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Z_R_eZZ_WZ]ecReZ`_`aVcReZ`_Z_FcZ C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 been relaxed (this time
around). If that is the case, we
regard,” Shiv Sena (UBT) gen-
eral secretary Anil Desai stat-
<>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D from Leepa in the North to the wo days after his party should know about it.... Giving ed in his letter to the ECI.

key terrorist launch com-

areas in PoJ&K, opposite
Rajouri in the South,” an army
T flagged the issue of reli-
gious plank used by the ruling
the BJP a free hit and dismiss-
ing us as a hit wicket does not
Drawing the ECI’s attention to
the promise made to voters by
A mander, active across the
line of control in Pakistan-
official said.
Bashir Ahmad Malik was
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in
the Madhya Pradesh Assembly
amount to holding free and fair
elections,” the Shiv Sena (UBT)
senior BJP leader Amit Shah,
during his MP Assembly poll
occupied Kashmir for over chiefly responsible for facili- polls, Shiv Sena (UBT) presi- president said. campaign, that if they voted for
three decades, was among the tating the infiltration of a num- dent Uddhav Thackeray on Earlier in the day, the Shiv the BJP, it would arrange free-
two terrorists neutralised by the ber of terrorists who caused the Thursday upped the ante by Sena(UBT) shot off a letter to of-cost 'darshan' of Ramlala at
security forces during an anti- death of many Indian citizens, accusing the Election the ECI, alleging that the dou- Ayodhya, Desai said:
infiltration operation 'Kali' in both security forces personnel Commission of India (ECI) of Assembly polls Union Home ble standards applied by the “Pertinently, Amit Shah also
the Uri sector of North as well as civilians. practising “double standards” Minister Amit Shah had gone Commission were "intriguing" reminded the voters about the
Kashmir's Baramulla district, a Referring to the repeated inci- while implementing the model to town, promising the voters yet "understandable" since it is cost implication of having dar-
senior army officer said on dents of infiltration in the code of conduct for the poll, that if the BJP was voted back publicly perceived to be in shan of Ramlala and promised
Thursday. region Col Raghav said “We to favour the BJP. to power in Madhya Pradesh it alignment with the BJP's that everyone will have free
Meanwhile, another encounter tion was launched in the early number remains unconfirmed have a robust line of control Citing how his late Sena supre- “would take all the voters in the actions during elections or darshan of Ramlala once the
was going on at Samno, D.H hours of 15 November on spe- due to the proximity to the security grid and we are on a mo Bal Thackeray was disen- state” free of cost to Ayodhya otherwise. BJP is re-elected in Madhya
Pora area of Kulgam district till cific intelligence from “own LoC,” he said. high vigil. franchised in 1995 for six years for darshan at the upcoming "We will be obliged if the Pradesh”
the time of filing the report. sources and Special Branch, The officer said two bodies The Indian Army is well pre- for his communal speeches in Lord Ram temple there, Commission were to clarify to “Incidentally, the Hon'ble
In Uri, the slain terrorist com- Srinagar, with respect to the were recovered, along with pared to defeat any such infil- the 1986 State Assembly by- “Has the ECI changed the the Shiv Sena about the use of Prime Minister, while address-
mander has been identified as likelihood of infiltration of ter- warlike stores, including AK tration attempts and we will not polls, Uddhav demanded to rules? Does the ruling BJP religion in the course of state ing a public rally during the
Bashir Ahmad Malik while rorists across Line of Control in series rifles, two pistols, a few let the enemy succeed with his know if the ECI – which had know about the changes made and the Lok Sabha election in Karnataka assembly elections,
another killed terrorist was Uri sector”.“Joint operation Chinese grenades, ammuni- devious designs,” he added. acted against his father for by the ECI and we don’t?. The 2024. That will help all politi- overtly appealed to the people
identified as Ahmad Gani parties were deployed, and in tion, medical supplies, eatables, He said the weather during the “pro-Hindutva” campaign -- Election Commission should cal parties for we will all get to at large to chant Bajrang Bali ki
Sheikh. the early hours of November Pakistani currency, and iden- operation was inclement and had changed its rules in acting clarify whether what happened know what the Commission Jai and press the voting button
"His neutralization is a major 15, our surveillance tracked the tification papers. the area of this operation was those violating the model in 1986 was as per the rules or believes are the contours of the on EVM,” Desai wrote.
blow dealt by us to the terror movement of terrorists across The army officer said, “The treacherous in terms of terrain. code of conduct what is happening today is as standards required when it “......Shah's promise for free
infrastructure across the line of the LoC,” he said salient aspect of this operation Earlier, on October 30, securi- In his criticism of the ECI, per the rules. Then the ECI had comes to the use of religion, Darshan of Ram temple should
control and its sympathizers The Army Officer said that is the neutralization of Bashir ty forces had killed an infiltra- Uddhav said that the ECI had concluded that the words used religious symbols, idioms and not be confined to the people
and supporters," Col Raghav upon infiltrating, the terrorists Ahmed Malik. tor along LoC in north failed to act against Prime by the late Sena chief were cor- language, including propagat- of Madhya Pradesh but be
Commanding Officer 8RR told were engaged, leading to an He was an important cog in the Kashmir’s Kupwara district. Minister Narendra Modi for his rupt practice. And my father ing Hindutva, consistent with made applicable to all Hindu
reporters during a press brief- exchange of gunfire. Pakistan-enabled cross-border On October 26, security forces appeal to the voters in the came to be disenfranchised the standards adopted by the citizens of India that too as
ing in Baramulla. “Following the exchange, a terrorism in Jammu and foiled another infiltration bid recent Karnataka Assembly for six years in 1995,” Uddhav Commission in the past. That many times as they wish and
Flanked by SP (HQs) detailed search of the area Kashmir. He was an important and neutralised five Lashkar-e- polls to “say Bajrangbali ki jai said. will ensure that the according to their conve-
Baramulla, Divya D Col revealed numerous terrorist terrorist launch commander for Taiba (LeT) terrorists along the while voting”. “We strongly believe that the Commission does not apply nience,” the Sena (UBT leader
Raghav said, "The joint opera- casualties, though the exact various terrorist organizations LoC in the Kupwara district. In the Madhya Pradesh model code of conduct has double standards in this said.

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B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 on the Centre’s decision. BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 tuated between the "very poor" over the past several years
Earlier the Union Education and "severe" categories on which has led to a significant BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 November 20.
otwithstanding Centre’s Ministry directed the Visva s Delhi's air quality oscil- Thursday because improvement in the air qual- Given these findings, the com-
N move to bur y the
Shantiniketan plaque contro-
Bharati authorities to replace
the three controversial plaques
A lated between the 'very
poor' and 'severe' categories
unfavourable meteorological
conditions hindered the dis-
ity as was appreciated in the
Economic Survey 2022-2023 T he Delhi Pollution Control
Committee (DPCC) has
mittee has suggested accepting
the results of the IIT's studies
versy by directing the Visva that had triggered a huge pub- throughout the day, Lieutenant persion of pollutants, the LG tabled in the parliament. informed the National Green and using the already erected
Bharati university authorities to lic outcry in the State barely a Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena highlighted that the problem Stressing that firecrackers add Tribunal (NGT) that smog towers as museums for the dis-
remove the earlier tablets bear- few months ahead of the gen- came down heavily on the can be mitigated by reducing to the menace, the LG said the towers are not a “practical semination of technical infor-
ing only the names of Prime eral elections inscribed on AAP governments in Punjab the "dust that our unrepaired most affected in this "gas solution” to curb pollution in mation about the control of air
Minister Narendra Modi and them the names of the Prime and Delhi on Thursday, alleg- roads, unpaved pavements and chamber" are those who com- the national capital mainly due pollution.
then Vice Chancellor Bidyut Minister who is also the ing that the former is playing construction sites cause" and mute on roads to earn their to its enormous cost. "In case 17% reduction in 100
Chakrabarty on them (instead Chancellor of the central uni- "truant" on the issue of stub- curbing vehicular emissions. daily bread. "The poor and the In the report, DPCC's senior m radius is to be considered
of the Poet Laureate Asia’s first Nobel Laureate versity, the then Vice ble burning and the latter He said Delhi can do little to hapless living in slums and scientist Nandita Moitra said favourable Delhi needs more
Rabindranath Tagore who wrote. Chancellor --- whose term involved in "over-hyped stop crop-residue smoke from unauthorised colonies whose the Delhi area, which is 1,483 than 40,000 such towers to
founded the grand institution “Rabindranath Tagore wrote ended a few days ago --- but events" like the odd-even other states and added that lungs are frying because they sq km, may require more than cover its geographic area. This
that recently received the mostly in Bengali, he set up not the name of the founder of road-rationing scheme, while "blaming others should not be can't afford to sit at home and 47229 smog towers costing Rs cannot be a practical solution
UNESCO World Heritage sta- Shantiniketan in Bengal and the UNESCO awarded World the national capital is gasping an alibi for gross inaction buy air purifiers. 11,80,725 crore (approx) plus a and the result of the experi-
tus)— there was no sign of the despite the institution being a Heritage Site. for breath due to alarming lev- over the years". "We can do lit- "The real solution to pollution recurring cost of about Rs 15 ment should be accepted and
dispute resolving. central university winning a Though Visva Bharati els of air pollution. Saxena also tle to stop crop residue smoke in Delhi lies in Delhi itself. We lakh per month for each tower. Smog Tower already erected
This, following a new directive UNESCO world heritage status spokesperson Mahua accused the Punjab govern- from other states, apart from can mitigate the choking smog It has also said that the two may be used for dissemination
from the Union Government to the people mostly visit it are Bandyopadhyay said that she ment of "playing truant". pleading with them. Despite by reducing the dust that our smog towers installed at Anand of the technical information
the University authorities to Bengalis ... so I would request “cannot confirm anything Setting the stage for a fresh states, especially Punjab, play- unrepaired roads, unpaved Vihar and Connaught Place about control of air pollution as
remove the controversial plate the authorities to consider hav- about the plaques unless we confrontation between the ing truant, we are, but peti- pavements and construction have not been effective. museum," the DPCC's report
and form a four-member com- ing the details engraved in have a written communiqué LG's office and the Aam tioners for mercy. AQI yet sites cause. We can employ The DPCC referred to reports said. Reduction of pollution by
mittee of educational experts to Bengali alongside English and from the Union education min- Aadmi Party (AAP) dispensa- hovers around 400, making effective means to curb our from the Indian Institutes of just 17 per cent within a 100-
suggest the design of a new Hindi,” said Supriya Tagore istry,” inside sources confirmed tion in Delhi, Saxena asserted the capital gasp," he said in a vehicular emissions," he Technology (IIT) in Bombay metre radius at a capital cost of
plaque that would have the one of the descendants of the the Centre’s decision that that blaming others for the post on X. added. "Since the deadly smog and Delhi to highlight that Rs 25 crore and a recurring cost
name of Rabindranath Tagore poet. seemed to have put the BJP pollution problem will not Responding to LG’s statement, in 2016, this has become a within a 100-meter radius, a of Rs 10 to 15 lakh per month
inscribed on it --- but only in The non-BJP politicians from which was eying 35 parlia- help and the solution lies the AAP government said the recurrent issue subjected to smog tower can only reduce is "not at all justified. It is not
English and Hindi languages Bengal immediately picked up mentary seats in Bengal in a within the city itself. Arvind Kejriwal government nothing but platitude and pollution by 17 percent. The even a drop in the ocean", the
and not Bengali in which the the cue and demanded rethink politically precarious situation. As the air quality of Delhi fluc- has taken a slew of measures rhetoric. matter will be heard next on DPCC report said.

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A ePRP]c=44C?6!!"bTPcb
s Israel-Hamas conflict rages, India on
Thursday once again called for de-escalat-
ing the situation and underlined the need for C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 The video that had gone viral
observing international humanitarian law in the showed Patekar – dressed in in ours after its rescue, a five-
face of increasing civilian casualties in the con-
flict. A day after a video clip show-
ing him slap a teenaged
a brown blazer and a hat --slap-
ping a boy who comes from
H ton whale calf died in the
Arabian Sea off Ratnagiri coast
Ministry of External Affairs(MEA)spokesper- boy for attempting to take a behind starts taking a selfie and its carcass washed ashore
son Arindam Bagchi said at his weekly media selfie with him at Varanasi with him on the sets of his on Ganpatipule beach in
briefing that India is looking at sending more went viral, veteran actor Nana upcoming film “Journey” shot Ratnagiri district of coastal
humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian peo- Israel continued its operation at the Al-Shifa hos- Patekar on Thursday apolo- on a street leading to the Konkan region, on Thursday.
ple. pital in Gaza City on Wednesday night. Israel gised to the boy with folded Dashashwamedh Ghat at The whale calf, measuring
Israel is carrying out a military operation in Gaza has been maintaining that the hospital was being hands, terming it as a case of Varanasi. The video showed around 30-feet and weighing an
following the multi-pronged attacks on Israeli used as a base by Hamas. ‘mistaken’ identity that took that the actor – who apparent- estimated 5000 kilograms, was
cities by Hamas militants on October 7. Hamas killed around 1,400 people in Israel and ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q to mention that this Special place during the course of a ly did not kindly to the boy’s initially found stuck in the soft
Asked about New Delhi's view on Israeli troops kidnapped more than 220 others. Around =4F34;78 Stray Vacancy Round will be shooting of his upcoming film act, hits him on his head from sands of the Ganpatipule beach
undertaking an operation at the Al-Shifa hos- 11,500 people have been killed in Gaza in the the last round for Postgraduate sequence. behind in the early hours of Monday.
pital in Gaza City, Bagchi said the issue is not Israeli offensive, according to the Hamas-run he Medical Counselling courses for this academic year After he was trolled viciously In the video posted on his In a massive rescue operation,
about one particular facility and that India has
always underlined the need for following inter-
authorities in Gaza.
There has been mounting criticism of Israel for
T Committee (MCC) has
announced a ‘Special Stray
i.e 2023,” said the MCC in an
official notice.
on the social media for smack-
ing a young fan who attempt-
Instagram handle, Patekar
said:“The video which is cir-
the district fire brigade, police,
fisheries department, Indian
national law. the death of a large number of civilians includ- Vacancy Round for the vacant As per the statement, candi- ed to click selfie with him, a culating on social media has Coast Guard, environmentalist,
"The issue is not about one facility or a specif- ing women and children in Gaza in its military MD/ MS/ Diploma/ MDS Seats dates without a seat in either the chastened 72-year-old Patekar been misinterpreted by many. a private company, and local
ic facility. India has always underlined the need operations. of AIQ and State Quota’ round All India Quota or state quota put out a video, in which he What actually happened was volunteers managed to push the
for civilian casualties to be avoided, for human- "We had also talked about how India had sent for NEET PG Counselling are eligible, except those who asked the boy to “forgive” him due to a misunderstanding whale calf back into the sand,
itarian law to be observed, and to encourage any 38 tonnes of humanitarian relief materials. We 2023, aiming to fill remaining didn't join seats allotted for his misbehaviour and said during the rehearsal of a shot virtually inch-by-inch, till it
efforts to provide humanitarian relief to those are looking to send more assistance," he said. postgraduate medical seats. As through MCC round-3 it was a case of ”mistaken” iden- from my upcoming film could comfortably swim into
caught in the conflict," he said. Bagchi noted that India strongly condemned the per the schedule, registration onwards while those candi- tity. ‘Journey’” the sea.
"We have also, on the larger issue, talked about attacks by Hamas on Israel. "We had also strong- for the special counselling will dates who fail to join their allot-
efforts to de-escalate the situation, deliver ly condemned the horrific terrorist attack on begin from Friday. ted seat in this round will for-

humanitarian assistance, our concern at the October 7 and our zero tolerance for terrorism The move follows concerns feit their security deposit and be
humanitarian (situation and) increasing civil- and the need for immediate and uncondition- that despite NEET-PG 2023 debarred from the NEET exam
ian toll," he said. al release of the hostages," he said. Cut-off to zero, over 1400 seats the following year.

for the NEET PG are yet to be Also, “data of allotted candi-
filled. According to a statement dates in this round will be
issued here by the MCC, eligi- shared with states, and candi-
ble candidates can apply dates allotted seats by MCC
through the official website, won't be allowed admission in BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 way Land compensation award, investigation by the ED. The registration state counselling.” This round sources said on Thursday. The According to the sources, the
process will close on November doesn't offer an opportunity for he Delhi government has Vigilance Minister mentioned minister mentioned that after
22, with the choice filling and
locking period running from
upgrade; candidates who joined
in earlier rounds won't have a
T sent to the CBI and the ED
a report of Vigilance Minister
that after the preliminary inves-
tigation by the Department of
her preliminary investigation
on CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal's
November 18 to November 22. chance to upgrade their seats, Atishi alleging "prima facie Vigilance, it appeared that In directions, She found that
Seat allotments will be revealed clarified the notice. complicity" of Chief Secretary view of the scale of the alleged Since the land was purchased
on November 24, and success- In September, the Ministry had Naresh Kumar in the Bamnoli corruption and prima facie by the beneficiaries at only 7%
ful candidates must report to reduced to NEET-PG 2023 land acquisition matter, establishment of the abuse of of the circle rate in 2015, there
their allocated institutes Cut-off to zero, for candidates requesting a probe. Sources authority by the high-ranking is a likelihood that the
between November 25 and to be eligible for counselling said Vigilance Minister Atishi officials, this case should come remaining 93% payment may
November 30. across all categories. As per the wrote to the directors of the ED under the purview of CBI's have been done in cash. It
“All the NEET PG 2023 eligible ministry, reducing the qualify- and CBI recommending an Prevention of Corruption Act appears that the exorbitant
candidates are hereby informed ing percentile for NEET PG investigation into the alleged 1988. While, 93% of payment award of land compensation
that to prevent wastage of pre- 2023 to zero aimed to increase involvement of Chief Secretary of the land purchased by the is not only a case of corrup-
cious medical seats, the Union the pool of qualifying candi- Naresh Kumar, DM South West beneficiaries, may have been tion but might involve money
Health Ministry has decided to dates but not dilute the merit Delhi, Hemant Kumar, and done in cash. Which might laundering as well making it
conduct the Special Stray system for admission to PG Division Commissioner involve money laundering as a case fit for investigation by
Vacancy Round. It is pertinent medical courses. Ashwani Kumar in Dwarka E- well making it a case fit for the ED.
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A s rescuers continued their

efforts on the fifth day to
provide immediate medical
care to the trapped workers on
their evacuation, officials said.
Doctors have advised that the
?C8 Q :>;:0C0
rescue 40 workers stranded by workers would need both phys-
debris inside the under-con- ical and mental rehabilitation ive-time champions
struction Silkyara tunnel in
Uttarkashi district of
upon being rescued.
The victims might experience
F Australia excelled on the big
stage yet again as they pulled
Uttarakhand on Thursday, panic attacks because of being off a scrappy three-wicket win
authorities are also seeking the trapped in closed spaces for to shatter South African
help of experts from Norway long, said Dr Ajay Agarwal, dreams and reach their eighth
and Thailand who were director, Internal Medicine AT ODI World Cup final here on
involved in rescuing the junior Fortis Hospital in Noida. Thursday.
football team from a cave in Officials of the executing On a challenging turner, David
Thailand in 2018. agency NHIDCL informed that Miller absorbed extreme pres-
A heavy-duty drilling machine all the workers stranded in the sure on his way to a rearguard
bored through 12 metres of tunnel have adequate food, 101, taking South Africa to a
rubble of the collapsed tunnel oxygen, and drinking water fighting total of 212 after los-
on the Char Dham route in along with electricity supply. ing their first four wickets for
Uttarakhand on Thursday, rais- All the stranded workers are 24 runs in the second semifi- 0dbcaP[XP´bCaPeXb7TPS_[PhbPbW^cSdaX]V2aXRZTcF^a[S2d_bTR^]SbT\XUX]P[
ing hopes for the rescue of 40 reported to be in stable condi- nal. It was a below-par total, but \PcRWPVPX]bcB^dcW0UaXRPPccWT4ST]6PaST]bX]:^[ZPcP^]CWdabSPh ?C8
workers trapped inside for over tion. The officials hope to res- the Proteas did make a match
four days. Officials said in the cue the stranded workers at the out of it with a spirited bowl- from defeats in their first two brought another twist into the
evening that a six-metre section earliest, but the actual time it ing effort. However, as they games against India and South game with twin strikes. In the
of a steel pipe had been insert- will take to complete the rescue often do, Australia held their Africa. end, the experience of
ed into the bored passage. operation will depend on how nerve to close out the game in Australia began the chase on Cummins and Starc came in
Another section was being BTRdaXch_Tab^]]T[PccWTd]STaR^]bcadRcX^]cd]]T[QTcfTT]BX[ZhPaPP]S3P]SP[VP^]^]cWT1aPW\PZWP[HP\d]^caX]PcX^]P[ the drilling operation goes. 47.2 overs, setting up a mouth- an aggressive with Travis Head handy.
welded into it. WXVWfPhSPhbPUcTaXcR^[[P_bTScaP__X]VbTeTaP[f^aZTabX]bXSTX]DccPaZPbWXSXbcaXRc^]CWdabSPh ?C8 The 4,531-metre-long Silkyara watering showdown against (62 off 48), and his opening Earlier, under gloomy and
The plan is to insert 800 mm tunnel, under construction fierce rivals India in partner David Warner (29 off windy conditions, South Africa
and 900 mm diameter pipes, Earlier in the day, Union He said experts in the country escape tunnel through this under the Radi Pass area, is to Ahmedabad on Sunday. 18) slamming 60 runs in the showed familiar signs of chok-
one after the other, with the Minister of State for Road and abroad have been consult- stretch failed earlier, three IAF join the Gangotri and Living with the chokers’ tag for first six overs. ing when their top-four
help of the giant drill till an Transport and Highways VK ed on the rescue operation. C1-30 aircraft transported a Yamunotri axis at a cost of decades, South Africa came up South African spinners brought Quinton De Kock (3), Temba
escape passage is created for the Singh visited the site of the In Dehradun, Chief Minister heavier and more powerful C853.79 crore under the ambi- short in another ICC knockout their team into the game with Bavuma (0), Rassie van der
workers stranded beyond the mishap to check on the rescue Pushkar Singh Dhami said drilling machine to Uttarkashi. tious Char Dham project. game but were able to take the Aiden Markram (1/23) dis- Dussen (6) and Aiden
collapsed portion of the under- efforts. Prime Minister Narendra Modi This machine was assembled Officials said that once com- game right down to the wire. missing David Warner and Markram (10) departed cheap-
construction tunnel. The authorities are doing their is constantly monitoring the and made operational inside plete, the tunnel will consider- They dropped as many as five Keshav Maharaj (1/24) ending ly to have them reeling at 24/4
After earlier attempts to drill best, Singh said and expressed situation. The Uttarakhand the tunnel. Officials said that a ably benefit the pilgrims, pro- tough catching chances, prov- Head’s stay in the middle. in 12 overs.
through the debris failed due to hope that all the stranded Government has decided to nine-metre stretch had been viding all-weather connectivi- ing to be the difference in a Leftarm wrist spinner Tabraiz Mitchell Starc (10-1-34-3) and
mechanical issues, a more pow- workers will soon be rescued review all under-construction covered from 10:30 am to 4:30 ty and shortening the distance low-scoring game. Shamsi (2/42) then further Josh Hazlewood (8-3-12-2)
erful drill, transported by three safely. The Union Minister, tunnels in the State, he said. pm. At least six-metre pipe by 26 kilometres and one hour Australian skipper Pat complicated the matters by were breathing fire
Indian Air Force aircraft, was who also spoke to some of the “We need such tunnels and pushing had been completed, of travel time through steep, Cummins (14 not out off 29) taking two big wickets of making full use of the
assembled at the site and made stranded workers, said that many of them are being built in and welding for the second mountainous, and narrow and Mitchell Starc (16 not out Maruns Labuschagne (18) and conditions, but after a 40-
operational on Thursday. efforts are being made to expe- the state. We will review wher- pipe was in progress in the roads prone to accidents and off 38) survived some tense the dangerous Glenn Maxwell minute rain delay, it was the
Officials stated that the dite the rescue operation. The ever they are being construct- evening. landslides. moments before taking the to spice up the contest. Miller show.
machine had started drilling, minister said the site where the ed,” Dhami said. A six-bed makeshift health The 40 workers have been team over the line. At 137/5, Australia had Steve Miller’s 116 ball-effort was his
and a nine-metre stretch had tunnel is being constructed A stretch about 40 metres long facility has been set up and 10 stranded since a portion of The win extends Australia’s Smith and Josh Inglis in the sixth ODI century and the
been drilled by early evening, has been stable for the past four has been filled with debris. ambulances with doctors also the tunnel collapsed on remarkable run in the tourna- middle and 74 runs to get first one for Proteas in a World
with the operation continuing. and a half years. After attempts to prepare an stationed outside the tunnel to November 12. ment, having bounced back before Gerald Coetzee (2/47) Cup knock-out game.

A094B7:D<0AQ =4F34;78

A s the Air Quality Index

(AQI) worsened to a severe
X]6PiPPVPX]bc7P\Pb According to the India
Meteorological Department
(IMD), calm winds and low
temperatures are exacerbating
categor y, the Delhi the accumulation of pollutants, 0? Q :70=H>D=8B four people at a checkpoint on
Government announced on with relief unlikely in the com- the main road linking
Thursday the formation of a ing days. Recent findings from sraeli forces dropped leaflets Jerusalem to Israeli settlements
six-member Special Task Force
(STF) to ensure the rigorous
a joint project by the Delhi
Government and IIT-Kanpur
warning Palestinians to flee
of southern Gaza, resi-
in the occupied West Bank.
The three attackers were killed,
enforcement of measures out- found that vehicular emissions dents said on Thursday, sig- according to police, who said
lined in the Centre’s air pollu- accounted for about 38 per cent nalling a possible expansion of the assailants had assault rifles,
tion control plan to combat of the Capital’s air pollution on their offensive to areas where handguns and hatchets, and
pollution in the coming days. Wednesday, reducing to 25 per hundreds of thousands of peo- were preparing a large-scale
According to Delhi cent on Thursday. ple who heeded earlier evacu- attack in Jerusalem.
Environment Minister Gopal B\^VaTSdRTbeXbXQX[XchX]3T[WX^]CWdabSPh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa
Secondar y inorganic ation orders are crowded into Israeli troops stormed into
Rai, the STF will be led by the aerosols — particles such as UN-run shelters and family Gaza’s largest hospital on
Special Secretar y Indian Institutes of Technology hours, taking the total number sulfate and nitrate formed in homes. Wednesday, searching for
(Environment), and its mem- (IIT) in Bombay and Delhi to of such cases to 31,932. the atmosphere due to the Meanwhile, soldiers contin- traces of Hamas inside and
bers will include senior officials highlight that within a 100- Delhi Lieutenant Governor interaction of gases and partic- ued searching Shifa Hospital in beneath the facility, where new-
from the Departments of metre radius, a smog tower can Vinai Kumar Saxena came ulate pollutants from sources the north, in a raid that began borns and hundreds of other
Transport, Traffic, Revenue, only reduce pollution by 17 per down heavily on the govern- like power plants, refineries, early on Wednesday. patients have suffered for days
Municipal Corporation of cent. The matter will be heard ment and said blaming other and vehicles — are the second They displayed guns they say B\^ZTaXbTbPUcTaP]8baPT[XbcaXZT^]cWT6PiPBcaX_^]CWdabSPh 0??C8 without electricity and other
Delhi (MCD), and Public next on November 20. The States for Delhi pollution is not major contributor to Delhi’s were found hidden in one basic necessities.
Works Department (PWD). Arvind Kejriwal Government a solution, and the real solution foul air, accounting for 30 to 35 building, but have yet to release electricity are increasingly and crush its military capabil- Troops searched the under-
On the other hand, the has been advocating smog tow- lies in Delhi itself. Delhi needs per cent of the air pollution in any evidence of the central scarce. ities. ground levels of the hospital on
Delhi Pollution Control ers to combat pollution. action, not mere posturing, the city over the last few days. Hamas command centre that It is not clear where else they More than 11,200 Palestinians Thursday and detained techni-
Committee (DPCC) informed The average AQI was the LG posted on X, formerly Earlier in the day, Rai held Israel has said is concealed could go, as Egypt refuses to have been killed, two-thirds of cians responsible for running
the National Green Tribunal recorded at 419 on Thursday, known as Twitter, adding that a meeting with departments on beneath the complex. Hamas allow a mass transfer onto its them women and minors, its equipment, the Health
(NGT) that smog towers are compared to 401 on politics can wait. the effective implementation of and staff at the hospital, Gaza’s soil. The war, now in its sixth according to Palestinian health Ministry in Hamas-run Gaza
not a “practical solution” to Wednesday. It was 397 on “We can do little to stop anti-air pollution measures and largest, deny the allegations. week, was triggered by a wide- authorities. Another 2,700 have said in a statement.
curb pollution, stating that the Tuesday, 358 on Monday, 218 crop residue smoke from other announced the formation of a Broadening operations to the ranging Hamas attack into been reported missing, with The military said its soldiers
Delhi area, which is 1,483 on Sunday, 220 on Saturday, States, apart from pleading Special Task Force to combat south — where Israel already southern Israel on October 7 in most believed to be buried were accompanied by medical
sqkm, may require 47,229 and 279 on Friday. with them. Despite States, espe- pollution in the national capi- carries out daily air raids — which the militants killed over under the rubble. The official teams bringing in incubators
smog towers costing approxi- Neighbouring Ghaziabad cially Punjab playing truant, we tal after the meeting. The STF threatens to worsen an already 1,200 people, mostly civilians, count does not differentiate and other supplies.
mately C11,80,725 crore, plus a (376), Gurugram (363), Greater are but petitioners for mercy. will coordinate with all the severe humanitarian crisis in and captured some 240 men, between civilian and militant After encircling Shifa for days,
recurring cost of about C15 Noida (340), Noida (355), and AQI yet hovers around 400, departments involved in the the besieged territory. Over women and children. Israel deaths, and Israel says it has Israel faces pressure to prove its
lakh per month for each tower. Faridabad (424) too recorded making the Capital gasp,” the enforcement of pollution con- 1.5 million people have been responded with a weekslong air killed thousands of militants. claim that Hamas used the
In the report, DPCC’s senior very poor to severe air quality. LG wrote. Saxena also accused trol measures and submit a internally displaced in Gaza, campaign and a ground inva- The war has inflamed ten- patients, staff and civilians
scientist Nandita Moitra Punjab on Thursday reported the Punjab Government of daily report to the govern- with most having fled to the sion of northern Gaza, vowing sions elsewhere. On Thursday, sheltering there to provide
referred to reports from the 1,271 farm fires in the last 24 “playing truant.” ment, Rai told reporters. south, where food, water and to remove Hamas from power gunmen shot and wounded cover for its fighters.

344?0::D<0A970Q transactions within a unified simplifying the pitching Newsroom system assesses groundbreaking patent promis-
=4F34;78 platform, offering a straightfor- process for writers worldwide, submitted content with dynam- es to bring a revolution in jour- ?C8 QF>>3B83420;85>A=80 said about the four-hour-long tive and productive discussions
ward solution for journalists said Lalit. ic ratings to determine eligibil- nalism, connecting journalists meeting, the first in-person we have had.”
ver the past decade, jour- and organisations to buy and “Notably, 58 per cent of jour- ity for registration. It further and editors through technolo- S President Joe Biden has summit since they met on the Biden and Xi have agreed to
O nalism has indeed under-
gone a significant transforma-
sell content seamlessly in one
integrated environment.
nalists prioritise content and
news accuracy as their fore-
recommends search results
through intricate keyword
gy, ensuring that high-quality
content reaches a global audi-
U once again called his
Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping
sidelines of the G20 Summit in
Bali, Indonesia in November
resume high-level military-to-
military communication and
tion in print, broadcast, and, “Journalism is on the brink of most concern. An additional 27 analysis, geographical rele- ence seamlessly. oper- a “dictator”, just hours after they 2022. counter-narcotics cooperation
most notably, the online arena. transformative evolution,” said per cent focus on maintaining vance, and demographic make- ates as a multilingual e-com- met for the first time in more Biden previously compared Xi, as they met for four hours in a
This online space now delivers Jha, who is also the Chief US credibility and combating fake up of the target audience. merce platform where profes- than a year and held candid 70, to dictators during a June bid to establish a working rela-
news and articles directly to the Correspondent of the Press news. An additional 27 per cent Simultaneously, it also features sional journalists can sell their and productive discussions to political fundraiser in tionship amidst Beijing’s
reader’s palm, condensed into Trust of India based in focus on maintaining credibil- dynamic pricing to match pub- ready-to-use products, ser- revive bilateral ties. California as he discussed Xi’s aggressive actions in the Indo-
capsule items for convenience. Washington. ity and combating fake news,” lishers with content that fits vices, and The two leaders met on the reaction to US fighter jets Pacific region.
The latest addition poised to This pioneering leap in journal- Lalit adds. their budgets. creative work to news media sidelines of the Asia-Pacific shooting down a Chinese spy The two leaders also affirmed
revolutionise journalism is the ism harnesses innovative AI Om Jha shared his perspective, Dr Raj S Davé, the team’s attor- outlets. Economic Cooperation sum- balloon over American air- the need to address the risks of
advent of Artificial Intelligence. and machine learning, utilising stating, “When we envisioned ney, echoed the significance of The website has established a mit in San Francisco. space in February. advanced artificial intelligence
In this regard, Lalit Jha, a a virtual newsroom system to this AI system, our goal was to this achievement, saying, “It has virtual newsroom through a “Well, look, he is (a dictator),” The latest remarks could spark (AI) systems and improve AI
senior US-based Indian-origin verify news authenticity. It improve operational efficiency been a privilege to help the Jhas unique blend of IT and human Biden told reporters in a possible backlash from China. safety through US-China gov-
journalist, has worked on maintains a database of media and boost transparency across and 5WH secure such a unique intelligence. The platform response to a question when The last time Biden called Xi a ernment talks during their
evolving the ‘Virtual outlets, journalists, and topics. news, content creation, and patent. It is a significant employs a stringent vetting reminded about the similar dictator, at a June fundraiser in meeting on the sidelines of the
Newsroom System,’ dedicated When news is received, it dissemination.” moment for the media indus- process for journalists and uses remarks he had made about Xi Northern California, Chinese Asia-Pacific Economic
to aiding and addressing the assigns scores to each based on The Virtual Newsroom patent try, which rarely sees technol- multiple layers of quality con- early this year. officials called the remarks Cooperation summit in San
demands of journalists. stored information and calcu- powers the innovative 5WH ogy-driven patents of this trol to ensure the delivery of “I mean, he is a dictator in the absurd and a provocation. Francisco. Biden said since their
Jha collaborated with his son, lates an overall truth score, platform. What sets this patent scope.” reliable and authentic content sense that he is a guy who runs Biden’s comment could also last meeting in Bali, on the side-
Georgian computer scientist influencing how news is pre- apart is its AI-powered recom- As the media landscape under- to media outlets. The content a country that is a communist threaten to derail the positive lines of the G20, the key mem-
Om Jha, to patent it. This sented. Its goal is to revolu- mendation system, which goes a technological renais- offerings encompass a wide country that’s based on a form energy coming out of the meet- bers of the two governments
patent addresses concerns by tionise the industry, making brings an unprecedented level sance, 5WH, powered by the array of media types, including of government totally different ing, which Biden described have had important discussions
providing a virtual newsroom high-quality content more of efficiency to the media Virtual Newsroom patent, is text, audio, photographs, than ours,” Biden said. earlier in the news conference on issues that matter to both the
system that streamlines content accessible to media outlets and industr y. The Virtual poised to lead the way. This videos, and animations.” “Anyway, we made progress,” he as “some of the most construc- nations and to the world.
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A &!!" ]PcX^] #

?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q former walked across the con- week to attend the fifth edition activities, particularly the During his meeting with Partnership towards 2030’
=4F34;78 ference room to meet Rajnath of the "2+2" ministerial dia- Initiative for Women in UN Defence Minister of Indonesia signed during the visit of
on the sidelines of ADMM plus logue with their Indian coun- Peacekeeping Operations, and Prabowo Subianto, Rajnath Raksha Mantri to Vietnam in
efence Minister Rajnath meeting. terparts. Initiative for Marine Plastic appreciated Indonesia’s leader- June 2022.
D Singh on Thursday reiter-
ated India’s commitment to
Both leaders used this oppor-
tunity to quickly review the
Ways to expand the coopera-
tion between India and the US
Pollution Response.
He also appreciated ASEAN
ship of ASEAN this year, and
the excellent organisation of the
They committed to work
together for the deepening of
freedom of navigation, over- tremendous progress achieved figured in the "2+2" dialogue as Member States’ active partici- ADMM-Plus. the multifaceted bilateral
flight and unimpeded lawful in India US defence partner- well. pation in the maiden ASEAN- The two Ministers took stock defence ties, spanning across a
commerce in the internation- ship in recent years. They dis- In his address at the AADM India Maritime Exercise held in of the bilateral defence rela- wide spectrum covering train-
al waters in accordance with cussed how India and US could conclave, Rajnath affirmed the May this year, as well as in the tionship and re-committed to ing, capacity building, defence
international laws, including contribute together to ASEAN ASEAN centrality and appre- Expert Working Group (EWG) further strengthen coopera- industry cooperation, UN
United Nations Convention centrality in the Indo Pacific ciated its role in promoting dia- on Humanitarian Assistance tion, particularly in the mar- Peacekeeping, bilateral ship
on the Law of the Sea (UNC- and the cause of “Peace logue and consensus in the and Disaster Relief (HADR) itime domain. They also visits and exercises.
LOS) 1982. His remarks were Prosperity and Security” – The region, the defence ministry activities, of which India and reviewed the regular exchanges Rajnath met with Secretary
in apparent reference to China’s theme of ADMM Plus 2023 said here. Indonesia are co-chairs in the in the form of training, staff General of ASEAN Dr Kao
aggressive stance in the Indo- meeting. The Defence Minister called for current 2020-2023 cycle. talks and exercises, and dis- Kim Hourn on the sidelines of
Pacific region and South China They also discussed ways to regional security initiatives that Recognising that terrorism is a cussed avenues for promotion 10th ADMM-Plus. While reit-
sea. expand the India US partner- are consultative and develop- serious threat to international of defence industry collabora- erating India’s continued sup-
Rajnath made these observa- ship to address emerging chal- ment-oriented to reflect the peace and security, including in tion. Both countries have co- port to ASEAN Centrality, the
tions in Jakarta, Indonesia dur- lenges and further strengthen larger consensus among vari- global level and have adverse Rajnath stressed the role of dia- the ASEAN region, India pro- chaired Expert Working Group defence minister appreciated
ing the 10th Association of the common efforts towards a ous stakeholders. He commit- implications for food security, logue and diplomacy to have posed to co-chair the EWG on (EWG) on Humanitarian ASEAN Member States’ enthu-
South East Asian more secure world. The two ted towards nurturing practical, energy security, Rajnath reit- enduring peace, and in ensur- Counter-Terrorism. This pro- Assistance and Disaster Relief siastic participation in India-
Nations(ASEAN) Defence leaders had earlier met in New forward-looking and result- erated India’s commitment to ing global stability. He reaf- posal was endorsed by (HADR) for the cycle 2021- ASEAN activities including
Ministers’ Meeting - Plus Delhi on November 10 where oriented cooperation with work with ASEAN and Plus firmed India’s message to the ADMM-Plus as terrorism 2024. Rajnath Singh also held the 1st ASEAN-India Informal
(ADMM-Plus). they had resolved to advance ADMM-Plus for enhancing countries to ensure peace, pros- world at large, that “this is not remains a serious concern to talks with Minister of National Defence Ministers’ Meeting,
In a related development, as a defence technology coopera- maritime security in the region. perity and security, which is an an era of war”, and spoke about countries in the region. Defence of Vietnam General maiden ASEAN-India
reflection of the vibrant Indo- tion with joint research in Highlighting that the conflicts apt theme for this year’s the imperative to give up the Rajnath also held bilateral Phan Van Giang. The two Maritime Exercise, India’s
US defence relationship and emerging areas. extract a terrible toll in terms ADMM Plus. He cited “us versus them” mindset. meetings with his Indonesian Ministers reviewed the progress Initiatives for Women in UN
excellent personal rapport US Secretary of State Antony of human lives lost and liveli- Mahatma Gandhi’s famous He appreciated ASEAN and Vietnamese counterparts in the implementation of the Peacekeeping Operations and
between US Defence Secretary Blinken and Defence Secretary hoods destroyed, disturb the quote on peace “there is no way Member States’ enthusiastic on the sidelines of the conclave, ‘Joint Vision Statement on for Marine Plastic Pollution
Lloyd Austin and Rajnath, the Austin travelled to India last stability at regional as well as to peace, peace is the only way”. participation in India-ASEAN officials said. India-Vietnam Defence Response.


=4F34;78 Q^dY`YbQSi`Qdb_\ ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F

ndia has set an example for ajor financial scams, ponzi ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q
the world on how scientific
can be used for devel-
M schemes, cyber crimes,
vehicle theft, land grabbing

opment in every sector, Union and contract killing will come ndian Navy ship INS
Minister Dr Jitendra Singh
said here on Thursday.
under the ambit of organised
crime in the proposed new
Sumedha is on an extended
operational deployment
Speaking at the curtain-raiser criminal law, and if such and is currently operating in
event of the India International offences result in the death of the Atlantic Ocean along the
Science Festival set to take any person, the convict will be West Coast of Africa. During
place in Faridabad from punishable with death or this period, INS Sumedha
January 17-20, Singh said India imprisonment for life. operated in the Gulf of Guinea
is the first country to use tech- The Parliamentary Standing (GoG) undertaking a 31 days and Namibia.
nology for development in Festival (IISF), the minister Singh said the event will host Committee on Home Affairs nomic offences, cyber crimes organised crime. anti-piracy patrol. The deployment was also used
every sector. said the aim would be to reach various activities for all stake- headed by BJP MP Brijlal having severe consequences, It also explains that economic This is the second such patrol to further the capability of the
“India has set an example for out to the public and try to con- holders such as seminars by observed that the existing laws trafficking in people, drugs, offences include criminal being undertaken by the Indian regional partners through joint
the world on how scientific nect the masses with science national and international were inadequate to tackle many illicit goods or services and breach of trust; forgery, coun- Navy in this crucial maritime training undertaken by the
research can be used for devel- and technology. experts, interactions with serious offences like organised weapons, human trafficking terfeiting of currency and valu- region. The maiden GoG anti- ships’ crew reiterating India
opment purposes," said the The theme of IISF 2023 is speakers, exhibitions, compe- kidnapping, land grabbing, con- racket for prostitution or ran- able securities, financial scams, piracy patrol was undertaken and Indian Navy’s focus on
Union Minister of State for 'Science and Technology - titions, workshops, knowledge- tract killing, extortion as also som by effort of groups of indi- running ponzi schemes, mass by INS Tarkash in Sep – Oct helping our friends.
Science and Technology. Public Outreach in Amrit Kaal' sharing activities, technology many major financial scams viduals acting in concert, singly marketing fraud or multi-level 2022, navy officials said here on Another highlight of the
He added that whether it is the aimed at building a platform shows, etc. and human trafficking, and or jointly, either as a member marketing schemes with a view Thursday. deployment was the ships par-
roads, railways, Smart City for inspiring the public at large "The IISF is dedicated towards lauded the proposed punish- of an organised crime syndicate to defraud the people at large The region is critical for India’s ticipation in the maiden India-
project, digital health, deep and students, educators, scien- fostering creativity in science, ments as "very effective addi- or on behalf of such syndicate, for obtaining monetary bene- national Interests as it is an European Union(EU)Joint
sea exploration, groundwater tists, researchers, industry pro- technology and innovation for tion". by use of violence, threat of vio- fits or large scale organised bet- important source for India’s Exercise in the GoG.
mapping, or crop imaging, the fessionals, entrepreneurs and the advancement of prosperous According to clause 9 of the lence, intimidation, coercion, ting in any form, offences of energy requirements. INS Sumedha’s operational
applications of science and science communicators. The India," he added. Since 2015, Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita corruption or related activities money laundering and hawala Sumedha’s deployment also deployment to a crucial geo-
technology are quite visible to IISF 2023 will have 17 themes the IISF has hosted eight edi- (BNS), unlawful activity, or other unlawful means to transactions. ensured enhancing Navy to graphical region of immense
all. to showcase the country's sci- tions at different places in including kidnapping, robbery, obtain direct or indirect, mate- In Section 120A of the Indian Navy connect with regional relevance to India has ensured
On the occasion of the ninth entific achievements in diverse India and expanded as a mega vehicle theft, extortion, land rial benefit including a finan- Penal Code, there is no expla- navies including Senegal, our National Interests are fur-
India International Science fields. science festival. grabbing, contract killing, eco- cial benefit, shall constitute nation about organised crime. Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Angola ther bolstered.


First Instance. India described
the ruling as "deeply" shocking
"The appeal process is under-
way and we would hope for a
and is exploring all legal
options. The charges were
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q tional train trips but handling and vowed to explore all legal positive outcome," Bagchi said, filed against the eight Indian
=4F34;78 passenger rush at prominent ndia on Thursday said the options in the case. replying to a question on the navy veterans on March 25

ismissing reports of a
railway stations such as New
Delhi and Mumbai.
appeal process against the
sentence handed down
Days later, an appeal was filed
against the death sentence.
matter at his weekly media
briefing. He also described as
and they were tried under
Qatari law.
D shortage of berths for
passengers opting for non-AC
Vaishnaw dismissed many
news reports that the number
to eight former Indian Navy
personnel by a Qatari court is
"The case is currently in a legal
process there. As we men-
"factually incorrect" some
reports that suggested the
All of the former Navy officers
had "unblemished stints" of up
coaches, Railway Minister of sleeper coaches are being under process and it was hope- tioned, an appeal has been appeal in the case has been to 20 years in the Indian Navy
Ashwini Vaishnaw on reduced in trains leading to ful of a positive outcome from filed in Qatar's Court of adjudicated. and had held important posi-
Thursday said there has been problems for passengers opt- it. Appeal. We are also engaged The Indian nationals, who tions including that of instruc-
a nearly three-fold increase in ing for non-AC berths. He Ministr y of External with the Qatari authorities on worked with private company tors in the force, former mil-
the number of special train said there is a standard com- Affairs(MEA)spokesperson the matter and we will con- Al Dahra, were arrested in itary officials had said.
trips this festive season as position of coaches in a train Arindam Bagchi said India is tinue to extend all legal and August last year reportedly in In May Al-Dhara Global
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q companion and a guide in the compared to last year. since the time new LHB engaged with the Qatari consular assistance (to them)," an alleged case of espionage. closed its operations in Doha
=4F34;78 country's developmental jour- The railways is operating coaches were introduced. authorities on the matter and Bagchi said. "I would again Neither the Qatari authorities and all those working there
ney. 6,754 additional train trips that the government will con- urge everyone not to engage in nor New Delhi made the (primarily Indians) have since

resident Droupadi Murmu She stated that the CAG team this festive season between tinue to extend all legal and speculation considering the charges against the Indian returned home.
P on Thursday said people of
the nation want to move for-
will have an important role in
making India the third largest
October 1 and December 31
to clear the rush of passengers
consular assistance to the
Indian nationals.
sensitive nature of the case," he
nationals public.
In its reaction to the ruling by
In the past, the Navy had
taken up the case of the former
ward rapidly towards building
a developed India by 2047 and
economy in the world. She fur-
ther said the impact of today's
as compared to 2,614 in the
same period last year, he said. PbAPX[fPhb The eight Indians were on
October 26 given death sen-
The judgement in the entire
process has been made confi-
the Qatari court, MEA last
month said it is attaching
naval personnel with top brass
of the government for secur-

called upon important organ- market system characterised by Till date 2,423 trips have been tences by Qatar's Court of dential by the Qatari side. "high importance" to this case ing their release.
isations, including Comptroller global competition is relevant completed and the remaining
and Auditor General of India to all institutions and enter- trips will be made in the
(CAG), to contribute towards
the goal.
prises. The ability to compete
on the basis of ethics should
coming days, the minister
said. \^aT caPX]b 8]SXP_dbWTbU^aRTbbPcX^] <TSXP\dbcPRcPbaTb_^]bXQ[T
Addressing a gathering at the continuously increase in all "Every year we do a very
3rd Audit Diwas Celebrations
organised by CAG, the
enterprises and activities of
the country.
serious planning to make
arrangements for passengers
=4F34;78 ^UeX^[T]RTR^]bcadRcXeT _X[[Pa^UST\^RaPRhRP[[^dc
SXP[^VdTX]<hP]\Pa UPZT]PaaPcXeTbX]^_T])CWPZda
President noted that CAG has Removing obstacles in achiev- for Diwali and Chhath. We
taken many forward-looking ing the national goals of accel- monitor the reservation and
steps, including the establish-
ment of the Centre for Data
erated growth and develop-
ment while ensuring financial
waiting list trends three
months before the beginning
I2027ndian Railways on Thursday
announced that by the year
the national transporter ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q incidents close to our border,” ?C8Q =4F34;78 Press Council of India (PCI)
Management and Analytics, propriety and legality is the of the festive season and take will do away with the waiting =4F34;78 he said. to mark the National Press
in which digital technology touchstone of effective contri- a call on making arrange- lists (WL) and travellers will get A group of resistance fighters nformation and Day.
and other modern methods are
being used in line with the
bution by every institution and
individual responsible for good
ments for the additional train
trips," Vaishnaw said during
confirmed journey tickets
while it plans to enhance addi- I ndia on Thursday expressed
deep concern over the fight-
took control of two military
camps at Rihkhawdar on
Broadcasting Minister
Thakur on Thursday
"Even as we celebrate the
freedom of the press, we can-
future. governance, including the an interaction with journal- tion of 3000 more trains to ing between Myanmar’s anti- Monday after several hours of said there are "individuals not turn a blind eye to those
"Today our countrymen want CAG, the President added. ists. cater to the demands of non junta groups and government fighting. and media outlets" who con- who seek to undermine the
to move forward rapidly She also emphasised that the The railways also takes into air-conditioned passengers. forces close to the country’s The fighting resulted in some sistently spread fake propa- spirit of our nation.
towards building a developed auditors should be considered account last year's passenger Further, a comparative study border, which resulted in 5,000 Myanmar nationals, ganda against 'Bharat', both There are individuals and
India by the year 2047. All as facilitators of good gover- f igures in the planning between April to October this Myanmar nationals seeking including more than 40 sol- domestically and interna- media outlets that consis-
important institutions and nance, not critics. process. All these factors sug- year said that less than five per- refuge in Mizoram, and pushed diers, seeking shelter in tionally, and stressed that tently spread fake propagan-
communities of the country, CAG Girish Chandra Murmu gested that this festive season cent passengers were of AC air for a cessation of violence and Mizoram. The soldiers were media must act as a respon- da against Bharat, both
including CAG, have to con- said that in cognisance of the the railways would expect a segment whereas 95 percent a constructive dialogue. flown by the Indian side to sible pillar of the democracy, domestically and interna-
tribute to achieve this goal," paradigm shift in governance huge rush and plans were chose non AC, general or “We reiterate our call for the another border crossing and calling out fake narratives in tionally," Thakur said.
Murmu said. Audit Diwas to a digital bedrock, the apex made accordingly, he said. sleeper class to meet their return of peace, stability and sent back. the open. "It is our collective responsi-
commemorates the occasion of auditor too has leveraged tech- According to Vaishnaw, 36 demand of journey across the democracy in Myanmar,” exter- On Thursday, there were fresh "It is our collective responsi- bility to challenge such nar-
the appointment of the first nology. lakh people have travelled country. nal affairs ministry spokesper- reports that at least 29 more bility to challenge such nar- ratives, expose the falsehoods,
Auditor General of India on "...This year we achieved a till date from the beginning of Looking at the demand of son Arindam Bagchi told a reg- Myanmar soldiers entered ratives, expose the falsehoods, and ensure that truth pre-
November 16, 1860 and cre- remarkable milestone. Effective the festive season and the journey during the peak sea- ular media briefing while India to flee an attack on their and ensure that truth pre- vails," he added.
ation of the CAG organisation. April 2023, we have transi- number is approximately dou- sons like festival vacations the responding to questions on base by resistance fighters. vails," he said. The minister said that in the
Recognising the significance of tioned to 100 per cent digital ble that of last year. railways is now working to allot the recent fighting. The UN has said the intensified "It is essential to safeguard era of artificial intelligence
the day in the annals of the auditing processes, utilising Railway sources said that confirmed berths to passen- “As a result of the fighting [at] fighting since last month has the interests of our nation where technology shapes the
Indian history, since 2021, the our unique enterprise-wide more people are travelling gers. For this while work on Rihkhawdar area in Chin State, displaced about 90,000 people. and avoid providing space to way information is dissemi-
CAG has celebrated November audit process and knowledge this festive season as com- track infrastructure is at fast opposite Zokhawthar in Bagchi said India’s position on anti-India views that can nated, it becomes imperative
16 as Audit Diwas. management IT System (One pared to last year due to bet- pace, railways now intends to Mizoram on the India- the situation in Myanmar “is t h re ate n t he u n it y and for the media to remain cau-
The President said the entire IAAD One System - OIOS), ter economic situation. increase its existing strength of Myanmar border, there has very clear – we want cessation integrity we hold dear," tious. "We live in a world
team of CAG is expected to creating a single source of They said the railways has 10748 trains to 13000 by aug- been movement of Myanmar of the violence and resolution Thakur added. where misinformation can be
contribute as a controller and truth for our audit activities," made extraordinary efforts menting capacity every few nationals to the Indian side. We of the situation through con- The minister was addressing amplified with the click of a
an examiner who is both a he said. not only for running addi- months. are deeply concerned with such structive dialogue”. an event organised here by the button," he said.
=4F34;78 k5A830H k=>E4<14A &!!" ]PcX^]$

23DDac`[VTeReDfcV^R_afcde_ A
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q?A0H06A09 party was going on. the body to be taken after five registered a case.
Sunil Yadav and Gore hours. Rajesh Kumar Sahu of
34-year-old man was killed Yadav allegedly started abusing On the complaint of Ajit’s Dharav Nara village had a dis-
allegedly by his friends Ajit in an intoxicated state. wife Chandrama Devi the pute with the people in the
following a dispute at a party in When Ajit protested and start- Nawabganj police has regis- neigbourhood regarding land
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824QE0A0=0B8 the Nawabganj area. After the ed going towards home Sunil tered a case. Inspector for many years due to which he
recovery of the body the fam- Yadav, Neeraj Yadav and Gore Nawabganj said investigation is was beaten up and left bleed-
P of Ballia Virendra Singh ily members created an uproar. Yadav allegedly ran the pickup on. The forensic investigation ing.
M ‘Mast’ laid the foundation
stone apart from performing
The police officers pacified
the people.
over him. When Ajit got
injured and fell on the ground,
team has collected samples. A
search for the accused is on.
The family members took
him to a hospital. Dighia out-
bhoomi pujan for the redevel- Jamuna Prasad Patel’s son the pickup ran over his head Meanwhile one person was post in-charge Ashish Yadav
opment works under the Amrit Ajit Singh stayed at home and due to which he died on the beaten up with stick due to a said a case has been registered
Bharat Station Scheme (ABSS) did farming. On the said night spot. After the incident the trio land dispute in Dharav Nara against the accused after the
at Suremanpur railway station Sunil Yadav and Gore Yadav fled from there. Hundreds of village in the Dighia police post video went viral. The victim
in Ballia-Chhapra Junction called him for a party. On the people gathered at the spot. under the Manda police sta- has been sent for medical
route on Thursday. Besides, he invitation of his friends, Ajit The police explained to the tion. The police have taken examination. Further action
also flagged off train 14523 reached the place where liquor people and then they allowed cognizance of the matter and will be taken soon.
Barauni- Ambala Hariharnath

Express which got a two-
minute stoppage at this impor-
tant station.
The function was also
attended by Divisional Railway

Manager (DRM), Varanasi
Division of North Eastern
Railway (NER), Vineet Kumar
Srivastava, Chief Project
Manager (Gati Shakti) 1P[[XP<?EXaT]SaPBX]VW<PbcPSSaTbbX]VPUd]RcX^]PcBdaT\P]_daaPX[fPhbcPcX^]^UEPaP]PbX3XeXbX^]=4A^]CWdabSPh
Kaushalesh Singh, Senior
Divisional Commercial under ABSS redevelopment using green energy etc will give Saharanpur, Ambala Cantt, ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q?A0H06A09 against the woman under added that the victim had an timetable has been given the
Manager Sheikh Rehman, project and for providing stop- more facilities to this station,” Kolkata, Raipur and Gondia. It Sections 326 (voluntarily caus- argument with the accused. green signal by the board.
Senior Divisional Security page of Hariharnath Express Singh said. will be very convenient for the 32-year-old woman ing grievous hurt by dangerous T I M E T A B L E However, the date from which
Commissioner (RPF) Dr
Abhishek, Senior Division
(14523/14524 ) at Suremanpur
Railway Station.
Expressing his happiness
over the stoppage of
local passengers to travel to
Chhapra, Ballia, Varanasi,
A allegedly chopped off her
neighbour’s genitals following
weapon) and 308 (culpable
homicide) of IPC.
RELEASED: The timetable for
the extension of Gorakhpur
Vande Bharat will start running
to Prayagraj has not been
Electrical Engineer (General) He said that basic facilities Hariharnath Express, he said Sonpur, Hajipur, Samastipur a dispute with him in Sharifpur The victim’s father alleged Lucknow Vande Bharat Express announced yet.
Pankaj Keshwani, Senior are already available for the that Gondia Express and and Barauni,” he said. village in Kaushambi. that the accused called up his to Prayagraj Junction has been Public Relations Officer
Divisional Engineer-II Satyam passengers at Suremanpur sta- Purvanchal Express trains will Earlier, the DRM wel- The police have detained son for some work at her house released. The 22549 Vande (PRO) of Prayagraj Division
Singh, Senior Divisional Signal tion and along with this, also get stoppages at comed the Ballia MP for par- the woman and seized the where they had a dispute over Bharat will depart from of North Central Railway Amit
and Telecommunication Suremanpur railway station Suremanpur railway station ticipating in the programme of knife used in the crime. The some issue. Gorakhpur at 6.05 am, reach Singh said the technical team
Engineer Yashveer Singh, will be redeveloped and beau- from Friday and November 20 laying the foundation stone at Kaushambi police said a thor- He said he found his son in Basti at 6.52 am, Ayodhya at has completed the inspection
Deputy Chief Engineer (Gati tified at a cost of Rs 18.41 crore respectively. Suremanpur station and inau- ough probe was being carried an unconscious state inside 8.15 am, Lucknow at 10.20 am for running Vande Bharat from
Shakti) IC Subhash and a large under ABSS. “In this plan, “With the stoppage of these gurating the halt of out to find out the exact reason his neighbour’s house and took and Prayagraj Junction at 1.35 Sangam City to Delhi and
number of regional citizens modern amenities like station trains, the people of Hariharnath Express. He said behind the attack. him to a private hospital in am. Saharanpur, from Chitrakoot to
were present. facade, circulating area, waiting Suremanpur and surrounding that on the efforts of the MP The injured man, aged 26, Kaushambi. In return the 22550 Vande Ayodhya via Prayagraj. The
In his presidential address, hall, disabled friendly facilities, areas will get the benefit of and the demand of the region- is undergoing treatment in However, doctors referred Bharat will depart from facilities being developed for
the Ballia MP praised the toilets, two lifts/one pair of direct travel to Ballia, Ghazipur al people, the Railways has Prayagraj. The police said the him to Prayagraj. The police Prayagraj at 3.15 pm, reach the maintenance of Vande
Prime Minister and Railway escalators, wide foot over City, Varanasi, Sultanpur, started providing better trans- victim’s father lodged an FIR at claimed that the woman’s hus- Lucknow at 6.15 pm and Bharat in Prayagraj have also
Minister for inclusion of bridge, two/four wheeler park- Nihalgarh, Lucknow, Bareilly, portation facilities at Manjhanpur police station band was living in UAE and Gorakhpur at 10.40 pm. The been found satisfactory.
Suremanpur railway station ing and eco-friendly building Moradabad, Roorkee, Suremanpur.

;82R[PX\bC &#%(Ra?0CU^aWP[UhTPa
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q:0=?DA during the previous year. The September 30, 2023. The value increased to C47,43,389 crore as
total individual business pre- of new business (VNB) for the on September 30, 2023, as
reparations are in full swing he Board of Directors of mium for the six month peri- six month period ended compared to C 42,93,778 crore
P for the four-day Chhath
Puja which will start on Friday
T Life Insurance Corporation
of India, LIC approved and
od ended September 30, 2023,
increased to C1,34,783 crore
September 30, 2023, was
C3,304 crore as compared to
on September 30, 2022, regis-
tering an increase of 10.47 per
with the Nahay-Khay (bathing- adopted the standalone and from C1,27,738 crore for the C3,677 crore for the six month cent year on year. The overall
eating) event. Hectic efforts are consolidated financial results comparable period of previous ended September 30, 2022. expense ratio for the half year
going on in Banaras for the six months ending year. The group business total The net VNB margin for the ended September 30, 2023,
Locomotive Works (BLW) to September 30, 2023. In an offi- premium income for six six month period ended was 15.14 per cent as compared
make Surya Sarovar ready for cial release issued to the press months ended September 30, September 30, 2023, was 14.6 to 16.69 per cent for the half
the festival. Earlier, Divisional it claimed that the profit after 2023, was C70,977 crore as per cent as compared to 14.6 year ended September 30, 2022.
Commissioner (DC) Kaushal tax (PAT) for the half year compared to C1,02,718 crore per cent for the six months The yield on investments on
Raj Sharma, along with newly- ended September 30, 2023 was for six months ended ended September 30, 2022. policy holders funds excluding
appointed Municipal C17,469 crore. The current September 30, 2022. A total of The Indian embedded value unrealised gains was 9.06 per
Commissioner (MC) Akshat period profit includes an 80,60,725 policies were sold in (IEV) as on September 30, cent for half year ended
Verma and others inspected amount of C13,768 crore (net of the individual segment during 2023, has been determined as September 30, 2023, as against
Ravidas and adjoining ghats tax) pertaining to the accre- the half year ended September C 6,62,605 crore as compared 8.32 per cent for half year
regarding the preparations for tions on the available solvency 30, 2023, as compared to to C5,44,291 crore as on ended September 30, 2022.
Dala Chhath Puja festival. margin transferred from non- 83,59,029 policies sold during September 30, 2022, register- The net NPA in the policyhold-
However, it will be a chal- 32:ABWPa\PX]b_TRcX]VAPeXSPb6WPc^]cWTTeT^UQTVX]]X]V^U2WWPcW?dYPUTbcXeP[X]EPaP]PbX^]FTS]TbSPh par fund to shareholders the six months ended ing an increase of 21.74 per ers fund was C 8.77 crore as on
lenging task for the local account. The PAT for similar September 30, 2022. cent over the previous year. September 30, 2023, as com-
administration to make the arghya prayers there. In recent Wednesday, the DC and MC installed as per requirement six month period ended On an annualised premi- The solvency ratio as on pared to C 12.72 crore as on
main Ganga ghats ready for the years, the 88-odd internation- jointly launched CNG work of and signage boards should be September 30, 2022 was um equivalent (APE) basis September 30, 2023, improved September 30, 2022.
festival as the first arghya of the ally famous Ganga ghats wit- GAIL. They also reviewed the put up for the toilets situated on C16,635 crore is not compara- the total premium was C22,627 to 1.90 as against 1.88 on Siddhartha Mohanty,
Chhath Puja will be offered to nessed the rush of thousands of progress of jetty work. The DC the ghat side so that there is no ble since it included an crore for the six month peri- September 30, 2022. For the Chairperson, LIC said: “During
Surya Bhagwan at the sunset on people there during the Chhath instructed the concerned offi- inconvenience to the devotees amount of C4,542 crore (net of od ended September 30, 2023. half year ended September the first six months of this
November 19, while second Puja. cers to speed up the ongoing and tourists,” Sharma instruct- tax) pertaining to the accre- Of this 64.69 per cent 30, 2023, the persistency ratio financial year, the LIC had
and last on the next day at the Meanwhile, the rush of work of leveling and barricad- ed the concerned officers and tions on the available solven- (C14,638 crore) was account- on premium basis for the 13th been able to implement strate-
time of sunrise which would people started to purchase var- ing the raw ghat near Ravidas directed them to complete the cy margin for the last quarter ed for by the individual busi- month and 61st month were gies successfully to enhance the
mark the end of the festival. ious puja articles and it is Ghat apart from maintaining works soon. During their of FY 2021-22 which was ness and 35.31 per cent 78.49 per cent and 62.53 per share of non-par products in
Due to the recent rise in the expected that it would be excellent cleanliness of the per- inspection, the DC and MC transferred from non-par fund (C7,989 crore) by the group cent, respectively. The compa- overall individual business.
water level of river Ganga, increased from Friday when manent changing rooms built were accompanied by to shareholders account on business. Within the individ- rable persistency ratios for The current VNB margins were
huge quantities of silt were col- the four-day festival begins. It on the ghat side and making Additional Municipal September 30, 2022. ual business the share of par the corresponding half year an indicator of initiatives deliv-
lected at the ghat stairs. Though is expected that the rush at the additional temporary changing Commissioner Dushyant In terms of market share products on APE basis was ending September 30, 2022 ering the objective of maintain-
hectic efforts are going on at ghats of rivers Ganga and rooms for the devotees as per Kumar Maur ya, Nagar measured by First Year 89.24 per cent (C13,063 crore) were 77.62 per cent and 62.77 ing profitability as LIC changed
some of the ghats with the help Varuna apart from some ponds the need. “It should be com- Swasthya Adhikari Dr NP Premium Income LIC contin- and balance 10.76 per cent per cent respectively. For the direction. He said the organi-
of water pumps to remove the would be heavy on this popu- pleted on time and all the Singh, Zonal Officer ues to be the market leader by (C1,575 crore) was due to half year ended September sation was conscious of the
collected silt from the stairs, it lar festival of this region of street lights installed on the (Bhelupur), Executive Engineer market share in Indian life non-par products. The non- 30, 2023, the persistency ratio market dynamics in certain
appears that the chances are lit- Purvanchal (eastern UP) and ghat side should be checked of Municipal Corporation, insurance business with over- par APE has increased from on number of policies basis for parts of the business and were
tle that the devotees would get adjoining Bihar. During their and made functional. Besides, Junior Engineer (Street Lights) all market share of 58.50 per C1,315 crore for the six month the 13th month and 61st working towards profit-ori-
proper places to offer their inspection at Ravidas Ghat on additional lights should be and other officials. cent. For six months ended period ended September 30, month were 66.80 per cent ented consolidation. The dis-
September 30, 2023, LIC had 2022, to C1,575 crore for the and 50.35 per cent, respective- tribution mix was also more
a market share of 40.35 per six month period ended ly. The comparable persisten- diversified with increase in

ETRc^aQ^a]TSXbTPbTb) CTbcX]VX] D? 3^Rc^ab³

cent in individual business
and 70.26 per cent in the
group business. The total pre-
September 30, 2023, register-
ing a growth of 19.77 per
cent. Therefore, the non-par
cy ratios for the correspond-
ing half year ended September
30, 2022 , were 65.21 per cent
share of bancassurance and
alternate channels.” He said
the LIC continued to remain

mium income for six month share of individual APE which and 51.61 per cent, respective- focused on creating higher
period ended September 30, was 8.98 per cent for the six ly. Therefore, the persistency customer value through digi-
X]PdVdaPcTS 2023, was C22,05,760 crore as
compared to C 2,30,456 crore
month period
September 30, 2022, has
ended has improved both on premi-
um and number of policies
tal innovations. He said the
company was thankful to all its
?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q:0=?DA about the disease. He said this in view of the state elections in for the six month period grown to 10.76 per cent for the basis for 13th month.The assets stakeholders for their contin-
highlighted a clear gap in the Madhya Pradesh and ended September 30, 2022, six month period ended under management (AUM) ued support.
hief Medical Officer effective management of Chhatisgarh it had been decid-
C (CMO) Dr Alok Ranjan on COPD where awareness played ed that the voters working in

Thursday said on Thursday a crucial role in instigating the Uttar Pradesh will be allowed
that in view of increase in vec- process of detection, diagnosis to cast their votes on November
tor-borne diseases it has been and intervention. He added 25. He said all employees work-
decided to step up testing in all that the World COPD Day ing in government office, semi-
affected areas, both rural and 2023 served as a global call to government private sector ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824QE0A0=0B8
semi-urban. He said the med- action to raise awareness about under Lok Pratinidhitva
ical team will visit each house the condition and stress upon Adhiniyam 1951 Section 135 B ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q:0=?DA ivisional Railway Manager
and if they find anyone suffer-
ing from suspected vector-
the importance of early lung
health in COPD management.
will be allowed to cast their
votes. resident, Indian Medical
D (DRM) Vineet Kumar
Srivastava conducted the win-
borne disease blood samples
will be collected. He advised
Highlighting the role of
better disease awareness for the
CONCERN: City presi-
dent, Samajwadi Party, Fazal
P Association (IMA), Kanpur
Chapter Dr Nandini Rastogi
dow trailing safety inspection
of Banaras-Chhapra railway
the people to ensure that they early detection and treatment Mehmood while addressing while inaugurating the four-day section on Thursday in order to
wear full sleeve shirts and of COPD he said in a country presspersons on Thursday Uttar Pradesh Doctors’ Cricket ensure safety and security in
trousers and avoid visiting with diverse medical practices, expressed concern over sub- League on Thursday at the IIT- railway operations, movement
green surroundings during day awareness played a crucial role stantial increase in pulmonary Kanpur Grounds said it was of Chhath Mela special trains
time. He said people need to in promoting disease diagnosis diseases on account of bursting indeed a wonderful sight to see and to maintain vigilance dur-
ensure there is no stagnant and rational treatment. He said of firecrackers during Diwali and medical practitioners playing ing Chhath Puja festival at dif-
water around their houses. in festive season the potential burning of garbage in the city. the role of cricketers and take ferent stations of Varanasi pay and use toilets and securi- He also tested smoke detectors, expressed on the knowledge of
COPD DAY: Chest physi- exposure to triggers like smoke CAMP: Secretary of Sakhi active part in sports. Division of North Eastern ty arrangements of the station fire detectors and alarms in the employees from the safety
cian Dr Ashish Shukla while and airborne pollutants can Kendra Neelam Chaturvedi, She said that it is the first Railway (NER). and gave necessary directions modern LHB units and point of view.
addressing presspersons on even result in a flare-up of the while addressing presspersons time that doctors from differ- At the end of his inspec- to the concerned officials. expressed satisfaction at find- On this occasion, Chief
World COPD Day on disease or a lung attack which on Thursday said the Kendra ent cities of the state had spared tion, the DRM reached During the inspection, he ing them in good condition. He Project Manager (Gati Shakti)
Wednesday informed that can take patients a month or had decided to hold a week- their valuable time to take part Chhapra Junction railway sta- directed the Railway Protection also tested the safety knowledge Kaushalesh Singh, Senior
India’s most recent National longer to completely recover long awareness camp for in this event. She said there is tion and did a thorough inspec- Force (RPF) personnel to of the employees working in Divisional Commercial
Health Policy aimed to reduce from it. Dr Shukla said bron- women domestic help. She said no doubt that playing cricket tion there. During his stay, he queue up the passengers while the coaching depot and their Manager Sheikh Rehman,
early deaths from non-com- chodilator inhalers are crucial domestic service was now increased endurance and sta- inspected the control room boarding the trains to deal knowledge about new safety Senior Divisional Security
municable diseases, including for treating COPD and pro- accepted as an important cat- mina and above all improved for Chhath Puja, CCTV mon- with the excessive crowd dur- reforms. Commissioner Dr Abhishek,
chronic respiratory conditions, grammes like pulmonary reha- egory of livelihood and added physical fitness. itoring room and circulating ing Chhath Puja. He appreciated the quality Senior Divisional Electrical
by 25 per cent by 2025. He said bilitation can greatly enhance that steep decline in agrarian The opening day match area for crowd management, After this, he did a thor- level of maintenance of rakes Engineer (General) Pankaj
chronic obstructive pulmonary quality of life. produce and livelihood securi- was between Kanpur and night shelters, waiting room, ough inspection of Chapra carried out in the coaching Keshwani, Senior Divisional
disease (COPD) was a major ELECTION: Additional ty in rural areas has caused Prayagraj. Kanpur won the additional reserved/unreserved Coaching Depot and while depot. Along with this, he reit- Engineer-II Satyam Singh,
concern and the second lead- District Magistrate (ADM) migration of rural people to the match and Dr Naveen Gude ticket counters, fire-fighting reviewing the complete erated the oath to the employ- Senior Divisional Signal and
ing cause of death and disabil- Rajesh Kumar while addressing urban areas. She appealed to was declared the Man of the equipment, licenses of ven- arrangements for the safety of ees working in the coaching Telecom Engineer Yashveer
ity. He said the recent study a meeting at the Collectorate on women domestic help to get Match. The finals will be played dors located at the station etc. the working employees, he depot to be safety conscious. Singh, Deputy Chief Engineer
revealed that a staggering 54 Thursday informed that as per themselves registered in the on November 19. The T-20 Srivastava also inspected the observed all types of safety During this, the refresher train- (Gati Shakti) IC Subhash and
per cent of COPD-diagnosed the directives of the Principal camps so that Sakhi Kendra matches are being played as per cleanliness, availability of measures in the rakes main- ing of the employees was other senior officers were also
patients had no knowledge Secretary, Labour department can take up their issues. the BCCI rules. drinking water at water booths, tained in the coaching depot. reviewed and satisfaction was present.
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A &!!"


UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa



CPI-M, reminds one of the adage
last 30 months has been a disas-
and gaiety. The star-studded
WR7DLZDQLQ$XJXVW7KLVVLJQDOVDZLOOLQJQHVV political event that cost the exche-
LWDU\GRPDLQ attraction of the birthday of the
State. Those who are uninitiated
RI 7DLZDQ ZLWK %LGHQ H[SUHVVLQJ FRQFHUQV RYHU should understand that the Kerala
gration of Travancore, Kochi and
VDOHVWRWKHVHOIUXOHGLVODQG<HWDQRWKHUKHDGZD\ZDVPDGHLQWKHDJUHHPHQWWR then Madras presidency. developed society is! The like Assam, Bengal and Bihar. the Jehovah’s Witnesses and
UHRSHQPLOLWDU\FRQWDFWVZKLFKH[WHQGVEH\RQGKLJKOHYHOGLDORJXHV,WRSHQVWKHGRRU While Chief Minister Vijayan COVID-19 pandemic period But what was left unsaid was perpetrated the crime because
was inaugurating the event at the saw the chief minister address- that the rice, cereals, sugars, of the anti-national stance of
IRUHQJDJHPHQWVHYHQDWPLGGOHOHYHOVDOORZLQJIRULQWHUDFWLRQVEHWZHHQPLOLWDU\RIIL central stadium at ing the media every evening. and ghee/butter were from the the sect.
FLDOVLQFOXGLQJWKH863DFLILFIRUFHVFRPPDQGHUDQGKLV&KLQHVHFRXQWHUSDUWWKH Thiruvananthapuram, thousands He claimed that Kerala is the Central Government which What added to the conun-
PRYHLVH[SHFWHGWRIDFLOLWDWHRSHUDWLRQDOHQJDJHPHQWV,QDMRLQWHIIRUWWRFRPEDW of government staff and pension- only State which recorded the was repacked and distributed drum was Martin’s surrender
WKHRSLRLGFULVLV%LGHQDQG;LUHDFKHGDQDJUHHPHQWWRFRRSHUDWHRQWDFNOLQJWKH ers staged a demonstration in minimum number of cases. by the party cadre. In real life, to the police within two hours
front of the Secretariat, adjacent The trumpeters of the chief the migrant labourers who of the blast and the JW lead-
VRXUFHRIIHQWDQ\ODKLJKO\DGGLFWLYHV\QWKHWLFRSLRLGUHVSRQVLEOHIRUQXPHURXVGUXJ to the venue of the mega event, minister wrote articles in all claim that they are from ership rebutting his claim that
RYHUGRVHVLQWKH86&KLQDZLOOWDUJHWVSHFLILFFRPSDQLHVSURGXFLQJWKHFKHPLFDOV demanding salaries and pensions national newspapers eulogis- Bengal, Bihar and Assam are he was a member of the sect.
C741><11;0BC from Bangladesh. There are There are many unanswered
OLFKHDOWKLVVXH%LGHQUDLVHGFRQFHUQVDERXWWKHVWDWXVRI86FLWL]HQVEHOLHYHGWR officers of the State Government then health minister Shylaja for nearly two lakh such workers queries concerning this blast.
were filing an affidavit in the High the “excellent arrangement 3DA8=6947>E07B in a small town like T A Sreekumar, the Kerala
Court of Kerala at Kochi confess- made in the State to check the Perumbavoor. The LDF gov- spokesman of JW said that at
HUVHQJDJHGLQDIUDQNH[FKDQJHRQWKHVHLVVXHVDQGWKLVFRXOGKHUDOGDQHZHUD ing to the Court that the State is spread of the pandemic and F8C=4BB4B³ ernment in its anxiety to keep no point in time, Martin was
RIRSHQQHVV ruined financially. The minimise the number of casu-
?A0H4A<44C8=6 some sections in good humour a member of the sect. The
Government owes the staff and alties. But soon it turned out addresses the migrant workers police seem to be in a hurry to
pensioners of Rs 25,000 crore as that Kerala is one of the States 74;30C as Guest Labors. Since the establish his role in the blast.
?82D1<; arrears of salary and pension. The
welfare pension inaugurated with
with the maximum number of
deaths and COVID-19 cases. :0;0<0BB4AH8B
arrival of this Guest Labor
crime rates have shot up in the
The general impression about
democracy is that despite dis-
fanfare remains unpaid, sending
the people in the lower middle
Even an exclusive hospital
built by the House of Tatas to H4C0=>C74A State. What adds to the wor-
ries of the average Malayali is
sidence and differences of
opinion, the political system
class and below the poverty line attend to COVID-19 patients ?A>>5>5 that women are employed as has a melodious harmony.
into a state of tipsy. and gifted to the State drug pushers throughout But what Kerala feels right now
Vijayan says that Keraleeyam is an remained unused for more C4AA>A8BCB Kerala. is cacophony. According to B
event to showcase Kerala to the
outside world. The chief minister
than six months as there were
no staff to take care of the 600- 64CC8=6C74 The bomb blast during
Jehovah's Witnesses’ prayer
V Kumar, former director
general of the Directorate of
also said that the State is a role bed hospital. D??4A70=38= meeting held at Kalamassery Revenue Intelligence and was
model for countries in Europe, Despite these shortcomings, on 29 October which claimed described as the country’s top
East Asia and the United States of the CPI-M-led Left C74BC0C4 the lives of five persons is yet sleuth, there is no God in God’s
America “because of its social Democratic Front managed to another proof of terrorists get- Own Country of late as He has
welfare measures” and the best return to power in the 2021 ting an upper hand in the State. gone for gold smuggling which
health care offered to the poor assembly election and that Dominic Martin, the person is rampant across the State and
and lower middle-class sections too with an increased major- who surrendered to the police a monopoly “business” of a
of the society. If the words of ity. The CPI-M went out of the claiming responsibility for the certain community.
Vijayan are any indication, then way and distributed free kits to blast has made the bomb blast (The writer is a special corre-
there is no need to look beyond all poor families and even to a jigsaw puzzle. Martin spondent with the Pioneer;
Kerala to understand what a the expatriates from States claimed that he belonged to views are personal)

5XabcbWX_^UcWTX]SXVT]^db\XbbX[TSTbca^hTab?a^YTRc $^UcWT8]SXP]=PehR^\_[TcTb!%hTPab ?C8 ;4CC4AB C>C


Sir—I express deep sorrow for the loss
of 37 lives in the tragic accident involv-
ing a passenger bus plunging into a 300- _TcXcX^]bW^fRPbTScWTcadTb_XaXc^URaXRZTcRP_

foot gorge in Doda district, J&K. My cXePcX]VcWTWTPacb^U\X[[X^]b^UUP]bf^a[SfXST
heartfelt condolences go to the bereaved 8]SXP P]S =Tf ITP[P]S TgWXQXcTS aT\PaZPQ[T
families, and I extend wishes for a b_^acb\P]bWX_P]SaTbX[XT]RTR^]caXQdcX]Vc^
@B12816D?C0 speedy recovery to the 19 injured. Pb_TRcPR[TcWPcfX[[QTTcRWTSX]cWT\T\^
India, unfortunately, grapples with a aXTb^URaXRZTcT]cWdbXPbcbU^ahTPabc^R^\T
least one out of 10 global road accident _[PhP]Sd]fPeTaX]Vb_XaXcX[[dbcaPcTScWT_X]
FRQFHSWRIDFLUFXODUHFRQRP\KDVHPHUJHGDVDEHDFRQRIKRSH fatalities occurring in the country, as per ]PR[T^Ub_^acb\P]bWX_aTVPaS[Tbb^UcWTUX]P[
the World Health Organisation. aTbd[c
o you know what hap- help customers buy branded unboxed and pre-owned Driving and traveling on Indian hilly 5dacWTa\^aTP\XSbccWT]PX[QXcX]VcT]bX^]P]S

D pens to the millions of

new products that are
returned by online buyers for
products at throwaway prices,
not to mention that it helps
the environment by keeping
products also promotes a
more sustainable lifestyle,
aligning with the increasing
roads, especially in the northern regions,
can be frightening due to poorly devel-
oped and maintained roads, inade-
TgWX[PaPcX]V \^\T]cb cWT RP\PaPSTaXT P]S
\dcdP[ aTb_TRc QTcfTT] cWT _[PhTab fTaT

being faulty? Well they are these products away from the awareness of the environ- quate infrastructure, unattended hazard WTaXeTcX]VT]R^d]cTafXc]TbbTSQTcfTT] P]SPb_XaX]VRaXRZTcTabf^a[SfXST
disposed off and add to the landfills.“In addition to deliv- mental impact of consumer zones without safety measures, heavy 8]SXPP]S=TfITP[P]SX]cWT8222aXRZTc 0[cW^dVW cWT ^dcR^\T \Ph ]^c WPeT P[XV]TS
height of landfill sites. But ering a reliable and profes- choices.“Our business active- traffic, unfit vehicles, and reckless dri- F^a[S2d_!!"bT\XUX]P[fPbPcTbcP\T]c fXcWcWTTg_TRcPcX^]b^U\P]hQ^cWcTP\b\dbc
now the circular economy is sional service, we take pride ly contributes to the circular ving habits. To prevent accidents, safe- c^ cWT bWTTa QaX[[XP]RT P]S b_^acb\P]bWX_ ^U QT[PdSTSU^acWTXaTgRT_cX^]P[TUU^acbSTSXRP
changing this. It is an inno- in its commitment to sustain- economy by extending the ty must be the foremost priority. Q^cWcTP\bT]RP_bd[PcX]VcWTTbbT]RT^URaXRZ cX^]P]SR^\\Xc\T]cc^cWTb_^ac0bRaXRZTc
vative economic model that future for all.There is always ability. By facilitating the lifespan of products that Addressing issues such as corruption, TcX]VTgRT[[T]RTCWTbT\XUX]P[R[PbWfPb]^cW PUXRX^]PS^bfTTPVTa[hP]cXRX_PcTcWTd_R^\
offers a sustainable solution excess inventory across mul- resale and redistribution of might otherwise end up in the apathy of concerned authorities, and X]VbW^ac^UPa^[[TaR^PbcTaaXSTfXcWQ^cWbXSTb X]V\PcRWTbP]SW^_TcWPccWTb_XaXc^UUPXa_[Ph
to the traditional linear econ- tiple brands in the B2B mar- excess inventory, we con- landfills. This approach not fostering responsible driving habits is SXb_[PhX]VTgRT_cX^]P[bZX[[bSTcTa\X]PcX^]P]S P]ScWaX[[X]VR^\_TcXcX^]R^]cX]dTbc^U[^daXbW
omy, where resources are ket. Online e-commerce has tribute to waste reduction only benefits the environ- crucial for enhancing road safety in hilly PaT[T]c[Tbb_dabdXc^UeXRc^ah X]cWTRaXRZTcX]VPaT]P
extracted, used, and disposed only added to the returns and and minimise the environ- ment but also reduces the terrains. CWTT[TRcaXUhX]VPc\^b_WTaTP]SX]cT]bTR^\ Maimul Safui | Howrah
of. Circular economy focus- faulty products. Now many mental impact of surplus demand for new products, O Prasada Rao | Hyderabad
es on minimising waste and companies are working to stock. subsequently lowering the
maximising resource effi- provide these products after This commitment aligns with resources required for their =97B1>DC1C@?<9D931<D??< decision and abandon the policy of munity in the state, a solid party vote-
ciency through recycling, refurbishing and repacking the growing trend towards production,” Says Yuvraj Sir—To survive, chauvinism and far- sending asylum seekers to Rwanda. bank, appeared miffed with the BJP
reusing, and repurposing. them and selling them for a sustainable and ethical busi- Aman Singh who fashioned right ideology first oppose refugees. Jang Bahadur Singh | Jamshedpur notwithstanding the selection of anoth-
The circular economy is not discounted price. ness practices,” says Yuvraj Rocking Deals, on the circu- Subsequently, they adopt racism and er community bigwig, Basavaraj
just a theoretical concept; Businesses, governments, and Aman Singh, founder of lar economy model. portray religious and caste minorities as >5G;1B>1D1;12:@38956 Bommai, as the chief minister; Bommai
it's being put into practice by individuals must collaborate Rocking Deals, the company It would be even better if the threats to the nation. With these three Sir—After much dilly-dallying, the BJP was no match for the charismatic and
businesses and governments in transitioning towards a cir- that specialises in refurbish- government also actively sup- pillars, conservative nationalism stands high command has appointed BY popular BSY. Despite BSY campaigning
around the world. It offers a cular economy, aiming to ing and repackaging brand- ported the concept by giving tall in the country and globally. Vijayendra, son of the party's Karnataka for the party, the results were there to
transformative approach to forge a more sustainable and ed products. Indeed, the cir- tax benefits and other sops to However, politicians relying on these stalwart and former chief minister BS see in the assembly polls, where the rul-
economic activity that bene- prosperous future for all. cular economy model has a the people who become part pillars face a deep shock when their false Yediyurappa (BSY), as the state party ing BJP's tally nosedived to 66 from its
fits both the environment and Specialising in managing unique approach to the tra- of the circular economy, after promises remain unfulfilled. chief, replacing the incumbent earlier 121. Be that as it may, the
the society. excess inventory across var- ditional buying and selling all, they are helping the envi- For instance, Italy's PM Giorgia Meloni Nalinkumar Kateel. Despite assertions young Vijayendra has a record of being
By embracing the principles ious brands in the B2B mar- model, offering an eco- ronment and reducing their won the election promising to control to the contrary, it is clear that the rela- a good organiser, leader, and the party
of durability, reusability, recy- ket, many companies now friendly and cost-effective carbon footprint. The circu- refugees, but the number of illegal tively "inexperienced" Vijayendra, being is banking upon him to reorganise the
cling, and sharing, we can offer solutions for liquidating alternative for consumers. lar economy is the way for- immigrants doubled during her tenure. a lingayat, was pitchforked to the post ramshackle party in the days leading to
shift away from our current surplus stock efficiently and This business model enables ward, a win-win for all – Britain's plan to send asylum seekers to with an eye on the 2024 general elec- the elections. His greatest strength is, of
linear economy, characterised effectively. customers to save money by companies, customers and Rwanda was ruled illegal, causing a tions and, of course, because of BSY. In course, BSY.
by wastefulness and resource They not only help the man- acquiring products at the environment! rebellion. Despite international conven- hindsight, the decision is also a clear sig- Ganapathi Bhat | Akola
depletion. Businesses, gov- ufacturing company swiftly reduced prices, particularly (The author is a develop- tions protecting refugees and migrants, nal that the party cannot do without
ernments, and individuals dispose of excess inventory, beneficial for those seeking ment writer and a business politicians continue to exploit these BSY in Karnataka.
collaborate to create a more thereby freeing up valuable high-quality items at a more coach, views are personal) issues for votes. Rishi Sunak's govern- After the latter was forced to quit as BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
sustainable and prosperous space and resources but also affordable cost. Emphasising ment should heed the Supreme Court's chief minister in 2021, the lingayat com- [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A &!!"

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa


nder the shadow of violence


U and injustice, the Palestinian
people face a heart-wrench-
ing reality yet again. While
Israel’s actions are undeniably
wrong, the collective assault and destruc-
tion inflicted upon Palestine could have
been avoided without resorting to such
sions and philosophical debates offer lit-
DQG:HVW$VLDHYHQDV3UHVLGHQW%LGHQPHWKLV&KLQHVH tle solace to the families of those who have
RXW&KLQD ZLOOKDYHWRZDUPXSWR would we demand justice? The time for
people deserve to live in peace and secu-
HQHUJ\ VHFXULW\ DQG LPSURYH WKH PRYHPHQW RI SHRSOH DQG JRRGV struggle have long faded into the abyss of
history. While the creation of Israel was
EHWZHHQ WKH ,QGLDQ 0LQLVWU\ RI ([WHUQDO $IIDLUV DQG WKH 86 powerful has repeatedly redrawn the
treacherous waters of change and upheaval. were overly eager to embrace the rificed at the altar of strategic inter- such a groundswell of public sup-
QH[WURXQGRI(DVW$VLD&RQVXOWDWLRQVEHWZHHQWKH,QGLDQ0LQLVWU\ What sets the Arab-Israeli conflict apart is uprisings, failing to comprehend the ests. Similarly, corruption within port has emerged for the Palestinian
RI([WHUQDO$IIDLUVDQGWKH86'HSDUWPHQWRI6WDWHDWDQHDUO\GDWHµ the insidious brew of religious, cultural, and profound political and economic Palestinian institutions fuels the cause. This surge of support is
racial hatred, fueled by centuries of animos- issues that had ignited them. The flames of frustration and disillusion- undoubtedly due to the Israeli gov-
ity and exacerbated by a series of devastat- uprisings have resulted in a power ment, eroding public trust and ernment’s disproportionate
ing wars. The world, in its perplexing vacuum in numerous regions of legitimacy. Sectarian violence and response to the most brutal attacks
hypocrisy, simultaneously laments the West Asia, which has been filled by human rights abuses tarnish the against Jews since the Holocaust.
dehumanising brutality of war while cele- extremist groups and authoritarian cause and complicate internation- Within hours of the Hamas attacks,
brating the prowess of victors and mock- regimes. The United States' foreign al support, rather than eliciting sym- Prime Minister Benjamin
ing the vanquished. After the Arabs’ suc- policy in West Asia has been a sig- bolic sympathy. These internal Netanyahu initiated a military oper-
cessive defeats, they became the punchline
of jokes that echoed around the globe, their
F8C78=7>DAB nificant contributor to the region’s
instability and requires significant
challenges intertwine with external
factors like vested interests of neigh-
ation on Gaza, resulting in over a
month of emergency. The out-
inferior military capabilities the subject of >570<0B rethinking. bouring Arab countries, creating a come may see Palestinian land
derision and disdain. Fueled by desperation In the current landscape, the ques- labyrinth for the Palestinian people. diminishing into Israel. Criticising
and wounded pride, a few misguided 0CC02:B tion arises: What truly matters The crisis in Palestine differs from Israel’s responses requires a recall of
souls embarked on a path of vengeance,
their actions ultimately fueling the flames
=4C0=H07D today? The hatred against Jews isn’t
about rallying against Israel but urg-
Ukraine. Palestinians suffer not
only from Israel but also from inter-
old political doctrines – a cruel
attack doesn’t demand a civilised
of terrorism and further enraging the inter- 8=8C80C430 ing for Arab unity in times of need. nal divisions and hypocritical Arab counterattack. The ongoing conflict
national community. It’s not about eliminating Israel but nations playing old colonial games. deepens crisis; the focus should be
ILQDQFLDOV\VWHPVRIPDQ\GHYHORSLQJFRXQWULHVHVSHFLDOO\LQWKH The conflict’s gravity lies not solely in its <8;8C0AH finding a compromise for both Yasser Arafat rightly noted, “The on resolution. Despite some analysts
JOREDO6RXWKDQGSXVKLQJGHDGOLQHVIRUWKHFUXFLDOFRQYHUVDWLRQV intractable nature but also in its strategic >?4A0C8>=>= sides, granting a chance for those biggest enemy of Palestinians is the predicting the West’s decline, this
RQFOLPDWHFKDQJHDQGWKHVKLIWWRFOHDQHUHQHUJ\2Q8NUDLQHDQG significance, with the region’s vast oil exploited as propaganda tools to internal divisions among them.” crisis presents an opportunity for
,VUDHOLWVHHPV,QGLDDQGWKH86KDYHFRPHWRWKHVDPHSDJHDV reserves and the geopolitical chess match 60I0 live. Attacking Israel doesn’t signif- This tragedy isn’t just due to Israeli the West to shift attention away
between global powers adding an explosive icantly contribute to the Palestinian occupation but also their own mis- from its ongoing international fail-
dimension. The existence of rogue terror- A4BD;C8=68= struggle; while Israel is wrong, it’s takes. The Hamas brutality sparked ures and the protracted conflict in
ist organisations, with their shifting alle-
giances and unwavering determination to
>E4A0<>=C7 essential to recognise that they
aren’t the sole perpetrators. They are
a new wave of attacks, but respon-
sible parties in Palestine largely
Arab nations with economic power
DOHFRQRPLFV\VWHPDQGIRRGVHFXULW\ZLWKFRQVHTXHQFHVSUHGRP achieve their goals, further complicates the >54<4A64=2H paying the price for the actions of ignored this, focusing on pure rarely invest in Palestine, offering
LQDQWO\DIIHFWLQJWKHJOREDO6RXWK%RWKFRXQWULHVIXUWKHUSOHGJHGWR situation, transforming the region into a tin- older generations now gone. hatred against Israel. This deep- few employment opportunities.
FRQWLQXHKXPDQLWDULDQDVVLVWDQFHWRWKHSHRSOHRI8NUDLQHDQGFRQ derbox ripe for the spark of international C74>DC2><4 The Palestinian struggle to reclaim rooted disunity burdens the people, Palestinian leaders compromise
tragic testament to the enduring power of
<0HB44 independence has been further
hindered by a multitude of internal
not liberating them.
The sight of hundreds of thousands,
unity for power, neglecting plans to
uplift the poorest. Have any
prejudice, the destructive consequences of ?0;4BC8=80= obstacles, including disunity, cor- if not millions, taking to the streets Palestinian political leaders com-
unchecked ambition, and the devastating ruption, and systemic irregularities. to express their solidarity with the promised national unity to secure
FDOOHGIRUDGKHUHQFHWRLQWHUQDWLRQDOKXPDQLWDULDQODZLQFOXGLQJDERXW impact of political manipulation. It is a con- ;0=3 These factors have undoubtedly Palestinian people, including their power, despite continuing to
flict that demands urgent attention, a res-
olution that transcends the narrow inter-
38<8=8B78=6 exacerbated the protracted and
complex nature of the conflict,
American citizens, is truly inspir-
ing. However, similar scenes have
fight like Kilkenny cats? Undeniably,
collective punishment won’t solve
3UHVLGHQW;L-LQSLQJWU\LQJWRGLIIXVHWKHIURVWLQHVVLQWKH86&KLQD ests of any one faction, and a commitment 8=C>8BA04; arguably to a greater extent than played out across the United States problems. Killing indiscriminately
UHODWLRQVKLS&KLQDKDVFKRVHQLWVVLGHVRQWKHJHRSROLWLFDOFKHVV to fostering understanding and tolerance Israel’s preemptive strikes and in response to the US’s wars in won’t succeed; history proves it
amidst the maelstrom of hatred and vio- strategic manoeuvres. Vietnam, Iraq, and other parts of wrong. They murdered and buried
ERDUG,WVXSSRUWV5XVVLD·VDFWLRQVLQ8NUDLQHDQGLVEDFNLQJWHU lence. The deeply entrenched disunity West Asia. While these protests have the innocent, believing them to be
URULVWVLQ:HVW$VLD,WZRXOGOLNHWRFRHUFHIHQFHVLWWHUVWRMRLQLWV Look at the consequences of celebrating the (The writer is a Sri among Palestinian factions has been overwhelmingly popular, they truly dead. But in time, they will
FDPSYLVDYLVWKH86,QGLDOLNHWKH86IDFHVDWRXJKFKDOOHQJH Arab Spring. True that was not an unfore- Lanka-born journalist been compounded by ideological have unfortunately failed to alter the realise that they were seeds, a truth
EHLQJLQDGHPRFUDWLFVHWXSZKHUHWKH\KDYHWRFDUHIXOO\DUWLFX seen eruption, but rather the culmination and author. He was the differences, personal rivalries, and course of US foreign policy. This is they never comprehended. Ceasing
ODWHWKHLUIRUHLJQSROLF\JRDOVZKLOHQRWKXUWLQJGRPHVWLFLQIOXHQFH of years of accumulated dissatisfaction with editor of Sri Lanka the meddling of neighbouring Arab evident in the US’s unwavering sup- fire is imperative, but it alone can-
JURXSV %RWK FRXQWULHV DOVR IDFH D WRXJK HOHFWRUDWH QH[W \HDU DV oppressive governance and economic stag- Guardian and worked nations, who have exploited the port for brutal embargoes against not heal the wounds of this conflict.
WKHLQFXPEHQWIHGHUDOJRYHUQPHQWVVHHNUHHOHFWLRQ7KHVLOYHUOLQ nation. The uprisings were not primarily as a Communications Palestinian cause to advance their countries like Cuba and Venezuela, Only through unity within and
driven by the pursuit of democracy, but Consultant for the political agendas. The Palestinians despite widespread opposition from among Arab countries can
LQJLVWKDWWKHEXVLQHVVDVXVXDODWWLWXGHLQWKH86,QGLDGLDORJXH rather by fundamental necessities such as Government of Sri have become mere pawns in a game even its closest allies. Yet, this is the Palestinians achieve a life of digni-
VLJQDOVDEULJKWIXWXUHIRUWKHELODWHUDOUHODWLRQVKLS employment, food, and security. The Lanka; views are of regional power politics, their aspi- first time in over 70 years, since the ty. Palestinians need life, like those
7KHZULWHULVDSROLF\DQDO\VWYLHZVDUHSHUVRQDO United States and other Western powers personal) rations for self-determination sac- creation of Israel over Palestine that in prosperous Arab countries.

lection is the time for nomenon. spreading in many states of the target debt-GSDP (gross Pradesh also it has been esti- state's GDP, in Punjab 2.7 infrastructure affects invest-

E political parties to inform

voters about their poli-
cies and proposed programs,
In Madhya Pradesh, apart
from waiving off the loans of
farmers, the Congress party
India. In the elections to be
held this month, political par-
ties have made a series of
state domestic product) Ratio,
in any state, should not exceed
20 percent. But as per CAG, in
mated at 53.77 per cent, it is
47.89 per cent in Telangana
and 47.13 per cent in Madhya
percent of the state GDP is
spent on free schemes annual-
ly and in Andhra Pradesh it is
ment and hence the develop-
ment of the state. Therefore, it
is necessary to speed up the
through their election mani- has also announced many announcements of freebie most of the states of the coun- Pradesh. In West Bengal and 2.1 percent. Apart from this, in development of the country by
festos. In the past, all political other free schemes like free schemes. We are hearing daily try, this ratio is much more Bihar, it’s 40.35 per cent and Madhya Pradesh, 28.8 per curbing the free schemes
parties have been wooing vot- electricity, gas cylinder subsidy, about free electricity, free than the targeted one. It 40.51 per cent respectively, cent of the tax revenue is offered by the states.
ers with their promises in the Rs 1500 per month to women, transport, transfer of money to reached 48.98 per cent in and in Tamil Nadu, it is 39.94 spent on subsidies, and in Impact on ratings Due to
form of programs, but the unemployment allowance of women, unemployment Punjab, 42.37 per cent in per cent. CAG also reported Jharkhand, it is 26.7 per cent. increasing debt the economic
nature of election promises has 1C8G1>9<07090= Rs 3000 to youth etc. Similar allowance to youth, etc. along Rajasthan, 37.39 per cent in that the debt of the states is Impact on essential expendi- rating of the country is being
changed in the last decade and announcements have been with free vehicles and many West Bengal, 36.73 per cent in continuously increasing com- ture impacted. If this continues, our
a half. In these promises, made by different political other freebie schemes. Some Bihar, 35.30 per cent in pared to the target ratio. When a province spends such country will not only have dif-
instead of policies and pro- parties in Madhya Pradesh and time ago, the Reserve Bank of Andhra Pradesh, 31.53 per Regarding Andhra Pradesh, a large proportion of its tax ficulty in getting new invest-
grammes, the announcement other states going into elec- India and the Comptroller cent in Madhya Pradesh, 27.80 the Reserve Bank says that revenue on free schemes, not ments but our companies and
of cash transfers and free tions. Every possible effort is and Auditor General of India per cent in Telangana, 27.27 after Punjab, Andhra Pradesh only capital expenditure on government will also have to
schemes has taken precedence being made to woo the voters. (CAG) published data in their per cent in Tamil Nadu and is the second state in the infrastructure would go down, pay higher rates of interest on
over policies and programs. In such a situation, it is a mat- respective reports about the 26.47 per cent in Chhattisgarh. country with the highest due to increasing debt of the borrowing from foreign coun-
Announcement of various ter of concern, whether this is increasing debt of the states If the debt on state government spending on free schemes. It is state governments, but social tries. That is, increasing debt
freebies, including cash trans- a healthy trend for our democ- due to freebies and have enterprises and the guarantees noteworthy that in Punjab, services like education and is not only creating fiscal
fers to women, farmers, stu- racy. Will our governments be expressed concern over these given by the state government 45.5 per cent of the total tax health as well as transport and imbalance but is also affecting
dents and sometimes minori- able to fund these free freebie schemes and rising are also added, then by 2020- revenue is being spent on free other essential services will the ability of state governments
ties and weaker sections, free (The writer is a professor schemes? Will the debt burden debt burden of the states. 21 the debt to GSDP ratio in schemes and in Andhra also be impacted. For the to run welfare schemes and is
electricity, free water, free trav- at PGDV College, Delhi on state governments increase According to the Fiscal Rajasthan would be 54.94 per Pradesh expenditure on free- development of any state, it is also blocking the path for the
el to the entire women etc., has University; views are Increasing debt in states Responsibility and Budget cent and in Punjab, it would be bies is 30.3 per cent of total tax imperative to increase invest- development of the country
now become a common phe- personal) This trend of freebies is now Management (FRBM) Act, 58.21 per cent. In Andhra revenue. Talking about the ment in infrastructure. Lack of and industry in particular.
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A &!!" f^a[S'
0?Q <03A83 amnesty deal that Sanchez’s wing remained out of office.
Socialists signed with two key Spain’s judiciary has crit-
Catalan separatist parties that icised the proposed amnesty.
Swaspain’s acting Socialist prime
minister, Pedro Sanchez,
reelected by a majority of
command 14 votes would
clean the slate for hundreds of
The European Union is
reviewing it.
legislators in a parliamentary Catalan separatists in legal The proposal sparked
vote Thursday, allowing him to trouble following the northeast street protests backed by the
form a new minority leftist region’s illegal 2017 secession Popular Party and Vox, which
coalition government. bid that sparked Spain’s biggest accuse Sanchez of betraying
Sanchez was backed by crisis in decades. the nation just to stay in
179 lawmakers in the 350-seat The amnesty law would power. Protests outside the
lower house of parliament. benefit former Catalan region- Socialist party’s headquarters
Only right-wing opposition al president Carles in Madrid turned ugly last
deputies voted against him. Puigdemont, who is a fugitive week and again on Wednesday
The vote came after near- from Spanish law and consid- night.
ly two days of debate among ered public enemy No. 1 by “The only real reproach
party leaders that centred many Spaniards. Despite lin- that the right makes against us
almost entirely on a highly gering disagreements, the two is that with these agreements
controversial amnesty deal for Catalan parties as well as two we will have won the govern-
Catalonia’s separatists that Basque ones said they would ment.
Sanchez agreed to in return for to be reelected and form failed to get enough support to back Sanchez on Thursday Which is what is going to
vital support to get elected another minority coalition form a government because of but let him know that he must happen today,” Sanchez said
prime minister again. government with the left-wing its alliances with the far-right fulfil the economic and polit- prior to the vote.
Sanchez won the vote Sumar (Joining Forces) party. Vox party, which finished ical deals reached with each of The speaker of the house
after clinching the support of Spain’s inconclusive third. them. will now convey the result to
six smaller parties — includ- national elections on July 23 The Socialists finished The two Basque parties King Felipe VI. Once pub-
ing two Catalan separatist left a highly fractured parlia- second with 121 seats. It pointed out that their support lished in the State Gazette,
parties — in recent weeks, ment. The centre-right remains to be seen if Sanchez was also key to keeping a pro- Sanchez will be sworn as the
allowing him to achieve the Popular Party received the can maintain enough support gressive government in power new prime minister before
majority of lawmakers needed most votes in the elections but to last the next four years. The and making sure the right the king, most likely on Friday.

0?Q :70=H>D=8B

been internally displaced in ian and militant deaths, and
Gaza, with most having fled to Israel says it has killed thou-
sraeli forces dropped leaflets the south, where food, water sands of militants.
warning Palestinians to flee and electricity are increasing- The war has inflamed ten-
of southern Gaza, resi-
dents said Thursday, signalling
a possible expansion of their
ly scarce.
It’s not clear where else they
could go, as Egypt refuses to
sions elsewhere. On Thursday,
gunmen shot and wounded
four people at a checkpoint on
offensive to areas where hun-
dreds of thousands of people
who heeded earlier evacua-
allow a mass transfer onto its
The war, now in its sixth
the main road linking
Jerusalem to Israeli settlements
in the occupied West Bank.
tion orders are crowded into week, was triggered by a wide- The three attackers were
UN-run shelters and family ranging Hamas attack into killed, according to police, who United Nations (PTI): The called for humanitarian paus-
homes. Meanwhile, soldiers southern Israel on October 7 in said the assailants had assault UN Security Council has es to allow full access for aid
continued searching Shifa which the militants killed over rifles, handguns and hatchets, called for urgent humanitari- to the Gaza strip was vetoed by
Hospital in the north, in a raid 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and were preparing a large- an pauses and corridors the US.
that began early Wednesday. and captured some 240 men, scale attack in Jerusalem. throughout Gaza to allow US Ambassador to the
They displayed guns they say women and children. Israel Israeli troops stormed into unhindered humanitarian UN Linda Thomas-
were found hidden in one responded with a weekslong air Gaza’s largest hospital access in the strip, finally Greenfield, in her explanation
building, but have yet to release campaign and a ground inva- Wednesday, searching for overcoming deadlock and of the vote, said that the text
any evidence of the central sion of northern Gaza, vowing traces of Hamas inside and adopting a resolution in the does not include condemna-
Hamas command centre that to remove Hamas from power beneath the facility, where new- month-long Israel-Hamas tion of Hamas but this is the
Israel has said is concealed and crush its military capabil- borns and hundreds of other conflict. first time the Council has ever
beneath the complex. Hamas ities.More than 11,200 patients have suffered for days The 15-nation Council adopted a resolution that “even
and staff at the hospital, Gaza’s Palestinians have been killed, without electricity and other adopted a resolution on mentions the word ‘Hamas’.”
largest, deny the allegations. two-thirds of them women basic necessities. Wednesday that called for the She said that while
Broadening operations to and minors, according to Troops searched the under- immediate and unconditional Washington fully supports the
the south — where Israel Palestinian health authorities. ground levels of the hospital on release of all hostages held by resolution’s call for the imme-
already carries out daily air Another 2,700 have been Thursday and detained techni- Hamas and other groups, espe- diate and unconditional
raids — threatens to worsen an reported missing, with most cians responsible for running cially children, as well as release of all hostages held by
already severe humanitarian believed to be buried under the its equipment, the Health ensuring immediate humani- Hamas and other groups, “ulti-
crisis in the besieged territory. rubble. The official count does Ministry in Hamas-run Gaza tarian access. mately, the United States could
Over 1.5 million people have not differentiate between civil- said in a statement. The Malta-drafted resolu- not vote yes on a text that did
tion was adopted with 12 votes not condemn Hamas or reaf-
in favour, none against and firm the right of all Member

CdaZXbW_P]T[c^ =TePSP´bPcc^a]ThVT]TaP[
three abstentions from Russia, States to protect their citizens
the United Kingdom and the from terrorist attacks.”
United States. UK’s Permanent
The resolution calls for Representative to the UN
“urgent and extended human- Ambassador Barbara
=0C>\T\QTabWX_ itarian pauses and corridors
throughout the Gaza Strip for
Woodward said while the res-
olution is absolutely necessary,
PccT\_c X]!!U^a3^]P[SCad\_
a sufficient number of days to Britain “regrets” that the first
enable, consistent with inter- resolution passed by the
national humanitarian law, Council on the issue could not
Ankara (Turkey) (AP): The the full, rapid, safe, and unhin- clearly condemn Hamas’ ter-
Turkish Parliament’s foreign 0?Q ;0BE460B existence of the investigation. dered humanitarian access” rorist attacks of October 7.
affairs committee was sched- Attorney General Aaron for United Nations humanitar- “The barbarity of those
uled on Thursday to start evada’s attorney general is Ford, a Democrat, did not ian agencies and their imple- attacks should be clear to us all.
debating Sweden’s bid to join
NATO, drawing the previous-
N investigating six Republican
electors who submitted a docu-
respond Wednesday to messages.
He has said in the past that his
menting partners to facilitate
the continuous, sufficient and
That is why we have abstained
ly non-aligned country closer ment to Congress falsely declar- office was cooperating and par- unhindered provision of But let me be absolutely
to membership in the Western ing Donald Trump the winner of ticipating with a U.S. Justice essential goods and services clear, it was vital and overdue
military alliance. the 2020 presidential election, a Department investigation of the throughout the Gaza Strip. for the Council to speak on
Once green-lighted by person with knowledge of the efforts to keep Trump in office. He The adoption of the reso- this crisis and we strongly
the committee, Sweden’s acces- case said Wednesday. It was not told the Democratic Attorneys lution came after four failed support the resolution’s pur-
sion protocol will need to be immediately clear if the ongoing General Association last January attempts last month in the pose: to get aid in, and
ratified by Parliament’s gener- probe was a criminal or civil mat- he feared that making any com- Council to take action on hostages out,” Woodward said.
al assembly for the last stage of ter. But the probe adds to official ment would be seen as partisan. allowing humanitarian access Russia’s Permanent
the legislative process in scrutiny of fake electors in sever- Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo, a in the Israel-Hamas conflict Representative Ambassador
Turkey. al swing states won by President Republican, vetoed a bill last that broke out after the mili- Vassily Nebenzia said that
Turkey has stalled ratify- Joe Biden in 2020, including June passed by the Democratic- tant group attacked Israel on Moscow abstained on the draft
ing Sweden’s membership in investigations in Georgia, led Legislature that would have October 7. resolution and “could not but
NATO, accusing the country Michigan and Arizona. Fake made it a felony to falsely certify The resolution by the US respond to calls, including
of being too lenient toward electors were charged in Georgia that a losing candidate has won that would have affirmed the from countries in the region,”
groups that Ankara regards as and Michigan, and Trump faces an election. Among those who right of member states to for the Security Council to
threats to its security, includ- charges both in Georgia and in a served as false electors in 2020 are defend themselves against adopt at least some humanitar-
ing Kurdish militants and federal investigation of his con- current state GOP chairman threats to peace and security ian product.
members of a network that duct related to the Jan. 6, 2021 Michael McDonald, national posed by acts of terrorism, was “That is the only reason
Ankara blames for a failed Capitol riot. The person was not party committee member Jim vetoed by Russia and China. why we turned a blind eye to
coup in 2016. authorized to speak publicly and DeGraffenreid, Clark County Two resolutions by the many shortcomings of the
Turkey has also been spoke to The Associated Press on party chair Jesse Law and Shawn Moscow failed to get sufficient draft, the main one being the
angered by a series of demon- condition of anonymity. Politico Meehan, a national and Douglas votes in their favour while the absence of a call for an imme-
strations by supporters of the and NBC News first reported the County committee member. Brazil text that would have diate ceasefire.
outlawed Kurdistan Workers’
Party, or PKK, in Sweden as

well as Quran-burning
protests that roiled Muslim
Turkish President Recep
Tayyip Erdogan lifted his
objection to Sweden’s bid dur-
ing a NATO summit in July
and sent the accession proto-
col to Parliament for ratifica- 0?Q ;>=3>= where migrants can be sent. prepared to “revisit” interna- “the legally binding treaty,
tion last month. Turkey’s Britain’s top court said asylum- tional relationships to remove which is binding on both coun-
reversal of its position came ritain’s interior minister seekers faced “a real risk of ill- “obstacles” if the deportation tries, will be robust, will address
after Stockholm pledged deep-
er cooperation with Turkey on
B said on Thursday that the
UK government can revive its
treatment” and could be
returned by Rwanda to the
policy continues to be blocked.
Some members of the govern-
the issues raised by the
Supreme Court.”
counterterrorism and to sup- blocked plan to send asylum- home countries they had fled. ing Conservative Party want Legal experts were skepti-
port Turkey’s ambition to seekers to Rwanda without Despite the justices’ unan- the prime minister to take the cal. Jonathan Sumption, a for-
revive its EU membership bid. breaching international law, imous verdict, the British gov- country out of the European mer UK Supreme Court justice
In addition, NATO agreed to with the first flights taking off ernment doubled down on the Convention on Human Rights who is known as a conserva-
establish a special coordinator next year.Home Secretary policy, which it says will deter if the Rwanda plan is stymied. tive, said the government’s
for counterterrorism. James Cleverly said the govern- people from around the world Cleverly said he believed the strategy “won’t work” because
NATO requires the unan- ment is “absolutely deter- making life-threatening jour- plan could take effect without the government was asking
imous approval of all existing mined” to begin Rwanda neys across the English Britain leaving the European Parliament “to change the
members to expand, and deportation flights before a Channel in small boats. convention. The only countries facts.” “The courts have
Turkey and Hungary are the national election that must be Prime Minister Rishi ever to quit the rights accord perused hundreds of pages of
only countries that have been called by the end of 2024. Sunak said he would sign a are Russia – which was expelled documents to arrive at this con-
holding out. Hungary has Many legal experts said treaty with the Rwandan gov- after invading Ukraine – and clusion. For Parliament simply
stalled Sweden’s bid, alleging that’s wishful thinking, and ernment to close loopholes in Belarus. to say the facts are different’
that Swedish politicians have critics urged the government to the plan, including a block on “I don’t believe that will be would be constitutionally real-
told “blatant lies” about the ditch a plan they say is costing Rwanda sending migrants necessary,” Cleverly told the ly extraordinary,” Sumption
condition of Hungar y’s millions and harming Britain’s home. The government says BBC. “We are taking action to told the BBC.
democracy. It was not clear international reputation. once that risk has been address the specific deficiencies Refugee law expert David
when the bill would reach the On Wednesday, the UK removed, it will pass a law in the judgment ... to make sure Cantor said if the government
full assembly, where Erdogan’s Supreme Court quashed the through Parliament declaring we are in conformity with failed to heed the Supreme
ruling party and its allies com- government’s plan, saying that Rwanda is a safe country. international law.” He said the Court, it would set “a very dan-
mand a majority. Rwanda is not a safe country Sunak also said he was government was confident that gerous precedent.”
=4F34;78 k5A830H k=>E4<14A &!!" f^a[S(
?C8Q F>>3B83414898=6

U S President Joe Biden and

have always been candid,
straightforward, and useful.
I’ve never doubted what you’ve
pitched for reducing the stifling
tensions between the top two
economies, especially at a time
his Chinese counterpart Xi told me in terms of your can- when the Chinese economy
Jinping have agreed to resume did nature in what you speak. was facing a slowdown which
high-level military-to-military I value our conversation his government is struggling to
communication and counter- because I think it’s paramount fix. “It is unrealistic for one side

narcotics cooperation as they that you and I understand to remodel the other. Conflicts
met for four hours in a bid to each other clearly, leader to and confrontations have
establish a working relationship leader with no misconceptions unbearable consequences for
amidst Beijing’s aggressive or miscommunication,” said both sides. I’m still of the view
actions in the Indo-Pacific the US president. The two that major country competition ?C8Q 14898=6F>>3B834 also seen as an effort to
region. leaders exchanged views on key is not the prevailing trend of address apprehensions back
The two leaders also regional and global challenges, current times and cannot solve hinese President Xi home that the US and China
affirmed the need to address
the risks of advanced artificial
the White House said.
President Biden under-
the problems facing China and
the United States,” Xi said.
C Jinping has invited his US
counterpart Joe Biden to take
were headed for a major con-
intelligence (AI) systems and scored the United States’ sup- Xi also spoke of his con- part in his pet global initiative Briefing the Chinese
improve AI safety through US- port for a free and open Indo- cerns about the US policy the BRI and expressed his media on the Xi-Biden talks,
China government talks during Pacific that is connected, pros- towards Taiwan. readiness to take part in the Wang, who accompanied Xi,
their meeting on the sidelines perous, secure, and resilient. The Taiwan issue has Washington-backed multilat- said “the two presidents had an
of the Asia-Pacific Economic The President reaffirmed always been the most impor- eral cooperate initiatives. in-depth exchange of views
Cooperation summit in San the United States’ ironclad tant and sensitive issue in Sino- ?aTbXST]c 9^T 1XST] VaTTcb 2WX]Pb The B elt and Road face-to-face. They offered
Francisco. Biden said since commitment to defending our US relations, the US should ?aTbXST]c?aTbXST]cGX9X]_X]VPccWT5X[^[X Initiative (BRI) initiated by Xi views guiding the most pro-
their last meeting in Bali, on the Indo-Pacific allies. The hold on to its promise of not 4bcPcTX]F^^SbXST2P[XUFTS]TbSPh^] in 2015 in which China is nounced issues confronting
sidelines of the G20, the key President emphasised the supporting “Taiwan indepen- cWT bXST[X]Tb ^U cWT 0bXP?PRXUXR 4R^]^\XR reported to have invested over China-US relations, including
members of the two govern- United States’ enduring com- dence”, stop arming Taiwan, 2^^_TaPcXeTR^]UTaT]RT 0??C8 a USD trillion has been wide- adopting a correct perception
ments have had important dis- mitment to freedom of naviga- and support China’s peaceful ly criticised by the US, India of each other, properly manag-
cussions on issues that matter tion and overflight, adherence reunification, Xi told Biden. and other countries as sever- ing differences, and advancing
to both the nations and to the to international law, maintain- “China will eventually be Taiwan. “I didn’t expect any States, and the United States make this rational and manage- al countries including Sri dialogue and cooperation”.
world. “But as always, there’s no ing peace and stability in the reunified and will inevitably be interference, any at all. We should not scheme to sup- able so it doesn’t result in con- Lanka and Pakistan, its biggest “They had all-round dis-
substitute for face-to-face dis- South China Sea and East reunified”, Xi said according to had that discussion as he was press or contain China,” Xi said. flict.” In his opening com- beneficiaries, reeled under cussions on addressing the
cussions. I’ve always found our China Sea, and the complete an official press release here. leaving,” Biden said. Biden was asked, given ments, Xi called on China and mounting debt burden. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the
discussions straightforward denuclearisation of the Korean On Taiwan, Biden repeat- For his part, Xi called on that his relationship with Xi the US to find the right way to US, India and many of the EU Ukraine crisis, climate change,
and frank, and I’ve always Peninsula,” it said. ed to Xi that he would not the United States to “not goes back more than a decade, get along with each other. countries are not part of the artificial intelligence and other
appreciated them,” Biden said. While the Chinese official change the one-China policy, scheme to suppress or contain whether he trusted him. The problems facing BRI. global challenges,” Wang said.
Observing that he has known media has announced the which he said previous US China” during Wednesday’s “I trust but verify, as the old human society cannot be On the sidelines of the However, in his lengthy
Xi for a long time, Biden said agreements reached between Xi presidents had also upheld. extensive talks, Chinese state saying goes,” he said. “We’re in solved without cooperation G20 Summit in New Delhi in opening remarks at his sum-
they haven’t always agreed, and Biden, the Chinese leader He said he believes China will media reported. a competitive relationship, between major countries, Xi September, Prime Minister mit with Biden as well as
which was not surprising to in opening remarks at his not interfere in the upcoming “China has no plans to sur- China and the United States, told Biden, according to an offi- Narendra Modi along with equally long speech at a ban-
anyone. “But our meetings meeting with the US President Presidential elections in pass or unseat the United but my responsibility is to cial press release here. President Biden and other quet, Xi made no references to
world leaders launched the the US strategic heft into the

India-Middle East-Europe Indo-Pacific and Beijing’s oft-
Economic Corridor (IMEEC) repeated allegation that
to connect India, the Middle Washington is inciting “bloc
East and Europe with railways, confrontation” against China

shipping lines, high-speed data by forming groupings like
cables and energy pipelines. Quad (US, India, Australia,
In his four-hour-long Japan) and AUKUS (Australia,
meeting with Biden on UK and US). China is also

0?Q :H8E [RZ]ecZR]`W:^cR_ Wednesday on the sidelines of

the Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation summit in San
peeved over the emerging
close ties between the US and
ritish Foreign Secretary ?C8Q 8B;0<0103 of Khan and Qureshi in the case Francisco, termed as “strategic Xi, 70, however, was blunt
B David Cameron met with
Ukrainian President Pakistan high court
based on an alleged violation of
the Official Secrets Act while
and historic” by Chinese
Foreign Minister Wang Yi,
in asserting China’s claims
over the self-ruled Taiwan.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy on
Thursday in his first overseas
A Thursday extended until
November 20 the stay against
dealing with a secret diplomat-
ic cable by the Pakistan embassy
President Xi did not directly
refer to the IMEEC but said,
The Taiwan question remains
the most important and most
trip in his new job and pledged the jail trial of former prime in Washington in March 2022. “China is also ready to partic- sensitive issue in China-US
to continue providing military minister Imran Khan in the The duo were booked by the ipate in US proposed multilat- relations. China takes seri-
support for Ukraine’s war cipher case. The Islamabad Federal Investigation Agency eral cooperation initiatives”. ously the positive statements
effort for “however long it High Court (IHC) bench com- (FIA)in the case in August. On the back foot, as the made by the United States in
takes.” prising Justice Miangul Hassan The single bench, led by Chinese economy reeled the Bali meeting. “China will
Cameron, a former prime Aurangzeb and Justice Saman IHC Chief Justice Aamer under a prolonged slowdown realise reunification, and this
minister who returned to gov- Rafat Imtiaz extended the stay Farooq, on October 16 had with a flight of FDI and sup- is unstoppable”, he told Biden.
ernment in a surprise appoint- during the hearing of 71-year- observed no apparent malice ply chains, Xi is on a charm But at the same time, he
ment Monday in a Cabinet old Khan’s intra-court appeal behind conducting Khan’s jail offensive in the US to woo the called for jointly managing
shuffle, said he wanted to against the jail trial. trial in the cipher case and “good times” of China-US ties disagreements effectively and
make the trip to Kyiv his first The appeal was filed against directed him to approach the back. respecting each other’s
diplomatic visit. “I admire the a single-member bench of the trial court if his reservations His talks with Biden were redlines.
strength and determination same court which last month persist. Subsequently, Khan
of the Ukrainian people,” he upheld the trial of Khan in the filed an intra-court appeal
told Zelenskyy, according to a Adiala Jail Rawalpindi where he against the single bench’s deci-
video posted by the presi- has been incarcerated. sion. The purported cipher
dent. Cameron said the UK According to Khan’s Pakistan (secret diplomatic cable) con-
would continue to provide Tehreek-e-Insaf party, the IHC tained an account of a meeting
moral and diplomatic sup- tried to keep the world’s focus air defense, protection of our last month, the UK said it was “extended the stay of the cipher between US State Department
port “but above all, the mili- on Ukraine’s fight as attention people and critical infrastruc- second to the US in providing case trial under official secret officials, including Assistant
tary support that you need not has turned to the Middle East ture. I am grateful to the UK military funds to Ukraine, act till Monday, November 20”. Secretary of State for the Bureau
just this year and next year but and Israel’s war against Hamas. for its support!” The UK has giving 4.6 billion pounds ($5.7 The Pakistan Tehreek-e- of South & Central Asian
however long it takes.” “A good meeting,” Zelenskyy been one of the strongest sup- billion) worth of assistance Insaf (PTI) chairman is current- Affairs Donald Lu and Pakistani
Zelenskyy thanked Cameron wrote on Telegram. “Weapons porters of Ukraine in defend- and training 30,000 Ukrainian ly detained in Adiala jail in envoy Asad Majeed Khan last
for visiting. Zelenskyy has for the front, strengthening of ing itself from Russia. As of troops on British soil. Rawalpindi on judicial remand. year.
Khan’s close aide and former Khan, who served as prime
foreign minister Shah minister of Pakistan from

!%ZX[[TSX]UXaTPcR^P[\X]X]V %^Z]ZeR_ed\Z]]VUZ__`ceYhVdeAR\ Mahmood Qureshi, 67, who

was also arrested in the cipher
case is imprisoned in the same
August 2018 to April 2022, is
accused of misusing the con-
tents of the cipher to build a

R^\_P]hQdX[SX]VX]2WX]P Peshawar (PTI): Four wanted

militants, including a “high-
value terrorist commander”,
terrorist Hazrat Umar alias
Khalid”. The militants were
“wanted by law enforcement
jail. Khan and Qureshi have
pleaded not guilty to the
charges. The caretaker govern-
narrative that his government
was ousted due to a conspira-
cy hatched by the US, a charge
Beijing (PTI): A fire ripped agency said 60 people were were killed by security forces agencies,” it said. ment has approved the jail trial denied by Washington.
through a building of a coal sent to the hospital for treat- in restive northwestern “Weapons, ammunition
mine company in north ment. Chinese President Xi Pakistan, the army said on and explosives were also recov-
China’s Shanxi province on Jinping who is currently in Thursday. During an intelli- ered from the slain men, who
Thursday, killing at least 26 the US has ordered all-out gence-based operation in the remained actively involved in
people and injuring 38, state efforts to rescue the injured. general area, Badaber, numerous terrorist activities,
media reported. The fire Xi, who is currently vis- Peshawar, the troops effec- including extortion and target-
started on the second floor of iting the US, asked authori- tively engaged the militants ed killings in the area,” it
the five-story building locat- ties to inspect and remove and four terrorists were “sent added. In another operation
e d i n L is h i D i s t r i c t of risks in key industries to to hell” including a “high-value on Thursday, an intense
Lyuliang City at around 6.50 safeguard people’s lives and terrorist commander”, the exchange of fire took place
am (local time). The on-site property as well as social sta- Inter Services Public Relations between terrorists and troops
rescue operation ended at bility, official media report- (ISPR) - the media wing of the in the Kulachi area of the Dera
1:45 pm (local time) on ed. The building belongs to army - said in a statement. Ismail Khan district. A soldier
Thursday, according to the a private coal mine company. It identified the slain ter- was killed in the operation. On
information office of the Industrial accidents are com- rorists as Samiullah alias Wednesday, seven terrorists
city. mon in China due to lax safe- Shenay, terrorist commander were killed by security forces
An earlier report by the t y st and ards and p o or Salman alias Ahmed, terrorist in an operation in the Tank
st ate-r un X i n hua ne ws enforcement, the report said. Imran alias Muhammad and district.

0?Q B84<A40? site. Thursday’s inauguration tourism sector in our Siem deep friendship between the
was presided over by Prime Reap province,” Hun Manet people of the two countries,
ambodia on Thursday Minister Hun Manet, Chinese said. China is Cambodia’s most while promoting bilateral eco-
C inaugurated its newest and
biggest airport, a Chinese-
Ambassador to Cambodia
Wang Wentian, the governor of
important ally and benefactor,
with strong influence in its
nomic ties.
The project is part of the
financed project meant to serve China’s Yunnan province, Wang economy, shown by numerous Belt and Road Initiative (BRI),
as an upgraded gateway to the Yubo, and other officials. Chinese-funded projects, hotels the ambitious programme that
country’s major tourist attrac- Speaking at the ceremony, and casinos in the capital, involves Chinese companies
tion, the centuries-old Angkor Hun Manet said the old airport Phnom Penh, and elsewhere building transportation, energy
Wat temple complex in the was located too close to the around the country. China’s and other infrastructure over-
northwestern province of Siem Angkor temples and it was state banks have financed air- seas funded by Chinese devel-
Reap. feared that vibrations from ports, roads and other infra- opment bank loans. Its goal is
The Siem Reap-Angkor passing flights were damaging structure built with Chinese to grow trade and the economy
International Airport is locat- their foundations. loans. More than 40 per cent of by improving China’s connec-
ed on 700 hectares (1,730 acres) Tourism is one of the main Cambodia’s USD 10 billion in tions with the rest of the world
of land about 40 kilometers (25 pillars supporting Cambodia’s foreign debt is owed to China. in a 21st-century version of the
miles) east of Angkor Wat and economy. According to the The new airport, built at a Silk Road trading routes from
boasts a 3,600-metre long run- Ministry of Tourism, Cambodia cost of about USD 1.1 billion, China to the Middle East and
way. It can handle 7 million pas- received some 3.5 million inter- was financed by Angkor onto Europe. Another Chinese-
sengers a year, with plans to national tourists in the first International Airport funded airport is being con-
augment it to handle 12 million eight months of 2023, while for (Cambodia) Co., Ltd., an affil- structed at a cost of USD 1.5 bil-
passengers annually from 2040. the whole of 2019 — the last iate of China’s Yunnan lion to serve the capital. The
The airport began operations year before the coronavirus Investment Holdings Ltd, under new Phnom Penh internation-
October 16, with the first flight pandemic — it received some a 55-year build-operate-trans- al airport, formally known as
to land coming from neigh- 6.6 million foreign visitors. fer deal. Yunnan governor the Techo International Airport,
bouring Thailand. The old air- “Hopefully, 2024 will be the Wang Yubo, speaking for the is set on 2,600 hectares (6,425
port it replaces was about 5 kilo- year of the beginning of the Chinese government, said the acres) and scheduled for com-
metres from the famous tourist advance and rebirth of the airport’s launch showed the pletion in 2024.
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HVRcV_`e`fe`Wh``UdjVeR_U 6@9cµY^fUcd]U^dfQ\eUY^
?C8■ <D<108 the article authored by a team lead by authors and do not represent the views
?C8■ =4F34;78

he value of foreign portfo-

quarter, foreign investors con-
tinued their buying spree in
the Indian equity markets for

Reser ve Bank Bulletin on

RBI Deputy Governor Michael
Debabrata Patra said.
of the central bank.
The article further said India’s exter-
T lio investors’ holdings in
domestic equities reached
the most part of the
September quarter with a net
A Thursday said retail inflation has
moderated due to monetary policy
The authors said investment demand
appears to be resilient with the gov-
nal sector has remained viable, with
a modest Current Account Deficit
USD 651 billion in the three
months ended September
infusion of USD 5.38 billion.
Foreign Portfolio Investors
action and supply side interventions, ernment’s infrastructure spending, (CAD) financed by resilient capital 2023, which was 15 per cent (FPIs) pumped USD 5.68
but “we are not out of the woods yet an uptick in private capex, automa- flows, one of the least volatile curren- higher than the year-ago peri- billion into Indian equities in
and have miles to go”. tion, digitalisation, and indigenisation cies in the world and a healthy level od, according to a July on steady earnings
An article on the state of the econo- providing a boost. of foreign exchange reserves. Morningstar report. growth recovery, stable
my in the November Bulletin also Referring to the headline inflation The momentum of growth has picked This could be attributed to the macro fundamentals, and
noted that the global economy is based on Consumer Price Index up, taking GDP well above pre-pan- good performance of the the challenges faced by the
showing signs of slowing down in the (CPI), the article said a combination demic levels to becoming the fifth domestic equity markets as Chinese economy and con-
ongoing quarter as manufacturing of monetary policy action and supply largest economy in the world at mar- well as strong net FPI inflows. cerns over its recovery.
languishes while services sector activ- side interventions guided inflation ket exchange rates, it added. According to the report, the Additionally, the resilient
ity appears to have reached the end of down from the high reaches to which “Steadfast policy initiatives are show- value of FPIs’ investments in state of the domestic econo-
its post-pandemic expansion. it had climbed through the first seven ing results, with the financial sector Indian equities rose from my and the markets amid
Going forward, it said tightening months of 2022-23. exhibiting soundness and supporting USD 566 billion as of global uncertainty also
financial conditions is a significant In fact, November 2022 was the first the credit needs of a resurgent econ- September 2022 to USD 651 attracted foreign investors
risk to the global outlook. month when headline inflation omy,” it said. billion at the end of September toward Indian equities.
“In India, the momentum of the dropped back into the RBI’s tolerance have miles to go, but readings of of 6.7 per cent in 2022-23 and 7.1 per The 37th edition of the State of the 2023. However, the pace of invest-
change in GDP is sequentially expect- band of 2-6 per cent in the whole cal- around 5 per cent and 4.9 per cent in cent in July-August 2023,” it said. Economy article marks the third year On a quarter-on-quarter basis, ments from FPIs ebbed sub-
ed to be higher in Q3, 2023-24, with endar year. September and October, respectively, The RBI, however, said the views of its revival after a long hiatus of 25 the value of such investment stantially in August to USD
festival demand remaining ebullient,” “We are not out of the woods yet and are a welcome relief from the average expressed in the article are of the years. rose 4 per cent from USD 626 1.48 billion on concerns on the
billion recorded in the three global macro front on the back
months ended June this year. of higher crude oil prices and

<PaZTcbaP[[hU^a!]SSPh^]8C bc^RZbQdhX]V BPWPaP\PccTafX[[R^]cX]dT Despite the growth, FPIs’ con-

tribution to Indian equity
the resurfacing of inflation
risks. “The firming up of

market capitalisation fell mar- bond yields in the US also led
?C8■ <D<108 682.44 points or 1 per cent to and pharma could be future In the broader market, the ginally during the quarter some foreign investors to drift
66,358.37. winners. While cut in inflation BSE midcap gauge jumped under review to 16.95 per cent away from riskier markets in
quity benchmark stock The Nifty gained 89.75 points will also benefit domestic 0.52 per cent and smallcap ?C8■ <D<108 of only Rs 138 crore have been from 17.33 per cent in the pre- favour of the greater certain-
E indices Sensex and Nifty
closed higher for a second
or 0.46 per cent to 19,765.20.
“The Indian market continued
placed staples and consumer
sector,” said Vinod Nair, Head
index climbed 0.52 per cent.
Among the indices, IT jumped
made to investors even though vious quarter.
Picking up from the June
ty and better risk/reward pro-
file of US Treasuries.
straight day on Thursday fol- its positive resurgence, track- of Research, Geojit Financial 2.59 per cent, teck rallied 2.13 StheebiPuri chairperson Madhabi
Buch on Thursday said
Sahara group was asked to
deposit over Rs 24,000 crore
lowing gains in IT, tech and
consumer durable shares amid
ing global gains. Softer-than-
expected US inflation data
Among the Sensex firms, Tata
per cent, healthcare (0.98 per
cent), realty (0.98 per cent), oil
Sahara matter will continue
for the capital markets regula-
with Sebi for further refund to
investors. 1DB8=4BB1A845
a mixed trend in global equi- and easing bond yields have Consultancy Services, HCL & gas (0.84 per cent), telecom- tor even after the death of the Sahara group has faced many
ties. Softer-than-expected US bought optimism that spend- Technologies, Tech Mahindra, munication (0.68 per cent) group’s founder Subrata Roy. allegations, including that of A4E;>=8=380?;0=B=4F74867CB
inflation data and easing bond ing will emerge like in tech- Infosys, Bajaj Finance, NTPC, and consumer discretionary Roy died in Mumbai on running a Ponzi scheme. =4F34;78)ATe[^]8]SXP_[P]bc^cPZT
yields have also brought opti- nology. Mahindra & Mahindra and (0.64 per cent). FMCG, bankex Tuesday after a prolonged illness Troubles for Roy started in QdbX]Tbbc^=Tf7TXVWcbfXcW<TVW]P<^SX
mism in equity markets. “Taking the cues further, IT Bajaj Finserv were among the and metal were the laggards. at the age of 75. November 2010 with Sebi ask- PccWTWT[\^UPUUPXab4[STbcSPdVWcTa^UcWT
The 30-share BSE Sensex stocks showed a significant major gainers. In Asian markets, Seoul settled Speaking to reporters on the ing two entities of Sahara group 2WPXa\P]D\TbW:d\Pa<^SX<TVW]PXb
climbed 306.55 points or 0.47 jump in the broader market. Axis Bank, Power Grid, ITC in the green, while Tokyo, sidelines of a Ficci event, Buch not to mobilise funds from PVaPSdPcT^U;^]S^]1dbX]TbbBRW^^[P]S
per cent to settle at 65,982.48. The market is sensing that and ICICI Bank were the major Shanghai and Hong Kong said for Sebi, the Sahara matter equity markets or from issuance 7PaePaS1dbX]TbbbRW^^[BWTf^aZTSPc
During the day, it jumped export-based sectors like IT laggards. ended lower. was about an entity’s conduct of any security to the public 1PX]2^]bd[cX]VX]1^bc^]QTU^aTR^\X]V
and added that it will continue while restraining Roy from QPRZc^8]SXP
regardless of whether an indi- approaching the public for rais-
vidual is there or not. ing money. =5;43D20C4B50A<4AB01>DCDB4>53A>=4B
When asked why the refunds Roy was arrested in 2014 on the =>830) 0bP_Pac^UcWTEXZbXc1WPaPcBP]ZP[_HPcaPE1BH^UcWT
have been too less, Buch said the orders of the Supreme Court 6^eTa]\T]c^U8]SXP=5;XbTSdRPcX]VUPa\TabPQ^dccWTdbTP]S
monies were returned through after he failed to appear before QT]TUXcb^UcWTSa^]TbX]PVaXRd[cdaTbTRc^aCWTR^\_P]hXb
a Supreme Court-appointed it in a contempt case arising out _PacXRX_PcX]VX]cWTSa^]TRP\_PXV]X]cWTcaXQP[SXbcaXRcbX]cWTbcPcTb
committee basis the evidence of of non-refund of more than Rs ^U9:7?1XWPaP]SFTbc1T]VP[CWTR^\_P]hWPbcPZT]Sa^]Tbc^
the claims made by investors. 20,000 crore to investors by the cWTadaP[PaTPbX]cWTbTbcPcTbP]SXbS^X]VST\^]bcaPcX^]bX]cWT
It has been reported that refunds two companies. UXT[SbfXcWcWTbTSa^]Tb
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A &!!"

?C8■ =4F34;78 tournaments).
"All such shooters will be
he National Rifle 'deemed' to be Quota holders

T Association of India
(NRAI) will award just
two bonus points to Olympic
and will enjoy all the privileges
and benefits of Quota holders."
In shooting sport, a country is
quota winners in fire-arm cat- eligible to win only two
egory and one to air weapons Olympic quotas per discipline.
shooters after making a major In some disciplines, such as
amendment to its selection pol- men's and women's 50m rifle 3-
icy for the 2024 Paris Games. positions, Indian shooters have
Earlier, an Olympic quota win- already earned those slots each
ner earned as many as 10 bonus for the country.
points for clinching a World With several Olympic qualify-
Championship gold, while a ing events still to go, those win-
fourth-place finisher got five ning medals in them will be
points. Similarly in World Cups, treated at par with the quota
a gold medallist earned six winners and be awarded bonus
bonus points, a silver medallist points as per the amended pol-
four and a bronze medallist two. one or two bonus points, while also ensuring the gap in fire-arm events per trial will icy. The federation also set the
These bonus points gave shoot- depending on the event, will be between them and the next in be added to the Olympic quota eligibility for the Olympic
ers who earned quota places for added to the average of three line is within limits in a sport winners' FAS. selection trials in May, which
the country in events such as the scores for quota winners in where scores in decimals can "This (NRAI technical) com- will be a competition between
World Cups, World Olympic trials, which the fed- make a difference between vic- mittee does not wish to take the top-five shooters in each
Championships and Asian eration will conduct in May to tory and defeat. away the individual achieve- category.
events, a huge advantage over select the squad for the show- The events that come under the ment of the sportsperson from They will include, "All Quota
other Olympic aspirants, who piece event. category of air weapons are 10m achieving this laudable mile- Holders/Deemed Quota hold-
could not cover that gap in tri- The NRAI governing body, in air pistol and 10m air rifle, while stone of winning an Olympic ers of an event; an athlete
als to select the squad for the its meeting on Wednesday, events such as 50m rifle 3-posi- quota place. whose domestic ranking is
global showpiece. decided that the final average tions, sports pistol and rapid-fire "The winner of the quota place between 1 and 3 and has par-
The federation, its hands tied by score (FAS) will be the average pistol come under the fire-arm will be entitled to get Quota ticipated in two ISSF
its own policy, was also left with of the three best Olympic selec- category. points while calculating FAS -- Championships...
no choice but to send athletes tion trial scores out of four tri- "The policy is based on each fire arm events (2 points), air "...An athlete whose ISSF
with the most points even when als to which the bonus point will shooter getting Final Average fun events (1 point). Qualification Ranking for
it knew they were not in the best be added. Score (FAS). The FAS will be "Similar points will also be Olympics points are amongst
of form. An Olympic quota in shooting computed by taking the average available to the shooter, who was the top 3 shooters (Indian)
But with shooters going without is won by the country and not of the top 3 Olympic selection eligible to win a quota but was after the conclusion of ISSF
a medal in the last two Olympics by an individual. However, not trials scores plus the (Olympic) not awarded as India had Final Qualification
-- 2016 Rio and 2020 Tokyo -- taking away from their effort of quota bonus point (QBP) to already earned maximum of Championship (Rifle & Pistol)
the NRAI has amended the pol- winning a quota for the coun- arrive at FAS," read the amend- two quotas, provided the rank in April 2024; an athlete
icy. try, the federation will still give ment. This means only 0.33 of the shooter was within first whose domestic ranking is 4
As per the amended policy, only a bonus point to quota winners, bonus points in air gun and 0.66 three ranks (in wuota-winning or 5."

1Wd[[PacPZTbb^[T[TPSPc @bQ^^_i\_cUcY^:Q`Q^=QcdUbc
8]S^]TbXP]<PbcTab ?C8■ :D<0<>C>90?0=

ndian shuttler HS Prannoy

game as he opened up a 4-0
lead and managed to stay 11-
8 ahead at the break.

?C8■ 90:0AC0 was more to do with the way I

lost a closely-fought second
match against Chou
Chen kept fighting to keep
himself close but Prannoy
was looking at the lines. Tien Chen of Chinese Taipei sealed the opening game.
ce Indian golfer Gaganjeet "I changed the way I was visu- to bow out of the Japan Chen got his act together
A Bhullar on Thursday shot
a stunning bogey-free eight-
alising the putt. Nothing
changed in my stroke, just the
Masters Super 500 bad-
minton tournament here on
after the opening reversal
and took 5-0 lead quickly.
under-63 in the first round to ability to change reading the Thursday. Though Prannoy managed to
grab sole lead at the BNI lines from a different point of The Asian Games bronze draw parity at 10-10, Chen
Indonesian Masters here at the view," he explained. Baisoya, medallist Indian, who reeled off four quick points to
Royale Jakarta Golf Club. who is currently 77th on the returned to action after create a gap, which the Indian
Bhullar, who has won four of Merit List, and looking to get recovering from a back couldn't bridge.
his 10 Asian Tour titles in into Top-65 to ensure playing injury, squandered an open- The Chinese Taipei player
Indonesia, put himself ahead of rights for 2024, brought home ing game advantage to lose carried the momentum in the
countryman Honey Baisoya, a round of 65 with seven birdies 21-19 16-21 19-21 to world decider, leading 12-4 at one
Phachara Khongwatmai from and one bogey. no. 12 Chen in a 73-minute stage. Soon Prannoy pro-
Thailand and American Paul Peterson had six birdies and no men's singles match that went duced his trademark fight-
Peterson, all made a round of bogeys, while Phachara had down the wire. back to slowly and steadily
65s. The 35-year-old said: "The four birdies and an eagle. Prannoy's defeat brought cur- draw parity at 19-19.
Bhullar's previous wins in whole year I have been feeling Five Indians, Karandeep tains on India's campaign at Chen, however, recovered in
Indonesia came in the strong mentally and physical- Kochhar, SSP Chawrasia, Veer the tournament. the nick of time to win the
President Invitational (2009) ly. Though I have been playing Ahlawat, Rashid Khan and The world number 8 Indian decider 21-19 and pocket
and the Indonesia Open in well but not really delivering. I Yashas Chandra carded 2- looked in control in the first the match.
2013, 2016 and 2022. am sure my subconscious mind under 69 each to be tied 30th
Starting with a birdie on the will figure it out." on a low-scoring opening day.
10th, Bhullar added two more Bhullar said an adjustment to Ajeetesh Sandhu (70) was tied
on the 17th and the 18th holes his putting helped him trigger 51 while S Chikkarangappa
to turn in 3-under. the windfall of birdies. (71) was tied 69.
He added five more on his sec- "I figured out something with But things did not go well for
ond nine, the front side of the my stroke on the first few Anirban Lahiri, who after 2-
course on the third, fourth, holes and kept on repeating the over 73 was tied 94 and Shiv
sixth, eighth and ninth for a siz- same action. In the end, the Kapur, still struggling with an
zling 63. result was eight under par. It injury, shot 6-over 77.

0?■ 54;2BDC Some fans in the stands
held up signs bearing the
E u r o p e a n faces of Israelis kidnapped
Championship qualify-
game between
during the Oct. 7 Hamas
assault inside Israel that
Switzerland and Israel killed around 1,200 people.
ended with a 1-1 draw, a As fears of antisemitic acts
match that brought the are on the rise across
Israeli team to Hungary Europe, the security of the
after all scheduled games in Israeli team was a decisive
Tel Aviv were postponed factor in bringing the
due to the Israel-Hamas rescheduled qualif ying
war. games to Hungary.
The match was one of two Hungarian Prime Minister
"home games" Israel is host- Viktor Orbán, who has a
ing in Felcsut, a Hungarian holiday home only steps
village of around 1,900 peo- away from the 3,500-seat
ple, as it chases a qualifying Pancho Arena in Felcsut,
place in the Euro 2024 con- has long claimed that
tinental championship. Hungary is one of the safest
If the team qualifies, it will places in Europe for Jewish
be its first time since join- people, and maintains close
ing the European soccer relations with Israeli Prime
federation in 1994. Minister B enjamin
Ahead of the game, fans Netanyahu.
draped in Israeli flags gath- As the game approached,
ered outside the heavily heightened security trans-
guarded stadium, singing formed the ordinarily quiet
chants as their team's bus village, making the presence
arrived. of police and other securi-
The mood was celebratory, ty forces apparent to local
but some fans - some of inhabitants.
whom traveled from as far "The village is a bit upside
away as Israel to attend the down, everybody going in
match - were solemn in and out of the facility is
describing the significance checked," said Rikardo
of the contest. Mate, a Felcsut resident.
"We're going through a very, After Wednesday's game,
very difficult time right now, Israel remains in third place
and it just felt right," said in Group I of Euro 2024
Aaron Morali, an Israeli fan qualif ying, b ehind
who drove two hours from Switzerland and Romania
Vienna, Austria to watch the with 16 points each. The top
game. "We're Jewish, we're two teams automatically
here ... It was very important qualify for Euro 2024 in
for us to come here." Germany.
<3E23:67j4@72/G j<=D3;03@%  ! b_^ac !


?C8■ =4F34;78 paagal ho gaya hain tu. Abhi

kuch khela hi naahi hain tune
ow many hundreds did (Are you mad Rohit. You haven't

H Rohit Sharma miss in played anything yet)."

this World Cup? At least Little did he realise that this was
five if not more. But how many not an average 17-year-old. And
hearts did he win with his new in less than three years, he had
found no-holds barred attacking a luxury car in his garage after

approach? May be a billion. the T20 World Cup triumph.
With a perfect balance between Lad himself admits that he
head and heart, Rohit has taken never realized that there was this
India into the tournament final. bullish but quiet self confidence
The high-risk approach has cost in his ward. ?C8■ <D<108
him personal milestones but "He has always been selfless even
having put team above self, the when he would captain his s Mohammed Shami
'Hit-Man' didn't deviate from his
game-plan as he is on a mission
school team. What you are see-
ing today isn't something that
A walked back to the top of
his run-up, Virat Kohli geed
to complete what he termed at happened overnight. Forgetting the fans at the Wankhede
the start as unfinished business'. about own milestones and play- Stadium to go full throat with
He will be 36 years and 203 days ing the role for his team has been their chants - Shaamii!
old on November 19, a day his forte," Lad said. Shaamii! They obliged merri-
which would possibly be his 'last Lad said that after the initial high ly.
dance' and effectively a last of 2007 T20 World Cup and the It was a visible validation of
chance to win the coveted 50 year-end CB Series in Australia, Shami's status in this World
over World Cup title. Rohit faced a lull between 2009 Cup - India's superstar with
The next 50-over World Cup is and 2011, with the lowest point the ball, the bowling equiva-
too far away and someone that being missing out on a World lent of Kohli with the bat.
oozes practicality from literally Cup selection. It wasn't just because of his
every bone of his body, it would "I remember him telling me, 'Sir, immaculate effort against New
be a long shot to think that at 40 just before the Asia Cup. World T20 semi-final thrashing others to follow. "I remember an incident from you won't have any complaints Zealand on Wednesday night,
he would be game to play 100- And boy did he make some fab- at the hands of eventual cham- When Rohit first became a full- his U-19 days. It wasn't from a that I don't work hard. I will but now Shami is a single man
over per day matches in 2027. ulous memories in last six weeks pions England. time skipper, in one of his ear- game. We were all standing devote a lot of time on my game', force de frappe, even ahead of from a frustrating time at the
Hence November 19, 2023, giving India its own customized "We need to change our lier press meets, he had said a somewhere and there was this he promised. And you can say, Jasprit Bumrah. sidelines and perform against
could be the 'Red Letter Day' in version of 'La Decima (10 in approach," Rohit had told very pertinent thing. gleaming Mercedes parked on he has kept his promise," the His numbers do back that top-class opposition.
16 and half years of Rohit's che- Spanish and Italian) in this Karthik, who was part of that "I won't tell anyone to do any- the other side of the road. Rohit proud coach said. position. Shami has taken 23 India's batting coach Vikram
quered career punctuated with year's global cricket meet. squad. thing that I myself won't do," looked at it for some time and Those who come up through the wickets from six matches, Rathour said as much.
lot of ups and downs. Nasser Hussain pointed out A change of approach is always Rohit has said back then. said: 'Yeh main ek din khari- ranks, facing a lot of hardships, including three fifers, at a "Shami is a special bowler, and
"In the next two months, I want during his chat in Sky Sports a result of change of mindset and But Rohit has always been like doonga (I will buy this car one know a lot about adjustments, mind-boggling strike-rate of he is bowling really well. It was
to create a lot of memories with what the Indian skipper had told when the captain walks the that, his childhood coach day'). and the Indian skipper is one 10.9, easily the best in this tough to get him into the team
this team," Rohit had told PTI Dinesh Karthik after the last talk, it becomes very easy for Dinesh Lad said. "I had to retort. I said, 'Rohit kya such character. tournament on those two because of team combina-
counts. tion. But he was in a great
But then the numbers don't mind-space even when he

tell the whole story either. was not playing," said Rathour.
Shami was not even part of the Shami chose the same oppo-
playing 11 in the first four sition to make an impact on
matches because of India's an even bigger occasion at

cTP\)FX[[XP\b^] RT]cdaXTbaTR^aS)BWPbcaX
desire to field a batting all- Mumbai - the World Cup
rounder at No. 8, an addition- semifinals.
al security measure to counter New Zealand were chasing
any top-order dysfunction. 398 alright, but a smooth
?C8■ <D<108 ?C8■ <D<108 dreds that anyone would come been wonderful," he added. In line with that thought, R Wankhede pitch and deep
close? And, he's got 80; 80 inter- Shastri had worked closely with Ashwin was included in the batting line-up of the opposi-
ew Zealand captain Kane tar batsman Virat Kohli national hundreds, 50 of them Kohli during his reign as the match against Australia, while tion meant that India could
N Williamson doffed his cap
to pacer Mohammed Shami
might now be holding the
for most ODI hundreds,
in the one-day game, which
makes him the highest. Unreal,"
coach and pointed out that with
a strict diet cardio and fitness
Shardul Thakur played against
Pakistan, Afghanistan and
not afford to relax. They need-
ed wickets to maintain the
and the India team after his but former India head coach said Shastri during The ICC control, he maintains his fitness Bangladesh. pressure.
side was outplayed in the Ravi Shastri firmly believed that Review. at the top level, allowing him to It required a force majeure - Shami gave them the perfect
World Cup semifinal here, the 35-year-old is well on his "Nothing's impossible because run between the wickets freely. Hardik Pandya's injury against start, dismissing Devon
saying that the bowling stal- way to break another big land- such players, when they start "One of the features of his bat- Bangladesh - for the Indian Conway and Rachin Ravindra
wart was one of the best in the mark -- Sachin Tendulkar's 100 reeling off hundreds, then they ting has been his running management to shake away caught behind by KL Rahul -
world and Rohit Sharma's side international hundreds. score them pretty quickly. His body language, his calmness at between the wickets. The fact their obsession. the former was snared with
the "best team". Along with his 50 ODI cen- next 10 innings, you might see the crease (in this WC). I have that he doesn't have to hit They needed to find a bats- one that went away wee bit,
India crushed New Zealand by turies, Kohli also has 29 hun- another five hundreds. seen him come out in previous boundaries and sixes, he can run man and bowler in place of while the latter fell to the one
70 runs to book their place in dreds in Tests and one in T20Is "You have three formats of the World Cups where he's like a cat hard between the wickets absent all-rounder Pandya for that came in just enough.
the final to be played on Terming India as the 'best for a total of 80 scores above 100. game, and he's part of all those on a hot tin roof. because of his physical fitness. the match against New However, India were pushed
Sunday, with their opponents team in the world', Kohli had broken Tendulkar's formats. To think that he still has "He wanted to get on with it "That takes the pressure off Zealand at Dharamsala. onto the backfoot after Kane
in the summit clash to be Willliamson said it is "tough" mark of 49 one-day hundreds three or four years of cricket straight away. None of that sort him. Even when he's not getting Shami came to the picture Williamson and Daryl
decided after the Australia- on the opposition to see all against New Zealand in the ahead of him is simply mind- here. He's taken his time, the boundaries, he's still rotat- then and made an instant Mitchell milked 181 runs for
South Africa showdown in home team cricketers playing World Cup semifinals here on boggling." marked his guard, soaked the ing the strike. He always has that impression against the Kiwis the third wicket. The Black
Kolkata on Thursday. their best cricket. Wednesday. Shastri was also in awe of Kohli's pressure, given himself time, and uncanny ability of making it up with a five-wicket haul. Caps were more than a good
New Zealand could only man- "They are the best team in the "Who would have thought when ability to soak in the pressure. understood his role of batting towards the back end of the It was also a huge credit to shout away from the victory
age 327 in 48.5 overs chasing world and they are all playing Sachin Tendulkar got 100 hun- "I think his composure, his deep in the innings. He's just innings," he added. Shami's mindset to come back then.
398, with Shami producing a their best cricket, so that is

magical seven-wicket spell for tough. They have not missed a
his unprecedented third five- beat really," he said.
wicket haul in World Cup "To come into a semifinal, you
matches. go through your round-robin

WPaSUa^\VTcV^)<XcRWT[[ 2QRQbaeYdcSQ`dQY^Si
Shami also took his tally to 23 and you try and get to the stage
wickets despite missing four and it starts again but the way
matches at the start of the tour- they came out and played,
nament to become the leading yeah, shows the mindset that
wicket-taker in the World Cup. they have and the space that ?C8■ <D<108 played throughout the World talking tonight. And in the first ?C8■ :0A0278 ball debut under your leader- praise for Babar's captaincy.
"He has been incredible. He has they are in," he added. Cup," Mitchell told reporters 10 overs have it swinging around ship. "It's been an honour to have rep-
only played probably half the With Virat Kohli entering the ew Zealand batter Daryl after New Zealand's loss. and doing some things. They are abar Azam's decision to "You have always led from the resented Pakistan under your
games and he might be close to
top wicket-taker (position)
record books by notching up
his 50th ODI century and sur-
N Mitchell was not surprised
by India's aggressive brand of
"(India are) pretty true to what
they have been doing. No sur-
all world class bowlers and there
is a reason they are what they
B step down from Pakistan
captaincy has evoked a mixed
front and made us believe in
'One Team, One Dream.'
captaincy. I've been part of
many highs and many lows
and coming on first change, passing Sachin Tendulkar in cricket in the World cup semi- prises there, we had plans to try are," he said. reaction from his teammates, "Inshah Allah, we will watch you during that period, but your
behind two outstanding new- the process, Williamson said it finals and credited the seamers and combat it but credit where Like many other players at this with a few of them taking to break many batting records for resilience and determination
ball bowlers," Williamson told was tough to find words to for making the ball talk after his credit is due, they played pretty venue who suffered cramps dur- social media to praise the 29- our beloved Pakistan," wrote always came on top.
the media after the loss. describe the modern-day lionhearted effort had kept them well. ing the day-night games here, year-old's contributions as the Shah. "Looking forward to seeing you
"He is, without a doubt, one of great's brilliance. alive in the daunting runchase. "Disappointed to not get across Mitchell too had to deal with the leader while some others Wicketkeeper batter and often score heavily for Pakistan and
the top operators in the world "(I am) trying to find the India captain Rohit Sharma set the line. (At the) halfway mark issue. At one stage, New Zealand remained silent. a deputy to Babar, Muhammad that too from the best seat of
and the way he moves the ball words to describe it really, the tone with a brisk 29-ball 47 I was hoping it would dew up a appeared to be giving India a real Babar on Wednesday had Rizwan too penned an emotion- non-striking end," said Iftikhar.
and he keeps bringing the and not just that, actually the before Virat Kohli (117) scored little bit and we might be able to threat but quick wickets in the announced his decision to relin- al tribute. There were talks of a rift in the
stumps into play. It has been way he goes about it, it is about his record 50th ODI century, chase it down with 10 overs left. middle coinciding with his quish Pakistan leadership roles "You are definitely one of the Pakistan squad after their mod-
quite phenomenal, really, the winning games for his team Shreyas Iyer scored 105 from 70 But credit to India. To make cramps derailed them com- across formats after the team greatest batsmen Pakistan has est run in the World Cup, with
amount of wickets he has got and he is getting close and balls and Shubman Gill hit an almost 400 and bowl the way pletely. failed to enter the semifinals of ever seen. a few players unhappy about the
in such a small amount of there is a lot of attention and unbeaten 80 to power India to they did, credit to them." "There were a few things more the ongoing World Cup. "Your honesty, love, integrity, way Babar led the side.
games in this tournament. that comes with a lot of his suc- a mammoth 397 for 4. Mitchell said India pacers led by than cramps that ensured we Pacer Naseem Shah, who had thoughts, and efforts for Perhaps, it reflected in the
"That Indian team in all cess," he said. It was the highest total for any Mohammed Shami, who could not get over the line. missed the marquee event with Pakistan as the captain are the silence of some of the other
departments are firing without "He is the best, isn't he? And he team in semifinals of World Cup claimed 7 for 57 to take his wick- Anytime a team puts on a total an injury, took to X to extend his things to look up to. May you teammates such as Shadab
a doubt and I am sure they will seems to be getting better, contests. In reply, New Zealand ets tally in the World Cup to a batting first, you need a lot of support for Babar. continue to shine for Pakistan," Khan, Shaheen Shah Afridi,
be looking forward to their which is a worry for opposition folded for 327, led by Mtichell's high of 23, had the ball talking things going your way to be able "Four years of pure joy, it has wrote Rizwan. Haris Rauf, Hasan Ali, as all of
next opportunity in a few days' all around the world, but you 134. in the game. to chase those totals down," said been an absolute honour to Middle-order batter Iftikhar them were backed strongly by
time," the Kiwi skipper added. admire it," he added. "That is the way they have "All their seamers had the ball Mitchell. have played and made my white Ahmed too was effusive in Babar in the last three years.

?C8■ :0A0278 Hafeez will also be serving as "But, I am committed to work coach and chief selector with Babar Azam and the Pakistan 2019.
a coach and he will be consult- collaboratively with the coach- absolute powers. However, after team management in Lahore to Hafeez was also called by the
ormer Test captain ed when the PCB appoints the ing staff and players to con- a year, he stepped down from hear from them the reasons for board chairman to discuss any
F Mohammad Hafeez
expressed his delight at being
new support staff of the team
for the forthcoming tours to
tribute to the team's success.
Together, we will strive for
the post of chief selector.
Besides Hafeez, the PCB on
the team's poor show in the
Asia Cup and World Cup,
changes in the squad ahead of
the World Cup. Although he
appointed the Team Director of Australia and New Zealand. excellence and bring happiness Wednesday also appointed where the side failed to move and Misbah-ul-Haq had sug-
the Pakistan cricket side and "I am honoured and excited to for our passionate fans," Hafeez Shan Masood as the new Test beyond the league stage. gested some changes, Babar
asserted that they would strive take on the role of Team added in a statement released captain and Shaheen Shah Babar, after the meeting, and former chief selector
for excellence together. Director for the Pakistan by the board. Afridi as the T20 team skipper. announced his resignation as Inzamam-ul-Haq rejected
He has been given the respon- Cricket Team. I would like to It is the first time that the board The board added that the cap- captain on his social media them, insisting on retaining the
sibility of reshaping the nation- thank PCB for trusting my abil- has named a director for the tain for the one-day format account, having rejected an same players.
al team after Pakistan's league ities and giving me this chal- national team. would be decided later. offer by the PCB to just lead the Hafeez announced his retire-
stage elimination in the World lenging responsibility," Hafeez In 2019, the PCB had appoint- The decisions came after Zaka side in red-ball cricket. He ment from international crick-
Cup. said. ed Misbah-ul-Haq as the head met with outgoing captain was appointed the skipper in et last year in January.


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