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STEP 2.1
The link that will be sent to champions can be sent to all teachers (whose classes wish to participate in
playing the game). It will be a direct link to a portal page where the Minecraft world for Cyber Defense
Day can be downloaded.

If the students have Minecraft Education on their devices, the game will start up automatically when
they click on the file.


For students to play the game

1) link to download Cyber Defense Day Minecraft Education world sent to Champions.
2) Champions to share this link with teachers.
3) Teachers share with their students.
4) Students click to download the Minecraft Edu Cyber Defense Day file.
5) They click the file to play Cyber Defense Day in Minecraft Education.

If you have any trouble with access to Minecraft Education, please visit for information
Instructions for setting up and playing Minecraft

Choose your appearance.

Start by signing into Minecraft Education. Once you sign in, you’ll see a center menu of buttons.
To the right, you’ll see your name and a button with a clothes hanger on it.

Select that clothes hanger button to open a library so-called “skins.” A skin is your appearance in
the game, an essential part of Minecraft Education. Skins allow users to feel connected to their
character. To the right of each skin pack category, you’ll see a plus symbol. Selecting the plus
sign expands that skin pack, allowing you to select the one you like. To explore a different pack,
use the back arrow in the top left corner and return to the skin pack menu. Once you find a skin
you like, select Confirm, and use the back arrow to return to the main menu.

If you want to adjust the audio or music volume, select Settings and Audio from the menu on the
left. You can adjust the audio levels to fit your preference or learning environment needs.

Download the world.

The game takes place in a custom world provided on the portal. To access it, click the "Download
World" button at the link provided. Once the world file has been downloaded, open it with Minecraft
Education Edition by clicking "Open" or by double-clicking on the downloaded file provided. The
world will automatically open Minecraft and load the game so students can play right away.

IT template for easy access*

In the rare event that access to the provided links is obstructed by firewalls or technical
restrictions, please request that you IT department unblocks and whitelists URLs, ensuring
effortless access. For further details, please contact us at:

Gameplay tips

Once the world has loaded, make sure your students are comfortable with the Minecraft controls
displayed on the left-hand side of the screen. You can toggle the controls using the "H" key on
the keyboard. Next, make sure to read all signs and interact with all characters in the game. This
way you don't miss anything and the objective becomes clear. Once the student is finished with
the world, he or she should follow the instructions provided to access a "Form," which the student
must fill out in order to receive a game certificate.
Keyboard controls

Moving within Minecraft:

You can think of the mouse as your head and the keyboard keys as your body. If you need to look left,
move your mouse to the left. Similarly, move the mouse to the right to look right, down to look down, and
up to look up.

If you’re using a trackpad on a laptop, the same controls apply. Move your finger across the trackpad to
control your head/eyes and select the right-click versus left-click buttons.

Physically moving your player, use the keyboard’s W A S D keys.

W – Press and hold to walk forward. To jump, press the spacebar; you can fly by
pressing it twice, but it’s only available once you’ve
completed the challenge.
S – Press and hold to walk backward E – Inventory (gathering items for building)
A – Press and hold to move left. C – Engages Code Builder (learn how to code in
Minecraft 301)
D – Press and hold to move right.

Pressing the escape key (Esc) on your keyboard gives you access to the game menu and computer
mouse pointer to complete other tasks with your device.

In Settings and Controls, these button options can be adjusted to the user’s needs.

Talk to other characters

Use the right-click to talk to characters. As you come close to them, use your crosshair point to select the
character you want to speak to. You can also use right-click to place or use whatever is in your hand.

Place and mine your blocks.

The left mouse button is used to mine or break blocks. To break a block, left-click. Notice where the
crosshairs are.Next, make sure to read all signs and interact with all characters in the game, this way you
don't miss anything and the objective becomes clear.

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