Living in The It Era

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CHAPTER IV: Information, Control and Privacy

Information Control - The right to have control over

your personal information.

Privacy – is a fundamental right. essential to autonomy

and the protection of human dignity.


1. AVAILABILITY - means information should be

consistently and readily accessible for authorized
parties. This involves properly maintaining hardware
and technical infrastructure and systems that hold and
display the information.
2. ACCURACY - Information needs to be accurate enough
for the use to which it is going to be put. To obtain
information that is 100% accurate is usually unrealistic
as it is likely to be too expensive to produce on time.
The degree of accuracy depends upon the
3. Authenticity - is assurance that a message, transaction,
or other exchange of information is from the source it
claims to be from.
4. Confidentiality - is roughly equivalent to Confidentiality
measures are designed to prevent sensitive
information from unauthorized access attempts.
5. Integrity - involves maintaining the consistency,
accuracy and trustworthiness of data over its entire
6. Utility - refers to the usefulness of the information to
the intended users. "Objectivity" focuses on whether
the disseminated information is being presented in an
accurate, clear complete, and unbiased manner, and
as a matter a matter of substance, is accurate, reliable
and unbiased.
7. Possession - means to hold occupancy with or without
rights of ownership. This exactly describes possession
in the psychic sense.


EXPANDABLE - Information can be expanded without
compromising its integrity
COMPRESSIBLE - Compressed information such as
research abstract, headlines and summary.
TRANSPORTABLE - (Digital Information) Can be
transported though digital platforms.
DIFFUSIVE - Gossip or rumors tend to spread easily.
SHARABLE - Since information can be easily spread, it
is considered sharable as well.

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