500 Tense Example Beng-Eng

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(gefey 7 OT Present Indefinite Tense Sa TA CHAT BIT AMTATSTEA BA A VA AIC, HA CAIRN Verb~£H Present Indefinite Tense Wi fas ey, fied wizae, WET, sighs caTATSe Present Indefinite Tense ZI! 154 een; subject + Ft Verb + object. 0d, Ga aT! “PI St — We live in Bangladesh. 0. 3 9 fice Bre eA — The sun rises in the east. ow, "feat BTS TG — Birds fly in the sky. 08, cottancea sr@ FafB — The rose smells sweet. 0¢, COMA SI — You are lucky. ow, ef aox face GW A — The sun sets in the west. 04, fea cite — The earth is round. ov, fag Sqa Ws — The cat kills mouse. od, FAM AZ Fel WT — Kamal speaks the truth, do, 97a] , AWA APACE — The time has come. ¢3, 7401 CY BAZ — The examination is over. 0, 42 ABB ACH — It is 5.00 o'clock now. @8, AF AIG DIAG . GH fe Ula AM GEM? — Do you know his name? 393, GFF BTS =H? — Does he eat rice? 390, Bf fe cota? — Are you a thief? 398, Urea FF aS ace? — Have they a house? s9¢. Ff fe Setafe GIFT? — Does he know English? sou, fft f& aarery wreTA? — Is he a doctor? 994, @fam fe ery 7A? — Is not Karim lazy? dob. GH fe fit FATA 1? — Does he not sleep by day? doo, GF fF COMMS AIAG FCA AI? — Does not Anu help you? 380, TH fF Dt AIT FTA AI? — Does not Ram drink tea? 329, BAT fe CATs Ae? — Are you not a foolish? 32. aa fe fReprath a7 — Is Rana not a liar? S20, arafb fe fif% az? — Is the mango not sweet? 938, fafa fe ate Bret aR? — Has Lily enough money? 32¢, firora fe GAT IB? — Has Rita no frock? Qu, Cort fF AGT TF AMR? — Have you a friend? 329, Uraera fe CHITA *IGF OB? — Have they no enemy? dab, Coma fe aebt afS ITE? — Have you a watch? dae, Briers fF wet te? — Has Hasan an umbrella? yoo, figs fF afb yA AE — Does Mitu has a doll? 30), H-ATICE FIAT FCAT — Obey your parents. 303, Gre fet Set ace — The man tells a lie. deo, FSR eer FAS — He is a farmer. 398, Gitatf& "FH care! — Bee is a small insect. DOC, (SH BALK — It is morning. you, Gi (@) Bars — she is intelligent. www.swapno.in Present Continuous Tense TSA SIH CICA FTE ACHR MI VACR AIM CATA Verb-4 Present Continuous Tense @! 5154 eicifat; Subject + am/is/are + A Verb + ing + object. 309, 51 GefB te ATR — Mother is telling a story. 302. FFA cas CAS Fare The dog is barking. soo, YH wei a1 Fave — Tuli is singing a song. yes, at oats onfe cafarefe — 1 am seeing a bird. yee, afq arg «facere — Rahim is catching fish. 30v, ST coms ey aT Fae — 1 am waiting for you. 09, Gh sefB fof fare — You are writing a letter. dob, ae BB BR — Now it is raining dod, GUE aaa FIAT FAR — Rosy is cooking food. 380, Of Ura ALF Set ZAR — 1 am talking with him. 38>, 31 fdt tes Face — Mother is making cake. 382, GH BF FAB — Joy is working. 380, em Ages Aiea F157 — The ducks are swimming in the pond.s88, #7 Leis sy TRE — Runa is singing a song. 38. SH at fof frafe — 1 am writing a letter. 38%, COMA WZ 47% — You are catching fish. 389, fear cee S202 — Kiran is playing. 8b. Hf TB a — The sun is setting. 3852nf8 1515 ff — 1 am writing a letter. d¢o, faefé YAR — The baby is sleeping. 3@3. A abt 2B AWE — He is reading a book. 3¢2. CAtatS aToTe — The girl is dancing. seo, FB 1ECR/AHR — It is raining. 3@8, 51 SIRI FAtR — Mother is cooking. 3@¢, GI AS Fal FALE — He is speaking the truth. Su, BAA GAN aie — We are going there. 3¢9, aifat fefoafitoa ace — The birds are cheeping/chirping. deb, FAA ACS AWE — The farmers are going to the field. 3¢>, FAS GAH oY Faz — The farmer is ploughing the lands. d¥o, wife sete Bee — Birds are flying in the sky. pus, Bf Scafe fey —you are learning English. SUR, BT FI Ae — We are going to school. S¥O, GI WF FA A — He is not doing sums. 3¥8, a7 8 ER AI — Now it is not raining. DU¢, DT FI CATA FATE A — They are not making noise in the class y¥y, Bl AH Fer TAZ AI — You are not speaking the truth. www.swapno.in ba. “fee HR ACR AT — Sakib is not catching fish. dub, Tee 4B ABR A —Maruf is not reading the book. d¥d, COMA GFT AR I —You are not going there. 390, BF 51 Save A —Tuli is not singing. 399, TIT CaN AI — They are not playing. 398, OA BIG BE FATE —He are doing sums in the class. 390, Hats BI tis Fave A —The girl is not making tea. 348, GF f& coterie Fa0R? — Is he making a noise? 39¢, GF fF OTe Gxt SHPTETR? —Is he coming here today? 34v, BR fe GE SfaTSe A?—Are you not doing sums? 399. af 6 AT fe |r wWErwTE? —Are Rony and Rumi going to school? ab, BR fe Gras Ma wR? —Are you going with me? ae, frrefé yareeR 17 — Is not the baby sleeping? dbo, aaftrenB fe siacg a1? —Is not the girl crying? b>. Bt fe stafé sfacwe 17 —Are you not doing the work? soe, apf fe Bie arm? — Is the sun rising? doo, orrat fe Becafe frefe? —Are we learning English? v8, Difeat fF GAT Oy Fave AI? —Are not the farmers ploughing lands? sve, am fe Bf GietR? —Is Helen drawing a picture? Soy, Uraat FS ARTE? - Are they going? Present Perfect Tense SORA SIM CHT PTS AE AT OTS CTR FHS la HH ACT TSA CCR, IAAI CATACH VeSb-A PResent Perfect Tense 24! 534 eicnfet; Subject + have/has +3 Verb Past Participle + object. 369, Ute AHAB farce —1 have witten the letter. dob. A (@) astB wf ece7e—She has d&awn a picture. dod, TAI TS CANE — They have eaten Rice, deo, OHH PITA — He has gone to school. dad. otf aefé 2B fecafe — 1 have bought a book. da, “sty rafS Feary — Shamim has done the sum. sao. BH fie ae — You have told a lie. 388, Ural AE feecaTR — They have Setu&ned home. Sd¢, UF VLE AAT Sea*e — We have helped him. dou, HI SIRIA FIT FCAT] — Mothe® has cooked food. 384, Graal caf @taf& — We have made delay. sab. GF caibfb cewwz — You have b&oken the plate. db, a1 Bret ofSczwz — Father has sent money. 00, Bal BI A FAT — They have dunk tea, www.swapno.in 209, FA LAB aA c*IR — Runa has sung a song. 202, Bl Ba FAB — You have mistaken. 08, HI AAI I FLAT — Mother has cooked food. 208, are aeis eff cece — The girl has dawn a picture. 20¢, Gira CB cfc — We have reached at the station. 20¥, Gi STE CAITR — He has eaten rice. 209, eft sre wae — I have done the work. Rov, ast Bed +R — We have not done the sum. Rod, CEMA caleTae FAA — You have not made a noise. 230, faeié aac FARA — The baby has not yet slept. 259, THAT axe f5f551 fafa — 1 have not yet wSitten the lettes. 252. Urea Brat STA] — FatheS has not sent money. 200, fe Get cifeaf — Matin has not yet Seached. 208, BH aecal wet taf] — You have not yet lea&nt yous lesson, 23¢, ST aetat AA — 1 have not yet gone. 2d8, Gl QxTAT AAT — He has not yet eaten. 204, Ate ater es Baht — Winter has not yet set in. db, fiat etal BIGHT — Piya has not yet come. 233. A aetet gaTaf] — He has not yet slept. 20, At Meal <2AB FEAR —Rani has not yet bought the book. 2d, TTT Brady CATA? —Have you not understood the matter? 28, Cra sal f Bret nfsca7V4? —Has your father sent money? ane, feft fe aTaIee cote TRH? — Has he called me? 238, Of fe azafB eTTE? — Have you heard the news? 2c. GH fe sont acai? — Has he not written the easy? 226, OI fF HIB I TR2—Have you not killed the snake? 224, Bt FF wee CHA AE? — Have you not seen him? 2b, Aaa FS ofS aac fates ser 1B? —Has Rahim not yet sold the cow? Ra, oT fe caf #taf& — Have we made delay? oo, Cora fF TICE CHTAR? — Have you seen me? 209, orf far eTerbt FcAfe? — Have I done the work? 202. GR fe aRaCe CATR? — Have you seen Rahim? 209, BT fe eaafB cHafi7—Have you not heard the news? 208, farts fe asbr Bye eATR? —Has the cat caught a rat? 0c, fof fe fofoemm “geet? — Has he read the letter? Ov, Taal fF HI Ae] ACR? — Have they drunk tea? 209, feft fe ates coerce! — Has he called me? Rob, oTaat fe Geo! FAI? — Have we not done the sum? op, Fat fF asd oN CoE? — Has Runa sung a song? 280, Cora fe cateratet Fale? — Have you not made a noise? 28). 2fer FF CORB! 4tATR?—Have the police caught the thief? www.swapno.in 282, Comal FF WISTS CBEFR?—Have you called the doctor? 289, Ural fe AAPA APT Sta? —Have they passed in the exam? Present Perfect Continuous Tense TSA SM CTE STS AF CATS STAT AA LATA AUR A VACR MAATAA Verb-F Present Perfect Continuous Tense I! 104 etetfat : Subject + have been/has been + 3 Verb + ing + object. 288, Sf 5 WT ea 7BAe — | have been reading for five hours. 28¢, AH CALF GB AHR — It has been raining since morning. 28u, for 81 «ca gfB BR — It has been raining for three hours. 289, FATS fet “tt BA BACK — He has been suffering from fever for seven days. 8b, CF “Ta CAGE FL AZ AI — He has not been going to school since Saturday. 28d, 1 ib eA A AB | AWCR—He has been reading in this school for five years. Go, GF FF ‘Tats Cae FET AZ A?—Has he not been going to school since Saturday? Ro, i fe for TRe ta were bres Fate? — Has he been serving here for three years? ER, OTT FF BHT TEA ATH LATA AP Fhe? — Have we been living here for four years? co, for fret «ta ¥f8 BHR — It has been raining for three days. 268, OT for aaa Ma Ge AH Fhe — | have been living here for three years. RO, AA YS VS aca BB BeHR — It has been raining for about two hours. ACY, HP TS GET AG FH YACR-Masud has been suffering from fever since Friday last. 269, TAT 1S | AP caew AB few ASTR—Nasima has been reading in this school since last June. ey, BR ib Vr «ea Fie S1HE—You have been swimming for five hours. 2¢, afea aid TEA Ma GB |eI 1¥CR—Rahim has been reading in this school for five years. Uo, OF FF DI TRH ACH MAT DFTA FATE?- Has he been serving here for four years? wd, OH BS VS. ees GTA GT ULF Saf 1 have been waiting for you for two hours. WL, TAFT AF WHT MCF CATR — The boys have been playing for an hour. Past Indefinite Tense GSS SIA CHIT SE HeATETCS Rafe AM CATA Verb-“i# Past Indefinite Tense ®t 2184 een; Subject + F Verb-14 Past form + object. 263. GF RTA Fetcaf&I — He went to school. U8, #1 EI AA AWZRony did not go to school. Que, BR STS cacafeeA — You ate rice. Quy, Beat BoA cafe — They played football. ba. ATs atts cotcafeeT — Laboni sang a song. 2b, Ta GTS wre Beem ecard — Father gave me good advice Que. Gi ame cocafeet — He broke the glass. www.swapno.in 240, ae ye A Seah — I drank milk. 299. fagraté ya craft — The cat killed mouse. 292, A Get *1m aAfexATT — Grandmother told a story. a9, 31 fA51 tefs ecafet — Mother made cake. 298, OF Get fof fAcefeet — He wrote a letter. 29¢, Gets THis YrafeI — The boat sank in the river. 24%, BAT AEF af — You spoke the truth. 294, Gets ye Bigcafet — The man flew the kite. ay, TT ast <2 fetafeart — | bought a book. 29, STAT Oe crcafeT — We saw him. Qo, OF TS AoA — He came yesterday. 2b), GA He oT Safe — Jolly drank milk. 2b, SEAT BF fet — The grapes were sour. Roe, BTafB cacafiet — He ate the mango. 28. GA AS Ae — You spoke the truth. 2b, SERA BF fet — The grapes were sour. wo, GT art cacafiet — He ate the mango. 28. BA AS AeHe — You spoke the truth. 2be, OF FaHB wife cacafaet — He kicked the ball. ou, Tea oat fH facefe—Akbar wrote a letter. 209. fafa areca Fricate| — He went to market. bb, Sai6 a fe1 — The pen was red. bb, 6a YB fet — They were naughty. ado, Sf weit apf] — You came here, 2p>. fit free fet — Karim was faithful. 22, fitq gfarret ft — Minu was intelligent. 20. OTS fie — He was busy. 208, GF ayy feet — You were sick/ill. ac, oe @ fet aH — There was a king. bY, FAH GTA fet — The flowers were fresh. 259. ae are FET AA — 1 came this morning. ab, CRAB cate fle — The boy was foolish. pd, oF cet eer ferafeer — 1 bought an umbrella. 900, BAA! FSH TEA BAT — We started in the morning. oy, BHT AICS cette FAA — 1 took bath in the river. 902, af brafé ry facafer — Poly bought four mangoes. woe, fet ste ace ate fare — He went home last night. 008, fret eine ces fe — The lion was in the cage. coe, frre eratora Borer! frente! — The teacher advised us. doy, Sra] WATS aaa StafeI — We solved the problem. 009, ara Te Cra ast ff facets — The girl wrote a letter last Monday. www.swapno.in vob, Cast femme Safes xCafe — The students were present in the school. oon, aaa caretoce cafe AE — We did not see the man. edo, Bl WS Ae AS — They did not go to field. ‘939, Ga 2 ATS At — We did not know it. Od2, GH WABI Fah AI — He did not qurrell. x9, WS AVES AAI — Ananto did not go for a walk. 098, GF TTS! Che AI — He did not reach in time. ode, SR abt eT Fae AT — 1 did not like it. Ody, CUR GALS AA FACS BNA AWE - Nobody came to help me. 099, Coral VE fest A — You were not helpless. ‘odt, GT TA feet AT — You were not brave. od, Oat HAR] feet AI — They were not kind. 20, SATA AAA CAAT A] — We did not go out. 2), Comal FA BR Tl — You did not want time. 022, oft ay fea A — 1 was not well. exe, atta Safes fiery A — we were not present. 038, fy Ss BIE — Karim did not come yesterday. O2¢, COMA STALS AAT Fat — You did not help me. oxy, Rent fem Fat , Fret fe are fer A2—Were the flowers not red? ose, fof fe See cacafereri?—Did he take medicine? so, arts fe crea Ficafaa?—Did you go there? 88, Hf eralb cacafei7—Did he eat the mango? ose, Trerat FF ficafeet? — Did they go? 8y, Bf fe wrce Bret fireafert? — Did you give him money? 084, aTyseca Be fet — The grapes were sour. www.swapno.in Past Continuous Tense GSS SIM CHIT SIE fT aI Daft AA CATR Verb-% Past Continuous Tense @! 1184 sen : Subject + was/were + 71 Verb + ing + object. 8b, Uf aeis a1 *TefRTI—1 was singing a song. eas, vim feast frcefiet — The moon was shining. eco, oft Scat Fafa —you were learning English. 0@>, GH aifocefet AI — She was not dancing. e@2, ara! Gafee wae — We were listening to the radio. o¢e, F ef aoa Frafer—He was writing an easy. 0¢8, RASTA crea Fale — The boys were making a wee, fea snfS Dente — Kabir was driving. ey, Oat 74 FAR FafeThey were quarreling with one another. 0¢9. Sf Ste =feeT — 1 was eating rice. oeb, Bi Ge “ir Falke — You were drinking milk. ocd, ATE! ETI UBM — We were going to school. ovo, CATS Zé — The boy was walking. ow, Giafé cera *wieI —The girl was reading the Quran. ove, at wafer atfieer| — Father was going to Mosque. ove, mira *tg zfet — Grandmother was telling a story. ous, aI ast @farefet — Mother was cooking. ove, Gt Bxcafer *refet — He was reading English, ove, arf ef erm feafeets — 1 was buying a pen. ova, Be crpceteet — The goat was running. oub, 7 abt ee aise! — Poly was drawing a picture. oud, TASS HIS CTE Fale — The boys were running in the field. 090, 9 Fates Ais F_Nipu was swimming in the river. 099, Of] Gey YAfPT — 1 was sleeping at that time. 92, Gh faeces’ ceatfie — You were playing cricket. 4e, THiS Uri w8cefeI — The cow was eating grass. (098, STI acaa Fee AVEC — Father was reading the newspaper. 99@, af ¢ fam BiBcefe|Rahim and Karim were walking. eau, Ot fe AACS cam FafeI2—Were you bathing in the river? 099, aft fe ere =fezeTT? — was | eating rice? eat, ara F% eight? — Was Ruhan reading? 9. arral Fe coffer crefei?—were we watching television? obo, Comal fe coer Fafa? — were you making a noise? ov, Gi fe EH afi? — Was he going to school? ove, afea fe areca afte? — Was Rahim going to market? ove, git war SF Fafaer?— What were you doing at that time? www.swapno.in os, BA fe AACS core FafeerI?—Were you bathing in the river? ‘ove, Srarat fF sIc5 camer? — Were they playing in the field? obey, oral fe zacaa Se refer? — Was father reading the newspaper? (964, Baal Cia Faller A The students were not making a noise. ob. Gift yarfeeTI AI — 1 was not sleeping. bd, (Gf) TS atm Fale I — she was not cooking rice. obo, Catt 31 “aft AI— The fishermen were not catching fish. ‘eas, 7 {515 farafet a — Palash was not writing a letter. od3, SHAT Gif AI — We were not laughing. do, UT WR aie A — They were not catching fish. od8, Oat Fg Fahl A—They were not quarreling. de, UIrat AGT fateh A — We were not learning lesson. ody, Oe Seis Safes aT — 1 was not doing the work. ©d9, COMA GF Fale You were not doing sum. db, GID 7m Fale A —He was not drinking tea. edd, Tal WS CeeHfest AI They were not playing in the field. 800, Sf carer Gatwtigers AI — I was not running in the sun. 80), Sra fF COM BT CTH Fave A? — Were we not waiting for you? 802, “tT fe EoaR cemfeA A was Shamim not playing football? 800, OF (@) fF st Safe A2—Was she not singing? 808, a1 {% stmt aft AI? - Was not mother cooking? 800, FFals fe caw caw Safe 7—Was not the dog barking? Past Perfect Tense wets ar Feats YS ereera we aed HeafE sTEIbs Verb-44 Past Perfect Tense W Ia Aa ATS ‘refoa Verb-aA Past Indefinite Tense 2! s84 etcnfat : subject + had + J Verb Past Participle + object. Sov, UIE UPA BM GAG AAT Co — The patient had died before the doctor came. 804, WISI GPAs CAA Ist Cit — The patient died after the doctor had come. Bob. Brea] COMA CAferart 4 CBA cacy frre — The train had left before we reached the station. 808, OTNa COA carats it GA cary fret — The train left after we had reached the station. 80, 3 US Meats 4 Grra ae cafes — we had reached home before the sun set. 899. 7A FS eas a GAA aE cAteeTA — We reached home after the sun had set. 892, GB ara 4 GTAAT Gra CAfeeTA —We had reached there before the rain stopped. 890, G2 em 34 GTNaT CTA CAAT - We had reached there before the rain started. 898, >Rf edt Gen eT BA cetc# TesfeTA — I had got up before the sun rose. 89¢, > Bora 1a ea GH cece Boa — 1 got up from sleep after the sun had rose, 8du, CBA Reus cd Gal NfSerfS aTat CFI — The old woman had died before it was down. 894, Sis Qeara At OTA Beat Cafe — He had started before it was down. www.swapno.in Past Perfect Tense als am aes yb eres wes ACd AeaBE stefbs Verb~as Past Perfect Tense BW ae at HATS ‘wrafea Verb- Past Indefinite Tense 24! ‘154 ae ; Subject + had + 3A Verb-i# Past Participle + object. bb. Us HH sata oa GT HEAT BATA — 1 started after I had received his letter. 890. OIA fof ares a4 wT TEA BA — 1 had started before | got his letter. B20, A DA WRIe Bel ETH CAPRA — | had come before he left. 835, GH EA Arata Aes UT Ficefee - 1 had learnt lesson before I went to school. 822, OT wats va BAT ace — You came after | had left. 839, a8 amas 94 arrat CAfeTH - We had reached there before the rain stopped. 828, “if BETA 4 TAT COMA CATT - We reached the station after the train had started. Past Perfect Continuous Tense wats arm Reais ofS rears weg ad Teaibe Seat fog TT AAS Defer LA CATA Verb-<4 Past Perfect Continuous Tense 33! 5154 stent; Subject + had been + J Verb + ing + object. 8aw, for fir ata 8 efit — It had been raining for three days. 829, JF ASR ata Vrat seis +favefer — They had been doing the work for a week. BQb. GF ASR «ea felt Gea Boeri — He had been suffering from fever for a week. 8o, GR aria AF UT aes Safer — | had been doing sums before you came. 800, IRS ¢ CAAT aid set , Comal a FARIA — You will write now. 8¢3, 4% 45] ATA ANIA — It will take an hour. sco, aft free 284 — I shall be a Teacher. 8¢8, otf atatiter grat I — | shall go to Khulna tomorrow. 8¢¢, BX FPF AP FAVA — You will pass in the examination. Sey, “124 GTA GT ACH ACI — Shahid will wait for me. 8¢4, IIa AS BAA — They will be honest. 8b, TRA SANS AT FA — They will help me. 8d, OIA CHARICE AF ST ATH ACA — It will take one hour to reach there. yo. OF Bxtafet Prete AT — He will not learn English. 8d, Uiat CONS fare Fats AT — They will not disturb you. BY, Al CHAN FAA AI — They will not make a noise, Bye, SI WF EAA AA Al — They will not start today. gus. fefé yx AF Fatt AI — The baby will not drink milk. 8¥¢, GY GAA AA A — 1 shall not go there. BUY. Ot Fa a4 AI — Anis will not eat banana. 844, SAAT AAT 7 A — We shall not get time. sub, afe free Be A — Avi will not be a teacher. Bua, CF APA BA A — He will not be brave. 890, Seal eee caft4 AI — We shall not play now. 84), CoPat at Bt A — You will not be happy. www.swapno.in . Tre fey ca AI — The boy will not get anything. ‘aaa i] FA A — We shall not do this. 898, CAVA 5 AWA A — The boys will not be active. 890. & FF fem Bet TAA AT — will he not tell a lie? 89, WHET GHahe AA AI — We shall not go any where. 899, GAG AIF ZA A — The girls will not be foolish. 89b. GB TI AA AI — The mango will not be fresh. 84d, Gat 424 Bf GISTs A Lopa will not draw picture now. 8bo, Of fF Foe ceva? — will you play football? 8b, BAT fe | ATA AN? — will you not go to school? Bhs, Crcate fe ZA Fa FCA? — will the girl speak the truth? sho, Garam FF YACA?—will Ruhan sleep? 8b8, fF fF <8fB 1ec4 “TI? — will you not read the book? 8be, Coma GE fF Beal Save AI? —will not your brother do the work? 8by, GF fe Secafer aca 1? — will he not learn English? 864, Corral fF BI aca AI? — will you not take tea? Bb, ag fF abt eH Fate? — will Babu like it? 8y>. Fats fe am aa? — will the flower be red? Bho, OF fe fest wet geIc4? — will he tell a lie? 85), Ba fF FA AWA? will you go to school? 852, fe f& | AWA? — Shall I go to school? spo, Of fe AMI a4? — will you take Tiffin? 888, Saat f% cae CAKE? — Shall we watch the match? ade. Bf fe aebI st c+? — will you sing a song? Bby, GF Fe Sat we Tata? — will he start the work? 859, fafa fe @fearr 19c4? — will Lily read history? Bbv. aie fF wien Ba AN? — will not the fruit be fresh? Future Continuous Tense SPATS SA CHET ST FG A MC AOS MTA AI DACH AATA CATANIA Verb-14 Future Continuous Tense ma 5154 een; Subject+ shall be/will be+ JA Verb + ing + object. 8pd, MT a ew atfea — 1 shall be singing a song. coo, 1 “fate afer — He will be catching fish. oy, Bat HI cefan enf#t4—They will be playing in the field. oR, At CHITA ABLE eFC —Mother will be reading Quran. Coe, GF Dat sTRETAIES if few etfect —He will be watering the plants. www.swapno.in Future perfect tense: fees arr Feats YB sees es ULPHGS Ad Realbe sea verb-

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