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How to be a man

1. Always push beyond the limit

To be a real man, you should always push your limits and live beyond the
comfort zone. Get comfortable chasing your fears and escaping your comfort
zone in everything you do.

2. Never put a girl above your true purpose

If you do this, it will weaken your core as a man. Holding the belief in your head
that your purpose is more important no matter what, will keep your masculine
energy high and it will allow you to make the right decisions when your girl is
testing you.

3. Never defeat yourself to make your girl happy

As a man, you know deep down what the right decision is. It is important to
listen to the girl you are with, but you should never betray your own knowledge
and gut feeling just to please her. Listen to your girlfriend, consider what she has
to say, but always make your own decision. Never make a decision just
because you think it would please your girlfriend.

4. Know thy fear

A real man intimately knows his fears and he is always leaving his comfort zone
to hunt them down and squash them. Think about what's holding you back in
social situations. Maybe you don’t do very well with girls because you are afraid
of rejection.

5. Always keep your heart open

It takes a real man to keep his heart open to others, even when it’s full of pain
caused by someone or something else. Practice opening up your chest and
keeping your heart open. Don’t let the old pain negatively affect how you
approach new experiences and people in life.

6. Accept the cycles

A real man understands that everything in life comes in cycles. Summer and
winter, hot and cold, up and down – a man's life travels through cycles. Once you
understand this, you will stop wondering why certain things happen when they
do. You will go through many cycles, but with each cycle you will get closer and
closer to your true calling in life.

7. Accept that the girls will never stop testing you

The truth is that a woman is the most attracted to the man who has a purpose in
life. She feeds off of the energy that radiates from a man who is on a mission.
Some of her favorites techniques of testing you are: distracting you, changing her
mind, doubting you and complaining. She might even undermine your mission in
a direct or indirect way. She is testing you because she wants to make sure
that your happiness is not based on her approval because this is the energy
of a real man. This is also one of the reasons why girls find bad boys so
attractive because they never base their happiness on getting the approval of a
girl. A real man understands this and uses the testing to strengthen his
relationship with a girl instead of breaking it down.

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