Application of Risk Based Inspection in Refinery 1628389108

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Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 18 (2005) 397–402

Application of risk based inspection in refinery and processing piping

Ming-Kuen Changa, Ren-Rong Changa, Chi-Min Shua,*, Kung-Nan Linb
Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology,
123, University Rd., Sec. 3, Touliu, Yunlin, Taiwan 640, ROC
Department of Marine Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University, 2 Pei-Ning Rd., Keelung, Taiwan 202, ROC

In refineries and processing plants, the enormous amount of piping is more complex in distribution than other types of equipment. In
general, compared with other types of equipment in these industries, more difficulty in inspection planning is encountered.
However, under-inspection or over-inspection can occur due to the lack of jurisdictional requirements on the inspection interval and
method for piping, or the inspection interval being based only on piping service classifications in the existing regulations, such as API 570.
This can result in unacceptable risks, along with costly loss of resources.
To lessen the piping risk level, more and more companies have adopted and applied risk based inspection (RBI) methodology, leading to
risk reduction and cost benefits since the last decade. This study applied RBI methodology to optimize the inspection strategy of the piping in
a refinery and petrochemical plants in Taiwan. Two actual case studies were corroborated better with quantitative RBI methodology than
without the methodology in terms of risk and cost reductions.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Piping risk level; Risk based inspection; Risk reduction; Inspection strategy; Quantitative RBI

1. Introduction the considerable numbers of factors, including complex

operational environment and expensive inspection cost, the
According to Council of Labor Affairs, Taiwan, the goal of this study included determining how to appro-
inspection period on pressure vessel is 2 years. In contrast priately identify the high-risk piping in reference to
with China, the inspection period is 3 or 4 years, depending inspection planning. According to the existing codes, all
on the level of the pressure vessel. In Japan, it is from 2 to 4 piping is simply categorized into three classes (American
years. Evidently, Taiwan may be much more stringent Petroleum Institute, 1997). The frequency of inspection
country in terms of vessel inspection in Asia. According to and the simplified piping classification scheme are
the statistical results (Mahoney, 1998), piping accounts for established on either the basis of fluid content in piping
the highest ratio among all equipment in the refinery and or the half remaining life. However, the actual conditions
petrochemical plants, primarily because they are enormous and possible risk distribution of the piping are generally
and much more complicated than other types of equipment. not considered.
However, to effectively implement a piping inspection Internationally, the developing trend for equipment
relies highly on skilled inspectors who are familiar with the inspection is risk based inspection (RBI) (American
environment in workplace. Petroleum Institute, 2000). The optimal inspection fre-
For a long time, the lack of regulatory requirements quency is determined according to its risk exposure, which
on piping safety and the inspection interval has been can be used to avoid any unacceptable risks from under-
a common problem in these industries. In view of inspection of some items or from over-inspection of the
majority of items. The main objective of RBI is basically to
exploit the limited resources in coping with the really
* Corresponding author. Tel.:C886 5 534 2601ext. 4416; fax: C886 5 meaningful risks. In many practical cases, this is usually up
531 2069. to 20% of equipment items, which dominate no less than
E-mail address: (C.-M. Shu). 80% of risk exposures (SIEP 98-5214, 1998). Since the
0950-4230/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1990s, the industry has aimed to control risk at reasonable
doi:10.1016/j.jlp.2005.06.036 cost.
398 M.-K. Chang et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 18 (2005) 397–402

This article attempted to incorporate the concepts of RBI, Corrosion 50 mpy

with two case studies, corrosion loop concept (Chang & CUI Corrosion 50 mpy
Chen, 2001) and optimal next inspection date (Chang, Corrosion 40 mpy
2004), based on the risk results. P-10001-4”-C01B-ST40

2. Experimental

2.1. Establishment of database V-102

In practice, the integrated information for piping T-101
inspection should at least consist of, but not limit, the
following data, which may be adjusted in accordance with
situations in a real plant:
Basic data design and operating data, such as
diameter, thickness, material, thermal E-101
insulation, inventory, design/operat- P-101
ing temperature, design/operating
pressure, maximum allowable work- Fig. 1. Schematic example of corrosion loop.
ing pressure (MAWP), stream den-
sity, start-up date, machining,
welding relevant information and the (American Petroleum Institute, 2000). Accordingly, RBI
like. identifies 10–20% of items that cover 80–95% of the risk
Process descriptions block flow diagram (BFD), process exposures of the equipment (Lee & Teo, 2001). If the
flow diagram (PFD) and piping and inspection is as low as reasonable, the total risk can be
instrumentation diagram (P&ID), markedly reduced, with its applicability and cost reduction
including streams, piping identifi- being enhanced.
cation numbers, design/operating In theory, the risk in RBI is defined as the likelihood of
conditions, isolations and so on. failure (LOF) times the consequence of failure (COF), so the
Inspection histories corrosion control, monitoring system essential element of RBI methodology, as demonstrated in
of piping and inspection histories, Fig. 2, is an assessment of the LOF and the COF on piping,
which should be reviewed whenever i.e. hazardous, environmental and production loss. There are
necessary. various related but different approaches to RBI analysis.
Basically, there are three analytical levels: qualitative, semi-
The data also need verifying and updating regularly,
quantitative and detailed quantitative.
whenever inspection, repair, process or installation changes.
Qualitative analysis (American Petroleum Institute,
2000) can be implemented by using a simple workbook to
2.2. Creation of corrosion loop and adoption of RBI
audit the LOF as well as the COF. In practice, the LOF is
evaluated from the influencing factors, such as amount of
The corrosion loop is defined as grouping the piping,
which has been exposed to similar corrosion mechanisms, equipment, possible damaged mechanisms, effectiveness of
operating conditions and material group (Festen & inspection, current equipment conditions, and the nature
Ravedtein, 1997; Jansen, Fasten, & Pots, 1998), as shown of the process and equipment design. Damaged mechanisms
in Fig. 1. It may be directly applied to internal fluid streams include general corrosion, fatigue cracking, low temperature
with similar material combinations to enable tracking of the exposure, high temperature degradation and so forth. In
damaged mechanisms. Meanwhile, the corrosion loop is determining the consequence category, RBI considers two
also a useful feature for inspection planning: i.e. what are major potential hazards: fire/explosion risk and toxic risk.
the potential and existing corrosion types? Then, effective Here, fire/explosion risk is related to the chemical and
inspection and corrosion rate evaluation are performed physical properties of the chemicals, leakage, discharge
based on the defined corrosion loop. By means of the amount and type, protection measures, etc. Toxic risk is
corrosion loop, an inspector can more clearly understand the associated with quantity and toxicity, dispersion range,
corrosion mechanisms of piping. This will enhance population density and the like. The risk level of each piping
inspection efficiency as well as plant safety. can be identified by the likelihood category and the
RBI is a systematic analysis, establishing and ranking the consequence category. The risk results can be used to
risk levels associated with the operation of each piping locate areas of potential concern and to decide which
M.-K. Chang et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 18 (2005) 397–402 399

Failure Degradation/defect Corrosion loop

history type and type

Probability Consequence
analysis analysis

Risk priority and


Risk reduction Piping inspection

measurement strategy

Fig. 2. A RBI methodology for a typical piping system.

portions of the process unit require the most inspection According to the potential losses, the quantitative
attention or other methods of risk reduction. It can also be method could determine risk levels. The LOF is the generic
executed to determine whether a full quantitative study is failure frequency (GFF) for the specific type of equipment,
justified. which is based on a compilation of available equipment
In addition to the qualitative RBI method, the semi- failure histories from various industries, and multiplied by
quantitative method takes account of the inspection results, an equipment modification factor and management system
such as corrosion rate, historical records, and maintenance evaluation factor. The COF can be assessed with the losses,
information, and so on. Under certain circumstance, the i.e. hazard, environment, impact on business interruption
method can alleviate the discrepancies in risk assessment and maintenance expense, etc. The risk calculation concept
induced by a person with subjective judgments. is depicted in Fig. 3. Therefore, the calculated quantitative

Likelihood of Consequence
failure (LOF) of failure (COF)

Management Generic failure Likelihood Injury ($)

factor frequency factor

cleanup ($)

Damage repair ($)
and rates

Downtime ($)


Fig. 3. A concept of quantitative RBI.

400 M.-K. Chang et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 18 (2005) 397–402

risk calculation can directly assist the inspector to evaluate Table 2

the risk exposures. Two case results on RBI studies

Risk ranking Plant

2.3. Determination on the optimal inspection frequency Chemical plant Refinery (FCC plant)
(Propane plant)

According to API 570, the inspection frequency should Numbers Percentages Numbers Percentages
be scheduled at the half remaining life or established on the High 0 0.00 4 0.68
basis of fluid content, depending on whichever is shorter, as Medium-high 6 2.88 361 61.7
Medium 88 42.31 184 31.45
suggested in Table 1 (American Petroleum Institute, 2000).
Low 114 54.81 36 6.15
However, determining the inspection frequency may Total 208 100 585 100
possibly not only lead to under-inspection of some high-
risk items, but also waste resources on many low-level
risk items. Therefore, the best inspection interval should the possible risk distribution of the piping is generally not
be dictated by combining the piping risk level and considered. To learn the difference between full plant and
inspection effectiveness. The confidence rating is given as piping on RBI results, this article presented two case studies
less than 0.5 for high-level risk items, and more than 0.5 for piping with quantitative RBI. The information of two
for low-level risk items (Chang & Chen, 2001). Inspection plants is given as follows:
effectiveness means the possibility and veracity of the Plants arrangement:
inspection method, which relates to the inspector’s
personal ability and fitness for the selected inspection (1) RBI study for fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) plant, a
method. The highest inspection effectiveness is always thirty years service life with 585 piping for analysis.
defined as 1.0. Accordingly, the inspection interval can be (2) RBI study for propane chemical plant, a 14 years
expressed in Eq. (1) as follows: service life with 208 piping for analysis.
To identify the defects, one should use different
Estimate steps:
inspection methods for piping defects with various
corrosion types, different piping locations and operating Data collecting / Site survey / Data confirming /
conditions. Both a qualified No-Destructive Examination Piping history review /Define corrosion loop /
(NDE) inspector and right inspection procedures are Define plant information / RBI analysis/ Final
essential requirements for carrying out piping inspection. ranking results.
NID Z hCRL (1)
Estimate software:
where NID, next inspection date (year);
With DNV ORBIT Onshore (Det Norske Veritas, 2001)
h - inspection effectiveness ratio (value range 0–1); software for quantitative RBI methodology.
C confidence rating (value range 0–1, based on the risk
ranking); The study evaluated the risk of both units based on the
RL remaining life (year). probability of failure of the piping that could result in a leak
and hence cause hazard and financial consequences. It also
took into account the current confidence in the condition
2.4. Two case studies on processing piping with RBI based on the nature of the inspections previously performed
methodology and their ability to characterise the extent and rate of the
different damage mechanisms. This was achieved by
Actually, most risk occurred at a few equipments, which applying the DNV/API RBI methodology (Lee & Teo,
mostly based on full plant practice results. That means 2001) using the software (Det Norske Veritas, 2001) version
2.3.14 for analysis. The risk overview is presented in
Table 1 Table 2 and Figs. 4 and 5. Here, Figs. 4 and 5 demonstrate
Recommended maximum inspection intervals (American Petroleum that 20% piping and 10% piping account for 75 and 95%
Institute, 1997)
risk for FCC plant and propane plant, respectively.
Type of circuit Thickness Visual external
Class 1 5 years 5 years
Class 2 10 years 5 years 3. Results and discussion
Class 3 10 years 10 years
Injection points 3 years By piping class Based on the two case studies, we can obtain valuable
Soil-to-air interfaces NA By piping class
results as follows: (1) Piping also has similar risk
NA, not applicable. distribution, compared with full plant. That means most
M.-K. Chang et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 18 (2005) 397–402 401

Table 3
Risk ranking distributed after highly efficient inspection

Risk Plant
ranking Chemical plant Refinery (FCC plant)
(Propane plant)
Numbers Percentages Numbers Percentages
High 0 0 1 0.17
Medium– 3 1.44 136 23.25
Medium 90 43.27 385 65.81
Low 115 55.29 63 10.7
Total 208 100 585 100

be performed on higher risk items. Table 3 displays the

calculated risk distribution on both cases.
Based on qualitative RBI results, we found the risk of
Fig. 4. Risk distribution of 585 FCC plant piping.
FCC plant, after an efficient inspection, reduced by 77%,
and the risk cost lessened from USD 254,396,123 to 59,207,
499; in contrast, propane plant by 19%, from USD 12,110,
risk allocated among the less piping. (2) It shows the risk of 875 to 10,264,074, respectively.
refinery plant is higher than that of chemical plant, for it has
more complex operation and contents and more potential
corrosion mechanism existed. (3) Because of no inspection
4. Conclusions
history for most piping, an unexpected failure may occur
when degradation happens faster than expected. This is one
It is essential that high-level risk piping be properly
of the reasons that higher risk may always exist. (4) Risk
managed, and that sufficient resources (manpower and
information can supply a guiding for inspection planning.
budget) be allocated to this effort. The RBI methodology
An inspection program can affect only the value of the
includes a ranking process for piping LOF and COF. It also
likelihood of failure, not the consequence. No matter how
includes the corrosion loop concept, which points out the
much inspection is performed, the consequence is potential corrosion mechanisms for guiding the inspection
unchanged. Therefore, where a high-risk item is driven by method selected. Since there is a very large variety and
the consequence value, other actions may be considered quantity of piping, and inspectors typically have limited
with better and accurate analysis, such as quantitative risk resources in terms of time, budget and manpower, a
assessment (QRA), and upgrading of mitigation system. powerful management system should be implemented for
Furthermore, we suggested that highly efficient inspection establishing data, scheduling plan, keeping a history,
conducting life analysis and sharing information.
Currently, a general piping inspection strategy focuses
only on the control of piping risk to ensure proactively safer
operation and production efficiency. An integral inspection
methodology on piping should consist not only of an
efficient inspection strategy and reasonable inspection
planning, but also of reliable inspection methods, pro-
fessional analysis and continuous improvement of the
piping inspection management system. In total, it will
consider safety, efficiency, quality, even better management
and cost control. It aims at when, where and how to inspect
properly. Founded on the ideal inspection philosophy, an
optimal inspection strategy and tactics for piping is
indispensable for related process plants.


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Fig. 5. Risk distribution of 208 propane plant piping.
rerating of in-service piping system. Washington, DC, USA: API
Standard 570 (Supplement 2).
402 M.-K. Chang et al. / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 18 (2005) 397–402

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