of Wen)
29.Executioner Saegusa, Moriyama Saegusa
30.One Horned Bull, Yutomasa Akiyama (Grand Guardian of Iida castle)
31.River Trapping Demon, Kageyatsu Obata
32.Large Ogre , Kokuyushi Amara
33.Thin Ogre, Hishiomasa Itagaki
34.Little Yoshitsune, Yamazaki Nishina
35.Staff instructor, Fukotama Oda
36.Fire Tiger, Yukoshimasa Sanada
37.Lesser Bofu, Ginyasu Takeda
38.Lesser Xiang Yu, Masayama Ii
39.Large Axe, Rentama Tenko
40.Lady of Tactic, Suechi Uesugi
41.Lady of Courage, Yushi Sanada
42.Admirer of many things, Tenchi Akisho
43.Eyes of the sea, Harasaki Hojo
44.White Fox, Masayashi Sakai
45.Bird’s Peck, Ujiyoshu Maeda
46.Genius Inventor, Asahiko Asano
48.Black bear, Yoshimune Amako
49Bear of Hosokawa, Yamayoshi Hosokawa
50.Leader Motobe, Yukashi Motobe
51.Strategist Motobe, Renkanfu Motobe
52.Tactician Motobe, Yasumichi Motobe
53.Fiery Motobe, Nasakasa Motobe
54.Rash Motobe, Yerumatsu Motobe
55.Wind Motobe, Yuromasa Motobe
56.Earth Motobe, Yamatoka Motobe
57.Blade Motobe, Seryumasa Motobe
58.Spear Motobe, Shishakatsu Motobe
59.Mace Motobe, Shimasaki Motobe

All About 59 of the generals, and below are written:

Achieving Heaven’s will of restoring the land

The Vow must be made to Officialized the Ranks.

When it is all written and was readed out to everyone there, they are all non pulsed, as well as that
surprised, and then they exclaimed “Who could have known we have all been chosen by the heavens for
this task!?”, Yasukage picked up the first bowl,and distributed it to the rest of the 53, they all pour wine
there, they pour their blood to each other’s drinks and drank the wine, while making a vow to be of One
hearts and of One mind to work for betterment of the people and the will of Heaven, Yasukage then spoke
“Now with this, our vow will benefit the nation, let us all be of one heart, those who betrayed us will found
death in pain, and whoever we trust will benefit from this and will exclaimed In joy, Together brothers we
will overcome and take this land and its people to prosperity!”,he raised the cup, followed by the generals
that attended, the wine was mixed with their blood, and the day was filled with oath’s and celebration , that
night Yasukage had a dream, he met Teruyaki again and this time Teruyaki ran towards him and hugged
him, behind him were Mishi-hime, His Mother, Taka, Yoshimune Amako, Masatoyo Hoshina,and
Yamayoshi Hosokawa.

“Brother, I have something to say” Teruyaki spoke and then out of thin air, he produced 5 chairs of fine
wood and gold with Imperial symbol on the sides and sat down on it alongside the other 4 and Yasukage,
“What is it, Lordly brother?” Yasukage asked, “The Heaven’s are pleased of your works and the vow you
made” Teruyaki replied “However there is one thing you must not do my brother, and that is invading
anywhere outside of Japan, for it is ordained by the heavens that many will fall in the conquest to come”
Yasukage was startled, and then he remembered, the emperor had some in the court wishing to conquer
Joseon Korea, and that will be lead by him, but he simply nodded and asked for guidance, “My Brother, it is
best to keep the emperor of good intentions, the court is filled with many fine men yet corruption and
ambition lingers, the pure heart will seek justice and desire would not be taken as granted, warriors fought
and die but the court will remained pure as long as the Emperor is pure in his spirit” Teruyaki replied, then
Teruyaki continued “Beware of the snake and rabbit, for they will end you and the others”, before Yasukage
could ask what that means ,the dream ended there, here were the ends of the current chapter, the author
had lost some imagination due to reading Water Margin , as well as Romance of the Three Kingdoms and
due to the amount of English words he possess (As well as that the many location he barely knows), this is
the end of the story of Yasukage Takeda but not the end of his works, in the following days everyone does
what they want and they do it well, the people prosper as reforms starts to take effects, but then the
emperor and the court is manipulated by Nobuhide Oyamada and Tashiu Anayama to send Yasukage and
the other heavenly generals to Invade Korea later on, he will lose around 80% of his general, he will wept
and tearfully retired after the invasion is over, then died a few month’s after resignation, only 4 stayed alive,
Masayama, Ujiyoshu, Harasaki and Terutane, Masayama and Ujiyoshu was poisoned, Ujikuni Hojo
although not related to the 59 heavenly generals but due to his familial connection with Harasaki, was
murdered by Nobuhide’s Assasins, Harasaki was poisoned as well but he drowned himself to the sea first
before the poison kills him, and in the end the last to die is Terutane, his brother, due to illness ,but that’s a
story for another time.
All is about the same as many, for the heavenly generals will meet again in the afterlife or another series,
who knows?

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