Myths of Nonverbal Communication

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Why this class will not make you an all-knowing, infallible judge of others’ nonverbal cues

Myth 1: You can read a person like a book

The reality

• Nonverbal cues can be perceived and interpreted, but not “read.”

– The term body “language” is misleading.

– Nonverbal communication is not a language.

– Nonverbal communication has no grammar, no syntax.

• If you could read a person like a book:

– No one could successfully lie to another person.

– Poker players couldn’t bluff.

– Undercover cops would be exposed.

Relationships would be damaged.

• There is no one-to-one correspondence between a specific nonverbal cue and its meaning.

– direct eye contact could signal attraction or hostility.

• Nonverbal behavior is highly idiosyncratic

– It varies greatly from person to person.

What do these smiles mean?

Myth 2: 95% of the meaning is carried via the nonverbal channel

• 93% of the meaning or impact is communicated nonverbally (Mehrabian & Ferris, 1967; Mehrabian &
Weiner, 1967)

• “No more than 30 to 35 percent of the social meaning of a conversation or interaction is carried by words”
(Birdwhistle, 1970, p. 158)

• Mehrabian (1972, 1981) the face conveys 55% of the emotional meaning of a message, vocal cues convey
38%, as little as 7% is communicated verbally.
The reality

• The exact percentage is an unknowable statistic.

• If you watched a film in a foreign language would you understand 93% of it?

• If police were investigating a crime, and the only witness were a mime, would they obtain 93% of the
information they needed?

• If you watched a stand-up comedian while wearing earplugs, would she/he be just as funny?

Myth 3: Nonverbal behavior is genuine, natural, spontaneous

• We can’t hide our true feelings.

– Nonverbal communication is reflexive.

• People can’t help but leak nonverbal cues.

– People give off “natural signs” about what they are thinking and feeling.

• Nonverbal communication is more trustworthy, believable.

The reality

• Nonverbal communication is a powerful medium.

• The majority of the emotional or affective meaning is carried via the nonverbal channel.

• When there is a contradiction between verbal and nonverbal cues, people tend to assign more weight to the
nonverbal message.

• Nonverbal cues convey generalized feelings and mood states.

• mad, angry, upset, frustrated

• Words provide more subtle, nuanced expressions of feeling.

• furious, peeved, irate, livid, outraged, riled up, in a huff, pissed off, ticked off, infuriated, miffed

The reality

• Nonverbal communication often operates at a low level of awareness

– Or even unconsciously

• Nonverbal behavior can also be highly conscious and strategic

– fake laughter

– feigning interest

– crocodile tears

fake orgasm

• Most people consider themselves good judges of emotion.

– Self-serving bias

– Confirmation bias

• A person’s expressive repertoire can be used deceptively.

Myth 4: Nonverbal cues are culturally universal

 People may assume that nonverbal behavior is instinctive or part of “human nature.”
• Biologically innate

• Evolutionarily adaptive

 Charles Darwin, The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals

 Universality of basic emotional expressions

1. Anger

2. Disgust

3. Fear

4. Happiness

5. Sadness

6. Surprise

The reality

 There are some cultural universals, however…

 Fear and disgust are easily confused

 Blended facial expressions are more culture-bound

• Sarcastic smile, smirk, smug look

 Cultural displays rules moderate emotional displays

 Example: When people sit, where should their legs and feet go?

 Gender differences

 Cultural differences

Myth 5: You can spot a liar based on his/her nonverbal cues

 Movies and TV shows perpetuate this myth

• Lie To Me

• Casino Royale

 Cops vastly overestimate their deception detection skills

 Jurors overestimate their deception detection skills

 Laypersons believe liars leak cues to deception via:

• Gaze avoidance

• Postural shifting

Response latency

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