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Issue : A customer try escape from paying the meals at a restaurant. (The thief)

Chapter : 3

Location : A restaurant

Customer: Waiter!

Waiter: Yes, miss how can I help you?

Customer: My meat is undercooked and my salad doesn't have any taste at all! I want you to
fix this.

Waiter: I’m sorry miss but you've eaten all your salad and there is no meat left on your
plate. I can fix it if there is food left on your plate.

Customer: So, you're not going to fix my problem?

Waiter: I’m really miss but there's nothing I can do if you're already finish your food.

Customer: How am I supposed to know that I need to tell you that there is something wrong
with my food beforehand? I was really disappointed with my food.

Waiter: I’m sorry miss but there's nothing I can do.

Customer: I don't care! I'm not going to pay for the food that i don't like! Looks like I need to
talk to your manager

Manager: Hi miss Customer, my worker told me that you want to see me. How can I help

Customer: I’ve been telling your worker that I’m not going to pay for the food that I don’t like!

Manager: Miss, I understand your frustration but as what my worker have been trying to tell
you, you need to pay for the food that you’ve eaten or I going to call the authorities
on you.

Customer: Why do you need to call the authorities? I just don't want to pay for the food!

Waiter: I’m sorry miss but you need to pay for it. You should have told me or my worker
beforehand if there is something wrong with your food so that we can help you to
make sure the food fit your palate. If you don't cooperate with me, I have no other
option and need to call the authorities on you.

Customer: Fine I am going to pay for the food. You don't need to call the authorities.

Customer finally pays for the food.


Issue : A customer getting angry and keep on shouting in the restaurant about the service that
she gets. (The belligerent)

Chapter : 3

Location : A restaurant

Waiter: Hi are you ready to order?

Customer: I need a minute!

Waiter: Alright miss.

5 minutes later

Waiter: Hi miss, are you ready to order now?

Customer: I literally said that I need a minute, don’t I?

Waiter: Oh, sorry miss, I apologize. Just call me when you’re ready to order.

The waiter went to attend another table that are ready to order

Customer: Hello! Is there anyone that want to take my order?! Hello anyone? (she’s shouting
while hitting the table)

Waiter: I’m very sorry sir but can I go and take that miss order first? I’m very sorry for the

Sir: Yeah sure, go ahead.

Waiter: Yes miss how can I help you?

Customer: I’ve been sitting here for ages and no one come to take my order! What kind of
services is this?

Waiter: I’m sorry miss but I’ve asked you before if you’re ready to order but you say that
you need a minute so I went to attend another table.

Customer: Don’t you dare to lie to me! I’ve been sitting here and no one come to me! You
guys just walk pass my table like I don’t exist!

Waiter: I’m sorry miss if you feel like that. How can I help you now?

Customer: I don’t need your help now! Call your manager! I would like to tell how their worker
serves customer!

Waiter: I’m sorry miss and I’ll get my manager for you.

Manager: Hi miss, how can I help you?

Customer: Your server makes me feel like I’m invisible! I’ve been sitting here for ages and no
one come to take my order! They all walk past my table like I don’t even exist.

Manager: I’m sorry miss. Did you really just walk past a customer like that?

Waiter: No. I’ve been asking this miss if she’s ready to order a few times but she say that
she needs a minute. So, I went to attend other customer that is ready to order.
Then she just started to scream and shouting.

Manager: Is it true ma’am?

Customer: Yeah, but your server needs to know when I want to order!

Manager: I’m sorry miss but you should have told them when you’re ready to order so that
they can help you.

Customer: But I’ve been waiting forever and still didn’t get anyone to attend me!

Manager: I’m sorry miss but can you stop shouting and let my server help you with your order.

Customer: I’m not going to stop shouting and I’m going to write a bad review about your
restaurant services!

Manager: If you don’t cooperate with me, I going to need you to leave the premise because
you’ve causing disturbance and make the other customer feel uneasy.

Customer: Ergh! Where is your server? I want to order now!

The waiter came and took the customer’s order.


Issue : This role play is about how workers manage customer complaints effectively. (The voicers)

Chapter : 4

Location : A computer shop

Customer: Hello, two days ago I bought a computer from your shop and unfortunately, it doesn’t
perform as well as what is described.

Worker: Hello, sorry for the mistakes on our behalf. Maybe you can return it or exchange it for a
different computer if you need.

Customer: Yes sure, I need to exchange it for sure. I can’t use it properly and I am not satisfied at
all with the quality of the product.

Worker: I am sorry for our mistake. Maybe we can offer you to get some free items such as the
aCustomeressories for the computer. I am sure that we will give you the best product next time.

Customer: Thank you. I am glad you are concerned about it.

Worker: No problem, it is our mistake as well. Hope you are satisfied with the exchange computer.

Customer: Yes, Thank you.

Worker: You are welcome.


Issue : This role play is about why the customers make complaints about the product or services

by the business. (The activist)

Chapter : 4

Location : A hotel

Customer: Hello, good morning!

Manager: Good morning. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I want to complain because my room is too dirty. I am very uncomfortable with the
environment of the room.

Manager: I’m so sorry, I will send the cleaners to clean the room as soon as possible.

After 30 minutes…..

Customer: Can you make it faster or else I will move to another hotel.

Manager: Yes, we are having a lack of staff here, it might take some time. I am sorry. Hope you
can understand our situation.

Workers entering….

Worker: Manager, which room should we clean?

Manager: Room No.17. You should go faster they are waiting quite long.

Worker goes to the room and knock the door….

Customer: How long we should wait for your service?

Worker: Sorry, we will clean the room for you.

Customer: Ok, I hope so.

Manager: Since you’ve been so inconvenienced by this incident, I would like to offer you a free
room for your next visit. You may use it at any time.

Customer: That’s great, but still I am not satisfied with the service.

Manager: We are really sorry because of our poor service towards you.

Issue : This scene is an example or a story about types of loyal customers. It explained the reason
they are loyal to a certain company. (Convenience loyalty)

Chapter : 5

Location : A grocery store

Worker : Hi, Good afternoon. Is this all?

Customer : Ah! Yes.

Worker : I often see you buy some stuff here. Do you live nearby? (while scanning the groceries
and put it in a plastic bag)

Customer : Oh yes, My house is just close by. That's why I prefer to buy my groceries here than
at the supermarket. (give card to pay)

Worker : Oh I see. Okay here you go.

Customer : Thanks! See you again!

Worker : My pleasure. Have a nice day!

Customer : You too!


Issue : Ali and Abu have been friends since childhood. Ali has been operating a restaurant for
more than five years. Meanwhile, Abu is a regular customer at Ali's restaurant. Due to certain
problems, Ali had to change the chef in his restaurant. Lately, Ali's restaurant has not been as
popular as usual even during the school holidays. One day, Abu came to eat at Ali's restaurant.
They have a little discussion about Ali's problem. (Emotional loyalty)

Chapter : 5

Location : A restaurant

Worker : Lately, my restaurant doesn't have as many customers as usual, even though it's school
holidays. What do you think I’m doing wrong?

Customer : Perhaps the food here doesn't appeal to them anymore?

Worker : What do you mean?

Customer : As a regular customer and close friend of yours, I feel that the food quality here is not
the same as it used to be.

Worker : What’s wrong with the food here?

Customer : Sometimes the food here tastes a bit bland, too salty or too spicy. The portion of the
meal is also uncertain. This is just my opinion. I mean no disrespect or criticism towards you.

Worker : It’s okay my friend. So what should I do to fix this?

Customer : Perhaps you could teach the new chef in determining the quantity of ingredients in
each portion of the dish? Or maybe just hire a new professional chef.

Worker : Oh, I see. Thanks for your feedback and advice. I will try to fix this problem.

Customer : You're welcome. We are friends, right? Of course I would help if there is a problem.

Issue : a Customer Service Representative and a customer who is experiencing a service

breakdown due to a billing error.

Chapter : 6

Location : A customer service centre desk

Worker : (Welcoming) Hi, I'm Worker . How can I assist you today?

Customer : (Frustrated) Hi, Worker . I've just received my latest bill, and it's completely wrong. It's
nearly double what it should be, and I don't know why.

Worker : (Apologizing) I'm sorry to hear that, Customer . I understand how frustrating billing errors
can be. Let's get to the bottom of this. Can you please provide me with your account information
and the details of the bill in question?

Customer : (Sharing information) Sure, my account number is 1234567, and the incorrect bill is
for this month, totaling RM450.

Worker : (Resolving) Thank you, Customer . Let me look at your account and the billing statement.
It may take a moment.

Worker : (Explaining) Customer , I've identified the issue. It appears that there was an error in the
billing system that caused this overcharge. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

Customer : (Relieved) Thank you, Worker . I'm glad we found the cause. What can be done to
correct this and adjust my bill?

Worker : (Solving) I will immediately correct the billing error, and your next bill will reflect the
accurate charges. In addition, I will credit your account for the overcharged amount. You'll receive
a confirmation email about the correction.

Customer : (Appreciative) That sounds great, Worker . Thank you for your quick response and for
resolving the issue.

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