Create Employer Branding To Attract Talent

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Create employer branding to attract talent

NEW METHODOLOGY Serving the customer is a key strategy being employed by organisations
V Pradeep Kumar aimed at making work challeng- This requires an upgrade of

ing and fun. While they work their skill-sets from a business
n today’s globalised world, hard, they don’t miss the fun, perspective, learn the ability to
the rules of business have that life offers. This is the first balance task-people orientation
changed. The adage ‘cus- global index of employer attrac- and take the lead in the board-
tomer is king’ is indeed a tiveness and highlights the room. HR must take up CEO
reality and the ‘customer’ world’s most powerful employ- roles and lead organisations to
is the focal point of business. A er brands, those companies that attract and nurture the pool of
customer today isn’t bothered excel in talent attraction and talent, and get results by creat-
so much, about where the prod- retention. Michal Kalinowski, ing a challenging and enjoyable
uct is manufactured or sourced, Universum’s CEO, says: “Multi- work environment.
as long as it meets his require- national corporations are in- Critics might argue that this
ment. creasingly aware of the current strategy is viable only for people
Technology has advanced, and future challenges of a oriented service sector, where
but its access has become fast shrinking workforce. To count- enriching job profiles, impart-
and easy, leading to narrow er problems in securing their ing new skill sets to deal with
product differentiation. Innov- talent pipeline requires a talent changing consumer behaviour
ative and aggressive advertis- attraction and employer brand- and preferences, is vital. How-
ing is successfully creating in- ing strategy”. ever, we must remember that
creased interest for products In 1996, Simon Barrow, people oriented service sector,
across industries. With services Chairman of People in Busi- was not as prominent two
becoming a crucial point on ness, and Tim Ambler, Senior decades ago as it is today. There-
which customer preference is Fellow of London Business fore, business dynamics will en-
sustained or altered, people School, published an academic force people oriented business
within an organisation make all paper in the Journal of Brand strategies across industries,
the difference. While all along, Management. This was the first eventually. We should antici-
we have been emphasising the attempt to ‘test the application pate the impending changes
importance of servicing exter- of brand management tech- and be ready, before being
nal customers, the concept of niques to human resource man- forced to change. For decades,
‘internal customer’ has been agement’. while we are investing all our
slowly gaining ground. Organi- Within this paper, Simon energy on ‘external customers’,
sations need to focus on satisfy- Barrow and Tim Ambler de- the importance of ‘internal cus-
ing ‘internal customers’ as a fined the employer brand as: tomers’ has emerged from the
prelude to achieving external the package of functional, eco- shadows, to the forefront.
customer satisfaction, is now a with ‘external customers’. marketing. With the dramatic ple focus hasn’t led to signifi- 70 per cent of corporate value balance of work and fun. Some nomic and psychological bene- Across the world, the workforce
universally accepted fact. Therefore, serving a ‘customer’, rise of industries such as ITES, cant changes either in the func- is from intangible assets (ac- of the facilities in Googleplex fits provided by employment, is shrinking and the focus now
Other management func- internal or external, is the key BPO, telecom, banking, insur- tioning of HR or its role within cording to Accenture) and skill include foosball (table football), and identified with the employ- is on economies, where the
tions such as finance or opera- focus of organisations. The ‘cus- ance, hospitality and retail, the organisations. shortages are acute worldwide, pool tables, volleyball courts, ing company. In the course of markets are large. This is the
tions must serve the interests of tomer’focus as a key strategy is service sector now contributes being an attractive employer is assorted video games, pianos, time, new terms and concepts logic driving every MNC to set
their ‘internal customers’ like relevant universally, whether over 57 per cent to the coun- New thrust critical to keep a sustained com- ping-pong tables, and gyms that such as employer brand propo- up shop in large markets such
marketing or service, who deal it’s a service industry or product try’s GDP. Surprisingly, the peo- Paradoxically, the Indian work- petitive advantage”. offer yoga and dance classes. sition (also referred to as em- as India.
ing class movement, which had The case of Google illustrates They also have grassroot em- ployer value proposition-EVP) Philip Kotler, the eminent au-
risen to new heights prior to lib- how an organisation alive to the ployee groups for all interests, have emerged and widely prac- thor and management consult-
eralisation, lost its momentum changing needs, can make a like meditation, film, wine tast- ticed by companies such as ant summarises the most criti-
before the rising importance of huge positive impact. Recently, ing and salsa dancing. Google Google. In many ways, it is very cal business strategy in these
people. In other words, even Universum voted Google as the offices across the globe imple- similar to the marketing team words: “Your company does not
though people have become far most attractive employer. In the ment the same corporate phi- strategising to attract, retain belong in markets, where it can-
more important, the function global rankings based on the losophy with many common el- and service customers. not be the best”. In today’s glob-
responsible for organising this employer preferences of stu- ements. For such a proactive employ- alised, service oriented business
resource within an organisation dents from Brazil, Canada, Chi- ee oriented strategy to take environment, to be the best in
has remained focused on tradi- na, France, Germany, India, Good example shape and guide the fortunes markets, it is inevitable to have
tional functions such as recruit- Italy, Japan, Russia, Spain, UK, For instance, Zurich office of of any organisation, HR func- the best people on our side.
ment and training. and US, Google topped as the Google has slides, couches, tionaries have to wake up, and The boardroom debates
With the change in business most attractive employer in massage chairs, pool tables, change their mindset from be- should therefore focus, not only
dynamics, the thrust on people both ‘business’ and ‘engineer- bathtubs, aquarium, and ex- ing essentially a staff function to on how to be best in markets,
has also undergone fine-tuning. ing’ categories. tremely innovative and colour- a line function, from being pas- but even more importantly, on
A work environment wherein This comes as no surprise to ful office furniture. They also sive onlookers to active decision how to create a viable employer
employees can enjoy working anyone following Google’s cor- offer other benefits to employ- makers and implementers. brand proposition and be the
and optimise their productivity porate philosophy. ‘Google- ees. My own interaction with Proving their value and utility, best employers too.
is the new thrust. Universum, plex’, the corporate headquar- several Google employees they should muster the support The writer is a Management
the employer branding compa- ters of Google in California is across the world corroborates of key functionaries from mar- Consultant based at Bangalore.
ny in its website states, “When synonymous with providing a the point that the culture is keting, finance and operations. Email:

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