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Cold showers

A cold shower is like a cheat code for life. Every time you take a cold shower,
everything becomes 100% better.

Benefits that you will experience can be split into two categories: the ones you
experience instantly and the ones you experience over time.

First and instant benefits:

- The first benefits are that dry hair and dry skin are gone.

- Once you are in a cold shower, you can not think of anything.

- It changes your breathing pattern because it is forcing you to breathe more

deeply and inhale more oxygen into the body.

- That’s why immediately after taking the cold shower you experience this
meditative state where your thoughts are slowed down. This will bring you still
mind and sharper focus.

The next thing you will notice is energy. It wakes your body up and boosts your
energy level.

And the last thing you will experience instantly is the endorphin rush. Anything
that puts you in a stressful situation and challenges you, after its gone, the body
releases endorphin.

Benefits you experience over time:

- Your immune system will become optimal. Getting sick is drastically reduced.

- It builds willpower and discipline. When you are about to get into a cold
shower, your mind starts thinking way too much. You just have to say f it and get
into this cold shower. You are going in here, you are doing what you set out to do
and you are accomplishing that.

- The fact that you are doing this cold showers, that you are putting yourself
through this discomfort, it allows you to build this emotional resilience,
emotional toughness, that you can handle the situation. Because you are
constantly breaking the barriers of your comfort zone, going out of your comfort
zone is 100% easier and you are not so sensitive to everyday things people do
and say to you. Stressful situations no longer affect you nearly as much.

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